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Posts posted by Goliath764

  1. This is far from the easiest way to learn about EMLL and it involves a lot of reading. You can download the demo of all the TEW versions (probably need to find the freeware TEW05 somewhere else) and create a new game with the default database just to read up on the wrestlers and companies bios. This gives you lore info of every few years of what happened in the CornellVerse.








  2. On 12/21/2022 at 4:02 PM, 1PWfan said:

    I've done some experimenting with this, and the best time to use highlights focus over regular is for an angles-heavy promotion with a weaker undercard- that way you can build around your strongest workers. I'd say it's more of an alternative to consistent focus than regular.

    I agree on matches as I can see the advantage of Three Ring Circus over Regular. However, when it comes to angles, here are the descriptions as I see it:

    The rating is calculated as 70% of the highest rated angle, 20% of the second highest rated angle, and 10% of the third highest rated angles. If there aren't enough angles to do this then the highest rated angle's percentage is increased to make up the difference.

    The rating is calculated as being the average of the three highest rated angles. If there are less than three angles then the average of the remaining angles is used.

    Both of them uses a max of 3 angles. This is unlike matches, where the 10% is the average of the entire undercard barring the match used for the 20%.  This is just 3 angles and the other angles are completely ignored. So we are looking at this distribution:




    I plugged in a lot of numbers into an excel sheet just to compare and "70%/20%/10%" always yield better result no matter what. Hence, I don't get the benefit of highlight focus at all -- unless the description is incorrect and highlight focus is calculated differently and that is reflected in your testing.

  3. On 11/2/2022 at 4:48 PM, djthefunkchris said:

    The only real downfall so far, is the gameplay itself. It feels less personal then CBH did, because your not making a character, or playing a character.. Instead you're basically just hack and slashing with whatever characters are available, or at least that's my first impression. I have a feeling that after connecting with some of the characters, it will grow on you though.

    I have the same thoughts as you here. I think my approach as to keep me closer to feeling like I have a personal character is to always use a few specific characters I like whenever possible so the story feels more focused on them.

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  4. This made me think that it would be cool to have these interviews stored in the workers profile.


    For example, if so and so worker goes on an interview show and says "I really enjoy working against smaller workers", that would be stored into like a "media comments" section on their profile or something. And possibly give that worker a small bump in morale every time he is in a match with a smaller worker as well.


    Extra cool (but unlikely aesthetic feature) if the "media comment" section has the UI and look of a smartphone so you feel like you are going through the worker's Twitter account or something akin to that when you are checking what he has said to the media.

  5. But i pretty much think this post sums it up. Small neat features that add up but are not that complicated or important to warrant being made into such a big deal with all the complexity we've been talking about.


    I think differently from you. I am all for putting details into the smaller features and adding complexity if possible. When it comes to the simulation genre, I like complexity in every aspects. But I also understand that's just not how it goes with small features in Greydog games and I am cool with it being implemented either way.

  6. I think it makes sense to give a slightly higher chance of media storm happening for higher pop wrestlers, but definitely don't ignore the indie guys. An unknown can be memed and be famous a day later, that's the power of internet.


    But I don't think this small feature(said so in the journal) is going to be made with extra detail, so I am cool with just everyone having an equal chance.

  7. I mean, there's a reason it's called the TEW 2020 Discussion Thread. Plenty of other threads to use for posting anything else that relates to wrestling.


    Plus, I'd rather not have a long debate clog up the pages on this thread.


    I agree on your post and I disagree on your assessment that we are off-topic. The whole discussion of the war and aftermath and wrestler's mindset revolves around the "Spoils Of War", an addition of the TEW 2020 in one of the relatively recent journals. To be more precise, we are discussing about whether the mood gain from winning the war is justified and our opinions on the implementation.


    And BTW I am replying this one cuz I am quoted. Otherwise, I wouldn't to stop the off-topic train.

  8. Wow, we are now restricting discussion in a discussion thread? I am not sure those "I like feature X" posts add much either if you want to stop us with "that hasn't been talked about or thought about by the development team". And I am not dissing those posts, I just find the restriction ridiculous. I am happy to talk about other things if people are starting a different topic. I also don't see a debate being a problem here. Deep discussions, even if heated, are way better contents than "reaction posts" in my book.


    And I am not trying to start a debate or whatever with you, I just disagree that debates like these is a problem. I find a lot of people overreact to online debates and trying to peace-make, I don't see the need of that at all.


    It's not like we are c***blocking the whole thread from other discussion either. I can understand your post if we are like 5 pages deep and preventing anything else from being discussed, but we are only like 10 posts in and no one has started anything else.




    But oh well, if we are preferred to not discuss that further, let's see..at this point, I am waiting for more details on the new gimmick system. I like the additions of #7, #8 and #9 but I don't really have a lot to say about them.

  9. More companies is a larger job market though, if we are to argue that. And it's not about negotiating power when they are lower on the card. It's that if there are three companies, they have more offers to get and the chances of one of those offers being better is higher, compared to a world with only two companies.


    I don't look at wrestling market like a normal job, I see them closer to professional athletes. The market is extremely volatile and the lower guys have more reasons to be worried because they are replaceable. It's like being a bench warmer in NBA, you never know if you will get another contract and be in the league for another year or what, so more teams gives you more slots and gives you more chance.


    And I am not even sure how this suddenly turns into "excessive nitpicking over small features" either. This is the only discussion thread for TEW2020 so everything - big or small - get discussed over here. I certainly don't think it is a big deal if this gets a compromise or whatever, I am discussing it cuz I feel like it. I certainly don't find it to be critical or whatever.

  10. But, if you look at it from this perspective... You work for a wrestling company that is actively at war with another company. Both are competing for market shares, (both in specific eyeballs and revenue) and are actively trying to put one another out of business. By doing so, people will have won and will feel better. I don't think the feature is designed to say that everyone is really happy to have won the war, but more like a positive feeling goes into the locker room because they succeeded at the goal, which I think is very reasonable.


    I strongly disagree about the morale bump to workers for winning a war. If anything, it leads to less opportunity because there's not competition for their services, wages will inevitably be suppressed, and, if anything, their jobs will be less secure.


    The winning owner getting a boost makes sense, as well as workers who are loyal to the winning company and/or owner. However, for anyone else, I think the result should be neutral. It's not a game breaker to me either way, however.


    I agree with the perspectives of both of you. I think a good compromise is that the loyalists will be happy whereas those with a mercenary personality will not be as happy. So, personalities dictate how they feel about winning the war.

  11. Find myself of two minds when it comes to this gimmick entry......troubled by it.


    Yeah, I think almost identical to you in this one. I like a little bit of constraint on the gimmick, and I say this as a tRPG fan who excel in creating characters. Creating a gimmick is never a problem for me, but picking up something among the list and imagining how the wrestler runs with that gimmick and how would him be just tickles me better.


    Also, the list also helps me identifying with the gimmicks of the wrestlers from other companies and keep me immersive. I can say wrestler A is getting hot in fed X with an Ex-Con gimmick. It directly pops an image(or more) inside my mind. This system, while more free and customizable from a gameplay mechanic perspective, doesn't enhance immersion as much IMO. I play mainly C-Verse and I want to let my imagination go wild. Having a sandbox-control gimmick system doesn't provide a lot on that.


    I would really like for the two gimmick systems to co-exist, but I know that's just not going to happen.

  12. From what I'd heard, No Man's Sky had a poor reception because it wasn't as people expected. The developers lied during development and made people think the game would have things like great multiplayer where you'd run into other people around the galaxy, and that the universe would be infinite and it'd be impossible to complete the game.


    Pretty much this. They talked too much and the released product is garbage compared to how they described it. It's Anthem before Anthem, except No Man's Sky's team works hard afterwards to improve the game and EA doesn't.

  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Peria" data-cite="Peria" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>India is going to be interesting, but why not Asia? India, China, South East Asia would have been the three sub-areas of it, and it would have been pretty cool.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I think China and India are both good sub-areas because of their potential. I don't think SEA is a good idea. I am from SEA and wrestling is far from popular here. MMA has a stronger foothold here ever since ONE FC started to develop. I would put Korea in if there HAS TO BE a third sub-area in Asia. Wrestling used to be popular there but things have gone down for quite some time now.</p>
  14. I'm not a sportsbetting expert, but I think the thought-process behind it is: If someone is hyped a lot (Paige, Sage, Conor, Ronda etc.) the bookmakers expect a lot of people to bet on them. And so, the bookmakers give them odds that are not very favourable for these bettors so that they can actually expect to make money off of them.


    And what a couple of memorable fights within the last four weeks or so. First, Ronda Rousey gets dismantled and violently knocked out, then Conor beats Aldo in 13 seconds. These two fights alone will be talked about for decades to come and are already two of my all-time favourite fights which I'll probably be watching a million times.


    And please, let's not start that discussion about fixed fights. It's so pointless.


    The bookmakers always win(counting out some very unique and extremely rare situation). The idea is that they will try to balance the odds so that there are about equal money on both side. The idea is that they are trying to eat up a certain % of the pot no matter who wins as the odds are never 1:1 on either side(A balanced soccer asian handicap bet is 0.925 vs 0.925 or 0.95 vs 0.95 so the bookmaker take either 7.5% or 5%). I think they have odds auto-adjusting themselves by programming to balance the money so if many are betting Ronda, then Ronda's odd will go down and her opponent up in an attempt to lure people to bet on her opponent or to not bet Ronda and vice versa. The change of odd really isn't the bookie playing prediction except from maybe the starting odds, the gamblers dictate the flow after that.

  15. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Ayden" data-cite="Ayden" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36553" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This is a great idea and I am finally finished my Fables writeup. Should I still post it here or wait?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Wait for the new thread, I will import everything.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Emark" data-cite="Emark" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36553" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I've been following the thread as well and kudos to the creativity amongst the writers. Would the 'lite' version just be a synopsis with a cast, director and marketing? Like cappy, I'd be interested in this type. I'm limited on time as it is with travel for work and a 3 year old running around.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It will be closer to the original Movie Game, I guess. So yeah, synopsis, cast, director, marketing and luck.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="EddieFnG" data-cite="EddieFnG" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36553" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just run 2 different games? This one for us writers, and 1.5 for casual players?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Ayden" data-cite="Ayden" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="36553" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I do appreciate writers but it's hard to manage 2 games at once, I prefer to run 1 game and see how it goes. That and IMO, it's just more fun to have one active, evolving universe than two separate universe. Of course, this is up for discussion.</p><p> </p><p> Here's what on my mind so far(which is not finalized), feel free to give me feedback:</p><p> </p><p> - The new game will have two "modes": Without much idea for name for now, let's call it "lite" and "full". Lite is 25% idea and 75% luck while full is 50% idea and 50% luck. Basically, I will give a base score on your choice of cast, synopsis and stuff like that and then luck will determine the rest in the way of numbers. The total score cap is relative to the idea, this is to prevent absolutely horrible idea from hitting 5 stars. I mean...no one can really turn something like Piranha 3DD into a masterpiece. A standard idea will always have the chance to hit 5 stars and of course, great idea has better chance.</p><p> </p><p> - Synopsis should not be too generic, it can be short but it must be able to tell the whole movie. Something like "two men take on the toughest murder case of their career" is so generic that there's millions of possibility on how it plays out, I would need more than that.</p><p> </p><p> - Lite player should provide clear descriptions to their characters through description. I am fine with zero description on the characters in MT1.0 mainly because I can know the characters through the story itself but when I am judging synopsis, I need to know the characters directly so I can throw them into the story and determine whether the casting choice is good or bad. It will also help my immersion when imagining and reviewing said movie.</p><p> </p><p> - More events, more dynamic negotiations and more character relationship stuff. Just trying to make the universe sounds more organic and filled with characters.</p><p> </p><p> - Out of curiosity, will sudden negative events be not fun for you all? Say you cast Vin Diesel as main lead of Fast 999: Ambulance Drift and he gets into an accident by the second day of filming, forcing you to re-cast someone else. Is this fun or bad??</p><p> </p><p> - Everyone will start with more money so they have more freedom in casting and production level.</p><p> </p><p> - I am thinking of changing some of the star's TS, I feel there's not enough mid-range, it's either top-end or low-end thanks to my inconsistent judging.</p>
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