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Posts posted by Lostwolfnesbit

  1. Let's say I got a wrestler with 58 psychology, I noticed that it takes 10 matches to get him one point in psychology.  I tend to have them wrestle a variety of opponents. My question is, if I put him in a feud with someone of around 80+ psychology, and had him wrestle only that guy, would his psychology go up faster? What does the difference between psychologies need to be to make the psychology go up faster? Or does it matter at all? Does it only go up .1 regardless of his opponent's psychology?

  2. Let's say I got a wrestler with 58 psychology, I noticed that it takes 10 matches to get him one point in psychology.  I tend to have them wrestle a variety of opponents. My question is, if I put him in a feud with someone of around 80+ psychology, and had him wrestle only that guy, would his psychology go up faster? What does the difference between psychologies need to be to make the psychology go up faster? Or does it matter at all? Does it only go up .1 regardless of his opponent's psychology?

  3. On 10/9/2022 at 8:27 AM, DarkAge said:

    I've always played as bigger promotions but I wanted to mess around with starting out with a new promotion that had zero pop. I haven't done this yet so I wanted to spend the first two years experimenting so I gave myself a bunch of money and a broadcaster that was the biggest level everywhere. After a month of having zero pop and running two shows a week and a ppv, all of which had a 46-60 rating, I have a grand total of 0 pop still. I've never paid that much attention to the company pop and how fast it raises of falls but I'd assume after a month that I'd see some kind of change. Can someone explain what's going on? Does it take longer for pop start to accumulate or is there something else that I don't know about?

    It takes 5 shows to get to 1 pop in the beginning. Don't know if it goes faster after you get to a certain level, unfortunately I end up not liking something and starting over all the time, but it took me 15 shows to get to 3 pop. Don't think you can't actually get pop any faster either at the beginning.

  4. The best I have ever done on gaining popularity for an insignificant company show is .2% (please notice the decimal in front of the 2). So going by that, starting at 0% popularity, it would take roughly 8 years to gain enough popularity running one show a month to get to tiny. Is there a faster way? Considering that running more than one show a month would likely lose me money.  Any tips on how to raise my popularity faster?

  5. Can you change a wrestler's personality? Like if I punish a negative worker when he does things he shouldn't, as long as the punishments have positive outcomes, is it possible for a negative worker to become a positive worker, essentially getting rid of their negative trait, like bully for example and having them gain a positive trait instead? And vice versa for that matter, coddling a worker even when they do bad things, would they gain a negative trait?


  6. I bought the TEW10 game, the demo worked fine, but as soon as I installed the e-license the game wouldn't launch and I couldn't figure it out for the longest time. Then I looked up my anti virus program and why the e-license wouldn't work with it on google. Anyway, I use Zone Alarm and when my wife installed the program she also installed the tool bar that came with it. I discovered that the tool bar was blocking the e-license. I don't need the tool bar so I uninstalled it and now my game works fine. So maybe your anti-virus program has a tool bar that's blocking the e-license, look in your control panel, uninstall programs and look for your anti-virus program name and see if there's a tool bar there too. If so, uninstall the tool bar and see if that helps.


    I hope this helps others out there, also if I posted this in the wrong place, I apologize. It just seemed like the right place to do it since anyone having the same problem with any Greydog game should be able to use the same solution.

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