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Everything posted by BleedTheFreak_23

  1. Hey everyone, I've been always obsessed with the HOF and HOI for a long time with these games, but I think they're still a bit away from being perfect. I didn't see these mentioned in any of the live journal entries, and I haven't played the new game yet (or... TEW20, I spent my time working on a mod off and on, whoops), so if something I mention is in already, let me know! 1. Stables. Stables are not well represented in the HOF and HOI, and it's a noticeable omission. So many great stables have existed in the history of wrestling. From the NWO, to DX, to the Four Horseman, to the Fabulous Freebirds. Even allowing 3 together would be huge, but I'd like to see 5-6 total. Even if it means the worker's pictures are tinier than others, I think it's important to represent stables. It also allows for cases like the Von Erich's in the WWE HOF, where they inducted the entire family, and not just the trio of Kevin, Kerry, and David. 2. Non-company specific HOFs. There are workarounds for this currently (Hardcore HOF can be covered by ECW, for example), but it doesn't entirely fix the issue. Maybe there can be HOFs set up for a region, such as the Memphis HOF, and cover multiple companies, such as the previously mentioned Hardcore HOF. Since they wouldn't be covered by a specific company, there would be an option to select multiple companies and championships for coverage, and be calculated the same way. For example, the Hardcore HOF can be based on ECW and CZW, and would actually be titled correctly, as opposed to the company filling in for it. Can also open up more options for modders, like a Lucha HOF. 3. Alliance HOFs. In the unique case of the NWA HOF, unless you're playing on a modern save with the single company, rather than the alliance, you just do not have a good way to correctly cover it, and it's impossible even using the previous method mentioned, as you can't even begin to have all the separate regional titles listed. Could work similar to the non-company specific ones, where you select multiple companies/championships, but would be controlled by the alliance entirely. 4. Gimmicks in the HOF. Simple one, just allow the choice to put a worker's gimmick in the HOF for representation, rather than their base name and picture. For example, in the WWE HOF, for someone like that is in the game under their real name like Glenn Jacobs (Kane), you can select a masked Kane gimmick to see, rather than have his real name and current picture represented. Or, if a worker had a small (yet) impactful run with a promotion, that era of that worker can be represented, maybe by just allowing for a custom picture instead of their base/current one, which would open up a lot for every HOF. This would likely only work for the database and the current user, but would still be nice to have. 5. Ceremonies and group inductions. To mimic the WWE HOF, it would also be nice to have these. Even if the Ceremony is purely cosmetic, with no impact on the game, and is just text for a group induction, it would help make things a bit more realistic. This could also extend to the HOI, so companies/HOI selects new inductees the same time each year, and a certain amount, rather than randomly. That's everything! I haven't had much chance to play recently, outside of modding, so please let me know if something I listed it actually in the game, and I just wasn't aware.
  2. Fantastic idea, and I'm surprised it hasn't been in the game already!
  3. Two questions. One, is it possible to get the AI to NOT create an extra event when you do a preset tour? I added "road to" tour dates to NJPW and now every event has an extra show before the main show. Two, how could I pull off a CZW Dojo Wars in game? Like, Dojo Wars in real life was ran almost weekly with low level guys. Should I split the low level guys up with the main CZW guys and do brands? The only issue I see with that is the AI doing brand drafts or whatever.
  4. Yeah, tested it out and looks like you're right. Bit of a bummer, I guess there's no work around besides adding more modern pics for the gimmick. It's mostly just an issue for WWE guys really. Would Agers change this?
  5. When a worker's picture changes, would it also change the pic of the gimmick used as well? Like I'm adding Shane Stickland's WWE gimmick name, but the game mod is 2014 based, so it used an old pic. I do have it set up so his pic changes, but would the gimmick use the old picture still? I'm changing them with narratives instead of Agers if that makes a difference. Or should I just make the pic what he looks like under that name?
  6. Look like you're right! Perfect, I can do it for notable and major changes, and keep them blank for others, and then use Agers other things. Thanks!
  7. I don't know why or how I missed this for all these years... I've been working on a mod, and when I add workers (thankfully not too much this way) I've been showing age progression with narratives, but I somehow missed on the Agers option. I do like the Narrative route for a more accurate way of real life appearance changes, down to the week of a month, but it'll pop up in news for each worker. Agers doesn't do this, but it's not as accurate as to when the picture actually changes. I'm stuck as I'm nearly done working on a mod and this is the one of the last big things I need to do. As a modder, which would you do? As a player, would you be annoyed to see the appearance change pop up each time?
  8. Is there a way to fix it so you can have a deal with a Broadcaster that hasn't began yet? I didn't have this issue in 16, but when trying to start a new game in 20, it tells me there's an error, and I have 16 broadcaster deals with inactive broadcasters. I did this for a mod so when the broadcaster activates, the company automatically goes to it. They're all company based streaming services. Is there a work around for this? Should I just delete the deals? Will just having them connected give them a deal when they activate?
  9. <p>Is there any good ways/work arounds to getting promotions to change their name or re-open without losing the set to open date?</p><p> </p><p> I'm working on a mod that takes place in June 2014, so while I really want to get GCW in the game, I'd have to have it be JCW at first. All I can do is change it in game, correct? </p><p> </p><p> Another example would be MLW. It was originally opened in 2002, but came back in 2017. I can set it to open in 2017, but I'd lose the 2002 open date too. No way to fix this either, right?</p><p> </p><p> I know there is the basic answer of just ignoring the open dates and such, but I was wondering if I'm missing something obvious, or if there's just no way to do it yet.</p>
  10. Just saw that tournament brackets ARE being added! I know you could do it before yourself (and I have) by outside means, but an actual system in game with all the added features is literally amazing. All I could've asked for. My top 2 requests made it! Now some cosmetic belt/HOF/HOI stuff being added will make this the best game ever.
  11. So, are tournament brackets not going to be a thing again this year? I love that TV tapings are being put in this year, but my other big request was that. I'm shocked there's nothing in the game like that yet.
  12. <p>I love all the additions so far. Plenty of stuff I didn't even think about being added, plus my number one wish also making it (TV tapings!)</p><p> </p><p> Got a question about stables though, would this mean they can now be added to the HOI and companies HOF? Or is that still a restriction?</p>
  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Juhaninski" data-cite="Juhaninski" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don't think there's a product setting specifically for that, but you could just set the promotion to have integrated women's wrestling and book it as what is effectively a women's promotion with a men's division.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Problem is, I'm letting the AI run the company, which makes that impossible as they'll just hire tons of men wrestler's. Sadly going to have to nix that aspect and keep it all women for now, it seems.</p>
  14. Is there a way to make a primarily women's wrestling company with integrated men's wrestling? Trying to make WSU which has men vs woman a lot.
  15. Is there anyway to get a company to only run a few monthly shows without adding more? I'm trying to make Dradition for the game but I'm at a lost of how to go about that. They only run a few shows a year but I'm not sure how to make it so that sticks. When I added WWC they would create events in months without them.
  16. <p>Is there a way to have a promotion retain it's start date while also making it not open automatically? </p><p> </p><p> For example, I'm trying to set G.L.O.W. to open 2016 while also keeping note it began in 1986. Is there a way I can do this or no? I tried the "but not before" option but that doesn't seem to work.</p>
  17. Does anyone know if defunct promotions can be revived randomly by the AI, or is that impossible? Just a random thought that came to me while working on a mod. (I know that you can set them to open again, which I considered doing to STAMPEDE with Bret Hart to give Canada a promotion)
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