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The Lloyd

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Everything posted by The Lloyd

  1. While I'm here... Booking Prediction Quick Link World Heavyweight Title: T-Bone Bright vs Jay Chord (c) w/ Wolf Hawkins as special guest referee Doc Hammond vs John Blackfire Blackfire won't be popular enough yet, and Hammond has been a STAR for me so far. He's in the 3rd and 9th highest rated matches of the year so far! No Disqualification: Aaron Andrews vs Killer Shark Papa Swoll vs Titan based on what you said about how you view Titan and Shark, I think Titan takes the L to the new stud Joshua Taylor vs Quentin Queen Queen's got talent, but Joshua is still really useful at the top of the card Greg Gauge vs Sammy Bach BONUS: How many of these matches will have clean finishes (i.e. not a count out or DQ)? All of them! BONUS: How many of these matches will have outside involvement, either via interference or a manager? ONE BONUS: Who will have the best individual performance (in-game score wise) of the night? Ooo... Love this question... Chord!
  2. Same and Same 😁 We should have collaborated! Next time. I love how different our WTSTS cards are... just two months in!! I had: Gauge v Chord One Man Army v Doc Hammond Mo v T-Bone Troy v Sammy Wolf v Tana and Courtney v Thomas it's not even close!
  3. Just wanted to pop in here and say it looks fantastic so far. I try not to read it all, because I don't want to steal ideas for mine, but it's excellently presented. Makes me not want to sign Swoll or Blackfriar now... Ernest will be harder to resist though! Keep up the great work
  4. Monday, March 21st, 2022 Pro Wrestling Reporter – An Article by Greg Sluchinski Coming up this week, on TCW Total Wrestling… An interesting week for TCW… with Greg Gauge’s contract status seemingly unknown… We were all reliably informed that he, along with Jay Chord and Sammy Bach, were all tied down to long contracts earlier this year… But could that have been mis-information? Is Greg indeed heading elsewhere after Battleground…?! Or… the option not a lot of people are talking about, is that he just WINS the TCW World Heavyweight Title…!! We’re going to see Greg and Jay Chord in the ring together to open the show… thoughts are, Jay will ACCEPT Gauge’s career as collateral… Tana The Mighty, Sammy Bach, Wolf Hawkins and Aaron Andrews will ALL confirm their Battleground teams this week… and The Texan Connection (Duke Freeman, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Bradley Blaze) will reveal the plans they’ve been talking about for months – their new Business Venture…!! Elsewhere, T-Bone Bright versus Eddie Chandler is an interesting fight… and Chris Flynn’s undefeated streak could hit a bump in the road, the size of the ‘Hands of Stone’ Bradford Peverell, whose left hand is still bothering him, but could still be a test too far for ‘The Stud’… Predictions for: TCW Total Wrestling - Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022 Bart Biggins [vs] ‘The J-Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate Elliot Thomas [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen Devine Fortune [vs] Can’t Catch This ‘Hands of Stone’ Bradford Peverell [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘Fabulous’ Eddie Chandler w/ Nate Johnson Aaron Andrews & Troy Tornado [vs] ??? Bonus: Who will be Andrews and Troy’s opponents in the Main Event…? __________________ *NOTE* Last week's show was out of 5, and was my lowest predicted on show of the diary... This week it's a 7-pointer, so a great chance to boost your score and be in with a chance to win a middling prize...
  5. Haha, imagine if you did invent it! Ric Flair's favourite diary writer Heck of a Syndicate line up that! Blimey! My current line up doesn't touch that does it. Wolf is great, but he's no Tommy... Then Martins and Slater aren't The Machines!! Got some work to do!! Thank you. I may have mentioned at the start that Jeremie Courtney and Elliot Thomas were two 'projects' of mine... where... they're both alright / decent, but not world beaters. I could have cut them both loose, but I thought I'd challenge myself to find them a bigger role. I've written the next 8 shows, including 2 ppvs, so I can confidently say they're both doing well so far I've got big plans for them too, so so far it's mission accomplished. Yes, it's true... Phil Vibert IS reporting that we've re-signed Gauge... But... Does he know for sure?! Does anyone, other than Gauge?! We will see indeed I like to try and keep people guessing. Ape's PSW feud has BOTH guys' careers on the line, making it impossible to guess which way it'll go. Here I feel like everyone is going to think Gauge will win, because surely I didn't let him go to a rival... But that may also be what I wanted you to think... 👀 Freddy isn't around... Laura seems to not be doing a THING about it either... Hocking might get away with this... More on this story in the coming shows Thanks as ever for all your comments and predictions so far... we are just getting started!
  6. PSW Championship (Loser leaves PSW): Logan Wolfsbaine(c) vs Ernest Youngman No Mercy: Xavi Ferrera vs Buck Winchester You teased Xavi and Logan... So I have to believe that was for a reason... Sucks to say, but I think this is where we say goodbye to Youngman! Shackled Escape: Cerberus vs Tennessee William He somehow finds a way!! Gang Warfare: The Latino Kings vs The Legion of Blood It's an interesting one, and if I was watching it IRL, this would be the match I'm secretly most looking forward to seeing. I'm actually certain that Legion of Blood win... but I'm going with Latino Kings - because in my head, they need to be established more as a badass faction, and they're likely more over than The Legion. If this is a long term save, Wicked lester is going to be HUGE for you - but he can take an early loss here and still maintain that aura. National Title: Dumfrey Pinn(c) vs ??? PSW Tag Team Titles: Devil May Care vs Samoan Destruction Inc vs The Hot Taggs vs The Hangman Experience (with Jerry Pepper) Will the rating be higher than the last special event (55)? I'd like to say YES. May even crack 60 What match will score the highest (not included the main event)? Xavi Buck seems obvious, but I'll go with that!
  7. Tuesday, March 15th, 2022 **Quotes taken directly from Vibert’s Podcast** Phil Vibert here, and… well… I guess you all heard Greg Gauge’s promo from the end of Total Wrestling…? He’s willing to put his TCW Career on the line, for another shot at the TCW World Heavyweight Title… Now… Unless he knows something I don’t, Greg just signed an extension to his contract with TCW… There were offers from other companies, but it was my understanding that he turned them all down for the offer presented by BriCo and Kyle Rhodes… I’ll have to do some digging here… Really enjoyable Quentin Queen segment tonight… He ‘critiqued’ Elliot Thomas’ promo video from last week… ‘The Drama’ in him couldn’t help himself I guess…? Thoughts are, these two under 30-year-olds will have a nice little lower card feud in the coming weeks and months… Speaking of videos… Matt Hocking you naughty little boy… Married… To his friend’s sister no less… and yet he does THAT, with Vita…?! I mean, I get it… She’s Swedish… She’s seductive… She’s gorgeous… but Matt, you’re MARRIED, my man… This ‘Main Event’ group is sure to implode now, with Laura witnessing that live in front of the fans… Jeremie Courtney tried to worm his way in, in Freddy Huggins’ absence, but he’s wormed… and seemingly brought along a SNAKE in Vita… Looks like the two Traditional 4 on 4 Battleground Matches have been confirmed… with lineups still to be decided… Tana The Mighty + 3 [vs] The Syndicate (Hawkins, Martins and Slater) + 1 And Aaron Andrews and Troy Tornado + 2 [vs] Sammy Bach + 3 No prizes for figuring out some of who else is going to be involved in these ones… And T-Bone Bright gets another chance at Mighty Mo and the Television Title at Battleground… CAN HE hit the ‘T-Bone Lariat’ this time…?! He missed his devastating finisher FOUR TIMES in their first battle… but can he hit it once this time, and score the win? Elsewhere in wrestling, former 21CW World Champion Edward Cornell has a new team in USPW – with Outlaw Wes Ravell… like a comedy / odd couple pairing. Not sure how happy Cornell is, but they won their debut – defeating Grandmaster Phunk and his protégé Jimmy Chipolata in a fun match.
  8. Interested by this. My first diary began in March 2013 - so a similar era to where you began this project. I can tell you now, it was terrible! Whenever I go back and read it, I cringe. The key is to just keep going. I like to write a few shows ahead, as it takes the pressure off trying to finish a show and get it posted. And by all means, don't stick to a schedule!! Just as and when you're ready is fine for us. Most importantly, as alpha said, just enjoy it. Don't let it become a chore I'll be following along. Best of luck with it!
  9. Haha, I don't know about never winning a match, but they certainly won't have it ALL their own way. The Human Arsenal 'tension' story took another beat here, and they lost because of it. I promise I didn't steal the 'career on the line' idea from your brilliant PSW diary that everyone should read... I wrote it a while before I read it in your excellent work. Hope I can do it justice like you are!! You've pretty much hit the nail on the head here. He's very good in some areas, and solid in most... he's young enough to improve also... I just don't see his gimmick / the Masked Mauler character, working in this product. I'm considering removing the mask and having a young prospect called Lawrence Miles (his real name) instead... we'll see... Thanks man, just kind of leaning in to the 'Troy Story' reference with the 'And Beyond' chants Really appreciate all the positivity and feedback - it's always appreciated. You make me see things I didn't even realise sometimes, like how the crowd could have turned on Troy for being rubbish and not getting 'the truth' out. I guess if I was to sum up the Sammy reveal, it's a bit unfinished... I didn't want him to just come out and say "it was me Austin!! it was me all along..." or explain his actions... "I did it, for the Rock"... More that he gave them a body bag... so what...?! What does that actually prove...?? The next two PPVs are 'Survivor Series' (Battleground) and 'The Royal Rumble' (Where Angels Fear To Tread), so they don't have to pay off their singles match until Total Mayhem XXVI... At which point, Sammy may have spent some time convincing Ace he CAN be trusted, and he DIDN'T pay the Behemoths to do his bidding... Andrews is going to have to question everything! I think you may be right here... I seem to remember Wolf, Tommy, Sam Keith, and The machines (Arsenal as 'John Anderson' and his partner - the now retired: Brent Hill) being the five man stable...?! I could have my timelines slightly off, as that feels huge!! I'm almost certain all five were once members though....
  10. TCW Presents: Tuesday, March 15th, 2022 Calling the action: Shawn Doakes, Kyle Rhodes and Jasmine Saunders Overall Rating: 78 Aaron ‘Ace’ Andrews headed to the ring to open the show, to a thunderous ovation… Aaron Andrews: “BATTLEGROUND is just around the corner…!! And on that night... we have Battleground, 4 on 4 Elimination Matches… aaaaand this year… I’m challenging Sammy Bach to choose a team… to take on MY team…!! HECK… If what you say is true, and you didn’t pay The Behemoths to take me out, then they probably won’t join you… if you’re lying… then you can just pay them again and bring ‘em along…” Andrews was interrupted by the music of Killer Shark and Titan, who stomped to the ring, with their squarky manager Floyd Goldworthy in tow… Floyd Goldworthy: “The Behemoths categorically reject the notion that they were PAID to take you out… We do WHAT we want… WHEN we want… BOYS…” Floyd pointed to the ring… and The Behemoths slowly slid in under the bottom rope… beginning to surround ‘Ace’, and obviously outnumber and outsize him… However… Ace had some help…!! The veteran Troy Tornado came running to the ring with a chair, and his presence alone was enough to make Shark and Titan think twice and slide back out under the ropes… Ace and Troy stood tall in the ring, with Troy then saying that he will JOIN Team Ace at Battleground!! One Man Army, Doc Hammond & Human Arsenal [vs] Joshua Taylor, Masatochi Kamimura & Chris Flynn Exceptional six-man tag match here, and it was great to see The New Wave make their entrance. They teamed with an old rival in Human Arsenal tonight, but all three seemed to be on the same page – right until the final moments of the match. A mis-communication saw Human Arsenal hit a big lariat on one of his partners: Doc Hammond, that sent him over the top rope and to the floor. Arsenal was aiming for Chris Flynn, who ducked the move, and then locked in his ‘Flynn Lock’ Single Boston Crab, and made Arsenal tap out! Winners: Joshua Taylor, Masatochi Kamimura & Chris Flynn Rating: 69 In a strange scene, Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen, was backstage – showing us the video promo that Elliot Thomas cut from last week… Quentin Queen: “Oh no… Urgh… YUCK… What a DIVE new York is… what a horrible home town to be from… Not only that, I mean look at this over acting… Terrible… Stay at home Elliot… Your bad acting, and your stinky STENCH can stay in New York…” Queen continued to mock what Elliot was saying… which the young fan favourite won’t be happy about… ‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] The Masked Mauler VII One-sided match here, with the strong young Texan able to dominate his big masked opponent. Freeman won it with a Back Suplex. Winner: Duke Freeman Rating: 39 We learned that NEXT WEEK… Duke Freeman, together with Dazzling Dave Diamond and Bradley Blaze, would be announcing their new ‘Business Venture’ together… The Trio of Texans certainly get along… but what company have they formed…!? Wolf Hawkins was backstage next, with the remaining members of The Syndicate: Jaylon Martins and Flint Slater… Wolf Hawkins: “You’re BOTH on my team for Battleground… But tonight… in that Battle Royale… I need you to make sure Tana The Mighty does NOT win…!! You hear me… and you better not let me dow… Well well well…” Wolf Hawkins: “Leave us…” Against their better judgement, and very reluctantly, Martins and Slater left the room… leaving their leader Wolf Hawkins and fan favourite Greg Gauge, stood eye to eye… Wolf Hawkins: “And what can I do for you…?” Greg Gauge: “My Father always spoke highly of you… Maybe, you could give me some advice…?” Wolf smiled a sadistic smile… and the scene ended before we could hear what advice Gauge needed, or what advice Wolf gave him… A late swap saw big Tana The Mighty replace Dazzling Dave Diamond due to travel restrictions for this Battle Royale... Apologies, I should have updated the pre-show prediction contest! 15-Man Battle Royale: Winner gets a shot at the TCW Television Title: T-Bone Bright | Flint Slater | Jaylon Martins | Nate Johnson | Eddie Chandler Tana The Mighty | Bradford Peverell | Bart Biggins | Marc Speed | Seth Whitehead Nick Booth | Benny Benson | Flying Jimmy Foxx | Darryl Devine | Chance Fortune Always fun to see a Battle Royale, and this one had some very talented youngsters, like Seth Whitehead, Jaylon Martins and Nick Booth, rubbing shoulders with veterans and legends like Tana The Mighty, Chance Fortune and The Elite. Nate Johnson and Eddie Chandler were actually responsible for the first elimination here, as they worked together to remove Benny Benson from the match! Soon after, his tag team partner Flying Jimmy Foxx met the same fate – this time at the hands of former MMA fighter Flint Slater. Slater was at it again moments later, as he tipped both Chance Fortune and Bart Biggins out before turning his attention to Tana The Mighty. The big Samoan needed four guys to try and take him down – and he proved his dominance with the elimination of Marc Speed, bringing us to 10 remaining. T-Bone Bright was in trouble at the hands of The Elite and Seth Whitehead, but the latter caught Tana The Mighty with a brutal elbow as he came in to try to help, and the pain of the eye shot angered the huge Samoan. Tana hit a lariat on Seth that spun him inside out, and then tipped Nate Johnson and Eddie Chandler over the ropes and onto the apron. Tana then scooped up Whitehead, and used him as a weapon to knock The Elite to the floor and out of the match, before dumping Whitehead out the same side. T-Bone thanked Tana, but their mutual respect was short lived. Jaylon Martins’ attack failed, as Tana flipped him over as he came running in. The 22 year old was then flipped out of the ring, but out of nowhere, Flint Slater came up behind Tana, and used all his power to eliminate one of the favourites for the entire match! The Final 5 contained a couple of shocks, with Darryl Devine somehow still in there. Devine had a great performance, but he didn’t make it to the Final 4, because Nick Booth began to come alive and start eliminating people. Bradford Peverell, bandaged hand and all, soon followed the fan favourite tag team specialist. Booth and Slater began teaming up next to try to take T-Bone Bright out, but they couldn’t handle the power and explosiveness of the former Television Champion, and current King of Kings Tournament holder. Bright was caught with a flying European Uppercut from Booth at one point, but as Booth came running over to try to eliminate the big man, Bright was able to use his momentum against him, and tip him over the top ropes. Bright and Slater were the final two here, and again, the former MMA star Slater controlled things by slowing them down, and using holds on T-Bone’s legs. One figure-four leg-lock actually made T-Bone tap out!! Slater was delighted, and got up to celebrate. However, the referee reminded him that the only way to win the match was by elimination via the top rope! Before Flint could say anymore, in came T-Bone Bright, for his ‘T-Bone Lariat’, where they cross in the middle of the ring! It served him well here, because he scooped Flint up off the matt, and threw him out. And now T-Bone Bright will take on Mighty Mo in a re-match from their War To Settle The Score battle! Winner: T-Bone Bright Rating: 62 The New Wave were backstage next, when legendary announcer Jason Azaria walked up for an interview… The legendary tag team were respectful of Azaria, who called their entire first run as a tag team… but he asked what it felt like to be BACK teaming as The New Wave… and if they were surprised by the cohesiveness of their opponents tonight – Joshua Taylor, Masatochi Kamimura and Chris Flynn… who beat the veterans, along with their friend and former rival, Human Arsenal… One Man Army: “If anybody thinks, at a combined age of 88 years old, that we’re just gonna waltz in here, announce we’re a tag team again, and then have everything our own way… they are sadly mistaken…!! There’s some great talent around this place… Younger talent, especially… We gotta work hard…” Doc Hammond: “Yeah, and we know we need to make some changes… change our focus… our diets… we gotta keep up with these younger guys… BUT… We also have to remind them… who the HELL we are…!!” One Man Army: “And that’s why… We have decided to revert back to our old names… As you know Jason… I… am GUIDE… and THIS… is SCOUT… THE NEW WAVE are BACK…!! And we’re coming for Gold…!!” w/ [PICS: American Cobras VS Main Event] The American Cobras [vs] The Main Event w/ Laura Hocking [c] Speaking of younger tag teams – The American Cobras got their Tag Team Title shot next, against the crafty and hateable Main Event! However, for much of the match, it looked as though Matt Hocking and Roderick Remus would be beaten by the fired-up Cobras! All four of these men can do it all, but in between the ropes is where Storm Spillane and Marvel Malloy excel. However, just as they were closing in on victory, using a variety of kicks and strikes – out came Jeremie Courtney and Vita! Vita climbed on the apron, but slipped, and seemed to injure her ankle! Spillane has won Championships all around the world, but he was naïve here, and checked on the gorgeous manager of Jeremie Courtney. So too did the referee, and with them both distracted, Courtney slid into the ring and dropped Marvel Malloy with one of the Championship Belts! As things settled down, Spillane was bundled out of the ring by Remus, as Hocking hit an elbow drop from the top rope to the out cold Malloy to win it! Winners: and STILL TCW World Tag Team Champions: The Main Event Rating: 66 Storm Spillane couldn’t believe it, but he just scooped up his partner, and helped him to the back… In the ring, The Main Event stable, that now seems to include Jeremie Courtney and Vita, stood in the ring and celebrated… It was all smiles, with the large group feeling pretty untouchable right now… However… Some mobile phone footage began to air on the big screen above the stage… Of Matt Hocking and Vita, out for their ‘Drinks’ this past weekend…!! Hocking was ALL OVER Vita…!! The slimy Tag Team Champion was flirting, touching her… and even leant in for a peck on the lips at one point… The camera kept panning to his WIFE Laura Hocking, who just stood stoic, but didn’t confront anyone… Matt Hocking was shouting for someone to turn the video off, and things got even more intense as he shared some food with her… before delivering the ‘gut punch’ to Laura… He KISSED Vita, passionately, and she reciprocated in a big way…!! The two left the scene hand in hand, and Matt was furious…!! Laura again, just stood there in shock… no anger from her… Greg Gauge [vs] Mighty Mo Incredible non-Title Main Event here, between two men whose paths will no doubt cross multiple times in the coming years. Both are on the top of their game right now, and both knew how big a win here would be for them. Gauge began brightly, but when Mighty Mo is able to create some space, few can stop him – he’s like dealing with a train coming on the tracks! Mo controlled the pace after a few fast-paced hits, and managed to score near fall after near fall. However, one thing we’ve learned about Gauge in recent months and years is that he can come back from most things, and can take an enormous amount of punishment. He needed to do exactly that here, but he did come back into it – eventually locking in the brutal and legendary ‘Proton Lock’ (Bridging Scorpion Deathlock) and making Mo finally tap out! Winner: Greg Gauge Rating: 85 Gauge had his hand raised, but the celebration was cut short when TCW World Heavyweight Champion Jay Chord came onto the stage… Jay Chord: “Gauge... I believe... That you have something for me...” Chord asked what the hold up was… and told Gauge to ‘show his hand’, and tell the Champion what collateral he’d be putting up in his quest for a Championship re-match at Battleground… Gauge was exhausted, and holding both his ribs and his head… but he stumbled across to grab a microphone… Greg Gauge: “Sorry for the delay… I was uhh… I was kinda busy…!! I was busy beatin’ a Champion… in the Main Event… Somethin’ I’m getting’ kinda used to…” Jay Chord: “Cut to the chase Gauge, we haven’t got all night…!!” Greg Gauge: “You’re right… you know… You're right… Time is runnin’ out… Time is runnin’ out on the show… and time is runnin’ out on your Title reign, and you… You know it don’t you…!!” Jay Chord: “ENOUGH… Just tell me what your collateral is…!! If I deem it good enough, I’ll defend this Title against you, again…!!” There was a deafening pause... Greg Gauge: “Yu know, my Father always said… Always have a back-up plan… an escape route in your mind… in case things go south… So at Battleground… YOUR TITLE… versus MY CAREER…!!!!!” Gauge’s words hung in the air, with Jay Chord in absolute shock… The fans were in shock… the announce team were in shock… Greg Gauge with everything to lose at Battleground, but will Jay Chord accept the challenge…?! Find out next week…
  11. The quickest way I've found, is befunky.com... You 'open' the background pic... Then on the left, you add the layers - which are the workers. When you drag the next wrestler onto the background, it highlights the one that is already there, and replaces it. I can do a roster of 40-50 in about 4 minutes I reckon.
  12. Amazing episode! Huge for Xavi! You could have called it ChatGTP... 'Great Teddy Powell'... I hate the name TeddAI... but, as I often remind myself when I hate something in wrestling: "He's a HEEEEEL, I'm supposed to hate it!"
  13. Monday, March 14th, 2022 Pro Wrestling Reporter – An Article by Greg Sluchinski Coming up this week, on TCW Total Wrestling… The Battleground pay-per-view is in two short weeks… and on Total Wrestling, I expect to see some movement on the matches confirmed so far… All we know currently, is that Tana The Mighty and Wolf Hawkins will pick a team each… Presumably, Wolf has Flint Slater and Jaylon Martins on his side already, for a traditional 4 on 4 Battleground Elimination Match… Fans have speculated that Tana may have The New Wave on his... Elsewhere on Total Wrestling this week, Greg Gauge will battle Television Champion Mighty Mo in the Main Event… Gauge has promised to deliver the 'collateral' that Jay Chord is asking for… in order to get a third TCW World Heavyweight Title Match against the Champ… Speaking of the Television Title, a 15-Man Over-The-Top-Rope Battle Royale will see 15 of TCW’s brightest talents, face off for the chance to fight Mighty Mo at Battleground… And the Tag Team Titles are on the line, with The Main Event, facing The American Cobras – who qualified for this match by beating The Behemoths, The Elite and Devine Fortune in the same four-way match! We expect to hear from Aaron ‘Ace’ Andrews tonight, after it was revealed last week that Sammy Bach gave The Behemoths a Body Bag, and Ace ended up inside it and left for dead…!! And The New Wave team up for the first time in FIVE YEARS… as they join Human Arsenal in six-man tag team action… looking to avenge the attack on Arsenal, perpetrated by Joshua Taylor, Masatochi Kamimura and Chris Flynn… Predictions for: TCW Total Wrestling - Tuesday, March 15th, 2022 New Wave & Human Arsenal [vs] Joshua Taylor, Masatochi Kamimura & Chris Flynn ‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] The Masked Mauler VII BATTLE ROYALE – Winner gets a shot at Mighty Mo’s Television Title: T-Bone Bright | Dazzling Dave Diamond | Flint Slater | Jaylon Martins | Nate Johnson | Eddie Chandler | Bradford Peverell Bart Biggins | Marc Speed | Seth Whitehead | Nick Booth | Benny Benson | Flying Jimmy Foxx | Chance Fortune | Darryl Devine TCW World Tag Team Title Match: The American Cobras [vs] The Main Event (c) w/ Laura Hocking Greg Gauge [vs] Mighty Mo
  14. Tuesday, March 8th, 2022 **Quotes taken directly from Vibert’s Podcast** Phil Vibert here, and… lots to update you on from around the world… but in particular, the major companies in the US… We’ll start with Free Agent Edward Cornell… Rumour has it, the Cousin of Tommy Cornell is going to sign with USPW…!! It’s rumoured to be a 2 year deal, which is the longest contract they currently have… Some news on former TCW talent Dominic Rizzoli now, who was originally put into developmental after failing to connect with Nick Booth as ‘The Bruisers’… and then eventually released... He was then quickly picked up by the SWF, also on a 2 year deal… and sent down to RIPW… On his FIRST night with RIPW, he WON the March To Victory Tournament, and earned himself the performance of the night accolade! Speaking of the SWF, Awesome Impact was an incredible Pay-Per-View, with the highlight being the return of The Amazing Bumfoles…!! ZWB and Randy Unleashed returned to tag team action, and pulled in a 88 rating in their match against The Awesomeness!! There’s a lot of tag teams re-forming at the moment in the world of professional wrestling… Over in the UK, 21CW mega star Tommy Cornell has taken a new Protégé under his wing… We know he trained TCW’s Wolf Hawkins… and more recently, he’s been working with Welsh Wonderkid: Rhys Pendragon… but in recent days, it’s been confirmed that he’s been giving private lessons, at his HOUSE, to the grime artist known as ‘Dangermouth’… The 23 year old has some name value… a great stage presence… and for his age, is already progressing at an excellent rate… Now, with Tommy Cornell as his mentor, the sky is the limit for him!! Finally, sticking with 21CW, the World Champion Wade Orson just turned HEEL, and teamed up with his friend Leigh Burton… Interesting way to present ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson… Wonder where they got that idea from…
  15. Thanks man I think I only did Elliot T to rhyme with "here all week" Doubt it'll stick as his name going forward. An empty body bag... Was it the bag for Ace, or the bag for the cash...? Were they connected...? Hmmmmmmm... The plot thickens... Hopefully you like where the 4 v 4 is heading, and who each team chooses as their partner It was a fun one to write.
  16. TCW Presents: Tuesday, March 8th, 2022 Calling the action: Shawn Doakes, Kyle Rhodes and Jasmine Saunders Overall Rating: 78 We opened the show, with the enigmatic Troy Tornado, strolling to the ring to give an update on his physical condition… Troy asked the fans if they’re ready for a new Troy Story… which they all cheered and chanted “AND BE-YOND” over and over again… Troy Tornado: “The Behemoths didn’t stop me… I’m medically cleared, and I’m HERE…!! So let me tell you a Story…” More cheers for Troy… but those cheers suddenly grew even louder, when this man returned… Aaron ‘Ace’ Andrews has been off of our screens for SIX WEEKS… and he walked to the ring with a smile on his face, before soaking in the fans’ cheers, and shaking Troy Tornado’s hand… Aaron Andrews: “I’m sorry, Troy… I really didn’t mean to interrupt you… but… I have some news too… I am ALSO CLEARED…!!” The fans couldn’t believe their ears… Two of their favourites are BACK, and ready to fight… But Ace said, since he and Troy were both taken out by The Behemoths, that they should stick together… Andrews urged Troy to continue with what he was going to say… Troy Tornado: “I won my Ladder Match with Sammy Bach… and now I can reveal what was in that envelope… and actually Ace… I’m glad you’re out here… Because I saw…” Sammy Bach arrived on the stage to no music, and boos… but it didn’t stop Troy from revealing the truth… Troy Tornado: “Because I saw… Sammy Bach… GIVING an empty Body Bag to The Behemoths, all those weeks ago…!!” Sammy couldn’t believe Troy had said it… and he pleaded with Andrews, from a distance, to calm down… Andrews threw a glance at Sammy, and then never took his eyes off of his friend… Sammy said he could explain, but Ace didn’t want to hear it… The Ace Chase was on…!! Andrews hopped out of the ring, and sprinted after Bach…!! ‘The Elation Sensation’ ran as fast as he could to get out of there!! Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth Great match here, to cap off what has been an interesting few weeks for Nick Booth. He felt disrespected by Titan, when the giant called him ‘Little Titan’, and Bradley Blaze doubled down on the nickname which he hates. Blaze and his friend Duke Freeman have been victimized by ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth ever since. Now, Blaze and Freeman’s ‘business partner’ Dazzling Dave Diamond has stepped in – first offering Booth a job in their new venture, and now beating him up. Diamond whipped Booth with his belt in this match, as well as treating the backs of his knees like soccer balls! In what was a very one-sided, but very entertaining, match in the end – Diamond won it with his impactful ‘Dazzle Driver’ (Alabama Slam). Winner: Dazzling Dave Diamond Rating: 68 In the back, One Man Army was talking to a backstage worker, when Doc Hammond walked up… The New Wave shook hands… One Man Army: “The New Wave is BACK…!!” Doc Hammond: “Yeah man… I’m all in on this one… But, you gotta change your name… One Man Army, it… it doesn’t really work in a tag team… and well… it kinda SUCKS…!!” The pair laughed and joked, until One Man Army’s friend Human Arsenal walked up… and things got a little more serious when he addressed his friendship with One Man Army… Human Arsenal: “Did you forget…?! HUH…?! I had your back for MONTHS against The Syndicate… Including against this guy… He gets threatened last week, out you come… I get attacked last week… 3 on 1… Where were you?! Huh?! Thanks for NOTHING…!!” One Man Army apologised, and said he knew Human Arsenal could handle himself… but the veteran wasn’t impressed… Doc Hammond interjected though, and told the pair that next week, they have a six man tag team match together…!! Their opponents will be the three men who attacked Human Arsenal last week: Chris Flynn, Joshua Taylor and Masatochi Kamimura… Plus, tonight, when Human Arsenal and Chris Flynn go 1 on 1… The New Wave will make sure no one tries anything during or after the match…!! Devine Fortune [vs] The Elite Devine Fortune and The Elite have both been in great form in 2022, so this was hard to call. Fortune’s ‘Stroke Of Luck’ (Pump Kick) was the difference in the end, as he pinned Nate Johnson. Winners: Devine Fortune Rating: 63 The American Cobras won their Number One Contendership Fatal 4 Way last week… and will now face The Main Event for the TCW World Tag Team Titles in 7 days on Total Wrestling… While Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane will be busy getting ready for their first Title shots since signing with TCW… one of their opponents: Matt Hocking has ‘other plans’… as he’s set to go out for ‘drinks’ with Jeremie Courtney’s manager: Vita… in order to make sure they are worthy of joining the ‘Main Event’ stable… We cut to a pre-taped video next, on location in New York, as Elliot Thomas looked out at the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island… ** OOC NOTE: It might help if you pictured a less crazy version of Enzo Amore for this segment… ** Elliot Thomas: “I’m a Trash Talker, New Yorker… an’ I’m DAMN PROUD… I ain’t no PAWN, in the ‘Jeremie Courtney Tale’… If it was a book, trust me, it would FAIL…!! I headed back home to re-charge… re-focus… and re-ignite… In two weeks, I come back… and I’ll be ready for a fight… MY NAME… is Elliot T… an’ I’m here all week…” Human Arsenal [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn Another excellent match, which took Chris Flynn’s undefeated in 2022 streak to 5 and 0. As Human Arsenal closed in on a victory, he looked for his ‘Ammo Dump’ (Sit-Out Double Underhook Facebuster), Flynn went low with a brutal shot across Arsenal’s knee. He followed it up by quickly locking in the ‘Flynn Lock’ (Single Boston Crab) and making the veteran tap out and scream in pain! Winner: Chris Flynn Rating: 68 Chris Flynn slid out of the ring, and grabbed a chair… He looked determined to finish Human Arsenal’s knee off, and began wrapping it in the chair… Luckily for Human Arsenal, The New Wave kept their word… and stomped to the ring for a fight… One Man Army and Doc Hammond climbed into the ring, and Chris Flynn got out of there… With Human Arsenal’s leg still wrapped in the chair, Doc Hammond suddenly looked as though he was going to stomp on it… However, instead, he pulled it off, and threw it over the ropes at Flynn… One Man Army helped Human Arsenal to his feet… Great match, great segment, but the real story is that Chris Flynn is now 5 and 0 in 2022… Mighty Mo headed to the ring next, with a special announcement about the TCW Television Title… Mighty Mo: “So Greg Gauge wants another shot at the TCW World Heavyweight Title…? Well… T-Bone Bright should NOT get another shot at me… He couldn’t HIT his ‘T-Bone Lariat’ on me… he missed it FOUR times…!! So next week, we’re going to crown a NEW Number One Contender, with a FIFTEEN MAN Battle Royale…!! The winner… will challenge me at Battleground… Now… I’ve managed to ensure that T-Bone IS in that match… Because don’t forget… It was me who challenged him in the first place… It was me who BEAT him in our first match… and if he wins the Battle Royale… I’ll beat him again…!! Everyone knows… I’m better… I’m faster… I’m stronger… and while he sits in mediocrity, I’m goin’ all the way to the top of TCW…” With that, T-Bone slid into the ring behind Mo, and lined up his ‘T-Bone Lariat’… However, Mo somehow saw it coming, ducked the devastating move, and fell out of the ring to relative safety as he laughed at Bright for failing again… w/ ‘Hands of Stone’ Bradford Peverell [vs] Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed More great in-ring action here, but Bradford Peverell’s left hand troubled him throughout. Seth Whitehead, with the help of instructions from Marc Speed at ringside, was able to focus on the weak wing of his rival, before locking in the ‘Minnesota Stretch’ (Double Chicken Wing), and putting some extra torque on the left hand and wrist, before Peverell tapped with his right hand! Dominant win for the ‘Can’t Catch This’ member. Winner: Seth Whitehead Rating: 62 Greg Gauge was in the back next, directing his promo at the two singles Champions in TCW… Starting with Television Champion Mighty Mo… Greg Gauge: “Number One… (Mighty) Mo… Keep my name outta your mouth…!! And since neither ME… Nor your big mouth… are in the Battle Royale next week… how about I SHUT IT in the Main Event instead…?!” Gauge cracked his knuckles, and his neck… and then had a message for the TCW World Heavyweight Champion: Jay Chord… Greg Gauge: “Jay (Chord)… I thought about what I could ‘put up’ against your Title in a FINAL Re-Match… and I have what you want… I would tell you now, but since you’re NOT HERE… I’d like to meet you face-to-face in that ring… next week… You’re going to want to say yes to this one…” w/ Tana The Mighty [vs] Benny Benson w/ Flying Jimmy Foxx Tana is on form right now, and he made light work of Benny Benson here – having beaten Benson’s tag team partner Flying Jimmy Foxx last week. He used a brutal high-angle Samoan Drop to win this one! Winner: Tana The Mighty Rating: 54 As Tana left the ring, he passed Wolf Hawkins on the ramp… on his way to fight in the Main Event, and flanked by Flint Slater and Jaylon Martins of The Syndicate… Tana spoke to Wolf loud enough so the fans at home could hear... But he didn't have a microphone... Tana The Mighty: “Jus’ so we are clear... Wolf… I am NOT done with you… So at Battleground… I want you to pick a team… an’ I will pick a team… an’ we will fight in a 4 on 4 Battleground Elimination Match…!!” Wolf didn’t like the idea of fighting Tana again… Tana threw a fake punch Jaylon Martins, who was getting a little too close, and the youngster fell back in fear… which Tana found funny… As he got to the stage, the big Samoan was passed by Doc Hammond and One Man Army… as Hammond was set for action in the Main Event against Wolf… Tana shook both men’s hands… and pointed to Wolf as if to suggest The New Wave were his first two partners for Battleground… w/ w/ Doc Hammond w/ One Man Army [vs] Wolf Hawkins w/ The Syndicate Incredible match here, with so much action, it was hard to keep up with at times. For the first 10 minutes, Wolf was on top. The former 3-time World Heavyweight Champion was out to send a message to his former trusted right hand man, that he made a massive mistake in leaving The Syndicate. He dominated the veteran for a long time, but Hammond was able to use the crowd’s energy to fight back into it. The Syndicate came into their own here though, taking the crowd out of it by cheating. But One Man Army was wise to their efforts, and began attacking them both. Wolf was distracted, and it almost lead to a defeat. However, he kicked out of the ‘Explosion Suplex’ as close to a three count as you can get! One Man Army got outnumbered in the end, and when Flint Slater shoved him into the ring post, it was Doc Hammond who got distracted. He slid out of the ring, and kicked Slater in the chest, before elbowing Jaylon Martins in the ear for good measure. However, when he slid back into the ring, Wolf was waiting for his ‘Full Moon Rising’ (Claymore) Kick, and Doc was knocked out! Winner: Wolf Hawkins Rating: 83 Nothing else happened at ringside, but we cut to the parking lot, where Sammy Bach was frantically climbing into his car… The camera panned to reveal why Bach was so frantic… as Aaron ‘Ace’ Andrews was running towards him in a blaze of fury… Luckily for Bach, he managed to get the car started, and get out of there before Ace could do any damage to either him, or the vehicle… Andrews seethed as Bach squealed away…
  17. Logan Wolfsbaine and Buck Winchester vs Ernest Yougman and Xavi Ferrera I can't see that you've lost EITHER Logan or Youngman... I think you'll just write one of them off TV for a bit. You've done well without Rich and Famous... but they're still under contract right? Cerberus vs ??? Dustin Deuce vs Teddy Powell The Hangman vs Rhino Umaga I don't think Hangman will be 'over' enough to beat Rhino... then again, you'd want him to win, right? Maybe Pepper does something silly to cost him?! Bonus Point: Will the score be higher or lower than last week (47)? HIGHER!! Bonus Point: Who will pin or submit who in the main event? Logan will pin Xavi
  18. Monday, March 7th, 2022 Pro Wrestling Reporter – An Article by Greg Sluchinski Coming up this week, on TCW Total Wrestling… Dazzling Dave Diamond and Nick Both will go 1 on 1 after Booth has attacked Diamond’s friends Duke Freeman and Bradley Blaze in recent weeks… Will the Trio of Texans finally REVEAL their ‘business venture’ to the world…?! Elsewhere, Human Arsenal and Chris Flynn will run their singles match from a few weeks ago back, after Flynn attacked Human Arsenal this past week… Bradford Peverell and Seth Whitehead will fight, after Whitehead’s Mentor Marc Speed almost broke Peverell’s hand… and the Main Event will see the now former Syndicate member: Doc Hammond, fight his former leader Wolf Hawkins…!! We’re due to get condition updates on both Troy Tornado AND Aaron Andrews, with The Behemoths responsible for both of their absences… Rumour has it, that at least ONE of Troy and Ace will be LIVE on Total Wrestling…!! Will Sammy Bach be there…?! How is he involved…?! We’re hopefully going to get some answers… Greg Gauge will also bring his stipulation / collateral for Jay Chord’s consideration… I understand why Gauge is wanting another shot… but I also understand why Chord would say ‘NO’… not unless Gauge puts something up in return… Chord has retained his Title TWICE against Gauge now… Predictions for: TCW Total Wrestling - Tuesday, March 8th, 2022 Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth Devine Fortune [vs] The Elite Human Arsenal [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn ‘Hands of Stone’ Bradford Peverell [vs] Seth Whitehead w/ Marc Speed Tana The Mighty [vs] Benny Benson w/ Flying Jimmy Foxx Doc Hammond w/ One Man Army [vs] Wolf Hawkins w/ The Syndicate
  19. Haha! Yeah I'm the same to be fair. In TCW that makes a 5 week lead up to Total Mayhem which makes (total) sense. However Psycho Circus falls on the 18th of December (or Christmas Day if it's a week later) When I start a new game I map it all out on a spreadsheet (because I'm so cool) and see how many TVs between each event - I make little tweaks to give longer build ups to bigger shows etc.
  20. Tuesday, March 1st, 2022 **Quotes taken directly from Vibert’s Podcast** Phil Vibert here, and… guys, we are getting a potentially HUGE bidding war, for Edward Cornell…!! The 38 year old Brit, who to his immense credit, is a 3-time former 21CW World Champion, despite his ultra talented Cousin Tommy coming back ‘home’… However, last month he informed his company he would NOT be re-signing… Upon hearing the news, Total Championship Wrestling immediately contacted Cornell’s representatives, but were informed that he feels they are too ‘small’ for him… Eventually, his contract ran down, and he became a Free Agent… His free agency lasted all of about 20 minutes, before the offers came in from BHOTWG, WLW, CWA, EILL, USPW and SWF…!! I’ll keep across this and tell you where he ends up signing… Huge name and talent…!! Over to TCW, and their Total Wrestling show scored well once again among viewers… Doc Hammond is OFFICIALLY out, of The Syndicate… and, it looks like we’re getting a NEW WAVE tag team run…!! It’s what the fans wanted… TCW listened to the fans… There is a giant gaping hole in the Tag Division on the babyface side – even though The American Cobras won their Number One Contenders Match… But one thing I noticed that was interesting, pertains to Human Arsenal… For months now, he’s had One Man Army’s back, and they’ve tried their best to get Doc Hammond to quit The Syndicate… Now that he’s quit, One Man Army saved his bro from a beatdown… but when Human Arsenal got attacked in the very next match, no sign of One Man Army… Can anyone explain that to me…?! Greg Gauge wants another Title shot, and quite right too… He lost their first fight, and what a classic that was… To get the second fight, he had to put his chances of winning the Gold on the line… If he lost… no more Title shots as long as Chord is Champion… In the second fight, he WON… by disqualification… and so didn’t get the Championship because Titles can’t change hands on a disqualification… For fight number three, it looks like he’s going to have to come up with some kind of collateral… It’ll be interesting to see what he puts up, or what stipulation that Chord is willing to accept… We didn’t get the update I wanted on the Troy Tornado / Sammy Bach story… but I’m hearing a LOT of theories on it… A lot of you guys don’t trust Sammy, and I can totally see why… but he was cuffed to that ring post at War To Settle The Score… He’s helped Aaron Andrews in fights against The Behemoths before, and I think he’d have stuck up for Troy there… despite the two of them going through a WAR in that Ladder Match… We’re going to get Dazzling Dave Diamond versus Nick Booth next week on Total Wrestling… Should be a Barn Burner, since Booth has targeted Diamond’s ‘business partners’ Duke Freeman and Bradley Blaze in recent weeks… Plus, we’re going to see Bradford Peverell, who has an injured left hand, take on Marc Speed’s apprentice: Seth Whitehead… Can Peverell find a new way to beat the technician…? Or will he have to use his ‘Dream Left Hook’, and potentially injure his hand even worse…?
  21. Exactly on both points - it's like you read my mind at times. I could just have Doc go "well, the stipulation stated I must leave..." but like Wolf came out and actually said: "we can work around that!" I needed him to 'want' to quit, and then for them to show him why he made the right decision with a beatdown. Watch out for the third man in the One Man Army / Doc Hammond / ??? triangle though... Greg HAS to do something big to get a third match with Jay. He's the babyface, so he can't bring the lawyers in, or do something underhanded. He needs to put something 'up' that Jay can't refuse. Jay needs to want something badly enough to put his title on the line again, and I can't have their third match be non-title. This is Greg's final chance!! (until Jay loses the Belt of course). Should I tell you now...? 🤔 Contemplating it... but maybe I'll leave it up to you. DM me if you want to know I like doing little nods to WWE or to where I got the inspiration from. Wrestling Machine does it really well in his diary - 'Cactus' Jack Pryde saying 'Bang Bang' for example. Yeah again, nailed it with The Main Event. Freddy's out for 11 months... he's got a long way to go before he's back... I could have just kept Hocking and Remus together, but it would have felt 'less than'... this way, they have a fourth and fifth body in Courtney and Vita backing them up. I wonder how Hocking and Vita's little meeting will go... As always, really appreciate all the comments and interaction I've been getting lately. As my good friend Chris would say:
  22. Great show, Great Main Event... but Jedediah's story was the highlight for me. Hope he finds his girl ❤️(or she finds him). Really great stuff.
  23. TCW Presents: Tuesday, March 1st, 2022 Calling the action: Shawn Doakes, Kyle Rhodes and Jasmine Saunders Overall Rating: 74 Doc Hammond headed to the ring to a thunderous ovation next… the crowd know he must now QUIT The Syndicate, after saying the immortal words in the I Quit Match against his former best friend: One Man Army at War To Settle The Score… The fans at home were treated to highlights of the match as Hammond climbed into the ring and asked for a microphone… Doc Hammond: “I..." Before he could even get one word out, Doc was interrupted by the music of Wolf Hawkins… and the LEADER of The Syndicate headed to the ring, flanked by the rookies of the group: Flint Slater and Jaylon Martins… Wolf Hawkins: “Doc…? You really gonna do this…? Why because some punk you used to team up with, told you to…? Why…? Because some contract you signed for the match…? You don’t have to quit the team… We can work around this… You’re still my right hand man…” Doc looked at the ground, but as the fans booed, he shook his head… Doc Hammond: “Naa Wolf… I’m done… I’m done takin’ orders… I’m done babysittin’ these two DOGS… and most of all… I’m done being belittled by YOU…” Wolf smiled, and then set the ‘dogs’ on his former stablemate… Slater and Martins were making light work of the veteran, until his aforementioned best friend One Man Army ran to the ring with a chair…!! Jaylon Martins went to greet him on the ramp, and One Man Army clocked him in the face with the weapon… before sliding into the ring and going after Slater and Hawkins… Slater took a chair to the gut, as Hawkins slid out of the ring to safety… One Man Army got the crowd fired up… and then he glared over at Doc Hammond, who was pulling himself to his feet… The crowd begged for it… One Man Army was still holding the chair… but he threw it down… walked over Hammond… and the two veterans embraced in the middle of the ring to an absolutely thunderous ovation…!! Meanwhile Hawkins and the rest of The Syndicate had regrouped on the stage, and looked on furious…!! w/ Human Arsenal [vs] Masatochi Kamimura w/ Joshua Taylor Solid match here, and a strong performance from Kamimura. He was lead through it by the veteran Human Arsenal, and even looked like he might win it after a dominant display. However, for the finish, the Japanese youngster was caught with Arsenal’s ‘Ammo Dump’ (Sit-Out Double-Underhook Facebuster). Winner: Human Arsenal Rating: 55 Right after the match, Human Arsenal was tackled from behind by a man in a hoodie… If he wasn’t so jacked under that thing, you’d have been forgiven for thinking that it could have been a fan… The man pulled his hood down, to reveal that it was ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn…!! Flynn was ultra aggressive with how he picked Human Arsenal up, and was looking for a powerslam… However, Arsenal slid out off his back, and began delivering right hands to the big Canadian… To his immense credit Masatochi Kamimura tried to break the fight up, but he ended up taking strays from Arsenal, which brought his mentor Joshua Taylor into the ring… Taylor and Kamimura ended up holding Arsenal, so Flynn could hit him again and again… in a brutal 3 on 1 assault of the veteran… before Flynn grabbed a microphone… fired up by the whole ordeal… Chris Flynn: “HUH…?! HUH…?! How do you like that, HUH…?! Tell you what ‘John’… You respect me, HUH…?! You wanna run this thing back…? And have another match…? And go 1 on 1, with ‘The Stud’…? You’re ON…!!” Flynn angrily threw the mic down, and it bounced and hit Arsenal in the face to add injury to insult…!! Chaotic but well worked segment between these four that the fans seemed to absolutely love… Bart Biggins [vs] Quentin ‘The Drama’ Queen This was Quentin Queen’s fifth appearance on Total Wrestling in 2022, and his fourth against Bart Biggins. The disdain the youngster has for Biggins is palpable, and really unjust. However, it worked for him again tonight, as he picked up another win with a roll-up, before mocking his rival. Winner: Quentin Queen Rating: 63 At The War To Settle The Score, both Greg Gauge and T-Bone Bright LOST their respective Title Opportunities against Jay Chord for the World Heavyweight Title, and Mighty Mo for the Television Title… Bright was tapped out in an Arm-Bar, in a vicious end to a great match… Meanwhile Gauge’s DQ win wasn’t enough to take home the Championship, due to the Title Change laws… However, there have been questions over whether the ‘Final Chance’ stipulation still applies or not… A reminder: Gauge signed a contract stating that if he LOST, he would never get another chance at the Title, as long as Chord is Champion… However if the contract stated “if Gauge FAILS TO WIN” the Title… etc… then he wouldn’t get another chance… We’re going to hear from Gauge tonight… AFTER the Main Event… in which Gauge teams with T-Bone Bright to take on their War To Settle The Score opponents: Jay Chord and Mighty Mo…!! Next up, we saw well cut together clips from the Troy Tornado versus Sammy Bach Ladder Match at The War To Settle The Score… After a gruelling Ladder Match, in which Sammy Bach tried to handcuff Troy Tornado to the corner post, Troy was able to reverse the cuffs, and Bach found himself trapped in them, and unable to stop Troy from climbing the ladder and winning the match… As a result of winning, Troy was able to retrieve the envelope hanging above the ring, which contained details of what he saw / who he saw Sammy Bach talking to… Bach couldn’t stop him reading it out due to being cuffed to the ring post… but someone else did… Killer Shark and Titan stormed the ring, and took Troy out in a vicious 2 on 1 assault… which again, Sammy Bach could do nothing about!! No news as yet on Troy’s return date… Shark and Titan hurt him, but it didn’t look as bad as the attack on Aaron Andrews, who we still haven’t heard from in some time… - - - - American Cobras [vs] Devine Fortune [vs] The Behemoths [vs] The Elite Fast paced elimination match here, in which the winners would go on to face the Champions: The Main Event for the Tag Team Titles. Devine Fortune were out first unfortunately, when Chance Fortune took a brutal ‘Titanic Choke Slam’ from Titan, onto Darryl Devine. Soon after, Killer Shark hit the ‘Big Bite’ (Front Slam) on Eddie Chandler, and he too was pinned. The American Cobras put up much more of a fight, and as the match reached the 12 minute mark, they were somehow still in it. The Behemoths began to tire, and some quick fire kicks from Storm Spillane and Marvel Malloy had Killer Shark on the back foot. Eventually, Storm tripped him backwards, right as Malloy hit a splash from the top rope! The Cobras stacked themselves on top of the 430lber, and pinned him for a huge upset! Winners: American Cobras Rating: 58 Somehow, The American Cobras held on, and somehow they won… They are now the Number One Contenders for the TCW World Tag Team Titles… In the back, the cocky Main Event were shown watching them celebrate, alongside Laura Hocking… when Jeremie Courtney and Vita walked up… Roderick Remus: “Heeyyyy!! You did it, Jezza… You beat Elliot Thomas at War To Settle The Score…” Courtney asked a fair question – since he won the match they asked him to win… does this mean he’s now IN The Main Event… Matt Hocking: “There is just… one more thing… I need to make sure Vita here, is who she seems as welll” Vita was shocked, and protested that she didn’t want to be in a match or anything… Matt Hocking: “Relax... It’s okay… There are other ways to prove yourself… How about, you and I go out for drinks… I’ll get to know you a little better… get more of a ‘feel’ for you… and what you’re about…” It was Laura Hocking’s turn to be shocked… but she didn’t say anything… Vita smiled and flirted a little… While Remus agreed with everything his tag team partner said… Bradley Blaze and Duke Freeman [vs] Maverick and The Masked Mauler VII Short match here, and a fun one. Blaze and Freeman have excellent chemistry as partners, and they shone here. The crowd, especially the ladies, love the two big Texans, and they enjoyed seeing them control the match and win it comfortably. Maverick is talented, but he was no match for the ‘Dallas Drop’ (Lifting Reverse DDT) from the 277lb powerhouse Blaze. Winners: Bradley Blaze and Duke Freeman Rating: 49 After the match, ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth decided to answer Dazzling Dave Diamond’s challenge and proposal… by attacking Bradley Blaze and Duke Freeman… He hit them both with chairs as they headed to the back, and left them laying on the floor… before grabbing a microphone and sliding into the ring… Nick Booth: “DIAMOND…!! I don’t CARE about your little ‘business venture’… I will NOT come work for you… But next week… I WILL fight you…!!” w/ Tana The Mighty [vs] Flying Jimmy Foxx w/ Benny Benson Tana, the big, bad, fun-loving Samoan put in a Match of the Night performance at The War To Settle The Score, but on that night, he was defeated by Wolf Hawkins. He still wants to squash The Syndicate, but tonight he had an ‘easier’ fight against Flying Jimmy Foxx. The finish came when the high flier attempted a cross body from the top rope, and he just bounced off of Tana’s huge frame. The big Samoan hit his ‘Big Fat Samoan Splash’ (Running Butt Drop) and Foxx was squashed. Winner: Tana The Mighty Rating: 50 Backstage, ‘Hands Of Stone’ Bradford Peverell was getting his wrist and hand taped by a doctor in the trainer’s room… He spoke directly to the camera… Bradford Peverell: “Last week… Marc Speed almost broke my hand… My ‘Dream Left Hook’, was almost taken out… But lucky for me… I’ve got ‘Hands… Of Stone…’ and unluckily for Speed… He’s gonna find out the HARD way…” As he spoke, the aforementioned Marc Speed walked into the room behind him… alongside his protégé / tag team partner: Seth Whitehead… As soon as he got wind that he wasn’t the only wrestler in the room, Peverell jumped out of his seat and span around… but Speed told him to relax, and said that ‘Can’t Catch This’ aren’t that kind of a team… Marc Speed: “We’re not the types to go attacking people from behind… or 2 on 1… We don’t NEED to do that… We’re good enough to fight you man to man… So next week, Seth… and you… man to man…” Speed smiled, and offered a handshake to Peverell… before saying that Whitehead would be aiming to break his OTHER arm…!! Peverell had to just accept Speed’s cockiness, due to his injury… and due to being outnumbered… Greg Gauge & T-Bone Bright [vs] Jay Chord & Mighty Mo To give them credit where credit is due, Jay Chord and Mighty Mo looked fantastic out there as a team tonight. They didn’t seem to want to take shortcuts, or anything like that, they just pulled T-Bone into their corner whenever they got the chance, and used quick tags to stay fresh and to keep the big man away from the talented and fiery Greg Gauge. Eventually, the former Number One Contender to Jay’s World Heavyweight Title WAS tagged in, and he started throwing people, and using their momentum against them when they attacked. For the finish, Bright hit a brutal spear on Mo, before Chord pushed T-Bone out through the ropes with a kneed to the back! This chaos allowed Gauge to lock in the ‘Proton Lock’ (Scorpion Deathlock), and Chord had no choice but to tap out!! Winner: Greg Gauge & T-Bone Bright Rating: 77 After the match, Greg Gauge pulled T-Bone to his feet, and then he asked for a microphone… Greg Gauge: “Yu know, my Dad (Sam Keith) always taught me, in any situation. to alwaaaaays have a backup plan… and I got one…!! So Jay Chord… I BEAT you at War To Settle The Score… I just made you TAP here tonight… I WANT A RE-MATCH… and you’re gonna give it to me…” Chord stumbled on the ramp… but regained his footing, and he too asked for a microphone… which he tapped a few times to make sure it was working… sweat dripping down his temple… as he struggled to keep the spittle in his mouth… Jay Chord: “You want an-oth-er shot…?! After you BLEW the last two…?!” Chord paused… he was exhausted after the match, and needed to hold his left hip after being forced to tap out in the ‘Proton Lock’… Jay Chord: “You want another shot…?! You gotta put up some collateral, and I’ll do it…!!” Gauge asked what Chord wanted in return… but Chord told him to come up with something himself, and to let him know next week… Next week we’re also going to get an UPDATE on Aaron ‘Ace’ Andrews… an UPDATE on Troy Tornado… and Wolf Hawkins will be in singles action… against now former Syndicate member: Doc Hammond!!
  24. Ahh man, that sucks! I think you'd have needed a 5/9 to win a prize. What do you think you'd have scored? So much to respond to here, but it's given me an amazing idea for Tana!! I'm writing about two months ahead right now, so you won't see it for a while... but I think... you're going to think... it's "pretty cool"... Thanks man I do have a plan for Biggins for sure, hope you like it. Kami is so good, but sadly I do lose him soon due to his excursion ending. He's replaced by a younger one, with similar baseline abilities, so we'll see how that goes. Yeah I agree. Three losses in a row would KILL him off... This is only good if he's, say, leaving...? Watch this space on that one... Thanks brother, glad you liked the PPV. It was a fun one to write, but i'm currently having an absolute BLAST writing the Rumble Match at Where Angels Fear To Tread (WAFTT) That'll be a slog to read, but I've kept it to just four matches. The next episode of Total Wrestling will be up in under an hour
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