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Posts posted by CA18

  1. <p>Right now, I'm in April 2017 with my TCW save as user Peter Michaels.</p><p> </p><p>

    I lost Vessey and Taylor to USPW and Rocky Golden to SWF but I've managed to steal Des Davids, Zimmy Bumfhole, and Mainstream Hernandez by throwing CC in their contracts (Only way to keep or steal guys in bidding wars because Kyle Rhodes is annoying). I've also benefitted from SWF letting Primus Allen, Lassana Makutsi, Ekuma and Huey Cannonball go without a fight.</p><p> </p><p>

    I also pillaged PGHW, BCG, and Saisho to open a touring puro developmental in Japan.</p><p> </p><p>

    Eddie Peak is in the middle of a six month title reign and my new ace Wolf Hawkins is locked up under a long-term contract (Yes, with CC).</p><p> </p><p>

    With all of this, I'm still at cult.......but I have Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Frankie Perez, Kirk Jameson, DWN, Ernest Youngman, Gino Montero, Silver Tiger and others locked up under long-term deals so I should be fine for the future.</p>

  2. Sorry i should have responded to this in my other post as well, but i liked your card, the only thing i felt like saying is, while i love Huntingdon as a character and he has a decent ability, isn't his star quality rather low for SWF main eventer? I can understand Gilmore staying up there because he is already over, and 82 SQ isn't too bad but wouldn't you have been better served giving someone like Lau the win? (he has the same SQ as Nicky Champion!) Not attacking your ideas or anything, the card was solid but i'm curious. :)


    To be honest, I didn't even notice his low star quality until now. Oops lol. My post-SC plans for Lau originally involved him reforming the Cali Dragons with Frankie Perez in order to boost the tag team division for a while before getting separate singles pushes. Forgot to shortlist Frankie and BHOTWG signed him. Exactly what I get for not being safe and signing him a while back. And Gilmore's SQ shot up to 90 after I had him win the Supreme Rumble at the May PPV.

  3. In July 2016 of my SWF game and just finished SC36 with an 85 rating.


    Bradford Peverell def. Everest

    - Typical debut squash match. I signed Peverell up to add some faces to my currently heel-heavy roster.


    Spencer Spade def. Zimmy Bumfhole (SWF Shooting Star Title)

    - Only reason I brought the Shooting Star title back was so Spade could be champion considering I had no plans for him to challenge for the NA title anytime soon.


    James Prudence def. Frederique Antonio Garcia

    - Had Prudence turn on F.A.G. after losing a tag title match to Canada's Finest (Parker and Hernandez) at the last PPV. Unfortunately, they have bad chemistry as opponents so the feud is gonna be cut short.


    Canada's Finest © def. Hero Squad, The Awesomeness, and The Pain Alliance (SWF World Tag Team Titles)

    - Signed Farraday and Smith and had them menace attack the champs after the match.


    Huntingdon def. Lau, Rogue, Bekowski, Randy Bumfhole, and Starr (SWF Date with Destiny Ladder Match)

    - Basically a MITB match. Huntingdon's push gets someone in the main event who's not in his late thirties or older.


    John Greed def. Skull DeBones (Cage Match)

    - Feud was gonna be longer but NOTBPW signed DeBones. Scythe helped Greed win and will be my new demon heel.


    Des Davids © def. Eric Eisen (NA Title)

    - Would've placed this higher on the card if I had any idea that this was capable of getting a 91 match rating.


    Remo def. Marat Khoklov

    - Brought back Khoklov for a one-off against a newly-turned Remo and had Remo go over to establish himself as SWF's primary powerhouse.


    Brandon James def. Joey Morgan

    - Only put them against each other because I had no other plans for them.


    Valiant def. The Crippler (I Quit Match)

    Had them feuding on-and-off since March. The Crippler won the title in a triple threat with Valiant and Remo at TWIW and after dropping it to Bruce in June, I brought this feud back for a blowoff.


    Angry Gilmore def. Jack Bruce © (SWF World Title)

    Gilmore/Bruce was a blatant reach for the 90s in match rating but it only got 82. Nonetheless, Gilmore's skills are too good for him not to be a constant in the World title picture.

  4. Another thing I'm already having fun with is jobbing out Everest and Bear Bekowski to Primus Allen until they either quit or I finally fire their worthless backsides...


    Bear Bekowski is actually a surprisingly good worker. I have him acting as Eric Eisen's bodyguard.


    As for Everest, I'm surprised he wasn't fired in-game after Peter Michaels left.

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