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About scuz

  • Birthday 10/31/1978

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  1. My mod is a female only mod and I have been putting together a names database that only contains the 200 most popular first names and surnames (circa 1990) from each country. I wondered if anyone would be interested in collaborating with something like this? I find some of the names in the default database to be pretty unusual and a little bit immersion breaking.
  2. By regions I mean countries. Like move all canadians to the US, and put japan and asia together etc in terms of where fighters and companies are based. Numbers of fighters must matter too however.
  3. I suppose the only way to get round it would be to move the fighters to a smaller number of regions. I could be wrong, but I think the game slows down dramatically when all regions are active. I don't have all regions active in my mod, there are some areas in the world that I've left empty of fighters. Not a fix I know.
  4. My computer is quite fast and doesn't seem to take too long between turns but I still find myself watching Youtube in between turns. I suppose for some that would break the immersion a little bit, but I often skip 3 or 4 days at a time and watch Youtube in between. Works pretty well for me.🙂
  5. Yeah, I still play CK2. I really find it to be one of the best games ever made. Endless replay value. I did think about buying CK3 but heard that it was a bit dumbed down and was sort of scared that if I play it I might like some aspects of it a lot but hate others. And in doing so it might ruin my enjoyment of CK2. The thing I like about CK2 is that it is very minimal in terms of graphics so I'm forced to use my imagination a little for what characters look like in the flesh. I am however quite interested in the much more detailed portraits in CK3. How do you find the two games compare?
  6. When i'm chilled out and in the mood for a slow burn game that I take my time and think everything through and watch every match, I really feel this game has such a timeless feel and second to none immersion. I only play my mod now, but it's just the perfect way for me to unwind before the day is over. Love it. Between this, Rimworld and Crusader Kings 2, I don't need anything else.
  7. It is truly an excellent game, but every game can be improved on. Maybe it will take for another few major stars to appear and the UFC's popularity to go up before it is tempting financially to make another game🤞. Or maybe Adam just doesn't want to go through that process again. I feel that UFC's popularity has sort of peaked at the moment due to the lack of big new names. Most of the folk that I get excited by like Khamzat just don't fight often enough. And Khabib retiring so early was a real bummer as was letting Francis Ngannou go. Jon Jones being out for so long didn't help matters and with Nate Diaz retiring the UFC need to find some stars that help excite the casual fans.
  8. I very often find I'll select add show, select a location, then as I'm putting the fights together I realise that the show would have made much more sense in a different part of the world. It's seems a bit strange that you can select "alter show" but the option to change the location of the show is greyed out. At least during the initial set-up. I would love if this could be amended so that during the initial set-up before clicking "next turn" you could alter the location as the alternative is to go back and cancel the show which is very time consuming if you've already thought carefully about some of the fights you want to put together.
  9. I'm making a mod that uses 1000s of photos of real people with full body photographs. The trouble is many of the images that camera angle is quite squint. Up until now I've been rotating them with photoshop but it's really time consuming. Is there a program you guys know of that analyses the photo and recognises the human body before straightening it automatically? Any help would be appreciated. Time is short for me these days with work and family. Cheers,
  10. Love the game but if I had one criticism it's the average age of rookie fighters joining the game as regens. Most of them seem to be in their late 20s, some in their 30s even. I feel there perhaps needs some patching as most MMA pros begin their career in their early to mid 20s. Anyone got any thoughts on this?
  11. It would be a very happy day for me also. WMMA 5 is currently the only game I play. Knowing another was in production would interest me more than any other gaming sequel.
  12. My computer has a better processor than my last and I've noticed load times are much quicker than they were.
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