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Posts posted by BossHoss

  1. Tuesday Week 2 January 2020 TCW PRESENTS TOTAL WRESTLING.


    [The show starts with it’s usual package featuring todays hottest TCW wrestling stars in virous actions in and out of the ring. When it finishes, pyro goes off, and the camera cuts to the announce team which is ring side with 8,636 fans cheering loudly]




    Sean Doakes (SD): We are back in TEXAS. Welcome home to the Ranch here in San Antonio!!! Tonight LIVE ON ACE TV, we will see our world Champion “The Ace” Aaron Andrews in action in our main event as he takes on both Doc Hammond along side Wolf Hawkins!!


    Kyle Rhodes (KR): Not a smart move going 2 on 1 versus the Syndicate. I mean it really is probably more like 5 on 1 if you ask me.


    Jasmine Saunders (JS): Just two weeks away from Malice In Wonderland call your cable company today as things just keep getting hotter here in TCW.




    [ “Mighty (Feat. JFTH)” by Caravan Palace plays as out from the back dance the 400lbs Tana the Mighty, and his partner the rock solid Mighty Mo. The crowd eats it up as the big men move to the grooves of the music and applause of the crowd. Techno club lights flash as the big men grab mics and get into the ring.]




    Kyle Rhodes: It’s a dance party tonight!


    Tana The Mighty: My, my, my, Texas! Are we ready for a mighty mighty mighty good night?


    [Crowd Pops]


    Mighty Mo: Tana, I think we came to the right place.


    [The duo do some more dancing.]


    Mighty Mo: You know its becoming mighty, Mighty, MIGHTY clear that the Behemoths, and Sinner Society are avoiding us.


    Tana The Mighty: Like a mighty Mighty, MIGHTY, pandemic. They hear our Mighty Meaty footsteps and start to quiver.


    [Tana stomps loudly onto the mat.]


    Mighty Mo:Well, we are the mighty good #1 contenders for those mighty fine tag team titles, and it's about time the Mighty walk with the gold again. Behemoths are cowards, and its time they got those belts taken from. The Behemoths ain’t got a mini morsel of morals in their mighty large bodies with those mighty small brains to face us like mighty mighty men.




    [“Sinner” by Drowning Pool interrupts a mighty lame promo as the ‘Sinner Society’ lead by their manager "The Fast Buck" Floyd Goldsworthy emerge from the back. In tow is Eddie Peak, the massive sized “Behemoths” tag team Killer Shark & Titan, and Nick Booth. They surround the ring as Mighty Meaty put their fists up ready for the attack. The Sinner society circle the ring. Tana the Mighty has not taken his eyes off the tag titles on the shoulders of the massive Killer Shark and Titan. He keeps motioning for them to come get some, but they just keep circling.]







    Sean Doakes (SD): The Behemoths, and Mighty Meaty that’s a lot of big bodies.


    Kyle Rhodes (KR):Hope that ring is reinforced.


    Jasmine Saunders (JS): …and somebody call and warn the local buffet the appatites are back in town.


    Floyd Goldworthy (FG): Cowards? Cowards? More like creatures of opportunity. The Sinner Society hear your desperate pleas, and accept your challenge but under one condition. Next week one of your two can beat Nic Booth!


    [booth steps forward and flexes to the two big men in the ring.]



    Might Mo: Nick Booth? Nick Booth? I can beat him with one arm tied behind my back!! Let’s do this now.


    Eddie Peak: Lucky it isn’t me big mouth.


    Tana The Mighty (TTM): So bring it!


    Floyd: We fight when the sin is right. We fight when we tell you we fight. KILLER SHARK and TITAN need to respect the integrity of the titles and can’t be involved in wild melees simply because two oafs drank to many energy drinks. So Malice in Wonderland, fat boy, you and your buddy their will feel the savage of the Behemoths…..if you can pass the original sinner Nick Booth.


    Eddie Peak (EP): We could do it now too bitches.


    Mighty Mo: Shut up Peak. We all know what the Sinner Society is all about. Straight up cowards.


    [Eddie throws a fans beer cup into the ring at Mighty Mo who just dodges it and dances a bit. Titan and Killer shark look ready to break faces but so do Mighty Meaty as tension is building. Floyd holds back Peak talking him down.]


    Floyd: We’re done here. Consider yourselves lucky.


    [The Sinner Society fake storming the ring, laugh, than start to retreat to the dressing room.]


    Tana: More like the coward society.


    [Tana and Might Mo start dancing again as the crowd cheers them on. They motion having the titles around their waists.


    Kyle Rhodes (KR): Big mouths always back down.


    Jasmine Saunders (JS): Not the right moment, but in two weeks at Malice In Wonderland the tag team titles will be on the line and no excuses can be made. Assuming Mighty Meaty can get through Nick Booth.


    Sean Doakes (SD): The TV title is on the line next as Greg Gauge takes on Elliot Thomas right here on ACE! Don’t go anywhere.




    Kyle Rhodes: Greg Gauge gets another win and later tonight we have a 3 way match to see who he will be facing for his TV title at Malice in Wonderland for the hotly coveted TV title.


    [The camera cuts to the backstage area where an office is set up with a desk, a chair behind it, a lap top, and two other chairs in front of the desk. A plant is off to the side. Al is joined by his mean eyed emotional support cat Meowru Suzuki who is sleeping on the desk. Al Larcher is behind the desk working on his laptop, a voice is heard through an intercom system.]


    Intercom: Mr. Larcher your meeting is here.




    Mr. Larcher: Send her in!


    [Al gets up and tucks in his shirt before popping a breath mint and fixing his hair. The cat yawns. The big smile that has flashed across Al's face vanishes faster than morals in a crisis as in walks a small Indian man with a gross mask in has hand.]




    Mr. Larcher: Who are you?


    Man: I’m a guru of sorts my name is Mr. Crowley.


    [Disappointed Al points to a chair, as he takes his seat and goes back to working on his lap top as the small man sits down.]


    Mr. Crowley: Mr. Larcher I understand you are looking for a youth movement. Well I can offer that and carnage that surely will get all mortals talking.


    [Al isn't paying much attention as the man places a scary looking leather face like mask on the desk in front of him. The cat arches his back, hisses, and jumps off the desk.]




    Mr. Crowley: You see I used to be a wrestling manager and promoter until I was ran out of this business by sex appeal and other unpleasantry's It seemed promoters wanted a more aesthetic appeal than a wise sage from the east so I found myself wondering the earth.


    Mr. Larcher: ummm humm.


    Mr. Crowley: I searched the world high and low. Walked through forests and even brimstone to find the perfect candidate to return to the business I once loved. To find a monster Mr. Larcher, to destroy the beautiful and create the chaos we all can soak in.


    Mr. Larcher: Really? Sounds, fascinating. What does this have to do with me and TCW I’m very busy?


    Mr. Crowley: Well Mr. Larcher I didn’t find a man. I found a power. I mystical evil that I would like to unhinge on TCW.


    Mr. Larcher: Yea well, if the power is catering, that’s what I’m working on now and that would be a big help. Perhaps you can generate energy drinks and supplements. Anyway that sounds more like a SWF thing. Maybe call them up? As Mr. Kim would say on Kim Convenience….great show on netflix if you are bored...is, “Ok See You”.


    Mr. Crowley: Understand this from the depths of deviance a mask was found. Maybe I was stating it wrong, to the point it seemed like I was asking for a job. Not the case. I’m here now, no matter what. You can’t remove this hex. I was just hoping you could direct me to your biggest youngest star so I can get them to wear the mask. Perhaps Aaron Andrews? You can have that young star you’ve always wanted and I can help you control it! You see this mask controls the soul of whom ever wears it. It bounds them to the power of the mask. I can harness said power.


    [Mr. Crowley holds up his pinky finger where a gold ring with a black onyx upside down cross dresses it, but Al is to busy on the lap top to pay attention.]


    Mr. Crowley: It gives the wearer of the Mask of Malice increased strength, durability, and a mythical mystic mist.


    Mr. Larcher: Oh like the Japanese guys with the mist what is that called do-ko-do..ummm.


    Mr. Crowley: Dokugiri.


    Mr. Larcher: Yeaaa that’s the ticket Dokugiri. Look this sounds like that corny Jim Carey movie from the 90’s. It’s not really my thing. I’m going to pass Mr. Crowley.


    Mr. Crowley: Oh no, Mr. Larcher this isn’t a thing. This isn’t a gimmick. This isn’t a storyline plot. This is reality.


    Mr. Larcher: Well Mr. Crowley this is WRESTLING. So it’s a firm no from me.


    Mr. Larcher: What is that smell? Is that you Meowru?


    [For the first time Al looks around and spots the mask which is obviously the source of the smell. He freaks out and jumps to his feet].


    Mr. Larcher: Ugh forget it, get that thing out of here. NOW!! YOSHIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!


    [Yuri Yoshihara the young Lion on excursion from the PGHW dojo in Japan comes running from just outside of the office where Al Larcher spotted him walking by.]




    Mr. Larcher: Yoshi do you speak English?


    Yuri Yoshihara: Little.


    Mr. Larcher: Say you wouldn't know how to use Dokugiri do you?


    Yuri Yoshihara: ummm Nooo?


    Mr. Larcher: Well never mind. I can use a man like you. How would you like to be my security guard?


    Yuri Yoshihara: Ummm ok?


    Mr. Larcher: Can you remove this man from the building?


    Mr. Crowley: This is a mistake!!! Mark my words Mr. Larcher….a mistake!!


    [A beautiful face appears in the doorway as Haley Buck enters with newly signed Sayeed Ali.]




    Haley Buck: Did I make a mistake I thought we had a meeting scheduled? I can come back if you are in the middle of something?!?


    Mr. Larcher: Oh no Haley, this is perfect this…um…man was just leaving. TAKE YOUR MASK PAL.


    [Mr. Crowley grabs his mask and is escorted out with Yuri behind him. On his way out Mr. Crowley bumps into Sayeed and stares him down like a piece of meat. Sayeed apologies as Crowley smiles like a mad man as hes pushed away.]


    Mr. Larcher: Excuse that noise. So this is Sayeed Ali? Miss Buck you have done it again!!! He will be a perfect fit for my vision of TCW. I assume you will be managing him? I would…Umm…we would love to have you around the locker room!


    Hayley Buck: That’s the plan!!


    Mr. Larcher: Well let’s get him signed!


    Sayeed Ali: Thank you for this opportunity I look forward to proving myself here in TCW.


    [Camera cuts to a commercial break as Al shakes hand with Ali]


    Sean Doakes (SD): In two weeks at Malice in Wonderland our next competitor Maverick will be talking on Dazzling Dave Diamond.


    Kyle Rhodes (KR): I promise you this that one will be a wild brawl!


    Jasmine Saunders (JS): I love me some fist a cuffs.







    Kyle Rhodes: Welcome back big win there for Maverick, as he’s getting ready or his showdown with Triple D. Let’s go to the WORLD champion who is already in the ring.




    [Looking more banged up than usual the champion Aaron “The Ace Andrews” stands in the middle of the ring. The crowd is cheering loudly for him.]


    Aaron Andrew: Last week right here on the Ranch you saw what the syndicate did to me. To be honest, I’m starting to think they don’t want to have a fair fight at Malice in Wonderland. I feel like the Beta Wolf has a plan. Something is telling me they want to hurt me. Well, when you are the champion most people do. It comes with the turf.




    Sean Doakes (SD): Oh my god!!


    Kyle Rhodes (KR): That’s the Alpha Wolf and he just hit Andrews hard in the back with a chair!!


    Jasmine Saunders (JS): Here we go again the Syndicate at full force.






    [Doc Hammond mounts Andrews and starts unloading lefts and rights to his face as Wolf Hawkins starts working the chair around ‘The Aces” ankle looking to break it. Doc holds down Andrews as Wolf goes to the top rope to jump down on the chair and shatter the champs ankle.]


    Wolf Hawkins: Let’s get rid of him forever.


    Kyle Rhodes: Somebody….anyyyyyybodyyyyy…..has got to stop this!


    Sean Doakes: Wait a minute.


    [From the back springs Doc Hammonds old tag team partner One Man Army. He leaps onto the ring apron and pushes Wolf off to the floor. He get’s in the ring and puts a boot to the head of his old partner Doc Hammond saving Aaron Andrews in the the process.]




    Kyle Rhodes: Thank god or the One Man Army. It looks like Andrews found some back up.


    [One Man Army gets up in an aggressive stand only to watch Doc roll out of the ring. Chris Flynn and the Elite come running in from the back to gather up their Syndicate stable mates and retreat. Wolf looks like he could be hurt as the Elite carry him away.]






    Jasmine Saunders (JS): I think One Man Army is jealous that his old partner is getting a world title shot and he’s not.


    Kyle Rhodes: Will you stop? That’s outrageous. He was helping a fellow wrestler whose leg was about to be broken.


    Jasmine Saunders: I don’t know.


    Sean Doakes: Well what I know is the Total Action continues here on Ace with our #1 contenders match for the TV title!!! Bennie Benson versus Matt Hocking versus Rodrick Remus, and its next after this short time out!




    Kyle Rhodes: So it’s decided at Malice In Wonderland the Television Champion Greg Gauge will be taking on our winner here tonight of that fantastic 3-way Bennie Benson!!


    [Camera cuts abruptly to the backstage area where Vita the attractive Swedish manager of Ed Stone is getting a cup of coffee. She shakes the sugar seductively as suddenly Joshua Taylor moves up and starts pouring a cup of his own.]





    Josh Tayler: Hey Vita, I’ve been wanting to talk to you.


    [Vita blows into her hot coffee as the steam rises.]


    Josh Tayler: I’m going to be world champion this year. Its time. No more excuses. I have the talent, the looks, and the skill to carry this company forward. My time is now. Although as you know I’ve been stuck in rut as of late and was thinking about maybe getting a manager. Somebody to help guide my progress to this goal which will happen. Would you be interested?


    Vita: Ummm yea I think we might be able to make that work. Let me talk to Ed and see what he thinks but I know we’ve been considering expanding for a while.


    [JT cringes as he sips his coffee and listens.]


    JT: So about that. I think Ed Stone is to small to really amount to anything. I don’t think he’s worth a damn, to be honest. I was hoping more for a solo manager. Somebody who understands as much as I do that being the franchise is my destiny. Somebody who can reach the tops of the wrestling worlds with me. Came on Vita drop him like a…..


    [Listening from a distance has been Ed Stone who steps up and gets into JT’s face.]




    Ed Stone: Stone? Really Stone? That’s the best you got?


    JT: Take it easy party boy we’re talking business. You care more about sipping booze and party busses than you do titles.


    Ed Stone: My fans love those party buses we take to shows. My fans. You know why I have fans JT? It’s because I have personality. Size is a measurable, but personality is a gift. People over come size, but boring sacks of…..snores like you. Never change. Why don’t they book you into the main event? Why haven’t you been champion? You do have all the gifts don’t you?? Maybe it’s because nobody wants to see you on TV.


    JT: Keep talking you little sh*t and I’ll snap you into two. Me and this babe here....


    Vita: Babe?


    JT: Me and this chick were talking about me taking it to the next level to become champion. You’re a child with no focus.


    Ed Stone: Not for nothing but I’m a former IC champion. A three time tag team champion. I’ve held gold in the last 3 years…..when did you have your last title run? Was it the now defunct IC title back in 2010??? Are you forever going to be the guy they talk about as the next big thing. Please. Also it seems like your flirting with Vita here. How is your wife Tracy? Didn’t she retire last year to raise your new daughter Beth?


    [JT grabs Ed Stone by the throat and pushes him to the wall. Vita screams as Stone hits his head hard on the wall. A group of backstage wrestlers tear the two apart before fists start flying.]


    Kyle Rhodes (KR): That didn’t go to well for JT or Stone for that matter.


    Jasmine Saunders (JS): Ed Stone was defending his honor but I’m not sure Joshusa Tayler is a man who’s buttons you want to push that hard.


    Sean Doakes (SD): Up next we have a former IC champion in Bart Biggins facing off against a former Tag team champion in Freddy Huggins. I’ve been told the winner of this match will get to face Flying Jimmy Fox who picked up a win last week here on TCW Tuesday Night Total Wrestling.


    Kyle Rhodes: Huggins of course is Ed Stones old partner before Huggins turned on him two years ago. Time marches on, and so do we as the match will start after this short time out here on ACE. Also I’ve been told our main event will still happen tonight with Aaron Andrews taking on Wolf and Doc Hammond, and my understanding is the One Man Army has been added to the match. Stay tuned.




    Sean Doakes: With that win here tonight we now know at Malice in Wonderland Flying Jimmy Fox will take on Freddy Huggins.


    Jasmine Saunders (JS): That’s going to be a fun one!


    [Roderick Remus is backstage leaning against a wall staring at his phone. He’s interupted by Jay Chord who also is looking down at his phone.]





    Jay Chord: Hey Roddy! You worked a bit with Sammy Bach a few years ago do you by chance know his address?


    Roderick Remus: Yea brah I got his info in my phone. Want me to send it to you?


    Jay Chord: That would dope.


    Roderick Remus: You’re us to something Jay. You always are!! Let me in!!!


    [Chord laughs]


    Jay Chord: I’m putting him on blast using his info on twitter to get all the plugged in Jay Chord fans to mail him nursing him pamphlets and sign him up for AARP information.


    Roderick Remus: Brilliant!! I’m going to send him some info for that Jimmy Buffet retirement home!


    (Jay fist bumps Roderick)


    Jay Chord: Legit!! But who’s Jimmy Buffett?


    Roderick Remus: The margarita singer from south park.


    Jay Chord: Oh yeaaaaaa!!! Double dope!


    [They do a double fist bump as the camera cuts back to the announce team]


    Kyle Rhodes (KR): Sammy Bach has the night off but he will be back next week and I don’t think he will be to pleased from the mail. How can you give up somebody’s personal information? So juvilinle.


    Jasmine Saunders (JS): Lighten up Rhodes, he’s just having some fun.


    Sean Doakes (SD): No fun to be had next as things are getting serious between Wolf Hawkins with Doc Hammond vs Aaron Andrews and One Man Army up after our last time out.




    [All member of the Syndicate get in the ring and celebrate.]




    Kyle Rhodes: Two steal chair shots, and five on two, isn't something to celebrate.


    Jasmine Saunders (JS): A win is a win Rhodes.


    Kyle Rhodes: This isn’t right. OH COME ON NOW!


    [Wolf and his body guard Chris Flynn pummel One Man Army before tossing him out of the ring. Doc Hammond is beating Aaron Andrews with a chair as the Elite stomp on his legs. Wolf motions for them to set up the chair and again we see the chair wrap around the ankle of Aaron Andrews. Wolf grabs a mic before climbing to the top rope. He looks out of the ring at the fallen One Man Army]


    Wolf Hawkins: One Man Army, I get it you are jealous that Doc Hammond is in the main event of Malice In Wonderland while you got nothing to do. Wellllll if you can walk in two weeks come to the ring because I got nothing to do either!!! You see, I’m a real friend, and that is why Doc Hammond is going after the title while I cheer him on. But you. Its bitterness. So let me beat that bitterness out of you and send you packing your bags back to as a fading tag team legend. I’m so giving, this Alpha Wolf, is not only cheering on my friend to win….I’m also feeding him a one legged champion.


    Kyle Rhodes: Oh no.


    [Wolf throws the mic at One Man Army before turning around and leaping in the air and landing hard on the chair locked around the ankle of the champion Aaron Andrews. I loud roar of pain is what we are left with as the screen fades to black and a rerun of Modern Family begins.]




    Networks minimum show quality rating: 71

    Show quality Rating: 73 (-1)

    Attendance: 8,636 (-)

    Highest Attendance: 8,729

    Lowest: 8,636

    Last Week’s Rating: 2.82

    This Weeks Rating: 2.82

    Highest Rated Show: 2.82

    Lowest Rated Show: 2.82

  2. TCW 20/20: Vision of Youth


    Tuesday January Week 2 2020

    from the Desk of legendary wrestling journalist BossHoss……..


    A new booker often brings panic especially one as inexperienced as Al Larcher. A week after his first booking of the hit show, ‘Total Wrestling’ on the Ace Network, things are calming down. The show, although not perfect, satisfied the network requirements and seemed to be business as usual. Aaron Andrews and the Syndicate storyline is coming to head as the crew once again beat Andrews down. Does the wildly popular world champion Aaron “The Ace” Andrews have any friends the locker room?


    With two weeks until Malice in Wonderland the following matches have been signed with more expected to come after tonight’s airing of Total Wrestling.


    Malice In Wonderland

    World Title:

    Aaron "The Ace: Andrews (champ) vs Doc Hammond

    Jay Chord vs Sammy Bach

    Dazzling Dave Diamond vs The Maverick

    As promised the youth movement has begun in TCW as Al Larcher went on a hiring spree this week. Notable in the signings is no wrestler old than 34 was hired.


    A major development did happen this week as Al Larcher may have hit his first snag as head booker and head of talent relations. Insiders are telling me that one of his key signings was to be the famed independent tag team of solid in ring worker the Ring Generals. It’s said Larcher was looking to build the tag division around them, but yet some how in the process of signing them, he split the career tag team up with Dean Waldorf signing with TCW, while longtime tag partner Marv Statler signed with Burning Hammer of the Wrestling God’s promotion in Japan.


    Its not totally clear how it happened. Word is BHOTWG’s heard that TCW was looking to sign the Ring Generals. Head promoter Natsu Miyamae is said to be a big fan of Marv Statler and was interested in bringing him in as a solo act or with his partner as the Ring Generals.


    As the timeline plays out an offer was made by TCW to both Dean and Marv on Wednesday. By Friday Dean had signed the contract with TCW. Meanwhile unbeknownst Dean BHOTWG’s offered Marv a much higher pay rate to stay in Japan. When Al Larcher found out he immediately countered the offer, but it’s said that CEO Kyle Rhodes refused to increase the wages to match BHOTWG’s offer which lead to Marv signing with BHOTWG. So, the Ring Generals are no longer as the two Canadians split to different promotions one staying in Japan while the other is coming to America. Both team member seem frustrated at what was one massive cluster of miscommunications as its believed BHOTWG would have signed Marv had he not already inked with TCW. So now Al Larcher is stuck with a talented tag worker who is missing his partner who is making a lot more money in Japan and the once great duo is no longer.


    Also signed this week the masked Chilean sensation The Aztec Prince, the already mentioned Dean Waldorf, female referee Erin Lawrence, Manger Haley Buck, indy star Sayeed Ali, two new comers out of Gentleman Gene Lamonte’s Kirkland wrestling school Andrew Rain and Clark Lorensen, Manager The Guru, and Indy wrestler Jackpot Jordan.


    I’m looking forward to the new faces of TCW and the follow up to last weeks show later tonight.

    Stay tuned.












  3. <p>Tuesday Jan Week 1 2020 TCW PRESENTS TOTAL WRESTLING.</p><p>

    -------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>

    [The show started with it’s usual package featuring todays hottest TCW wrestling stars. It than cuts to the announce team ring side with 8,729 fans cheering loudly]</p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Total-Wrestling-Annoucers-2.png" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/2Z430Gz/Total-Wrestling-Annoucers-2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sean Doakes (SD):</strong> Welcome to TEXAS. Welcome to the Ranch here in San Antonio!!! Where tonight LIVE ON ACE TV, we will see our world Champion “The Ace” Aaron Andrews in action in the main event as he puts the title on the line against Troy Tornado!! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kye Rhodes (KR):</strong> I wonder if he will, to quotes George Strait, “pull out his Ace in the Hole.” With Malice in Wonderland just three weeks away and no matches announced for that PPV….plus a new promoter here in TCW…We have a lot to get to. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jasmine Saunders (JS):</strong> We will be hearing from our new top promotor, Al Larcher later tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

    [suddenly the area is rocked as “Destroy Everything” by HateBreed starts to shake the arena’s speakers. From the back enter “The Alpha Wolf” King of Kings winner Wolf Hawkins and his crew known as the “Syndicate” his body guard Chris Flynn, followed by the tag team known the “Elite” Nate Johnson partner Eddie Chandler, and the veteran Doc Hammond. All five members are wearing suits, leather gloves, and chrome shaded Ray Bans.]</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes</strong>: What could these guys want? </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sean Doakes:</strong> Wolf won the King of Kings tournament in November giving him a main event spot of a match of his choosing at a show of his liking. He has stated multiple times he wants the world champion at the main event of our biggest show of the year Total Mayhem…but that’s not until May. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>JS:</strong> Mama always said, “wait until the moment is right before you sip your tea.” </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>KR:</strong> I always took your mama for more of the red wine kinda gal. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>JS:</strong> What’s that supposed to me? <em>(giggles) </em></p><p> </p><p>

    [The Syndicate reach the ring where Wolf Hawkins grabs a mic as the crowd jeers loudly as he adjusts his shades to reflect the shade from the locals.]</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Wolf Hawkins (WH):</strong> Happy New Year. 2020 is going to be a year to remember. Its going to be the year that the Syndicate infect TCW like an uncontrolled virus. It is the year where I PROMISE you hillbillies that all titles will belong to us. Buy a shirt now before the market spikes as availability will be limited. We are here for business, we mean business, we are the business. Because you ride with us, or you die by us, and there is ZERO middle round. </p><p> </p><p>

    [Nate Johnson grabs the microphone]</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Nate Johnson:</strong> Eddie and I are ready to take the tag team title but first we want to hand a loss to Devine Chance for running their mouths about us on Instagram. Malice in Wonderland you bitches better bring it. Hide behind your keyboards you little trolls, because we our the Elite, and the ring is where we post our responses. Losers. </p><p> </p><p>

    [Wolf takes the microphone back] </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>WH: </strong>As the King of Kings it’s know that I can request a main event. As a former world champion I more than due to take my title back from Ace Andrews when ever I want. To be honest him prancing around like he’s a real star, like he’s TCW, like he’s an actual ace is comical. I enjoy watching him make an ass of himself….like a title shot tonight against Troy Tornado.</p><p> </p><p>

    [<em>Makes spooky hands</em>]</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>WH:</strong> A 42 year old with a bad neck. Brave. Real tough. I wonder who wins tonight. SPOILER ALERT. I got my money on Ace.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes: </strong>Please folks that is a stellar main event you are not going to want to miss. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>WH: </strong>So Malice in Wonderland needs a main event? Wellllllllll…..</p><p> </p><p>

    [“Can I Kick It” by a Tribe Called Quest interrupts the Alpha Wolf. The crowd reaches a feverish pitch as out comes the back comes the “Ace” Aaron Andrews with the world title strapped tightly to his waist. He has a microphone in his hand.]</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Aaron Andrews (AA):</strong> My calendar is open Wolf. These people are sick of you talking and hiding behind your little army. I’m the world champion because I won’t back down. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>WH: </strong>Well, that and the fact I ran Rocky Golden out of here. Don’t forget “Ace” I’m a three time former champion! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>AA:</strong> Ok Wolfy how about you look at three time current champ, can you dig? Well Wolfy I hear you huffin, I head ya puffin, but what I don’t hear ya, is challenging me to a match to settle this. So Malice In Wonderland? </p><p> </p><p>

    [<em>Wolf kicks the bottom rope frustrated before his consigliere the dangerous Doc Hammond whispers something in his ear. He perks up and smiles.</em>]</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>WH:</strong> You know you think my “little” army is something to sneeze at. But WE all know, these rednecks all know, the drones watching tonight live on ACE know…I’m to good to face you. It’s to predictable. Not interesting, and besides as I said I kinda enjoy watching you walk around with false confidence and that belt around your waist. As the MAIN EVENT of TOTAL MAYHEM I’d rather have a better dance partner. Somebody who could make it interesting. Not you Andrew. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>AA:</strong> I’ll take on who ever steps up, because a real champion fights. So for once in your life hound dog be a man and step to it. Come get this gold.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>WH:</strong> Naw, I’m not feeling it. Why blow your load, when we all can enjoy a little foreplay. I want a real challenge at Mayhem.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sean Doakes (SD): </strong>WHAT IS THIS?!??!</p><p> </p><p>

    <em>[Doc Hammond grabs Wolf roughly by his dress shirt and gets right in his face.]</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Doc Hammond (DH):</strong> I can beat you Wolf!! I can destroy you!! Me and you at Total Mayhem!! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kye Rhodes (KR):</strong> Is 2020 kicking off with a break up of the syndicate??</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Wolf Hawkins (WH):</strong> What the hell are you doing?</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>DH:</strong> Going after that title. </p><p> </p><p>

    <em>[Points at Aaron Andrews who just laughs]</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>AA: </strong>You know what? Stop the community theater we all can see through this little act. If I have to go through every member of the Syndicate to get you Wolfy. I will. So Doc Hammond. Tag Team Legend. For once in your career you’re going to main event a singles match for the world title. Malice In Wonderland, you and I. Tell your kids, you mama, your sister, and your wife your moment has finally come. Now we can all watch as it passes by, and you’ll fover be remembered as a tag team specialist not good enough to be the World Champion. It’s just a fact, Doc. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jasmine Saunders (JS):</strong> Of course Doc Hammond used to go by Scout in the wildly popular tag team the New Wave who along with his partner now known as One Man Arm won the tag titles 5 times before Doc eventually turned on One Man Army. Arguably the most popular tag team ever in TCW. Also a former TV champion earlier in his career. As a side note hes also a former TV champion. </p><p> </p><p>

    <em>[Wolf shoves Doc back aggressively before smiling at him.]</em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>WH:</strong> Well that sounds fun!! THE GREAT Doc Hammond versus The ASS…I Mean ACE…A-Ron ANN-Drews. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>AA:</strong> Well now that’s settled enjoy the rest of the show as…you know…I have a title to defend. </p><p> </p><p>

    [Camera cuts back to the announce table to bring it into a commercial break]</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes (KR): </strong>ACE Is the place to be tonight as we have a main event for our PPV in just three weeks as Aaron Andrews places his title on the line against Doc Hammond. I’m sure the Syndicate has plans to ensure that they do indeed win every title in TCW in 2020. We have the Elite in action coming up after the break! </p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em><strong>SEGMENT 1 Rating: 77</strong></em></span></p><p> </p><p>

    <span></span>[/center]</p><p>[/img]</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sean Doakes (SD):</strong> Well there you have the Elite pick up an easy win here tonight. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes: </strong>Last week our parent company decided to make a change at the promoter position. Brent Hill who you know as a legend here in TCW has also been the man behind the scenes promoting and booking matches. He never really let it be known on television, as he never felt that was important. Well our new Promoter decided he wanted some camera time so here we go. A new era so to speak starts right now. You may know him from Fantasy Insiders as a writer and fantasy football guru. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jasmine Saunders (JS): </strong> Is fantasy football Guru a real thing? </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sean Doakes (SD):</strong> It is now. </p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="al-is-here.png" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/HNLyYJV/al-is-here.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

    [“All My Rowdy Friends are Coming Over” by Hank Williams Jr. starts to play. From the back wearing sweat pants and Chicago Bears jersey is the plump new Promoter of TCW Al Larcher he tries to work up the crowd but they seem rather indifferent to the new face.]</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Al Larcher: </strong>Hello TCW!! I have been given the task of bringing youth to TCW. You know in fantasy football its all about hiring players with high ADOT’s and a lot of targets. That is what I’m looking for. I have contacted some of the best talent scouts in the world to bring in new faces here to TCW. No longer will we hire anybody over 38!! Its all about youth. Energy. Excitement. Entertainment!!!!! Age is more than a number it’s a limitation!! I have also made it official DOC HAMMOND vs Aaron Andrews at Malice IN Wonderland!!! You guys are going to love it. </p><p> </p><p>

    <em>[The fans boo the promoter who keeps a happy face] </em></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Al Larcher: </strong>Thank <em>you</em> Texas!!!! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jasmine Saunders (JS): </strong> Well he certainly didn’t win the crowd over her tonight. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sean Doakes (SD):</strong> The AARP is not going to be happy about the latest news in TCW! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Let’s take a break on Ace and come back with more action as Texas native Dazzling Dave Diamond takes on the brash Roderick Remus. </p><p> </p><p>

    [Honky Tonk Heroes by Waylon Jennings plays as Dave makes his way to ring to a very excited crowd as the station cuts to a commercial.] </p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Dazzling-Dave-vs-Remus.png" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/r2TcK6c/Dazzling-Dave-vs-Remus.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Triple D with an easy W-I-N. This texas crowd loves their home grown hero. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jasmine Saunders (JS):</strong> What's not to love? Dimond's are forever, and a girls best friend. </p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="sammy-jay.png" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/6WrZd8K/sammy-jay.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

    [The camera cuts to the backstage area where the young cocky Jay Chord is doing some push ups as “Claws” by Charli XCX plays from a boom box. From out of nowhere the music stops as Sammy Bach is standing by the boombox. Jay Chord stops his pushups and pops up.]</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jay Chord:</strong> <em>Dude</em> I was listening to that. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sammy Bach:</strong> That’s my boombox and I before I went to the bathroom I was listening to my music. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jay Chord:</strong> Ugh, I hope you washed your hands. So gross. </p><p>

    Sammy Bach: I did. But that’s not the point you shouldn’t touch other peoples stuff with out asking for permission. Backstage rules, you should know better. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jay Chord: </strong> My father was Rip Chord the greatest wrestler to ever exist and you want to lecture me about backstage rules? Look man, I’m sorry Green Daze isn’t my bag. Besides didn’t you hear the new guy he’s all about OUT WITH THE OLD In With Jay Chord. Aren’t you like 45? </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sammy Bach:</strong> 41, but that’s not the point. It’s about respect.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jay Chord:</strong> K, boomer. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sammy Bach:</strong> What? </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jay Chord:</strong> I guess the hearing does go first. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sammy Bach:</strong> You're starting to piss me off. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jay Chord:</strong> It’s ok Boomer, calm down, no reason to get triggered. I’m sorry. Put back on your Pearl Snaps back on and lets forget this whole thing. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sammy Bach: </strong>Its about RESPECT. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jay Chord: </strong>What ever old timer. </p><p> </p><p>

    [Jay Chord walks away as Bach hits play on the CD player jamming out to some Pearl Jam.] </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes: </strong>Pearl Snaps? </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jasmine Saunders:</strong> Ace is the place to see Flying Jimmie Fox in action after this short time out. </p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Flying-J-move-update.png" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/3vSHgQY/Flying-J-move-update.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes: </strong>Wow what a new move by Flying Jimmy Fox as he picks a win up tonight!! </p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Flyin-inter-net-buzz.png" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/qBb998c/Flyin-inter-net-buzz.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes: </strong>Sean Doakes is standing backstage with the Warrior known as Maverick. </p><p> </p><p>

    [Camera cuts backstage]</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sean Doakes:</strong> What is on deck for Maverick in 2020? </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Maverick:</strong> Titles, WAR, PAIN. I will make it rain blood from the heavens to the unknown faces of modern man. I will rage like a tornado on a west Texas flat. I will vibe like the strings of Lightin Hopkins guitar. I will BRING DESTRUCTION. I WILL DESTORY WHO EVER STANDS IN MY WAY.</p><p> </p><p>

    [Dazzling Dave Diamond hears this gibberish and gets in Mavericks face.]</p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="Dave-meets-maverick.png" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/Bz4xkzt/Dave-meets-maverick.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Dazzling Dave Dimond:</strong> Diamonds like duct tape, fixes everything. Hoss, I don’t know what the hell your rambling about but at Malice In Wonderland I need to kick the shit out of someone. How about a loudmouth Maverick with bad face paint? </p><p> </p><p>


    [Maverick storms off as Dazzling Dave shrugs his shoulders at Sean Doakes.]</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sean Doakes:</strong> Seems like we have another fight at Malice!! Call your cable company now! </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> That is going to be a fight for sure. What is this now? </p><p> </p><p>

    [Jay Chord walks over and sits down at Sean Doakes empty chair.]</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jay Chord: </strong>Hi Kyle. Hey Jasmine. Seems like you guys had an empty chair and I wanted to get a close up of the old man heading to the ring Sammy Bach. He is a rocker you know. Like Mick Jagger. This guy is so old, I think the new booker guy really needs to let him go. He’s not woke to the modern millennial. As a matter of fact if he won’t, I will, as the old man needs to learn to listen to the youth. My new passion project is to get rid of all the old white males cluttering up this roster. They need to understand things change. To let go of the past. So at Malice In Wonderland it’s my music that will play at the end of the match. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Sammy Bach is one of the most respect wrestlers in the world I’m not sure you’re ready to step up to him? </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jay Chord: </strong>You are a boomer aren’t you Rhodes? MAGA right old man? </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> I do not talk politics here. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jay Chord:</strong> Interesting. Why don’t you fax me your grievances? I don’t need you to old mansplin wrestling to me. Now please let us focus on the match, this relic could break a hip!! Marc Speed has like a decade on old man Bach. Speed is a submission expert too! Pay Attention!! Are you taking notes Rhodes? </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Please. </p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="bach-match.png" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/S7jZR6C/bach-match.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jay Chord:</strong> I see that bore Sean Doakes coming back, I’m going C-U-LA-8-Ter!! Chord Out. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes: </strong>Bach is looking over here at Chord I have a feeling that is why he’s splitting. Sean it is good to have you back. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jasmine Saunders:</strong> I kinda liked Jay here. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> You would. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sean Doakes:</strong> Stay tuned up next our Main Event as Aaron Andrews faces Troy Tornado. </p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>%5Bimg%5Dhttps%3A//i.ibb.co/gS9Hxfn/Main-event.png</span>[/img]</div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

    [“Can I Kick It” by Tribe Called quest plays for a moment as Aaron Andrews Celebrates with the title. A moment later Wolf Hawkins jumps him and starts beating him down with the help of Doc Hammond and Chris Flynn.]</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sean Doakes:</strong> He just hit him like a metaphor. A metaphor for an atomic bomb. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Kyle Rhodes:</strong> Somebody needs to stop this. Can we get some help out here? </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jasmine Saunders:</strong> This is to much, Aaron Andrews is now bleeding from his forehead. </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Sean Doakes:</strong> Here comes security, we are out of time, we will see you next week right here on ACE. Oh come on now… </p><p> </p><p>

    [Wolf holds up the world title before placing it on Doc Hammonds shoulder as the Syndicate stand over the fallen body of Aaron Andrews holding up their hands in victory as the show fades on the champ’s bloody face.] </p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>%5Bimg%5Dhttps%3A//i.ibb.co/rQj2LKK/beat-down-close.png</span>[/img]<p>

    <img alt="show-over-view.png" data-src="https://i.ibb.co/d0BbFwv/show-over-view.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p>

    <span>%5Bimg%5Dhttps%3A//i.ibb.co/r6Zc58M/ratings.png</span>[/img]</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

    </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Networks minimum show quality rating: 71</strong></p><p><strong>

    Show quality Rating: 74</strong></p><p><strong>

    Attendance: 8,729 </strong></p><p><strong>

    Highest Attendance: 8,729</strong></p><p><strong>

    Lowest: 8,729</strong></p><p><strong>

    Last Week’s Rating: Unknown</strong></p><p><strong>

    This Weeks Rating: 2.82</strong></p><p><strong>

    Highest Rated Show: 2.82</strong></p><p><strong>

    Lowest Rated Show: 2.82</strong></p></div><p></p>

  4. 1/1/2020

    from the Desk of legendary wrestling journalist BossHoss……..


    The ball dropped in time square, the drunkards drank, and the people cheered. 2019 came to an end as did the legacy of Brent Hill as TCW’s head booker. The move was quick, and done with no fanfare with TCW dropping a small press release mentioning the demotion hoping most people missed it through their blood shot eyes and hangover headaches. A quick glimpse of the TCW corporate website has unceremoniously removed the name Brent Hill from it’s records, and has replaced him with Al Larcher.





    According to the pithy presser Brent Hill was relieved of his booking duties but will stay on as a road agent and consultant. This was not a move made by the CEO and on-screen color commentator Kyle Rhodes, who instilled Hill in the head booking position when he was appointed CEO by the parent BriCo corporation in 2015. This was a call made from the higher ups in BriCo although nobody in TCW seems all to upset about the move as a feeling of change has been in the air. Brent Hill is said to be relieved to not be burdened by the book’s weight any longer and is happy to just back being one of the boys.


    History should be fairly kind to Brent Hill as he did a decent job maintaining the company's slowly sinking ship, patching what he could with the crew he had; but make no mistake about it TCW hasn’t “gained traction” in the years Hill had the book. After losing wrestling's top star Rocky Golden to the number two company SWF in 2018 after a massive bidding war, things have only gotten worse. The bookings have not been bad, per say, as the company has remained profitable, but there always lingers the question of can things get better? Now maybe we will have answers.




    So who is Al Larcher, and what do we know about TCW’s head booker? Not a lot. A wrestling podcaster who made a fortune as a DraftKings guru and has worked a few Indy shows as a manager. He tends to play a Weasley big mouth who uses his talent to get him out of trouble. What we do know from his podcast is he also runs BriCo’s chairman son Casey Grahams’ fantasy football team the Kirkland Murder Hornets. Many insiders feel that the job fell to Larcher simply because of this relationship and his podcast views on bringing a “Youth Movement” to TCW.


    Needless to say, Larcher’s popularity in the locker room is going to be question one. Word is he is already feverishly working in the office, and we should expect his vision starting as soon as tomorrow’s airing of Tuesday Night Total Wrestling. Are we in store for another know it all wrestling outsider over booking himself on TV, or will he play more of a behind the scenes role? All I know is I’ll be watching, and the Hoss of Boss will deliver the news come tomorrow nights show.

  5. I just want to give credit where credit is due. I like the concept of this game and loved the demo when I DLed it as soon as it came out. However I was thinking about buy the game the other night and it was the idea of the DOTT that made me buy the game. I've played it for about three days now and all I can say is great job. All your hard work is very much appreciated.






    Dr. Death's march to the WWF world title.

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