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Posts posted by Frootloop

  1. Would anybody be interested in a sort of group dynasty situation? Not exactly how the community dynasties worked in the past, but something along the lines of this:


    One person (me) would be the owner of the company, having final say on decisions, etc. The rest would form a booking committee of sorts, providing ideas, suggestions, feedback, etc. Posting of shows would be rotated depending on who was available and wanted to handle the writing. I'd prefer to have conversations with the group through Skype or a similar medium, but I'm open to ideas.


    I'm looking to run a current-day WWE Dynasty (original, I know) so if anyone is interested, PM me with your Skype name and we'll discuss some details. I'd like to keep the booking committee to around 2-3 other people, please.


    Asking this again due to lack of responses. I'm also interested in doing a dynasty with someone as WWE and me as NXT, so if that holds your interest, shoot me a message about that too.

  2. Would anybody be interested in a sort of group dynasty situation? Not exactly how the community dynasties worked in the past, but something along the lines of this:


    One person (me) would be the owner of the company, having final say on decisions, etc. The rest would form a booking committee of sorts, providing ideas, suggestions, feedback, etc. Posting of shows would be rotated depending on who was available and wanted to handle the writing. I'd prefer to have conversations with the group through Skype or a similar medium, but I'm open to ideas.


    I'm looking to run a current-day WWE Dynasty (original, I know) so if anyone is interested, PM me with your Skype name and we'll discuss some details. I'd like to keep the booking committee to around 2-3 other people, please.

  3. I find it a double edged sword...if you follow everyone's suggestions all the time your project is no longer yours. I have probably turned away more viewers following everyone's suggestions rather then just doing what I know will work. At the same time if you openly look like you are shrugging off their idea that can turn them away as well.


    While I agree with this, I will say that I absolutely adore feedback. I appreciate each and every prediction I get, but the ones with comments/questions/etc attached are my absolute favorites.


    That being said, I don't recall ever changing a booking plan because of reader feedback (I book too far in advance for that) but I have several times read comments/predictions and said to myself I wish I'd have thought of that...

  4. http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=59362758

    The year? 2004.


    The month? January.


    The head booker? McMahon...Shane McMahon.


    My Dad is coming up on his 60th year on this Earth, most of them spent in the pro wrestling business, which he inherited from his father before him. Well, inherited is maybe not the right word. Like many things in life, my father took the then WWF by the balls and turned it, and the entire pro wrestling--sorry, dad, sports entertainment--world on it's head. But even the strongest man in the world faces a rival he can't beat. Even the world's best wrestler has to pass on the torch. Even the best promoters have to step down at some point. Enter, me. Six-foot-two of bouncing baby booker.


    That's not to say that dad stepped down and handed everything over cold turkey. No, he was still decidedly the boss. He got to make the final decision on everything that was said and done on WWE programming, and he reminded me of that every night we talked. But he was trusting me with more and more responsibility as we met in the board room each month to discuss plans for the future with the rest of dad's most trusted advisors.


    It was a lot of pressure, but I knew I was up to the task. If I was going to take the company away from dad one day, I would have to learn how to run it, and fast. After all, if it wasn't me, who was going to run the WWE? Stephanie? There was no way that would ever work.

  5. I have been toying with the idea of a new diary but really struggling to get the momentum and "umph" to go ahead and start it.


    Saving up for a wedding and a house leaves me with some free time at home on an evening so I would love to get back into writing some stuff up but I am really drawing a blank on what to do and where to get the motivation.


    Does anybody else start a TEW game but as soon as they write stuff up, it slows the game down massively and the writing starts to feel like a chore to the game itself? I have started about 4 games in the past month with some ideas and first show write ups and each of them have fallen by the wayside because I don't fancy writing up after the second show.


    I do enjoy writing so it has left me a bit baffled as to why I can't find the motivation to continue with doing a diary after the first show!


    Anyone else experience this or have any tips/advice to overcome it?


    I loved a local Thunderverse game I started about a year ago based on characters from WWF late 80's-early 90's but alas it suffered a similar fate but I want to be able to commit to a new idea I have, so how do you chaps do it?


    My advice: book ahead of your writing. That should give you some motivation to get to what you want to write up. For instance, in my 2009 game, I REALLY wanted to read people's reactions to Bray Wyatt's debut, so when I had shows I didn't want to write up, knowing that i was going to get there motivated me to keep going.

  6. WWE 2015: The Future Is Now




    My new dynasty is going to start in January of 2015, updating Fleisch's July RW mod the most realistically I can see how. Some brief updates of what has happened since July of 2014 are as follows:


    Brock Lesnar defeated John Cena at Summerslam and continued to feud with the former champion through TLC, retaining the title at every step of the way.


    The Miz and Sheamus met at Night Of Champions to unify the Intercontinental and United States Championships. Miz won and continues to hold the Intercontinental Championship.


    After several 'failures' to The Authority, Kane was attacked by "The Corporate Celt" Sheamus, who Brogue Kicked Kane's head into the steel ring post and has put him out of action ever since.


    Dean Ambrose has continued to do everything he can to make Seth Rollins' life a living hell, stopping his success whenever he can.


    Rey Mysterio decided that his injuries were mounting too much and had a quiet retirement.


    Jerry Lawler has retired from Commentary effective at the end of 2014, to be replaced by Renee Young.


    Roman Reigns has continued to be at odds with The Authority, even challenging Seth Rollins for the Money In The Bank Briefcase at one point, though he was stopped from winning by Sheamus.


    The Tag Team Championships were won by Goldust and Stardust in a Triple Threat Ladder Match at TLC involving The Usos and RybAxel


    The question is, should I make my first post the Royal Rumble itself, or start at the beginning of the year? I'm leaning towards the Rumble

  7. Dunno if this is the place for this or if there'll even be any interest at all, but I had an idea for a dynasty wherein it's two players, in a way. One (me, in this instance) would play as the owner of the company, while the other would play as the booker/head writer. What this would mean, in my mind, is that I would play and book the game with your input, and you would do the writing. I'm leaning towards a modern day WWE mod for this, but open to other ideas. Post here or PM me with any questions or interest (though PMs will get my attention faster.)
  8. Don't take it as an OK from on high, because I don't have any sort of power around here, but generally I'd say that language within a dynasty context would be ok, as long as you don't try to circumvent the board's filters. As you say, an ECW 1998 dynasty would suffer quite a bit if you were unable to swear for fear of being banned/having posts deleted.


    The board has filters that filter out words, and personally I think that as long as you abide by those and don't try to get around them, you should be fine in a dynasty. After all, nobody goes into an ECW dynasty and gets offended by bad language (and if they do... kinda their fault, no?).


    The language filters are mostly in place to avoid causing offence in other less appropriate places (such as... well, everywhere outside of a dynasty).


    I think we're mostly all old enough and ugly enough to know the difference between 'appropriate' use of 'bad language' (Sandman promos in a dynasty) and offensive, inappropriate use directed at board members/people in general.


    If Sandman calls Raven a ****** in your dynasty, that's not a problem (as long as you don't try to circumvent the censor). If you call BHK a ****** - even inside your dynasty - that's a problem. But that's just my two cents.


    So, if (for instance) one wrestler started a derogatory chant at another wrestler that included a profanity that rhymes with witch, what would be a good and appropriate way to get this across? "Punk-ass *****" ? Or is that clear enough? I just wanna be sure that people know what the word being said is.

  9. <p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>And what, if I may ask, makes you think that you can go head-to-head with the other companies?</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    I never said we can. And we're not going to try to, at least not yet. But soon, we will. Rome wasn't built in a day, after all, though it certainly did collapse in one. The plan, you see, is simple. We do what we've always done best. We innovate. With our cross-promotion via WWF in the past few months, we're riding a wave of momentum that this company has never seen before. Our PPV numbers are way up, and we're doing big things. Our established talent has rabid, cult followings, and when-notice I say <strong>when</strong> not if. When they get snatched up by WWF and, I shudder at the thought, WCW, we have new talent coming in to take their places and further drive the action. We're not a one-trick pony. We're not a retirement home. We...are...EXTREME.</p><p> </p><p>

    <span>http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af162/frootloop18/1998%20ECW/PaulHeyman.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

    <img alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRs-qy6hb2s9R_fKkWjr-QvtAi-5hFhSjnX9BkSiIuuTnSqFHR1" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRs-qy6hb2s9R_fKkWjr-QvtAi-5hFhSjnX9BkSiIuuTnSqFHR1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p>

  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>From the warning I got a couple of years ago, you are not allowed to write any cuss words and you cannot even hint at cuss words. Granted those rules do not seem to be enforced by the mods or they only seem to apply to certain posters but for the most part that is what I was told.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> That's severely limiting to a 1998 ECW, if it's true.</p>
  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="CPBHBK" data-cite="CPBHBK" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The only thing I know is you can't say ****, or E C <strong>F'n </strong>W</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm really hoping there's not a "B-word" behind those stars.</p>
  12. Coming soon!


    WWE 2010: As Told By Dirt Sheets


    In the world of professional wrestling, there always has and always will be "dirt sheets." Providing the readers with supposed inside information and news, they're as likely to give you a big scoop about upcoming storylines as they are to make up far-fetched stories just to get page views and clicks. Do you know what to believe? Do you know who to trust? Come find out.


    I'm going to start a new diary to run alongside my TNA diary. This one will be obviously quite different, as it will be featuring the dirt sheets! Every so often, new "news" headlines will come out. Some will be true, some will be patently false. It's up to you if and how you let them sway you in the monthly prediction contests which will only happen at Pay-Per-Views in this dynasty. But don't let that get you down. The prizes in these contests will be varied and amazing. From deciding which superstar is going down with an injury, to eliminating another competitor from a month's prediction contest (thus improving your odds of winning if done correctly) to deciding on a special informant to the dirt sheet writer which ensures that all stories about that worker will be 100% true for a given amount of time (yet you're the only one who knows) you won't want to lose out on these fantastic prizes!

  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="34866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i42.tinypic.com/2lxgylf.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The fallout from WWE's "Battleground" pay per view has had everyone at the edge of their seats; namely because of the factoring Big Show who with one swing of his fist - caused the coveted WWE Championship to remain vacant. Neither Randy Orton or Daniel Bryan walked out of The Big Apple with the strap held tightly in their grasp. Rather it is Triple H - who is keeping the title safely under his grasp until a rightful "face" of the company can be decided upon.</p><p> </p><p> However one of the most shocking turn of events, would be the dissension between the CEO Triple H and his wife - The Billion Dollar Princess; and heir to the McMahon throne - Stephanie. Following Battleground LIVE on Monday Night RAW; the two tyrannical titans clashed in a war of words as to what they considered was "best for business" and the WWE Title. Stephanie claimed that Big Show "was a disgrace" and that he should be fired for his actions - whilst the King of Kings considered it a "win win" situation; as he was able to suppress Daniel Bryan and "punish" Randy Orton for his previous short comings.</p><p> </p><p> The marital warfare raged on and hardly seemed to find a compromise and neither seemed to agree on an executive decision as to where to WWE championship would go from there. That was until Stephanie McMahon - challenged her own husband to wage her ideas against his. Shocking the WWE Universe by re-initiating the WWE brand split - packing her bags and heading to Smackdown whereas the CEO would stay on RAW.</p><p> </p><p> Stunned by his wife's words - but certainly still game for competition; Triple H agreed to the proposition; and thus igniting a brand warfare that no one saw coming! It was also announced that night, that a draft would be held the following week LIVE on WWE.com to decide where each and every Superstar and Diva would end up in all of this.</p><p> </p><p> Make sure to tune in next week on Sunday to WWE.com as Stephanie and Triple H decide the fates of everyone in the WWE; with a live Draft podcast. It's sure to be an exciting night in Sports Entertainment that will shake things up! The landscape of the WWE may never be the same again! </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> One show up, as well as the "live" draft podcast. Hopefully we can get some readers in there, as this is both a cooperation and a competition between myself and Like Mike, and the winner will be decided by the fans.</p>
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