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Everything posted by guyver3

  1. We’ll have to agree to disagree on which of the two are more tasteless I do agree it’s unnecessary to even bring up especially with AEWs history
  2. The point wasn’t about Perry though the point was Christian has been allowed to get away with something more tasteless than a CTE reference for so long now
  3. So did Vikki Guerrero, so did Paul Bearer’s sons but those were still considered tasteless
  4. I mean Christian has gotten away with exploiting a persons death for how long now with some people saying it’s his best work seems par for the course
  5. I feel like Drew needs the win more aside from beating Punk and Seth I can’t remember a PLE he’s won at, each of those matches also had extenuating circumstances Seth being hurt from the night before and Seth as ref. Punk can talk his way back from a cell loss but either way I’m not sure where Drew goes afterwards
  6. I think that was the best overall PLE no match I’d put under 4 stars personally
  7. I feel like it’s a case of the wrong type of match to open the show with. Like if that same match was in the middle of the show I think it would’ve felt bigger
  8. Man that pop would’ve been an all time pop if it was inside an arena
  9. How I’m looking at it Cody doesn’t necessarily think he has Roman as an ally but he has inside knowledge that Roman will be back and after everything that’s happened he’s going to want a piece of Solo first. It’s been no secret that Heyman and Cody have history so that’s where he gets the info cause of course Paul is going to plot
  10. While I would normally agree I see it as Cody knows he has backup likely Roman coming back. Cody was also talking about how he’s not afraid of Solo’s goons which if he’s not afraid of them he’s proving it by accepting the stipulation. I think there’s enough story going on with this that it’s not a big hang up.
  11. I’m actually hoping Dom doesn’t turn on Rhea at SummerSlam I think a short soft face run for Dom with Rhea feuding with Liv and Finn would be good and let Dom grow jealous as the feud goes on.
  12. My Gawd Chad Gable you have no business taking that bump
  13. I think Chad winning has some great story potential. He wins MitB and Gunther wins the title as SummerSlam but Gunther isn’t worried about Chad at all because he’s never lost to him until Chad finds a proper moment then cashes in. Even if it was just a one night or couple week reign I think they could flesh out a compelling story with everything
  14. Even if he is hurt there’s enough time between now and summerslam he could probably heal up or at least be good to get through a match and drop the title to Gunther. I thought it was a good show all around though with the women’s tag title match being the only underwhelming match.
  15. Guy was a good journalist and even today on historical stuff is top notch. The closer and closer you get to anything regarding modern day is when things start to come off the rails in my opinion. Dave is clearly a performance over popularity person but at least since he broke his own rating system his match ratings haven’t carried nearly as much weight especially when AEW is concerned. When he was giving the big all Japan matches 5 stars it made sense to me those matches in ring were so much better than 90% of what we had to watch in WWF and WCW today though that’s not the case.
  16. Question for people who have gone to AEW tv shows do they advertise at all before the show? I found an email from Ticketmaster earlier today but sent about a week ago that apparently Collision is happening on Saturday about 20 minutes away from me and I had no clue. I wouldn’t have gone regardless as I have other things going on but I haven’t seen any ads online nor has anyone else I know seen ads on TV or the radio otherwise they would’ve mentioned it to me. Contrast to that I’ve seen plenty of ads for Smackdown coming to my city next month before and after tickets went on sale and it’s been brought up by people I know. I know the Nebraska/Iowa area isn’t a huge market but had I not been on the lookout for a particular email the show could’ve easily passed without me knowing so I imagine plenty of others are in the same boat.
  17. No doubt they were more shocked how far shorty G had fallen lol
  18. Considering the dropping ratings and attendance, possibly even buyrates depending on how their next show does yeah I’d say that’s a bad thing. My apologies that the first and second parts of my post didn’t have giant flags noting the serious and the tongue in cheek sides, but in all seriousness considering the money he’s paying out and the talent he has they should be doing better but they’re not which is Tony’s fault he’s booking for himself not for a wide audience.
  19. I think the thing is TK doesn’t care about being a successful business he only cares about having great wrestling matches which to him is success. After their next ppv I’m sure he’s going to say they’ve been having great shows and great matches, plus the cagematch ratings say they’re doing great so everything is great.
  20. Back when Bianca won the rumble I said that from my couple friends that come to watch the rumble and mania that we had a bathroom break match. That turned into an early night cause they didn’t care about her historic main event match cause they didn’t and still don’t care about her. I don’t remember where I heard it but it’s stuck with me Bianca has the gimmick dress and attitude of an 8 year old who wants to grow up to be a wrestler and she’s pretty much never evolved from that. Is she good in the ring sure but she’s lacking in every other area she’s propped up by her being John Cenaed and a demographic.
  21. From what I remember it wasn’t so much a botch but and accident resulted from a spot
  22. I was thinking that too for the men’s final but I also think AJ and LA are going to keep the other from advancing all the way and Carmelo going to the finals would elevate him pretty well. I think that women’s final would be good though I think I like Tiffany adding a queen gimmick to what she is currently doing better than potentially being ms. Money in the Bank
  23. Gunther and Dragunov can’t meet in the finals cause they’re both on Raw but if that happens in the semi final I’d guess it’s more of a taste of what they can do together and not a full serving. Personally I think it’ll be Gunther vs Carmelo in the finals even if that’s a heel vs heel match the crowds love Gunther
  24. Weren’t those just the winners brand got like a random pick from the other brand? That’s what I remember from those dark times but how I was intending it would be you have the matches leading up to the draft so you know you have this specific pool of say 24 men if they only did men’s singles matches that are eligible to be picked. It would definitely work better as like an hour special maybe YouTube or something just GMs making selections or trades
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