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Posts posted by Mootinie

  1. The stipulation that winning the C2 meant you won a belt to be defended in ROH and NJPW STRONG was super odd. Why would any AEW talent want to win that? Well done on surviving that grueling tournament, you’re off to our developmental brand’s TV tapings and a much smaller feeder league for a Japanese promotion. Always sounded pretty dumb, just give them a trophy and parlay it into a World title shot. 

  2. Somehow I doubt that The CW decided within the span of ten days not to pick up NWA and to pick up WWE NXT instead. I'm no expert on the subject but surely negotiations of this nature take place for a solid six months before they ink the deal?

    I bet Hausman heard that The CW were picking up wrestling, listened to Corgan talking on Busted Open, and then ran with the assumption that the two stories were mutual and called it an exclusive.

  3. On 11/8/2023 at 1:21 PM, Self said:

    Personally, I'd let him go, see what he does outside of AEW for a year, then bring him back with a new twist.

    He wouldn't come back if you let him go. If Sammy Guevara was a free agent, I think he would be debuting on NXT on The CW within a matter of weeks. Failing that, I think he would be a great fit for NJPW and could pick up dates in TNA. The guy can really go when the bell rings, just imagine what he could do with Mike Bailey, Hiromu Takahashi or Taiji Ishimori. Imagine Sammy Guevara versus Will Ospreay... 

    No, if AEW were to let him go or to try and send him away to AAA or CMLL, I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest that Sammy would think twice about whether he wants to re-up his contract with AEW when it comes due. I already think Ricky Starks is on his way out and I don't think it's crazy to assume that WWE would make some sort of move for Sammy Guevara.

  4. On 10/26/2023 at 4:02 AM, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:

    Tony has got to stop putting these big matches on AEW Collision on Saturday. Omega vs. MJF could draw a huge PPV and they'll be lucky to get 500k to watch it Saturday.

    Why even do it now anyway with Omega and MJF face? Shouldn't they turn Omega heel first?

    It was never a good idea even when Punk was on Collision and there was a brand split. Now with Punk gone, AEW is just throwing away big matches.

    Collision is the C-Show now and should be used primarily for recaps and feature underneath matches, not (arguably) the two biggest stars in the company. 

    There's no problem doing it but, yet again, it was not been built properly and it was not promoted adequately. 3 days build. I know they had bits and pieces on Dynamite but it should have been announced a month ago and they should have been in the town two weeks ago doing local media to sell tickets. They won't make the kind of gains from it that they should be making because they refuse to put in the hard yards to make it happen.

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  5. On 10/22/2023 at 12:44 PM, CQI13 said:

    I don't know, but if you have to clarify what your initials stand for because it may not be palatable to advertisers or broadcast partners, maybe you picked the wrong ones. To each their own.

    I understood this in 2017 but with six years under their belt now, it's not as though Impact Wrestling has helped them make massive inroads in a commercial partnership sense. Their owners pretty much had to buy a TV channel just to get Impact Wrestling on the air.

  6. 10 hours ago, aXminster said:

    I saw this tweet yesterday and I swear to god that I had completely forgot she is in this company lol

    Hasn't wrestled an AEW singles match after that stinker with Britt Baker. Yet another instance of the women's division in this company being a lot worse than the internet will ever let on.

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  7. It's an odd one because AEW is accused by some fans of hotshotting their money matches for a rating win. Then they're accused of holding off on big matches too much and running too many with a result you can see from Mars. All this suggests to me is that they've probably got the balance about right.

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  8. People on /r/SquaredCircle say they never know when AEW is in town for Dynamite or Collision. Apparently, they don't buy local ad spots or do media appearances. That probably needs to change. They were a new shiny thing once. They are neither new nor shiny now, they obviously gotta start selling their product more.

    But, you know, WWE booked John Cena, Rhea Ripley. Dominik Mysterio, Paul Heyman, Cody Rhodes, Asuka and The Undertaker to win the demo rating by 0.04 when Dynamite was moved from its well established Wednesday time slot. We're talking about 0.04 here. I don't think it's an emergency. Hopefully there's no panic stations at AEW HQ and they just stay the course with great wrestling.

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  9. That women’s four way on Dynamite was pretty awful. Can we stop complaining about the booking and admit that the actual wrestling in this division is just really bad?

    Weak strikes, mistimed sequences, zero energy, Shida bumping about two seconds before Baker has even done the curb stomp on her. And now Britt is getting a TBS title shot three days after being pinned because wins and losses matter?

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  10. I think a change of scenery would do Jade good. I'm not a big fan of her as a wrestler and I don't think she has progressed at the rate that either her or AEW would have liked but perhaps her moving on is the best thing for both parties.

    I remember that the story the first time around was her unwillingness to truly commit to wrestling. WWE wanted her to relocate whilst AEW was something she could do on her own terms. She has perhaps had a taste in AEW and has liked it enough that she now wants to make it her life.

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  11. 6 hours ago, aXminster said:

    That's how they always do in these tournaments. It's just lazy booking.

    Joe vs MJF could be good, and their segment was the high point of the show today, but Joe just lost clean to Punk 10 days ago. Not the right timing for this match.

    Why isn't Takeshita in this tournament? And Jay White? And where the hell is Wardlow? Keith Lee? Lance Archer? Andrade? Hangman won that battle royal and he isn't in the tournament?

    All these guys should be featured before Nick Wayne, Trent, Roderick Strong, Jay Lethal and Jeff Hardy.

    Every single wrestler should be fighting to have a World Title match at Grand Slam.

    At this point I've faced the music, this is just how Tony Khan books wrestling. For better or worse, he clearly doesn't want Takeshita, Hangman or Jay White fighting for the belt and he doesn't want to pin them either.

    I'm not entirely sure Joe needs to win a tournament for a title shot either. Roddy Strong, sure. But Joe is basically bulletproof at this point.

  12. 9 hours ago, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:

    I think that's my main point of criticism for AEW. They should've gone with either The Elite or Punk, and not tried to make them work together.

    Paying a guy not to work the length of his pre-agreed deal would have been even worse than bringing him back. Tony took the stance of Punk has a contract and come hell or high water, he's going to work the darn contract.

    For better or worse, and for all the arguments of his leadership, paying a dude to go away because he's causing trouble backstage may have been the weakest move of them all.

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  13. I think the bloom came off the rose in about July 2022 for CM Punk. The buy rate for All Out 2022 and the lack of a sharp ratings increase for their Rocky 3 story should have set alarm bells ringing. There was this clear lack of audience interest in having the guy on top. It was weird, it was like people tuned out once he won the belt, like they were just waiting for AEW to hit that button or something.

    Then Collision was a flop. It has been beaten in the demo ratings by NXT for the last four weeks and it will probably be five weeks when the ratings for the most recent Saturday come out. That makes it six of the last seven weeks. The outlier in this is the show they put MJF and Adam Cole on. I feel like Punk's star has waned considerably, that whole show has not been good for his brand at all. It has failed before its actual competition has started, they banked on Punk and it has not worked for them.

    Overall, I think Punk fought a political battle with The Elite and he lost when Tony re-upped their deals. He probably felt like his deal wasn't going to be renewed. He tried to get a contract buyout after Brawl Out. He probably wanted out but he didn't want to resign and leave all that money on the table. Now he will likely sue over termination "with cause" and try to get AEW to pay him to go away. They spent a week getting their ducks in a row, it's hard for me to imagine that Punk has much of a case. WBD fought for him the first time around, they probably didn't lift a finger with the second go-around.

    As for what he'll do now, I don't imagine anybody worth their salt would have him. WWE won't. NJPW probably don't want to sour their relationship with AEW by bringing him in. NWA is a dead league and I cannot imagine that Punk and Billy would see eye to eye on anything and certainly not on politics. IMPACT probably don't want to touch him, their business has been on a steady incline for a while now but maybe they're more desperate than I think they are. God knows. Punk is 100% the type to think it's either WWE, NJPW, AEW or it's nowhere because nobody else is big enough for CM Punk.

    And AEW will be fine. They were fine when he was gone for a year. They were fine before he joined. No dramas.

  14. 8 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

    I don't know that nor do I care tbh, but if you want we could talk about AEW wrestlers who leak stories to journalists now lol

    Plus, how is this related to Perry's attitude, calling out Punk live on PPV for no reason at all? Fool around, found out 

    I think Jack Perry suspects that the reason the glass story has been reported is because CM Punk leaked it. I reckon he has a right to be annoyed that one of his co-workers has done this to him.

  15. 5 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

    I mean, if that's what happened I don't understand why it should be Punk's fault tbh.

    Who do you think leaked the story about the glass to journalists?

    Additionally, who leaked the story that nobody was at Heathrow Airport to pick up CM Punk when he landed in London?

  16. I loved that even though she was losing the title, Hikaru Shida didn't have a boo-boo face, she wasn't pouting, she didn't look moody. She rocked the belt like the absolute champ through her entrance and then did what pro's do. Big fan of that. Rumour has it the original creative for All In was Shida winning the belt from Jamie, it's still super cool she got her moment coming in with the title.

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