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Posts posted by Winter8905

  1. <p>CZCW- Cult 2020</p><p> </p><p>

    CZCW World Champion: California Love Machine; His second reign with the top strap, beat Tommy Cornell and my User Chris Flash Hart in a triple threat at Revolution. </p><p> </p><p>

    CZCW Extreme Champion: Jacob Jet; it's now become a firm upper mid card title and this marks his 2nd reign as Extreme champion defeating his current rival American elemental II at Revolution in a Last Man Standing match to take the title and take himy ahead in the feud.</p><p> </p><p>

    CZCW Tag Title: The New Wave; their second reign with the tag titles after taking the titles from Shock n Awe (Matt Hocking & Spencer Spade at Revolution in 4 team ladder match. The other two teams were Dean Wardorf/ marv slater and Marval Malloy/ Storm Spillane. </p><p> </p><p>

    CZCW California title: Black Cougar (masked Jay Chord) took the title at the last event of 2019 defeating his rivals Motoko Miyake and Masked Cougar. The three of them have been feuding .</p>

  2. Into Jan 2020 with CZCW. I'm cult run 2 shows a month, I run 3 when CZCW Best of the Best tournament is on. I'm on my own network


    Without having a TV show i'm looking to expand my events so every month/ most months are 3 events.


    I currently have my main shows and then a secondary event called CZCW Rising Tides which is used to build up to the big monthly events.


    I'm looking for ideas for events that use my talent in a different way or different talent that on my other two events.


    I have incorporated heavier workers into the roster, however 3/4 are still middleweight or below.





    My main idea for the moment is having a special tournament just for masked workers in the company. I realised i have about 14 masked workers in the main roster and another 6 in Dev. that I could use to hold a tournment.


    I also realised that with that amount I could run a third event a month just for those masked workers for their own title.


    Looking for further ideas, ideas to add alongside my masked shows and a name for it.





    I have kept some of my original CZCW guys but more and more they are falling behind the standard of the main event and starting to be midcarders. Acid II, American Flash, Frankie Boy Hernandes are all midcarders and probably will never get higher. same with Jake Idol and his partner. Fox Mask has been kept in the lower main event and high upper midcard slot, however he's at risk of slipping down.


    Remmy Sky is pretty steady at lower Main Event but it's not likley he will hold the top strap again .


    Cali Love Machine is the only one who has kept up with the main event scene, has one World title and in line to get his second defeating my user and none other than Tommy Cornell .


    So I was looking for ways to maybe give them something to do to keep them in my plans, rather than just be jobbers to the main eventers.




    The newest Elemental is making me sad inside, i signed him up from the start and sent him to dev as his stats were dire, with the aim of getting him to do his names reputation some justice, and despite over 2 years in dev he's just not getting there, he has improved and I'm willing to keep him down there another year or two but I just don't see him being amazing.


    I singed David Stone and Matty Faith, Matty is in dev untill I can think of what to do with him. David is the fall guy for the GLORY stable consisting of Kirk Jameson, Casey Valentine and Nelson Callum .


    I'm looking for something for Matty, his stats have improved enough in the past 4 years to get him started on the main roster and get him to midcard. Unsure if to keep Matty alone, have him be with GLORY or have him team with David Stone.


    Styx the Ferryman- why do you tempt me so... he's in dev, I sooo want to make him work. I love his render, love his name and the possibilities of a spooky masked killer. He has improve a great amount in the past couple of years in dev and whilst he would possibly be a good lower midcarder/ midcarder. He's just not the best monster I have available to push., I have Grave Digga ( give him anew render and called him TYNE) wich has 15 more menace, 20 more star quality than Styx. Styx beats him in basics and psyc.


    I don't know if to just give him a shot as TYNE isn't getting the best match ratings.



    Signed too many Japanese guys. I like to push a Japanese guy or two to add a bit of a different flavor, however there were a lot of talented guys floating around unemployed so signed afew and haven't pushed any as I can pick between them... I just signed another...bah.


    The newest guy is Razan Okamoto - been on my radar since the start of the game. A star and superb performance stats.


    Bussho Makiguchi - at midcard went to a 90 rated match in throw away match with my user. and has superb performance stats.



    Kozue Kowishima- older than the others at 36 but is a star and has great perfroance stats.


    Motoyuki Miyake - I like this guy, he's been used the most and holds my midcard strap


    I just got rid Funikoshi and Yoshimi mushashibo and Yoshi Shiomi .


    There's no point keeping talent if they are just going to be wasted. I could just release them into the wild where they now have at least midcard pop everywhere in the world.






    I got too much talent floating around. I have a feud ending of MVP's (Ross Henry/ Swoop/ Fro v GLORY .


    I need to think of somthing for those 7 workers to do.


    So far I got Swoop pushing towards the Extreme title and upwards to the world title.


    Fro to push towards the World title


    Ross to be the gatekeeper.


    Nelson to maybe event be released- no plans for him.

    Casey Valentine and Kirk Jameson to Team up

    David to be Casey and Kirks Lacky.


    I have others like Jacob jet , shooter Shaun Deeley I want towards the world title and El Mitico Jr not doing much.


    Maybe time to let some guys go and streamline.

  3. <p>As CZCW I signed Anniulus and Promethius to develop contracts to try and get them to the point they can hold a match. Tag together as the ultimate tag team for my lightweight teams to get past. </p><p> </p><p>

    However Promethius is out for over a year with a broken Neck, I don'the want to think who tried to suplex/powerboat him. Anniulus is not quite progressing that greatly, although he is still in his mid 20's and has made a little progress. As long as he caneeds get his basics, psychology and stamina up towards the mid 60s I'll be satisfied</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    I also have Mutant in dev , I want one of these big men to come good and be the special attraction to face my light weight guys.</p><p> </p><p>

    Im thinking Mutant will be The Sexual Tyronosaurous . A mix between Vicera and Goldust. Not only is he a super Heavyweight but he will also play mind games.</p>

  4. <p>Yea on my CZCW game, it's 2020 and TCW has been Cult for 3 years, not looking like moving up with there franchise players all in there 40's and all hitting time decline. </p><p> </p><p>

    USPW are cult but yo-yoing up and down between national and cult. </p><p> </p><p>

    MAW and GSW are now cult thanks to being my devs and having network TV time. Although i'm tempted to sack off GSW ,i'm seeing a lot less development and usage with my guys I send them compared to MAW. </p><p> </p><p>

    SOTBW is no 1 in American beating SWF by 500 points thanks to Jack Bruce and Marat still being mega over . they poached a lot of great over talent from the American companies.</p><p> </p><p>

    My pop and importance is going nicely. I haven't set up a weekly show for my network yet for CZCW as I like doing 2 or 3 events a month and getting through the months. The speed i'm progressing is nice and I should be national within 2 years. At National I'll have my own TV show.</p><p> </p><p>

    MAW and GSW have a weekly show on my network and were overtaking me in terms of pop in America but that is stalling and levelling off due to them not having the star power, they don't win bidding wars for the top guys, so they only have the couple of guys they got over themselves and half of the roster they have are who I send down there to develop and grow pop. Both companies should stay where they are with me Taking National in 2 years and battling with SOTPW and SWF. going to need to poach a star from SOTBW and SWF in order to compete properly and i'm sure one from each will come available in the next couple of years.</p><p> </p><p>

    edit: Looking at it i allready have more star power than SWF, but less than SOTBW. SWF have Gilmore and Vengeance as two of there top 5 guys and at least Vengeance shouldn't be too far away from retirement. SOTBW has Marat and Bruce who are both well into there 40's and there time should be coming to a close, they alos have Sammy Bach as one of there top guys and he too is no youngster.</p><p> </p><p>

    I'll win simply by playing the waiting game, aside from Tommy Cornell all my guys are early 30's and below</p><p> </p><p>

    I may have to let a couple of my midcarders go as they have potential to lead a company however they may not get a look in at the top spots for me,. I took the guys that were stagnating in SWF and USPW. half of my recent signings were guys like Spencer spade that had been stuck as SWF midcarder for 3 years, the other companies had their shot and missed the boat with them. SWF lost Spade, Hernandez and Mikey James in the past year to me, all midcarders for them but all at uppermidcard/ Main event level for me now.</p>

  5. <p>As CZCW</p><p> </p><p>

    I have just came to the end of 2019 and have managed to pick up a couple of awards in the end of year awardrds</p><p> </p><p>

    Wrestler of the Year: Champagne Lover (5) SOTBW</p><p> </p><p>

    Tag Team of the Year: Jack Bruce & Pirata Malvado SOTBW</p><p> </p><p>

    Young Wrestler of the Year: Chris Flash Hart (CZCW) My User. </p><p> </p><p>

    Veteran of the Year: Jack Bruce SOTBW</p><p> </p><p>

    Womens Wrestler of the Year: Fuyuka Higa 5SSW</p><p> </p><p>

    Indie Wrestler of the Year: Crocket Tubbs</p><p> </p><p>

    Company of the Year: SOTBW (4)</p><p> </p><p>

    Most improved Company: MAW (My Dev)</p><p> </p><p>

    Match of the Year: Jack Bruce and Alborotador def The Ultimate Warriors SOTBW</p><p> </p><p>

    Card of the Year: Welcome to the Coastal Zone 2019 (CZCW) <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

    Manager of the Year: Cliff King 21CW</p><p> </p><p>

    Announcer of the Year: Duane Fry SWF</p><p> </p><p>

    Colour Commentator of the Year: Ana Garcia CZCW ( just signed her) </p><p> </p><p>

    Referee of the Year: Alan Gray SWF.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    Glad I picked up a couple of things, especially the Card of the year, 94 rated for the biggest show in the companies history. Headlined by</p><p> </p><p>

    Loser leaves CZCW- Winner has control and captures the CZCW Championship</p><p> </p><p>

    Last Man Standing match</p><p> </p><p>

    Chris Flash Hart v Tommy Cornell </p><p>

    Chris Flash Hart</p>

  6. <p>I would create a B show. </p><p> </p><p>

    Have the guys you want to get from opener to Midcard lose to the main eventers in open matches then have the open win on the B show. maybe hire in some guys soley to job so your not tanking every lower guys momentum. use the hire local for 1 show or bring up developmental guys for 1 show to job to the lower card guys to get there momentum up full then have them beat the proper lower card guys and perhaps an upper guy on his way out. some guys will creep up to midcard by being in good matches that they lose to the main eventers but being an open match. some guys need a few wins on the way up.</p><p> </p><p>

    Talent trading is your friend big style try and get a relationship with as many companies as you can, bigger, similar level or the next level below you, hire a couple of there guys to job to your guys. Some loanee main eventer may refuse to lose to your no name opener but say... getting their midcarder to job to your opener should be manageable and it gets your guy free momentum and a bit of a pop boost without using any of your own roster. </p><p> </p><p>

    I done that exact thing as CZCW to TCW. Loaned out there guys to lose to my top guys to get there pop to the next level , boost my show ratings and help my company grow a bit quicker.</p>

  7. <p>@DutchMagpie</p><p> </p><p>

    Nice idea, think i'll take most of that and use it. </p><p> </p><p>

    Originally, Chord looked to be the leader of the TCW invasion, Tommy was signed by Flash with it looking like Tommy wanted to stop the TCW guys from using his name and TCW's name when trying to take over CZCW.</p><p> </p><p>

    Tommy turned on CZCW, joined TCW and announced he was the true leader.</p><p> </p><p>

    Tommy lost a loser leaves CZCW match. But he was still under the contract he signed originally. Flash brought him back by force, and was using him as a lacky to teach him a lesson. </p><p> </p><p>

    There no face/heel divide but Flash has been a heel before the invasion but was booked more like a face during the invasion but is now booked to his old heelish ways. Tommy will be looked at as the face in this situation, at least by the end he will be.</p><p> </p><p>

    In your idea, I may have Cali Love Machine as the third man. Cali and Flash have a love/ hate relationship. Cali hated Flash for trying to keep him down the first couple years but was his ally in the invasion. Flash thinks he can use that to keep cali on side and help him against Tommy with the promise of a future title shot. </p><p> </p><p>

    Title from Flash to Tommy to Flash to Cali then onwards to other guys. Mainstream/ Jacob Jett</p>

  8. <p>Looking for alternative ideas of how to book I have gotten a lot of guys over the past 3 and half years in game but overwhelmed at who to push for the strap.</p><p> </p><p>

    CZCW into October 2019 , at Cult. </p><p> </p><p>

    My Main Eventers .</p><p> </p><p>

    Tommy Cornell: been with the company under a year, held the title once for story pruposes and has just won The CZCW Best in the World Tournament. Idea is to have him finally disobay my user that hired him back to degrade him after my user ran out Tommy and the TCW invasion a few months ago. Winning this gets him a CZCW title shot in a match and event of his chosing. Flash ordered him to give up his shot, but will he?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    Chris Flash Hart: My User , active worker and the boss. Current CZCW Champion, easily enough to slot him in and out of the picture. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    Cali Love Machine- got him over, and developed him to be a proper Main eventer, proud of him, the first two years was the story of his rise from midcarder to top champion, losing to my user at every shot he earned untill he got his win and the title at Welcome to the coastal Zone. He's allways there or there abouts. </p><p> </p><p>

    Jay Chord- was the intial leader of the invasion untill tommy appeared, a former CZCW champion and always been in the main event. Gottne him outof the title main event scene by bringing him back after being fired due to his role in the invasion, he came back as the Black Cougar, the new arch enemy of Masked Cougar. </p><p> </p><p>

    These top 4 have been in the main events of the top shows for pretty much the past 2 years. </p><p> </p><p>

    These following guys are guys who have had shots but only at the filler PPV's to give the champ title defences, but have been pushed well outside of it and guys I'd liek to give shots too..</p><p> </p><p>

    Main event </p><p> </p><p>

    Fox Mask and Remmy Sky: Haven't held the top strap since i've booked, they were used in filler PPV main events. However they had a massive 2 year tag title reign that shot the prestige up to 100. Flaoting around at the moment. </p><p> </p><p>

    Jacob Jett, has him about 18 month/ 2 years. he was aimless for the first couple of months in the midcard untill i noticed he was bloody awesome. He got a push towards the Extreme title (My IC titleP) held that a while , lost it and recaptured it. He's currently feuding with American Elemental II to get him up to Jetts level. Jett could easily hold the CZCW championship. </p><p> </p><p>

    American Elemental II low Main eventer, feuding with Jett for the Extreme title, next step is for him to capture the title, but he's good enough at 23 to perhaps go for the top strap. </p><p> </p><p>

    Fro Sure: Had him since the start: Flaoting around the estreme title at the start and was going to be pushed hard early untill he broke Super Ninja's neck, I halted the push and he's been floating, winning against midcarders, losing against the champion, but the past year putting on some top class matches. He may be due a big push for the top strap. He's in a stable with Ross Henry and Swoop. </p><p> </p><p>

    Ross Henry: I pushed this guy hard as soon as he was available, winning my rumble and capture the title, winning a couple of things pretty early but then realised he has a limit on his performances and as I was growing other guys were out performing him, he kept his overness but has disappointing in the his recent matches jobbing to the champion in filler PPV's. Not considering pushing him for the title again and running outof ideas once he's finished being the leader of his stable. </p><p> </p><p>

    El Hijo Del Zonk- I got him for my Extreme title division but he's impressed and got naturally over to low main event, he'd be an odd guy to book but he would be fresh as the CZCW champion.</p><p> </p><p>

    Scout: This guy, i signed him as a solo guy first, he captured the top strap as a transitional champ as he was putting on great maches, feuded with my user, then with his partner guide ended the 2 year run of Zoned out for the tag titlesand held them for the better part of the year. was seriously considering Scout getting another reign, as he's 41 and not in time decline... untill he caused 3 fights in 4 months.... he could still be a top champion ..but I dunno. </p><p> </p><p>

    Mainstream Hernandez: was signed a couple months ago and built up to main event and now one of the franchise workers, he's flrited with taking the title but just came short. he could easily be a champion and one of the forerunners to be the next champion. </p><p> </p><p>

    Shooter Shaun Deeley: He was signed to the gatekeeper at uppermidcard where you beat him to get a good win towards your title match. however he got over naturally to main event and has picked up a handful of 90's the past few months, could easily be a top champion, liking this guy more and more</p><p> </p><p>

    Spencer Spade: recently signed, my efforts of keeping him no higher then uppermid for the next year didn't work when he got naturally over. Is the current tag champions with Matt Hocking. With a small push he could take the top strap.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    Upper Midcarder: </p><p> </p><p>

    These guys who are just a win or two away for being main event and could easily be involved in holding the title: </p><p> </p><p>

    GLORY: Nelson Callum, Casey Valentine and Kirk Jameson were all signed at the same time from USPW, i've put them in a stable to feud with Ross Henry's stable. to keep 6 guys busy. but these 3 could easily make the step up .</p><p> </p><p>

    Swoop McCarthy: signed a year or so ago and slow built him up from midcard, I see him as a key guy in the future but haven't found the right way to and feud to push him tot he top yet. </p><p> </p><p>

    El Mitico Jr: Was originally one of the forerunners for a push at the top strap when he signed him but there was allready one person ahead of him or slightly doing better than him, then i put him in Extreme title feuds and again, he never quite got it, still great but others are just that bit better than him. He would be solid top champion.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    The other Upp midcarders are either not quite there or pretty much tag team guys for life</p>

  9. Into August 2019 with CZCW at Cult.


    My Dev company MAW is over taking me in pop gains. I gave them a weekly TV show in order to give the guys I sent down there more chances to work.


    Despite being at Cult Stick to my two shows a month, I like progressing through the months at this speed, One show in the Main PPV, the second event is a B PPV that sets up stuff for the big PPV's and gives wins to the guys who lose at the big PPV's.


    in 2020 I'll be setting up a 3rd Even. I'm considering theming it to something. Like 205 Live or something... not a cruiserweight show as that's most of my show anyway but something like that.




    At CZCW's Mania (Welcome to the Coastal Zone) in 2019 it finished the TCW invasion angle and everyone from TCW were fired. ( Jay Chord, Tommy Cornell and New Wave were kept but sent on vacation.


    Tommy was brought back to do the bidding of my user that defeated him to send him packing, my user will keep him employed to selve him to rub his nose in it. This will provide sympathy to get people to want Tommy to go against my User.


    Jay Chord. when he was forced to go, had the look in his eye that he wasn't finished. He was sent packing and hasn't been see n since. I have put him under a mask as the new Arch Nememsis of Masked Cougar... Black Cougar... using Masked Cougars Black mask alt. Jay Chord as Black Cougar will feud with Masked Cougar for most of the rest of the year that will take both men around the California title (midcard), The Extreme title (IC title ) and reluctantly the tag titles. Until the Blow off where Black Cougar will unmask eventually.



    Since Welcome to the Coastal Zone there has been an influx of big guys. Dusty Ducont and Hells Bouncer were signed to be the token Big man Hoss Tag Team in the division and the bodyguards for my user.



    I looked at Ekuma and seen he could do a good job and would play the role as the face big man, going to test him out and see at what level he can remain at. If he's no higher than Extreme title he'll be Ekuma the Hardcore Hawaiian. A monster with a weapon beating the crap out of everyone would be a tough guy to beat but would require a heel turn. If he can turn out 90's rated matches when he reaches main event level he'll be the big babyface monster


    Grave Digger from 21CW became available and with 98 menace and 100 SQ 76 Psyc, 76 Basics and 79 selling he could be a world class talent. Only problem being I didn't like his name.. very indie... and didn't like his picture. I changed his name to Tyne (The guy is from Newcastle) and found a great alt picture for Skull DeBones that's maskless that i'm using. He's a clean slate more or less and still young so he's squashing guys untill I can think of where he fits. May be worth sending him to work in MAW untill he reached Midcard/Uppermidcard pop, bring him back up and send him streight to uppercard matches.


    Too many big men in CZCW takes away from the product... so i'm considering just letting Hells Bouncer, Dusty Ducont contracts run out in 6 month and use Tyne as the bodyguard Sid/Diesel to my User's HBK.



    I brought up Devious Doctor Fang and Damien Dastardly from MAW after they both shinned brightly getting MAW to Cult. Idea was for them to be a tag team, However they have awefull chemistry... so I just had Doc Fang beating Masked Cougar for the Cali title with Damian doing the run ins for Fang.




    I have Fro, Swoop and Ross Henry as a stable, considering putting gangland in with them (gangland are cali slick and Mobstar)

  10. <p>Continuing the WWF IN 1990 from the 1987 database. </p><p> </p><p>

    Just held the first WWF Tag Team Classic: My Tag Team KOTR.</p><p> </p><p>

    Had a surprise win and the formation of a team that started their career together. </p><p> </p><p>

    The Blade Runners: Sting and Ultimate Warrior. </p><p> </p><p>

    They beat the Road Warriors in the final for the Tag titles and tag crown. </p><p> </p><p>

    A sideways move for Warrior in his career, as a former 2x IC champion and with huge pop he could have went toward the Heavyweight strap but the lack of opportunity as of late and the face o his od friend Sting coming into the company seemed to have focused Warrior in a new direction or the time being, it's unknown what motivated Warrior, was it adding further Gold to add to his resume? was it the thought of helping his old friend Sting get a running start in the company? or somthing else? </p><p> </p><p>

    Sting came from CSW, Sting never made it to JCP/WCW and has came into WWF as an opener and really has to fight his way past a lot of talent.</p><p> </p><p>

    Long term plan is way way down the line, like 1992/93 after winning tag gold a few times and supporting each other winning other titles Warrior will turn on Sting, culminating in a loser leaves WWF match at a Mania.</p>

  11. <p>@Captain2 </p><p> </p><p>

    That's tricky, competition adds somthing the game, aiming to beat them to end of year awards could be a long term target to keep you interested. </p><p> </p><p>

    You could use them as a dev, they would still keep their roster, they would still kinda compete with you without being able to damage you, except they could still sign guys to writtens.</p><p> </p><p>

    Using NJPW may be useful to send a top card guy down there to work if you have nothing for them for a while.</p><p> </p><p>

    I would just leave them perhaps. If needs be just take off the guys loyalty and wait for there contracts to come up naturally if you want to use a guy.</p>

  12. <p>About, on the 1987-1990 gam I'm playing Lex Luger has developed into almot an identicle Hulk Hogan , 1 or to 2 stats in SQ/charisma and mic skills less than Hogan but not far off at all, another company could easily make Lugermania and have him be figurehead. His top row stats are similar to Hogan, nothing special but his charisma, SQ etc is amazing, performance stats are very very good. He' on tour with NJPW at the moment. </p><p> </p><p>

    I thought about snapping him up, but I don't need him, I have a inbuilt thing about Luger due to how rubbish he was irl so I wouldn't use him to his full use, especially not currently... I'd only be using him so others couldn't have him... which is a bit crappy.</p><p> </p><p>

    I may use him for 6 month build against my top champion in a couple years for a Mania.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    About your New Horseman... What about Lanny Poffo if hes available. can play heel, hes ok in the ring, second gen. </p><p> </p><p>

    Haku, he's a bad ass but never got a huge push,average in ring, plays heel could be the enforcer of the group.</p>

  13. <p>Into May on Captain 2 April 1990 save of the 1987 DB. </p><p> </p><p>

    WWF World Heavyweight Champion: The Undertaker: Def Flair for the title. </p><p> </p><p>

    WWF Intercontinental: Rick Rude: In the middle of a long reign, just defecate Ricky steamboat to retain.</p><p> </p><p>

    WWF World Tag Team: The Road Warriors: Def The Steiner's for the title.</p><p> </p><p>

    WWF United States: Sgt Slaughter: first champion now feuding with rookie Stunning Steve Austin.</p><p> </p><p>

    WWF Womens: Alundra Blaze, 15 title defenses, will face Bull Nakano for the first time at the next PPV.</p>

  14. <p>Using Captain 2's April week 3 1990 Save of the 1987 Database.</p><p> </p><p>

    Into April Week 4. </p><p> </p><p>

    Spent a bit of time looking around the roster, looking at past events and releasing/signing people. Made plan for where I want the top guy to be. </p><p> </p><p>

    WWF World Championship. Currently held by Undertaker, finishing up his feud with Flair, planning on Taker retaining against Flair, feuding and beating Sid or a few month before losing it to the Hulkster. </p><p> </p><p>

    Hulkster: Will finish his feud with Savage, have a short filler feud with Bam Bam or Earthquake before going on to Take on Taker for the title. </p><p> </p><p>

    Savage: finish up his feud with Hogan then go on a feud with Bulldog, give Savage the victory but hopefully get Bulldog a bit more pop in the process. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    Intercontinental Title: Rude Hold the title and has done for a long while, defeating everyone in hi path, coming to the end of his feud with Steamboat that he'll overcome. He will go onto a feud with Bret Hart.. Brett's first time going solo and will eventually defeat rude for the title. </p><p> </p><p>

    Tag Title: Steiners are current champs, feuding with Road Warriors, Planning on Road Warriors to capture the titles. Rockers are being built up with a feud against Tully/Arn to go onto face and defeat Road Warriors for the title in the next 6 months. </p><p> </p><p>

    US Title: I've just set up the US title, a midcard title, it'll give the guys who are not ready for the IC title or will never reach that height somthing to capture and will give Vets a title to go for as a thank you. It'll help young guys get over on their way up the card. First champion is Sgt Slaughter as a face, a true American Hero, holding the title with pride. Young Upstart Stunning Steve Austin tries to make a name for himself by going after Slaughter and the title.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    Piper: Is about to enter a program with the debuting Sting, Sting isn't the JCP/WCW legend at this point but i'm planning a big push for him off the bat. A long feud for these two. </p><p> </p><p>

    Jake Roberts v Cactus Jack: Cactus is debuting soon and targets the sinister Jake Roberts. The gimmick mesh well and should pull off some great promo's against each other and some pretty rough matches. Hoping this feud sets the standard for rough brawling matches that could set the tone and allow backstage brawl, Boiler Room Brawls in the future. Thinking of having Jake be the guy who eventually turns Cactus into Mankind. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    Womens Division. </p><p> </p><p>

    Captain has clearly worked hard in getting the women division up a level with Blaze got some pretty good pop compared to where the women start. Blaze as champion. </p><p> </p><p>

    I'm planning on making stars out of Blaze, Sherri, Luna, Bull Nakano and Manami Toyota, everyone else is jobbing to these with the main women only facing each other at the top 4 PPV's.</p>

  15. <p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWF 1987</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Last PPV: King of the Ring</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Your 1987 KOTR Winner and NEW WWF World Heavyweight Champion: The British Bulldog</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    24 year old Bulldog has become the first British Heavyweight champion and youngest ever Heavyweight champion. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    Bulldog started by helping Piper and Hogan fend off the Heenan Family. Bulldog was put there to be the job guy and to learn from Hogan/Piper. despite losing half and winning half Bulldog went from midcarder to Main event. Bulldog then turned on Hogan, helping Heenan Family to send Hogan to the hospital. </p><p> </p><p>

    With Hogan out, the title vacated and it was now on the line in The King of the Ring. The winner being crowned the KOTR 1987 and new WWF World Heavyweight champion. The Final came down to Bulldog v Piper. Bulldog overcame Piper to win the crown and the title.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    I tossed an turned on the decision of if to pull the trigger on Bulldog. On the one hand Bulldog is one of my most popular guys without much effort and him winning the title is breath of fresh air. On the other I felt Bulldog maybe too young, I could keep him in the IC title hunt until he gets the top strap in the ne gen in the early 90's, leaving Piper to win the KOTR and finally getting his due and holding the title. </p><p> </p><p>

    I stayed away from the save for over a month until I felt comfortable with what to do. In the end I figured this was a nice surprise, he got mega over, he's a big strong guy and I ran with it. Little point holding him back. It creates a new star, a new mega heel backed by both the Heenan family and the Harts. It gives Hogan a big villain to come back from injury to beat further down the line.</p><p> </p><p>

    I do feel sorry for Piper, he will get his title reigns in the future.</p>

  16. CZCW May 2019.


    Just Finsihed Welcome to the Coastal Zone which means that the TCW invasion story arc has finished and that the post "Mania" roster trim has happened.


    Around 18+ people have got the Axe. A lot of which where the TCW secondary character, the others were old Vets with pop I signed to Job. A couple were young guys on the main roster that I wasn't uing too much and didn't plan on increasing their appearances the upcoming yea


    The Main guys let go


    TCW Story B players


    Flying Jimmy Fox

    Joel Bryant

    Duane Stone

    Bear Bekowski

    Nate Johnson

    Robbie Wright


    Old Jobber guys:

    Eddie Chandler

    Brent Hill

    Human Arsenal

    Yoshii Shiomi

    Dann Fonzerlli

    Tadiyuki Kikkawa


    Other Guys


    Matt Sparrow- In time decline and had nothing for him.


    Brodie Lachlan- he got on shows now and again but was never going to rise above lower card jobber, in his 20's so let him go to find stardome elsewhere.


    Commander Kawagishi- He's been with me since the start of the game, however with his partner leaving to sign for BHOTWG in 2016 and Commander unable to sign a written with me, I had no interest in pushing him, nor did I want to job him out. I've let him go to be a star elsewhere.


    Funakoshi- He was signed in the Japanese Hiring Spree after PGHW went under, unfortunately he didn't pic up the language after a year, couldn't put him angles, his stats didn't improve to match the others I signed, so when BHOTWG came calling I let him go.


    Seiji Jimbo- similar to Funakoshi- just didn't learn the language and had other options to push felt it was unfair to hog a top talent in my lower card. he's gone to be a star with whoever signs him




    18 spaces have opened up some have already been filled by the yet to debut, Kirk Jameson, Casey Valentine, Nelson Calum , Hell's Bouncer, Dusty Ducont, with El Leon possibly signing too.


    More guys who were floating the past two years should get some proper feuds and screen time now.





    Guys part of the TCW faction that I'm keeping are Tommy Cornell, Jay Chord and The New Wave and Ed Stone.


    Tommy will be kept and made to join my user character/owner/ World Champions stable, imply to rub it in his face that his squashed TCW's invasion


    The New Wave will be away for a couple months then demand their rematch of the titles they just lost. This will be their way back into the company.


    Ed Stone i'll send down to my Developmental MAW for 6 months until he answers an open challenge for the Extreme title and get in that way.





    MAW news!!


    MAW was going under so I bought them to e my Dev for when I reached Cult.


    Once I set up my own network, I gave them and my other dev GSW a weekly TV show and a late night spot on my network. Both made it to solid Regional companies, with MAW getting the better of the dev trainers and better young talents in their roster.


    keeping an eye on the news reports for the TV shows. a couple of my young guys sent down have really shone down in MAW, with Devious Doctor Fang becoming their top champion and regularly seen as there top performer, Clyd Regal has gotten the best performer award several times aswell as Damian Dastardly. In fact I kept those 3 guys down there simply beaus they are getting showcased in MAW, they would be lost in the shuffle for me the 9 month they have been down there.


    Recents something great happened. MAW MADE IT TO CULT!!! thanks to Doc Fang, Dastardly and Regal shining alongside the active veteran dev trainers Johnny Bloodstone, Cique Jr, john Maverick, Harry Alan.


    I'll wait a couple months and, one at a time, will call up Regal, Doc Fang and Dastardly up. give them programs as a reward for their work with MAW and see how they do.



    It wasn't all smooth sailing as I left COTT. My top guys were getting loaned and jobbed to much less popular and skilled guys, more often than I'd have liked. So feeling as tho i outgrew them I left... the other members hate me, ome declaring war. MAW voiced there displeasure at first then calmed down, probably due to me bloody owning them, giving them a tv show and giving them free talent. I was close to just cutting them loose but give them another chance ue to how much work had gone into them.


    FCW were the main guys who declared war on me, which was silly as I then signed half of their Main event guys and top road agents. most to go down to MAW. Hells Bouncer to go to my Main roster, I also signed to written which everguys i had on PPA that also had contracts with FCW. They lost there best road agent, half of their Main event and their Tag Team champions.

  17. I really want to sign Emerald Angel and Magnum Kobe from WLW but there is literally no chance of getting them away from them. WLW don't look to be going under either. It's a shame that the loyalty system can't be gotten around no matter how much you pay. I can see guys staying loyal if another company offer a couple k more... but if a company was offering double the money it should sway people?


    I guess it will give me a reason to play WLW at some point I guess.


    Looking to sign KC Glenn at some point, he's developed into the best worker in the game skill wise just behind Tommy Cornell however he's got loyalty to BHOTWG.

  18. <p>CZCW in 2019 at Cult.</p><p> </p><p>

    Coming to end of my TCW invades storyline in a couple of months. It'll end at Welcome to the Coastal Zone. Where most of the TCW guys will be gone from the company. </p><p> </p><p>

    Thi will bring about a chance at new influx of guys, new storylines to be hand and focus put on other people. Some guys had become available from UPW etc so they were snapped up an sent on holiday for 3 month.</p><p> </p><p>

    Whilst I have a rough idea of where I want to o with them some extra ideas wouldn't hurt..</p><p> </p><p>

    The New guys are: </p><p> </p><p>

    Kirk Jameson</p><p>

    Cameron Vessey - These 3 to be new stable coming in.</p><p>

    Nelson Calum</p><p> </p><p>

    Hells Bouncer - Thinking of Pairing him up with Dusty Ducont as a tag team an the bodyguards of my user when TCW gets run out of town and he he doesn't have to be nice to anyone anymore. There was an alternative plan where there would be a new gothic/evil sinister faction with Hell's Bouncer, Warmonger, Scythe and Simon Flemmingway's alt Zero. </p><p> </p><p>

    Dusty Ducont: Either bodyguarding with Hell's Bouncer or the sole bodyguard of my User.</p><p> </p><p>

    Mainstream Hernandez- Love this guy and paid well over the odds for him, he will be heading straight into the extreme title picture.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    .......</p><p> </p><p>

    Despite a lot of the TCW guys leaving after the current story has ended, guys like. Ed Stone, Bear Bekowski, Titan, Danny Fonzerelli, Joel Bryant, Nate Johnson, Flying Jimmy Fox. And other old guys i signed to back to them up like Brent Hill, Duane Stone, Eddie Chandler.</p><p> </p><p>

    There are a few TCW guy's i'd like to keep so suggestions of how to keep the following would be helpful</p><p> </p><p>

    Tommy Cornell: He turned on the CZCW guys after initially acting like he disagreed with the TCW invasion only to turn on Cali Love Machine and win the title. Despite being the leader, i'd like for him to return somehow.. lie perhaps my user who will defeat Tommy for the title and to drive away TCW will return to his old ways and piss off the CZCW guys and ends up bringing back Tommy to Join his faction.</p><p> </p><p>

    Jay Chord: He was the initial leader of the invasion and a former 2x CZCW World Champion. Thinking of having him be a lone wolf and return looking for a contract, the CZCW guys won't help him and my user messes him about degrading him and stringing him along for months until he finally gets his contract... then he gets revenge on my user.</p><p> </p><p>

    The New Wave: They are the current Tag champions and will put over Malloy Spillane. However The New Wave are putting on 90 rated matches with Zoned out/ Malloy/Spillane and carried Marv Salter/ Dean Waldorf and Idol/ Jordan to 90 rated matches. They are great or my division. Scout has also been a 1x CZCW World Champion. Thinking they go for their rematch, win back the titles and get in the company that way... they will claim there rematch 3 or 4 months down the line.. Scout hasn't touched time decline yet.</p>

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