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The Rock

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Posts posted by The Rock

  1. I just created my own broadcaster for the purpose of having my child company host weekly shows! I assigned the broadcaster to them and all was good, but I wanted to assign the broadcaster to my main roster show? I have been looking through all the options and can't seem to figure it out!? I've searched through all the broadcasters and mine isn't in there. In the child company section, there is an option titled ''Own Broadcaster'' but I can't seem to find that option for my main show!?


    This is weird, because if you have created one, it should be there.

    Then you need to negotiate a broadcasting deal with your network and that´s it.


    So, the way would be:

    Office -> Broadcasting -> View All Broadcasters -> select "your Network" -> Negotiate -> New Deal for ... "your TV show"

  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="DarloKid" data-cite="DarloKid" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47616" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>After 3 months in game, I decided to plough all money into a subscription tv broadcaster, all future money upgrading in size in each region. I now come December, have A subscription broadcaster pulling in around 30million a month in broadcasting revenue and a PPV broadcaster making me about 70million a PPV …. insane!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Adam worked on this in patch 1.02</p><p> I have not tested things yet, but hopefully the PPV numbers are reduced drastically.</p>
  3. This might already be something that is part of the final tweaking so apologies if it is something that has already been taken on board but looking at the new worker profile screen, the space given to skills is still a little inefficient and not as user-friendly as it could be, in my opinion. In a similar way to the restructure of the office screen, is something like this possible:




    It makes better use of the space, you don't have to scroll any more, you can see all the stats at a glance, they are separated by type of stat. Personally I would really like that sort of change but don't know how feasible it is in terms of coding (if the programme only allows the list to be exported as one for that screen, obviously this wouldn't be possible).


    Like others said, please post this in the Suggestions Subforum.

    This would be a huge upgrade.

  4. Anyone got any ideas what the Bach/Chord feud could be about?


    Before the Beta came out, I hoped that TCW has pushed Chord to the moon.


    Back in 2016, I had a huge storyline with Chord retiring RDJ.

    I mean, with the history between Rip and RDJ, it had to be Jay right!?! Right??

    Well, Adam thought different. Missed opportunity in my opinion.

    So, my plan was to continue this in 2020, so Chord being the guy, who retired RDJ (in this case, his Pop would be much higher, around 80 at minimum).


    But as he isn´t, I see the feud vs. Bach as a classic, simple "My time has come and it is my destiny ..." vs. "No, I´m first in the line ...".

    Chord is mocking Sammy "You are here for what, like 30 years and you won nothing?? Maybe, you are just not good enough."


    Jay dominates the feud and seems to be proven right.

    Sammy struggles after that, gets a new gimmick (something like "man on a mission", who gives everything he has to finally achieve his dream) and as I said, my plan is to give him his moment at Total Mayhem 25.

    I think he just deserves it. And it helps that he is one of my favourite wrestlers in the CV ;)

  5. I noticed that banners didn't display as prominently in TEW20 as in 16 so didn't really see much need in making them as much. (only found 3 screens - Announcers, Hall Of Fame and Investments)


    I did have enough saved of the gray logo to make this though




    If there is enough demand, I might make banners but do people view those screens often enough to warrant it?


    Yeah you´re right.

    You basically never see the banners, so not really needed.

  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Nachtfalter" data-cite="Nachtfalter" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47616" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just a random thought: I don't really read the description of the King Of Kings title to mean that the winner automatically gets his title shot six months later at Total Mayhem. I don't have it in front of me, but it just says the winner will be a big part of Total Mayhem or something like that.<p> </p><p> The news article on day 1 clearly indicates that TCW is building for Andrews vs. Hawkins at Total Mayhem, but the King Of Kings itself doesn't necessarily.</p><p> </p><p> Personally, I'll probably go with Andrews vs. Hawkins right off the bat at Malice and for future years, I'll always go with the King Of Kings getting his titleshot in January.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You´re right, but I will still go that way.</p><p> </p><p> I created a G1-style Tournament back in 2016, with the winner getting a shot at Total Mayhem. But I held it in March, so I only had to book two months after the tournament.</p><p> </p><p> This time, I´ll do it NJPW-style, hold the tournament five months before Total Mayhem and steal some ideas from them, on how to book these months.</p><p> You can create rivalries out of the tournament. You can have the Champion participate, lose to an Underdog or young talent, creating a transition feud out of that. You can have the King of Kings be challenged by somebody,</p><p> for the right to be in the Main Event of Total Mayhem. ...</p><p> </p><p> Many options, but I also see it as a bigger challenge from a creative standpoint.</p>
  7. <p>On and On.</p><p> </p><p>

    I´m all in on immersion and if my fans want 5 Storylines, hell, I´ll give them 7.</p><p>

    And if I´m not creative enough, I should be punished for that.</p><p> </p><p>

    When playing as an owner, I tend to sign every Free Agent out there, because money is never a problem (as TCW, my main Company).</p><p>

    As Booker, I´m atleast somewhat limited by Mr. Rhodes, adds to the challenge a bit. For example, I won´t be able to sign Matthew Keith this time, it´s not my decision, it sucks, but it is what it is. So I focus on other guys.</p>

  8. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Clarity" data-cite="Clarity" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48848" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That one came out better than I expected. My personal fave so far is the blue one. Its a modern take on the original<p> </p><p> *Edit* Steal away if you want</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Any chance you create Banners to go with these TCW Logos??</p><p> Especially for the grey Logo.</p>
  9. Funny thing is, yesterday I had the same idea, adding Chord to the Total Mayhem Main Event. It just makes so much sense.

    After Sammy, there is no one Jay could beat to climb up the latter, except for the Ace. And that nice little touch with Rip winning his first at Total Mayhem I.

    (it would be even cooler, if Jay wins his first at the 25th anniversary, but there´s no chance I will wait 17 months to put the belt on him)


    After that, a feud with Andrews, while regaining Sammy´s Pop, who will win the King of Kings tournament out of nowhere and beat Jay at Total Mayhem XXV.

    That´s my current plan, but it could change of course.


    Meanwhile, after testing things out for a few days, I run my first shows.

    This is still me just playing around and see how booking works in 2020, not the real save (that one will start with the retail).

    However, booked a few shows, scored between 78-80, without ever using Wolf and Andrews in the same match and still let the Autobooker do most things. So, I think there´s some upside here.

    I even booked Malice in Wonderland just for fun (Autobooker did the Undercard, I only booked the title matches and Sammy vs. Jay), scored an 88 overall. Not bad.

  10. See this is what's interesting to me coming completely new to this stuff. They're only filler anyway cos when I first ran through the roster they didn't leap out at me and then I needed some sort of upper midcard guys to have a match for time lmao.


    Thanks for the belt graphic link, this stuff is new to me so being pointed to this stuff is a great help


    It´s your game of course, so I won´t tell you what to do and what not.

    And I understand your intention being a "newbie" and jumping quickly in a game without overthinking things, just to learn how things work (and if it´s newbie friendly).


    But I highly recommend you, to read some Bios (both Company & Workers) and some background about the CornellVerse. It will make your game much more fun, trust me.


    Take Jay Chord for example. For you, currently he´s just a young star, but that last name "Chord" he carries has some weight in the CV.

    Same for Greg Gauge by the way (but in his case it´s a bit trickier with the last name ;)).

  11. Do you think a Dean Waldorf vs. Marv Statler feud in a big American promotion would go over well? I hate to break up hardcoded C-Verse tag teams but Dean Waldorf has a superstar look about him and there's only so many variations of booking a tag team I can try each save!


    I would bring them in as a team and run with it for quite some time, while also share their history in Angles/Hype Videos, to introduce them to a wider audience, because most casual fans or fans of the big Promotions have no idea who the Ring Generals are.


    After gaining some pop, winning a title or two, making the audience care about them, about them as a team with a long history together, then yeah, I see a decent Midcard/Upper Midcard feud that would work well.


    And in a promotion like TCW, I could see them being in the Upper Midcard as Singles Wrestlers, or atleast Midcard, but they may lack Star Quality for more.




    One Man Army over Doc Hammond in a filler match:- 63



    Damn, it´s sad that One Man Army vs. Doc Hammond has become a "filler" match. :(

    These two together were an All-Time Great Tag Team, future Hall of Famers in TCW. But they split in 2017, so I guess yeah, this is a filler match by now.



    And then set up a new women's title, using a generic belt picture, from the titles screen and set up a tournament from the office page. This all seemed quite easy to do, and I've seen some veterans on here saying tournaments used to be very difficult to keep track of so that's a definite bonus I think.


    As for the belt picture:

    Christian_Shane has created a wonderful Women´s Title for TCW.

    You can find it here: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=545645

  12. Always reminded me of early 90s Steiners. I can't not hire them - their renders are awesome and they're great workers. Never split them up before but 2020 could be the year...


    Yeah, they were my favorite team back in 2016, can produce a good to great match with everyone.


    I´m really happy that they are so successful in Japan, but I´ll bring them definitely back to the US, to be the backbone of my Division.





    Finally, indie darlings The Wild Cats (El Jaguar and Tigre Salvaje Jr) are a flashy pairing who've gotten really over in the South West and have phenomenal experience. TSJ, in particular, is a complete stud with incredible athleticism and excellent psychology.


    Of course, The Wild Cats, how could I forget them?? Great call.

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