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Posts posted by Mootinie

  1. TNA iMPACT! #10 - Wednesday, Week 2, April 2004




    TNA iMPACT! #10

    Wednesday, Week 2, April 2004

    Live from Americraft Expo Center on ESPN

    Attendance: 4,916


    Announce Team: Mike Tenay & Don West


    Timeline | Roster | Champions | Alliances




    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    As Mike Tenay and Don West welcome us to the show, the imposing
    Mike Awesome
    makes his way down to the ring for the opening match. Behind him,
    Don Callis
    emerges from the tunnel, using his arms to direct attention towards the man he’s seconding.





    ”Of course it was that snake that brought Mike Awesome into TNA…”



    ”Is he in Team Jarrett?! Can you imagine what he and Jeff Jarrett could do around here Mike!”




    Once in the ring together, Awesome raises both his arms to the hard camera in an impressive display of his muscular physique with Callis again pointing to his client, laughing and smirking before telling a nearby ringside camera that D’Lo Brown is about to get snapped in half like a twig.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Singles Match

    D’Lo Brown vs. Mike Awesome (w/ Don Callis)



    Not put off by the presence of the ‘Consultant’ at ringside, D’Lo starts well here. Getting the better of an exchange of punches before hitting a Dropkick that has Awesome taking evasive action outside, D’Lo comes off the top turnbuckle with a body press to flatten Awesome by the entrance ramp.


    Back in the ring and Callis’s presence does have an impact now, jumping onto the apron to ask referee Rudy Charles why he allowed D’Lo to climb to the top without executing his customary five count. D’Lo remembers how he lost his NWA Championship title shot back in January and tries to make sure Callis plays no part in distracting the referee from paying attention to this match. Unfortunately, he turns around into a brutal Lariato with the imposing Awesome wasting no time at all in seeing this home courtesy of the Awesome Bomb.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">

    A professional and efficient victory on debut for Mike Awesome, making relatively short work of D’Lo, no slouch by any stretch of the imagination. Meanwhile, Mike Tenay and Don West throw us to the locker room...




    Where we’re catching up with
    Savio Vega
    , who is introduced to iMPACT viewers as their new NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion after dethroning Scoot Andrews on Xplosion on Friday. He’s proven he can win championship gold here in TNA Wrestling, he can beat anybody with his Senton Bomb. But that was yesterday and they’re looking forward to tomorrow, with particular attention fixated on tonight’s main event.


    “Christopher Daniels or Bryan Danielson, whichever one of you poor suckers wins, you’ve got a date with La Chicano at Caribbean Combat!”







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Trios Match

    BG James, Ron Killings & Dustin Rhodes vs. The Gathering (Abyss, CM Punk & Julio Dinero)



    BG starts us off and Mitchell sends Dinero at him, the latter receiving a good beating with the Shake, Rattle and Roll before James attempts his Pumphandle Slam. Fortunately for The Gathering’s first son, Punk is on hand to help him escape out the back door. The pattern is the same with Killings tags in, his Leg Lariat decking Punk for a near fall before Abyss stops his momentum dead with a Big Boot. Between the numbers game they run and James Mitchell calling the plays, The Gathering retain the upper hand. Finally, when Killings does break away from their grasp, he claws and reaches to tag in the fresh man…





    ”What is Dustin doing oh I can’t believe this!”



    ”Dustin Rhodes just dropped down off the apron and now he’s heading to the back...”




    With ‘The Natural’ leaving before seeing any action, all The Kru can do is carry on three versus two. Killings is forced to tag in James, who rallies as best he can but once Abyss puts his partner out of commission with the Black Hole Slam, there’s little that BG can do to beat the odds stacked against him and Punk picks up the W after the Devil Lock DDT.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">

    As The Gathering stand tall, Mike Tenay hopes that somebody can catch a word with Dustin Rhodes in the near future and find out why he left his tag team partners high and dry out there. But attention quickly turns to the Commissioner’s office...






    Roddy Piper
    is not pleased with the concessions he’s had to make in order to ensure Caribbean Combat can go ahead with no interruptions from Savio Vega and the IWA. He complains to his assistant
    Kim Nielsen
    , who acknowledges that words are being said but you could dispute whether she’s actually listening.


    ”I had matches planned but now we have to put on different matches. Great matches but we could lose one of our titles to a wrestler that technically doesn’t even work here!”


    Kim gives up on lending him an ear and reminds ‘Hot Rod’ of who he is. He’s Rowdy Roddy Piper! He should be leading his troops into battle, at the front of the charge, not moaning about having to change plans.








    Whether she’s right or not,
    Jeff Jarrett
    storms in, demanding that he be given another match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.


    He insists that the referee should have disqualified Sting for laying his hands on Don Callis, a man that was just at ringside to observe proceedings. How can the Commissioner stand idly by and let this chaos happen on his watch?


    Piper accepts that yes, Jarrett should be in a title match at the next PPV... - a title match defending his NWA Championship that is!


    IWA have put forward the formidable and talented Ray Gonzalez to vy for Jarrett’s title and after everything he’s said about being the founder of TNA and the 'Chosen One' around here, he best make sure he’s not the one to lose one of our Championships to another wrestling promotion.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Singles Match

    AJ Styles vs. Kid Kash (w/ Elix Skipper)



    A rematch from the very first match we saw on iMPACT and every bit as fast-paced and exciting. Kash attempts the Air Raid Crash early on but this time Styles is wiser to it, slipping out the back door into a Sunset Flip roll-up for a close near fall. Kash proves that he too has learned from their last match. Having scouted the Phenomenon DDT, Kash waits for the contact but turns the facelock against AJ, hoisting him up and planting him with a Brainbuster for a close near fall of his own.






    It’s at this point that we see
    Elix Skipper
    pace down the entrance ramp.


    Cheering on and encouraging Kid Kash, Skipper watches his pick go for the Money Maker but AJ counters it into a Hurricanrana pin only for Kash to use his momentum against him, bringing AJ into a Sunset Flip roll-up for two and seven eighths!


    Trying to follow up, Kash unfortunately finds only canvas with the Bank Roll, AJ having sidestepped the Corkscrew Senton at the last possible moment. With Kash down face and stomach first against the canvas, AJ sinks his hooks in and brings Kash up into the Styles Clash position before planting him for the pinfall victory.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">

    The winning streak rolls on for ‘The Phenomenal’ AJ Styles but Don West noticed that Elix Skipper looked far from impressed at ringside. As the ring clears, the sound of a lead break and some frantic drums preludes the entrance of the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. But he’s not coming down the entrance ramp...








    emerges from a side door opposite the hard camera and makes his way through the crowd!


    Down the steps he descends, sporting his signature black trenchcoat and grasping his championship in his right hand. Once in the ring, JB hands the Stinger a microphone and he starts by calling out Mike Awesome for his assault last week. He had to come down after the match didn’t he? Well why doesn’t he face ‘The Icon’ right now? Now he’s the fresh man with no cramped muscles and no achy joints!


    Silence. That’s exactly what Sting thought. But he’s a fighting Champion and he knows that he now has a target on his back. Everybody will be gunning for the Stinger but they best brace themselves, take a deep breath and clutch that trigger carefully because when you shoot for the man around here you better not miss.


    ”If Mike Awesome wants a shot, I’ll come to his home. That’s right Michael, I’ll see you in Puerto Rico, I’ll see you at Caribbean Combat! And we’ll see what kind of big shot you are when I’m at 100% and ready for showtime!”







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    TNA X-Division Championship

    Christopher Daniels © vs. Bryan Danielson



    Mike Tenay explains that Danielson was awarded a title shot by Commissioner Piper for finishing as the runner-up in the Gold Rush battle royal. Whether the ‘Fallen Angel’ likes that decision or not, his challenger is a game one and despite this being an X-Division encounter it does start more scientific and grounded. Danielson gets the better on the mat, transitioning out of the chain wrestling into a Crossface. Ever the ring general, Daniels is able to rotate his body and grasp the bottom rope with his right foot to force a break.


    From here on out, the action becomes increasingly high impact. Daniels hits his signature STO and follows up with an Arabian Press for the first two count. Danielson responds with a Bridging Fisherman’s Suplex, following up with a Rear Naked Sleeper Hold but the Champion manages to bridge backwards and Danielson has to relinquish his grip to stop himself being pinned to the canvas. Daniels catches the Challenger burning day light on the top rope, hitting Fall From Grace but the ‘American Dragon’ lives up to his name with a Bridging Dragon Suplex and was just half a count away from dethroning the Champion before he managed to kick a shoulder up.


    The culmination sees Danielson hitting a Tiger Suplex but C.D. fights mightily to avoid being locked in the Cattle Mutilation, rotating himself to stop his left arm from being hooked. AmDrag rushes in only to catch the full force of an Enzuigiri before this fantastic contest is drawn to a close after the Angel’s Wings and the Best Moonsault Ever. The final image of iMPACT #10 is of Christopher Daniels insisting that referee Slick Johnson puts his TNA X-Division Championship title belt around his waist and celebrating as we spot Bryan Danielson hunched in the corner, observing this aftermath with a thousand yard stare.







    TV Rating

    0.79 (592,632 viewers)


    Final Show Rating



    <div style="border: 2px solid #000000; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">

    Prediction Contest Results

    Blodyxe: 5

    Rampaaage: 4

    Kanegan: 4

    DHK1989: 4

    TheBigBad1013: 3

    RKOwnage: 3

    Satyr24: 3

    The Pitbull: 3

    GooverDan: 3

    Crackerjack: 2




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    D’Lo Brown vs. Mike Awesome

    Comments: Poor D'Lo is getting squashed here :(

    I would love to use him more and push him stronger, but he prioritises AJPW over me and he's often unavailable. :(

    Comments: Picking against CM Punk did not help me at all.

    For a bonus point, predict the finish: Uhm, Dustin Rhodes low blows BG James and leaves. I dunno

    Not quite a low blow but I'll give you the bonus point for calling Dustin turning on his team. Good call :)

    BG James, Ron Killings & Dustin Rhodes vs. The Gathering (Abyss, CM Punk & Julio Dinero)

    Comments: There could be a turn on the face side - maybe Dustin joins The Gathering, but my money's on Raven getting involved somehow.

    For a bonus point, predict the finish: Raven screws The Gathering.

    You were wrong on this storyline again ;):D

    TNA X-Division Championship

    Christopher Daniels © vs. Bryan Danielson

    Comments: Time Limit or no contest, something. Bryan only lost to AJ if i remember correctly. This has to be the build to a bigger match .

    There's definitely some strong logic in your thinking here. Like Daniels, Bryan prioritises NJPW over TNA and is often unavailable. I'm happy to work around that for the X-Division champion but it's difficult keeping others in your plans when you might not have them for weeks.

  2. Jeff Jarrett vs. Dustin Rhodes

    I just don't see Rhodes getting his win back here.


    TNA X-Division Championship

    Michael Shane © vs. Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles

    This should be the main event if we're being honest about it. I see Daniels pinning Shane to set him on a collision course with AJ.


    No Disqualification Match

    Abyss vs. Raven

    I like Abyss I really do, but I'm not convinced he's ready for a victory of this magnitude.


    America's Most Wanted vs. XXX (Elix Skipper and Low-Ki)

    I figure that 3LK need contenders and AMW shouldn't be too hurt by losing here.


    Legend vs. D'Lo Brown

    The only match I am actually 100% sure about on this card. :p It's probably this one I'll get wrong!


    Bonus Question: Who is the "special guest" who has been invited to Impact? It's me, it's me, it's DDP :D

  3. TNA Xplosion & iMPACT #10 PREVIEW!




    TNA Xplosion!

    Friday, Week 1, April 2004

    Taped before iMPACT! at Allen Arena


    Announce Team: Scott Hudson & Jeremy Borash


    Timeline | Roster | Champions | Alliances




    Kenny King vs. Elix Skipper

    After defeat on Saturday in the X-Division title Three Way Shootout and on Wednesday against the returning Amazing Red, Skipper was keen to get back to winning ways. He didn’t have too much difficulty here, shutting down King’s springboarding move by leaping to the top rope from a standing position to hit a Hurricanrana. After New School, the Play of the Day locked this one down for ‘Primetime’.




    <div style="border: 2px solid #da251c; max-width:100%;background: #000000;"></div>


    The Sandman vs. Fred Sampson

    This is the first time we’ve seen Sandman in quite some time. Even
    Shark Boy
    is surprised to see him, he comes down to ringside and is most perplexed and curious about the ECW alumni. He obliges when asked to pass the kendo stick, which Sandman uses for the White Russian Legsweep to pick up the W.




    <div style="border: 2px solid #da251c; max-width:100%;background: #000000;"></div>




    NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship

    Scoot Andrews © vs. Chicano

    Coming to us from IWA, Chicano turns this into a fight and bests Scoot in a slugfest early on. Once Andrews tries to out-wrestle his opponent, he does catch him with a Tilt-a-Whirl Facebuster but it unfortunately isn’t enough to capture the victory. He tries to follow up with the Rolling Cutter but Chicano swivels out, dropping him with a Urinage before capturing the title with a Senton Bomb.




    <div style="border: 2px solid #da251c; max-width:100%;background: #000000;"></div>


    In the dressing room,
    Kid Kash
    Elix Skipper
    and offers his commiserations on his last two defeats. He sympathises with ‘Primetime’, he feels all he does recently is help others and receive nothing in return. Maybe it’s time the two of them started helping themselves?


    Elix says he’s not sure about alliances right now, Triple X has kinda turned him off the whole deal. But he might come to ringside on Wednesday when Kash gets his iMPACT rematch against AJ Styles.




    <div style="border: 2px solid #da251c; max-width:100%;background: #000000;"></div>


    Danny Doring & Roadkill vs. Joe E. Legend & Kenny Omega

    Scott D’Amore
    is ringside again for the Canadian duo and although Roadkill gets going with the Barn Burner on Omega, D’Amore grabs his ankle when he runs the ropes and he falls into a Cutter from Legend. The Canadians take full advantage from here, Legend hitting a Roaring Elbow into Omega’s Dragon Suplex for the pinfall victory.




    <div style="border: 2px solid #da251c; max-width:100%;background: #000000;"></div>


    After the match,
    Scott D’Amore
    runs off with
    and they celebrate together. On commentary, Scott Hudson and Jeremy Borash question what this development could mean for TNA Wrestling and their relationship with BCW.




    <div style="border: 2px solid #da251c; max-width:100%;background: #000000;"></div>


    C.W. Anderson vs. Abyss (w/ James Mitchell)

    Hudson explains that C.W. felt compelled to fight for Raven’s honour against the newest child of The Gathering. His heart was in the right place but he barely lays a glove on ‘The Monster’ here and Abyss puts him away definitively with the Black Home Slam.




    <div style="border: 2px solid #da251c; max-width:100%;background: #000000;"></div>


    TV Rating

    0.04 (33,892 viewers)


    Final Show Rating









    TNA iMPACT! #10 Preview


    Wednesday, Week 2, April 2004


    The road to Caribbean Combat goes through the Americraft Expo Center with the X-Division taking center stage in our bumper main event, ‘Fallen Angel’ Christopher Daniels defending his Championship against the ‘American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson. Savio Vega has said he’ll be on hand to address that particular Championship, with word circulating that he’ll announce the IWA’s challenger for the Division that has so far defined TNA Wrestling in the eyes of many fans.


    Elsewhere, we mark iMPACT! #10 with a rematch from iMPACT! #1 when AJ Styles meets Kid Kash and Dustin Rhodes will make his debut, evening up the numbers for The Kru against The Gathering. The imposing, impressive Mike Awesome will look to follow up on his shocking debut last week by putting down D’Lo Brown and sending another message to the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, ‘The Icon’ Sting.


    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">

    TNA iMPACT! #10 Quick Picks


    D’Lo Brown vs. Mike Awesome



    BG James, Ron Killings & Dustin Rhodes vs. The Gathering (Abyss, CM Punk & Julio Dinero)


    For a bonus point, predict the finish:


    AJ Styles vs. Kid Kash



    TNA X-Division Championship

    Christopher Daniels © vs. Bryan Danielson



  4. Great show! Interested to see where the Savio/IWA stuff goes. And the debut at the end is a shock - just when I thought Sting didn't have any challengers, here's a really interesting one.

    Cheers buddy. I wanted to use the IWA working agreement and since Dutch has worked plenty in Puerto Rico it just made sense that we would tap up that market. I've been itching to get away from the South East and grow my popularity in other regions, hopefully Caribbean Combat is just the beginning of that.


    Strong show. The main event had the right outcome in my opinion. Siaki shouldn't be beating Sting at this point, but like I've said before, really looking forward to seeing what you do with Siaki. Mike Awesome is a cool surprise. I'm a little surprised that you are shooting him straight to the top of the card, but it was a hell of a strong debut and I like it. Oh and I IWA stuff is an interesting wrinkle in things as well.

    Thank you! As you well know, Siaki isn't quite the finished article in terms of his talent between the ropes but that charisma and star quality is an asset. I happened upon a period where Ekmo was going to be gone for a few weeks so it seemed like the perfect time to give Siaki a bit of the spotlight. I'm happy with how it all turned but I do wish he had benefited more overness wise. Might just have to use the editor and give him a little cheeky bump. :p





    *metal hands*

    One of the all time great wrestling themes, no doubt about it. :D


    MIKE FREAKIN' AWESOME! I was not expecting that, what a great show, I wonder how this is gonna turn out in the next PPV. Keep doing the good work, mate.

    Thank you! Much appreciate the kind words, thank you for reading and following along. :)


    Legit, Mike Awesome over the last couple of months has become one of my all-time favourites. I liked him when he was with us, and the Tanaka matches are legendary. So having him be highlighted here in such a way warms my heart. Great dynasty.

    Thank you for the kind words and following along. I agree about him and Tanaka, the match they had at One Night Stand 2005 is one of my all time favourites. I do feel sad about how he was used in WCW, I think it was ill timed more than anything. Scott Steiner was being pushed as a killer and you can't exactly push two guys in that spot so Awesome was sidelined. He still had a brilliant match with Lance Storm, I love their Canadian Rules match. :D I'm grateful to bring him in with a prominent spot where his strengths can be maximised and I think he'll have a good place within my TNA going forward.


    As a personal aside, I just wanted to say thank you to everybody reading, commenting and predicting. We reached 10 predictions on the last show which was something I never thought I would reach when I started and I noticed that 3 people were kind enough to vote for this diary in May's DOTM poll. The support is appreciated. Xplosion and the predictions for the next Impact are coming tomorrow.

  5. TNA iMPACT! #9 - Wednesday, Week 1, April 2004




    TNA iMPACT! #9

    Wednesday, Week 1, April 2004

    Live from Allen Arena on ESPN

    Attendance: 5,028


    Announce Team: Mike Tenay & Don West


    Timeline | Roster | Champions | Alliances




    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Singles Match

    Chris Sabin vs. Samoa Joe



    Mike Tenay introduces Samoa Joe as a former UPW Heavyweight Champion and brings up that for a year, he dominated Ring of Honor as their World Heavyweight Champion. Considering TNA crowned its first on Saturday, could Joe fast track himself into contention for our World Heavyweight Championship?


    Any question of stage fright under the bright lights of 5,000+ in attendance are put to bed here in a relatively dominant display of striking prowess and a remarkable proclivity for inflicting punishment on another man. Sabin has his moments, though they are fleeting at best, an Enzuigiri staggering Joe enough for Sabin to springboard off the second rope into a Tornado DDT. However, Joe’s signature Urinage deflates any notion that there’s a comeback on the cards here and it’s all she wrote after the Back Elbow-Enzuigiri combo in the corner followed by the Muscle Buster.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">

    As Mike Tenay and Don West remind us of AJ Styles and America’s Most Wanted picking up a victory in the trios match at Genesis to transition into our next match, suddenly a man jumps over the security railing, hops in the ring and demands the microphone from JB.








    ”Hey yo so you just thought you could come into our territory, hold your little show and my promotion, the IWA, would just stand to one side?”


    It’s none other than
    Savio Vega
    and he orders Commissioner Piper to come down to the ring right now because there’s no way he’s letting TNA Wrestling come into his backyard without a little negotiating first!





    ”Here comes ‘Hot Rod’ and I don’t think he’s used to other men making demands of him...”






    Roddy Piper
    tells Savio that he doesn’t have time for a whole lot of talk and asks him what he wants. Fortunately for him, Savio is far from a verbose speaker himself and says that he will stand aside provided his IWA guys get a crack at title belts and an opportunity to show they belong in TNA Wrestling. He thinks a little interpromotional warfare is best for business and Piper agrees.


    ”Bring your best guys and let’s have us some REAL Caribbean Combat!”







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">





    NWA World Tag Team Championship

    The New Franchise (Shane Douglas & Michael Shane w/ Monty Brown) © vs. America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm)



    With Savio having taken his place back at ringside now his demands have been satisfied, we go to the next match as Mike Tenay brings up Banderas & Apolo, Bison Smith & Jablonski and Thunder & Lightning, three teams from IWA that could make serious claims to face the winners of this match. For the vast majority of this contest it looks as though Douglas & Shane have picked the worst possible night to have a day off and AMW are much the superior team, working together in quick tag exchanges and using their experience to their advantage.


    It does seem as though The New Franchise have been dodging them but they are bailed out when the ‘Alpha Male’ Monty Brown rolls under the bottom rope and takes down James Storm with the POUNCE!, leaving referee Andrew Thomas no choice but to call for the disqualification, a lucky escape courtesy of the “insurance policy”.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">

    As our commentary team laments what could have been if not for Monty Brown, we jump to the
    Team Jarrett
    locker room.







    There is an inquest going on over Genesis. All things told, it was an awful night for the alliance. Jeff Jarrett asks why nobody was on hand when Callis called for help, he could be TNA World Heavyweight Champion right now if not for them. Glenn Gilbertti is the only one to talk, bringing up their tag team defeat earlier in the night but Jarrett tells him he doesn’t care about that “little piss ant” Simon Diamond nor that “face painted oddball” Jeff Hardy.


    ”The only thing about Team Jarrett that matters is Jeff Jarrett, you all seem to have forgotten that.”


    Gilbertti agrees with Jarrett’s lecture and apologises but he’s the only one to do so, the rest of the group remain eerily and suspiciously quiet. Trying to save the situation and defuse the tension, Don Callis tells Double J that he’s got their legal team going over the match contract with a fine-toothed comb, there might be time yet to see if he has grounds for a rematch!







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Singles Match

    The Amazing Red vs. Elix Skipper



    Despite a long lay off with an injury and a formidable test straight out the gate, Red skips no beats early on here, landing on his feet out of an attempted hip toss and an attempted German Suplex. He kicks out Skipper’s leg and hits a Standing Shooting Star Press, all in the same motion, classic Amazing Red with the Red Star Press.


    ‘Primetime’ does assert his size advantage, close to 50lbs according to Mike Tenay, letting the blood rush to Red’s head before dropping him with a Brainbuster for a close two. But just as Skipper seems to believe he’s got this one closed down, he ducks his head to set up the Kryptonite Krunch only to get caught with the Code Red! Try as he might, after Red’s repeated kicks to the head throughout the match, Skipper is too disoriented to get his shoulder up before the three.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">

    Returning from a commercial break, we find The Gathering already in the ring...




    Father Mitchell
    says they welcomed
    ‘The Monster’ Abyss
    into their brotherhood on Saturday. It was their master plan all along. Raven thought he was getting the better of them when he cracked
    Julio Dinero’s
    skull in the parking lot. He thought he was getting the better of them when he pinned Julio Dinero in the middle of the ring and watched them walk away.


    But instead he was being lured into a false sense of security...


    ”I knew Raven had taken this personally enough that he would call for the rules to be relaxed and when he did, he played right into my hand. I held him like a little bug and I squeeeeeezed the life out of him. Quote the Gathering, nevermore.”




    Instead of the music for the group hitting, the song “Beware” plays over the P.A. and that brings out
    BG James
    Ron Killings...




    They sorted out their issue between one another on Saturday and now they have a new problem. Cults. That’s all The Gathering are, impressionable men who have fallen for James Mitchell’s persuasive poison. BG knows how this works, they have to take them down now before they grow too strong.


    Mitchell challenges them to come to the ring. Three versus two, he likes those odds. But Ron Killings isn’t falling for that, they’ll fight them next week and it won’t be no handicap scenario - because Dustin Rhodes will be here to back them up and this cult is gonna get GOT!







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    TNA World Heavyweight Championship

    Sting © vs. Sonny Siaki



    Explaining why this match is happening so soon after Siaki won Gold Rush, Don West postulates that perhaps the thinking is that Sting will be feeling the effects of his match on Saturday and the fresher, younger Samoan can take full advantage of that. He aims to brawl and beat ‘The Icon’ down, hitting him with an authoritative clothesline before a Belly to Belly, a Pumphandle Suplex and the Samoan Pop, his signature Scoop Slam into a Cutter. But the Stinger has resilience in spades, turning the tables on a Superplex to flatten Siaki on his chest before diving off the top with a Flying Scorpion!


    From here, Sting plays the greatest hits and Siaki senses this one is slipping away from his grasp. He rushes into the Siakalypse Now but the Stinger escapes from the Pumphandle position out the back door, hooking Siaki from behind immediately and snapping him to the canvas with the Scorpion Death Drop in one smooth motion. Shortly thereafter, the Scorpion Deathlock is applied and Siaki decides to fight another day.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">



    A strong effort from Siaki in his first iMPACT main event but ‘The Icon’ just had too much for him. This isn’t the Stinger’s first rodeo, this man’s body has miles on it and he’s used to weathering storms and bouncing back inside that squared circle. As Andrew Thomas raises
    hand and the customary celebration begins, the lights dim slightly and the big screen shuts down altogether. This catches the Champion’s attention but a graphic flashes up and prepares him for his next obstacle...




















    Clad in blue jeans but topless, the impressive
    Mike Awesome
    emerges from behind the entrance tunnel and makes a beeline for the ring. He and Sting exchange a flurry of right hands, neither man conceding any ground before the Champion rebounds off the ropes. Whatever he was looking to do we’ll never know because Awesome catches him coming back to center with an authoritative Lariatooo!


    With a handful of hair, Awesome brings Sting back up, hoisting him over his head in a display of raw power before planting him on the canvas with the Awesome Bomb. With his back surely in pieces after that impact, Sting writhes and grimaces in pain. But his night isn’t over yet because Mike Awesome ascends to the top turnbuckle and comes off with the Awesome Splash, planting all his body weight down on the Stinger’s ribs.


    Facing the hard camera, Awesome raises his fist in cool poise, standing over ‘The Icon’ as we fade to black.







    TV Rating

    0.76 (575,865 viewers)


    Final Show Rating



    <div style="border: 2px solid #000000; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">

    Prediction Contest Results


    Kijar: 4

    DHK1989: 3

    Rampaaage: 3

    Satyr24: 3

    TheBigBad1013: 3

    Crackerjack: 3

    Blodyxe: 3

    RKOwnage: 3

    Kanegan: 2

    IronWarrior22: 1 (however, you did call that AMW would be screwed)

  6. Jeff Jarrett and Rick Steiner vs. Dustin Rhodes and Kevin Nash

    I just figure that you need more star power and to offer Planet Jarrett a serious threat.


    AJ Styles vs. Low-Ki


    Hardcore Match

    Abyss vs. The Sandman


    3 Live Kru vs. Johnny Swinger, Legend and Julio Dinero


    The Disciples of the New Church vs. America's Most Wanted


    Shark Boy vs. CM Punk

  7. Prince Nana vs. Alex Payne


    The Temple (Jimmy Jacobs & Brodie Lee) vs. The Super Smash Bros.


    ROH Television Championship Match

    Davey Richards © vs. Kevin Steen


    Prior to this week's show Jim Cornette announced via social media due to the rise in mid match interferences anyone who gets involved in the main event title match will be released from their ROH contract effective immediately. Will anyone interfere? I'm gonna go with a big nope.

  8. TNA iMPACT! #9 Preview




    TNA iMPACT! #9 Preview


    Wednesday, Week 1, April 2004






    As the music faded and the sold out crowd of the Bridgestone Arena began filing out,
    Dutch Mantell
    called a locker room meeting in order to deliver a speech to all the talent. The show had been a rousing success and Dutch felt it necessary to make sure the roster knew the part they had played in getting TNA Wrestling to this stage. As he filed back from the 'Gorilla Position' to the locker room, Dutch gave special praise to
    Jeff Jarrett
    for having “done the job” as diligently and professionally as he did. Recognising that it was a big deal for Jarrett to give the spotlight away as he did without complaint, Dutch didn’t want that reality to be lost on the company’s founder for even a second.


    Dutch also felt it right to praise
    Elix Skipper
    , who surprised just about everybody by putting in one of the best performances of the night. In the semi main event, he had shown he was a talent for the big stage and somebody that could be trusted to be wrestling higher up on the card in matches of greater significance. Not wanting to sound like everything was sunshine and rainbows though, Dutch brought the locker room back down to earth by reminding everybody that Genesis was, aptly, only the beginning.
    Sonny Siaki
    had struggled with the occasion out there but instead of bringing attention to his performance, Dutch gave him some encouragement by reminding him he was main eventing on Wednesday and that was the match that truly mattered.



    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">

    TNA iMPACT! #9 Quick Picks


    Chris Sabin vs. Samoa Joe



    NWA World Tag Team Championship

    The New Franchise (Shane Douglas & Michael Shane) © vs. America's Most Wanted



    The Amazing Red vs. Elix Skipper



    TNA World Heavyweight Championship

    Sting © vs. Sonny Siaki








  9. April 2004 Champions Update





    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">







    Current & Inaugural Champion:

    Saturday, Week 4, March 2004



    Previous Champions (since January 2004):

    • N/A





    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">







    Current Champion:
    Jeff Jarrett

    October 22, 2003



    Previous Champions (since January 2004):

    • N/A





    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">







    Current Champions:
    The New Franchise (Shane Douglas & Michael Shane)

    Wednesday, Week 4, January 2004



    Previous Champions (since January 2004):

    • 3Live Kru (Konnan & BG James) - November 26, 2003 to Wednesday, Week 4, January 2004





    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">







    Current Champion:
    Christopher Daniels

    Wednesday, Week 1, January 2004



    Previous Champions (since January 2004):

    • Michael Shane - August 20, 2013 - Wednesday, Week 1, January 2004





    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">







    Current Champion:
    Scoot Andrews

    Thursday, Week 3, January 2004



    Previous Champions (since January 2004):

    • Chris Draven - Saturday, Week 1, August 2013 - Thursday, Week 3, January 2004





    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #da251c; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">







    Winner for 2004:
    Sonny Siaki

    TNA Genesis

  10. Man, I'm glad I got the Siaki prediction right. That guy should've had a main event push.

    Yes, very good call that was! :) He got out of wrestling when he was quite young, I think he donated a kidney to a relative or something like that? He definitely had a lot of untapped potential when he hung up his boots.


    Great show. Never would have called Siaki to win that match but I kinda dig it. I can't imagine he actually beats Sting for the title, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with him.

    I was sad that he didn't get a popularity gain from winning it. I had to keep D'Lo strong to keep him happy but Danielson, Lynn and Ekmo are more popular than Siaki and I figured he'd get some kind of boost. Bit of a shame, but it's a good rub for him nonetheless.


    The Gathering is starting to really look dangerous! Great ppv. :)

    For sure, they never did anything with them in real life. I think Punk left and that was that. I have a lot of fun writing their stuff, I always find it so easy and so natural even though the grades have been mediocre. Having Raven lose was a bit of a gamble but I asked him to do the job and keeping him strong meant he only shed 2 or 3 popularity points and I think Punk gained 7 or 8 in winning. It was a good bit of business in the end. :p


    TNA X-Division Championship

    Christopher Daniels © vs. Low-Ki vs. Elix Skipper

    Comments: Great xXx match-up, damn man.

    Skipper came through with the 71 match performance in that one, crazy stuff. I was happy with how that match turned out, I wasn't sure what grade to expect but was pleasantly surprised when it was the second best match of the night. :)


    BG James vs. Ron Killings

    Comments: Killings is just in the beginning of his singles run at the top.

    Yep, he's now on 47 overness, he was on 41 before this win. He's definitely on the right track and one that I would like to push since he never did get a proper main event run in TNA.


    Comments: I may not have picked him, but I will be cheering for D'Lo all day here :p

    I would love to use him more and I think others felt the same way when I started, but he priotises AJPW over TNA and I can only use him when available. Pretty sure you have this problem with RoH too but it just sucks. :(


    Extreme Rules Match, If Raven Wins He Gets 5 Minutes with James Mitchell

    Raven vs. CM Punk

    Comments: I've been really wrong on this feud so far but I'm fairly confident here.

    Congratulations on finally making the right call. :D Better late than never. :p


    TNA World Heavyweight Championship

    Sting vs. Jeff Jarrett

    Comments: To truly make the first title match memorable, Sting wins it. Jarrett can win it back still

    That was my thinking too, the idea of this being such a defining match in the lineage of TNA and having it end with shenanigans didn't sit right with me.

  11. TNA Genesis 2004 - Saturday, Week 4, March 2004




    TNA Genesis 2004

    Saturday, Week 4, March 2004

    Live from Bridgestone Arena on PPV

    Attendance: 20,000 SELL OUT


    Genesis - the origin

    The creation, The beginning


    Announce Team: Mike Tenay & Don West


    Timeline | Champions | Alliances




    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #c6a400; margin:15px;background: #dedbca; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Tag Team Match

    Jeff Hardy & Simon Diamond vs. Kid Kash & David Young (w/ Glenn Gilbertti & Johnny Swinger)



    All four representatives of Team Jarrett come down to the ring and we only find out that it’s Kid Kash and David Young contesting the match once G.G. and Swinger exit to the outside. Predictably, Hardy and Diamond are the aggressors here but the action breaks down and referee Slick Johnson finds himself distracted with the ‘Enigma’ and Kash in the corner of the ring. Meanwhile, Young holds Diamond’s arms in place and Gilbertti orders Swinger to take out his former tag team partner…





    ”Johnny Swinger can’t bring himself to do it!”



    ”He can’t hit a friend but Gilbertti is ordering him to! It’s a rock and hard place for Swinger right now!”




    As Johnny dilly-dallies, Diamond drops down to his butt to deliver a stunner that leaves Young flat on his back. As Gilbertti berates Swinger on the outside of his dereliction of duty, he returns his attention to the ring just in time to watch Jeff Hardy deliver the fateful Swanton Bomb to David Young.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #c6a400; margin:15px;background: #dedbca; max-width:100%;";">



    After Hardy and Diamond continue celebrating their victory, we jump to
    Commissioner Piper’s
    office, lounging back in his chair with his feet up on the desk. Watching the action unfold live on television, he affords himself a little chuckle at Team Jarrett’s expense. Or perhaps he’s just happy to see the crowd having a good time with the ‘Enigma’, it’s always hard to tell with ‘Hot Rod’.





    ”I have your file Mr. Piper.”


    This is something he requested from his assistant
    Kim Neilsen
    . What was it again? Ah yes, the contract for a new signee! Piper thinks this is awesome, he loves signing off on new talent and tells Kim to ensure they’re available for iMPACT! on Wednesday. Who could it be? Somebody get broadcast journalist Scott Hudson on the case!







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #c6a400; margin:15px;background: #dedbca; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Singles Match

    BG James vs. Ron Killings



    Despite having had their issues for some time now since Konnan’s departure at the hands of Michael Shane, this is far from an open and closely contested match. On the contrary, it’s very much a one sided affair after BG James’s early flurry of offence and it’s just a case of what lengths Killings is willing to go to in order to secure the victory.


    The Truth Conviction? Nope. The Flying Jalapeno? Nada. The 450 Splash? Non. James just keeps on kicking out and asks ‘The Truth’ to keep bringing it. Maybe he’s testing the priorities of his “friend” or he’s just willing to go down on his shield but Killings finally hits the Truth and Consequences and this time BG stays down for the count.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #c6a400; margin:15px;background: #dedbca; max-width:100%;";">



    After the match has concluded,
    Ron Killings
    waits in the ring until
    BG James
    has recovered and wearily returned to his feet. They size one another up in the middle of the ring, a tense moment but soon broken by BG extending his hand and Killings accepting the invitation to bump fists.





    “He put it away fair and square and maybe that proved that he does care about The Kru after all!”



    ”If I was The New Franchise, I’d be worried about this duo now.”







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #c6a400; margin:15px;background: #dedbca; max-width:100%;";">




    As the entrants for the Gold Rush battle royal all make their way down to the ring for the next match, we jump to a pre-taped promo package with several of the participants outlining their intentions should they emerge victorious. First up is
    D’Lo Brown
    , who is after another shot at Jeff Jarrett’s NWA Championship having had his last opportunity taken away from him via underhanded means. Second, we hear from
    Jerry Lynn
    , who of course answers that he’s gunning for the TNA X-Division Championship and whomever emerges victorious in the Three Way Shootout later tonight is
    ”on borrowed time.”


    Next, we hear from
    Sonny Siaki
    , who is flanked by the intimidating
    The New Franchise may have taken away their opportunity at their tag team gold but tonight the two of them know that only one can emerge victorious and that person will challenge the first ever TNA World Heavyweight Champion.
    Chris Sabin
    brings up both Ultimate X and his failed attempt at the TNA X-Division Championship and says that if he wins Gold Rush, the third time will be the charmed time. Last but certainly not least, we hear from
    Tyler Bateman
    who says that
    Kevin Northcutt
    will earn the two of them an opportunity at the NWA World Tag Team Championships and they will be outcasts no longer.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #c6a400; margin:15px;background: #dedbca; max-width:100%;";">







    ’Gold Rush’ Battle Royal, Winner Receives A Title Shot Of Their Choosing

    Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Sabin vs. D’Lo Brown vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Erik Watts vs. Ekmo vs. Sonny Siaki vs. Kevin Northcutt vs. Joe E. Legend vs. Silas Young


    Almost immediately, old rivalries and former friendships reel their ugly heads. Northcutt goes after Watts, digging away with body shots in the corner, much to the delight of
    Tyler Bateman
    seconding him on the outside. But his former tag team partner Joe E. Legend intervenes with Red Shirt Security imploding on PPV! As Northcutt dangles Legend over the top rope, Bateman tugs on his singlet and the extra momentum sends the Canadian tumbling to the outside.



    ”Joe E. Legend has been eliminated!”




    But any kind of celebration is short lived because after a brief skirmish with Watts, Northcutt turns right into Ekmo and he clotheslines him over the top for the second elimination of the match.



    ”Kevin Northcutt has been eliminated!”




    Chris Sabin gets Bryan Danielson over the top rope but the ‘American Dragon’ manages to land on the apron and rolls under the bottom rope back to safety. Soon after that, Silas Young shows his inexperience, charging D’Lo in the ropes only to get sent over the top with a Back Body Drop and down to the floor below.



    ”Silas Young has been eliminated!”




    Together, Ekmo & Siaki manage to get Erik Watts over the top rope but the former Director of Authority resiliently hangs on, getting back to his feet as he separates himself from Siaki with a hard forearm smash to the cheekbone. But Ekmo charges with a body attack, using his weight well to knock Watts off the apron.



    ”Erik Watts has been eliminated!”




    As Danielson exchanges with Siaki, Jerry Lynn and Chris Sabin work together, teeing off on Ekmo and trying to use their combined strength to get him over the top. The Samoan shoves the former to one side and the latter’s springboarding move is a misguided one, caught on Ekmo’s shoulders before being slammed with the Samoan Drop. Although the youngster recovers enough to get back to one knee, he only makes it easier for Ekmo to unceremoniously toss him out.



    ”Chris Sabin has been eliminated!”



    After getting involved with Danielson and Siaki on one side of the ring, Jerry Lynn catches the attention of D’Lo and although he fights valiantly after having been bundled over, eventually his grip on the bottom rope is displaced and the dogged work of D’Lo is rewarded.



    ”Jerry Lynn has been eliminated!”




    But then Ekmo charges and the combined force of his body attack sends both himself and D’Lo over the top, a mighty thud when both men come down to the floor!



    ”Ekmo and D’Lo Brown have been eliminated!”




    Siaki catches the event out of the corner of his eye and his surprise is the window of opportunity that Danielson needs. After a shotgun dropkick sends Siaki reeling, the ‘American Dragon’ nails away with right hands in the corner. Bringing the Samoan back to the center, Danielson hooks him and stuns Siaki with a Tiger Suplex, incapacitating him further when he bridges into the Cattle Mutilation! Sensing that victory is his as Siaki needs the ropes just to get back to a vertical base, Danielson charges in but Siaki drops down, pulling the top rope as he does so and Bryan goes hurtling over the top!


    Fortunately, he manages to catch the rope with his right hand as he goes over. Hanging on for dear life, Danielson tries to get some of his body back on the apron and the edge of the ring, but Siaki is merciless in driving his knee through the top and middle rope, knocking Danielson down to the floor to capture the Gold Rush ring.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #c6a400; margin:15px;background: #dedbca; max-width:100%;";">



    As Siaki puts the ring on his ring finger (of course),
    Mike Tenay
    Don West
    tell us that Ekmo secured the most eliminations in that match before throwing us to some footage from earlier tonight.
    Jeff Jarrett
    arrives at the Bridgestone Arena in a black limousine, wearing a loose-fitting white shirt, black slacks and a pair of polished tan dress shoes.
    Don Callis
    exits behind him, holding the NWA Championship as he orders a member of our production staff to ensure their luggage is delivered to the dressing room.






    Next, we see
    arrive. Pacing through a backstage corridor in his wrestling gear with his trenchcoat on, tapping his bat against his left palm, he walks towards the camera before disappearing up a flight of stairs to our left.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #c6a400; margin:15px;background: #dedbca; max-width:100%;";">



    Standard Trios Match

    AJ Styles & America’s Most Wanted (Chris Harris & James Storm) vs. The New Franchise (Shane Douglas, Michael Shane & Monty Brown)



    After his early protestations both Harris and Storm yield, letting AJ Styles start the match. He immediately hits his signature Dropkick to take Michael Shane down and despite Douglas trying to get a head start on him, the ‘Phenomenal One’ wriggles away, jumping onto the second rope before moonsaulting over ‘The Franchise’ to take him out with the Phenomenon DDT. Monty Brown is a different proposition altogether though and the ‘Alpha Male’ decks his opponent with a Body Tackle. This happens twice more when AMW enter, all three competitors finding the “insurance policy” to be a formidable force. But the combination of a Last Call from Storm, a Pele from Styles and a big Lariat from Harris finally has the ‘Alpha Male’ subdued.


    With Douglas on the outside, Styles hits the spectacular Fosbury Flop over the top and although Michael Shane tries to nick one in the ring with his Sweet Shane Music, Storm catches his foot before directing his opponent towards the ‘Wildcat’. With the Catatonic connecting, AMW pick up a crucial victory over the NWA World Tag Team Champions.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #c6a400; margin:15px;background: #dedbca; max-width:100%;";">



    James Storm
    Chris Harris
    celebrate their victory together, they’re joined by
    AJ Styles
    with Don West making note that it’s fitting for the
    TNA original
    contingent to be victorious on such a momentous evening. We see The New Franchise heading back up the ramp, licking their proverbial wounds before we jump to the commentary team for an announcement.





    ”We will be with you on Pay-Per-View next month; Saturday, Week 4, April 2004 for Caribbean Combat, live from the La Puntilla Arena in Puerto Rico!”



    ”Can the Island even contain TNA Wrestling?! I guess we’re gonna find out next month Mike, I can’t wait!”





    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #c6a400; margin:15px;background: #dedbca; max-width:100%;";">



    Extreme Rules Match, If Raven Wins He Gets 5 Minutes with James Mitchell

    Raven vs. CM Punk (w/ James Mitchell & Julio Dinero)



    After a cautious feeling out process, finally these two made good on the premise of anything goes. Raven, driven by the betrayal of his former mentor, draws blood from Punk early on by throwing him face first into the steel ring post. Later on, Punk is handed a screwdriver from under the ring and he makes his former teacher see red as he drives it and twists it into his skull. As he promised, this is hardly a match and more a fight, the pace deliberately slow as they both have to recover after each onslaught. As Raven prepped a chair shot for Punk, Dinero hopped in the ring, taking the impact himself to join both competitors in sporting a crimson mask.


    But of course, James Mitchell’s idea of destiny was always much different from Raven’s. And the suspension of the rules allowed The Gathering’s father to enact his masterplan. He raised his cane and the sound of impending doom could mean only one thing.
























    ”Oh my god… The Monster...”



    ”Raven needs to get out of there! and quick!”




    Down the ramp descends
    as Raven glances in Mitchell’s direction, spotting his devious grin before readying himself for another obstacle he must face. CM Punk, dazed and confused after the loss of much blood, still has the wherewithal to deliver a significant blow, a low blow in fact. It’s easy pickings now for Abyss. First, a sickening clothesline. Second, the Black Hole Slam. Punk covers, or rather, he collapses on top of Raven to make the pin and whatever his reservations are about this assault, Rudy Charles counts the 1, the 2 and the 3.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #c6a400; margin:15px;background: #dedbca; max-width:100%;";">



    Post-match, as
    lies in a heap and both
    CM Punk
    Julio Dinero
    help one another to their feet,
    James Mitchell
    ’The Monster’ Abyss
    as the newest child of The Gathering. He puts the entire TNA locker room on notice, he warned them all that The Gathering continues to grow in strength and now they grow in numbers too.


    ”Anybody that steps in our path will meet their demise, just like Raven!”







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #c6a400; margin:15px;background: #dedbca; max-width:100%;";">



    As our production crew clean up after that Extreme Rules match and hopefully change the blood-stained ring mat,
    Mike Tenay
    Don West
    send us to broadcast journalist
    Scott Hudson
    to find out what he has learned about Wednesday’s upcoming iMPACT! on ESPN. Standing in the corridor and listening intently to his earpiece, Hudson relays his news.




    ”After their victory earlier in the night, America’s Most Wanted will challenge The New Franchise for the NWA World Tag Team Championships…”




    ”Chris Sabin, unsuccessful earlier tonight of course, will face a big challenge when he faces the debuting Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe…”




    ”And we have learned that Sonny Siaki will cash in his Gold Rush title shot to face the winner of tonight’s main event. That’s right, the TNA World Heavyweight Championship will be defended on Wednesday!”







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #c6a400; margin:15px;background: #dedbca; max-width:100%;";">





    TNA X-Division Championship THREE WAY SHOOTOUT

    Christopher Daniels © vs. Low-Ki vs. Elix Skipper

    TIME LIMIT: 30 Minutes


    At the beginning of this one, Daniels keeps a low profile and watches as Low-Ki tries to avenge Skipper having cost him the TNA X-Division Championship in what was the origin of this rivalry back at the start of the year. Opportunistically, Daniels dives in after ‘Primetime’ has been laid out by a stiff kick but this backfires on the ‘Fallen Angel’ and we see a rare moment of teamwork as Ki and Skipper execute a Double Hip Toss and turn it into a Double Back Suplex on the reigning Champion. They take their turns inflicting punishment on Daniels; the Ki-Krusher and the Play of the Day find their mark but neither Skipper nor Low-Ki is letting the other capture the W.


    With Daniels out the way momentarily, the two challengers vie for the decisive fall. Ki shows his resilience to kick out of a Kryptonite Krush, which Skipper tries to follow with a Springboarding Moonsault. An impressive feat of athleticism indeed but the execution is off because Low-Ki sidesteps and just brutalises him with a kick to the chest on his way down. With ‘Primetime’ in the wrong place at the wrong time, Low-Ki comes off the top with a Double Foot Stomp and it seems he has the match all sewed up. But as referee Slick Johnson counts the one and then the two, Daniels lands on both his challengers with the Best Moonsault Ever! As Low-Ki scrambles away, clutching at his ribs, Daniels seizes the moment and pins ‘Primetime’, capturing the three just before the ‘Warrior’ is able to interject.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #c6a400; margin:15px;background: #dedbca; max-width:100%;";">





    TNA World Heavyweight Championship

    Sting vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/ Don Callis)

    TIME LIMIT: 30 Minutes


    Our main event starts with a frantic exchange as Sting grapples his opponent early on and hooks Jarrett for the Scorpion Deathdrop but Double J manages to back elbow his way out. Similarly, Jarrett suckers Sting in and drop toe holds him into the second turnbuckle, bringing his stunned opponent back to center urgently to deliver The Stroke. Unfortunately for the leader of Team Jarrett, ‘The Icon’ still has the wits to counter the grip, reversing it into a Russian Legsweep.


    Jarrett works the leg before the action spills outside, an ill advised choice of environment from Jarrett as Sting uses his superior size and strength, reversing an irish whip to send Jarrett careening into the steel ring steps. Sting has to be mindful of Don Callis and indeed, after this impact he knows the ‘Consultant’ is nearby with the NWA Championship in hand, probably waiting for the opportune moment to brain the Stinger. Back in the ring, Sting zeroes in on his assault and delivers a Superplex before letting out his signature howl.





    ”I think it’s time for the Scorpion Deathlock!”



    “Why is Don Callis on the apron?! Is he calling for reinforcements?!”




    Motioning to the tunnel, Callis makes the call to Team Jarrett in the back. But nobody answers his pleas!


    Jarrett, having crawled to the ropes now, looks up towards the entrance tunnel in incredulity whilst Callis is similarly beside himself. Nevermind, thinks Sting. In an act of revenge from Wednesday’s iMPACT!, he hammers Callis with a right hand and knocks his block clean off with a single strike.


    Jarrett staggers back to a vertical base but Sting returns him to the canvas face first with a one-handed bulldog before locking in the Scorpion Deathlock!


    The ‘Chosen One’ writhes in pain and looks around for a saviour but he’s all on his own in there. He claws his way towards the ropes, digging his nails into the ring canvas as he tries to secure any kind of momentum to force a break. But Sting returns him to center, reinforces his grip around Jarrett’s legs and wrenches back further, finally drawing the inevitable frantic submission from his opponent.







    <div style="padding: 20px; border: 2px solid #c6a400; margin:15px;background: #dedbca; max-width:100%;";">



    As referee Andrew Thomas raises
    Jeff Jarrett
    Don Callis
    leave up the entrance ramp in haste. Both disappointed and obviously frustrated at the night’s events, they cross
    Commissioner Piper
    emerging from the tunnel. Piper shrugs in a clearly ironic gesture, trying to hide his enjoyment of their defeat and not doing a particularly good job of it.


    From the timekeepers table, Piper takes both the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and a microphone, delivering the crowning moment of glory himself, putting the belt around Sting’s waist as ‘The Icon’ climbs each turnbuckle to give the Bridgestone Arena a good luck at his newest piece of gold. Call them killjoys, but Mike Tenay and Don West remind us that Sting’s glory could be shortlived...




    ”He defends against Sonny Siaki on Wednesday, on iMPACT! on ESPN!


    “We hope to see you then wrestling fans but for now, it’s goodnight from Genesis!”







    PPV Buy Rate

    0.79 (397,605 buys)


    Final Show Rating




    <div style="border: 2px solid #000000; margin:15px;background: #dddddd; max-width:100%;";">

    Prediction Contest Results

    RKOwnage: 6

    Rampaaage: 5

    Crackerjack: 5

    The Pitbull: 5

    Kijar: 5

    Blodyxe: 4

    DHK1989: 4

    TheBigBad1013: 4

    IronWarrior22: 4

    Kanegan: 3

  12. AEW World Championship: Kenny Omega © vs. Jungle Boy

    AEW Women's World Championship: Britt Baker DMD © vs. Tay Conti

    TNT Championship: Miro © vs. Luchasaurus

    Faction Warfare: Nightmare Family vs. The Factory

    Riho & Yuka Sakazaki vs. Nyla Rose & The Bunny

    Karl Anderson vs. PAC


    BONUS: Who is the new signing? (HINT: probably easier than you think!) Tommy End

  13. NWA:TNA Weekly PPV - Official Card



    NWA World Heavyweight Championship

    Jeff Jarrett © vs. Dustin Rhodes

    It would be good to have both Dusty and Dustin on screen against Jarrett & Russo.


    NWA World Tag Team Championships

    3 Live Kru © vs. Glenn Gilbertti and David Young


    TNA X-Division Championship

    Michael Shane © vs. Low-Ki

    I just don't think Shane is right for the title at this point, I didn't think so in my diary anyway.


    TNA X-Division Nr.1 Contender's Match

    Chris Sabin vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Jerry Lynn


    Kid Kash, Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger vs. AJ Styles and America's Most Wanted


    Hardcore Match

    Legend vs. Raven

  14. <p>First few shows were difficult for me too but I think you're off to a strong start. <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> The Russo and Jarrett alliance is a very good call.</p><p> </p><p>

    I like Goldylocks as the backstage interviewer, I know she did that in real life at one point but I think TNA had taken her off that to be Erik Watts' on-screen girlfriend and that's a role that only has so much mileage. It's a good move putting her back in that seat and using her talents properly.</p><p> </p><p>

    I'm interested in what you do with Raven and James Mitchell. I'm assuming it's the end of the chapter with him and The Gathering now he's pinned them in the tag match? But I suppose we'll see.</p>

  15. TNA iMPACT! #8 Quick Picks


    Low-Ki, Jason Cross & Dragon Kid vs. Christopher Daniels, Elix Skipper & Scoot Andrews



    For a bonus point, who will pick up the victory for their respective trio: Skipper. Daniels is champ, Ki got cheated out of his title shot, so Skipper looks the weakest going into the PPV


    Raven vs. Slash



    Ron Killings vs. Silas Young



    AJ Styles vs. Shane Douglas

    Comments: No-contest building to the Six-Man


    Yes or No, will Commissioner Piper keep order when Jarrett and Sting come face to face?: Yes

    Sorry bud, that show has already happened. Feel free to jump in with Genesis predictions though. :)

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