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Everything posted by Zero

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Winter8905" data-cite="Winter8905" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>The AI is one of the main things that I hope gets improved. The AI is not very good at all, the longer your save the worse it gets.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I agree with building new stars. But if you boost a workers stats or popularity I've noticed the AI will build off of them.</p><p> </p><p> In my 87-01 game, NJPW is always turning over new talent. WCW was doing just okay with it and I often had to insert myself to make them interesting.</p><p> </p><p> ECW was great as well before it closed down.</p>
  2. March 87 - May 2001 WWF Lightweight - Jushin Liger WWF Women - Trish Stratus WWF Television - Ron Simmons WWF Tag Team - The Midnight Express WWF IC - Chris Benoit WWF World - Steve Austin WWF Lightweight Invitational - Owen Hart WWF Tag Team Invitational - Road Warriors
  3. March 87- April 2001 WWF Women - Trish Stratus WWF Television - Billy Gunn WWF Tag Team - The Dudley Boys WWF Lightweight - Billy Kidman WWF IC - Chris Benoit WWF World - Steve Austin Money in the Bank - The Great Muta Also, just bought out WCW. Making a second brand. Edit - I will probably be ending this game. I don't really have any competition, and I'm not sure what I want to do with this game at this point.
  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="zrc1" data-cite="zrc1" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46105" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I guess this is the part of the journal where things start to slow down a little? First time I've followed one as it goes on, I'm quite enjoying it.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> two or three posts per week typically</p>
  5. Will you explain this in more detail? I've always wanted to play a NJPW game and was curious
  6. <p>March 87 - February 01</p><p> </p><p> WWF Lightweight - Juventud Guerrera </p><p> WWF Women - Etsu </p><p> WWF Tag Team - Edge and Christian</p><p> WWF Television - Ron Simmons</p><p> WWF IC - Rob Van Dam</p><p> WWF World - Kurt Angle</p><p> </p><p> WWF Royal Rumble - Steve Austin (3x)</p><p> WWF Women's Royal Rumble - Manami Toyota (one night return only)</p>
  7. March 87 - January 01 WWF Women - Molly McShane WWF Lightweight - Billy Kidman WWF Tag Team - Death Inc. (Christopher Daniels and Steve Corino) WWF Television - Ron Simmons WWF IC - Rob Van Dam WWF World Heavyweight - Kurt Angle Wrestler of the Year - Masahiro Chono (90, 91, 93) Tag Team - Minaru Tanaka and Sakutaro Miwa Young - Pride Koisu (99) Veteran - Tatsumi Fujinami (97) Women - Lioness Asuka (88 and 98) Independent - Rocky Moran Company - WWF (6x) Most Improved - WCW (2x) Match - Scott Steiner vs. Masahiro Chono Card - Wrestle Mania 2000 Manager - Bobby Heenan (4x) Announcer - Jim Ross (3x) Color - Jesse Ventura (5x)
  8. <p>March 87 - December 2000</p><p> </p><p> WWF Women - Lita </p><p> Story - Retained the title at Survivor Series against Trish Stratus, Victoria, and Molly McShane</p><p> </p><p> WWF Lightweight - Ikudto </p><p> Story- Beat Juventud Guerrera for the title at Survivor Series)</p><p> </p><p> WWF Television - Ron Simmons</p><p> Story - Beat Diamond Dallas Page for the title at Survivor Series</p><p> </p><p> WWF IC - Chris Benoit</p><p> Story - Retained the title at Survivor Series against Ahmed Johnson</p><p> </p><p> WWF World - Goldberg</p><p> Story - Defeated Kurt Angle for the title at Survivor Series</p><p> </p><p> WWF 136 Man Memorial Tournament Winner - Steve Austin</p><p> Story - Austin defeated 2x Champion Bret Hart in a rematch from the 1996 Finals.</p><p> </p><p> Queen of the Ring - Lita</p><p> Story - Lita won the Women's battle royal. This was the third year for that tournament.</p><p> Previous Winners</p><p> 1998- Manami Toyota</p><p> 1999 - AJA Kong</p><p> 2000- Lita</p>
  9. <p>WWF March 87-November 00</p><p> </p><p> WWF Lightweight - Juventud Guerrera</p><p> WWF Women- Lita</p><p> WWF Tag Team - The Hardy Boys</p><p> WWF Television - Diamond Dallas Page</p><p> WWF IC - Chris Benoit</p><p> WWF World - Kurt Angle</p>
  10. The wrestler of the year makes sense up until Dustin Rhodes wins. Are the Steiner Brothers teaming? They always win tag team of the year for me and a lot of the time they are in the top 10
  11. I love when people do long simulations. Love that Funk is the WWF Champion. Can you provide End of the Year awards, random deaths, etc.
  12. I always create a developmental promotion called "Total Japan Pro Wrestling"
  13. Lightweight Title remained the same. But it's the Attitude Era! Title Changes non-stop!
  14. <p>WWF March 87 - September 2000</p><p> </p><p> WWF Women - Lita </p><p> </p><p> WWF Lightweight - Brian Pillman </p><p> </p><p> WWF Television - Diamond Dallas Page </p><p> </p><p> WWF Tag Team - The Hardy Boys</p><p> </p><p> WWF IC - Chris Jericho</p><p> </p><p> WWF World - Kurt Angle</p>
  15. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The_Monk" data-cite="The_Monk" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41174" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>wow this must be one heck of a game and some serious game time, i'd be interested in knowing how you plan and keep it going for so long while keeping interested?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No problem. I can give you a basic template of how I book.</p><p> </p><p> The first thing I do is create a Google Doc or Word Doc that is broken into twelve rows and two columns (For the 12 months of the year). Here is my template for my PPVs (I typically never change this)</p><p> </p><p> I have IYH PPV that will usually take the name of something relating to the main event.</p><p> </p><p> </p><ul><li>April - IYH PPV <br /></li><li>May - IYH - PPV<br /></li><li>June - King of the Ring<br /></li><li>July - IYH PPV<br /></li><li>August - Summer Slam<br /></li><li>September - IYH PPV<br /></li><li>October - Destination Death <br /></li><li>November - Survivor Series (I do all Survivor Series type matches)<br /></li><li>December - IYH PPV<br /></li><li>January - The Royal Rumble<br /></li><li>February - IYH PPV<br /></li><li>March - Wrestle Mania<br /></li></ul><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">I also host the following tournaments</span></strong></p><p> </p><ul><li>Lightweight Invitational (32 men) - April<br /></li><li>Tag Team Classic (16 Team) - April<br /></li><li>King of the Ring (32 Men) - June<br /></li><li>Memorial Tournament (100+) - October-November (this is my personal favorite)<br /></li><li>Rookie of the Year (32 men) - December (I call up 32 guys from my developmental promotion "The Machine" to work dark matches. The top five guys usually debut after Mania with the winner getting an immediate spot)<br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Planning Process</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> *I always plan on stages like below</p><p> </p><ul><li>April - August (Summer Slam)<br /></li><li>September - March (Wrestle Mania)<br /></li></ul><p></p><p> </p><p> *I found it easier to plan like this for several reasons</p><p> 1) Injuries</p><p> 2) If I sign new talent (I will give them one month vacations so if I need a shock debut or someone to substitute for an injured worker I can do that)</p><p> 3) I can recycle talent (This is probably the biggest key for me for a long term game. I release my major stars all the time to let them work somewhere else. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Other Tips</p><p> 1) Do things you would want to see. For example, I love starting in 1987 because it gives me a lot of options. I always have Mania 3 focus on Hogan vs. Andre but then I spread it out. Hogan vs. Lawler or Hogan vs. Bruiser Brody (I have a fascination with Brody so I use him as much as possible) always happen in my games. I love the idea of Hogan having a program with them. Losing the belt and attempting to regain it.</p><p> </p><p> 2) Like I stated above, release workers. Always have a plan for a worker. For example, I always sign certain talent to be in my lower-card to help build up future main event talent. I view each title as a stepping stone. If you were to go look at any of my main event talent (Michaels, Rock, Triple H, Austin) they have Television Title reigns then IC Title reigns, then World Title reigns. I like to build talent slowly over the years. I also like having them in tag teams for a long time as well.</p>
  16. March 87 - August 2000 WWF Women - AJA Kong WWF Television - X-Pac WWF Lightweight - Brian Pillman WWF Tag Team - Albert and Test WWF IC - Chris Benoit WWF World - The Rock
  17. March 87 – July 2000 WWF Women – Terri Powers (retained against Molly McShane at King of the Ring) Story – Terri Powers (5x Champion) retained the belt against Molly (whom she beat for the belt at WWF IYH: Breakdown in May). Terri is feuding with all the women (AJA Kong, Bull Nakano, Etsu, Rena Mero, Sherri Martel, and Lita). Lita is the new face of the division and I plan on bringing in Trish Stratus, Victoria, Mickie James, Cheerleader Melissa to start the new era of women. I’m in a super transitional period with this division. It originally started with Madusa, Tina Ferrari, Sherri Martel, and Manami Toyota but between 96-98, I was able to bring in AJA Kong, Etsu, and Bull. I want to slowly phase them out to start a new era until 2005 or so. The plan is for Lita to win the title at Summer Slam and debut the rest of the girls in the following months. WWF Lightweight – Ikudto (retained the title in a 10 man battle royal at King of the Ring) Story – Ikudto (3x Champion, random generated wrestler) won the belt at WWF Breakdown against Dean Malenko. I have zero plans for this division besides to keep trading the belt around. Right now the mainstays are Brian Pillman (who I finally got sober after 11 years), Eddie Guerrero (out with a broken neck sustained in NJPW), Billy Kidman, Juventud Guerrera, Dean Malenko, Jerry Lynn, and Ultimo Dragon. I might move X-Pac back down there to rebuild but I’m not positive. It has become stagnate. WWF Television – X-Pac (defeated Al Snow for the belt at King of the Ring) Story – X-Pac (4x Champion). Pac floundered for a bit after his feud with Kane (former tag team partner) ended at Wrestle Mania 2000. The plan is for X-Pac to feud with the mainstays of the TV division (Lord Steven Regal, Billy Gunn, Bossman, Wrath, Perry Saturn, and other lower-card talent. I plan on bringing in new talent to build that will fill that division in 2001. For right now, it will remain those guys. WWF Tag Team – Test and Albert (defeated The Hardy Boys, The Real Main Event (James Mariato and Glenn Gliberti), and Death Inc. (Chris Daniels/Steve Corino) to retain the title at King of the Ring Story – Those four teams are trading the belts back and forth as I build up some other lower teams like Beer Money, Extreme Death (Low Ki and Kazarian). The Dudley Boys are feuding in a best of five with Edge and Christian. I plan on bringing E/C and Dudleys into the tag team hunt around Summer Slam WWF IC – The British Bulldog (retained the title against Jeff Jarrett at King of the Ring) Story – This is Bulldog’s last hurrah with the belt and current stay in the promotion. I plan on having him lose it before Summer Slam and he will lose one last match at Summer Slam before being released. Nothing against him, I just don’t want to deal with him. Other mainstays in this division are: Raven, Goldust, Ken Shamrock, Owen Hart, and Chris Benoit WWF World Heavyweight – The Rock Story – The Rock has been feuding with Triple H since Wrestle Mania (Triple H retained against Austin at Mania and then used the sledge hammer on Austin.) The Rock will end up meeting King of the Ring Winner Kurt Angle and Triple H at SummerSlam in a Triple Threat match for the title. WWF King of the Ring – Kurt Angle Story – Defeated Benoit in the finals. I plan on giving Angle a huge push. He was in the TV division since his debut and worked in the IC division but I want to give him the main rub. Other Storylines Undertaker vs. Kevin Nash Owen Hart vs. Bill Goldberg Paul Wight vs. Kane Vacation/Injured Vader – Returns in August from Vacation Shawn Michaels – Returning in January from Vacation Austin – Returning in November from Vacation Sid - Returning in January/Signed last month but I have no use for him The Warrior - Returning in January/Signed last month but I have no use for him Other News WCW dropped to Regional but went back up to Cult. Released most of their talent. Hogan, Piper, Flair, Bigelow, and Chono all signed with All-Japan Bret Hart signed with New Japan
  18. Just curious, what would you consider big (or something you are looking for, PM if you don't want to share on here)? Controlling Developmental Promotions is pretty big already. It seems that everyone wanted that and got it.
  19. March 87 - June 2000 WWF Women - Terri Power (defeated Molly McShane at WWF IYH: Breakdown) WWF Lightweight - Ikudto (defeated Dean Malenko at WWF IYH: Breakdown) WWF Tag Team - Test and Albert (defeated Chris Daniels and Steve Corino at WWF IYH: Breakdown to win the titles in a match that involved The Hardy Boys and TOO COOL) WWF Television - Al Snow (defeated Lord Steven Regal for the title at WWF IYH: Breakdown) WWF IC - British Bulldog (defeated Chris Benoit for the title at WWF IYH: Breakdown) WWF World Title - The Rock (retained the title against Triple H at WWF IYH: Breakdown) 2000 Tag Team Classic Winners - The Hardy Boys 2000 Lightweight Invitational Winner - X - Pac (3x winner)
  20. <p>March 87 - May 2000</p><p> </p><p> WWF Women - Molly McShane </p><p> </p><p> WWF Television - Lord Steven Regal</p><p> </p><p> WWF Lightweight - Dean Malenko</p><p> </p><p> WWF Tag Team - Death Inc. (Christopher Daniels and Steve Corino)</p><p> </p><p> WWF IC - Chris Benoit</p><p> </p><p> WWF World - The Rock</p>
  21. March 87 - March 2000 WWF Women - AJA Kong WWF Lightweight - Juventud Guerrera WWF Television - Kurt Angle WWF Tag Team - Edge and Christian WWF IC - Jeff Jarrett WWF World Heavyweight - Triple H Royal Rumble Winner - Stone Cold Steve Austin
  22. <p>March 87 - January 2000</p><p> </p><p> WWF Women - AJA Kong</p><p> </p><p> WWF Lightweight - Juventud Guerrera</p><p> </p><p> WWF Tag Team - The Hardy Boys</p><p> </p><p> WWF Television - Kurt Angle</p><p> </p><p> WWF IC - Goldust</p><p> </p><p> WWF World Heavyweight - Cactus Jack</p>
  23. March 87 - September 99 WWF Women - Etsu WWF Lightweight - Psychosis WWF Tag Team - Kane and X-Pac WWF Television - Kurt Angle WWF IC - Ken Shamrock WWF World Heavyweight - Triple H
  24. <p>March 87 - July 99</p><p> </p><p> WWF Women - Terri Power (4x)</p><p> Story - Terri Power returned to the WWF late last month to defeat Etsu to become the number one contender. She beat Tina Ferrari (10x) for the belt at KOTR)</p><p> </p><p> WWF Lightweight - Konnan (1x)</p><p> Story - Konnan defended the title against Jerry Lynn and Psychosis at KOTR</p><p> </p><p> WWF Tag Team - Kane and X-Pac (1x)</p><p> Story - Kane and X-Pac defended the titles against The New Age Outlaws (3x) and Owen Hart/Jeff Jarrett (1x) at KOTR</p><p> </p><p> WWF Television - Goldberg (1x)</p><p> Story - Defended the title against Bradshaw at KOTR</p><p> </p><p> WWF IC - Ricky Steamboat (4x)</p><p> Story - Defeated Randy Savage (4x) for the title at King of the Ring</p><p> </p><p> WWF World Heavyweight - Steve Austin (3x)</p><p> Story - Defeated Shawn Michaels (5x) for the title at King of the Ring</p><p> </p><p> WWF King of the Ring - Chris Benoit (defeated Ken Shamrock)</p>
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