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The Lloyd

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  1. Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Jeff Nova Overall Rating: 76 We opened FIGHT NIGHT with a video package, showing the opening contest, and marquee match on the card… The FIGHT TO END ALL FIGHTS… 5 on 5 match…!! Joss Thompson returned to 21CW after a five year absence, and cost Edward Cornell his World Championship… He said he is back, to make Mark Adonis and co. pay for running his best friend Leo Price down with a CAR…!! Adonis also cost Lance and Kelly Martin their 21CW United Tag Team Titles… while Roly and Beast were screwed out of a Title shot against Cornell in recent months…!! At Fight Night… the Five On Five Fight To End All Fights… will be contested between two teams… On Joss Thompson’s team, Roly, Beast and the Martin Twins… and on Cornell’s team, it’s Adonis, Doomsday, Luke Cool and Rolling Johnny Stones… However, Cornell is a major doubt for the match… Adonis has said he may have a replacement already lined up… The rules are simple… The ten participants will start in the ring… However… Falls will count ANYWHERE… and the match will be contested under IRON MAN rules… For 30 minutes, the two teams will batter and bludgeon each other, making pins and submissions, and racking up points… The team with the most points will WIN… The losing team… will be SUSPENDED from 21CW for one month…!! Allowing the winners to grow in the next four weeks, without the other team in their way… With the ‘London Calling’ Pay-Per-View six weeks away, it could be a game changer… With Edward Cornell out of action, we started this match with all nine men in the ring. The four members of the House of Business stood on one side of the ring, and Joss Thompson’s five stood on the other. Mark Adonis grabbed a microphone, and confirmed that he HAD found a partner to join his team and once again referred to him as a 'Hulk' of a man. He turned everyone’s attention to the stage, but then all the lights went out!! When they came back on, BEAST BANTOM had moved across the ring, and was stood alongside Adonis, Doomsday, Luke Cool and Rolling Johnny Stones! Everyone on Joss’s team were stunned, especially Beast’s tag team partner Roly Muckletruck!! There was a moment where it seemed he was going to attack Adonis from the side. But he didn’t, he watched as the four men on each side ran at each other, and fought in the opening all-out brawl. Things opened up, and it left Roly and Beast as the only two men in the ring. Roly was asking Beast ‘why’ as they circled each other, but Beast gave no answer. Instead, he flew at his tag team partner, putting it beyond doubt that he was Team House of Business. The middle portion of the match saw Beast become the difference maker for his team. Absolutely Flawless and Cool and Stones pair off, while Adonis fought Thompson, and they all had Doomsday for back-up. But when Beast came around to find Lance and Kelly Martin on the stage, he hit a double spear on both of them. He then powerbombed them individually, before pinning them both one at a time, to go 2-0 up for his team. In the ring, Joss Thompson hit his ‘Clean Cutter’ (RKO) on Adonis, and despite being at a man disadvantage, managed to pull one back for his team. Roly Muckletruck went on a rampage too, knocking Doomsday out with a stiff lariat, and following it up with his Full Nelson around 10 rows deep in the crowd. One of the many referees were on hand to watch Doomsday tap out to make it 2-2. Bantom continued his reign of terror though, and he soon put Roly down on the ramp with his ‘Savage Pounce’ finisher, and then piled Luke Cool and Rolling Johnny Stones on top of his former tag team partner, and there was no way he’d be able to kick out. 3-2 to the House of Business, and as the match wore on, the various pairings brawled all over the arena. Doomsday and Roly found themselves surrounded by fans, up by the souvenir stands. After a brief brawl, the two Scots went through a table together. We cut to the two tag teams, where Absolutely Flawless gained control over Cool and Stones in the locker room! They managed to score a pin on Cool, when Lance hit his ‘Body Rocker’ Flying European Uppercut. Now 3-3, but in the ring was where things changed. Adonis was in trouble against Joss Thompson, who was valiantly fighting despite the numbers advantage. Joss got into position, and hit his ‘Clean Cutter’ once again. However, Beast Bantom slid into the ring from behind Joss and locked in the ‘Beast Bear Hug’. The crowd chanted loudly, as the clock began to tick down with just two minutes to go, and the scored tied. Absolutely Flawless slowly crawled down the ramp towards the ring to try and save Joss from the brutal hold. They were cut off by Doomsday, Cool and Stones though. Roly Muckletruck made his way through the crowd, but as he got to the guard rail, Mark Adonis clocked him in the face with his Tire Thumper!! Joss had been in the Bear Hug for a long time, but he refused to tap out!! Adonis climbed into the ring, and hit Joss in the kidneys, over and over again, until ‘The Complete Package’ HAD to tap!! The House of Business made it 4-3 with seconds to spare!! And now Joss Thompson, Lance and Kelly Martin and Roly Muckletruck will be SUSPENDED from 21CW for one month!! 65 After the wild Fight To End All Fights, we cut backstage, to where Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn caught up with BW Eddie – who owes them a lot of money…!! He tried to run, but they decked him… and dragged him out to the parking lot…!! They began to stuff him in the boot of their car, when a siren came on an unmarked police car, which had just pulled alongside them…!! Out stepped the very attractive Police Constable from United… who tutted at the two ‘detectives’… She opened her rear passenger door, and out stepped the 21CW UK Champion: Viktor Beskov… and she told him to “go get him”… referring to Antithesis…!! It was for the best that Beskov didn’t see who was in Boulder and Flynn’s boot, so the Police Constable waited for Beskov to march towards the ring before instructing them to let BW Eddie out… Eddie shoved Boulder into Flynn, and then attempted to flee the scene… the Police Constable delivered a timely hip toss… locking a handcuff on to Eddie’s wrist as he landed…!! Attractive Police Constable: “So… I hear this chap owes you money…?!” Viktor Beskov was arrested on United this past week, for destroying Fire Extinguishers. He did that because a few weeks ago, Antithesis stuffed one in his face and set it off while he was sleeping (while getting his beard trimmed), causing him to miss weeks of action. While he was out recovering, Antithesis destroyed Beskov’s best friend Yuri Iliakov’s leg, and he’s now out for months. So Beskov was here to not only defend his Championship, but also to get revenge on Antithesis. It was a back and forth brawl, but one which both men relished. For the finish, the referee caught a stray elbow from Antithesis, and struggled to see. He had to get a bit of treatment at ringside, and Antithesis saw his chance. He slid out of the ring, and pulled out a Fire Extinguisher, before spraying it in Viktor Beskov’s face as he leant out through the ropes!! As the dust cleared though, Beskov revealed he was wearing a GAS MASK, and was completely unaffected by the spray! He locked in his ‘Red Devil Lock’ (Lifted Arm Hook), and Antithesis tapped furiously (as best he could!) 59 Another wild match in the bag… and the next one promised to be just as wild as the first two… Aldous Blackfriar and Jonathan Faust on the SAME SIDE… teaming against a Mystery Tag Team… Described by 21CW Owner Jeff Nova as HUGE stars from the United States Tag Team scene… coming to 21CW as a favour to him, as part of their Retirement Tour…!! And that Mystery Team was revealed as… SAVAGE FURY…!! Incredible to see Java and Tribal Warrior on these shores, and they didn’t disappoint. The 47 year olds looked like they hadn’t missed a step, as they ran around the ring, and slammed into their thrown together opponents. Aldous and Faust actually showed good chemistry out there though (OOC Note: they got the “good chemistry when teaming” note in game!! So that might be something I explore further...). Their timing was impeccable, and the speed they performed at was hard for the two big men to keep up with. Their combined age is 94, and their combined weight is nearly 700lbs, so they couldn’t cope once Aldous picked up the pace. He ended up passing Java to Faust to hit the ‘Devil’s Drop’ Inverted DDT to pick up a massive win, against two of the greats. 67 The crowd gave Java and Tribal Warrior a standing ovation, and they even stayed around to shake the hands of, and endorse, Aldous Blackfriar and Jonathan Faust… Backstage, Melanie Florence was walking and looking for a scoop… when Leo Price came around the corner… Florence asked Price the question on everyone’s mind… With Joss Thompson, Absolutely Flawless and Roly Muckletruck suspended for the next month… where does this leave Price…?! Leo Price: “I don’t know what to say to you right now, Melanie… Beast Bantom is a TRAITOR…!! I should… I shoulda seen it coming…!!” Price blamed himself, but there was nothing he could do… All of his friends are not going to be around for a month… which makes him extremely vulnerable… The shortest match of the night saw Adam Matravers stand up for the little man. He stood across the ring from the biggest, baddest, man on the United roster, and didn’t flinch. When the fighting started, Matravers used all of his quickness and experience to hop around the ring, and stay out of Grave Digger’s clutches. However, it was only a matter of time before Grave Digger got his hands on his prey – particularly with The Black Hats all lurking at ringside. The three big men wore their hats, and masks, and paraded around the ring – never stopping moving. Matravers took his eye off Grave Digger for a split second, and the giant was on him. From then on, ‘Mile High’ could barely breathe. He was tossed around the ring like timber, and eventually put away with the ‘R.I.P’ Piledriver in Grave Digger’s biggest victory to date – by far! 58 Everyone was a little bit in shock after seeing Adam Matravers lose like that… Grave Digger stood victorious over the fallen hero, as his Black Hats stood beside him as perhaps the most dominant faction 21CW has ever seen…!! But worryingly for the United Roster... they're just getting started... Up next, we learned of a special match scheduled for United this week… Two mega stars of European Wrestling over the past decade: ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller… and ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp will do battle for the first time in 21CW… Should be an instant classic between two of the most talented performers on the roster… Four legendary competitors doing battle here, so as expected the pace was slow and deliberate. Wilson and Dragon started well, keeping Jase Cole and Christopher Lister separate, and isolating Cole in their corner. The highly-decorated Australian was up against two of the best English wrestlers of their generation, and the crowd were fully behind them both. But when Cole started to fight back into it, the crowd got behind him too. Somehow, he made It to Lister, who came in like a steam train. Lister and Dragon’s section here was the fastest of the match as they battled back and forth with kicks and springboards, and they both ducked and dodged each other’s offence. Lister was able to catch Dragon right under the jaw with a superkick though, and from then on, the masked flier couldn’t get out the blocks. Cole and Lister did a number on Clifford Wilson, not allowing the legend to get in, and in the end they double-drop kicked him off the apron, before Lister hit his ‘A-Lister’ (Skull Crushing Finale) and Kenobi High scored a historic victory!! 54 With tears in their eyes, Jase Cole and Christopher Lister were handed the Championships by the referee…!! Lister dropped down to his knees, and clutched the Belt closely, while Cole stood over his best friend and cried into his… Wilson and Dragon regained their composure, and there was a nice embrace, handshake, and show of mutual respect between the four of them… A really wholesome moment for the fans, and everyone that has supported British, European and Tag Team wrestling over the last 20 years… But ultimately… United has NEW United Tag Team Champions…!! In something of a less than wholesome moment… former 21CW World Champion Edward Cornell made his way onto the stage in his suit… as the crowd booed him out of the building… There were a few cheers early on, until he started doing his usual arrogant act, and ignored young fans… even ripping up a sign from one couple in the front row that read ‘Cornell Fears Muckletruck’…!! Cornell motioned that he was going to join the announce team, so Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell, and to a lesser extent – Jeff Nova, moved up and made some space… Des even grabbed an extra desk chair for him… But once they were ready, he turned his back on them… Instead pulling out a ticket from his pocket… and revealing that he was going to be sitting right in the corner, in the front row…!! Martin Bloydell: “Man I hate that guy…!!” Jeff Nova: “Aiii ah know, Marty… Bo’ as moch as ah hate ta’ admit et… He’s good for business… People wanna see him get his arse kicked… and they’ll pay ta see it…!!” As the announce team spoke about the situation, Phillip Cooper made his entrance for our Main Event…!! Four and a half months ago, Apollo Prince and Phillip Cooper lost a tag team match against then Champions: Absolutely Flawless. The following week on United, they brawled, and it lead to Cooper ripping Prince’s shirt. Prince retaliated, by stealing one of Cooper’s hats, and flushing it down the toilet!! Since then, they’ve hated each other. Cooper WON 51% of Prince’s Shampoo business: ‘Shampollo’, only for Prince to reveal that the company donates it’s profits to charity, and that ‘Cooper Man’ would be worth nothing as majority owner. At Partners In Crime, the two had an epic Fight At The Factory Match, in which Prince walked out victorious and won his company back! This match almost ended early for Cooper, as Prince HIT his ‘Apollogy’ Inverted Bulldog, and Cooper somehow squirmed his shoulder out from under him, and up to the sky!! That move had put Cooper away a handful of times this year, but not this soon into a BIG Main Event. Cooper was embarrassed to have been caught out so early on, but he soon gained the upper hand with some well-placed knees to Prince’s gut. The match took a dark turn soon after Cooper’s dominance began to take its toll on Prince. The two men brawled to the outside of the ring, and Cooper flew at his rival, while he was stood against the corner post, aiming to crush his back on the post. However, Prince not only side-stepped him, but he also swiped Cooper forward, and he hit his face on the post! ‘Cooper Man’ sprayed a lot of blood from a deep wound above his eyebrow, and the people in the front row of that corner – including Edward Cornell got a disgusting up close and personal look at the crimson mask that Cooper began to wear. From then on there was no way back for Cooper. Prince hit some high-impact moves, including an awesome swinging DDT. However, his high-flying moves were the real highlight, and difference makers. The true difference maker of course, was Cooper’s blood loss. He took a few sips of the referee’s bottle of water as the match wore on, but in the end, Apollo hit his ‘Apollogy’ Inverted Bulldog one more time, and this time Cooper couldn’t kick out! 78 Edward Cornell was almost the first man to his feet when Prince’s finishing move saw off Phillip Cooper… but not to give Prince a standing ovation, but to leave the ringside area… he’d seen enough… That didn’t bother Prince though, he was elated to once again overcome his greatest rival to date: Cooper…!! The blood on Cooper was ridiculous… and Prince knew his rival had been through a war… He decided to wait for ‘Cooper Man’ to rise to his feet, and then offer a handshake as a show of respect… Cooper took an age to accept it, but then finally reached out and slapped Prince’s hand in more of a ‘high five’ kind of way… He nodded a nod of respect to the Champ, and then exited the ring… clapping the fans as he left… Prince meanwhile, stood on the second rope in the corner, lifting his Championship high into the air and pointing out to the fans who love him…!! Great feel good way to end the show… The last two matches certainly sent the fans home happy, and made up for Adam Matravers getting crushed by Grave Digger, and Beast Bantom turning his back on Roly Muckletruck and his team…!!
  2. Predictions for FIGHT NIGHT, Week 4, June 2020 The Fight To End All Fights: | Joss Thompson, Roly Muckletruck, Beast Bantom & Absolutely Flawless | [vs] | Mark Adonis, Doomsday, Luke Cool, Rolling Johnny Stones & ???? | 21CW UK Championship Match: ‘The Russian Bear’ Viktor Beskov (c) [vs] ‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis One-Off Appearance: ???? [vs] Aldous Blackfriar & Jonathan Faust Grudge Match: ‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge [vs] Grave Digger w/ The Black Hats 21CW United Tag Team Title Match: Clifford Wilson & UK Dragon (c) [vs] Kenobi High 21CW World Championship Match: Apollo Prince (c) [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper BONUS QUESTIONS: 1). Who will be the Mystery Partner on Mark Adonis’ Fight To End All Fights Team…?: ___________________ 2). Who are the Mystery Tag Team making a one-off appearance on their retirement tour…?: ___________________ 3). How many Championships will change hands out of a possible three…?: ___________________ 4). What will the Overall Rating of the show be (within 5 gets one point, spot on gets two points…?: ___________________
  3. I wrote that Haha!! I did all the bios for WCCW and TWE - they were a lot of fun. Charles Robinson might be one you'd like And Brian Hebner Haha!
  4. 21CW Presents: Episode 21 Wednesday, Week 4, June 2020 Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Jeff Nova Overall Rating: 74 The number one contender for the 21CW World Championship – Phillip Cooper, opened the show… and he had a message for the Champ: Apollo Prince… A man he’s been feuding with for months… Phillip Cooper: “Apollo Prince… Ah’m actually impressed… I never thought our kid ‘ad it in ‘im… Yu know, ‘ee won tha’ Belt on an episode of YER-NITED… So why can’t I…?! Know wha’ Ah mean…?!” This brought Prince to the ring… He said he knew exactly what ‘Cooper Man’ means… He means he wants a Title shot right here, right now… TONIGHT, on United… Apollo Prince: “I’m always ready ‘Cooper Man’… So let’s do this…!! Get a referee out here…!!” Phillip Cooper: “Woa, woa, woa, woa… woa… easy there big fella… calm down, calm down… Ah think Ah’ve changed me mind… In preparation for Fight Night… Ah’m gonna take the night off, and rest up… But Ah’ll see ya in a few, lad…” Jeff Nova stood up from the announce desk with a microphone… Jeff Nova: “Hey look… Ah’m glad we didnee’ get a Ti’le Match tonigh’ on United… That woulda ruuuined the TOPPP NOOOTCH Main Event o’ Fight Night… BOT… What I can do… Is book a Tag Team Match for la’er tonigh’… The two o’ youz… on opposi’e sides… Cooper can team wi’ J-B Cash… An’ Prince… Ah’m givin’ yuz Sebastian Koller as your par’ner… Good luck…!!” Prince was the happier of the two men about this… Cooper was angry that he couldn’t have the night off so close to his World Title shot… w/ ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] Grave Digger w/ The Black Hats Great opener here, with the talented Joey Beauchamp up against a monster in Grave Digger. ‘The Breeze’ tried a stick and move tactic, where he hit the behemoth with chops, and leg kicks, before retreating out of his grasp. However, it was only a matter of time before Grave Digger got his giant hands on the 43 year old. Grave Digger sucked the life out of Beauchamp, and took the crowd out of it completely. Eventually he hit his ‘R.I.P’ Piledriver and won it. 50 After the match, The Black Hats began to circle the ring… with one of them handing Grave Digger his shovel… But Joey Beauchamp got some help… Grave Digger decided that Adam Matravers and Kenobi High would represent a fight he and his group didn’t need to have tonight… so they retreated for now… w/ Cain Carlisle & Evan Alpass [vs] The Bern Boys w/ The Professor A re-match weeks in the making. The Swiss duo of Fabian Schwarz and Hans Piccard were out for revenge after Carlisle and Alpass beat them a few weeks ago. Schwarz and Piccard hit their ‘Lights Out in Lucerne’ tag team move, where Piccard hit a Slingshot Suplex and Schwarz came in with his Flying Forearm, before pinning Alpass. Carlisle was taken out by a CANE from The Professor behind the referee's back. 43 Mark Adonis was rallying the House Of Business troops backstage next… with NO Edward Cornell in the building… Mark Adonis: “Edward Cornell isn’t here… I can’t tell you for sure that he’ll be at Fight Night for the 5 on 5, Fight To End All Fights… So I’ve been working on a back-up plan… I’ve found a HULK of a man to cover for him so we’re not down to 4…” The group seemed happy with that… but Adonis told Cool and Stones that they’re to WIN tonight against Absolutely Flawless… ‘God’s Gift To Wrestling’ fired up his troops, and said they’d wait to find out what the Fight To End All Fights was… We got an injury update on Yuri Iliakov next, after he was brutally assaulted by Antithesis, who used a Fire Extinguisher to bludgeon his leg…!! Iliakov is out of action for ‘months’… and as the announce team spoke, we cut to his best friend Viktor Beskov, who was on the war path…!! ‘The Russian Bear’ was stomping through the backstage area, shouting out to Antithesis that he wanted to kill him… Every time he came across a Fire Extinguisher, he picked it up and threw it on the ground… Kicking it and damaging it, before throwing it at a wall…!! He continued to stomp around… ready to crush ‘The Anarchist’, who was so far hiding… Local Talent [vs] Vinny Vigilante A rare win on TV for Vinny Vigilante here. Despite being bland and a little ‘average’, the 250lber does have some nice moves in his arsenal, including his finishing Piledriver, which he used to win this one. 41 In the men’s locker room, Roly Muckletruck and Beast Bantom approached Joss Thompson… Roly Muckletruck: “Aii Joss… Welcome back, pal… Ah’m Roly… Thess is Beast Bantom… Although I thenk youz have met…?? Back in ’15…?? Anyway… If you’re lookin’ fer 4th and 5th members of yer team at Figh’ Nigh’… Then look no further, pal… It doesn’ee matter who they get ta replace Eddy Cornell… Beastie an’ I would love a crack at the other four, if ya catch me drift…?!” Joss smiled… He said he could think of nobody better than Roly and Beast to join him and Absolutely Flawless to battle the House of Business in the Fight To End All Fights, 5 on 5 Match… and he’s glad they offered before they even knew the rules…!! Roly Muckletruck: “We jus’ like a fight, right Beastie…?! Aii Joss… Fancy a celebratory IRN BRU…?!” Joss Thompson: “A wh…?? An Iron Brew…?! What is that, like a strong coffee…!?” Roly Muckletruck: “IRN BRU, pal…!! It’s sweet sweet nectar…!!” Joss was confused, but he smiled along, and told Roly and Beast he can’t wait to get his hands on the House of Business for what Mark Adonis did to Leo Price…!! He’d ideally love to batter Edward Cornell too, but that’ll have to wait…!! A video aired next, showing highlights from the three previous ‘Chance Against Chuck’ matches… ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby has lost ONE match since returning to 21CW… and since that defeat, at Partners In Crime, Chuck has opened the door to independent wrestlers from all over the world to come and have a match with him… He’s so far beaten golfing hardcore fighter Puffy The Sand Iron Player… vicious brawler Ripper LeStat… and former Olympian Stuart Wilson… ‘Chance Against Chuck’ will return next week… With a new opponent for Frisby…!! w/ w/ ‘The God’ Jonathan Faust w/ Aldous Blackfriar [vs] Mark Misery w/ Smiling John Smithie and Emmett Askey Good match here, and a chance for Faust and Blackfriar to show they’re on the same page. After a contest in which Misery had almost full control, Blackfriar’s presence at ringside paid of brilliantly for Faust right when he needed him. ‘The God’ had fought back into it, when Smithie hopped up onto the apron! Blackfriar sprung into action, and pulled Smithie down, allowing for Misery to become distracted by the chaos outside. Faust pulled Misery in, and hit the ‘Devil’s Drop’ inverted DDT to score, unbelievably, his first win on TV in 2020! 61 BW Eddie was shown backstage next… talking directly to the camera… Eddie addressed the situation last week… Where an angry Yuri Iliakov beat him up backstage, and then dragged him to the ring in order to get a match with Antithesis… Eddie had previously tipped ‘The Anarchist’ off, that Viktor Beskov likes to fall asleep when getting a hair cut and beard trim… So Antithesis snuck in to the barbers, and set off a Fire Extinguisher in Beskov’s face… After Iliakov left Eddie for dead at ringside last week, Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn came out, and STOLE his wallet… which means they have his address…!! He owes them money for spying services (ironically, for spying on Beskov and Iliakov)… and he is refusing to pay… Gosh that was complicated… BW Eddie: “I’ve been going to wrestling shows for almost 20 years… I’ve been wrestling myself, for over 8 years… NEVER… in all that time… have I ever felt… until now… that my security… my safety… my LIFE… was in danger… I don’t think anyone should feel that way at a wrestling show… They have my address…!! So I’m calling a truce… Let’s have a meeting NEXT WEEK… Boulder and Flynn… in the ring… let’s settle this like gentlemen…!!” Eddie noticed Viktor Beskov coming towards him out the corner of his eye, and ran away as fast as he could…!! Elsewhere in the back, 21CW United Tag Team Champions UK Dragon and Clifford Wilson, bumped into the Number One Contenders for their Titles… Christopher Lister and Jase Cole of Kenobi High… Dragon and Wilson said they’re a little concerned that Kenobi High are ‘looking past’ the Champs… and that they need to be 100% focused on them, if they want to win the Titles at Fight Night… There was mutual respect in the air, but also a little tension… Christopher Lister: “Respect you two… We do… Look past you, we do not…” Jase Cole: “Foolish, is the tag team who look past a team with a combined 21 Championships… But you yourselves would be wise to not look past a team who have held 5 Championships AS a tag team…” Christopher Lister: “Good luck at Fight Night… my Lords…” The four veterans shook hands as the tension subsided for now… but this promises to be a very even contest…!! w/ w/ Absolutely Flawless w/ Leo Price [vs] Rolling Johnny Stones & Luke Cool w/ Doomsday Speaking of even contests, this excellent tag team match was just that. These four are so evenly matched, that you could be forgiven for thinking they were all the same person at times, such is their size, and look. In the end, Absolutely Flawless looked to close in on a victory, when Mark Adonis slid into the ring and nailed Kelly Martin with his Tire Thumper, knocking him out cold behind the referee’s back! Stones hit his ‘Brainbuster’, but he probably didn’t need to. Big win for the two House of Business members this close to Fight Night! 67 Backstage, Viktor Beskov was continuing to destroy Fire Extinguishers, and to look for Antithesis… FOUR Police Officers, one of them a very attractive Constable, arrived on the scene, and asked Beskov to come quietly… Female Police Officer: “Mr. Beskov… Let’s do this the easy way… and let us put some cuffs on you…” Beskov asked what he’d done wrong, and was told that destroying the building’s property… as well as making it an unsafe environment, by not having Fire Extinguishers, was a criminal offense… Female Police Officer: “Look… I’m a fan… I know you have a Title defence at Fight Night, okay… So come with me now… I’ll get you processed, and released… in time to prepare for the match…” Beskov reluctantly went along… and was cuffed by the two larger officers… Sebastian Koller & Apollo Prince [vs] Phillip Cooper & J-B Cash Two thrown together duos, who got on really well in this one. Ironically, Prince and Cooper’s rivalry began when they were thrown together in a tag team match. Cooper and Cash isolated Sebastian Koller in this one, with Cash using his vast experience of tag team wrestling to control the pace of the match. But the crowd badly wanted Apollo Prince to be tagged in to cause a ruckus. Finally, Koller scratched and clawed his way to the corner, and in came Prince. The fired up 21CW World Champion flew into the ring, and hit a flying forearm on Cooper, who was on the apron. It didn’t take long for Prince to put Cash away with his ‘Apollogy’ Inverted Bulldog. Cooper could have slid in and broke up the pin, but he chose not to. Pointing to his temple, and telling Prince that he’s smarter than the Champ! 74 The final segment of the show saw a well put together video package… hyping the 5 on 5 Fight To End All Fights, scheduled for the Fight Night Pay-Per-View this Saturday…!! Joss Thompson returned to 21CW after a five year absence, and cost Edward Cornell his World Championship… He said he is back, to make Mark Adonis and co. pay for running his best friend Leo Price down with a CAR…!! Adonis also cost Lance and Kelly Martin their 21CW United Tag Team Titles… while Roly and Beast were screwed out of a Title shot against Cornell in recent months…!! At Fight Night… the Five On Five Fight To End All Fights… will be contested between two teams… On Joss Thompson’s team, Roly, Beast and the Martin Twins… and on Cornell’s team, it’s Adonis, Doomsday, Luke Cool and Rolling Johnny Stones… However, Cornell is a major doubt for the match… Adonis has said he may have a replacement already lined up… but the question is… What are the rules of this huge match…?! The rules are simple… The ten participants will start in the ring… However… Falls will count ANYWHERE… and the match will be contested under IRON MAN rules… For 30 minutes, the two teams will batter and bludgeon each other, making pins and submissions, and racking up points… The team with the most points will WIN… The losing team… will be SUSPENDED from 21CW for one month…!! Allowing the winners to grow in the next four weeks, without the other team in their way… With the ‘London Calling’ Pay-Per-View six weeks away, it could be a game changer… Des Greeves: “There we have it folks… We’ll see you Saturday at Fight Night… UNITED we are… Together we stand…!!”
  5. Predictions for United, Episode 21, Week 4, June 2020 ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] Grave Digger w/ The Black Hats ???? [vs] The Bern Boys w/ The Professor ???? [vs] Vinny Vigilante ‘The God’ Jonathan Faust [vs] Mark Misery w/ Smiling John Smithie & Emmett Askey Absolutely Flawless w/ Leo Price [vs] Luke Cool & Rolling Johnny Stones w/ Doomsday Sebastian Koller & Apollo Prince [vs] Phillip Cooper & J-B Cash
  6. 21CW Presents: Episode 21 Wednesday, Week 4, June 2020 Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley Overall Rating: 71 We opened the show with the first of a set of much-anticipated highlights of the Loxley Robbins / Vicki Company wedding…!! The clips showed both Bride and Groom getting ready with their friends… Vicki Company was getting make-up done, and frankly had an evil look about her… Loxley was with Blake Belushi and The Brat Pack… with Artemis Eyre-Rochester trying to decide if he should wear his nose guard… and Blake Belushi trying to decide if he should wear his 21CW National Championship Belt… Artemis decided he should wear it… “just in case anything goes down”… When Loxley questioned this, Artemis said that it was a ‘wrestling wedding’… something always goes down… To which Belushi replied that the boys shouldn’t worry about that… because he’s ordered some security…!! Two large, menacing security guards walked into the room… The scene cut away, and we were told there would be more parts to come… But there was a dark undertone to the wording and lighting… Almost as if something bad was going to happen… TBC… Kevin Jones & Jeremy Allen [vs] Nightmare & Ruin Short match here, and with Jeremy Allen’s stamina levels, that’s all he can manage these days. Jones and Allen used a lot of cheap tricks behind the referee’s back here, showing their experience, and harkening back to their ‘Monkey Business’ days. For the finish, Allen hit his ‘Hunk ‘O Pain’ side belly-to-belly slam, on Ruin, and scored the win. 44 Next up, we received a medical update on Daniel Black Francis… ‘D-B-F’ was involved in a bar brawl with Blake Belushi at Loxley Robbins’ Bucks Party in Prague, which aired last week… Quite what he thought he would gain by heading to Prague in the first place is anybody’s guess… but what he ended up gaining was a bunch of stitches… a large medical bill… and a lengthy stay in a foreign country… The former National Champion… 3-time UK Champion… and 2-time Tag Team Champion, is STILL in the Czech Republic… meaning he won’t be at the Loxley / Company wedding… Or will he…? TBC… Back live, Phil Harmonic headed to the ring with Edison Silva and Kelvin Badberry, ahead of his six man tag against Merle O’Culre, and his partners Aurelian Bradley and Welsh Dragon, who were already in the ring… Phil Harmonic: “Yu know what Merle…? You wanted a six man tag…? Well I’ll give ya one… And I’ve found two exceptional partners…” Edison Silva and Kelvin Badberry expected it to be them… but Harmonic pointed to the stage, and out came Buck Winchester and Grandmaster Phunk of The Booth… followed by Dangermouth and DJ Reason, who remained on the stage and sent Buck and Phunk to the ring!! w/ Merle O’Curle, Aurelian Bradley & Welsh Dragon [vs] Phil Harmonic, Buck Winchester & Grandmaster Phunk w/ Silva & Badberry A fired up Phil Harmonic won this one for his team, but he couldn’t have done it without Buck and Phunk. ‘Cowboy’ hit multiple stiff lariats on his opponents, opening the door for Phil Harmonic’s ‘Flying Leg Drop’ from the top rope, onto Welsh Dragon. 52 After the match, the victorious group of Harmonic, Silva, Badberry, Buck Winchester and Grandmaster Phunk celebrated in the ring… But Edison Silva looked a little angry… They couldn’t celebrate for too long though, as Alfonso D’Angelo made his way to the ring… Buck Winchester stood behind Kelvin Badberry, and made sure there was distance between them… Alfonso D’Angelo: “You can’t hide forever ‘Cowboy’… I see you… I’m here to challenge you, to a match… me and you… 1 on 1… Man To Man… Because I am DTB… Down… To… Buck…!!” Winchester and Grandmaster Phunk got out of the ring, with Buck not giving an answer at all… He looked disgusted by his former friend’s comments… but didn’t acknowledge him to his face… Nate Manchester got another chance to debut on Kingdom properly tonight… His ‘mystery opponent’ (a young local worker) was taken out, and replaced, by War Machine last week… This week, he got Sifu… which isn’t exactly a step down from War Machine, but at least he might get some offense in… ‘The Quiet One’ Sifu [vs] ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester Interesting match here, which was even early on. However, a switch seemed to be flicked in Sifu’s head and he suddenly burst into life, using kicks and strikes to keep the Geordie down. Sifu’s ‘Roaring Backfist’ (Double Spinning Backfist) was enough in the end. 52 In a pre-taped segment, Joe Simpson and Michael X talked about their current losing streak… Joe Simpson: “We’ve lost our last couple, Michael… We need to break out of the rut quickly, and not let it consume us…” Michael X: “Aii but how…?” Joe Simpson: “Nightmare and Ruin… That’s how… They haven’t won for months… So I say we fight ‘em next week… pick up a win, and get back to normal service…” Michael X was a little concerned about the sheer power of Simpson’s selected opponents… but he said his plan will work… and X went along with it… Next up, further clips of the Loxley Robbins / Vicki Company wedding… and it began with Loxley stood at the alter, as Vicki made her way down the aisle… Everyone was happy… Things were going great… but the Vicar asked the age-old question… “If any person knows of any lawful reason why these two may not be joined in holy matrimony… please speak now, or forever hold your peace…” An unknown male Australian voice said: ????: “Yeah… ME…!!” Loxley turned around in utter shock… but we didn’t see who it was before the screen froze, and the segment ended there… TBC… w/ [PICS: Gorilla, JK, Andrew w/ Konrad VS Orson, Burton, Mallory] The Lee FamiLee w/ Cousin Konrad [vs] Wade Orson, Leigh Burton & Landon Mallory Fine match here, with all six competitors doing their bit. Cousin Konrad at ringside was his usual stoic, unmoved, self – just taking it all in, and being there as insurance, so the Lee FamiLee aren’t messed with. Realistically, nobody would want to mess with big Gorilla Lee anyway – but Orson, Burton and Mallory did a nice job of keeping him out of the match for the longest time – by isolating Andrew Lee in their corner. Eventually, the big fun-loving, charismatic Gorilla did get tagged in – however it was too late. Landon Mallory almost cut the big man in half with his ‘Springbok Ram’ Spear when he wasn’t the legal man, and Leigh Burton capitalised with his running knee while Gorilla was sitting up. Big win for the trio of Champs, but they all avoided Cousin Konrad on the way out of the ring. 60 The match was over, but former 21CW World Heavyweight Champion Buff Martinez stomped to the ring, with his manager, and fellow Lee FamiLee member, Kathleen Lee… Buff Martinez was in a sling following the attack from a couple of weeks ago… and he told the group who just beat the Lees that he’s coming for them, as soon as he’s heeled up… In particular, he wants to win back HIS World Heavyweight Title… Buff Martinez: “I’ll get my re-match, Amigo… And I’ll get it before Tommy (Cornell) gets his shot, too… Watch me…!!” Buff pulled a lead pipe out from his sling, and Orson and co. scarpered… As Buff, Kathleen and The Lees left the arena though, War Machine’s music hit, ahead of the next match… ‘The Executive Consultant’ Cliff King walked out with his ‘Giant Client’… and he stared down Gorilla Lee… The two behemoths are an almost exact match size wise… but Gorilla did a little dance with his tongue out, which War Machine ignored… When the group of fan favourites made it onto the stage, War Machine’s opponent: BEDLAM’s music hit…!! ‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ walked past the group, but stopped when he got to Cousin Konrad… An intense staredown ensued… ‘The Stone Cold Killer’ is every bit as tough as BEDLAM… and that would be a fascinating encounter… as would Gorilla Lee versus War Machine… However, with the scores at 2-3 in War Machine’s favour, the sixth match in the Best of Seven Series between BEDLAM and War Machine got underway next…!! w/ ‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King A solid, if unspectacular sixth match here, with BEDLAM being dominated for most of it, as you would expect. BEDLAM tried to fight back into it multiple times, but he was chopped down to size by the monster that is War Machine. As Cliff King’s ‘Giant Client’ closed in on the win, and the overall victory in the series, he was caught by seemingly the only move that can stop him! BEDLAM locked in his ‘Mind Strangler’ seated choke out of nowhere, and squeezed the life out of the behemoth. War Machine scratched and clawed, but BEDLAM squeezed and squeezed, until Machine began to fade!! Cliff King begged BEDLAM to release the hold, and he did, once the referee had finally determined that War Machine was out!! 55 HUGE win for BEDLAM… He now takes the series to 3-3… and we’ll go to a decider…!! Cliff King wasn’t happy… War Machine wasn’t built to lose, and he’s now lost THREE times to BEDLAM… ‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat This episode of Kingdom still had plenty of action to come, but the final in-ring action saw Tommy Cornell take on Stevie Stoat in a battle of veterans of the UK wrestling scene. Cornell spent a lot of his career in the US, and he learnt a lot out there – skills that Stoat couldn’t hope to be able to emulate. For the finish Cornell hit his ‘Guilt Trip’ Side Russian Leg Sweep, but Stoat made a good showing of himself, and may well have earned an extension on his initial six month contract. 70 For the final time, it was time to check in with the Australian Wedding of the Century… When we last saw them, Loxley Robbins and Vicki Company were at the alter… and the Vicar had asked if anyone present knew of any lawful reason why they shouldn’t marry… and a male Australian voice spoke up… ????: “Yeah… ME…!!” Loxley spun around to see who it was… and the camera turned to reveal that Loxley’s BEST MAN: Blake Belushi was responsible… Blake Belushi: “That’s right, mate… It was me… Yu see… You can’t marry Vick… Because… I'm in love with her…!!” Loxley couldn’t believe what he was hearing… He kind of thought it was a joke at first, and then turned to Vicki Company, who pleaded with her fiancé to not listen to him… Blake Belushi: “And SHE loves ME…!!” That was it… The waterworks began… Vicki Company cried, and shouted “how could you do this?” at Belushi… blaming him for ruining her big day… She cried on Loxley, who looked repulsed by the whole thing… But it turned out that Vicki’s tears were fake… as she dropped to her knees, and delivered a crushing low blow… heard on the other side of the world… Loxley dropped to his knees, and Belushi asked Vicki to move… before delivering his ‘Axe Kick’ to the Groom, in a scene reminiscent of The Red Wedding from Game of Thrones… Family members tried to get to Loxley to help him, but it seemed that the two security guards Belushi had hired were for HIS protection… Eventually, Artemis Eyre-Rochester and Thurston Darcy III went to Loxley’s side, and comforted him… Also shouting that Belushi was out of line… However, they TOO were faking it… and they picked Loxley up for their patented tag team move: The Pat On The Back… where Artemis hit his Back Stabber, and Thurston landed a Cross-Body at the same time… The pair then lifted Loxley up, and slammed him through a nearby table…!! Presumably that table had the wedding contract etc on it… With the help of the Security Detail, the group left the room… with Belushi taking Vicki Company by the hand and leading her away…!! Loxley Robbins’ Mum was distraught, and Vicki slapped her across the face as they left… A brutal scene for poor Loxley… and Blake looked more arrogant than ever… He unbuttoned his suit jacket to reveal that he had been wearing the 21CW National Title Belt the entire time…!!
  7. Self, back home. You love to see it. And with the world of AI backing your ideas up in a big way, I could see this running and running - and I hope I'm right. I knew that was DaLay, and your pic of him is GREAT for what you're going for!
  8. Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 21, Week 4, June 2020 Kevin Jones & Jeremy Allen [vs] Ruin & Nightmare Merle O’Curle, Welsh Dragon & Aurelian Bradley [vs] Phil Harmonic, ??? & ??? Nate Manchester [vs] Sifu The Lee FamiLee (Andrew, JK & Gorilla) w/ Cousin Konrad [vs] Wade Orson, Leigh Burton & Landon Mallory Match VI of the Best of Seven Series: ‘The Most Dangerous Man In Britain’ BEDLAM II [vs] War Machine III w/ Cliff King ‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat
  9. 21CW Presents: Episode 20 Wednesday, Week 3, June 2020 Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Jeff Nova Overall Rating: 71 We kicked off the show, with the ACDC song that brings Joss Thompson to the ring…!! ‘The Complete Package’ was delighted to be BACK in 21CW… He said Leo Price is his best friend, and when he saw him get hit by that car, he knew he had to come back… Joss Thompson: “I want Championships too… Five time World Champion has a bit of a ring to it… But for now… House of Business… Mark Adonis… Edward Cornell… I’m coming for you ALL…!!” Joss called Price to the ring, and he brought Absolutely Flawless out with him… Leo Price: “My best friend…!! Good to see you my brother…!!” Price and Thompson embraced, and Joss then shook Kelly and Lance Martin’s hands… Price then told everyone his plan… Leo Price: “There’s five members of the House of Business… There’s three of us… So I say we find two more partners, and we have ourselves a 5 on 5… FIGHT to end all FIGHTS…” Price didn’t explain what that was… but the 5 on 5 element should be wild…!! Before the group left the ring though, The Martin Twins were challenged to a match right now, against Mark Misery and Smiling John Smithie… w/ w/ Absolutely Flawless w/ Leo Price [vs] Mark Misery & Smiling John Smithie w/ Emmett Askey Fun match here, with the ultra-serious Misery, Smithie and Askey not enjoying any of it. Lance Martin scored the win for him and his brother, hitting the ‘Body Rocker’ (Flying European Uppercut) on Smithie. 52 As Absolutely Flawless left the arena, The Bern Boys arrived with their manager The Professor… Fabian Schwarz and Hans Piccard were furious, and they stomped past The Martin Twins without giving them much attention… Fabian Schwarz: “Weee… Are out here to call out Cain Carlisle and Evan Alpass…!!” Hans Piccard: “They beat us… They got lucky… So… Come out here, right now… and face us…!!” An entrance music hit, but it wasn’t Carlisle’s or Alpass’s…!! It was the music of one half of the current United Tag Team Champions: Clifford Wilson… Who was joined by his partner UK Dragon…!! Wilson and Dragon told The Bern Boys that if it’s a fight they want, it’s a fight they’ll get… They can have a match with the Tag Team Champions, which represented a HUGE opportunity for the youngsters… w/ Clifford Wilson and UK Dragon [vs] The Bern Boys w/ The Professor Great showing from the team who have a combined age younger than UK Dragon, and he’s the youngest of the Tag Champs. After a back and forth match, where both teams had nice offense, and chances to win, Wilson hit ‘Descent Into Hell’ (Angel’s Wings) on Schwarz, and the Champs won. 60 Backstage, Aldous Blackfriar and Jonathan Faust bumped into one another…!! Aldous Blackfriar: “This is NOT a dri…” Faust put his hand up to shush Aldous… Jonathan Faust: “Save it, Blackfriar… Look… I know you don’t trust me… and why should you…?! I don’t trust you either… but Jeff Nova has booked us a match at Fight Night…!! He says he wants to test us… to see if there’s chemistry, or not… He says we’ll either get on, and prove we can work together to fight The Black Hats… or… we’ll implode, and it’ll make ‘Top Notch’ telly…” Aldous asked who their opponents would be, and Faust didn’t know… All he knew, was that they were a tag team who have had success in the States and Japan… former five-time Champs, who are total bad asses… Coming in on their retirement tour, for a one off appearance… Jonathan Faust: “They’re nearing the end of their careers… but at 350lbs each, they are still a tandem not to be messed with… That's all I know...” Faust left the scene, and Aldous couldn’t help squeak out the rest of his catchphrase… Aldous Blackfriar: “This is the Apocalypse… Please exit the arena in an orderly fashion…!!” Next up we got CCTV footage of Viktor Beskov’s hair cut and beard trim from last week… It’s not something that would normally be aired, but just like BW Eddie predicted, Beskov fell asleep while his beard was being treated… and Antithesis snuck into the room with his trusty Fire Extinguisher…!! He set it off in Beskov’s face, causing the big Russian temporary blindness, and a week on the sidelines… Defending his friend’s honour, when we came back live, Yuri Iliakov strolled to the ring with a HUGE black duffel bag over his shoulder…!! Iliakov is another mean, nasty, near 300lb Russian… and he rolled the bag into the ring… As he unzipped it, it became clear that the snitch BW Eddie was inside… and Iliakov pulled him up to his feet… Before rag-dolling him in the ‘Kiev Krush’ Bear Hug… He then grabbed a microphone… Yuri Iliakov: “Wherrre iss your Anarchist, uhh…?? Wherrre iss he…!? Aaaanarchiiiist… Wherrre are you…!?” Antithesis arrived on the stage with the Fire Extinguisher… He told Yuri to do whatever he liked to BW Eddie… that won’t convince him to come to the ring… He’s saving himself for Fight Night, and the UK Title re-match with Viktor Beskov… But… Jeff Nova stood up from the announce desk with a microphone… Jeff Nova: “EY… Ah don’ normally ge’ involved… bo’ you brought this on yerself Antithesis… Las’ week, you tried ta take Beskov oot… Now I canny stand by an’ wotch Iliakov take BW Eddie oot… So come ta this ring… Have a TOOOP NOOOTCH match with Yuri…!!” Antithesis: “Or else… what…?!” Jeff Nova: “Orr else…? Your Ti’le match wi’ Beskov a’ Fight Night… Youz can forge’ i’…!!” Yuri Iliakov [vs] ‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis BW Eddie hilariously stayed laid out at ringside for the entire match, with nobody checking on him at all. Iliakov found himself distracted by Eddie climbing to his feet late on though, and it allowed Antithesis the chance to pounce. Having been thrown around the ring for the entire match, he locked in his ‘Full Metal Jacket’ (Crossface Chickenwing) and forced the Russian to pass out! 47 After the match, a lot of stuff went down… BW Eddie collapsed again… and nobody seemed to care… Then Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn came to the ring, and mugged him of his wallet…!! Antithesis then went for his Fire Extinguisher, and began slamming it on Yuri Iliakov’s leg… He hit it over and over again, until the powerful Russian yelped out in pain… Boulder and Flynn decided to run back to the ring to save him… but the damage was already done… [OOC Note: Yuri Iliakov became the latest in a long list of in-game injuries during this match… He’ll be out for a few months with a back injury… so this post-match segment was designed to write him off TV…] Next up, another Chance Against Chuck match… where Chuck Frisby headed to the ring with Gulliver, and called out a non-21CW wrestler to come and have a match with him… Tonight… It was the turn of STUART WILSON (no relation to Clifford or Antithesis)… w/ ‘The Celtic Hammer’ Stuart Wilson [vs] Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver Wilson is a superb athlete, having competed at the 2012 Olympics, and won a Bronze medal for GB in the Hammer. He’s taken to wrestling like a duck to water, but tonight he had to fight two men. Gulliver clocked him on the back of the head early on, and pulled his foot another time. For the finish, he hit a lariat from the apron to the inside, and Frisby hit his Swinging Neckbreaker. A tough test for Frisby this one! 37 Backstage, Grave Digger was stood with his group of ‘Black Hats’… Grave Digger: “Adam… (Matravers)… I accept… See you, at Fight Night…!!” A man of few words… but the giant beast was surrounded by three more huge men… He can do what he wants, when he wants, right now… A match against Adam Matravers is a huge opportunity for the 26 year old behemoth though… Next up, it was time for Beast Bantom versus Doomsday in an intriguing encounter… However, before the match, Roly Muckletruck took it upon himself to clear the ringside area on behalf of his friend Bantom… and he chased Luke Cool and Rolling Johnny Stones into the crowd… However, when he turned and came back to the ringside area, Mark Adonis was waiting with his trusty Tire Thumper… He clocked Roly in the gut, and then hit him over the back with it… Leaving the big Scot down on the floor… Meanwhile, Bantom had a match to contend with… w/ Beast Bantom [vs] Doomsday w/ Mark Adonis Short match here. Mark Adonis attempted to use his Tire Thumper again, this time on Beast – but the big man shoved him off the apron, and he went flying into the guard rail. Bantom was then able to put the big Doomsday away with a ‘Savage Pounce’. 57 Ahead of the Main Event, 21CW World Champion Apollo Prince headed to the ringside area, and joined the announce team… The match was scheduled to be a Triple Threat Match to determine the challenger for Prince’s Title at FIGHT NIGHT…!! Apollo Prince: “I’m excited for this one guys… thanks for having me out here…!” Des Greeves: “Thanks for being here... Now Prince... If you had to pick one… Sebastian Koller… J-B Cash… Phillip Cooper… Who would you rather face at Fight Night…?!” Apollo Prince: “I don’t have a preference… I mean, for me… Cooper and I have history… so I’d like to kick him about the ring a bit… J-B Cash, I’ve faced plenty of times before… and I hate the guy… so again, that’d be fun… Then there’s Koller… Do you know, we’ve never had a match…?! For me… Apollo Prince versus Sebastian Koller sounds like the match doesn’t it…??” The competitors made their entrances, and it was time for the Main Event… Sebastian Koller [vs] J-B Cash [vs] Phillip Cooper It was clear that all three of these men had the ability to win this one. Cooper started brightly, as he waited for Koller and Cash to beat each other down, and then took them both out. Koller then had some nice moments, including a high cross-body block from the top rope, where he took both men out. However, it was Cash who controlled long portions of the match. He did this by keeping Cooper outside of the ring as much as possible – throwing him over the announce desk, throwing him over the guard rail into the fans, and generally using ringside equipment to keep the hat-wearing Manc down. For the finish though, Cooper had been given more time to rest up, as Cash was busy dealing with a Koller comeback. ‘Cooper Man’ slid into the ring, right as Koller was looking for his ‘Hamburg Rock City’ Stomp, and he shoved the German out through the ropes!! Cooper then waited for Cash to get to his feet, and hit the ‘Cooper Cut’ Cutter to score a big win, and book his place on the Fight Night card against Apollo Prince!! 74 Cooper looked delighted with his win, and he smiled at his long-time rival Apollo Prince… However, we were rushed to the back, where news of a brawl breaking out had gotten to us… Grave Digger’s 3-man group of large men, known as ‘The Black Hats’, were beating down the four fan favourites in the parking lot… Slamming their hands in doors, and throwing them through glass…!! It seemed as though Adam Matravers was the one attacked, and the other three came along to help him… which worked out poorly for them in the end…!! Grave Digger himself was shown towards the far side of the parking lot… watching all of this go down, and leaning on a shovel…!! He smiled to himself, and watched as his Black Hats, had their wicked way with everyone…!! A 3 on 4 beatdown, and the 3 very much came out on top…
  10. Wouldn't say push as such, but he's done extremely well since graduating. Alfonso seems like the 'star' of this class... Gulliver the weakest in the ring, and Professor has little to know skills, but I slept on Lone Wolf a little. He's so young, in 10 years he could be the best wrestler in the country!! Whenever I put him in a segment, and matches especially, he doesn't let me down. Time to give him a few wins against some veteran locals, and see what he can learn
  11. Predictions for United, Episode 20, Week 3, June 2020 Absolutely Flawless w/ Leo Price [vs] Misery and Smithie w/ Emmett Askey UK Dragon & Clifford Wilson [vs] The Bern Boys w/ The Professor Yuri Iliakov [vs] ‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis A Chance Against Chuck: ?? [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver Beast Bantom [vs] Doomsday w/ The House of Business Number One Contender Match: ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] J-B Cash [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper
  12. 21CW Presents: Episode 20 Wednesday, Week 3, June 2020 Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley Overall Rating: 69 We opened the show with one half of the Kingdom Tag Team Champions: a saddened looking Ladon Mallory heading to the ring… to loud boos… Landon Mallory: “People ask me… Why Landon, why…?! They call me, sheep… I em NO sheep… My ideals, and my values, aligned with those of Leigh Burton and Wade Orson… so I did what I th…” Before Mallory could finish, one half of Crouching Stom, Hidden Sifu – Sifu… headed to the ring… Sifu: “You… with, them…? Then you… against, ME…!! Ricky Storm out for month… When he is back… Your Title reign will BE… OOOOVVVVERRRR!!!” ‘The Quiet One’ Sifu [vs] Landon Mallory Sifu’s a heck of a fighter, but Landon Mallory’s change in attitude has made him even more dangerous than he already was. A thumb to the eye behind the referee’s back, followed by the ‘Springbok Ram’ Spear, and Mallory picked up a big singles win. 63 Backstage, Kevin Jones and Jeremy Allen were shown watching the action… Jones and Allen agreed that the reformation of their tag team has so far brought mixed results… They’ve won 1, and lost 2 of their 3 matches… but Allen had an idea… Jeremy Allen: “You know what we should do…” Kevin Jones: “Don’t say it…” Jeremy Allen: “You and I…” Kevin Jones: “Don’t you say it…” Jeremy Allen: “You and I… should bring back Monkey Business…!!” Jones rolled his eyes, and told Allen that he’s already explained that that won’t happen… The fancy dress… the comedy antics… it’s just not him anymore… If he sees the fake glasses, fake nose, and fake moustache synonymous with Monkey Business, he’ll flip…!! Jones walked off... and the naughty looking Allen reached for his pocket... We cut to a pre-taped scene next, showing clips from the BUCKS Party for Loxley Robbins…!! The Australian Boys, and Buck Winchester (because it’s a BUCKS Party amIright?) were in PRAGUE…!! The group were drinking, dancing, and hanging out with other women… but Loxley was only focused on having a good time… and wanted nothing to do with the women constantly coming onto them… He was talking to Cowboy at the end of the video… Loxley Robbins: “So you see… Blake’ll be my best man… The Brats will be ushers… it’s gonna be great… and best of all… It's being filmed, and will be aired on Kingdom next week…!! So… You ‘Booth’ boys are more than welcome to come along… It’s this weekend…!!” The Welsh Wizards [vs] The Underdogs Welsh Dragon and Aurelian Bradley are so good to watch. They outperform almost every tag team they fight, and tonight, they beat a long-standing, top level team in Joe Simpson and Michael X. Welsh Dragon hit a wicked ‘450 Splash’ and pinned Simpson. 59 Up next, ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Phil Harmonic was backstage with Edison Silva and Kelvin Badberry, talking about Merle O’Curle… Phil Harmonic: “I did it… I beat Merle O’Curle in a Top Rope Move match…!! Because I’m a GENIUS…!! I made it so the ‘Stretching Machine’ couldn’t stretch me…” At that point, Merle O’Curle walked up… and Edison Silva and Kelvin Badberry got ready to fight him…!! Merle O’Curle: “You're a smart kid, aren't ya...?! You wanna prove how smart you are…?! I’ll find a couple-a tag partners… and let’s have ourselves a wee six-man tag next week… whaddya say fella…?!” O’Curle outstretched a hand… but Harmonic refused to shake it… He just said he’s ON… With that, O’Curle used the outstretched hand to SLAP Edison Silva, before he backed away and got out of there… Up next it was time for the Kingdom Debut of ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester… Nate was in the ring, when a local competitor came out onto the stage… However, as soon as the local guy stepped through the curtain, he was slammed into by the HUGE War Machine… who was egged on by his manager Cliff King…!! King proudly announced that War Machine would be taking the kid’s place, and being Manchester’s first Kingdom opponent… w/ ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King Domination from War Machine here, but Nate did his best, and hit some nice kicks early on. For the finish, he was squashed with a ‘Choke Bomb’ (Batista Bomb). 61 After the match, Cliff King praised his ‘Giant Client’, and confirmed that next week, we’d see BEDLAM versus War Machine VI…!! Cliff King: “Despite BEDLAM picking up another fluke win… War Machine leads this Best of Seven Series 3 to 2… and in match SIX, next week… my ‘Giant Client’ finishes it…!! BEDLAM… Prepare to become the SECOND most dangerous man in Britain…” We cut to a backstage interview next, with Mo Adebola… He was stood with DJ Reason, Dangermouth and Grandmaster Phunk of the stable known as The Booth… Mo Adebola: “I am joined by…” DJ Reason: “Save it Adebola… I’ll take it from here… Listen, The Booth are workin’ on a SOLO album for our newest member: ‘Cowboy’ (Buck Winchester)… Dangermouth’s gonna rap on it… but it’s gonna mostly be a Country Album…!! Cowboy is otherwise detained tonight… but…” Before he could finish, up stepped Buck’s former friend Alfonso D’Angelo…!! Alfonso D’Angelo: “Where is he…?! I want Cowboy TONIGHT…!!” DJ said that Cowboy isn’t here… and even if he was, he wouldn’t accept that challenge… The Booth brushed the young Portuguese star off… and left laughing… Local Talent [vs] Lone Wolf Lone Wolf is still very new to 21CW, but he continued his good start to his career with a nice comfortable win here. His punches looked hard, and his Full Nelson Slam was enough to win it! 32 The Lee FamiLee were backstage next, with an update on their friend, Buff Martinez… Kathleen Lee was with them… Kathleen looked upset… Cousin Konrad stood stoically, and silently… plotting his next move… JK and Gorilla jumped around and flexed, while Andrew Lee did the talking… Andrew Lee: “Buff will be back soon… He’ll be fine… But WE want the people who took him out… to PAY...!! So next week… JK… Gorilla… and ME… against Orson… Burton… and Landon Mallory…!!” ‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat Merle O’Curle has been excellent since arriving back in 21CW. His matches are so watchable, and he picks up big win, after big win. Phil Harmonic is always in his head, but tonight he managed to get past that and win it with his ‘Celtic Wreath’ (Standing Inverted Cloverleaf). 58 We cut to the ‘Bucks Party’ for Loxley Robbins in Prague next… and it’s fair to say the night was winding down… Everyone was pretty much passed out, except Loxley himself, and his best friend Blake Belushi… Just then, Daniel Black Francis dramatically burst into the room by kicking the doors open… Blake Belushi: “What… The heck… Are you doin’ here, mate…?!” Daniel Black Francisi: “YOU Belushi… I want my re-match, against YOU…!! And I'm not your MATE...!!” Blake Belushi: “Ahh screw this…!!” Belushi threw a bottle at ‘D-B-F’, and it smashed on his shoulders and face…!! Loxley tried to hold his Best Man back, but Belushi flew at the former National Champion… knocking him to the ground and kicking him while he was down… He picked a chair up, and threw it at the fan favourite, before doormen came rushing into the bar and held him back… A brutal scene… but Francis shouldn’t have gone all that way… ‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton These two have disliked each other all year, since Burton tried to act like he respected Cornell, and then stabbed him in the back. Burton has a history of smoke and mirrors in 2020, having spent the last couple of months at odds with Wade Orson, but it was all an act, and he’s now aligned with both Orson and his fellow Tag Team Champion Landon Mallory. Cornell is strong enough to stand up to all three of them, and he put Burton away with his ‘Guilt Trip’ (Russian Leg Sweep). 67 Tommy Cornell got the chance to stand up to Burton, Orson and Mallory next… because Burton’s friends hit the ring… Mallory came flying in for his ‘Springbok Ram’ Spear, but Cornell got a knee up, and Mallory fell flat on his face… Cornell threw him out through the ropes… He then kicked Burton out under the bottom rope, before facing up against 21CW World Heavyweight Champion Wade Orson… It was an even fight between the two, but Cornell went for his ‘Guilt Trip’, and Orson squirmed out… He hopped through the ropes and landed next to his friends… and the three made their retreat… Cornell is the number one contender for Orson’s 21CW World Heavyweight Championship… so the two men are on a collision course… Former Champion Buff Martinez will be back soon, and he’ll no doubt have something to say about that…
  13. Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 20, Week 3, June 2020 ‘The Quiet One’ Sifu [vs] Landon Mallory The Welsh Wizards [vs] The Underdogs ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester [vs] ??? Local Talent [vs] Lone Wolf ‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat ‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton
  14. 21CW Presents: Episode 19 Wednesday, Week 2, June 2020 Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Jeff Nova Overall Rating: 72 We kicked off the show with a highlight package… because last week United was WILD…!! ‘The Complete Package’ Joss Thompson is BACK after a very successful five year stint in USPW in the states… and he showed up during Edward Cornell’s 21CW World Title match with Apollo Prince… His arrival caused the unthinkable to happen… Cornell LOST his Title, after a 10 month reign… and now Prince is the youngest World Champion in 21CW history!! Joss’s return was shocking… Prince’s Title win was shocking… but Cornell is apparently not here tonight, and it is rumoured that he is out injured…!! J-B Cash will get to the bottom of all of this, on an episode of ‘Cash Reacts’ scheduled for later tonight… where his special guest will be none other than Apollo Prince himself…!! w/ Kenobi High [vs] Misery & Smithie w/ Emmett Askey Our opening contest saw two very strong tag teams do battle. Misery and Smithie are new to United, and they didn’t seem to care that much that they lost their debut on the Red Brand. Misery was pinned following Lister’s ‘A-Lister’ (Skull Crushing Finale). 56 Backstage in their detective office, Boulder and Flynn were nursing wounds following an attack from Antithesis last week… Beau Boulder: “BW Eddie STILL owes us money… so we’re gonna be watching him closely Flynn…” Darin Flynn: “We sure are… Starting right NOW… in his match…” Flynn hobbled over to the black and white TV in their office, and turned it on… to reveal BW Eddie making his entrance for the next contest… ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] BW Eddie Match of the Night here, with Koller and Eddie both putting on an excellent encounter. The crowd hate Eddie so much, and he loves it. He played up to it brilliantly here, including taunting the fans by putting Koller’s mouth on the bottom rope and standing on the back of his head! For the finish though, Koller hit his ‘Hamburg Rock City’ Curb Stomp, and danced the night away following another win. 70 Up next, the arrival of Aldous Blackfriar made the crowd get really loud… They love him in 21CW and it’s easy to see why… Aldous Blackfriar: “This is not a drill… This is the apocalypse… Please exit the arena in an orderly fashion…” The crowd love chanting Blackfriar’s catchphrase along with him… and he seems to love them doing it… but he had business to get to tonight… Aldous Blackfriar: “My first night here… I took out ‘The God’ Jonathan Faust… I went after one of the BADDEST men in 21CW, and I won…!! He left for MONTHS… But now he’s back at the right time… His former group… Grave Digger… The Black Hats… They’re trying to take over this place… and we need to stop it… Together…!!” With that… out came Jonathan Faust onto the stage… Aldous Blackfriar: “Faust… Before you speak… I know you still dig humanity… But I know it’s bothering you to see the stuff that is getting carried out in your name… Attacks… Beatdowns… Going after veterans like Adam Matravers… Grave Digger has taken YOUR idea… and built a belief structure on it… and I WON’T be able to change his mind… without your help… So JOIN me…!! If you’re the GOD you say you are…” Aldous outstretched his arms… and Faust slowly pulled a microphone to his mouth… Jonathan Faust: “God…?! What do you know about, God…!? You’re SATANIC… YOU… have neither the aural nor the psychological capacity to withstand the awesome power of God’s true voice… Were you to hear it… your mind would cave in and your heart would EXPLODE within your chest… We went through five Adams before we figured that one out… So God comes to you in MY form… with MY voice… and he tells you… He was impressed with you… and he wants to help…” Faust dropped the microphone… turned around… and headed to the back… Aldous was a little confused, but took it as a win… We cut to the backstage barber shop next… which had been set up in an office… wrestlers and other talent are able to get their hair cut during the show… and 21CW UK Champion Viktor Beskov loves to get his beard trimmed… Beskov sat in the chair, and got comfortable… We learned last week from BW Eddie that he likes to fall asleep during a beard trim… and Eddie was quick to tell Beskov’s rival – Antithesis…!! As the segment ended, the big Russian’s eyes were slowly closing… w/ Local Talent [vs] The Bern Boys w/ The Professor An angry and focused Bern Boys made light work of their local opponents here tonight, sending a direct message to the duo who beat them two weeks ago: Evan Alpass and Cain Carlisle. The Professor orchestrated things at ringside, and watched as Hans Piccard hit his Slingshot Suplex and Fabian Schwarz came in with his Flying Forearm, in a tag team move they call ‘Lights Out in Lucerne’! 58 We cut to the barber shop once again, and found Viktor Beskov asleep in the chair during his beard trim… All of a sudden, the creepy Antithesis rose from behind him… holding his trusty Fire Extinguisher…!! ‘The Anarchist’ told the barber to keep the trimmers turned on so that the asleep Beskov didn’t know something bad was about to happen… The former 21CW UK Champion positioned the nozzle of the Fire Extinguisher right in Beskov’s face… Stood back a little… and then let the thing off…!! What followed was a thick, dense cloud that nobody could see through… Beskov was coughing, struggling to breathe… as was the barber… Antithesis could be heard laughing in the distance as he left the room… but the camera never regained it’s focus to assess the damage to the big ‘Russian Bear’…!! Next up, it was time for a new segment which was popular a couple of weeks ago… ‘A CHANCE AGAINST CHUCK’ A local talent with a bit of name value will get the chance to wrestle Chuck Frisby in a 1 on 1 match… Last week, Puffy The Sand Iron Player stepped up… and he was beaten with the help of Gulliver at ringside… Tonight it was the turn of Ripper LeStat… a vicious competitor who loves to use weapons to his advantage… w/ Ripper LeStat [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver Unfortunately this match had to end quickly, because Ripper LeStat ruptured his spleen! Frisby covered him gently, and picked up the win, and then Ripper got carted out of there. 34 Backstage, Adam Matravers was stood with his wife Phoebe Plumridge… Adam Matravers: “Jonathan Faust is on our side…?! Well I for one don’t trust him… At all… I’d rather fight this war without him… And I’m gonna start, by beating Grave Digger 1 on 1… at FIGHT NIGHT…!!” Plumridge tried to calm her husband down, who went on to deliver a warning to ‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar… He said that the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing everyone he was a GOD… and that’s what Jonathan Faust is doing now… Adam Matravers: “I’ve known Faust for YEARS… he’s up to something… and once I’m done with Grave Digger, I’m gonna figure out exactly what…” Melanie Florence was backstage next, with a special guest… Melanie Florence: “My guest right now guys… is Leo Price… and Mr. Price, you, above everyone else, have gotta be happy with how last week went…?! First… you and Absolutely Flawless ran off the House of Business… with a little help from Roly and Beast… and then your BEST friend Joss Thompson returned to 21CW after a FIVE YEAR absence… and then… Edward Cornell LOST the 21CW World Championship to Apollo Prince… I mean… What a night…!! But I have to ask… Joss Thompson… Have you spoken with him about why he came back… and why now…?!” Leo Price: “You’re gonna have to wait like everyone else Melanie… I do know this… Joss Thompson is the Best in the World… so he’ll be here to win Championships long term… In the short term… he’s going to help us against the House of Business… But you’ll hear all about it next week…!!” Clifford Wilson [vs] Vinny Vigilante UK Dragon will want a word with Jeff Nova after this. Last week, he had to fight Grave Digger. This week, his partner Clifford Wilson had Vinny Vigilante – who is in the dictionary as 'the opposite to Grave Digger'. Easy win for Wilson, who hit his ‘Descent Into Hell’ (Angel’s Wings) finisher in under 5 minutes. 59 Up next, we got an episode of the in-ring Talk Show: CASH REACTS… with J-B Cash, who had a very special guest… The NEW 21CW World Champion: Apollo Prince…!! Cash welcomed Prince along to the show, and was very respectful early on… He spoke about Prince being the youngest 21CW World Champion in the history of the company… But he turned a little nasty… and said he’d easily defeat Prince 1 on 1… challenging him to a match next week… This brought out Prince’s long-term rival Phillip Cooper…!! Phillip Cooper: “Ey Cash… You’re great an’ everyfin’ yeah… bu’ you’re not next in line for a Ti’le shot, know what I mean…?! I am… See, I’ve beaten Prince mul’iple times… so it’s only fair that I… get the Title shot…!!” You couldn’t argue with Cooper’s logic… but ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller made HIS way out next… stating that he too had a claim to a Title shot… Sebastian Koller: “I heve only lost THREE TIMES this entire year…! So it should be the Rock ‘N’ Roller… versus Apollo Prince…!!” Cooper reminded Koller that two of those losses were against him, and everyone started arguing… Jeff Nova stood up from the announce desk and told everyone to calm down… he said that next week, Koller, Cooper, and Cash would have a Triple Threat Match… The WINNER, will take on Apollo Prince at Fight Night… Jeff Nova: “Booth matches… will be toop notch…!!” We got an injury update next, because it’s been a wild couple of weeks… Including tonight’s show…!! First up, Edward Cornell… ‘All Business’ picked up an injury two weeks ago that he’s able to ‘work through’… [OOC NOTE: I have a rule about injuries, where if they’re able to work through an injury, they can drop their Title, and then be used very sparingly]… Kingdom tag team star Ricky Storm has an injury that’s keeping him out for one month… and we saw earlier tonight that Ripper LeStat, who was making a one off appearance, has ruptured his spleen, and will miss around two months… Then there’s Assassin… Unfortunately for the young Belgian, he suffered a severe concussion on the pre-show tonight… and he’ll be out for over a year… Sad times for Assassin, but the others should be back to normal soon… w/ w/ Roly Muckletruck w/ Beast Bantom [vs] Mark Adonis w/ Doomsday, Luke Cool & Rolling Johnny Stones A lot of chaos at ringside in this Main Event, but the in-ring action was solid too. Adonis is still young, and he still makes the odd timing error – but Roly knows what he’s doing out there, and the crowd were behind the big Scot as they should have been. For the finish, Roly was closing in on a victory, when Luke Cool hopped up on the apron. Muckletruck tried to hit him, but he hopped down. As Roly turned around, Johnny Stones was in the ring, and he flattened the suited House of Business member with a lariat! However, while Beast Bantom dealt with Cool, Doomsday slid into the ring and body slammed Muckletruck behind the referee’s back!! The powerful Scot isn’t used to being manhandled like that. It lead to the ‘Adonis Elbow’ (Judas Effect) from Mark Adonis. 69 A big win for Adonis, and a much-needed team effort for the House Of Business after they lost the World Championship…!! Next week, we’re going to hear from Joss Thompson, about why he came back… Plus, a Number One Contender will be crowned… Sebastian Koller, Phillip Cooper and J-B Cash will battle it out in a Triple Threat Match… with the winner facing Apollo Prince at Fight Night…
  15. Landon will explain his actions on Kingdom... Is he a heel?? We'll see... I do like the idea of 'will he/won't he'? But sometimes it needs to be made a bit clearer. I think I prefer to do the 'will he/won't he' thing for a heel to face... Like Sami Zayn on Roman... The Adam Cole/Devil turn was kind of obvious in my opinion because it went on for so long. But we'll see I do like what you've written up there though.
  16. TWE is all finished and is with diamondium while he waits to get the data back Next up, I'll take a look at Calgary Stampede!
  17. Great, love that. If you're going LU vibes for one of NWA Motor City or Project X, I can help with sticking masks on people / alts in a Ricochet / Prince Puma kind of way. I'd love to see Erick Redbeard and Eli Knight "YEAH" in masks!! I'll take a look at TWE. Sports Entertainment is kind of my 'thing' with all my diaries... so I'll try and create some fun lore in there. Like Chikbot, I'll start a notebook and detail everything I do and send it to you. As a side note, I think if we try and leave the rosters as they are (no signings), and just create bios, characters, gimmicks, maybe tweak popularity and skills as we go, that's probably the best way to handle this.
  18. As I said, it's a mod with a lot of potential, and it's definitely a good idea to release it like this, and then get opinions / thoughts / ideas and help from the community to finish it. I actually liked the NWAEW thing. The roster is a bit on the nose, but essentially I feel like what you decided happened could / would have happened in an alternate universe. I'll take a look and see which company I'll have a bash at lore wise. Would you need it to match up with the 2015 data? Or are you open to creative freedom?
  19. Predictions for United, Episode 19, Week 2, June 2020 Kenobi High [vs] Mark Misery and Smiling John Smithie w/ Emmett Askey ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] BW Eddie ??? [vs] The Bern Boys w/ The Professor A Chance With Chuck: ??? [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver Clifford Wilson [vs] Vinny Vigilante Roly Muckletruck w/ Beast Bantom [vs] Mark Adonis w/ The House of Business
  20. I loved the original iDOM universe, and this one, while fun, probably needs some 'lore' attached in those bios - and explanations of where the wrestlers are now, and why? Maybe you can open it up to the board, and people can apply to 'write' a company and the rosters bios and Title lineage etc? I seem to remember 'Macho Man' Matt Morgan was Savage's protege in the original... Chris Masters was massively over... Jericho too... Owen Hart... etc Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins in different companies is excellent. The Creed Brothers, who's to say they didn't have a 4-5 year run as a team, then a split and a falling out in real life that meant they ended up elsewhere. Or one of them took their career less seriously than the other. Or something like that? There's so much that can be done with your excellent work so far.
  21. 21CW Presents: Episode 19 Wednesday, Week 2, June 2020 Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley Overall Rating: 74 The show opened with Loxley Robbins and his partner Vicki Company heading to the ring… there were murmurs of cheers in the audience… but still mostly boos for the Australian couple… Loxley didn’t look as ‘gorgeous’ as he usually does… looking a little tired and run down… but he had a BIG announcement to make… Loxley Robbins: “Look uhhh… You’re all wonderin’ why I haven’t been competing lately, and uhh… there’s a real good reason… Yu see Vick and I… We’re really happy and… well… we’re gettin’ married!!” Loxley explained that their wedding was in a couple of weeks, and that Vicki had asked that he ‘protect his face’ more than he usually does… so as not to ruin the photographs of the day…!! He acknowledged that Tommy Cornell’s brand of ‘Rough Justice’ was always risky to fight against… and he didn’t want to upset his wife-to-be… This brought Tommy Cornell out… Cornell’s music hit, and so did a thunderous ovation from the live crowd… Loxley stood behind Vicki Company, for protection… Tommy Cornell: “Oh you’re good Loxley… Very good, me ol’ mate… So you fought me… in order to avoid fighting me…?! That makes no sense…!! But guess what, since you’re so worried about your wedding… you’re now NOT Number One Contender for the World Heavyweight Title… Because I am, son…!!” Loxley had previously beaten both Tommy Cornell and the former Champ Buff Martinez… and had a rightful claim for a Title shot for months… but he wasted it… Loxley confirmed that his wedding was in less than TWO WEEKS, and would be aired on 21CW Kingdom… He won’t be doing the traditional ‘wrestling wedding’, because they never go to plan… but he’ll film the small ceremony so his fans can see it… Vicki Company: “Come along now, Loxley… We’ve taken up enough of this poor man’s time…” Company dragged her man away… and Cornell was left with his hands on his hips, and a smile on his face… ‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’ BEDLAM [vs] Lone Wolf Back and forth contest here with powerful strikes from both men. BEDLAM is that much more experienced though, and he ended up dispatching of his young opponent with the ‘Mind Strangler’ seated choke! 53 BEDLAM with a nice win here, but a HUGE win on pay-per-view at War Drums… he beat War Machine, and brought the score in their Best Of Seven Series to 3-2 in War Machine’s favour… If BEDLAM wins the next fight, he’ll level it up at 3 a piece… And their sixth match will be in a couple of weeks on Kingdom…!! The next match was an interesting one, as Merle O’Curle battled Phil Harmonic… In a first of its kind match that will be won when someone uses a top rope move…!! Merle is a submission and technical expert… so this one would be hard for him to maintain his 100% winning record since returning to 21CW… w/ ‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle [vs] ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ Phil Harmonic w/ Edison Silva & Kelvin Badberry Strange match here, that almost ended within a couple of minutes when Merle O’Curle hopped to the top rope! However, Edison Silva shoved him off and he fell to the floor outside! That theme continued, until Harmonic’s cronies were sent to the back by the referee. It was still ‘The King of the Cruiserweight’s’ match to lose though, and he hit a beautiful moonsault to win it! 51 Up next, we heard from DJ Reason’s group: ‘The Booth’, as they hung out at his recording studio, and introduced their newest member: ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester… For months, DJ and co had been trying to recruit Buck’s friend and protégé Alfonso D’Angelo, but ‘The Furious Bi-Curious’ denied them at every turn… thinking he had back-up from ‘Cowboy’… but Winchester turned on him at War Drums and has now joined his enemies… Tonight was his first time in the studio with his new friends… Buck Winchester: “Real nice place yu got here, partnas… Reeeeal nice… I could see muself layin’ down some fine music in here…!!” DJ Reason: “Cowboy… Ohhhh Cowboy…!! My friend, I am gonna make you a STAR, of Country Music… Dangermouth’s got the RAP game down… Phunk and I will pull the strings but you… Mmmm… Hmmm… Step aside Tim McGraw… There’s a NEW Sheriff in town…!! WOOOO!!” w/ The Lee FamiLee (Gorilla & JK) w/ Andrew and Cousin Konrad [vs] The Underdogs (Joe Simpson & Michael X) Another solid match here, and The Lee FamiLee picked up a shock win. The Underdogs were the favourites, which is confusing, but they’re former 21CW Tag Team Champions and the Lees are still new to teaming up. Gorilla Lee’s fantastic ‘Mighty Avalanche’, where he steps on his opponent’s chest and mid-section and drops down into a splash, would beat just about anyone – and tonight it crushed and beat Michael X. 54 Backstage, the man who beat both Andrew Lee and Daniel Black Francis at War Drums to become the NEW 21CW National Champion: Blake Belushi, was celebrating with a beaten up and dejected Brat Pack – who LOST their 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Titles at the same event… The Brat Pack were defeated by Landon Mallory and Leigh Burton, but mainly due to Artemis’ nose injury, and Thurston being choked out by Cousin Konrad earlier in the show… Belushi was the only winner of the entire Ozzie Invasion at War Drums, and he made sure the Brat Pack knew about it… Blake Belushi: “The success story of 2020…!! BLAKE Belushi…!! I’m ‘Beautiful’… and I’m a CHAMP…!!” Loxley Robbins and his fiancé Vicki Company entered the locker room… and Loxley greeted his friends… Loxley Robbins: “Boys… I got questions ta ask of ya…! Blake… We go way back, pal… I was wonderin’… if you’d do me the honour… of bein’ me best man…?!” Belushi was shocked…!! He looked at his newly won Championship, and looked as though he couldn’t believe Loxley hadn’t acknowledged it…!! But he also gladly accepted the offer, and embraced his friend…!! Loxley then asked the Brat Pack to be ushers, which they too gladly accepted… Blake said he’d better plan the Buck's Party quick…!! Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] Nightmare and Ruin Wild match here, with two huge men slamming into Storm and Sifu. The technical experts were able to lock the big men up in arm locks at one point, but they both picked their opponents up and slammed them into each other! For the finish, Sifu managed to hit his ‘Roaring Back Fist’ (Double Spinning Back Fist) on Nightmare and covered him quickly. 55 Backstage, Kingdom GM Colin Chalke was stood with former 21CW National Champion Daniel Black Francis… Colin Chalke: “Listen, my hands are tied… I know you want your re-match, but tonight’s card is full… and Blake is away next week for the ‘Stag Doo’… which he’s calling a ‘Bucks Party’ or something…” ‘D-B-F’ argued his point, but Chalke said he couldn’t help… He signed Blake’s leave of absence for his best friend’s wedding… so for now, Belushi will remain Champ… and Francis’ Title shot will be put on ice… Welsh Dragon & Aurelian Bradley [vs] Kevin Jones and Jeremy Allen Fast paced and short match here, in which we had three different styles. Dragon flew higher than anyone else tonight, while Bradley used holds and pressure to control the contest. Jones and Allen are bigger, veteran, brawlers. However, despite their experience, they couldn’t handle Dragon’s areal prowess. He hit his ‘Dragon Kick’ (Spinning thrust kick from the top rope) on Allen, and pinned him for the huge victory in a short one! 44 Colin Chalke was in his office again next… this time with Kingdom newcomer Nate Manchester… Colin Chalke: “Nate… it’s your debut next week my man… Are you ready…?!” Nate Manchester: “Why aye man… A’m ready alreet… Ah was born ready… soo… who have I got, like…?!” Chalke said he’d break Nate in slowly… and ‘The Real Angel of the North’ will have the chance to showcase his talents against a local competitor… give him a couple of tune-up matches before unleashing him on the rest of the roster… He liked the sound of that... w/ ‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton Great Main Event here, and Buff was on the war path. He wanted to kill Burton, for ‘The British Lion’s’ role in him losing his 21CW World Heavyweight Title, and Burton could do little to stop him early on. But Burton is crafty, way beyond his years, and he knew how to push Buff’s buttons and get under his skin. For the finish, Wade Orson had made his way to ringside, but it didn’t deter Martinez. He hit his ‘El K.O.’ (spinning back fist) to pick up the victory he craved, and knock Burton out. But his night wasn’t over there! 78 As soon as the final bell rang, Wade Orson was on top of Buff Martinez… levelling him with rights and lefts, and even clocking him with the 21CW World Heavyweight Championship Belt… Kathleen Lee begged Orson to stop, but he soon got some help from Leigh Burton… The two sadistic friends, who have been teasing a split and a fall out lately, were very much on the same page here… Burton even grabbed his 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Title Belt to hit Buff over the head with…!! After a brutal beatdown, Buff FINALLY got some help… from Burton’s fellow Tag Team Champion: Landon Mallory… The South African backed Orson and Burton up… and threatened to hit them with his Belt…!! But as Buff Martinez rose slowly to his feet behind Mallory… The ripped fan favourite spun around and drilled him with the Belt… making it his third Belt shot off the top of his head tonight…!! Buff was bleeding from his head… and the fight was FINALLY stopped by Tommy Cornell, who ran out wielding a chair… There was a brief moment where the crowd thought Cornell was out there to join in the attack, just like Landon Mallory had…!! But ‘Rough Justice’ did indeed break things up, and he asked for a microphone… Tommy Cornell: “Wade Orson… me old mate… How are ya…?! Listen… I saw your little victory at War Drums… very impressive, son… Did ya see mine, did ya…!?” Cornell pointed at Orson, and then did the universal Belt sign… Tommy Cornell: “That’s right, Wade ma boy… I’M the Number One Contender for that Belt… So I don’t blame you for surrounding yourself with as many mates as possible… because when I come for the Gold… You’ll need an army to stop me… You KNOW it won’t hurt a bit… It’ll hurt a LOT…!!” Cornell’s music played us out as the show went off the air… Lots to unpack, and lots of stories to continue to tell next week…!!
  22. Great spot! I must have used an old image for the fourth image... Changed the layout of my roster updates (and how I update them) and it's definitely right on the next two Thanks man. Hope you're enjoying the diary?
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