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Posts posted by Mkelm44

  1. I use written contracts for my developmental and lower rung talent.  This way I know they aren’t going to get poached after they’ve developed but before I can work them in and also it allows them to take bookings elsewhere.  I figure the more they work the better. 

    The guys who are the core of my roster I sign to exclusive deals as soon as I can.  I’ve had a few too many guy gets injured working for whomever right before a big payoff occurs. 

  2. I’d like to see a contract variation between exclusive and written- Alliance contracts. A wrestler under one of these contracts can sign with any other company in the alliance but not outside the alliance. I feel this better mirrors the current “Open the Forbidden Door” approach. It’s a bit different than the old NWA system where Flair or Race or whomever showed up for big shows but wasn’t really a member of Portland Wrestling or WWC or wherever. We’re seeing guys like Christian Cage show up in Impact and AEW.
  3. I don’t mind that workers go on hiatus. But on two separate occasions I’ve had a champion go on hiatus. This means I can’t get the belt off them/wrap up their feud. Can it be changed so the worker announces he’s going on hiatus at the end of the month so the player can account for it. I feel this is more realistic than just “poof, gone”.
  4. I'd think actually rather than signing worker, you keep the core roster, and a healthy sum (say $5M). There's a TON of indy talent out there, but the challenge is that you have to get them up to the level that they can draw... or do you go the high priced route? You pick up guys like Cody Rhodes and Ryback, and then start bidding on any contract that comes available?
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