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The Lloyd

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Everything posted by The Lloyd

  1. Monday, January 17th, 2022 Pro Wrestling Reporter – An Article by Greg Sluchinski Coming up this week, on TCW Total Wrestling… Another packed edition of Total Wrestling is coming tomorrow night… T-Bone Bright and Mighty Mo switching rivals for their matches against Flint Slater and Wolf Hawkins respectively… We also have the Tornado Tag between The American Cobras and The Behemoths…!! Aside from the in-ring action, the opening segment is slated to be Greg Gauge and Jay Chord opening the show with some kind of confrontation… The Main Event are scheduled for six-man tag action against Bradley Blaze and their Malice In Wonderland opponents: Chance Fortune and Darryl Devine, but we’ve seen them pull out of matches like this in the past… Plus, as reported by Phil Vibert on the Vibert’s Voice podcast, The Behemoths are going to take things to a ‘new level’ in their storyline… They put the roster on notice as they said they were going after ‘someone’… Apparently, this week that someone will be revealed… in a shocking and brutal way… Predictions for: TCW Total Wrestling - Tuesday, January 11th, 2022 T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater Bradley Blaze, Chance Fortune, Darryl Devine [vs] The Main Event? Benny Benson w/ Flying Jimmy Foxx [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn Elliot Thomas [vs] ‘The One Percenter’ Jeremie Courtney w/ Vita Tornado Tag: The American Cobras [vs] The Behemoths w/ Floyd Goldworthy Non-Title Match: Mighty Mo [vs] Wolf Hawkins Bonus Question: Will The Main Event appear in six-man tag team action? ________
  2. Love the new T-Bone Bright!! Loved the 'old' one too, so I've combined them below... Apologies, I don't know how to do a 'GIF' so it's in png form
  3. Tuesday, January 11th, 2022 **Quotes taken directly from Vibert’s Podcast** Guys, what a week in professional wrestling… SWF put on their 50th Birthday Spectacular, which is a terrible name, but was a great show… Rocky Golden versus Remo Richardson headlined the show, with an 85 rating… Des Davids, Valiant and Spencer Spade all won big matches too… their roster is so stacked right now… USPW had a Women’s Match headline an episode of American Wrestling, with Pariah defeating Jaime Quine… An incredible achievement, especially when you consider how Pariah even got INTO wrestling (Operation Lullaby if you don’t recall)… USPW have also been on a bit of a hiring spree… signing Knuckles and Shady K… Texas Pete… Akima Brave… and re-hiring The Force… It’s unclear what Force’s role will be… To my knowledge, the 282lber hasn’t wrestled since he left USPW a year ago… As for TCW, another exceptional week on their Total Wrestling TV Show… A lot of people are saying that Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach had a bit of a ‘nothing’ segment on the show… but if I know this current regime like I think I know them, you gotta let it cook… It’ll be leading to ‘something’… I’m just not sure exactly what that ‘something’ is… A tag team run could be fun for them both, and as I’ve said previously here, they could well be in a bit of a ‘transition’ year in 2022… I’m still fascinated by the One Man Army / Doc Hammond story… These guys, as Guide and Scout in The New Wave, are widely considered to be the best tag team in North American Wrestling history… and now they’re on opposite sides of a war… However, One Man Army is trying to convince Hammond to ‘come home’, and this week that story continued… We’re going to see them on OPPOSITE sides of the ring, in a tag team match… One Man Army will team with Human Arsenal, a former rival of The New Wave… While Hammond and his fellow Syndicate stablemate Jaylon Martins will get the chance to ‘redeem themselves’ in Wolf Hawkins’ eyes… This match will take place on the pay-per-view Malice In Wonderland! I am also hearing news that Killer Shark and Titan’s story will take a very dramatic turn this coming week… They put the roster on notice on the first show of 2022, and claimed they were coming after ‘someone’… Word is, this week they’re going to be involved in a segment that will be a little ‘shocking’, and some in the company feel it’s taking things a little ‘far’… They also have a Tornado Tag against The American Cobras, which I for one am very much looking forward to… Final note from me, Marc Speed and Seth Whitehead showed ‘excellent’ chemistry as a tag team on Total Wrestling… Thoughts are they’re going to team up more regularly… More news on that, as we get it…
  4. Thank you so much, man - and again, in my eyes, you're one of the best to ever do it so I'm glad you're on board. Gauge vs Chord feels more like a saga than a one off to me... The title could be switched multiple times here!! Thank you, that's great to hear. We are just getting started! Small update: I've got the next five shows fully written (Including Malice In Wonderland) - and so far I'm really happy with how everything is shaking out. I'm loving the One Man Army / Doc Hammond stuff the most - but there's some other cool stories I'm working on that I'm enjoying too (I don't want to say yet, as there's a couple you don't know about yet). One last thing, you may see some pictures change in the coming weeks / shows... EdJames continues to put out amazing new worker pics, and I've just noticed a GREAT T-Bone Bright for example. Hopefully it's not too jarring
  5. You just love to see it!! Great layout and format. Ali has been good for me in the past, so I hope he can for you too! Already like Austin Smooth a lot here! and there were some great one liners from Smooth, Pinn and Ali. Excellent work.
  6. Zero shenanigans, but you're right, it wouldn't have been enough. Jaylon is very good, but T-Bone is a few levels above for now. Hoping he can continue his form / momentum. Yeah, agree. This is how I normally book, so your logic is spot on. At this stage though, I was aiming to push Blaze along a bit as I rate him quite highly, and Roderick (was) the fourth most important member of the Main Event! With Freddy out injured, which happens soon, Roderick will need to step up and if I could go back, I might have given him the win here. Thanks man... almost six weeks in, it's my favourite story to write so far - and I think you'll like the pay off. Thanks man - honestly, to hear the best to ever do it say that about one of my shows, is a huge compliment to me. Top man. Little bit overwhelmed to have gotten 20 predicters again on this show. Thank you all so much!
  7. TCW Presents: Tuesday, January 11th, 2022 Calling the action: Shawn Doakes, Kyle Rhodes and Jasmine Saunders Overall Rating: 75 The show began how a lot of TCW Total Wrestling episodes start… with Wolf Hawkins leading The Syndicate to the ring… Wolf’s three fellow members lined up in the middle of the ring… and Wolf paced back and forth in front of them… Wolf Hawkins: “Gentlemen… You don’t need me… to tell you this… but we are at WAR, around here… and in war… if you hesitate… You… will… be… punished…!!” Wolf stared right at Hammond… but then continued… Wolf Hawkins: “Jaylon…!! You were HANDED a chair, by T-Bone Bright… and you chose to…?! What…?!” Jaylon didn’t know how to respond… He tried to apologise to his leader… but Wolf once again turned his attention to Hammond… Saying that the 43 year old, former 9-time Tag Team Champion should have known better… Before he could do or say anything he might regret though, out came One Man Army, and Human Arsenal… Two men who know Doc Hammond better than anyone else… One Man Army: “DOC… When are you gonna stand up for yourself, huh…?! When are you gonna stop lettin’ him talk to you, like that…?!” Hammond shook his head, but Wolf had an answer, as One Man Army and Human Arsenal bravely climbed into the ring… Wolf Hawkins: “Doc Hammond… is his OWN MAN… If he wanted to leave The Syndicate, he would have done it by now… He can do it, at any time…!! As for you two… at Malice In Wonderland… We challenge you to a match…!! Doc and Jaylon… versus you two… a chance for them to redeem themselves… and to shut you two up, for GOOD…!!” Wolf instructed his troops to surround the two legends… but they soon got some help… T-Bone Bright arrived once again… stomping to the ring for the opening contest… a match against poor Jaylon Martins…!! Bright’s arrival meant that he, One Man Army and Human Arsenal used intimidation to convince The Syndicate to leave the ringside area through the crowd, and Jaylon Martins was to go this one alone… T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The J Train’ Jaylon Martins Jaylon Martins needed the help of The Syndicate tonight, but he didn’t get it. He was left out there as a ‘sacrifice’, and T-Bone didn’t mind that at all. He won it with his ‘T-Bone Lariat’ after 8 minutes, following an impressive display from both. Winner: T-Bone Bright Rating: 65 Next up, we heard from Greg Gauge… in response to Jay Chord’s comments from last week, where he claimed that his Father (Rip Chord) was tougher, and could beat up Gauge’s Father, Sam Keith… Greg Gauge: “My ankle hurts… My back is… dodgy, at best… My hip feels uncomfortable when I walk… And this guy, Jay Chord wants to talk about how tough my Dad is, or was…?! I’m going to fight tonight… I’m going to fight, for the TCW World Heavyweight Title at Malice In Wonderland… Despite my injuries… Despite it hurting EVERY… DAMN… DAY… So it doesn’t matter how tough our Dad’s were… or are… because I… am tougher… than YOU Jay…!!” Gauge promised that Chord won’t know what hit him when their match begins…!! w/ ‘The Dallas Cowboy’ Bradley Blaze [vs] Roderick Remus w/ The Main Event Very good match between these two future stars as they renewed hostilities from their time in MAW. Remus had a LOT of help at ringside, but they were ineffective at the crucial moment. Remus attempted a splash in the corner, and Bradley Blaze dodged it, before kicking Matt Hocking off the apron. He followed it up with his ‘Dallas Drop’, a lifting reverse DDT, and scored the win! Winner: ‘The Dallas Cowboy’ Bradley Blaze Rating: 63 After the match, Blaze was knocked over by the onrushing Matt Hocking and Freddy Huggins, who decided to punish him for beating their guy… But he wasn’t outnumbered for long, because Chance Fortune and Darryl Devine ran to the ring for the save… The Main Event got out of there at the instruction of Laura Hocking… She told them “another day, another day”, as they convinced themselves that they could have stayed and won the fight if they really wanted to… Benny Benson & Flying Jimmy Foxx [vs] Marc Speed & Seth Whitehead Another cracking match here, and all four men got time to show what they could do. Speed and Whitehead dominated Benny Benson, using throws and takedowns to control him and keep him in their corner. But when he tagged Foxx in, Jimmy did the Flying! He hit crossbody blocks, and flying kicks like they were going out of fashion. In the end though, it was Benson’s ‘Shockwave From Next Year’ (Running Enzuigiri) to Whitehead, that scored the fan favourites the win. Winners: Benny & The Foxx Rating: 61 We cut to a video package next, showing Troy Tornado walking through the streets he grew up in… The video package was titled: 'The Troy Story' Troy Tornado: “Where would I be… If I wasn’t a wrestler…?” Troy Tornado walked past bus stops, playing fields, beaten up and burnt out cars, and even the high school he got kicked out of… Troy Tornado: “I’d either be in jail, or somehow avoiding it… I used to just steal cars for joy rides… But as I got older I was recruited to steal ‘em, so the older kids could sell ‘em… Sometimes, I couldn’t find keys… so I learned to hot wire at 14… I used to wrap duct tape round my arm, and smash a window with a… believe it or not… Flying Forearm similar to the Star Maker… (his finisher)…” Troy confirmed it’s where he got the idea for the move, and the name... as his elbow would make a star shape in the middle of the broken window... He went from smashing windows, to smashing faces… and then to an almost year-long reign as the TCW International Champion back in 2006… Troy Tornado: “I got in trouble with the law… multiple times… and one police officer gave me an ultimatum… Find somethin’ I could do to keep me off the streets… or end up in jail… or shot… or worse… He was right… He gave me a kick up the ass, and I looked at my life, and I thought: well, I’m terrible at Football… Baseball… Basketball... but I can wrestle a bit…” As an amateur wrestler, Troy always placed well for his size… but did unspectacularly... A buddy of his said he should try ‘Pro-Wrestling’… and that’s where he first saw Jack Bruce in Total Championship Wrestling… End Of Part 1… Continues next week with: 'Troy Story II' Bart Biggins & Tana The Mighty [vs] The Elite (Eddie Chandler & Nate Johnson) Bart and Tana are TCW veterans, who are beloved by the fans. They get on well, and have a mutual respect for one another. But there was something about Chandler and Johnson tonight – who have been teaming for years. They clearly wanted to prove a point, with the tag team division having improved a lot in the last two years. They won it when Nate hit his Natural Order (Inverted Legdrop Bulldog) on Biggins. Winners: The Elite Rating: 60 Another pre-taped video next… as The American Cobras had a message for Killer Shark and Titan… Marvel Malloy: “How can a couple of snakes… stand up to a Shark and a Titan…?!” Storm Spillane: “We’re gonna take them to OUR habitat… See if the Shark can swim when there is no water… See how tall Titan can stand when he’s having his legs kicked by two MMA experts…” Marvel Malloy: “Next week… TORNADO TAG… The American Cobras versus The Behemoths…!! This is OUR world...” Last week, The Behemoths interrupted Malloy and Spillane’s celebrations after they defeated Nick Booth and Dominic Rizzoli… The American Cobras tried to stand up to Floyd Goldworthy’s Giants, but they were easily put down, alongside Rizzoli… The Behemoths let Nick Booth leave… but he is said to be less than impressed with being called “Little Titan”… a nickname which he has hated for years… The Behemoths have also announced that they are coming for ‘someone’… Will we find out who, soon…?! ‘Hands Of Stone’ Bradford Peverell [vs] Maverick 2022 could be a big year for Bradford Peverell. He can brawl with anyone, and hold his own. Tonight, against the wild Maverick, it was an intense brawl, and one which Peverell won using his ‘Dream Left Hook’. Winner: ‘Hands Of Stone’ Bradford Peverell Rating: 58 In the back, Aaron Andrews caught up with Sammy Bach… ‘Ace’ was extremely grateful to Sammy for his help in the Main Event last week, against Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond… Aaron Andrews: “We made a pretty good team, thanks for having my back out there…” Sammy Bach: “Always man…” The two former TCW World Heavyweight Champions showed mutual respect towards one another, and agreed to look out for each other if needed, against the dominant Syndicate and other potential threats… Greg Gauge & Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] Jay Chord & Joshua Taylor Fantastic way to end a great night of in-ring action, with four of the biggest names on the roster. Dazzling Dave Diamond did some great work out there, and could have won it for his team at one point. However, Jay Chord did what he does better than anyone, and somehow kicked out when he looked beat, following the ‘Dazzle Driver’ (Alabama Slam). Diamond was stunned by the kick out, and set to work taking Chord down. However, Joshua Taylor came in behind the referee’s back, and hit a brilliant short-arm clothesline that almost knocked Diamond out of his cowboy boots. Greg Gauge cleaned house, slamming into Taylor, before delivering a kick to Chord’s chest as he came off the ropes. However, Taylor managed to shove Gauge into Diamond, and they collided heads badly. Taylor took Gauge to the outside, and Chord hit his ’Super DDT’ onto the shaken up head of Diamond, and won it! Winners: Jay Chord & Joshua Taylor Rating: 79 Jay Chord and Joshua Taylor celebrated, as we closed the show with news of two HUGE matches set for next week… + Mighty Mo and T-Bone Bright will switch rivals, as Bright goes 1 on 1 with Flint Slater… and TCW Television Champion Mo takes on Wolf Hawkins in the Main Event, in non-title action…
  8. Absolutely right, it's about finding the right balance. I don't think I'll be 8 weeks ahead in my current diary - more like 4... It just gives me a few shows 'in the can', ready to post, so if I have writer's block, or am extremely busy, I can still post and keep the momentum, and not have people lose interest... or lose interest myself. I think with my 21CW brand split diary, I was regularly 6-7 weeks ahead, and since there were two shows a week plus a PPV every 3-4 weeks, I ended up having 15+ shows written up, so a long time for people to see their personal changes come to fruition (in booking prizes I give out, or polls/feedback etc). I'm a big believer in listening to readers who like a certain character, or story, and giving that person or story more time - which is hard to do when you're too far ahead for sure. But it does seem to help with longevity.
  9. Hey guys, just taking a little minute to tell you all about a couple of polls that Arlie has running in the TEW IX General Discussions thread: Best Forum Provider of TEW Content and Best Provider of External TEW Content - Youtube, Twitch etc I'm not 100% sure what a 'Twitch' is, but then again I am pretty old... Anyway, reason I mention it, is because the lovely @John Lions nominated little old me - and since the prize is a FREE copy of TEW IX, and I already have a copy, I'll be giving the prize to one of you lovely lot - (all of my wrestling friends already have a copy). I'm not going to win, but feel free to go and vote for whoever you like on 'The Twitch', and other such stuff. Hope you're all doing well, next show should be up tomorrow
  10. Cut some big names there, Joffy, Atherton and Duvak are talented, and Lee Rivera is a personal favourite of mine, having been mr. consistent in my two NOTBPW vs CGC diaries!! If you purely got rid of jobbers / older guys, you'd be left with all people you wanted to 'push', so you've done the right thing I think. I'm finding with TCW that I have a lot of "blimey, he's good isn't he"... but I can't keep them all / use them all every week. Good luck with this, I'll be following along. MAIN EVENT: The Dynamite Express (Cam Jones & Syd Collier) -vs- The DeColt Boys (Jack & Ricky DeColt) The Royalists (Jessica Conroy & Deborah Young) -vs- Red Hot Boss (Laura Flame & Lauren Easter) CWA TELEVISION TITLE MATCH: George Wolfe (c) -vs- Erik Strong Robin DaLay -vs- Hank Gunn Princeton Pryce -vs- Sonny Wildside Foxxy LaRue -vs- Zoe Ammis
  11. Oh wow! Thank you so much, man I've had nice feedback in the past, but this was such a lovely surprise to wake up to, and has made my day These boards are epic, there's so many nice people around here! Thank you again. Also, I checked, and my first diary (WWE THREE BRANDS) - that was a fun ride - began 11 and a half years ago 😮 Dinosaur !! Great competition idea - I will nominate @EdJames for doing just, amazing, time consuming, work.
  12. Prediction Card PSW Steel City Smash Episode 1 Acid II vs ZomBoy Rudy Velasquez vs Rhino Umaga Jebediah vs Ernest Youngman Bonus Point (closest to) Show Grade: 51
  13. Monday, January 10th, 2022 Pro Wrestling Reporter – An Article by Greg Sluchinski Coming up this week, on TCW Total Wrestling… We’re going to see T-Bone Bright in action, against ‘The J Train’ Jaylon Martins… Plus a Main Event featuring Greg Gauge and Jay Chord on opposite sides of a tag team match!! Gauge will partner with the fan favourite Texan veteran Dazzling Dave Diamond… While Chord’s partner, is going to be the dangerous, dynamic and versatile brawler Joshua Taylor… Elsewhere on the show, we’re going to hear from Troy Tornado… The 44 year old veteran has a chequered past, and as he closes in on a potential retirement, he’ll detail the struggles he went through in his youth, and how he overcame them… Greg Gauge will respond to Jay Chord’s comments about their legendary Fathers… The American Cobras return, after being destroyed by Killer Shark and Titan last week… PLUS… The Syndicate will open the show, fresh off the back of their defeat at the hands of Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach last week… How will Wolf Hawkins react to Doc Hammond’s hesitation…?! Will Doc be approached by his former best friend: One Man Army, and his former rival: Human Arsenal again…?! Get your Prediction Picks in below!! Predictions for: TCW Total Wrestling - Tuesday, January 11th, 2022 T-Bone Bright [vs] ‘The J Train’ Jaylon Martins w/ The Syndicate ‘The Dallas Cowboy’ Bradley Blaze [vs] Roderick Remus w/ The Main Event Benny and The Foxx [vs] Marc Speed & Seth Whitehead Bart Biggins & Tana The Mighty [vs] The Elite (Chandler & Johnson) ‘Hands Of Stone’ Bradford Peverell [vs] Maverick Greg Gauge & Dazzling Dave Diamond [vs] Jay Chord & Joshua Taylor
  14. Tuesday, January 4th, 2022 **Quotes taken directly from Vibert’s Podcast** Phil Vibert coming at you LIVE, and what a show we just witnessed from TCW… Total Wrestling has been a solid 3rd show… an ‘alternative’ if you will, for years… but 2022 could be a pivotal year for them, and their impressive roster… As SWF and USPW continue to duke it out for the Number One spot, TCW have been slowly building a roster of incredible talents… Sammy Bach… Wolf Hawkins… Aaron Andrews… Jay Chord… Greg Gauge… T-Bone Bright… The list goes on and on… This week on Total Wrestling, we saw a brilliant moment to end the show, where T-Bone came running to the ring to ‘save’ Bach and Andrews… but he slid a chair in to Jaylon Martins… and the crowd… and me… believed he was JOINING The Syndicate… I was disappointed… I like T-Bone… I like to cheer him as a dominant big babyface… but then we found out, he only gave the chair to Jaylon so he could smash it out of his hands, and smash Jaylon to show just how dominant he can be!! Great segment… Greg Gauge versus Joshua Taylor stole the show, and I’m looking forward to seeing what the year brings for both of these guys… Greg’s on the cusp of winning a World Championship… Taylor on the other hand… He turns 40 in April… He’s always been right at the top of the card, and able to put on excellent matches… Can he make 2022 a banner year as well…?! The most interesting story for me this week though, is One Man Army, with help from Human Arsenal, trying to convince Doc Hammond to ‘Come Home’… and quit The Syndicate… Arguably, Hammond is the reason he and Wolf lost their Main Event this week… due to his hesitation… but will he be tempted to take up the former Guide’s offer of one last run as The New Wave…!?
  15. Haha, thanks man... Uncle Titan getting over is always nice. I think he and Shark are going to take you on a bit of a rollercoaster over the next few weeks. Thank you buddy. I have so many bugbears! Haha!! But I agree with yours. I like to do between a 2/4 and a 4/2 face/heel split on a six match card. Sometimes I go full 3/3. - Even if it means changing my booking plans slightly, by changing a winner I had planned... I should point out, I'm using EdJames' DAY ONE UPDATE (Found Here) for my roster pics. He did the pack that came with the game, and then listened to feedback around lighting, etc, and has come back with an amazing second pack!! Worth checking out. A quick update... Malice In Wonderland is FULLY written, so that's January squared off already... Planning War To Settle The Score as we speak
  16. Looks fantastic mate! Loved the conversation too - great way to introduce the tweaks you've made! Can't wait to see who you sign to bolster that roster a little.
  17. Love that Leigh Burton! I booked him as both a Lion and a Snake in my 21CW diary on 2020. This fits that gimmick perfectly!
  18. 21CW Presents: Episode 35 Wednesday, Week 2, October 2020 Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley Overall Rating: 72 We kicked off the first show of the New Rosters, with Phil Harmonic strolling to the ring, with Edison Silva… Phil Harmonic: “You may notice… Kelvin Badberry is NOT here… He’s gone to United… So now, I have NO back-up…” Edison Silva: “Uhh… Phil…? I’m right here, mate…” Harmonic SLAPPED Silva right across his face… causing him to drop his microphone…!! The cocky ‘King of the Cruiserweights’ told him to shut up, as he had something to say… Phil Harmonic: “Fine… I’ve still got ‘Edison Silva’… Some MMA fighter you are… NEXT WEEK… I am challenging ANY new Kingdom arrival to a match… an Open Challenge… against ME…!!” w/ Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu (c) [vs] Grandmaster Phunk & Dangermouth w/ The Booth Not the only Title match tonight – Storm and Sifu, as fighting Champions, were happy to defend the Gold here, but they came mighty close to losing. Phunk and Dangermouth had a lot of help at ringside, but when Buck Winchester got caught red-handed, he and DJ Reason were ejected from ringside. From there, Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu dominated. They retained their Gold too, when Sifu hit his ‘Roaring Back Fist’ (Double Spinning Back Fist) on Dangermouth. 57 In the back, newcomers to Kingdom: The Bern Boys were shown watching the Tag Team Title Match on a monitor… They commented that they could have beaten Storm and Sifu tonight… but they were interrupted by fellow new arrivals in the draft: The European Hammers… Yuri Iliakov: “Careful boys… This is our turf now…!! WE want the Championships… So step to the back of thee line…” Fabian Schwarz and Hans Piccard held their hands up, and walked backwards, surrendering against the much larger, vastly more experienced, Yuri Iliakov and Mass Hulk… However, out of nowhere, Antithesis arrived on the scene… Antithesis swung fists of fury at Yuri and Hulk, as The Bern Boys watched on with grins on their faces… However, the face-painted fan favourite was outnumbered and out-gunned… and easily fended off by Yuri and Hulk… They ended up holding him up against a wall, and telling him to stay out of their business if he knows what’s good for him… Next up, we learned that veteran Leo Price would be in action next week… Price remained on Kingdom, and wasn’t eligible to be drafted due to his recent ‘dismissal’ from United… Next week will mark his first match since losing to Leigh Burton at Dangerous Alliances… With his former tag team partner Burton… and his best friend Joss Thompson, both appearing on United… It’s time for Price to find new allies… and perhaps new enemies… ‘DBF’ Daniel Black Francis (c) [vs] ‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle A clash of two very different styles here, and the crowd were really into it – cheering for both men, and truly believing every near fall was going to lead to a ‘three’. For the finish, Merle locked in a brutal Crossface, and ‘DBF’ was extremely close to tapping. However, the fun-loving fan favourite managed to roll back on it, and hook Merle’s leg for a flash pin that ‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ couldn’t kick out of! 56 Merle couldn’t believe he’d lost, but he ended the match with a smile on his face as he shook Daniel Black Francis’ hand… Hard-fought win for the new National Champion in his first Title defence… Next up, speaking of National Champions, we got an update on ‘The Best Man’… ‘Beautiful’ Blake Belushi, who lost in the Street Fight last week against his former best friend: ‘Jilted’ Loxley Robbins… The main update, was that Belushi is out injured… He had over 100 thumb tacks in his back, and buttox, and legs… His girlfriend Vicki Company ALSO got a thumb tack in her HAND… She was very upset about it… Steve Smith: “Belushi now has NO National Title… NO Brat Pack, as they were drafted to United…” Dane Rowley: “YEAH… and a bunch of Boles in his Hutt…!!” Steve Smith: “Sure… if you like… Try to remain calm Dane… please… Now, Loxley Robbins on the other hand, is BACK next week…” In a rare backstage promo, Cliff King was stood alongside his ‘Giant Client’ War Machine!! With Cliff King doing the talking, War Machine vowed to KILL one Cousin Konrad… Cliff King: “I have convinced my ‘Giant Client’ to wait… He coooould go and find The Lee FamiLee right now… and EAT THEM… But I’ve convinced him to let them be… Let Cousin Konrad be… FOR NOW… and strike when the time is right… SO Konrad… One day… Your time will come…” Juan Mendoza [vs] Lone Wolf Two youngsters with bright futures did battle in this short but fun match. Lone Wolf’s punching was spot on tonight, with strikes to the jaw and mid-section. Mendoza didn’t know what had hit him. After a wild brawl at the end of the match, Lone Wolf was distracted by the arrival of Lone Turtle! After a pause that allowed the Spaniard to recover, Lone Wolf came off the second rope and landed chin first on Mendoza’s shoulder with the ‘Stunning Face Crusher’ (Stunner). 46 Lone Turtle tried to apologise to Lone Wolf, but the young loner wasn’t having it, at all… he shoved the green fan favourite over, and he landed hard on his... shell...?! ‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers is a former four-time World Champion, and was the first ever Grand-Slam Champion in 21CW… He has never won the National Title – but that is a new Title, so he’s never had the chance… Now, having been drafted to Kingdom, he has that chance… However, he was drafted despite being out injured… He missed STEEL SATAN at Dangerous Alliances due to a knee injury, and he can’t seem to shake it… SOON… Adam will debut on Kingdom though… Jon Michael Sharp & Martin Heath [vs] Local Enhancement Talent Speaking of debuts on Kingdom, Sharp and Heath showed up and showed off tonight. It wasn’t a dominant win over two local workers – but the two flashy fliers were very exciting out there. Tag Team Champions wherever they’ve been, it’s only a matter of time before they’re Champs here in 21CW. They won it with Heath’s amazing Flying Fist Drop (H-Bomb from the top rope). 52 We cut to a brilliant pre-taped video package next, with cut together clips of a new faction on Kingdom: Mark Adonis, Luke Cool and Rolling Johnny Stones… The three former members of the House of Hell, and the House of Business over on United, were drafted to Kingdom, in order to separate such a dominant group…!! The three suited men were shown in these clips, out in VEGAS… playing all kinds of games in casinos… ‘Cool Hand’ Luke Cool was dominating a Poker Table… ‘Rolling’ Johnny Stones was rolling dice on the Craps table… As for Mark Adonis… ‘God’s Gift To Wrestling’ was cleaning up at Blackjack… The video seemed to show all three winning BIG in separate areas of the MGM Grand… and then coming together to count their winnings… The Underdogs [vs] Nightmare & Ruin Big win for Nightmare and Ruin here against the former 21CW Tag Team Champions. The two 320+ lbers hit stereo running power slams, before Nightmare hit the Darkness Choke Slam on Michael X, and Ruin dropped Joe Simpson with his Fold Up Powerbomb to win it. 52 Backstage, The Lee FamiLee were reacting to the news that Kathleen Lee, along with Buff Martinez, were heading to United… PLUS… Cliff King and War Machine’s ominous message from earlier in the show… The group were a bit down in the dumps, except for Cousin Konrad, who remained stoic throughout… They can always rely on Gorilla Lee to pick their spirits up though… He pulled a scrap of paper out of his pocket… Gorilla Lee: “Guys… I’ve compiled a list here… of people we can replace Auntie Kathy… and Uncle Buff…!! First… Juan Mendoza…?! Right…?! He’s Spanish, so he covers Buff… Then, we could go in a few directions here… LEE-o Price… or… or… how about Ro-LEE Muckletruck…?! Huh…?! Orrrr… Lox-LEE Robbins…?! The possibilities… are…” Before he could finish, a large, imposing figure entered the room behind Konrad… Who span around ready for a fight… The former United star, and winner of the Cornell Cup Tag Team Tournament, Beast Bantom, who stands at an impressive 6’ 8” and weighs 380lbs… Beast by name, Beast by nature… Beast Bantom: “The ‘Lee FamiLee’… I’ve heard all about you schmucks… Family…?! Except you’re not a real family are ya…? One of you… is not like the others… ONE of you… can’t be trusted… and in the coming weeks… I… am going to reveal who… BY ORDER… Of Beast Bantom…!!” Bantom disappeared into the night, leaving the Lee FamiLee looking around and pointing fingers without saying anything… ‘The Squashasaurus’ Roly Muckletruck [vs] ‘Rock Solid’ Landon Mallory Landon Mallory’s confidence is low right now. Since losing his Tag Team Titles, he’s lost five of his last seven matches, and seems a little lost in the shuffle since his former partner Leigh Burton headed to United. He had flashes of brilliance in this one, against the popular star Roly Muckletruck. However, the big Scot is hard to slow down, and his Powerbomb would stop most men on the 21CW roster. 74 After the match, Roly Muckletruck passed Rogue on the stage… The veteran was out there with a message for Wade Orson… The two fan favourites exchanged a menacing glare… despite being on the ‘good’ side… Rogue: “So what is… a Rogue…?! A dishonest person…?! A liar…?! An unprincipled person…?! A SCOUNDREL..?! Well… If all of these were true about me… You wouldn’t be cheering me now, would you…?!” With a glint in his eye, the crowd cheered Rogue… and a small ‘Rogue’ chant filled the stadium… The ‘Dirty Rotten Scoundrel’ was being playful with the crowd… but his message for Wade Orson was loud and clear… Rogue: “Wade… You tried to end me at Dangerous Alliances… So how about you fight me in the ring… 1 on 1… No sneak attacks… No steel chairs… Let’s see if you are who you say you are… Because if you’re not… Then YOU… Are a liar… an unprincipled person… and a SCOUNDREL…!!” Rogue’s booming voice could be heard for miles… If Wade Orson was anywhere near the building, he’d have heard it live… Will we get a response from the ‘Awesome’ 21CW World Heavyweight Champion, next week…!? Tommy Cornell is heading to United… but next week on Kingdom, we’ll see tag team action from Antithesis and Clifford Wilson… LIVE and in colour…
  19. TCW Presents: Tuesday, January 4th, 2022 Calling the action: Shawn Doakes, Kyle Rhodes and Jasmine Saunders Overall Rating: 73 ‘Show Opening / Year Opening’ Shawn Doakes: “It’s Shawn Doakes, Folks… and it is 2022… TCW looking to take the world by STORM this year…” Jasmine Saunders: “And we have got a packed show to kick us off, Shawn… We’re going to see the Main Event… Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond of The Syndicate, taking on ‘The Ace’ Aaron Andrews and his partner… ‘The Elation Sensation’ Sammy Bach…” Shawn Doakes: “Going to be an interesting 2022 for Aaron, Sammy and Wolf…” Kyle Rhodes: “That’s right Shawn… And there is a New Year Party kinda feel backstage… Benny Benson and Flying Jimmy Foxx doing what they do best, and providing drinks, food, and alllll the entertainment… But first… THE AMERICAN CORBAS are here…!!” The newest members of the tag team roster in TCW… Four months into their first run with a ‘major’ promotion… Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane stomped to the ring to a huge ovation… The American Cobras [vs] The Bruisers (Nick Booth & Dominic Rizzoli) They may be small, but Marvel Malloy and Storm Spillane are fun to watch. They fly around the ring, but have a solid technical base with which to stretch and hurt their opponents. For the finish, Spillane locked in his Kneeling Boston Crab on Rizzoli, and the big youngster tapped out! Winners: The American Cobras Rating: 52 After the match, Malloy and Spillane couldn’t celebrate for long… because Floyd Goldworthy arrived, with his two huge clients - Former TCW World Tag Team Champions: Killer Shark and Titan… Floyd pulled a microphone to his mouth, but then pointed to the ring with both hands instead of saying anything… and ordered his troops to attack!! The two huge men began by knocking Dominic Rizzoli down with a double shoulder tackle… They actually knocked him UP, and then he fell down… The American Cobras decided to take the fight to The Behemoths… and flew through the ropes to hit stereo suicide dives… but they were both caught by Shark and Titan…!! They were also both thrown and slammed like bugs…!! As they made it to the ring, Titan grabbed Floyd’s microphone, and spoke to a scared looking Nick Booth, who was a former stablemate of the group in the group: The Sinner Society… Titan: “It’s okay ‘Little Titan’… You can run…” Titan and Shark let Booth run, and he didn’t look back… Floyd then got hold of the mic again… Floyd Goldworthy: “SOMEONE in TCW, Is in our sights…!! I can’t say who… I won’t… But the locker room out there, is on NOTICE…!!” Bart Biggins [vs] ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn Chris Flynn looked dominant in this one, using all of his 45lb weight advantage to smother Bart Biggins. Eventually, ‘The Stud’ put the veteran away with his ‘Flynn Lock’ (Single-Leg Boston Crab). Winner: ‘The Stud’ Chris Flynn Rating: 61 The announce team touched on it earlier, but we cut backstage next, with the New Year Party that Benny Benson and Flying Jimmy Foxx were hosting in the locker room… Things were jovial, with lots of shared laughter and people eating snacks… Some other wrestlers were there, such as big Tana The Mighty and his former tag team partner Mighty Mo… The two shared a laugh, as Mo proudly held his TCW Television Title over his shoulder… Bradley Blaze, known as ‘The Dallas Cowboy’ was explaining to some backstage workers, and the tag team Devine Fortune, that he was celebrating ONE YEAR in TCW…!! Everyone seemed happy for him, but the mood of the ‘event’ changed dramatically, when the TCW World Tag Team Champions arrived… Freddy Huggins: “Oh wow… If it isn’t Darryl Devine and Chance Fortune… Remind me… Why are they important to us again Matt…?!” Matt Hocking: “Brooooo…!! They’re the number one contenders for OUR, TCW World Tag Team Titles…” Freddy Huggins: “Oh wow… Must be slim pickings in the tag division around here… Now that… Is ‘Shocking’…” Matt Hocking: “Yeah, you boys really shouldn’t be partying… when you have a big match against US… at Malice In Wonderland…” With that, Roderick Remus slapped a bowl of potato chips from Bradley Blaze’s hands… and a brawl almost broke out… Remus smirked and sarcastically congratulated his former rival in MAW, on one unsuccessful year as a TCW star…!! w/ ‘Dynamic’ Duke Freeman [vs] ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate Two young stars of the future battling it out here. Freeman is new around here, but at just 24 he has world class fundamentals. However, nobody can match Flint Slater’s toughness, or his stamina. Despite also being new, Slater never looks tired out there, and hit a FAST spear reminiscent of a certain Son of a Steiner. He then finished Freeman off with a brutal Ankle Lock, making him tap and hold his ankle after the match like it may have been broken! Winner: ‘The Rottweiler’ Flint Slater w/ The Syndicate Rating: 55 We went straight into another match when we came back from commercial, and a mouth-watering contest between Greg Gauge and Joshua Taylor… Greg Gauge [vs] Joshua Taylor An amazing showcase of the top-level talent that TCW currently boasts. Greg Gauge gets his first World Heavyweight Title shot at Malice In Wonderland, and the crowd have been hugely behind him for years now! On the other side of the ring, Joshua Taylor never quite lived up to the enormous pote ntial he showed in his 20s. Now in his 13th year in TCW, and at the age of 39, the time for him is now (or never). He showed his ring IQ here, using all kinds of sneaky tactics to slow Gauge’s momentum down. However, Gauge has been around the business for his whole life, and has seen every trick in the book. The Proton Lock did for Taylor in the end, as he was unable to get to the ropes and had to tap out! Winner: Greg Gauge Rating: 80 After the match was over, TCW World Heavyweight Champion Jay Chord, arrived on the stage… Jay Chord: “A strong win Greg, congratulations… Nobody knows the business like you, right? Your Dad… Sam Keith… You’ve been around the business your whole life… but let me explain something to you… I… Have been around the business MY whole life, too… My Dad… Is Rip Chord… They never went 1 on 1… but whether it was in their prime… or now… My Dad could kick your Dad’s ass…!!” Gauge looked a little angry, but he mostly rolled his eyes at Chord’s comments… He shouted that he’d see Chord at Malice In Wonderland… and intimated that he’d get his hands on Chord’s coveted Championship… Troy Tornado [vs] Quentin ‘Drama’ Queen Troy Tornado is beloved by the fans, and gets a big reaction when he comes out to the ring. The well-travelled Quentin Queen is the complete opposite. He overdramatises everything, and the fans hate him. After a good back and forth match, the cooler and calmer veteran Tornado hit his ‘Star Maker’ flying forearm, and Queen was done. Winner: Troy Tornado Rating: 61 After a commercial break, we were due the Main Event, featuring two members of The Syndicate: Wolf Hawkins and his most trusted general: Doc Hammond… taking on Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach… As Doc got ready to make his entrance from backstage, he was approached by his former best friend One Man Army… and an old rival, in the form of Human Arsenal… In recent months, One Man Army has been trying to convince Doc to LEAVE the Syndicate… questioning Wolf Hawkins’ morals and motivation… plus the way he treats a veteran like Doc… One Man Army: “Listen, I’m not gonna stop, man… Come ‘home’… We got one more shot at this… The New Wave can still ride… can still hang with the best o’ them… Orr… you could just carry on bein’ Wolf’s BITCH…!!” Just as he said that, Wolf walked around the corner, flanked by Flint Slater and Jaylon Martins…!! The other three members of The Syndicate… Wolf clearly heard what One Man Army had to say, but he arrogantly told Doc to ‘come along’… and they headed to the ring… w/ Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach [vs] Wolf Hawkins and Doc Hammond w/ The Syndicate Solid Main Event, once again showcasing the talent available in TCW. There was something ‘off’ about Andrews and Bach’s chemistry tonight, where they were there to help each other because they hate The Syndicate, but they didn’t fully get along with one another. The finish came though, when Wolf Hawkins ordered Doc Hammond to grab a steel chair. He hesitated, and was slammed into by a flying cross body from the top rope by Sammy Bach, to the outside, onto Doc, Jaylon Martins and Flint Slater! Wolf was furious, and he was soon put down by Aaron Andrews’ ‘Gamma Drive’ (Top Rope Tornado DDT). Winners: Aaron Andrews and Sammy Bach Rating: 72 With Wolf down in the middle of the ring, young Jaylon Martins and Flint Slater took it upon themselves to slide into the ring and attack Aaron Andrews… They took the boots to ‘Ace’, but they didn’t get long to show their initiative to the recovered Wolf, and dominate Andrews… because this man arrived to make the save… Wielding a steel chair, the 6’ 6”, 280lb beast, T-Bone Bright ran to the ring, and then inexplicably slid the chair IN to the ring, to Jaylon Martins… The Syndicate were confused, and looked at each other… Was Bright about to JOIN The Syndicate...?! But Bright, undeterred, continued ploughing forwards!! He slid into the ring and SPEARED Flint Slater out of his boots, before turning his attention to Martins... Martins came at him with a chair… Bright punched the chair out of Martins’ hands, and then hit his ‘T-Bone Lariat’, to the shock of Wolf Hawkins… Doc Hammond pulled his leader out under the ropes!!! The show ended there… and we now look forward to next week, where we’ll see T-Bone Bright battle Jaylon Martins 1 on 1… **News and Notes** - ‘Big Bad Dom’ Dominic Rizzoli and ‘Nasty’ Nick Booth showed poor chemistry as partners tonight… Dom is the weaker of the two, so I decided to send the 25 year old to MAW to sit under their awesome learning tree… This has left Booth without a partner, and so he’ll go into the singles ranks…
  20. Well, 29 predicters! That equals my best ever 😮 Which was about 2 years into a WWE diary, so massive thank you to you all... Now, the first show...
  21. Glad to see this buddy, looking forward to getting stuck in!!
  22. Guys, massive thank you for the response to this so far I've been excited for the new game, and hope this project can do a wonderful company justice. Welcome to all new readers, and welcome back to you guys who know me! Should be a fun ride. Apologies for the delay, I was waiting for @EdJames's new pic pack Found Here comes out, and he's released the ones he has finished. It's got some great updates in it, and I think I'm switching my pics over to all of his - so I could have a show ready to post today, but it might also be tomorrow! In the meantime, some responses: Thank you thank you! Great company, with a truly exceptional roster. Did you get any injuries early on? Freddy Huggins is out for 12 months (surgery brought it down to 10), so that was a blow. Welcome along and thank you for your kind words. So nice to know I've inspired you in some way! Let me know if I can ever help, I do have a few tips and tricks that have helped me over the years. One is, to always write up a bunch of shows before you post anything... I have the first 3 episodes of TV in the can, ready to post, and I tend to stay 3-6 weeks ahead of where I'm posting... that way, you can take breaks when you're busy, or when you have a block, but you still get to post and get feedback etc. it takes a lot of pressure off. Great point, but I like to book in this way... Andrews and Wolf aren't in a feud, so whilst they will always have hatred, this is a match where they're just 're-igniting' their beef... Ace has his own thing going on (you'll see), and Wolf's busy with T-Bone Bright for now. If they were deep in a feud, I might not have them touch on TV, or certainly not off the bat. Thank you my friend! Always great to see you on the boards!! I was so close to doing a USPW vs TCW invasion story on TEW 2020 (right before the new game was announced!!) I dropped it in favour of a new TCW project instead! Glad you said that - Quentin is excellent! For me, he almost has 'it all' (although strangely for 'The Drama', not acting!!) - He's 28, brawling, technical, flying, flashiness, plus charisma, mic, and brilliant fundamentals. He's primed for a big career, and this diary could see the start of his rise. There's gaps above him for him to slip into too, so expect to see him used well and 'pushed'. Hey man, good to hear from you! I really hope you like what I have planned for Troy! When I've looked at TCW from a distance in the past, he's been one I've struggled to come up with ideas for. The rest of the roster looks fun, but he's one I've always thought 'eh'... how is he so high up the card? In most 2020 saves, he was released with his 70+ popularity! I have a good idea, and he has a strong showing in the first few weeks, so keep an eye on his story
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