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Everything posted by hellshock70

  1. A slight twist on the tag-team image creations... Father and son tag-teams are easier to generate but it's not always perfect. Side note: Negative 1... Sometimes the son may be a little too young. Side Note: Negative 2... Or may be hard to differentiate between father and son... Brothers instead?
  2. I have figured out a way to double the output... and you can even add prompts to give their gear the same theme. pro wrestlers, semi realistic 3d render, color, front facing, tag team, shaking hands
  3. I see I'm gonna have to broaden people's mind on just how far outside the box I've went at times. A few weeks ago I accidentally released a Klingon and no one seemed to notice. I didn't even notice for a couple days. 🤪 By the way fellow creators try the prompt "extravagant" for masks or outfits. Or any other synonyms for it, just don't try "flashy" as a prompt. And neither extravagant nor Klingon was used for today's 30. 😉
  4. This is another sampling of what I'm getting with those 4 base prompts. So either I'm lucky as hell or it's going off everything I've requested since the last time I cleared my data. The skulls, the hoods, the masks... even down to the paint.
  5. Crazy thing is my base prompts currently are: pro wrestler, 3d render, color, front facing Just those 4 gave me these 3 just now. My personal opinion right now judging by these and others generated with just these 4 basic prompts is that when I stopped clearing my bing data it's storing my past preferences so I tend to get a lot of randoms based on past prompts. I'm suddenly getting a more even spread of colors and even body types. Also get masks and American themed gear without using a prompt.
  6. Wanted to share some of the weird things Bing does... As seen before trying to create an animal mask sometimes creates anthropomorphic animals... this also includes fish. Which by the way when doing logo's in the threads early days putting in AAWL actually created a logo for Anthropomorphic Animal company and eventually when I end up with enough renders I'll drop them as a package for people that may have a fantasy mod. Speaking on animals... Sometimes trying to create a mask based on an undersea creature generates them in fluorescent. And if you try to make "machine" masks like Super Machine, Giant Machine, etc. expect a literal machine. I have a great hatred for Bing doing this... much be French or associated with the Queen of Hearts... Why? Huh? Sometimes it still generates too realistic... Here we go... An American Hero... Until you run it through remove.bg and it takes his arms off with his flag.
  7. Here's some older ones from November I kept passing over for newer creations. First one is a more vicious version of Fox Mask. Also includes some other masked wrestlers I've wanted to release for a while.
  8. Here's some ladies... I'm usually not too happy with what Bing generates when it comes to women but in the last few weeks it has been a little better. Caucasian women have been and seem to still be a weak spot but Bing has shown improvement despite an increase in unsafe content warnings.
  9. Weird thing happening tonight... In every group of 4 generated I'm getting one that looks more like an action figure than the rest of the batch. 🤨
  10. I've done a few of these before and at least 2 have been dropped already. Can anyone guess my "outside the box" 1 word prompt?
  11. Continuing with Olympians... Team China (Just cause you need another Asian team to go against Japan) Team Germany (Cause why not have opponents for Finland, Sweden and Russia in Europe) Team Greece (Cause why not have opponents for Finland, Sweden and Russia in Europe) Team Italy (Cause why not have opponents for Finland, Sweden and Russia in Europe) Team Mexico (Dual purpose; continental opponents for USA, Hispanic opponents for Cuba) Team Netherlands (Cause why not have opponents for Finland, Sweden and Russia in Europe) Team Peru (Just because Peru hasn't got much love in the game) Team UK And two female Olympians just because I found out after running all the teams that the Olympics added women's wrestling.
  12. Decided last week to create some renders with the "Olympic Gold Medalist" prompt. The first 6 randoms... After those I decided if I wanted to do it right I needed to represent the best nations in Olympic wrestling. Team Cuba (while not a top nation they have a current Olympian with the most individual medals) Team Finland Team Japan Team Russia Team Sweden Team Turkey Team USA Obviously some of these guys have retired from competition by now. 🤣
  13. Last known photo of Bob. He was the stunt double for Nathan Jones in the reboot of Boggy Creek. Mr. Jones who was portraying the Fouke Monster is missing too, much like his wrestling career. Based on this picture we fear the worst may have happened and we'll be leaving Arkansas at our earliest convenience which was about 30 seconds after recovery of this footage. And Mr. Iger you can send a recovery team, maybe the Avengers, for recovery of Disney property cause we quit and we're going back to Warner Brothers. Sincerely, Joss Whedon
  14. Working on my nextgen Cajuns and Creoles reminded me of a movie that traumatized me in the late 70's... The Legend of Boggy Creek and here's the renders generated based on the 3 names of the creature. Some may be more suitable for the fantasy mod somebody made... if it's still active.
  15. Here's what generated on Atomic using my base prompts plus a few Sting/Warrior prompts.
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