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Posts posted by xqwzyt

  1. If his AEW deal has an iron clad clause in it too he will continue to work there until his written deal with them is up. The exclusive part of your WWE deal with him means he won't be able to sign any other deals now, but the original AEW deal allowed him to work elsewhere and he's basically using WWE as "elsewhere". :)


    It's a tricky combination of clauses in contracts and one of the few that doesn't work well together in the game. But it's nice to OC slacking off everywhere.


    Yeah I figured it fit his character lol seeing as he just showed up on Smackdown that took place in the South East when Apollo made an open challenge for the Intercontinental title and he won it :cool:

  2. bash23.jpg


    My best show so far :D

    I was kind of bummed going into Buffalo Bash because I just lost Charlie Corner to GSW and he was my top face and figurehead but I tried to sign him exclusively and got into a bidding war with GSW and I wasn't trying to pay that much and bankrupt the whole organization, so I turned Des Davids face ahead of schedule and had a killer match with Stuntman, best one so far! I also lost Dreadnought to CWA and he was one half of my tag team champions with Deuce Deadline, they had excellent chemistry, were in a storyline with The Grinders (McManus & The Butcher (Tully Casey)) which lead to me reuniting The New Wave, Finch was already turning face in his storyline with Rogue and T-Rex so I had him join back up with Barrowman and new tag champions.


    2024 is gonna be the year of building up new younger talent because the old vets stamina is dropping and they can't hang in the 20+ minute matches anymore to get the higher scores anymore, a lot can't even go over 6 minutes :rolleyes:

  3. This would be awesome, I'd play it right now if it was out! I think it'd be hilarious, especially with all the scandals. Imagine Snow White cheating on her husband with one of the 7 dwarfs lol ahh it'd be great lol


    Also TBH if you don't end up making this, I might try even though I've never made a mod before, even if just for my own personal enjoyment haha

  4. New York City Wrestling Monday, Week 1, August 2023


    Empire: Charlie Corner (169 Days, 6 Defenses)

    Tri-State Regional: Johnny Pathlow (1 Day, 0 Defenses)

    Tag Team: LOVENADO (1 Day, 0 Defenses, 2X Champs)

    King Of New York 2023: Huracán Sandoval, Jr.

    Liberty Cup 2023: The Butcher


    COTT World Heavyweight: Stuntman (85 Days, 6 Defenses)

    COTT Regional: Cyclops (98 Days, 6 Defenses)

    COTT World Tag Team: Riley McManus & The Butcher (29 Days, 1 Defense)

    COTT Women's: Mystery Pink (254 Days, 6 Defenses)

  5. I searched and didn't see a thread sooooo...




    SquatchziLLa = Animal Harker "Hulked" Up On Sasquatch blood from Japan.

    Thom Barrowman = Guide.

    LOVENADO = Danny Fonzarelli & Troy Tornado (excellent chemistry).

    The Jurassic Wave = T-Rex & Jeremy Finch (Scout) (excellent chemistry).

    Also just realized I've been spelling "Jurassic" wrong... :o

    The Death Riders = Dreadnought & Deuce Deadline (great chemistry).

    The Butcher = Tully Casey (singles push after brother left).

  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="CobheadJake" data-cite="CobheadJake" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48567" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>(Looking at you, Devastating Don)</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I've actually decided to heavily use Don... I wouldn't say push but I've had him in an angle with Richie Riggins and Cheerleader Nicki that I started in January 2020 and it's still going in October 2022.</p><p> </p><p> Only been doing 1 show a month though, flirted with doing 2 but joining WrestleWorld I was losing money so went back to 1 show.</p><p> </p><p> Anyways, I've gotten Don from Obese to Bulky to now an Average Super Heavyweight, I'm calling the storyline "Lifestyles Of The Rich & Devastating where originally Riggins was offering to train fat and out of shape slobs, so Don accepted but then Riggins got his neck broke by Acid II and was out for a year so it was Don struggling to stay in shape with Nicki helping him and dealing with Riggins gone and hurt.</p><p> </p><p> After returning from injury Riggins has become a silent, emotionless destroyer and devolped more of a cult now with Bull Wrecker joining the TOTAL Body Work Out Club... they were gonna feud with Acid II but then he got signed by USPW so they've been terrorizing people and putting a "mask" on their victims whilst Riggins applies his new move the "Murder Clutch" (Steiner Recliner/Camel Clutch) that Bull Wrecker has been carrying around in a briefcase after delivering it to Riggins.</p><p> </p><p> I'm gonna end up turning Acid face and have them feud with him as Riggins seeks vengeance for his neck being broken and almost losing his life and livelihood.</p>
  7. NYCW Sunday, Week 2, 2022


    Empire: Thom Barrowman (225 days)

    Tri-State Regional: Maliek Chamberlain (170 days)

    Tag Team: Rogue & T-Rex (114 days)


    King Of New York 2022: Logan Wolfsbaine

    Liberty Cup 2022: Charlie Corner


    COTT Sunday, Week 2, 2022


    World Heavyweight: Masked Cougar (92 days)

    Regional: Stuntman (253 days)

    World Tag Team: The End Of The Rainbow (86 days)

    Women's: Vacant, I just created it.

  8. Not intentional at all as I have no idea what any of those people look like!

    I've just Googled Okada and oddly enough I did have the first render originally having blonde hair as I was going to call him, "The Golden Emperor", and have him as a sort of Japanese Ric Flair. I might post that version at some point soon.




    You can never have too many heel clowns. :cool:


    Clown1.jpg Clown2.jpg Clown3.jpg


    :eek: awesome!!

  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="cool name" data-cite="cool name" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48567" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Anybody else enjoying NYCW???</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I am! Here's a new logo and banner I made just in case anyone wanted them</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="NYCW-Modern.jpg" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/dBH6GdL/NYCW-Modern.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <img alt="NYCW-Modern-Banner.jpg" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/F4nyW41/NYCW-Modern-Banner.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Does 2020 even use banners anymore?</p>
  10. All the time. ;)


    You have to set the "Lucha Apuesta" and "Unmask" notes inside your RoadAgent section during a match. If a worker agreed before in "Talking", you should be fine.

    It's not very expensive either. I usually paid $6,000 to $12,500.


    The fans will only be disappointed when you forget to add a mask OR hair loss. When you prebook you can only set Apuesta, which creates the danger to forget the actual loss the show day.


    Finally, if you like the gimmick, you can do it very often with hair losses. Most male workers have no problem with it (if they have any hair), it costs the same and you don't need to sacrifice a mask, that takes years to build rep, permanently. ;)


    Thank you!

  11. I'm curious about the "lucha de apuesta" stipulation... has anyone booked it yet? Do you have the option for the luchador to unmask after they lose the match, I already talked to the worker and they said they were willing to unmask if it was lucha de apuesta or they received a bonus.


    I just don't want to run the match, then have everyone annoyed he didn't unmask after losing the match...


    Thanks! 😊

  12. NYCW Monday, Week 2, May 2021


    Empire: Julius Moor (79 days) X1

    Tri-State Regional: Logan Wolfsbaine (163 days) X1

    Tag Team: Savage Fury (415 days) X1

    King Of New York 2021: Acid X1


    NYCW Saturday, Week 3, September 2021


    Empire: Julius Moor (203 days) X1

    defeated Kurt Laramee & Monty Trescarde in a Handicap Match at NYCW All On The Line (9/2021)

    went to a no contest with Petr Novak at NYCW Heat Of The Night (8/2021)

    defeated Acid at NYCW Liberty Cup 2021 (7/2021)


    Tri-State Regional: Logan Wolfsbaine (287 days) X1

    defeated Brutus Milano at NYCW Heat Of The Night (8/2021)

    defeated Riley McManus at NYCW Fire Fight (5/2021)

    defeated Paul Steadyfast at NYCW The King Of New York (4/2021)


    Tag Team: Savage Fury (539 days) X1

    defeated The Casey Brothers at NYCW Heat Of The Night (8/2021)

    defeated Brooklyn's Finest at NYCW Liberty Cup 2021 (7/2021)

    defeated Sudden Impact at NYCW Summer Lightning (6/2021)


    King Of New York 2021: Acid X1

    Tennessee William (2020)

    Steve Flash (2019)

    Brutus Milano (2018)


    Liberty Cup 2021: Dreadnought X1

    defeated Charlie Corner in the finals of the inaugural 16-man tournament


    COTT World Heavyweight: Vacant

    Tyson Baine announces his retirement, Sunday, Week 4, August 2021

    Tyson Baine defeated Mr. Lucha III to retain the COTT World Heavyweight at OLLIE Final Battle 2021 (8/2021)

    Tyson Baine defeated Masked Cougar to retain the COTT World Heavyweight at CZCW Wave Of Fury (8/2021)

    Tyson Baine defeated Chris Caulfield to win the COTT World Heavyweight at NYCW Liberty Cup 2021 (7/2021)


    COTT World Tag Team: Nate DeMarus & Tyrone Gray (358 days) X1

    defeated Team Maestro at OLLIE Final Battle 2021 (8/2021)

    defeated Frantic Ali & Deaf Touch at IPW Nemesis Tribute Show IV (8/2021)

    defeated The Heavy Hitters at CZCW Coast To Coast (7/2021)

  13. NYCW Saturday, Week 2, November 2020


    Empire: Kurt Laramee (56 days) X1

    Tri-State Regional: Masked Stranger (28 days) X2

    Tag Team: Savage Fury (252 days) X1

    King Of New York: Tennessee William X1



    NYCW Monday, Week 2, May 2021


    Empire: Julius Moor (79 days) X1

    Tri-State Regional: Logan Wolfsbaine (163 days) X1

    Tag Team: Savage Fury (415 days) X1

    King Of New York 2021: Acid X1

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