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Everything posted by Dawn

  1. Played a month with the WWF with NWAvsWWF's 1997 mod. It's really going well, already pulled a B+ Raw Is War and a B Royal Rumble...guess this is my next dynasty, let's write some shows so we can start
  2. Thank you guys for the help, i really appreciate it, i'm going to follow NWAvsWWF's tips, i promise that i'm going to get really focused on this one. Again, Thanks, NWAvsWWF for the tips, and angeldelayette and Bigpapa for the incentive, and more tips.
  3. God, i had two attempts at dynasties and failed in both of 'em...i was reading some old dynasties and only NWAvsWWF did so much failed dynasties like me Going to choose a save that i'm going to really have time and going to really want to make a dynasty with it. And sorry about this.
  4. Starting to read now, so i may go on to have a really bad score in the predictions. Ric Flair The Great Muta Arn Anderson & Dusty Rhodes Jean Paul Levesque Ron Simmons Paul Orndorff & The Butcher
  5. Hey, just remembered that i had a converted September 1999 database. I think a diary with it it's worth a try.
  6. Well, after my first dynasty failed, my next is going to be a 1991, 1994 or 1996 one with the WWF, can someone help me choose the time period?
  7. I was referring to images and those things, i'm not really good with images, and of course i have TEW and imagination. But Thank you then.
  8. Any requirements to make a diary? I'm thinking about creating one, with WWE or TNA in 2013, or with WCW in a converted 1999 database, but first i need to know if there are any reqs.
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