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Everything posted by hellshock70

  1. Nope but I'm about to test a theory. And even with this idea be prepared for a lot of post work.
  2. I'm guessing you missed the post the other day where I stripped the background, added c-verse blue, reduced 30 renders to 150x150 and posted them to the thread 30 minutes after I had already posted a previous 30. My fastest actual processing time since took only 24 minutes for 30.
  3. Funny how it generates cosplayers, knockoffs and the real thing. Or take things too literal.
  4. Doesn't look like you're having the trouble we are generating female renders.
  5. It's one at a timing me this morning between up to a dozen "unsafe content" notices.
  6. You'll never have complete control but the more prompts you add in the better chance you have of guiding it to what you want. It generates 1 minimum, 4 maximum renders at a time (unless you get an unsafe content warning) so you might be creating tag teams or stables since the more prompts lowers the chance of variation of appearances.
  7. I just use the world "outfit" with a short description.
  8. That's because when we changed from the old forum to this one it restored over a decade worth of deleted messages to my inbox. I'm still at 276% which is down from over 700%. And I have too much information in there to just wipe it. As for render use if it's on a blue background feel free. I have all the png's too but its not as organized yet so older ones will be harder to find right now. As for a step by step we're all still learning either on our own or when others share their prompts which are scattered throughout this thread. Here's a basic prompt to start with: daz 3d, mask, color, wrestler, front facing, white background Side note: Is anyone else finding it harder and harder to create female renders in the bing version?
  9. Not exactly... because your image creator is attached to the ChatGPT AI and the bing one is literally attached to a search engine so landscape on it creates a literal landscape.
  10. Here's the Irish lads and lass kickers ( 15 of each) I mentioned I would post today... Technically it's tomorrow in my half of the U.S. but it's still the 31st in other time zones.
  11. Actually don't even leave remove.bg if you click edit in the corner of the pic you can add a background right there. It's how I reduced my processing time. remove.bg lines it up for you.
  12. 9th set of 30 (Total 270) 27 ladies that were made 2 weeks ago with a beach theme. 3 Irish lads to preview tomorrow's drop of 30.
  13. 4th set of 30 (120 overall) Wanted to make note of the first 3 in this drop. First is a preview of the last drop I'll make today. Second is the first "thick" chick I've been able to create. Third is a replacement for one that had a messed up background and when I pulled her from my older creations I saw a bunch I want to drop in place of ones I selected 5 hours ago. Additional Note: 119 largest arms in the world?
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