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Everything posted by hellshock70

  1. And an assortment of my other "outside the box" thinking/ideas this morning. Just don't try the last one.
  2. One idea took a minute before it generated a "mom" and a "pie" in the same image. Though I don't think I got an apple pie.
  3. Speaking on different backgrounds... and I know he meant something different than what I'm talking about... While it's generally a good idea to generate images on a white background, don't be afraid to think outside the box... to experiment... or use a background that may accentuate your creations like my next round of Cajuns and Creoles. Which personally I think enhances these swamp people.
  4. And the other idea... which may fit the family narrative some of you may run with.
  5. It gave me the idea to try something a little different too. Wrestler and his parents (Obvious as to which parent was in the business in some capacity)
  6. After trying to do family members I can see these 4 as... New young tag-team of brothers and their rowdy Texas born father whose face depicts his reaction to them going with a flashier image and his father in law that gave them the idea. 🤣
  7. Now the eye rolling wtf moments... Mother and Son Mother and Daughter Older Mother and Adult Daughter ^ Actually like this one though ^ And the only Father and Son to actually come out like I wanted in 15 attempts.
  8. These were kind of a headache trying to get the prompts right... but to someone that just lost their dad results were kinda cool. Father and Son Father and Adult Son (At least the sons are closer to debut... pre-teen, teenage and not toddlers) Older Father and Adult Son (Looking more like grandpa and barely an adult grandson) (to be continued... where it really got weird or bing just didn't listen) 🤨
  9. So... woke up with an idea... and... ... ... bing can't do it. Not without a lot of wasted time to get 1. Twins (but too identical) Brothers (passable) ^ These two must be related to Five Finger Freddy. ^ Brother and Sister (that doesn't work for me, brother) (to be continued) 🤣
  10. More where they came from. I don't remember the exact number but could be enough to fill all spaces if you need a GWO. 🤣
  11. About to start my daily running but just wanted to drop this off so everyone can get a better look at the guy I've been calling... Five Finger Freddy
  12. Actually I wanted to cut them less cause of the detail that was lost. Look at what these six are gonna lose.
  13. Just wanted to throw out my first variation of a C-verse worker. Though it may work better when I throw out the other anthropomorphic accidents I've inadvertently created. Lobster Warrior
  14. Just wanted to share this but I haven't really been as active much this month especially the last 2 weeks because I've been helping out my friend I mentioned in this post and another one prior to it. And what nobody knows until this post is earlier in the year I took on the responsibility of caring for my 78 year dad (stepfather that raised me from 3) until his passing in June and been working on his estate which is finally about to leave probate. Prior to that I had what would be a traumatizing experience for the average person by finding a friend's body (fatal heart attack at 48 y/o) just 5 days before I started the caregiver job for my dad. That said my life has never been average and it's probably why I've never had a midlife crisis like most of my friends my age. 🤣 To stress that not having an "average life" I was crash site security for a downed aircraft with two dead bodies at 15 as a cadet in the Civil Air Patrol. I don't know words like "normal" or "average" and probably never will.
  15. We might wanna keep this one on the down low. Don't want anyone doing a Rambo reboot with John Cena. 🤔🤣
  16. Not sure about anyone else but Bing seems to be on one hand so simplistic... All 20 of these guys were generated with the same 5 basic prompts without anything extra to get the paint, the headband, the mask, the sunglasses, etc. All 100% random. But on the other hand... try to create a woman and it needs 3-7 extra prompts to find something that won't generate 20 content warnings.
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