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The Lloyd

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Everything posted by The Lloyd

  1. Really interested by this buddy. What makes you like Nightmare and Ruin as the better team? Welcome along dude, thanks for reading / predicting. I offer (pretty average, but sometimes decent) prizes at the end of each month, and for the top scorer at each pay-per-view - normally it's a booking decision of some kind, so keep predicting You justified everything brilliantly here my friend. 6/6 for this show for you, and there's now 2 points separating the top four in the prediction contest... Very tight at the top...
  2. Thanks mate With 21CW, I can import a fair bit, but I agree with you trying to keep this NWF as British as possible. With that in mind, you've picked up some awesome Brits who work in Europe. I really like your roster. Grace of Fire (Welsh Dragon & Bali Daljit) vs XS & Aurelian Bradley Bradley is really good in the ring! Decent ent. skills too. He's probably the best "Graduated from the National School of Wrestling, but 21CW decided not to offer him a contract" guys ??? vs Damian Dastardly In my RAW diary, Spiffy Stan Standish got a 12 month injury right when he and Alexander Banks were about to take off - so I brought Damian Dastardly in to replace him and he was excellent. The Youth Bandits (Ian Vincible & Cannonball Logan) vs High Society (Dylan Drama & Joey Beauchamp) My favourite team here! Dylan will learn a lot from Joey. Rohan Kirchner vs Bret Heartbreak NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Leighton Buzzard (C) vs JK Lee
  3. Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 24, Week 3, July 2020 ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester [vs] Dangermouth w/ The Booth ‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu [vs] Lone Wolf Welsh Dragon & Aurelian Bradley [vs] Nightmare & Ruin ‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM [vs] ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Phil Harmonic w/ Badberry & Silva Jeremy Allen w/ Kevin Jones [vs] ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ The Booth Tommy Cornell & Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] Leigh Burton & Landon Mallory
  4. 21CW Presents: Episode 23 Wednesday, Week 2, July 2020 Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Jeff Nova Overall Rating: 75 The show opened with The House of Business, in their Clubhouse backstage… Edward Cornell leading his troops, and talking to them about the Beast Bantom situation… Cornell explained that Beast Bantom gets ‘IT’… but he’s NOT in the House of Business…!! Edward Cornell: “It’s not a case of him being one of us… But he understands, that if you’re against us… You’ve got HUGE problems… Tonight… I’ve tasked Beast with taking out Apollo Prince… He’ll show you boys how it’s done… and remember… He’s NOT in the House… YOU… are my family…” ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] J-B Cash Great to see these two English veterans do battle here. 46 years of experience between them, and they both showed a lot of ring-savvy to gain unfair advantages behind the referee’s back. Beauchamp is the fan favourite, but he’s far from being a ‘good guy’ – and that’s something the fans love about him. He won this one with a roll-up and used the ropes for extra leverage. A fact that Cash was furious about! 50 We were reminded next, that Joss Thompson, Roly Muckletruck and Absolutely Flawless are SUSPENDED for the month of July… but that all four will be back in August… The four men LOST the ‘Fight To End All Fights’ at Fight Night… after Beast Bantom turned his back on the team, and joined Mark Adonis’ House of Business team… Roly will want revenge on his former tag team partner… while Joss Thompson has already stated he came back to 21CW to stop Edward Cornell… The Martin Twins have had an ongoing rivalry with Mark Adonis for months… so the House of Business will have a very busy August…!! But for now... They can do whatever they want, without these four standing up to them... Following an altercation last week, next up we got Smiling John Smithie and Mark Misery in tag team action… against the young and impressive Swiss team: The Bern Boys… w/ w/ Smiling John Smithie & Mark Misery w/ Emmett Askey [vs] The Bern Boys w/ The Professor Smithie and Misery were getting big cheers tonight – showing utter boredom from the outset. They weren’t interested at all, and the crowd seemed to love it, and wanted them to beat Schwarz and Piccard. However, the two youngsters are a well-oiled machine, and know exactly how to beat Smithie. They shoved Misery off the apron, and used the distraction to hit the ‘Lights Out in Lucerne’ – where Piccard hit his ‘Slingshot Suplex’ into Schwarz’s Flying Forearm smash! A devastating move! 47 Next up, ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby was standing by with his ‘muscle’… ‘The Icelandic Body’ Gulliver… Chuck Frisby: “I have NINE wins, in my last ten matches… NINE…!! I am UNDEFEATED since I began my ‘Chance Against Chuck’ challenge…” Chuck reminded us that the ‘Chance Against Chuck’ challenge, included a clause that the first person to BEAT him, will earn a 21CW contract… Chuck Frisby: “But frankly… I’m SICK of retiring a bunch of guys I wrestled twenty years ago… So next week, we’re going to mix it up a little… I am going to send a challenge to those wrestlers, who have a ‘developmental’ contract with 21CW… If anyone wants to step up… and BEAT me… Then they will be signed by the company, to a full-time… Main Roster… contract…!!” ‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlisle [vs] Local Enhancement Talent Big win for ‘Captain Crash’ here. He doesn’t often come out on top, but he’s had two big wins recently – after he and Evan Alpass defeated The Bern Boys back in May. He won it here with his ‘Mark Of Cain’ Coffin Drop’. 31 Backstage, the 21CW United Tag Team Champions: Kenobi High, confirmed that their ‘proteges’ would DEBUT in 21CW…!! Christopher Lister: “Be in their corner, we must… as they compete in their FIRST match… against Boulder and Flynn…” Jase Cole: “Boulder and Flynn are clever men… with high ring-IQs… plus… they will have KT Devonshire out there with them for support… so we must support our younglings…” Christopher Lister: “It’s time for Kenobi High to expand across the Universe… and ensure balance is restored to the galaxy…” In the ring, BW Eddie was shown watching the previous segment… and he shook his head… BW Eddie: “Boulder and Flynn… moving on, and forgetting they STOLE money from me… with help from that she-witch, KT Devonshire… This is NOT over… This i…” Before Eddie could finish, he was interrupted by his opponent… Viktor Beskov… who was in no mood to let him finish… ‘The Russian Bear’ stomped to the ring, and was furious with Eddie… Because of the little snitch, Beskov almost got beat by Antithesis… and the same ‘Anarchist’ put Beskov’s friend Yuri Iliakov out injured… Beskov, rightly, blames Eddie for all of it… so the match began right away!! ‘The Bear’ Viktor Beskov [vs] BW Eddie One-sided domination from Beskov. He pushed and threw Eddie around for a few minutes, before mercifully making him tap out with his ‘Red Devil Lock’ (Lifted Arm Hook). Eddie had nothing tonight! 62 Backstage, Antithesis was shown watching Beskov win… and a wry smile crept across his creepy face… The smile remained, when his BROTHER Clifford Wilson walked up…!! Clifford Wilson: “How ya doing, Harry…?!” Antithesis: “Big brother… good to see you…!! How are you enjoying being back…?!” Clifford Wilson: “Yeah… I’m uh… I’m actually enjoying it a lot… I mean, you say ‘back’… I’m not sure I’m back back… but I feel like I’ve got another run in me… maybe a Title reign…?! I’m all about helping the little guy… yu know…?!” Antithesis: “Well… I doubt you’ll get much change out of Viktor Beskov, and the UK Title… he’s a BEAST…!!” Antithesis was surprisingly civil… and Clifford Wilson didn’t know what to make of his baby brother’s kindness… A very exciting match was advertised for next week… Sebastian Koller and Phillip Cooper… The German ‘Rock ‘N’ Roller’ and ‘Cooper Man’ are no strangers to one another… but next week’s match will have huge implications for both man’s careers… The winner will compete at United’s next event: London Calling… Against the World Champion (whoever it is at the time) for the World Title…!! UK Dragon [vs] Grave Digger UK Dragon and Grave Digger have fought in the past, and this one went the same way as the last encounter – a big Grave Digger victory, as the huge behemoth continues his rise on United. His ‘R.I.P Piledriver’ was enough to stop the veteran masked flier here. 58 After the match, Grave Digger kicked UK Dragon out under the bottom rope… and grabbed a microphone… Grave Digger: “It’s time for a celebration… Good times are comin’ for 21CW… WE just need to clear out some ‘dead wood’… BOYS…” Digger pointed to the stage… where The Black Hats arrived… The three huge men, were dragging two fan favourites to the ring, by their ankles, in a disturbing scene… Aldous Blackfriar and Jonathan Faust were both out cold… with Faust bleeding from the mouth due to some kind of internal injury… Grave Digger smiled sadistically, as he watched his henchmen do their thing… However, UK Dragon got back into the ring behind him, and hit him with a chair!! The giant didn’t feel it… He just turned and glared at Dragon… Calling his group of huge men into the ring with him… Dragon split… and the Black Hats couldn’t chase… He ran around to the fallen Aldous and Faust, and defended them with his chair in his hands, until backstage workers and road agents headed out to help… Apollo Prince [vs] Beast Bantom Great Main Event between two rising talents on United. Bantom almost killed Prince at one point, with a nasty looing double-powerbomb right in the middle of the ring, but the 21CW World Champion somehow kicked out! That was the story of the entire match, Beast dominated, hit a power move, and Prince somehow kicked out! For the finish, Bantom was distracted by the entrance music of Roly Muckletruck! Beast couldn’t believe his former partner was here, but, as we know, he wasn’t. The distraction was enough for Prince to hit his ‘Apollogy’ (Inverted Bulldog)! Prince knew he needed a second to put the big man down, so he hit the move again, before hooking a leg and ending it! 76 That wasn’t the end of Prince’s night though… because Doomsday showed up behind him, and tried to choke him out… while the rest of The House of Business arrived… However, before Cornell and co. could take the Champion out completely, Clifford Wilson arrived on the stage with a microphone… Clifford Wilson: “HEY Cornell… Up here… Up here… Listen boys… Let Apollo (Prince) go, yeah…? I’ve got something to say…” Cornell laughed, as did Adonis… The pair gathered their troops in the ring, including Beast Bantom… and told Doomsday to let Prince go… Clifford Wilson: “I never thought I’d come back… When I retired… 18 months ago… I thought I was done… But… something drew me back in… Helping out guys like Apollo Prince… guys like Roly Muckletruck… Absolutely Flawless… THAT is why I’m back… I enjoyed it from being a producer… but being in the ring… being able to fight guys like you… is why I’m back… And when Roly… Kelly and Lance (Martin)… and Joss Thompson get back here… The House will come crumbling down…” Cornell smiled again… and watched as Prince made it back to the safety of the stage… which is exactly what Wilson wanted… Edward Cornell: “You know what, old man…?? I will put you down for this… Apollo Prince should NOT be the Champion… I should be… I don’t know where… I don’t know when… but I WILL put you down… and this time… I’ll end your career for GOOD…!!”
  5. DREW! DREW! DREW! DREW! DREW! DREW! DREW! DREW! DREW! DREW! Great to see you still around man, and Drew's debut was a shock to me! I had predicted a few different guys in my head, but not Drew!! As others have said, he's probably the number two heel in WWE right now (behind Roman etc). Just excellent work for the last 6-12 months. DM Hunk has arrived!
  6. Paul Huntingdon vs Rogue Lenny Brown vs Scythe Lenny is excellent, but I can't see him getting past big Scythe here. Robbie Retro vs Spencer Spade Atom Smasher vs Joey Morgan Presumably Smasher still has his midas touch note active. Even if he doesn't, he's got a lot of up side. Even thought I'm a big Morgan guy, Smasher is probably the better character. Main Event: SWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Match Brandon James vs Des Davids vs Remo vs Valiant (BONUS) Will SWF top the weekly TV ratings this week? With that Main Event, I'd say there was a very good chance. Comments on diary / last episode: Big SWF fan, so keen to see where this goes.
  7. Cruiserweight World Cup Final: Welsh Dragon vs Edison Silva w/ Mo Adebola NWF British Tag Team Titles: Future X vs The Northern Lights (C) w/ Frank Finkleton NWF Cruiserweight Championship: Leighton Buzzard vs JK Lee (C) Jase Cole w/ Christopher Lister vs Lone Wolf Wolf's got a lot of potential. But he's young, and a loss won't hurt him. If Nate Manchester loses he leaves NWF: Nate Manchester w/ Leo Price vs 'Big Mac' Nathan McKenzie NWF British Heavyweight Championship: (C) 'The Springbok' Landon Mallory vs 'The Celtic Hammer' Stuart Wilson Bonus 1: How many titles will change hands at the event? (maximum of 3) I'll say zero based on my predictions! Bonus 2: What will the overall rating of the show be? (two points for spot on, 1 point for 2 either side) 66 Any other comments/questions on the diary: Great to see you still putting out great content mate. I'm not very active on the boards lately, but I've got a week off work this week, and have read the last few shows. Love the talent you've picked up from Australia and Europe - absolute gold mines if you can tap them!
  8. Predictions for United, Episode 23, Week 2, July 2020 ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] J-B Cash Smithie & Misery w/ Emmett Askey [vs] The Bern Boys w/ The Professor ‘Captain Crash’ Cain Carlisle [vs] ??? ‘The Bear’ Viktor Beskov [vs] BW Eddie UK Dragon [vs] Grave Digger w/ The Black Hats Apollo Prince [vs] Beast Bantom
  9. 21CW Presents: Episode 23 Wednesday, Week 2, July 2020 Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley Overall Rating: 72 The show opened with the return of Daniel Black Francis, after a number of weeks on the shelf… getting treatment in Prague…!! The crowd exploded for his arrival...!! He was attacked in Prague, after gatecrashing Loxley Robbins’ Bucks Party and challenging Blake Belushi to a re-match for the National Title…!! Belushi smashed a bottle on him, and beat him down with a chair in the bar… And ‘D-B-F’ wasn’t messing around tonight… Daniel Black Francis: “If I have to wait all night… I will… But I want Blake Belushi… For the Title… TONIGHT…” Before he could finish, Loxley Robbins’ music hit… and he too was here for revenge on Belushi… Loxley Robbins: “Get in loine, ey…? If ANYONE is gettin’ ta Belushi tonoigh’… It’s ME…!! And as good as you are… You’re waaaaay down the peckin’ order…!!” Francis pushed Robbins, and it lead to a brawl that had to be broken up by officials…!! The announce team got word that Colin Chalke was officially putting Francis and Robbins in the Main Event tonight… as opponents…!! ‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle [vs] ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson Great way to kick off the in=ring action, with a very evenly matched contest between two men on incredible runs right now. Orson is right at the top of the Kingdom brand, but Merle has it in him to hang with anyone up there. In the end, after stretching the World Heavyweight Champion for almost 15 minutes, Merle was screwed out of it by a mule kick low blow from Orson! He followed it up with the ‘Bounce Back’ Pounce, and crushed the veteran’s dreams of beating the Champ! 64 Backstage, ‘The Quiet One’ Sifu, was stood for a promo… talking directly to the camera… Sifu: “Wicky… Stom…!! Will be back, at Wickeddddd…!! So Leigh Burtonn… Landon, Mallory… Your Title reign… is going to BEEEE…!!!!!!! OOOOOOVVVERRRRR….!!!!!!” Next up, Colin Chalke was on our screens, explaining the situation regarding the tag team division, and the hunt for the Gold… currently held by Landon Mallory and Leigh Burton… As we’ve just seen, the makeshift duo will defend the Titles against Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu at Wicked… but new contenders need to be found following the Pay-Per-View… Colin Chalke: “I’m setting up a match at Wicked, that will feature four of the up and coming tag teams here on Kingdom… The Underdogs… will battle The Booth (Dangermouth & Phunk)… and, The Lee FamiLee… (JK and Gorilla)… AND… The fourth team will be the winners of next week’s clash, between Nightmare and Ruin… and the Welsh Wizards…!!” w/ ‘The Furious Bi-Curious’ Alfonso D’Angelo [vs] Grandmaster Phunk w/ DJ Reason, Dangermouth & Buck Winchester If Alfonso D’Angelo was a cat, he’d have around 2 lives remaining. He dodged bullet after bullet out there. Ducking a vicious lariat from his former friend Buck Winchester, as well as a microphone to the head from Dangermouth. He even dodged a DJ Reason right hand – and we all know he packs a punch!! In the end, the veteran Phunk was looking for his ‘Phunkenstiener’ from the top rope, and D’Angelo again avoided it as Phunk fell to the mat! Alfonso hopped down, and stacked him up, before rolling out of there before The Booth could grab him! 47 It WILL be Alfonso D’Angelo taking on Buck Winchester at Wicked…!! Buck screwed Alfonso last month, by joining The Booth… and turning his back on his friend… Now Alfonso will get the chance to gain some revenge… however the numbers game will be against him… The first ‘Pick Your Poison’ match was on deck next… and saw War Machine take on an opponent chosen by BEDLAM… and ‘The Most Dangerous Man In Britain’ couldn’t have chosen a better test for War Machine… as Gorilla Lee came out to face a man he matches in both height and weight…!! w/ w/ Gorilla Lee w/ JK, Andrew and Cousin Konrad [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King Two immoveable objects here, who are both 460+lbs! Neither man could knock the other off their feet, and while Machine was angry about it, Gorilla responded by dancing in Cliff King’s face. Things got more serious when War Machine delivered a throat punch, that dropped Lee to a knee. Gorilla looked saddened, and as if he’d been neutered. At Cliff King’s instruction, War Machine lifted Lee up, and dropped him with a Choke Bomb, where he stayed on his feet as he dropped Gorilla. Huge win for War Machine. 54 JK and Andrew Lee couldn’t believe their Cousin had been beaten like that… while Cousin Konrad didn’t sell it at all… The three Lee FamiLee members slid into the ring, and this prompted Cliff King to bring War Machine out of it… However, as The Lee FamiLee stood over their fallen giant Cousin… Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat headed onto the stage with a microphone… Stevie Stoat: “Yu know who impresses me in the Lee FamiLee…?! It ain’t the big doofus who just got beat by War Machine…!! It certainly ain’t JK… who… I mean… do you even speak, bruv…?? Andrew… Neanderthal by name… Cave man by nature… no no… The member of the Lee FamiLee that impresses me the most… is Cousin… Konrad…!!” Stoat told Konrad if he wants to make his debut in a BIG way… He can lose against ‘Smasher’ at Wicked…!! Backstage, Tommy Cornell walked up on Buff Martinez and Kathleen Lee… with Buff still nursing his shoulder… but no longer in a sling… With the Main Event of Wicked no doubt on his mind… Cornell asked Buff how his shoulder was doing… (a reminder, if Buff is cleared, it’s a Triple Threat between Cornell, Buff and 21CW World Champion Wade Orson… If Buff isn’t cleared, Cornell gets Orson 1 on 1)… Buff Martinez: “Amigo… Tell me… What has it got to do, wi' choo…?!” Tommy Cornell: “What’s it got to do with me…?! I’ll tell ya, Son… See… If you’re out… I get (Wade) Orson 1 on 1 at Wicked… PLUS… there’s the small matter of next week… Where me and you will take on the Tag Champs… Leigh Burton and Landon Mallory… So I ask again… Does your shoulder hurt a little… or a LOT…!?” Buff scoffed, and stomped away with Kathleen Lee left standing with Cornell… She said he’ll be fine… and Cornell need not worry… Monkey Business (Kevin Jones & Jeremy Allen) [vs] Local Enhancement Talent Easy win for Jones and Allen in this short match. They’re a fun duo to watch, but they leave a lot of opportunities for their opponents to take advantage of them. In the end here, Jones hit his ‘Belly To Belly Overhead Suplex’. 48 The second ‘Pick Your Poison’ Match took place next… BEDLAM in action, against War Machine’s chosen opponent: Kelvin Badberry…!! Another match size-wise, with Badberry around 20lbs heavier than BEDLAM… but noticeable by their absence, were Phil Harmonic and Edison Silva… ‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM [vs] ‘The Bad Seed’ Kelvin Badberry Considering the size of these two, this was a fast-paced match. Badberry had some strong offense, and dominated the early stages following a feeling out period. However, BEDLAM came alive, and the 295lber was able to nullify Badberry’s straight-ahead offense. For the finish, BEDLAM locked in his ‘Mind Strangler’ seated choke, and Badberry quickly tapped out! 57 Both BEDLAM and War Machine had difficult matches tonight, chosen by the other… but both came through them with wins… At Wicked, BEDLAM and War Machine will go 1 on 1 for the final time, in their Best Of Seven Series… With the scores tied at 3-3… But tonight, following this match, Phil Harmonic and Edison Silva marched out, and glared at BEDLAM as they walked past him… Harmonic instructed Edison Silva to help Badberry to his feet… and once he was up, the ‘King of the Cruiserweights’ SLAPPED ‘The Bad Seed’ across the face… shocking Edison Silva… and then telling him to follow him… ‘Jilted’ Loxley Robbins [vs] ‘D-B-F’ Daniel Black Francis Solid Main Event here, with both Loxley Robbins and Daniel Black Francis showing different sides of their characters here. They both got aggressive, and both wanted to prove they should be the man to go after Blake Belushi first. It lead to a compelling fight, in which both were cheered. But Daniel Black Francis’ recent injuries took their toll in the end. Loxley won it with a Brainbuster, but he made sure to allow Francis to get up after the bell – so he could shake the former 21CW National Champion’s hand. 70 Francis held his neck and his ribs… He was clearly in a lot of pain… but Loxley’s outstretched hand was the real focus here… Francis was unsure… as were the fans… Loxley was showing all kinds of respect to Francis… but something told ‘D-B-F’ not to trust the Australian… Before they could either shake or not shake though, Blake Belushi lead Thurston Darcy III and Artemis Eyre-Rochester out… with Vicki Company directing traffic…!! Loxley and Francis got ready for a fight… This time, standing side-by-side, and begging Belushi and co. to climb into the ring… However, they didn’t factor in that from behind, the two ‘security guards’ from previous weeks, appeared and floored the pair – who had just competed in a match… Company sent The Brat Pack into the ring, as Belushi watched his FOUR henchmen do his dirty work… The beatdown closed the show, with Belushi and Company linking arms and flirting on the outside of the ring…
  10. Mini update, had a bit of a nightmare this evening... my spreadsheet like, deleted itself, and restored a version from 13 days ago! I can't recover it unfortunately, so it's wiped the progress I've made storyline wise, and advanced booking notes I had made... It's not all bad news. I've managed to re-write it all already as I hadn't done much in 13 days (i've been poorly, again!) You might just notice in around 10 shows or so, there's some storylines that don't flow so well But arguably, it's better the second time around! The next 11 shows are all fully written, I didn't lose any of that, so it's just cross my fingers and hope for the best.
  11. Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 23, Week 2, July 2020 ‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle [vs] ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson ‘The Furious Bi-Curious’ Alfonso D’Angelo [vs] Grandmaster Phunk w/ The Booth Gorilla Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King Monkey Business (Kevin Jones & Jeremy Allen) [vs] ???? ‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM [vs] ‘The Bad Seed’ Kelvin Badberry w/ Phil Harmonic & Edison Silva ‘Jilted’ Loxley Robbins [vs] ‘D-B-F’ Daniel Black Francis
  12. 21CW Presents: Episode 22 Wednesday, Week 1, July 2020 Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Jeff Nova Overall Rating: 74 We opened the show with a video package, reminding us that Joss Thompson, Roly Muckletruck and Absolutely Flawless LOST at Fight Night, in the 5 on 5 Fight To End All Fights… and will now be suspended for the whole of July… Meaning Mark Adonis and the rest of the House of Business can do whatever they want on United… They’re not the only heroes on United though… as Absolutely Flawless’ manager, and Joss Thompson’s best friend Leo Price headed to the ring to kick us off… Leo Price: “My boys… and my friends… are lost… for the next four weeks, someone… has to stand up to The House of Business… So BEAST BANTOM… you little traitor… I… am going to be the one to stand up to the House… Starting… with YOU!!” Price waited for Beast to come out, but Mark Adonis’ music hit… and the cocky youngster strolled onto the stage, accompanied by Doomsday, Luke Cool and Rolling Johnny Stones… Adonis danced to the ring… living in the moment, and enjoying Price’s anguish… He said Beast has nothing to do with the House of Business… that was a one night deal… but that he’d gladly continue his good run of form and fight Price, right now…!! w/ Leo ‘The Lion’ Price [vs] Mark Adonis w/ Doomsday, Luke Cool and Rolling Johnny Stones At 46, and over two years since his last match, Leo Price made a good showing of himself here. He was right in the match until right at the end, when Doomsday caught him with a vicious elbow strike while Cool and Stones distracted the referee. That allowed Adonis to hit his vicious elbow strike: ‘The Adonis Elbow’ (Judas Effect). 60 After the match, Adonis instructed his troops to tie Price up in the ropes… to teach him a lesson… Mark Adonis: “Nobody is here to help you, old man…!! It’s just us, and you out here…” Adonis grabbed his tyre thumper… and got ready to open Price’s skull up… but the locker room emptied, and the House of Business scattered…!! Cain Carlisle: “HEY Adonis… Evan Alpass and I have our gear on… We’re ready to go… so why don’t you send Cool and Stones back here… so we can you, that you’re not gonna have it all your own way for the next month…!!” w/ [PICS: Alpass and Carlisle VS Cool and Stones w/ Doomsday and Adonis] Evan Alpass & Cain Carlisle [vs] Luke Cool & Rolling Johnny Stones w/ Doomsday & Mark Adonis Another solid match, and an open and even one again. Alpass and Carlisle have teamed up a few times in recent weeks, but despite their familiarity, they stood no chance against Cool and Stones, who are battled veterans. Stones hit his ‘Brainbuster’ to finish Alpass off in the end. 54 We saw highlights next, showing Aldous Blackfriar and Jonathan Faust teaming up at Fight Night to take on Java and Tribal Warrior, who are on their retirement tour around the world… Aldous and Faust gelled extremely well (I got a ‘good chemistry’ note on the match!!)… and are both said to have ‘enjoyed’ teaming together… Are they now ready to take on the might of Grave Digger, and his Black Hats…?! Time will tell… We cut backstage, to Boulder and Flynn’s makeshift office… The Detective Duo were counting a large sum of cash money…!! When in walked a familiar face… the attractive police officer from Viktor Beskov’s arrest…!! Beau Boulder: “Here… she… is…!!” Darin Flynn: “Look at you… and here… is your cut, me lady…!!” Flynn handed over a duffel bag full to the brim with cash… It was clear that at Fight Night, this lady agreed to help the Detectives retrieve the money that BW Eddie owed them… and he owes them no more… Beau Boulder: “You should stick around… Maybe we can get you a spot with 21CW…?!” Darin Flynn: “Or better yet… a spot in the Boulder and Flynn Detective Agency…!! Whadda we call you, anyway…?” KT Devonshire: “My name… Is KT Devonshire… and sure… I’ll stick around… Got any beers…?!” Boulder said they had some IRN BRU (courtesy of Roly Muckletruck)… which Devonshire gladly accepted…!! Next up, a segment that’s become extremely popular in recent weeks… ‘A Chance Against Chuck’… where Chuck Frisby invites a British Wrestling legend to come in and have a match against him…!! He’s beaten Puffy The Sand Iron Player… Ripper LeStat… and former Olympian Stuart Wilson so far… but tonight, was a different challenge… The near 300lb Bulldog Jack…!! w/ Bulldog Jack [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver Bulldog Jack was dominant here, and Chuck Frisby was lucky to survive! Gulliver was the difference once again. He locked Jack in a sleeper while the referee was distracted, before clobbering him with a lariat. Soon after, Chuck rolled him up for a three count, and picked up another win! That’s 9 wins in his last 10 matches! 33 We cut to a video package next, and found Grave Digger and The Black Hats out in a field… The Black Hats were digging a large hole, while Grave Digger spoke directly to the camera… Grave Digger: “Digging holes… for ancient souls… Adam Matravers was the latest to fall at my hand… and he’s out injured now… This place… needs to be brought out of the stone age, and into the 21st Century like the marquee says… It’s time for the next generation to rise… the Black Hats are all under 20 years old… They will follow as my disciples, and LEARN from me… The one true leader of the next generation… and they will watch, as I destroy this ‘old guard’…” The segment everyone had been waiting for was next… ‘Why Beast Why’… was the question on everybody’s lips at Fight Night… as Beast Bantom turned his back on Roly Muckletruck and the rest of the team in the 5 on 5 Fight To End All Fights… As a result of him switching sides and joining Mark Adonis and The House of Business… Roly, Joss Thompson, and Absolutely Flawless are now BANNED from the building, and will be out for the entire month of July…!! Beast stepped out onto the stage, and strolled to the ring to the loudest boos of the night… He stood in the ring, and tried to wait for silence so he could speak… but that silence never came… Beast Bantom: “You wanna know why I did what I did…?! He (Roly) used to call me ‘Beastie’… He tried to change me… to turn me into some fool, who drank IRN BRU… which is DISGUSTING by the way…!! It tastes like rust and battery acid… I HATE it… But the real reason I chose to represent Mark Adonis’ team… is because… they ASKED me to…!! Roly never did… He just assumed I wanted to join Joss’s team… Adonis asked, and he made me a compelling offer… It really was as simple as that… It’s just business… And by the way… NO… I am NOT in the House of Business…!!” ‘The Russian Bear’ Viktor Beskov [vs] J-B Cash J-B Cash knows his way around a ring, and can hang in there with the best this business has to offer. But there’s something about the way Beskov moves. He’s huge, and extremely powerful, but he moves so well for a big man. He kept up with Cash’s quickness and athleticism, eventually winning it with his ‘Red Devil Lock’ (Lifted Arm Hook). 59 Up next we got a celebration of a career achievement… A brilliant video package aired, showing Jase Cole and Christopher Lister winning Championships all over Europe… The former ‘Jed High’ and ‘Toby Juan Kenobi’ are former five-time Tag Champs in UCR and EWA… and now… They’re SIX time Champs… this time in 21CW… Both men have won singles Gold too, with Lister winning the VWA Swiss, and EWA Intercontinental… while Cole has won the UEW Nations, and FOUR singles Titles in EWA… But they were always destined to come back together, and now, they’re the United Tag Champs…!! And they came out to the ring to a heroes welcome…!! Jase Cole: “WE DID IT…!! And we’re BACK, where we should be…!!” Christopher Lister: “That’s right Jase… but… This is not some, end of the line… end of our careers, redemption story… no no… Yu see, one must always evolve…” Jase Cole: “That’s right, man… Now that we’ve ascended to the top… It’s time we thought about the future… stability… order… and balance…” Christopher Lister: “We are going to TRAIN a young, exciting tag team… Take them under our wing… and show them how to be the BEST tag team in the world… Like we are…” Cole confirmed that in TWO WEEKS… The new duo would debut… with Cole and Lister in their corner…!! We saw a clip next, at the end of Fight Night… Phillip Cooper had just lost his Title shot to Apollo Prince, and was coming back through the curtain… into an area we don’t see on TV very often… Cooper had a lot of blood on his face, and a doctor was trying to help him… Cooper pushed the doctor off, and veteran performer Clifford Wilson was on hand to try to help… The doctor grabbed what he thought was a cloth, and Wilson convinced Cooper to let him help stop the bleeding… But Cooper soon realised that the doctor had in fact picked up one of his HATS…!! Cooper was furious, and Wilson had to get between him and doc…!! Cooper ended up shoving Wilson, and the crew had to separate them… It’s lead to tonight’s Main Event… Clifford Wilson versus Phillip Cooper…!! ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp Two massive stars of European wrestling did battle here, with nothing on the line but pride. Both men had chances to win this one, with close near falls. But in the end, Koller landed his ‘Hamburg Rock City’ curb stomp and Beauchamp couldn’t get up. 51 Backstage, Emmett Askey was stood with his tag team clients: Mark Misery and Smiling John Smithie… who were telling him the story of how they met… Mark Misery: “So I walked into training… and this young Scottish kid was watching some drills in the ring… and we both said, at the very same time… “Wow… this is boring”… it was… hilarious…” Smithie laughed with his thick Scottish accent… at a completely un-funny story… and it wasn’t an enthusiastic laugh… As the two were reminiscing, The Bern Boys walked in… with their manager The Professor… The Professor: “Hmmm… BOORRRING…!! So you’ve been teaming up for about six months then, yes…? My Bern Boys met over two years ago… and when they started teaming up… The company they worked for, INVENTED a tag team division… just for them…!! Now THAT’s a story…” Mark Misery: “Tell you what Professor… Why don’t you and your ‘boys’ run along… and let the grown-ups finish speaking…” Professor sucker punched Misery in the eye, and he and the Bern Boys turned tail and got out of there…!! Clifford Wilson [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper Two fighters who couldn’t be any more different. Clifford Wilson kept saying he doesn’t want to wrestle matches anymore, and that he was too old to be in there with a talent like Cooper. But the longer the match wore on, the more he seemed to enjoy it! ‘Cooper Man’ gained some control, but the crowd rallied behind Wilson, and the veteran managed to fight back into it. He hit the ‘Falling Angel Moonsault’ (BME) which was impressive for a man of 49 years old! Before following it up with the ‘Descent Into Hell’ (Angel’s Wings). 74 Wilson had his hand raised, but was then jumped from behind out of nowhere by Edward Cornell…!! Cornell kicked Wilson while he was down, and the leader of the House of Business was angry for some reason… His actions brought out 21CW World Champion Apollo Prince… who sprinted to the ring to save the veteran, Wilson…!! Cornell strolled up the ramp, after escaping before Prince got into the ring… He had a microphone with him… Edward Cornell: “The games have just begun Apollo… Soon… I’ll be coming back to full fitness… SOON… I’ll be coming for my Title… but until then… The House Of Business are coming for EVERYONE… Nobody is safe… The games have just begun, and the HOUSE… Always wins…!!”
  13. Predictions for United, Episode 22, Week 1, July 2020 ???? [vs] ‘God’s Gift To Wrestling’ Mark Adonis w/ The House of Business Evan Alpass & Cain Carlisle [vs] Luke Cool & Rolling Johnny Stones w/ The House of Business ‘A Chance Against Chuck’ ???? [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver ‘The Russian Bear’ Viktor Beskov [vs] J-B Cash ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp Clifford Wilson [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper
  14. 21CW Presents: Episode 22 Wednesday, Week 1, July 2020 Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley Overall Rating: 67 We opened the show with clips from Loxley Robbins and Vicki Company’s wedding from a couple of weeks ago… Nobody has seen or heard from Loxley since he was screwed over by Blake Belushi… who stole his fiancé, on their wedding day, and stabbed him in the back… Artemis and Thurston then put him through a table… his night couldn’t have gone any worse… No news at all on when or if he’ll be back to Kingdom television… But when we came back live, we opened this show with tag team action… ... The Underdogs [vs] Nightmare & Ruin Fun opener here, as Joe Simpson and Michael X battled two men that were double their size! It was a fairly routine win for Nightmare and Ruin, who crushed The Underdogs and picked up a momentum building victory when Ruin hit his ‘Fold Up Powerbomb’ on Simpson. 54 In the back, Tommy Cornell and Buff Martinez, who was still in a sling, were arguing inside Colin Chalke’s office… Tommy Cornell: “Leapfrogging me to a Title shot, ey…?!” Buff Martinez: “I’m entitled to a re-match, and choo know it…!!” Tommy Cornell: “Oh yeah…?! How’s the arm doin’, son…?!” Buff Martinez: “Maybe ah’ll show choo in tha ring…?!” Tommy Cornell: “Be my guest… I won’t make it hurt a bit… I’ll make it hurt a LOT…!!” Buff Martinez: “It’ll hurt a lot… when I BEAT choo…!!” Colin Chalke had had enough, and he shouted at the arguing pair… he said they both have a legitimate claim for a Title shot… and he could think of only ONE way, that the number one contender was named in a fair way… He told the bickering pair that he would finalise some details, and then see them both in the ring later tonight…!! Elsewhere backstage, Alfonso D’Angelo was addressing his own comments form last week, where he challenged Buck Winchester to a singles match, after ‘Cowboy’ turned his back on their friendship, and joined The Booth… Alfonso D’Angelo: “I meant what I said… I want… Buck… Winchester… at WICKED!!” Alfonso was about to leave the scene, when suddenly he was jumped by The Booth… with Buck Winchester and DJ Reason barking orders…!! While Grandmaster Phunk and Dangermouth laid the boots in, ‘Cowboy’ shouted at his former friend… Buck Winchester: “Oh you don’t want NONE o’ this, boyyy…!! But I’ll tell you what, partna… Beat Grandmaster Phunk here, nex’ week on Kingdom… an’ you an’ I can do our lil’ dance… whaddya say…?!” Buck said he couldn’t hear Alfonso’s reply, and laughed… because the youngster was badly beaten up, and no doubt bruised from the encounter… ‘Cowboy’ said he’d see ‘The Furious Bi-Curious’ next week… when Phunk is going to make an example out of him… ‘The Quiet One’ Sifu [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton As the old saying goes: It’s always ‘The Quiet Ones’ you need to watch, and tonight was no different. Sifu calmly went about his business early on, and then for the middle portion of the match, was totally dominated, and didn’t have a lick of offence. For the closing moments though, he came alive again, and Burton couldn’t handle the buzzsaw. In the end, Burton’s partner and fellow Tag Team Champion: Landon Mallory hit the ring. His arrival distracted Sifu, and allowed Burton to hit his running knee strike. 63 In the men’s locker room, Kevin Jones and Jeremy Allen were talking business… specifically… Monkey Business…!! Allen said he enjoyed their victory last week, where they returned to their ‘roots’ as a tag team… The ‘Shane Hannigans’, and ‘Tom Foolery’ tactics, seemed to get under the skin of the dangerous Nightmare and Ruin, and they picked up a big win against the big men… Allen suggested they do it more often, and Jones seemed to be on board…!! Next up, we learned that ‘D-B-F’ Daniel Black Francis, would be returning to Kingdom TV after a few weeks on the shelf…!! Inexplicably, D-B-F showed up at Loxley Robbins’ Bucks Party (stag doo) in Prague, and tried to get a Championship re-match against the man who took his Title: Best Man, Blake Belushi… Belushi smashed a bottle over his head, and beat him up, before throwing a chair at him… and he was being treated out in Prague for his injuries… Next week though, Francis will address the assault, and confirm that he is one of a long list of Belushi enemies… He may have to get in line to get to the Australian… ‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat 10 years ago, this match would have Main Evented any pay-per-view. 15 years ago, both of these men were winning the Ring Of Fire Championship, and at the top of the company. Right now, both are just a few big wins away from returning to the top – despite their age. O’Curle got one of those big wins here, when he locked in his ‘Celtic Wreath’ (Standing Inverted Cloverleaf) and made Stoat tap out. 61 Backstage, Phil Harmonic and his group were shown watching their rival: Merle O’Curle win… Edison Silva was angry with Harmonic… because last week, in the six man, Harmonic didn’t choose Silva and Kelvin Badberry as his partners…!! And Harmonic was not happy… he SLAPPED Silva… causing the MMA fighter to fall backwards and hold his face… Phil Harmonic: “How DARE you question me…!! I’ve beaten Merle O’Curle two weeks running… The two I chose was the RIGHT call, because we WON…!!” Kelvin Badberry stood behind Harmonic, and Silva backed down… He was apologetic to ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’… Next up, we found out that the BEDLAM / War Machine rivalry and Best of Seven Series would get it’s next and final instalment at Wicked…!! Next week… on Kingdom… It’ll be Pick Your Poison, as BEDLAM and War Machine will choose opponents for their rivals…!! With the scores tied at 3-3… their match at Wicked will settle their series… and truly determine who the ‘Most Dangerous Man In Britain’ is…!! w/ Gorilla Lee w/ Andrew Lee, JK Lee & Cousin Konrad [vs] Lone Wolf Gorilla Lee is so much fun to watch. He batters his opponents with vicious power moves and strikes, but has a big smile on his face while he does it. Lone Wolf is 298lbs, but his offence bounced off the 461lb Gorilla Lee. He hit the ‘Mighty Avalanche’, where he stepped on Lone Wolf’s chest, and dropped down into a splash to win it! 47 The Lee FamiLee, including Cousin Konrad, remained in the ring, as they had an announcement to make… Gorilla Lee: “I know you’re all dying to hear from him… and since this announcement pertains to him… I give you… COUSIN… KONRAD…!!” Cousin Konrad grabbed the microphone… and the crowd cheered the Swedish grappler loudly…!! The intense ‘Stone Cold Killer’ paused and let the crowd cheer and chant his name… before staring directly down the camera, and referencing the staredown he had with BEDLAM last week…!! Cousin Konrad: “BEDLAM… One of these days… I come for you… But at Wicked… I make my 21CW debut… Watch…!!” ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester [vs] Local Talent Nate Manchester finally got his 1 on 1 match with a local talent, after trying for a few weeks, and he showed exactly what he’s capable of. He hit his ‘Manc-Sault’ to win it, after a dominant showing. 42 We saw a promo video next, showing the tag team known as The Welsh Wizards: Welsh Dragon and Aurelian Bradley… The video showed how different Dragon and Bradley are as in-ring competitors… Dragon flies around the ring, and makes everything look effortless… His high-flying and flashiness is second to none on the 21CW roster, but he does also possess technical skills… Aurelian Bradley on the other hand believes that one day he’ll be the greatest technical wrestler in the history of the UK… which is a tall task… At 22 and 18 respectively, the sky is the limit for Dragon and Bradley, as they continue their rise on Kingdom… ‘The Neanderthal’ Andrew Lee [vs] ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson Not the best Main Event ever, but Lee more than held his own out there, despite leaving the rest of the Lee FamiLee in the back. Orson is a recent World Heavyweight Champion, but he carries himself as a star, and wrestles like one too. Lee was beaten with the ‘Bounce Back’ (Pounce) in the end, and Orson stood over his fallen opponent with his arms spread wide as he looked up to the sky and the boos rained down. The boos soon turned to cheers though. 61 Tommy Cornell arrived… and waited on the stage as the crowd cheered him loudly… Before Buff Martinez (still with a sling), Kathleen Lee, and Kingdom General Manager: Colin Chalke arrived alongside him… Colin Chalke: “Orson… I’m out here to reveal your opponent for WICKED…!! Now… Tommy Cornell IS the rightful Number One Contender… However, Buff Martinez DOES have a legitimate claim for a RE-MATCH for his World Heavyweight Title… So here’s what we’re gonna do… At Wicked… If Buff Martinez IS cleared to compete… it’ll be a Triple Threat Match… If Buff is NOT cleared… Tommy Cornell gets his shot… and regardless of the winner, Buff’s re-match remains valid…!!” Orson complained, but Chalke said he didn’t want to hear it… Cornell smiled and waved at Orson from the stage, while Buff and Kathleen Lee plotted… However, they didn’t see Orson’s friends: Leigh Burton and Landon Mallory arrive…!! Burton shoved Tommy Cornell, and he staggered and fell, and rolled down the ramp… Mallory kicked Buff Martinez low, dropping him down to a knee, before kicking his bad shoulder…!! Kathleen Lee was beside herself, and tried to protect Buff… but the damage was done with that one kick to the arm…!! Referees, officials, and Colin Chalke saw Burton and Mallory off, before Cornell could get his hands on them…
  15. I hear you mate. Good stuff can be overwhelming / time consuming / tiring too. I have a great tip for anyone who's feeling down in the dumps if anyone ever needs it... I call it 'THE LIST THING'... It's a working title... I heard there's a 100-Day Cough bug thing... I think I've had it 7 times in a row or so... Feel like I've been ill for about 2 years now.
  16. I did indeed mean Merle Not sure how I made that error, but you all got the idea I actually do rate Stoat... but he's a solid 44 year old mid-carder with some previous cred and strong popularity in the UK, rather than anything special. He was a no-brainer of a signing when I began this, for my 'sand box' style... in cannon, he quit because Pitbull Brown was booking him to lose all the time... awwwkwaaaard... Agreed. I really like Andrew (and the Lee FamiLee), but Andrew in particular has a strong character and good skills. He's 26, he doesn't need to be Main Eventing just yet though. Plenty of time on that one, and his stable is helping him improve really nicely. My aim is to have the four of them (all under 29) be so beloved, that when one turns on the other three, you'll all HATE him... Right now, I'm so into booking them as a 'family unit' that I haven't decided which will turn, or when, so it's a long-term stable for now Just realised, Apollo Prince is only 24... so Andrew isn't 'that' young... but Prince is a special case in my books.
  17. Sorry to hear that buddy. Always around if you need a DM chat. 2024 has so far been hard for us too - could do with a bunch of money just landing in my lap out of nowhere to be honest. And my sons to both stop picking up bugs / illnesses etc.
  18. Forgot to post this: @Charasmatic Enigma and @KyTeran share the top score on Fight Night with an impressive 8/11... Charismatic Enigma also secured top spot for June... So double prize for you, and one for KyTeran incoming!
  19. Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 22, Week 1, July 2020 The Underdogs [vs] Nightmare and Ruin Sifu [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton ‘The Irish Stretching Machine [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat Gorilla Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] Lone Wolf Nate Manchester [vs] ???? ‘The Neanderthal’ Andrew Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson
  20. CGC Canadian Title Match: Moose Mulder vs Dan DaLay Barry Bowen vs Howling Dog Eric Tyler vs Jack DeColt Outstanding work as always
  21. Thanks man, lots to reply to - which is awesome Love feedback like this. Thanks for the nod on the graphics - I went 'Fight Club' vibes, and named the show Fight Night in honour of Sheamus You're right about it lacking Eddie - but I had to do something unique to cover his injury. I also feel like if it stayed 5 on 5, the heels would lose. Returning Joss, former Tag Champs Absolutely Flawless, Beast and Roly who are huge, and just won the Cornell Cup - it was a strong babyface team on paper. Antithesis is the kind of heel I can pick up and drop into any programme, at any time. He's a chaos merchant, who loves his fire extinguishers! Right now, he doesn't fit alongside Faust and Aldous - but never say never. Beskov needs a bigger feud for sure - and I like the Cooper idea a lot actually. Matravers - I'm sorry dude. Everything you said there is fine with me though He's a babyface, you'd boo the heel for squashing him, it's ideal really. That said, I do have plans for him - he's one of my favourites of all time. Kenobi High are so talented! I always loved their gimmick, and remember them in my first save ever on TEW (maybe 2010 or 2008 or something?) I think you'll like what happens to them next I think it was kind of a 'final match' between Prince and Cooper, if that makes sense? Cooper's work raised Prince to Main Event level, and lead to his Title win - so Cooper deserved the title shot in a way? As a reward. This was only their second PPV 1 on 1 match - after the Fight At the Factory. They've fought 3 times on United too though. Overall, thank you for the comments. Much appreciated, and glad to have you back!
  22. Would love to hear your Fight Night Graphics feedback And the PPV in general to be honest
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