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The Lloyd

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Everything posted by The Lloyd

  1. Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 33, Week 4, September 2020 Juan Mendoza [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat If Alfonso Loses, he must Promote the new Booth Compilation Album… Cage Match: ‘The Furious Bi-Curious’ Alfonso D’Angelo [vs] ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ The Booth Gorilla Lee & JK Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Blake Belushi ‘The Lion’ Leo Price [vs] Nightmare w/ Ruin The Welsh Wizards [vs] The Northern Lights Tommy Cornell & Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] Landon Mallory & Phil Harmonic w/ Silva & Badberry Hey guys, just a quick update from me... I've got the next 7 or 8 shows fully written and ready to post. However, there's a NEW TEW coming next weekend!! I thought about transferring the save into a database, and carrying it on on TEW IX, but being totally transparent, I can't wait to see how the cverse has evolved, and play with a different company with their new rosters. This means, this diary will end in a couple of weeks, while I rattle through posting what I have already written up. It's been a fun ride, and I thank each and every one of you for reading, commenting, liking, predicting etc on 32 episodes of Kingdom, 32 episodes of United, plus a whole bunch of pay-per-views and other nonsense. You'll see the pace quicken for the next couple of weeks, and then I'm sure I'll begin another project as soon as I get my hands on that demo Much love Lloyd
  2. 21CW Presents: Episode 32 Wednesday, Week 3,September 2020 Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Jeff Nova Overall Rating: 75 We started the show in a way that United has never started before… (I think)… With Sebastian Koller stepping out of his rental vehicle, and stomping towards the door to the arena with a scowl on his face… Koller was p****d because last week, in the Main Event, he lost to Grave Digger… and kissed goodbye his chances of Main Eventing Dangerous Alliances in his home country of Germany… The man that ‘accidentally’ cost him that shot, was Phillip Cooper… and ‘Cooper Man’ was waiting for Koller as he turned a corner… There was tension immediately, and Cooper tried to defuse the situation… Phillip Cooper: “Look mate… S**t happens dunnit…? Noffin’ to be done, now is there…? All yous can do now, is focus on the match you will have at Dangerous Alliances… An’ listen… I was thinkin’ yeah… Me an’ you… Tag Team Match… Against…” Koller put his hand up in Cooper’s face, and then grabbed him by the throat and held him against the wall!! Sebastian Koller: “I… Was thinking too… I was thinking… Me and you… Singles Match…!!” Koller let go of Cooper, who choked and held his throat as he bent over in pain… Koller stormed off, and told Cooper he’d see him at Dangerous Alliances…!! w/ Walker Van Cleer [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver With an impeccable record in 21CW so far, Walker Van Cleer impressed yet again here tonight, and picked up yet another win. He springboarded to hit his ‘High Elevation Cross Body’ – which he calls the ‘Amsterdam Boomerang’, and pinned Chuck before Gulliver could get his hands on him. 61 Backstage, Montgomery Croft was stood in his trademark fancy suit, and had a message for the 21CW fanbase… ‘Million Dollar Monty’ claimed that he will be keeping a very close eye on Dangerous Alliances, as he works out when best to ‘cash in’ on his two remaining ‘perks’ negotiated in his contract with United… With Perk 1, he could send ANYONE over to Kingdom, and he chose Leo Price a couple of weeks ago… With Perk 2, he can debut any time he wants… and Perk 3 allows him to have a Championship match any time he wants, against any Champion he wants… Montgomery Croft: “Just not sure I wanna travel all the way to Germany if it’s all the same ta you…? To be honest, I’m more than happy on my couch… watchin’ with a couple a Four X’s… For my likin’, Germany is full of pri…” Before he could finish, Phillip Cooper walked past holding his throat after his altercation with a German, Sebastian Koller… Montgomery Croft: “Here’s a man who would agree with me, ey…? Germans… All a bunch of cu…” Interrupting with a very broken voice, Cooper asked where the trainer’s room was… and Croft pointed for him… before laughing at Cooper’s plight… w/ ‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis [vs] Luke Cool w/ Rolling Johnny Stones & Doomsday Interesting battle here between two men who have seen and done it all in UK wrestling. However, Antithesis looked terrible without his Fire Extinguisher. Late on, ‘The Anarchist’ wanted to use it to clear away the House Of Hell members at ringside, but then remembered he no longer had it after Mass Hulk and Yuri Iliakov took it away. Soon after, Doomsday hit an illegal lariat behind the referee’s back, and Cool hit his ‘Cool Cutter’ to finish the job. 65 After a commercial break, we were in the detective office of KT Devonshire, Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn… The group were all sat at their individual desks, pondering… The group, known as ‘The Partners In Crime’ all agreed that they needed ‘something’… a big win… or a juicy case to get their teeth into… Beau Boulder: “Maybe we can try to get the leaked information about the DRAFT…?!” Darin Flynn: “We could… but what if we find some bad news, and we’re separating…?!” KT Devonshire: “Heads up, boys…” Antithesis and Clifford Wilson came into the room unannounced… Antithesis staggering around, and still selling his ribs and neck after his match with Luke Cool… Wilson was trying to calm his brother down, but ‘The Anarchist’ was adamant… He wants his Fire Extinguisher… and he’ll do whatever it takes to get it back…!! Including hiring the private detectives, to find out where and when would be the best place and time to steal it back from Mass Hulk and Yuri Iliakov…!! Devonshire, Boulder and Flynn were all initially excited by the prospect of ‘the case’… but their excitement soon turned to disappointment… Clifford Wilson: “Look, these guys are GOOD… but don’t go spending thousands of quid trying to get your Fire Extinguisher back… Please…? Let me talk to Mass Hulk and Yuri Iliakov… Okay…?!” Antithesis reluctantly agreed to let Wilson try it his way… After months teaming up, and then now months since Beast Bantom turned on Roly Muckletruck, we saw a video package showing their friendship… their demise… and their subsequent feud… Both Roly and Beast will meet in the ring AGAIN at Dangerous Alliances… as two participants in the Six-Man ‘Steel Satan’ match…!! However, later tonight, BOTH men, will find a tag team partner, for a tag team match…!! And Beast came on our screens to confirm who his partner would be… Beast Bantom: “In the last year, I’ve made many, many friends… and many, many deals… A number of people, owe me… SO… By ORDER… of Beast Bantom… My tag team partner will be… ‘God’s Gift To Wrestling’… Mark Adonis…!! See you later then, Roly…” ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] J-B Cash Two veterans of British wrestling clashed here in a fun, and back and forth match. Joey Beauchamp has such prowess in the ring, and strolls around like he owns the place. Cash is wily though, and he used a thumb to the eye while they were in the corner, before rolling Beauchamp up and stealing one! 60 Cash smiled and waved at Beauchamp as he left the ring… ‘The Breeze’ didn’t look happy at all with the way the end of the match went down… We saw a video package showing the change in attitude of Absolutely Flawless next… Lance and Kelly Martin used to be the squeaky clean Twin Brother tag team, who respected the business… and respected their opponents… They even brought Leo Price in to be their manager… but could do nothing as Price was ran down by a car… Then when Absolutely Flawless were suspended, Price made a dramatic return to in-ring action and left their side… The veteran has now moved over to Kingdom… and Absolutely Flawless had to re-evaluate… They attacked Mark Misery and Smiling John Smithie, backstage… and have had issues with the Partners In Crime (Beau Boulder and Darin Flynn) as well… Their main problem, seems to be that Kenobi High insist on in-fighting with their Padawans, and won’t defend their 21CW United Tag Team Titles against anyone else… The video ended with Lance and Kelly saying they’d be watching all things Kenobi High… very closely… and finding the perfect time to strike… Speaking of Kenobi High, we saw the group in the ‘Jedi Temple’ next… Ready to pass judgement on Kian Owens… Owens has used Light Tubes, before he was ready… and while Jase Cole has fought his corner, Christopher Lister wants him OUT of the group… Last week, it was Owens vs Lister… If Lister won, which he did, Owens would be out… But Cole argued tonight, that Lister cheated, and it wasn’t fair what he did to Cole’s hand-picked protégé… Jase Cole: “You’ve ALWAYS been jealous of my guy… You KNOW he’s a star in the making…” Lister said that the rules of the match were clear… and his hands are tied… Kian Owens is OUT… and he can leave now… But first… one half of the 21CW United Tag Team Champions outstretched his arms for a hug… Christopher Lister: “Your career is in your own hands now…” The anger in Owen’s face was clear… and out of nowhere he pulled out a Light Tube…!! He SMASHED the Light Tube over Lister’s hand, causing the veteran to fall down in pain… The announce team exclaimed that he could have cut his hand off…!! Then chaos ensued… Padraig O’Hearne stepped in to save Lister, by punching Owens… knocking him to the floor… Jase Cole pushed O’Hearne back… and there was a CLEAR divide between the group… The Australians on one side, and the Brits on the other… w/ UK Dragon & Cain Carlisle [vs] Doomsday & Blackheart w/ The Black Hats Doomsday and Blackheart tried to outdo each other here, with both men representing the House of Hell stable, but having come from very different backgrounds. They dominated Dragon and Carlisle, despite a nice comeback at the end. Doomsday hit his ‘Apocalypse Drop’ (Rikishi Driver) on Carlisle to win it. 53 Next up, we saw a video package hyping a tag team match set for next week… The Professor’s young Swiss duo: The Bern Boys, will test themselves against Mark Misery and his young protégé Smiling John Smithie… Neither man will be happy about that… They’re never happy about anything… In the back, Clifford Wilson walked up to Mass Hulk and Yuri Iliakov… who got ready to kill the veteran there and then… Wilson was there on behalf of his Brother, Antithesis… trying to get his Fire Extinguisher back… Clifford Wilson: “My little Bro… he’s mis-understood… I’m sure if we could give him back his Fire Extinguisher, we could find another way for him to pay the debt he owes, for injuring you, Yuri… and costing you three months of your career…” Yuri laughed… and he told Wilson there was absolutely no chance, they’d be giving the Fire Extinguisher back… But not because they’re mad at Antithesis…!! Yuri Iliakov: “Sure, Antithesis attacked me… He put me out for three months… but I don’t hate him for it… Because of him, Viktor Beskov and I went our separate ways… and now…? I have Mass Hulk as my partner… I mean, look at this guy… He’s amazing… So I don’t hate Antithesis… Quite the opposite… We can’t give the Fire Extinguisher back though… because we’re having so much luck since we got it…” Mass Hulk: “Next week… Yuri and I… take on the Champs, Kenobi High… in a non-title match…!!” Wilson looked at the ground and shook his head… as Yuri explained that he and Hulk have no beef with the legend… and they don’t want to hurt him… Yuri Iliakov: “So you tell your little Brother… If he wants to get his property back… He should find a partner, and BEAT us for it…” w/ Viktor Beskov & Roly Muckletruck [vs] Beast Bantom & Mark Adonis w/ Doomsday Amazing tag team match here, that could have gone either way. The sixth highest-rated TV match of 2020 saw two dream tag teams fighting, with Beast and Roly both picking excellent partners. Both big men will be United representatives in the Steel Satan match at Dangerous Alliances, but there will be no alliance between these two former friends when the pay-per-view begins. Tonight, Beast, who is a ‘friend’ of the House of Hell, was able to use Mark Adonis and Doomsday at ringside as ‘bait’ – leading to Beskov and Roly taking them both down. This lead to Beast shoving Beskov out through the ropes, and locking in his ‘BBH’ (Beast Bear Hug) to make Roly tap out!! 78 When it comes to the Dangerous Alliances pay-per-view, one of the featured matches will be the Fatal-4-Way for Apollo Prince’s 21CW World Championship… His opponents: Joss Thompson, Edward Cornell, and the unstoppable Grave Digger… There will be no ‘Alliance’ between those four either… However next week, there will… Apollo Prince and Joss Thompson will team up to take on the House of Hell Duo: Edward Cornell and Grave Digger…!! Should be another unforgettable tag team match… w/ ‘The God’ Jonathan Faust [vs] ‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge Another great match, with Jonathan Faust out to prove to Adam Matravers that he can be trusted. Throughout history, Faust and Adam have never gotten along, so it’ll take a lot for ‘Mile High’ to trust ‘The God’. This was a fair fight though, where Faust had opportunities to cheat to win, and he didn’t take them. He may live to regret that though, because Adam was on a mission tonight, determined to score the win that has eluded him for some time. He got his wish on 19 minutes, when Faust missed a leg drop from the top, and Adam was able to kick him with a ‘penalty kick’ to the face. Adam then hopped to the top rope to hit his ‘Mile High Moonsault’, and Faust has been beaten by that very move multiple times now. 71 After the match, there was nothing but mutual respect between the two veterans of British wrestling… The pair shook hands, and embraced… not as friends, but as men who appreciate each other for their sacrifices and hard work throughout the years… Faust could be heard saying ‘Good Luck at Steel Satan’… and explaining that the match was extremely brutal, and Adam should watch his back in there… Adam thanked Faust for his comments, and raised his opponent’s hand so he could get a cheer from the crowd… The show ended there, and we now have one episode of Kingdom and one episode of United, before the two brands COLLIDE at Dangerous Alliances… and the following week, 21CW will host ‘The 2020 Draft’…
  3. Predictions for United, Episode 32, Week 3, September 2020 Walker Van Cleer [vs] ‘The Unsung Hero’ Chuck Frisby w/ Gulliver ‘The Anarchist’ Antithesis [vs] Luke Cool w/ The House of Hell ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] J-B Cash UK Dragon & Cain Carlisle [vs] Doomsday & Blackheart w/ The House of Hell Viktor Beskov & Roly Muckletruck [vs] Beast Bantom & Mark Adonis w/ The House of Hell ‘The God’ Jonathan Faust w/ Aldous Blackfriar [vs] ‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers
  4. Me? I didn't say that, Dane Rowley said that! (He has a tendency to blurt out the odd spoonerism when he gets excited... it's in his bio ) He also didn't grab the 'Cop Porn' to watch a match recently... I'm also pretty sure Cousin Konrad doesn't have a 'Plaster Man'
  5. 21CW Presents: Episode 32 Wednesday, Week 3, September 2020 Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley Overall Rating: 71 We opened the show with ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton stomping to the ring… fully recovered from the injuries he suffered at We Will Rock You… But he was NOT happy tonight, after Leo Price not only disrespected, and then attacked him last week… but also pushed him off the ladder to cause the injuries at We Will Rock You… AND cost Burton his Tag Team Championships…! Leigh Burton: “LEO PRICE…!! I know you’re new around here… But I RUN KINGDOM… Everything that happens, goes through ME… So you wanna push me off a ladder when I was deep into a match…?! You wanna come out and jump me, when I’m hurt last week…?! This will NOT stand… So Price… Get out here NOW…!!” Leo Price didn’t wait long… and the veteran strolled onto the stage to huge cheers… With a constant eye over his shoulder, Price opted to stay on the stage… to taunt Burton from a distance… Leo Price: “I guess I’ve been a bit mean to you, huh…?! My former protégé… So I guess you want to fight me now, huh…?! Fine with me Leigh… Time to test what you’ve learnt over the years… Time for the student, to battle the teacher…!! It’s time to have a match we should have had YEARS ago… At Dangerous Alliances… Me and you will go 1 on 1…!!” Burton was furious… as if he wanted to be the man to make the challenge… But Price just up and left as Burton tried to respond… ‘The British Lion’ almost threw a toddler tantrum in the ring… but there was nothing he could do – except mutter ‘See you at Dangerous Alliances’ under his breath… w/ ‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu [vs] ‘Rock Solid’ Landon Mallory Great opener here on Kingdom, with Landon Mallory looking to avenge his loss to Sifu last week against Sifu’s tag team partner Ricky Storm. Mallory and Storm gelled well, and it was a very open and even contest. Storm had it won late on, as he lined up a second flying knee strike. But Mallory dropped down and slid out of the ring, and slapped Sifu around the face, before sliding back in. Sifu followed him, but Storm had to control his partner so as not to lose by disqualification. As Storm turned away from getting Sifu out of the ring, he walked onto a ‘Springbok Ram’ Spear from Mallory and was defeated. 63 Next up, DJ Reason was stood with one other remember of The Booth – ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester… DJ said that Cowboy had been challenged to a match… One more match… against Alfonso D’Angelo next week… In a STEEL CAGE…!! DJ Reason: “Reluctant as we are to potentially shorten Buck Winchester’s career… I’m here to tell you Alfonso D’Angelo… That we ACCEPT…!! Buuuuut… IF Buck Winchester wins… We want Alfonso to head out and PROMOTE our new Album… Use some of that ‘natural charisma’ and help us sell copies ‘We Will Hip-Hop You’…!!” Buck Winchester: “Those are our terms, partner… So accept if you dare…” Juan Mendoza [vs] ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester Juan Mendoza is new around here, while Nate Manchester returned to 21CW at the beginning of 2020 after a five year absence. The experienced Manchester had this one under control, until Mendoza roared back into it. For the finish, as Manchester came off the top rope, Mendoza hit his ‘Stunning Face Crusher’ (Stunner). 29 We cut to a promo video for ‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle next… Merle was shown working out in his gym, rolling on the mat with an unnamed jobber… With 11 wins in his 16 matches since returning to 21CW, Merle has Gold on his mind… He asked if he should find a partner, and go after Storm and Sifu for the 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Titles… Or would he be better suited to being the man to stop either Blake Belushi or Wade Orson…?! Merle O’Curle: “We’ll see, who the ‘Best Man’ is… and we will SEE… who’s ‘Awesome’…!!” The promo ended with confirmation that we would hear from Merle on Kingdom next week… Backstage, Mo Adebola was stood talking to a man dressed as a Turtle… Mo asked the Turtle about Lone Wolf – who seems to distrust the Turtle… Lone Turtle: “Can ya really blame him, Mo…?! He’s a PREDATOR… he shouldn’t trust a newcomer like me… But if he just slows down a little…” Suddenly, Lone Wolf arrived, and punched Lone Turtle right in the face… Lone Wolf stood over the fallen Turtle, who had to adjust his nose/mask… He then left the scene, as Turtle sat on the floor, shaking his head… w/ w/ ‘The Neanderthal’ Andrew Lee w/ The Lee FamiLee [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King A big fight feel here, featuring two men who look set to take 21CW by storm as 2021 approaches. However, when you’re as big and as strong as War Machine, you don’t need to worry about someone the size of Andrew Lee. Lee is a ripped 261lber in his own right, and is normally the strongest man in his matches, but tonight was different. He was ripped apart by War Machine, and ended up being another victim to the ‘Choke Bomb’ (Batista Bomb). 58 After the match, Cliff King grabbed a microphone as The Lee FamiLee pulled Andrew out under the ropes to help him get away… Cliff King: “BEDLAM… stopped… Kevin Jones… fell… Not even Andrew Lee could stand up to War Machine… nobody can put a DENT in his armour… My ‘Giant Client’ wants to know one thing… Who is NEXT…!! Anyone… can answer right now…” King looked to the stage, but he and War Machine didn’t notice Gorilla Lee slide into the ring behind them… However, Cousin Konrad also slid in… and stood in front of Gorilla… As War Machine turned around, Konrad was standing up to him… He laughed, before realising how outnumbered he was, and making his exit with his manager… War Machine and Cousin Konrad on a collision course it seems!! Steve Smith: “Is this a smart move, Rowley…?!” Dane Rowley: “Konrad is good, Steve… but he’s had More Fatches in 21CW since he debuted here…!!” Steve Smith: “Four Matches… yeah… I hadn’t thought of it that way… He’s still new here…!! Meanwhile War Machine outweighs him by 240 + lbs… He’s more than double his weight!!” Dane Rowley: “Size isn’t everything, Steve… I’m sure Cousin Konrad will have a Plaster Man…!!” Steve Smith: “He’ll need one, that’s for sure…” Tommy Cornell RETURNED to Kingdom next… and strolled to the ring to talk about his match with Wade Orson at We Will Rock You… Tommy Cornell: “I’m not one to complain… Wade Orson IS the Champ… I will have to find another way to get to him, and get anuvva shot… He used MY move to win it, because he knows it doesn’t hurt a bit… It hurts… A LOT…!! But I’ll just have to find anuvva way... And as for Phil Harmonic… SON… I do wish you’d keep my name outta your mouth…!!” Kingdom GM Colin Chalke walked to the ring next, and welcomed Cornell back to the show… He said he hopes Tommy will stick around on Kingdom come the draft… which will begin in two weeks… Right after Dangerous Alliances…!! Colin Chalke: “Speaking of ‘Dangerous’… I’m putting you in a Dangerous match at the Pay-Per-View… You’ll be joining Buff Martinez as a Kingdom representative in STEEL SATAN… and you’ll also have a third Kingdom star in there with ya… ‘Rock Solid’ Landon Mallory… is also going to be in the cage…!!” Chalke confirmed Buff, Landon and Cornell would join Beast Bantom, Roly Muckletruck and Adam Matravers who were announced as representing United…!! The WINNER… will earn a World Title Match against a Champion of their choosing… As for next week, Cornell and Buff will TEAM UP… to face Landon Mallory and the loud mouth Phil Harmonic… Tommy Cornell: “Annuvva way, ey…?! Well I happen to know, Steel Satan hurts… A LOT… But you know what else’ll hurt a lot…?! The beating I’m gonna put on Landon Mallory and Phil Harmonic next week!!” The Welsh Wizards & The Underdogs [vs] Grandmaster Phunk, Dangermouth, Nightmare & Ruin Fun 8-man tag match here, won by The Booth when DJ Reason clocked Aurelian Bradley with a vinyl copy of their rap album: ‘We Will Hip-Hop You’, leading to a ‘Flatliner’ F5 from Dangermouth! 52 Backstage, Phil Harmonic was licking his wounds after being THROWN about by War Machine last week… He was about to blame Edison Silva and Kelvin Badberry for it all… but newcomer Rogue strolled up, with a grin on his face… Rogue: “I’ll uhh… Be seein’ you at Dangerous Alliances then…?!” Phil Harmonic: “What…?!” Rogue: “Yeah… Me and you… 1 on 1…!! Didn’t you know…?! Yu know, you got a lot of enemies around here haven’t you Philip…? War Machine threw you around… Tommy (Cornell) wants to hurt you… not a little bit… but a LOT… Buff’ll hate you next week once he’s been in the ring with you… Then there’s Merle O’Curle… He thinks you’re a punk… And me…?! Well… I’ll beat you at Dangerous Alliances and move on…” Phil Harmonic: “Was there a point to all this…?!” Rogue: “Well… I was thinking… With all these enemies… and a draft coming up… Can you IMAGINE what would happen, if Silva and Badberry LEFT Kingdom in the draft…?! And left you all alone, just here makin’ enemies… Ha! Now that would be something wouldn’t it…!?” Harmonic sneered, and told Rogue he’d find out why people DON’T want to make an enemy of him, at Dangerous Alliances… w/ Riddick Jordan w/ Alton Vicious [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat Singles action for Riddick Jordan tonight, following in partner’s footsteps with a win in 1 on 1 action. His flying headbutt is a thing of beauty, and he used it to win this one. 46 Backstage, Buff Martinez and Kathleen Lee bumped into Buff’s cousin: Juan Mendoza… The two Spaniards embraced, while Kathleen Lee looked Juan up and down… Then Buff had a thank you for Juan… Buff Martinez: “Cuzzin… Thank you for the assist last week… It meant a lot…!!” Mendoza said Buff was welcome… but that he can make it up to him next week… by watching his match, and giving him some pointers… Buff Martinez: “It would be my honour…” The two shook hands and walked off with Kathleen… w/ ‘DBF’ Daniel Black Francis [vs] ‘The Best Man’ Blake Belushi (c) w/ The Brat Pack The best National Title Match of 2020 here, and the hatred between these two was clear to see. DBF got some nice offense in early on, but he was soon put on the back foot after focusing too much on The Brat Pack at ringside. It was hardly his fault, as Artemis and Thurston kept hopping up on the apron to distract him, leading to a Super Kick from Belushi that may have altered Francis’ jawline for the rest of his life! The finish saw a similar set of circumstances. DBF had been dominated by Belushi, but he fought back into it and was closing in on a victory that would make him a FIVE-TIME National or UK Champion, when Thurston Darcy III grabbed his leg from under the bottom rope. Belushi came flying in with a knee strike that again rocked DBF’s jaw. Loxley Robbins had seen enough at this point, and the big Australian stomped down to the ring. He clocked Artemis with a lariat, before slamming into Thurston. The distractions at ringside didn’t phase Belushi though, who soon hit his ‘Axe Kick’ on Francis to retain the Gold. 75 The match was over but Loxley slid into the ring, and picked Belushi up for a huge powerslam!! Lox didn’t check on DBF at all… He just waited for Belushi to get up so he could Spear him out of his shoes… but as soon as ‘The Best Man’ stood up in the opposite corner, The Brat Pack were able to pick a leg each, and pull him out under the bottom rope… Lox was not happy as all three of his former Ozzie Invasion stablemates left via the ramp, holding their heads and ribs… He grabbed a microphone and paced back and forth in the ring… Loxley Robbins: “Why does Daniel Black Francis get a shot at Belushi 1 on 1… and I don’t…?! I wanna KILL you, Blake…!!” Belushi shook his head, and said that Lox and DBF have been sent to the back of the line… He said it’s time for new challengers to emerge, and time for him and the Brat Pack to move on… Loxley Robbins: “I’m not interested in Championships, Blake… I wanna KILL you…!! Are you listening to me…?!” Lox said that before the Draft, in case one of them moves brands, they HAVE to have a 1 on 1 clash… a fight to end their feud once and for all… a STREET FIGHT, with no rules… and a chance to kill each other…
  6. Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 32, Week 3, September 2020 ‘Sensational’ Ricky Storm w/ Sifu [vs] ‘Rock Solid’ Landon Mallory Juan Mendoza [vs] ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester ‘The Neanderthal’ Andrew Lee [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King Welsh Wizards & The Underdogs [vs] Nightmare & Ruin, and The Booth w/ DJ Reason & Buck Winchester Riddick Jordan w/ Alton Vicious [vs] Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat 21CW National Title Match: ‘DBF’ Daniel Black Francis [vs] ‘The Best Man’ Blake Belushi w/ The Brat Pack
  7. I knew you'd be good at AI renders!! Hope you're well my friend
  8. 21CW Presents: Episode 31 Wednesday, Week 2, September 2020 Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Jeff Nova Overall Rating: 71 We opened the show with Jeff Nova sat in a pre-taped segment… around a large table, were Edward Cornell and Mark Adonis of The House of Hell… along with 21CW World Champion Apollo Prince… and ‘The Complete Package’ Joss Thompson… Cornell confirmed that he was signing the contract… tonight, a member of the House of Hell stable, will take on Sebastian Koller in the Main Event against Sebastian Koller… The winner of that match, will join a Fatal-4-Way at Dangerous Alliances… Edward Cornell: “The contract states, that NO members of the House of Hell stable will come out to ringside to help… including ‘Friend of the House’ Beast Bantom… In fact… NOBODY will be able to interfere on our behalf…” Cornell signed… but then told Apollo Prince and Joss Thompson that Koller’s match would NOT be against Mark Adonis… Edward Cornell: “If our guy beats Koller tonight… Our guy joins the Main Event at Dangerous Alliances…!! OUR GUY… is Grave Digger!!” Big Grave Digger walked into the room, and everyone stood up – ready to fight… He just snarled at everyone, and then stood behind Cornell… showing his loyalty to the de facto leader of the House of Hell… For Sebastian Koller to win, and qualify for a World Title Match in his home country of Germany… he must overcome the 6’11”, 380lb, unstoppable monster tonight…!! ‘The Russian Bear’ Viktor Beskov (c) [vs] Joey ‘The Breeze’ Beauchamp We kicked off the show with a UK Title match between two men who couldn’t be much more different in the ring. Sadly, their clash of styles leads to zero in-ring chemistry, and this one was ‘stodgy’ at times. For the finish though, Beskov locked in his ‘Red Devil Lock’ (Lifted Arm Hook) and made ‘The Breeze’ tap out! 49 Up next, it was time for ‘Trial By Combat’, and a video package aired, showing the Rise of Kenobi High… and the eventual fall of the Empire they were trying to create… The video was shot in a Star Wars pre-episode style… with a voiceover telling us what had happened in recent weeks and months… “As veteran duo Christopher Lister and Jase Cole attempted to restore balance to 21CW, the two Masters took on Apprentices… Master Lister saw something in young Irish fighter Padraig O’Hearne… while Master Cole decided to head to his home country of Australia to recruit Kian Owens… and ‘The Padawans’ were born… Lister and Cole captured their first 21CW Tag Team Titles – and their sixth overall reign together as Champions – however cracks began to appear…” “Kian Owens is extremely keen, however, extremely green… and Master Lister deemed him not ready to yield the power of a Light Tube… On two separate occasions now, Owens has used a Light Tube to crash it over the head of one of the Bern Boys… Many say he acted in self-defence, and saved Kenobi High from certain beatdowns… However Master Lister believes that his insubordination cannot go unpunished…” “Tonight, it’s Trial By Combat’… Padawan Kian Owens taking on Master Lister 1 on 1… If Owens wins, Lister admits defeat and, and the group moves on… However if Lister wins… Owens is OUT of Kenobi High, before completing his training… and that match… was on deck next…” w/ ‘Sun-Kissed’ Kian Owens [vs] Christopher Lister w/ Kenobi High It felt at times during this match, that Jase Cole and Padraig O’Hearne were fully ‘Team Lister’ – despite Cole’s teacher/student relationship to Owens. It wouldn’t have mattered if Cole and O’Hearne had been on the other side of the match – the wouldn’t have been able to stop Master Lister from winning. He used a brutal low blow to get the job done though, before scoring the win with his ‘A-Lister’ Skull Crushing Finale. 50 Jase Cole slid into the ring at the conclusion of the match, and stooped over his fallen protégé… He didn’t like the ‘way’ Lister won… and told him as much… but Lister didn’t care… From the stage, The Bern Boys and The Professor were shown watching the civil war begin… but it didn’t end… The group looked fractured, but not ‘finished’… Backstage, Jonathan Faust and Aldous Blackfriar were stood speaking to the camera… Faust had his hands together in prayer position… while Aldous had his arms folded… Jonathan Faust: “Adam (Matravers)… When I created this place… YOU… were my first ‘star’… I would NEVER lie to you, Adam… I told you… when you fought Aldous, that I wouldn’t interfere… I was hurt… but… Now I’m healthy again… So next week… Me and you… 1 on 1… Whaddya say, Adam…?!” Aldous nodded along behind his mentor… and Faust said he and Matravers would fight… one final time… next week on United… Beau Boulder, Darin Flynn & Cain Carlisle w/ KT Devonshire [vs] Mark Adonis, Luke Cool & Rolling Johnny Stones w/ Doomsday The return of Cain Carlisle lifted the crowd here massively, but he was no match for the power and brutality of Mark Adonis tonight. The fired-up youngster put him and his partners to the sword, and ended up winning it with his vicious ‘Adonis Elbow’ (Judas Effect). 53 Next we learned that the undefeated newcomer Walker Van Cleer would be competing in his SIXTH match next week… His opponent, in a re-match from his debut, will be ‘The Un-Sung Hero’ Chuck Frisby… The veteran Frisby will be accompanied by his bodyguard: ‘The Icelandic Body’, Gulliver… A man who we’ve seen interfere in countless Frisby matches in the past… Jeff Nova stepped down off the announce desk next… and had an announcement for the 21CW United fans… Nova said that at Dangerous Alliances, the ‘Steel Satan’ match would feature SIX MEN from across Kingdom and United… with the winner earning a Title Match against a Champion of their choice… In Steel Satan, everything is metal… corner pads are removed… a cage surrounds the ring and ring-side area, Hell In A Cell style… but the floor outside has hard steel mesh instead of padding… Jeff Nova: “Colin Chalke an’ I… Wan’ that match to be… TOOOOOP NOOOOTCH…!! So we want the BEST there is in that match… So far, from Kingdom, Buff Martinez is IN… but I now have the three United names for ya…” Nova listed them individually… Roly Muckletruck (the crowd cheered, loudly)… Beast Bantom (the cheers turned to boos, but people will be excited to see their feud continue)… and Adam Matravers… the veteran’s name brought the loudest cheer of the night… Could Steel Satan be Adam’s ticket back to the World Championship…?! w/ Smiling John Smithie & Mark Misery w/ Emmett Askey [vs] Absolutely Flawless Short match here, and while the crowd cheered everything Smithie and Misery did, they didn’t get many chances to cheer, because Absolutely Flawless were all over them for most of the match. Smithie took the pin in the end, following a ‘Body Rocker’ (Flying European Uppercut) from Lance Martin – not that he seemed overly bothered by the defeat. 51 Up next, an edition of ‘Cash Reacts’, as J-B Cash welcomed his guest: Montgomery Croft… Cash said that Croft very cleverly used his first ‘Contract Perk’ to remove Leo Price from the United roster… Price debuted on Kingdom this past week, and shoved Leigh Burton off a ladder… so he’s already making waves… but Cash had questions about Croft’s other two Perks… 1) a Title shot whenever he wants one… and 2) to make his debut against anyone, at any time… J-B Cash: “When are we likely to see you use either of these two perks…?!” Montgomery Croft: “My contract… and the subsequent perks, and when I use them… Are none of your damn business…!!” The crowd cheered as Croft shot Cash down… but Croft soon turned them against him again… Montgomery Croft: “And I ESPECIALLY don’t want these English idiots to find anything out… Look… I can’t tell you Cash, okay… but I will say this… The perks are only valid for 12 months… So I’d best get a move on, ey?” Croft said one last ‘goodbye’ to Leo Price, and then posed with Cash for the end of the segment… claiming he was a big fan of 'Cash'... Antithesis was shown watching the next match from a TV monitor backstage… It was soon revealed that his Brother, and the man who turned him down for a tag team run: Clifford Wilson, was in action… which explained ‘The Anarchist’s’ vested interest in the match… For once, Antithesis was without his trusty Fire Extinguisher, after Yuri Iliakov and Mass Hulk returned to 21CW last week… assaulted him… and took the Fire Extinguisher away… Clifford Wilson [vs] ‘The Solihull Psycho’ Beast Bantom Beast Bantom is incredibly strong, and he tossed Wilson around the ring like he was nothing here. However, the crafty veteran isn’t a former seven-time World Champion around the globe for nothing. He soon gained control, and looked to be closing in on a win, when Mass Hulk and Yuri Iliakov dragged his lifeless Brother Antithesis onto the stage by his legs!! Wilson was distracted, and it lead to a ‘Beast Bear Hug’ (BBH), which forced Wilson to tap out sharply. 56 After the match, Wilson staggered up the ramp clutching his ribs, and ran Mass Hulk and Yuri Iliakov off… He stood over his fallen Brother, and called for help from medics… In the ring, Beast Bantom just laughed at the whole situation – finding it way funnier than he should have… ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] Grave Digger It was a welcome change to see a Main Event with NO House of Hell members accompanying Grave Digger to the ring. He was still dominant, and proved that he didn’t need anyone out there helping him. Sebastian Koller was game though, and used his quickness and explosiveness to keep Grave Digger on the back foot early on. He also had some nice moments in the late comeback, including hitting his ‘Hamburg Rock City’ Curb Stomp on Grave Digger’s head as he was laid across the ring apron. Koller couldn’t drag the 380lb tank back into the ring though. Soon after, Grave Digger got some help, in the form of Phillip Cooper! Not a member of the House of Hell, Cooper was ‘allowed’ to be at ringside, and he actually tried to help Koller out, as he continues to try to prove his worth to the German star. In the end, ‘Cooper Man’ only proved to be a distraction. Grave Digger avoided a second ‘Hamburg Rock City’ in the corner of the ring that sent Koller flying into the turnbuckle! The big man hit his ‘RIP’ Piledriver to score a famous victory and crush Koller’s dreams of headlining the first 21CW Pay-Per-View ever in his home Country of Germany. 72 Koller was inconsolable at the conclusion of the match, and he pushed Cooper away… Grave Digger didn’t care… and neither did Edward Cornell, who strolled onto the stage to applaud his giant friend… Grave Digger will now JOIN Cornell in the Fatal-4-Way Main Event of Dangerous Alliances… along with Joss Thompson, and the man who will be defending his 21CW World Championship: Apollo Prince…!! Will Prince and Joss be able to co-exist to stop The House of Hell stable…? Or will the ‘Dangerous Alliance’ of Edward Cornell and Grave Digger be too much to overcome…?
  9. Haha, thanks mate Always nice to hear from you You're so right. Joey hasn't really done a lot has he? I have plans for him, but he's well over 40, and would be silly for me to book him too strongly, and at the expense of future stars.
  10. Predictions for United, Episode 31, Week 2, September 2020 21CW UK Title Match: ‘The Russian Bear’ Viktor Beskov (c) [vs] Joey ‘The Breeze’ Beauchamp Trial By Combat: Kian Owens [vs] Christopher Lister Beau Boulder, Darin Flynn & ??? w/ KT Devonshire [vs] Mark Adonis, Luke Cool & Rolling Johnny Stones Smithie & Misery w/ Emmett Askey [vs] Absolutely Flawless Clifford Wilson [vs] ‘The Solihull Psycho’ Beast Bantom ‘The Rock ‘N’ Roller’ Sebastian Koller [vs] ??? (member of the House of Hell)
  11. 21CW Presents: Episode 31 Wednesday, Week 2, September 2020 Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley Overall Rating: 74 The show opened with the music of the world-renowned veteran ‘The Scoundrel’ Rogue… and he strolled to the ring to a huge ovation… Rogue: “FINALLY… I’ve come HOME…!!” Rogue hyped the crowd, and confirmed he was signed with 21CW for THREE YEARS… and he’ll be working on Kingdom for the time being… NOT eligible for the next draft due ‘soon’… He then confirmed he has a number of ‘goals’ to achieve in his homeland… Rogue: “Goal Namba One… Fight Tommy ‘F*****g’ Cornell innit…?” The crowd again erupted… for years, the world has salivated over the prospect of seeing two of the UK’s great exports fight 1 on 1… Both men ended up working for the largest companies in the USA… but they’ve NEVER fought in a match against each other… However, tonight wasn’t about Rogue and Cornell… because ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’ soon made his presence felt… Phil Harmonic: “Excuse me Scoundrel… Goals…?! This is MY show… You should only have ONE goal… and that’s to SURVIVE me… if I let you…!!” Rogue laughed in Harmonic’s face… before poking him in the eye, and rolling out of the ring before the shocked Badberry and Silva could do anything to stop him…!! Rogue pointed to his head to signify that he outsmarted Harmonic tonight… and didn’t get beaten up 3 on 1… w/ Alfonso D’Angelo, Aurelian Bradley & Welsh Dragon [vs] Buck Winchester, Dangermouth & Grandmaster Phunk w/ DJ Reason One makeshift team, versus a group that have worked together for months now. The crowd got behind D’Angelo and the Welsh Wizards, but they couldn’t handle the constant interference from DJ Reason and the cheating from the non-legal Booth members. Buck Winchester pinned Bradley in the end following a vicious Lariat. Revenge after the group of fan favourites ruined their Album Cover Launch at We Will Rock You. 58 After the match, Alfonso D’Angelo grabbed a microphone as he helped Welsh Dragon to pick Aurelian Bradley up… Alfonso D’Angelo: “BUCK… You ripped my heart out and stomped on it… And I promised I would do everything in my power to stop The Booth… and stop you… But… With all the ‘help’ you get, you’re hard to stop… So that’s why… I want one more match… I want you… IN A CAGE MATCH…!!” The Booth shook their heads, and left the arena… while Alfonso said they must respond by the next episode of Kingdom… Next up, ‘The British Lion’ Leigh Burton arrived… wearing what can only be described as a ‘man nappy’…!! Burton was shoved from his ladder at We Will Rock You, by his former mentor and tag team partner Leo Price, and landed with a leg either side of the top rope… He claimed the bandage / cast was to protect his injured groin… but he looked ridiculous… Leigh Burton: “I looked UP to Leo Price… and then at We Will Rock You, when I stared down at him… I knew I was the ‘bigger man’… Look what you’ve done Price… Your first night on Kingdom, and you did THIS to me… I hope you’re happy with yourself…!!” Suddenly, Price slid into the ring behind Burton, and dropped Burton with a ‘Price Drop’ (Double Arm DDT)… He stood over Burton, and then made his exit… smiling as his former protégé struggled to stand up… ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester [vs] Lone Wolf Quick match here, as Nate put the youngster over in under 4 minutes following a ‘Full Nelson Slam’ after a barrage of punches! 38 As Lone Wolf was getting his hand raised, the newcomer with blue hair… and dressed as a turtle… slowly walked to the ring… Lone Turtle: “Lone Wolf… I walked here from the We Will Rock You pay-per-view, so I’m sorry I missed your match… I… am Lone Turtle…” BAM…!! Lone Wolf sucker punched him, and he dropped to the floor… The crowd booed, but Lone Wolf didn’t care… and he walked off… Wade Orson headed to the ring for a quick ‘chat’ with the audience next… Wade Orson: “You will respect me…!! Because at We Will Rock You, I defeated your beloved Tommy Cornell… and I’ve heard the chat… the talk is… I used an ‘illegal’ move… No no no… The ‘Guilt Trip’ was banned… but it’s only the ‘Guilt Trip’ when Cornell uses it… MY version… is called the ‘NOT Guilty’… My version, is a completely different move… So Cornell… You want to complain… Check the contract…” Orson left the ring… and we cut to a commercial with the news that Cornell would return NEXT week… After the break, we saw an intense meeting between Wade Orson and Loxley Robbins as Orson left the arena, and Loxley arrived… The pair have been appearing on the Kingdom Brand together since the beginning of the year… but have never been in the ring together… They had a tense staredown during the break, and the replays showed Loxley point at Orson’s Championship Belt before it was said and done… w/ Daniel Black Francis & Loxley Robbins [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Blake Belushi Great tag team match here, which had four bright stars competing. DBF and Loxley got on great out there, and attempted to isolate Artemis Eyre-Rochester and his still damaged nose. However, Thurston Darcy III used his tag team experience to allow Belushi to cheat at ringside so they could gain the upper hand! It was basically 3 on 2, but Loxley did what everyone wanted him to, and jumped Belushi late on! ‘The Best Man’ got out of there, but Lox chased him, and the two Australians brawled on the ramp and the stage. In the ring, DBF hit his ‘Dreadlock Drop’ (DDT) on BOTH members of The Brat Pack to win it! 75 Colin Chalke headed onto the stage with some backstage workers and referees to break up the fight between Loxley and Belushi… Colin Chalke: “Both of you… STOP, now…!! At Dangerous Alliances… I’m going to create a Dangerous Alliance… and get Loxley Robbins and Daniel Black Francis in the same match… in the same Triple Threat Match… as they BOTH challenge for the 21CW National Title… against Blake Belushi…!!” Will Lox and DBF be able to work together to stop Belushi… Or will their ‘Dangerous Alliance’ fall apart…? In the ring, Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu were celebrating their fourth 21CW Tag Team Title win… with large bottles of champagne in each hand… and flower wreaths around their necks… However, things got a little serious… when The Lee FamiLee walked out onto the stage… Storm and Sifu put their bottles on the table, and invited the Lees into the ring… Gorilla Lee: “Sooooo… Storm and Sifu… You sold out, at We Will Rock You…!!” Storm and Sifu questioned what Gorilla was talking about… and he reminded them how much they HATE Leigh Burton and Landon Mallory… and yet… they worked alongside Burton and Mallory to take Gorilla out of the Triple Threat Ladder Match… Andrew Lee: “Listen… YOU know… We wanted Gorilla and JK to win… and if they couldn’t… we ALL wanted you two to win… So congratulations… But you gotta admit… You sold your souls for those…” Ricky Storm: “Okay Andrew… Next time you’re in the ring with a BEAST like Gorilla… YOU try to stop him on your own…!! We did what we had to do… now if you’re going to cryyyy ab…” Before he could finish, Landon Mallory’s music hit… and the powerful South African stomped to the ring… The man known as ‘Rock Solid’ hasn’t got an ounce of body fat on him… but he demanded that ONE of the six men out there stay in the ring, and fight him 1 on 1…!! They all wanted a piece of Mallory… but he pointed at SIFU, as the man of Asian descent took a sip of his champagne and looked unassuming… Storm told Mallory it’s always the ‘Quiet Ones’, and he should be careful what he wishes for… w/ ‘The Quiet One’ Sifu w/ Ricky Storm [vs] ‘Rock Solid’ Landon Mallory Another excellent match, and one that saw Mallory return to singles action for the first time in over 3 months. The last time he competed 1 on 1, was in a victory over Sifu. However tonight, ‘The Quiet One’ had his number! For the finish, as Mallory looked for his ‘Springbok Ram’ Spear Sifu hit his ‘Roaring Back Fist’ (Double Spinning Back Fist), and Mallory landed hard on the back of his head. 60 Backstage, Cliff King and War Machine were walking through a corridor, when Phil Harmonic, Edison Silva and Kelvin Badberry walked up, with Harmonic stood in front of his ‘back-up’… Phil Harmonic: “SO… War Machine… Congratulations on beating BEDLAM… You’re welcome by the way… and congratulations on beating a former World Champion in Kevin Jones, at We Will Rock You… So I gotta know… who’s next for you…??” War Machine slowly leant down to Cliff King and whispered something in his ear… which brought a smile and a laugh to King…!! Cliff King: “Haha AAAAHH… War Machine would like me to ask… Who… Are you…?!” Harmonic was shocked… He INJURED BEDLAM, right before War Machine’s final battle with ‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’… Phil Harmonic: “Come onnnn… War Machine…? It’s me… Phil Harmonic…? ‘The King of the Cruiserweights’…? This… all of this… Kingdom… is MY show…!!” Once again, War Machine stooped down to speak to his mouthpiece… Cliff King: “War Machine says… KING…? The only King he sees around here… is ME… Cliff King… But if you’re a Cruiserweight, that means you like to FLY, right…?!” War Machine picked Phil Harmonic up, and threw him over some backstage equipment…!!! He went flying, and only the wall the other side stopped him…!!! War Machine turned and glared at Edison Silva and Kelvin Badberry… who both stepped back, and put their hands in the air as if to surrender… w/ Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat [vs] Alton Vicious w/ Riddick Jordan Short co-Main Event, but solid nonetheless. Stoat controlled things for much of the contest, but once Alton Vicious got rolling he was like a steam train. Eventually, he won it with his ‘Vicious Snap’ Spienbuster. 47 Backstage, Buff Martinez was preparing to go out to the ring for the Main Event… with Kathleen Lee trying to calm him down… A smile crept across his face though, when his cousin, Juan Mendoza walked up… Juan Mendoza: “Cuzzin… Good luck for choor match… I want choo ta know… If I see ANY Australians get involved… I’ll come runnin’…” Buff thanked his Family member… and told him he’d probably see it at some point, and it’d be good to have the back-up… w/ w/ ‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] ‘The Best Man’ Blake Belushi w/ The Brat Pack Great Main Event between two stars of Kingdom. Buff had some nice moments early on, and on another night, he would have won it. But ‘The Best Man’ is a nickname that Belushi takes very seriously. He kicked out of multiple pins after some powerful slams, but leaned on his Australian friends The Brat Pack on the outside of the ring. He hid behind Artemis and Thurston on a number of occasions, but eventually they started to become physically involved. This brought Juan Mendoza to ringside, and he warned them off. In the end, Buff was able to capitalise when Mendoza jumped The Brat Pack after one too many interferences, and Belushi got distracted! He hit his ‘El K.O’ spinning back fist to win it. 75 After the match, Buff Martinez, Kathleen Lee and Juan Mendoza held the ring, and the Ozzie Invasion exited up the ramp… Kingdom General Manager Colin Chalke then joined the Australians on the stage, and they were upset to see him, after he booked Belushi in a Triple Threat Match at Dangerous Alliances… Colin Chalke: “It’s okay Blake… This doesn’t concern you, anyway… THIS announcement… concerns Buff Martinez…!!” Buff was intrigued, while the Australians left the stage… Chalke went on to explain that at Dangerous Alliances, the STEEL SATAN Match will feature 3 men from Kingdom… and 3 men from United… and Buff would be Kingdom’s first confirmed name…!! Colin Chalke: “I’ll confirm the other two names next week… but Buff… The winner of STEEL SATAN, gets a Title Match of their choice…!! So good luck… and pay attention to future announcements from both brands…” The show ended there… with Buff and co. celebrating in the ring… with ‘The Barcelona Bull’ looking excited by the prospect of Steel Satan, and winning it to earn a Title shot…
  12. Yeah Tommy and Rogue are 1 and 2. Clifford Wilson probably a close 3rd... and I've got them all under contract, and all active!
  13. WWF World Title Match: Bret Hart© Casket match: The Undertaker w/Paul Bearber Owen Hart w/Jim Cornette Number One Contendership match for the WWF Womens Championship: Aja Kong w/Bull Nakano "I Respect You" match with Roddy Piper as special guest referee: Hunter Hearst Helmsley Ahmed Johnson WWF World Tag Team Match: Billy Gunn & Bob Holly w/Bart Gunn Million Dollar Corporation (1-2-3 Kid & Sid) w/Ted DiBiase
  14. Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 31, Week 2, September 2020 Alfonso D’Angelo, Aurelian Bradley & Welsh Dragon [vs] The Booth (Phunk, Dangermouth & Cowboy) ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester [vs] Lone Wolf Daniel Black Francis & Loxley Robbins [vs] The Brat Pack w/ Blake Belushi Sifu w/ Ricky Storm [vs] ‘Rock Solid’ Landon Mallory Stevie ‘Smasher’ Stoat [vs] Alton Vicious w/ Riddick Jordan ‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] ‘The Best Man’ Blake Belushi w/ The Brat Pack
  15. Congratulations to @GreatreDRagon for returning to predictions with a whopping 12/13 and clinching a Prediction Prize! Keep an eye on your inbox to see what (very average) prize you'll be receiving... As for the rest of you: @KyTeran and @scapegoat - 8/13 @smw88 and @Charasmatic Enigma - 7/13 @Herrbear - 5/13 @StanMiguel - 4/13 The monthly prize is still anyone's to win though, with SEVEN shows remaining, including Dangerous Alliances at the end of September. A reminder, predict on a minimum of five shows, and your 'average' score will be taken to determine the winner for this month. Would love to hear your thoughts on We Will Rock You and the diary overall
  16. Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley Overall Rating: 76 We kicked off the show with Buff Martinez heading to the ring, with his long-time manager Kathleen Lee… Buff hyped the crowd for the show they were about to see, and said that soon, we would learn the identity of the man who claims he’ll ‘ROCK’ 21CW… Before he gets a chance to impress though, ‘The Barcelona Bull’ is going to run him down…!! Buff Martinez: “So whoever choo are… Whatever chore name is… Get out here, and face me…!!” Buff paced back and forth, looking at the screen, when the ‘I WILL ROCK 21CW’ video began playing… At the end of the video, we got the caption: “FOR I AM A SCOUNDREL” And the crowd erupted…!! Many had been predicting it online… ‘The Scoundrel’ Rogue has indeed signed with 21CW… He’s signed for the Kingdom brand… and he was heading to the ring to make his debut!! Right now!! The crowd were shook, but they were also very up for this opening bout. Buff Martinez wasn’t about to let Rogue use him as a stepping stone, and Rogue was there to make an impact against the former 21CW World Heavyweight Champion. It was an open and even brawl, in which both men got plenty of offence and stiff strikes in. For the finish, Rogue sat Buff in the corner, and tied his arms back, before running around the ring in a circle and hitting ‘Crashing On’ (knee to face). Buff couldn’t cover up, and he was out cold! Rogue dragged him to the centre of the ring, and hooked a leg to pick up his first win in 21CW! 60 Rogue celebrated in the ring, and pointed out to the crowd… telling them that he was HERE now, and he was going straight to the top… The announce team got word that ‘The Scoundrel’ would make his first appearance on Kingdom THIS WEEK…!! And address his contract status and goals in 21CW… Up next, at a secret location (somewhere in the back), The Booth were stood around a red velvet quilt covering an easel… DJ Reason: “To the ladies and gentlemen at home… Too cheap to buy tickets to the show… I give to you… The ALBUM COVER… for ‘We Will Hip Hop You’… The amazing compilation combination, from all four members of The Booth… DRUM ROLL please…!!” Buck Winchester, Dangermouth and Grandmaster Phunk began a drum roll… and then DJ pulled the quilt… to reveal a picture of the four of them, with their faces super-imposed onto the Chippendales!! The furious group tried to cover the picture up, and then they heard laughing from around a corner… With Buck and Phunk leading the charge, the group walked towards where they’d heard the laughter… As they came around the corner, they found Alfonso D’Angelo, Welsh Dragon and Aurelian Bradley stood with Army helmets on their heads… Alfonso D’Angelo: “HEY Buck…!! You’ve got your little group of friends… Well… meet MY friends…!! Get ‘em boys…!!” All three men picked up vinyl records, and started throwing them at The Booth like frisbees…!! The Booth fell back, and rolled about as if they were being sprayed with a fire hose…!! The group of fan favourites loved watching the four members of The Booth suffer… and we cut back to the ring for the next match… Blake Belushi lead The Brat Pack to the ring… ready to take on Loxley Robbins and Daniel Black Francis, who arrived on the stage… Belushi didn’t think Loxley had anyone… He knew ‘The Jilted One’ had flown home to Australia, but he didn’t believe anyone from their former employer would be dumb enough to come in and be his partner… Blake Belushi: “Yu know… You two are alone, aren’t you…?!” ‘D-B-F’ looked at the ground, and had his hands on his hips… while an angry Loxley Robbins glared at Belushi… not flinching at all… Francis is still nursing injuries from Belushi’s brutal bottle attack from a few weeks ago, so they NEED a third partner… Blake Belushi: “You’ve got no-one, have you…?! No-one’s going to ‘SWOOP’ on in here, and save you… Nobody out there has the ‘STEELE’ to come and fight me… Whilst it’d be ‘GOODE’ to see one or two of them, they wouldn’t be in their ‘ELEMENT’ here…!! So whether it’s ‘Mr. Australia’… or ‘Captain Wrestling’… or whatever dumb character you choose to bring in… Bring ‘em on…!!” Loxley looked over his shoulder… and pointed to the screen… The second surprise of the night saw Blake’s former ‘Melbourne Blondes’ tag team partner RICK STANTZ!! The pair teamed for over 15 years, and won six Championships across two promotions… but now Stantz was here to help Loxley Robbins and Daniel Black Franciis… and… to get his hands on his former friend…!! Stantz lead his team to the ring, and the opening scene was an all-out six-man brawl. The referee soon gained control, and Stantz began in the ring, beating up Artemis Eyre-Rochester and trying to destroy his nose. The announce team confirmed that Stantz was here for a one-off appearance, but he looked great out there. Francis was soon in the ring though, and his previous injuries came back to haunt him like Artemis’ did. Thurston Darcy III and then Blake Belushi isolated ‘D-B-F’ and he couldn’t get back to his corner. Finally, Loxley was tagged in, and the momentum swung quickly. Belushi decided to leave the match soon after Lox came in, and even though D-B-F tried to ‘convince’ him to come back in the hard way. The 21CW National Champion fled to safety though, and watched from the stage as his ‘Boys’ The Brat Pack were defeated – when Loxley hit his ‘Butterfly Powerbomb’ on Thurston Darcy III. 74 Backstage, 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Champions Leigh Burton and Landon Mallory were shown huddled around a camera phone… It became evident that the video they were watching, was of Leo Price being kicked off of United, by newcomer Montgomery Croft…!! Burton couldn’t hide his laughter at his former tag team partner’s fate… Leigh Burton: “I’d have picked him too! Hahahaha!! He was the Number One Contender for the 21CW UK Title… and now he’ll come to Kingdom and start from the bottom again… I can’t wait to see his stupid old face, and laugh at him…!!” Mallory agreed, and then asked Burton to play the video again, and they laughed together again… Time for an exciting battle now, and a clash of styles that was a mouth-watering prospect. Cousin Konrad is a brawler, but he can get down and dirty on the mat, and is also adept at coming off the top rope. He’s very flashy and charismatic when he performs too. Merle O’Curle on the other hand is a technical master, choosing to control a body part and manipulate joints and ligaments at will. Both men will have come out of this one hurt, and worse-off than when they went in. Some of the stretches Merle got Konrad in will take weeks to fully heal, while Konrad also unleashed a few bruising forearms that rattled Merle’s brain. In the end, the ‘Swedish Grapevine’ (Kirifuda Clutch) was enough to score Konrad the win, and by tap out of all things! 64 After the match, Cousin Konrad helped Merle O’Curle to his feet, before respectfully outstretching a hand for a handshake… Merle had his hands on his hips, and looked around at the crowd who were chanting ‘YES!’… After a brief pause, he eventually accepted the handshake, and got in close to explain something to Konrad… The two showed mutual respect, but also both wanted to send a message to the other… Backstage, Mo Adebola was standing by for an interview with young brawler Lone Wolf… Mo Adebola: “I em joined by… one of the youngest stars on the 21CW roster, and the youngest on the Kingdom Brand, Lone Wolf… And Mr. Wolf… I have to ask… Tell me more about this, mysterious, Lone Turtle…” Lone Wolf began to say that he had no idea who Lone Turtle was… when the blue-haired man, dressed as a turtle, walked up…!! Lone Turtle: “You’re so right, Lone Wolf… I haven’t introduced myself, at all… I… am Lone Turtle… I’m 38 years old, with 20 years in the business… So I can bring you all the experience you lack, and improve your worth both in and out of the ring… SO… On Kingdom this week, I’ve sorted you out a singles match…!! I’m gonna watch closely, so I’m heading to the arena now, so I’ll see you there…!!” Lone Wolf: “Woa, woa, woa… Why are you heading to the arena now…?! Kingdom’s on Wednesday… Today is Saturday…?” Lone Turtle: “Yeah… I know… I’m a Turtle…!!” Lone Wolf found it hard to not smile… but he snarled as Turtle (began to) exit the scene... extremely slowly… Chaotic Ladder Match, involving three very different tag teams. Leigh Burton and Landon Mallory were using every dirty trick in the book to control the ring, including low blows, and eye rakes! They even shoved JK Lee off a ladder at one point, and then threw him out through the ropes, landing hard on the floor. They had the ‘higher ground’ of the ring, but they were up against some real talents. Sifu and Ricky Storm came at them with steel chairs, and they also used vicious kicks and strikes – especially on Burton, who they absolutely hate. Meanwhile, JK Lee’s ability to bend his opponents in ways they didn’t think they could bend, allowed him to leave them limping, and less able to climb the ladder. Nobody paid enough attention to Gorilla Lee. The 461 lber has already proved in recent weeks that he struggles to climb ladders – but everything else he does is hard and impactful. Storm, Sifu, Burton and Mallory have been rivals for a long time, but they saw the value in working together to take Gorilla out. They attacked the behemoth 4 on 1, and began setting up tables outside the ring. Four tables, stacked in two pairs, and then some ring steps lifted into the ring and placed up against the ropes. JK Lee tried to stop the group, but they beat him down, and left him laying out by the announce desk. On the other side of the ring, Storm and Burton were stood on the steps, and Mallory and Sifu lifted Gorilla up to them. The four of them, then slammed Gorilla out over the top rope, and through ALL FOUR tables!! The big man was done, and while the four men responsible seemed to be on the same page, they soon began to fight with each other again, and throw haymakers. JK Lee checked on his partner, and then flew into the ring to gain revenge – with five men throwing bombs at each other. Eventually things broke down, and ladders came into play. FIVE ladders were set up in a circle, right in the middle of the ring. All five men began to climb slowly, and as they all got to the top, they all realised they were just out of reach of the Championship Belts! Sifu decided to leap, and he hit the Belts – and fell to the floor, landing extremely hard. He also knocked Landon Mallory’s ladder, and it caused the powerful South African to wobble, and eventually fall off his ladder. Three remained, JK Lee, Ricky Storm and Leigh Burton all frantically tried to reach up and grab the Belts - which were now swinging! Suddenly, Storm FLEW across from his ladder, kicking JK off his ladder, and holding on to it, to stay up there. Lee fell through another table, and we were left with Storm and Burton up on ladders on opposite sides of the ring. Out of absolutely nowhere, a man arrived in the ring with a hood up – everyone assumed it was Wade Orson! The man slowly pulled his hood down, and LEO PRICE was here, on a Kingdom Pay-Per-View! He looked up at the two men on the ladders, who looked like they’d both seen a ghost. Then he grabbed Leigh Burton’s ladder, and pushed it over, leaving ‘The British Lion’ straddled on the top rope! At that moment, Ricky Storm reached up, and grabbed the swinging Tag Team Belts, and we had NEW 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Champions! 61 Storm and Sifu clutched their newly won Championships tightly to their chests, and are now the second team to win FOUR Tag Team Titles in 21CW… Leo Price helped Absolutely Flawless to become the FIRST four-time Champs on United, and now he was here to help Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu to become the second four-time Champs… but the announce team reminded us that Price himself, has four Tag Team Title wins, with three different partners… He shook Storm and Sifu’s hands, before making his exit… and they continued to celebrate… Sad news next, as former MOSC and 21CW star Jeremy Allen was forced to retire from in-ring competition this past week… After suffering with two bad knees, and underwhelming stamina levels, Allen has commented that he found it hard to ‘keep up’ with the current crop of 21CW stars… He calls time on a stellar 27 year career, in which he won four Championships in MOSC, and teamed with his best friend Kevin Jones for a number of years… Monkey Business is no more… Tom Foolery… ‘The Hunk O’ Love’… and ‘Juicy’ Jeremy Allen is no more… He decided not to take up a role backstage... preferring to bow out quietly and live a 'normal' life away from the business for now... Next up, the aforementioned Kevin Jones headed to the ring, with a nice tribute to his friend Jeremy Allen… He wore the mask that Monkey Business used to arrive to the ring in… but the announce team suggested that he should take this next match a little bit more seriously… WWRY.bmp Sections of the crowd chanted for Jeremy Allen at times during this match, and they were fully behind Kevin Jones – and he really needed them to be. We’ve already seen four men take out one 460 lb star earlier in the show, and as good as ‘The MVP’ is, Kevin Jones is not four men. He was eventually soundly beaten by the impressive War Machine, who put his opponent away with a ‘Choke Bomb’ (Batista Bomb), but not before Jones had used his strength to both slam, and spear, his large opponent. Good match, and a big win for War Machine over a former 2-time 21CW World Champion! 60 In the back, Phil Harmonic was shown watching the previous match, and was flanked by his ‘protection’ Edison Silva and Kelvin Badberry… Phil Harmonic: “Wow, so War Machine just beat a former World Champion… Fair play to him… But I’m just sayin’… Without me, that match against Kevin Jones may not have happened… It’s the ‘Butterfly’ effect… I hurt BEDLAM, and…” Edison Silva spat his drink out at the mention of Harmonic hurting BEDLAM… but he apologised to his leader, and said it won’t happen again… Harmonic continued through gritted teeth… Phil Harmonic: “As I was saying… I hurt BEDLAM… He’s out because of ME…!!” Silva again began coughing, and explained that drink had ‘gone down the wrong way’, before reminding Harmonic that BEDLAM will be back ‘soon’, and that he should try and stay away from ‘The Most Dangerous Man in Britain’… At which point, Harmonic slapped Silva… A big-fight feel in the air for this one, as Tommy Cornell and Wade Orson sized one another up. Orson has 30lbs on Cornell, while Cornell has 14 years more experience. However, the biggest disadvantage that ‘Rough Justice’ was up against tonight was the fact that he was banned from using his famous ‘Guilt Trip’ Side Russian Leg Sweep! The very move that has won him eight World Championships in the past was taken out of his arsenal tonight, but those who know Cornell well, will know he has multiple other ways to win a match. He’s used a variation on the Crossface in the past, as well as countless other submission holds. However, Orson isn’t the type to just give up, he's always got a plan. Strangely though, tonight there was NO interference from Leigh Burton or Landon Mallory, or anyone else for that matter. Burton and Mallory had been through a gruelling Triple Threat Tag Team Ladder Match earlier in the show, and were licking their wounds after losing their Tag Team Titles in the match. Cornell looked as though he was ready for anything, and used his vast experience and knowledge to wear Orson down. The big, powerful, Champion looked unable to hit his usual brand of suplexes and slams, and at times dropped outside the ring to re-think his strategy. As the minutes wore on, Orson’s stamina came into question too, as he struggled for breath in a vicious looking sleeper hold that Cornell expertly transitioned into from a super-plex attempt. The finish happened quickly though. Orson’s elbow caught the cheek of the referee, and he went down hard. This opened the door for Orson to do whatever he wanted, and he chose to hit the ‘Guilt Trip’ Side Russian Leg Sweep ON Cornell – the man who made the move famous!! Orson picked Cornell up as the crowd booed him loudly. He dropped Cornell with a second ‘Guilt Trip’, and then rolled him over into the cover. The referee came to, and counted to three! Orson retained again! 76 The crowd didn’t know what to make of it, but they booed Orson as he clutched his Championship tightly… The ‘Guilt Trip’ was supposed to be banned, but nobody said if Orson was banned from using it, or just Cornell… We should get answers on this on Kingdom, but the match was over tonight… and Cornell could barely claw his way to the corner to get back to his feet… The show ended with a pyro display, and Orson holding his Belt above his head on the stage…
  17. Predictions for WE WILL ROCK YOU, Saturday, Week 1, September 2020 Debut of the man that ‘Will Rock 21CW’: ‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez w/ Kathleen Lee [vs] ???? Loxley Robbins, Daniel Black Francis & ???? [vs] Blake Belushi & The Brat Pack w/ Vicki Company Cousin Konrad w/ Andrew Lee [vs] ‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Title - Triple Threat Ladder Match: Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu [vs] The Lee FamiLee [vs] Leigh Burton & Landon Mallory (c) ‘The MVP’ Kevin Jones [vs] War Machine w/ Cliff King 21CW World Heavyweight Title Match – ‘Guilt Trip is Banned!’: ‘Rough Justice’ Tommy Cornell [vs] ‘Awesome’ Wade Orson (c) BONUS QUESTIONS: 1). Who will be Loxley Robbins and Daniel Black Francis’ Mystery Third Partner…? ________________ 2). Who is the HUGE debut opponent for Buff Martinez…? ________________ 3). Leo Price will make his first appearance on a Kingdom show here, but what will he do…? ________________ 4). How many Championships will change hands…? ________________ 5). Which match will be the Match Of The Night…? ________________ 6). What will the Overall Rating of the show be…? ________________ (within 5, one point… spot on, two points)
  18. 21CW Presents: Episode 30 Wednesday, Week 1, September 2020 Calling the action: Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Melanie Florence Overall Rating: 72 We opened the show with the one-night-only announce team of Des Greeves, Martin Bloydell and Melanie Florence on our screens… informing us that ‘Crisis Talks’ were happening backstage, with United GM Jeff Nova having to step away from the commentary desk, to speak with 21CW World Champion Apollo Prince… Number one Contender Edward Cornell… and the man he cheated to defeat last week: Joss Thompson… The four men were shown in a room, sat around a large table, and hashing out some kind of issue… For now, we couldn’t hear what was being said, but it looked as though it was getting pretty heated in there…!! Back live, Roly Muckletruck had made his entrance for the opening contest, and his opponent in this intriguing fight, was 21CW UK Champion: Viktor Beskov… However… Once Beskov made it to the ring, the music of Beast Bantom hit…!! Beast claimed to be in Roly’s head, and laughed at the big Scot from the safety of the stage… Roly tried to ignore the arrogant Brummy, and wave him off… but Beast continued to laugh maniacally at his former tag team partner… Beast Bantom: “Your head… is under new management… BY ORDER… of Beast f*****g Bantom…!!” ‘The Russian Bear’ Viktor Beskov [vs] ‘The Squashasaurus’ Roly Muckletruck Great opener, and a hard-hitting brawl between two big, powerful men. They ran at each other, and remained standing, to kick things off, but Beskov decided to scrap that idea, and locked in a brutal looking ‘Russian Bear Hug’, which Roly writhed about in. Nobody has man-handled Roly like that before, and he didn’t know how to react. As the match wore on, Beast Bantom crept closer and closer to the ring. He was on hand to cost Roly the match in the end, by climbing onto the apron. Roly took a swing at him, but he dropped down to the floor at the crucial moment. Beskov then flew at Roly with a running cross-body, and pinned his opponent! 68 After the match, Beskov made sure Beast didn’t slide into the ring and attack Roly… Deciding to help his fellow fan favourite up to his feet again… Backstage, Brothers Clifford Wilson and Antithesis were embracing in a big brotherly hug… It was clear that Wilson doesn’t fully trust his ‘Anarchist’ Brother… and it’s easy to see why… In recent months, Antithesis has taken out and injured Yuri Iliakov… developed some kind of friendship with a Fire Extinguisher… and set that Fire Extinguisher off in Viktor Beskov’s face…!! But he told Wilson he’s a changed man after seeing his Brother valiantly fight for the 21CW World Championship… Antithesis: “You never tapped, Bro… I’ve always looked up to you… You know that… But watching you fight, and hold on, for as long as you did has inspired me so much…!! Now…?! Now I want some of that PASSION… I think… We should have a tag team run…!!” Wilson was stunned… he and his Brother have never had a tag team run together… in all the years they’ve worked for 21CW and NOTBPW before that… However, he knew there’s a reason that Antithesis has never been a Tag Team Champion with anyone before… Clifford Wilson: “Look uhh… I don’t know… Next week… I’ve got Beast Bantom 1 on 1… Why don’t you come out and watch the match…? Huh…? Start there…!?” Antithesis couldn’t hide his disappointment… but agreed to come and watch his Brother in singles action in one week… ‘The Breeze’ Joe Beauchamp [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper In a night of really strong in-ring action, this one stood out as being the most polished match. Joey Beauchamp is on a roll right now, with every match he has being very good and very fun to watch. However, Cooper’s win/loss record stands at 3 and 0 in his last 3 fights, and he was keen to continue his undefeated run. He put Beauchamp away with the ‘Cooper Fly Splash’ (Frog Splash) in the end. 61 We cut backstage, and found the ‘Crisis Talks’ happening in an office… with Jeff Nova hearing the arguments from Joss Thompson, Edward Cornell and the 21CW World Champion, Apollo Prince… Cornell didn’t understand what all the fuss was about – he beat Joss Thompson in a Number One Contenders Match, and now he’ll fight Apollo Prince for the 21CW World Championship… Joss believed that Cornell’s group: The House of Hell, need to be stopped before they continue to destroy United… Joss Thompson: “Having back-up… or a manager… at ringside is one thing… but I basically had a match against nine guys last week… NINE on one… and still I almost won it… Is this really the guy you want to challenge, and beat, Apollo Prince, Jeff…!?” Apollo didn’t like Joss assuming he’d lose… but ‘The Complete Package’ referred him to the constant interference last week, when the nine-man House of Hell stable cheated to beat him… He said they’d do the same to Prince… and Cornell will be Champion again, and unstoppable… They all turned to Nova, who cleared his throat… and pondered for a moment… then, in his thick Glaswegian accent, addressed the room… Jeff Nova: “Ah’ve heard all your complaints… and… Ah’m lookin’ for a TOOOOOP NOTCH Main Event for Dangerous Alliances in Berlin… Ah canny have Cornell and co. ruin it fer everyone… But… To Cornell’s point… He DID win las’ week… So Ah think… The only fair outcome… is to do a Triple Threat…!!” Edward Cornell: “NOOO no no no NO…!!” Jeff shot a look at Cornell, and he backed down a little… Nova’s a big man, and he could do some damage to Cornell if needed… Edward Cornell: “Respectfully… I cannot agree with you here… But I did think this might be the outcome you land on… I have a counter offer… Two against one, which you know this match will turn into, is as unfair as having my group out there with me… So how about you give one of my guys a chance to earn a spot in the match too…? Next week… A member of the House of Hell… takes on Sebastian Koller… The winner makes it a Fatal-Four-Way… I know you want Top Notch… What’s better than Koller in his HOME COUNTRY…?!” Nova actually liked it… He said a second House of Hell member would be bad… however, would even the numbers… but Koller winning next week is what he really wants… Jeff Nova: “Tell ye what Ah’ll do Cornell… Sebastian Koller versus a member of the House of Hell… You sign a contract saying NO interferences… and NO interferences at Dangerous Alliances… and you’re on…!!” Joss agreed with the plan… He said that if there’s three fan favourites and Cornell, the fan favourites are less likely to all work together to stop Cornell… ‘All Business’ stood up, thanked everyone, and then left the room… On his way out the door, Mark Adonis was stood listening in… and Cornell told him he ‘Got it’… indicating that it’ll likely be Adonis versus Sebastian Koller next week… At the Temple… Christopher Lister lined up the Padawans, and began his deliberation to consider Kian Owens’ future as a prospect… He said that TWICE now, Owens has used a Light Tube to fight off The Bern Boys… even though he was categorically told not to use them until he has completed his training… However, Cole reminded his long-time tag team partner that both times, Owens saved the group from a certain beatdown… since the Bern Boys and The Professor don’t play by the rules, and they all had canes with them… Christopher Lister: “Only one way to settle this, there is… TRIAL BY COMBAT…!!!” Cole was shocked… he asked Lister who Owens’ opponent would be… and Lister confirmed he’d be taking on the role as judge, jury and executioner himself…!! Christopher Lister: “Next week… FIGHT me… You must… It is the only way…” Cole looked down at the ground… but Owens looked okay with it… He accepted his fate… and was reminded that if Lister beats him, he will be OUT of Kenobi High… and will probably return to Australia…!! Leo ‘The Lion’ Price [vs] J-B Cash This was another really fun match, dominated by Cash trying to convince Price that ‘Price For Cash’ was a great tag team name and concept. Price didn’t like it, and he put Cash away with a ‘Price Drop’ double-arm DDT to win it. 61 As Price celebrated his win over the money-obsessed Cash… another man who knows about having lots of money: Montgomery Croft, arrived on the stage, and congratulated Price on his win… Croft reminded the fans that he has THREE contract perks to cash in when he chooses… A Title shot in 2020… A debut whenever he wants to… and the ability to send ANYONE he wants, to Kingdom…!! Montgomery Croft: “Ah look... I’m really sorry Price… I’m being put under a LOT of pressure to use at least one of my Perks before Dangerous Alliances… and so… I’ve made the difficult decision to take the Number One Contender for the UK Title… YOU… and send you to Kingdom…” The crowd booed loudly… Leo Price was being released from his United contract and forced to move to Kingdom… despite only recently earning a 21CW UK Title shot…!! Montgomery Croft: “Bye bye…!! Off you pop, mate…!!” Backstage, Antithesis was stood talking to his Fire Extinguisher… when a man he knows extremely well made a surprising return!! ] Standing before him, was the Russian Yuri Iliakov… whom we last saw in a 21CW ring, being carried out of it after Antithesis attacked him and injured him… putting him on the shelf for a long time… He had a new look tonight after two and a half months away… but Antithesis knew why he was here… and said he’d take his beating like a man… before dropping the Fire Extinguisher and spreading his arms out to the side… Yrui Iliakov: “I don’t need to beat you, up… HE will…” Before Yuri could finish, another familiar face popped up behind ‘The Anarchist’, and clubbed him over the back of the head…!! MASS HULK returned too… After six months on the sidelines… He wrestled just four matches in 2020, before picking up a big injury… He stomped on Antithesis, before Yuri crouched down next to Antithesis… Yrui Iliakov: “You see Antithesis… I didn’t need to beat you up… To have you GET beaten up… Like you and your Fire Extinguisher… I have a good friend, in Mass Hulk… But we’ll be taking your friend for a while… and don’t worry… we’ll take good care of her…” Yuri scooped up the Fire Extinguisher, and walked away… with Mass Hulk following him… Antithesis was an emotional wreck once he realised his Fire Extinguisher had been taken… But they were long gone by the time he realised what was happening… Walker Van Cleer [vs] BW Eddie Walker Van Cleer and BW Eddie are two rising stars on United, so this was a closely contested battle and could have gone either way. Eddie hit a beautiful Exploder suplex, but Van Cleer managed to power a shoulder up at the last second. It lead to a back and forth finish, in which a Super Kick followed by a High Elevation Springboard Cross Body was enough for the Dutch newcomer to win it. 60 After the match, Chuck Frisby and Gulliver slid into the ring and tried to get their hands on Walker Van Cleer… Van Cleer ducked a vicious looking lariat from Gulliver, before hitting a Super Kick on Chuck… He then slid out under the bottom rope and jogged to safety… Jeff Nova was backstage next, with another special announcement… Once again, in his thick Scottish accent… Jeff Nova: “This one’s huge folks… It’s gonna be a TOOOOOP NOTCH match… Because STEEL SATAN is comin’ ta Dangerous Alliances…!! SIX MEN… from across Kingdom and United… Will compete in an ALL OUT WAR… for a shot at a Ti’le of their choosin’… Ah will name the Uni’ed three nex’ week…!!” Nova explained that STEEL SATAN was a violent… career altering… and sometimes career ending… spectacle… in which six men will fight until there is just one man left standing… The structure is a Hell In A Cell style cage, surrounding the ring and ringside area… The corner turnbuckle pads are removed… all padding covering any metal on the apron… corner posts… etc will be removed, exposing the six men’s bodies to the steel beneath it… STEEL SATAN at Dangerous Alliances…!! Kelly and Lance Martin of Absolutely Flawless headed to the ring next… to explain ‘why’ they attacked Mark Misery and Smiling John Smithie last week…!! Lance Martin: “WHY…?! WHY…?! You’ve got… Tag Team Champions only defending their Titles against their proteges… You’ve got, two miserable men… unhappy that they’d won a match… Where’s the sense of competition…?!” Kelly Martin: “Where’s the sense of PRIDE…?! What has this Tag Team Division become…?! Since we were suspended, it’s gone to s**t… and it stops RIGHT NOW…!!” Lance Martin: “From now on… Absolutely Flawless show the WORLD that we are the greatest tag team in the HISTORY of 21CW…” Kelly Martin: “From now on… We begin our quest to become the first ever… FIVE TIME Champs… in 21CW…” Misery, Smithie and their manager Emmett Askey made their way onto the stage… and headed to the ring for the next match…!! w/ Smithie & Misery w/ Emmett Askey [vs] Absolutely Flawless Dominant win for Absolutely Flawless here. They took the crowd out of it by isolating and destroying Smithie in their corner. The hot tag to Misery was met by a thunderous ovation for the miserable duo, but even Misery’s fired-up comeback wasn’t enough to stop Kelly and Lance here. They used some ‘Twin Magic’ to deceive the referee in the end and Kelly hit his ‘Perfect Driver’ (Death Valley Driver) to end it. 53 After a commercial break, Adam Matravers and Phoebe Plumridge were in the ring, waiting for Adam’s opponent in tonight’s Main Event: ‘The God’ Jonathan Faust… Who soon arrived on the stage, with his friend ‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar… Jonathan Faust: “Adam… My apologies to you… and all these good fans in here tonight… I am hurt… I cannot compete tonight… HOWEVER… Aldous Blackfriar is… good to go…?!” Matravers rolled his eyes… and then shouted at Phoebe that Faust was lying, and he was just trying to get out of the match… but Faust insisted he was telling the truth… He said to show that he’s a fair man… and a man of his word… He’d leave Aldous out there ALONE tonight, and not come down to ringside at any point during the match…!! He then handed the microphone off to the young American star: Aldous… Aldous Blackfriar: “This is not a drill… This is the apocalypse… Please exit the arena in an orderly fashion… Especially… if you don’t want to see your hero… lose to ‘His Satanic Majesty’…!!” Aldous passed the mic back to Faust, who did indeed leave the stage, and leave Aldous to walk to the ring himself… w/ ‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge [vs] ‘His Satanic Majesty’ Aldous Blackfriar Fascinating match here, involving two men at very different stages of their careers. It’s fair to say, at 40, Adam is winding down – but he’s still capable of having a great match with absolutely anyone. Aldous is just 25, and has almost his whole career in front of him. He can match up to any style, and was able to slow Adam down for parts of this one. When ‘Mile High’ got rolling though, he was impossible to stop. He used the ropes to springboard into a cutter, a flying kick, and a moonsault, and Aldous just wasn’t equipped to deal with all the angles Matravers flew at him from! However, as Matravers closed in on a victory, Aldous caught an arm and snapped in his ‘Gloomweaver Clutch’ (Tazmission), forcing Adam to pass out from the choke hold and score Aldous by far the biggest win of his career – and in his highest rated contest since he debuted for 21CW! 70 Aldous couldn’t believe he’d won… and the crowd let him know they thought he was excellent out there tonight… But ‘His Satanic Majesty’ did also check that Adam Matravers was okay… Next week on United, Sebastian Koller will take on a member of the House of Hell… for the chance to earn a spot in the 21CW World Title Match at Dangerous Alliances… As things stand, Apollo Prince will defend against Joss Thompson and Edward Cornell… and one other… In Koller’s match, the rest of the House of Business will be BANNED from ringside…!!
  19. Predictions for United, Episode 30, Week 1, September 2020 ‘The Russian Bear’ Viktor Beskov [vs] ‘The Squashasaurus’ Roly Muckletruck ‘The Breeze’ Joey Beauchamp [vs] Phillip ‘Cooper Man’ Cooper Leo Price [vs] J-B Cash Walker Van Cleer [vs] BW Eddie Smithie & Misery w/ Emmett Askey [vs] Absolutely Flawless ‘Mile High’ Adam Matravers [vs] ???
  20. 21CW Presents: Episode 30 Wednesday, Week 1, September 2020 Calling the action: Steve Smith and Dane Rowley Overall Rating: 73 Just a few short days away from We Will Rock You on pay-per-view, the cocky Ozzie Invasion stable strolled to the ring… Vicki Company was all over her man: ‘The Best Man’ Blake Belushi… and agreed with everything he said in his Melbourne accent… Blake Belushi: “So Loxley Robbins has flown to the Motherland…? He’s gone to ‘Stralia… and thinks he’s going to convince one o’ the boys from RAW… to come in for a one-off fight on his little ‘team’… Let’s analyse this team shall we… you’ve got Loxley Robbins… Who was left at the alter… I mean… what a loser…?! And then Daniel Black Francis… Who I have left for DEAD twice… an’ he keeps on comin’ back… Is he even cleared for Saturday…?!” Blake and co. pulled out bottles of beer, and began drinking from them… laughing at ‘D-B-F’ being in the hospital after Blake smashed a bottle of beer over his head…!! For the second time… Blake Belushi: “And this third guy…?! Let me tell you… I’m Beautiful… I’m Bad… and I’m the Best Man… There is not a single soul, from ‘Stralia or anywhere… that could scare me…!!” At that moment, Loxley Robbins rose behind Blake, after sneaking into the ring… Nobody saw him, and he had a microphone… Loxley Robbins: “BOO!!” Belushi, Artemis and Thurston ALL did spit takes of their beers… with Artemis and Thurston both spitting their beers on Vicki Company…!! She was furious, and instructed the Ozzie Invasion to get her out of there… Belushi wanted to hit Loxley, but he begged his former friends to try something… Instead, Lox was set for 1 on 1 action against a friend of the Australians: ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester… who made his way out with his fellow Booth members… w/ ‘Jilted’ Loxley Robbins [vs] ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ The Booth Great opener here, between two rising stars of the Kingdom brand. Cowboy had his moments, including some strong lariats and a swinging neckbraker from the second rope that would have kept most men down. But Lox was on a roll tonight – fresh off of scaring Blake Belushi in the opening segment, he caught Cowboy with a well-timed superkick as he came off the top rope. Before finishing him off with a ‘Butterfly Powerbomb’. 72 After the match, Loxley again grabbed a microphone… as DJ Reason, Grandmaster Phunk and Dangermouth pulled Buck Winchester out under the bottom rope… Loxley Robbins: “I’ve got my third man, ey…?! Daniel Black Francis WILL be fit… My third man touches down in the UK later tonight… The three of us… are goin’ for beers on Friday night… Then we’ll be fit… firing… and ready to take down Blake Belushi and his Brats at We Will Rock You… and Blake… Rest assured… We Will… We Will… BEAT You…!!” Loxley clapped… and the crowd loved it… and began singing along…!! A big match this coming Saturday will see The Lee FamiLee… taking on Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu… and the team of Landon Mallory and Leigh Burton – the 21CW Kingdom Tag Team Champions… The Title Belts will be hung high above the ring… and the three teams will compete in a Triple Threat Ladder Match… Backstage tonight, the four members of the Lee FamiLee were stood around an empty table… In previous weeks, we’ve seen how fast JK Lee is at climbing ladders… but also how slow Gorilla Lee is… Then last week, we saw that JK delivers a poor chair shot, and Gorilla Lee can knock someone silly with a chair… Tonight, the group were all scratching their heads at the table… Gorilla Lee: “I dunno guys… I’ve seen how these Ladder Matches go down… Someone ALWAYS goes through a table… We SHOULD practice this…” JK Lee: “He’s right…!! Okay… You go first…!!” Gorilla Lee: “W… Why should I go first…?!” JK Lee: “Coz it was your idea…!!” Gorilla Lee: “That’s exactly why I shouldn’t go first…!!” Andrew Lee broke up the argument, and told the pair that going through tables is not going to prepare them for going through tables… They just need to find a way to avoid it come Saturday night… In his experience, tables hurt a lot… Andrew suggested that they come up with plans to make sure they put the likes of Landon Mallory and Leigh Burton through tables at We Will Rock You… Gorilla Lee: “All I know… Is that I’m gonna ‘Bring The Ruckus… To All These Mother…’…” Andrew interrupted again, and told Gorilla to be careful…!! He then reminded Cousin Konrad that he ‘has that thing’… to which Konrad made his excuses and left the room… Juan Mendoza [vs] Lone Wolf Lone Wolf’s surprise opponent tonight was a young Spanish star named Juan Mendoza. Mendoza is only a couple of years into his wrestling career, but Lone Wolf is brand new, so it was a fairly basic, very short contest. Lone Wolf delivered a lot of excellent punches, before winning it with his brutal Full Nelson Slam. 30 Lone Wolf had his hand raised by the referee… but then he noticed someone strange in the front row of the crowd… Someone in a Turtle costume waved at him, before hopping the guard rail and sliding into the ring…!! Lone Wolf didn’t know what to make of this… He looked around as the crowd cheered the man with blue hair, in a Teenage Mutant Hero Turtle mask… Lone Wolf looked left… He looked right… and then he punched the Turtle right in the face… and got out of there…!! Next up, we got another We Will Rock You promo… Stating “I Will Rock 21CW”… This time, we got a bit of a closer look at the face of the man behind the videos… but still nobody was sure who it was… What we do know, is that at the We Will Rock You pay-per-view, the man will DEBUT… and be up against a former 21CW World Heavyweight Champion in ‘The Barcelona Bull’ Buff Martinez… ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester [vs] Local Enhancement Talent Another short match here, and one which saw another big win for Nate Manchester. After a competitive battle, Nate hit his ‘Manc-Sault’ finisher and got the pin. That’s now 5 wins in his 11 matches since signing with Kingdom! 34 In the back, Merle O’Curle was being interviewed by Mo Adebola… Mo Adebola: “I am joined by… One of the greatest… most decorated… former Champions here on Kingdom… ‘The Irish Stretching Machine’ Merle O’Curle… and Merle… How have you adjusted to returning to 21CW after 14 years away…?!” Merle O’Curle: “Mo… How ya doin’…? OI’ve focused on doin’ what OI do best… foightin’… Me form is good… Noine wins in fiff-teen matches… and OI’m lookin’ for a challenge at We Will Rock Yous…” Merle was mid-flow, when Cousin Konrad from the Lee FamiLee walked up… Cousin Konrad: “Your form IS good, Merle… Mine is better… I’m 4 and 0… How do you fancy trying to stop me making it 5…?!” Merle smiled… and stuck a hand out for ‘The Stone Cold Killer’… Konrad and Merle respectfully shook hands… Looks like it’s on for We Will Rock You… a match that could steal the show…!! Elsewhere in the back, Juan Mendoza was carrying his bags over his shoulder – getting ready to leave the arena, when Buff Martinez walked up… and got in the young Spaniard’s face…!! There was a moment of tension… but the two then laughed and embraced… with Buff congratulating his fellow Spanish star on his debut with 21CW… despite his loss to Lone Wolf… Just then, Kathleen Lee appeared from behind Buff… Kathleen Lee: “Buff… aren’t you going to introduce me…?!” Buff Martinez: “Oh… Where are my manners…?! Kathleen Lee… Meet Juan Mendoza… My CUZZIN…!!” Kathleen shook Juan’s hand, and the two shared a look of attraction… with Kathleen saying it was a pleasure to meet him… Mendoza said the pleasure was all his… Buff invited Mendoza out to dinner with him and Kathleen, and he accepted… w/ ‘The Furious Bi-Curious’ Alfonso D’Angelo [vs] Dangermouth w/ The Booth Poor Alfonso D’Angelo can’t get away from The Booth, and tonight he was cheated out of a win against a fellow youngster in Dangermouth. Constant interference lead to the ‘Flatliner’ (F5) and Alfonso was pinned. 51 After the match, a reminder that at the We Will Rock You pay-per-view – The Booth would be hosting an ‘Album Cover Launch’… Next week on Kingdom… we’re going to be getting an important tag team re-match between The Underdogs and The Northern Lights… Two weeks ago, Joe Simpson and Michael X lost to the newcomers… and when they tried to show Alton Vicious and Riddick Jordan respect last week, they were snubbed… Now Vicious and Jordan have the chance to double down and beat The Underdogs for the second time in a row… w/ w/ ‘The MVP’ Kevin Jones w/ Jeremy Allen [vs] Kelvin Badberry w/ Phil Harmonic & Edison Silva Quick match here, but a fun one. Kevin Jones was furious, and wanted to rip Kelvin Badberry’s head off – and he acted as if Badberry was War Machine. With help at ringside, Badberry was able to stay in it, until Kevin Jones hit his ‘Overhead Belly-To-Belly’ – an impressive feet since Badberry is 323lbs. 54 War Machine and Cliff King arrived at ringside at the conclusion of the match, as expected… Jeremy Allen knew better than to try and fight War Machine, so he slid into the ring and stood alongside his friend Kevin Jones… Meanwhile, Phil Harmonic told War Machine that he should thank him… for taking out BEDLAM ahead of their Best Of Seven Series decider… War Machine took one look at Harmonic… and he swatted him away like a fly…!! Edison Silva decided, foolishly, to try and fight War Machine… but he too was easily dispatched… and was flung into the ring steps… Allen and Jones got ready to fight, but Allen was noticeably stood behind ‘The MVP’… using his friend for protection… War Machine decided tonight was not the night… he just pointed at Kevin Jones and walked away… Stepping on Kelvin Badberry as he stepped over him…!! Tommy Cornell, Ricky Storm & Sifu [vs] Wade Orson, Leigh Burton & Landon Mallory Fun Main Event here – with six stars of Kingdom doing battle. Storm and Sifu started brightly, but ‘The Quiet One’ Sifu soon found himself isolated by Wade Orson and his crew. Leigh Burton was able to use a CHAIR behind the referee’s back to gain an unfair advantage. Ricky Storm saw it of course, and he again wanted to kill Burton! But the ref stopped him coming in. Eventually, after almost 10 minutes of domination, Sifu was able to crawl to his corner, and in came Tommy Cornell! The momentum completely swung, but Cornell never got his hands on Orson – and Storm never got to Burton! In the end, Mallory was pinned following a ‘Guilt Trip’ Side Russian Leg Sweep – a move that will be BANNED come We Will Rock You! 73 At the conclusion of the match, Wade Orson tried to pull his partner Landon Mallory out under the bottom rope… but Tommy Cornell grabbed his hand…!! Storm and Sifu ensured Burton, and then Orson, couldn’t get to Mallory… because Cornell had something in mind for him… Cornell hit the ‘Guilt Trip’ again… and Mallory’s head bounced off the mat…!! He picked Mallory up again… and hit the move a THIRD time…!! Due to Wade Orson’s chosen stipulation for We Will Rock You, Cornell can’t use the ‘Guilt Trip’ at the pay-per-view… as he challenges for Orson’s 21CW World Heavyweight Title… So Cornell made the most of being able to use it tonight… He hit a FOURTH… before allowing Mallory to roll out under the bottom rope… Cornell raised Storm and Sifu’s hands in the middle of the ring… telling the crowd that the three of them would ALL be Champions come Saturday night…!! The show ended there… Next stop for the Kingdom Roster: We Will Rock You… LIVE on pay-per-view…!!
  21. Predictions for Kingdom, Episode 30, Week 1, September 2020 ‘Jilted’ Loxley Robbins [vs] ‘Cowboy’ Buck Winchester w/ The Booth ??? [vs] Lone Wolf ‘The Real Angel of the North’ Nate Manchester [vs] ??? ‘The Furious Bi-Curious’ Alfonso D’Angelo [vs] Dangermouth w/ The Booth ‘The MVP’ Kevin Jones [vs] ‘The Bad Seed’ Kelvin Badberry w/ Phil Harmonic & Edison Silva Ricky Storm, Sifu & Tommy Cornell [vs] Wade Orson, Leigh Burton & Landon Mallory
  22. @KyTeran takes the win on the final show! Congrats man, and I'll be sending your prize to you shortly. To everyone else, a slight change from next month - I'll be doing an 'average score' winner instead of total points... That way, if you miss a couple of shows, you're still in with a shot. Minimum number of shows: 5 per month, to enter the competition.
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