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Posts posted by michgcs

  1. PSW Championship (Loser leaves PSW): Logan Wolfsbaine(c) vs Ernest Youngman

    Still feels to me like Logan's got a foot out the door. Knowing you, I can see him leaving with the title, though.

    No Mercy: Xavi Ferrera vs Buck Winchester

    Gotta build on his momentum

    Shackled Escape: Cerberus vs Tennessee William

    I want someone to help TW- maybe Jeb?

    Gang Warfare: The Latino Kings vs The Legion of Blood

    This is interesting. Picking LoB just 'cause I think the Kings can be more dangerous chasing for payback

    National Title: Dumfrey Pinn(c) vs ???

    How about TeddAI being overlooked and someone stealing the title? I can dream, can't I? lol

    PSW Tag Team Titles: Devil May Care vs Samoan Destruction Inc vs The Hot Taggs vs The Hangman Experience

    T.H.E. all the way!

    Will the rating be higher than the last special event (55)? higher

    What match will score the highest (not included the main event)? Xavi vs Buck

  2. Fantastic show! I enjoyed the Teddy segment; how long before the tablet becomes sentient? The lack of Jebediah hurts, though. Big win for Xavi, curious if Logan put up a stink or if you didn't mind since he's on the way out hmmmm Just my personal opinion but Pinn's photo looks more like a manager lol But War Piece looks amazing! Hopefully he doesn't stay a jobber for too long.

  3. I'm on the same boat as Lloyd, Jeb's story is one for the ages. His girl was electric, huh...? I know of a dreamer that's electric, too LOL


    Logan Wolfsbaine and Buck Winchester vs Ernest Yougman and Xavi Ferrera

    Really interested to see how the Loser Leaves Town match shakes out. But as the challenger, EY has to build some momentum

    Cerberus vs ???


    Dustin Deuce vs Teddy Powell

    The Hangman vs Rhino Umaga

    I know I said the tag division was not a highlight, but you sure proved me wrong! T.H.E. for new champs! Maybe make 'em have like a Team Hell No dynamic where Hangman is the more chill one and Jerry has something to prove

    Bonus Point: Will the score be higher or lower than last week (47)? Higher

    Bonus Point: Who will pin or submit who in the main event? Youngman pins Cowboy Buck

  4. 9 hours ago, RingRider said:

    I don't normally post the uncut versions of workers (but they are included in the pic pack). That said, you mentioned the Leigh Burton render and he was so difficult to cut because there was so much not included. Here's the whole thing (scaled down to post):


    Leigh Burton.jpg

    Yeah I can see how it'd be hard to cut and include all the details and keep things uniform. Great job on this!

  5. Okay so I finally caught up. Gonna echo some thoughts and say that the PSW Steel Factor sounds cool, the match types are awesome, and Sayeed Ali should be pushed to the frickin moon. Interested to see where you take the LW-EY feud but personally it's not something I'd even try to touch with a million-foot pole so good luck LOL


    Cerberus vs Tennessee William

    Maybe T-Dub runs away?

    Devil May Care, Vendetta and Antixx vs Samoan Destruction Inc and The Hot Taggs 

    TBH this might be the weakest part of your PSW but I think you just need the right teams to click and see them go boom. Maybe a TLC-ish match?

    The Hangman and Jerry Pepper vs ??? and ???

    Would be silly to have 'em lose, right?

    Rudy Velasquez vs Wicked Lester

    Latino Kings got the jump but it's time for Lester to get some revenge

    Will the rating be higher or lower than last week? (54): Lower, unfortunately

    • Like 1
  6. 11 hours ago, Bad Collin said:

    Sorry buddy, best not to get attached until at least mid-Small. If it's any consolilation I just signed Tommy Cornell Jr but he only stayed for six months. 

    Your RTG game in the dynasty section is a great inspiration, I love how the graphics look and am in awe of how fast you're progressing! I'm on the conservative side and mostly stick to offering sub-50/show contracts lol

    • Thanks 1
  7. Sorry if this has been posted before but I've tried to use some keywords and haven't found anything in search; and I guess this isn't really the goal of RtG but how do you guys handle pay raise requests? I got Brodie Lachlan for 30/show and he's asking for a bajillion-times increase to 1,200/show. Al Coleman did the same and I rejected it (and he was furious) but I wasn't as attached to him and cut him loose.

    Am I just SOL and forced to move on from those specific workers in cases like this? TIA.

  8. F4O12fE.jpg


    They're all fricking amazing but the detail on this Santa is mindblowing. It's like I can feel the fluffy hat and the big beard. Amazing work as always :eek:


    Apologies for the radio silence the last month, unfortunately I was struck down with Covid as so many people have been and that developed into pneumonia, meaning I spent 3 weeks very unwell and the day before my birthday in hospital, which was fun :-)

    Well belated happy birthday, smw. Glad to see things are better. Hoping there won't be any lingering/longterm effects.

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