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About bigtplaystew

  • Birthday 06/16/1982

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  1. I'm having problems getting worker pictures to show up. I'm kinda scratching my head because the company, TV show logos, etc are all seemingly in place but I cant seem to get worker pictures to show up. I had this happen with two other real world mods so somethings telling me this is a user (me) error. Can anyone think of common mistakes that would lead to this?
  2. I'd like to play this on my twitch stream. I can't seem to be able to capture the game properly for streaming in OBS. I tried using "game capture" but that doesn't work at all. I've tried using "window capture" but it only captures the main game window. Anytime I click on anything it creates a new window within the game and that new window won't show up on my stream. I've tried playing with the limited number of settings available to me and every combination of it and it doesn't work at all. Display capture is always a black screen no matter what i do. That has nothing to do with TEW and probably more to it being my laptop's internal display. Any help is appreciated.
  3. I always get Greg Gauge and Fro Sure. But theyre both kinda good. Annihilus and Prometheus fit this bill more for me because I really do push them JUST BECAUSE. Actually in my last (and longest) 2016 game they developed quite nicely and became huge stars in time and weren't terrible in the ring. Like... mega huge stars. Arguably the two top dogs in the world at one point. They won multiple tag team of the year awards for me and both had stellar singles runs before they finished their careers as a reunited tag team again. In this game... I got em over easy enough (SQUASH!!!!) but they are both just... not very good in the ring. BUT I HAVE TO HAVE THEM
  4. I do a max length show once a year I call "Marathon". Super original and edgy I know. But yea I do one a year. If you have guys with stamina its nice to have an event when they can go long and you can really challenge yourself and see what they can do. Super fun with Perfect Crowd Theory on. I'll admit if I were trying to go for nothing but perfect A+ "99-100" events all year it wouldn't be effective because its the show I'm most likely to bomb all year but it's fun. Some years I do a tournament some years I just have a bunch of really long matches. In this save I've made things quite easy for myself so I'm not bragging. I have a massive developmental system I can borrow road agents and refs from but if you run a show where lots of local workers are unemployed you can do the same thing without spending a ton of money to do it once a year for fun like I do.
  5. Yes but their morale isnt effected. Road agents only complain if they are also wrestlers in my experience maybe im wrong. When they complain about "developmental being too small" which is what I think youre seeing (I havent seen any other complaints in my saves), the game is telling you that the worker is working in a company thats too small for them and will effect their popularity growth and cap the financial returns you could be making off of that worker, etc. I've never seen it effect their morale negatively like it used to in 2016 nor do I see it effect their segment ratings. The old system saw workers complain for being in developmental "too long" but "too long" was arbitrary based on their personality and things like that. So a worker that was promising if egotistical (and what young brash wrestler wouldnt think they are special and dream big?) could find themselves with tanking morale long before they are ready to mix it up with your big stars. There were tons of issues with the old system. This system is vastly improved IMO. So the complaints arent indicative of a negative impact. They're just telling you that you could be making more money off of said worker.
  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="MrVillain" data-cite="MrVillain" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51417" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Am I just missing it or is there not an option to give out bonuses to everyone at once? It's VERY annoying having 20 pissed off people and having to go one by one and give them a bonus to please them. Is this something that could be added ASAP? If it was removed then why?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Click on roster.</p><p> </p><p> Pick a worker any worker. On their profile where is discusses their morale click on that.</p><p> </p><p> Ont he next screen to the righthand side there will be a window that says "Give bonuses or time off". This is where you would go to give a worker vacation or a money bonus.</p><p> </p><p> On the clickdown box instead of the worker you've chosen to highlight, click down until you see "entire roster".</p>
  7. <p>I've played around with it on a few different saves. I myself like the popularity changes if its worth anything. My very good workers are getting over better. My excellent workers are now stars. My more boring workers arent getting pop for no reason. If i put the right people consistently on TV in a positive way they seem to gain popularity properly and if I dont they dont. </p><p> </p><p> Everything with this last patch seems perfect to me.</p><p> </p><p> Broadcaster size definitely matters. </p><p> </p><p> As far as you making "too many" stars... this WOULD happen in real life if WWE booked people properly and had consistent win streaks and gave more of their top stars better momentum. As they used to. When the company has hot angles and books with consistency they make stars. And if you think they arent making stars today I just dont know what to tell you but this current crop of upper talent from Seth down to Braun and ladies like Charlotte and Becky is probably a more recognizable "top ten" then its been in decades. Cena was always THE ONE GUY everyone knew but due to podcasting and major sports sites picking up WWE and stuff like Barstool... regular people know who Kofi Kingston is and they didnt used to. </p><p> </p><p> WWE has problems but making popular and entertaining talent is not one of of them. The talent is fine. Its the TV show that sucks.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Anyway rant over. You're making too many stars because youre good at the game. Seems like theres other ways to make the game harder for YOURSELF if YOU want to than tying it so closely to the Star Quality stat for everyone else. Maybe play around with preferences and settings to tune it just right for you and see if that helps. I'd try that over reverting to an old version of that game.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Donners" data-cite="Donners" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51405" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>People have been finding it in the Cverse, with dozens of workers at 90+ pop after a few years, which is clearly broken.<p> </p><p> Looks like 1.18 has improved things, though it'll take a bit more testing to be sure.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Where was this outcry? I missed it in the forums. I didnt see this much unless I had my cheaty mega broadcaster with enormous coverage everywhere but I admit I only simmed a year or so in most of the saves I toyed around with.</p>
  8. I THINK open match effects the level of success for the individual workers involved. I think in a regular match between a Major Star and a Recognizable worker, running it normally with the Major Star winning will see a bigger pop or momentum gain for that star than it would if you used "open match", which makes it a more neutral segment for both talents as the Recognizable will lose very little momentum or pop if any. Rather than a major or minor victory for one over the other. I dont know if this makes sense or if its even right. Its something I think I've noticed. So it could be seen as a negative if used improperly. I've generally found it most successful in matches with workers at the same level of perception. It might be redundant or even a bad thing depending on what youre trying to do if youre using it in a match with workers at different levels of perception.
  9. Hey man thats as good of logic as any thanks! I might have been doing something wrong I'm gonna do some experimenting and see what I can come up with Thank you!
  10. The reality TV show feature you described is in WMMA not TEW 20202. You can create round robin tournaments. You can create a new TV show and feature nothing but that round robin tournament and you could replicate something like that fairly closely with a lot of control over wins and losses and pop shifts. than the "Reality TV show" format of how WMMA does it. IF you have your own broadcaster you can even cancel the show for a few weeks after the tournament ends to mimic "seasons" of the show. All kinds of things you can do.
  11. Story lines are a little trickier in 2020 so I could be totally wrong here but I dont think they have any direct effect on pop increase. At least not that I've noticed. AFAIK story lines exist to boost (or penalize) segments and to make entertainment based companies more of a challenge. Would you mind getting into the kind of popularity gains you've seen and how you did it using storylines? I may be doing something wrong I love picking the brains of other players I've learned so much that way.
  12. For what its worth I agree with Remi 100%. I was literally coming here to say everything he said based on the title of the post.
  13. Yes. You want two workers with very high stamina and psychology, use the road agent notes open match and slow build. Other skills are obviously a plus but if the workers involved dont have very high stamina and psychology it'll probably bomb with those show notes. I've done it with and without "call in ring" but I've gotten weird penalties even when dudes had really high psychology. Maybe I accidentally threw a bad road agent on there or something I wasnt paying attention to but it happened enough times that it scared me off of using that note for very long matches. I could very possibly be wrong about that though I dont know. Match aims get a little trickier. I've done it with epic but I've seen "epic" bomb when I felt like it shouldnt so I'd actually just have a "regular" match aim if i was desperate to get a 99 rating out of an hour long match. The thing is just check your product. I'm pretty sure a garbage deathmatch wrestling product will cause fans to never want to watch a one hour long match under any circumstances so even if you have the two best workers in the game go at it for an hour it'll bomb. But if your product doesnt say anything like "Fans wont tolerate lengthy matches" or "Fans will want matches to be kept short" or however its worded you should be good to go. Actually a good question. Skills trickle out over time in this game. They dont just get the boost is stats right away after the show like they used to. So its hard for me to pick up on exactly what segments are doing what to help my guys. I THINK... yes. I've had jobbers grow in entertainment skills and the only thing I did with those guys for promos was stick them in there with one guy who was rated on Entertainment. But... theyre all very young so its possible they just grew naturally. I dont know for sure. See above You can set up an angle either Freestyle or you can program it in with Angle Writer where you have eight workers on screen in a segment but only one of them is rated. So you could have 7 total jabronis in an angle thats rated 100 if you have a prime Rock being rated on entertainment. The real world application of this had been debated for years. I would say it would be like maybe early Nation of Domination promos where Farooq came out and talked and everyone else just kinda stood there looking mean but by being present and identified clearly to the audience it did... to a point anyway... get them over. Would those promos be considered worthy of a 100 rating? Probably not but I like to think of it like it's possible that a promo like that COULD be that good with the right guy doing the talking. I dont know. Is it gamey? Totally. But thats what that would mean.
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