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Posts posted by mjmiller2010

  1. <p>Been watching WWE shows from 2013 as a reminder of what was happening in the company around that time and I think Randy Orton should be a face at the start of this mod. He was turned on by Big Show at Wrestlemania and feuded with him then started teaming with Kane and Daniel Bryan against the Shield. He turned heel at SummerSlam when he cashed-in on Bryan and joined the Authority.</p><p> </p><p>

    Also the starting date for the Shield is listed as November 2013 instead of November 2012</p>

  2. Big E is a difficult one. He was with Dolph and AJ on TV but he was also still in NXT. I would leave him on the main roster but he was NXT Champion at this point and that's not really workable. So I left him in NXT as a compromise as that keeps the title lineage accurate. and someone wanting to book him in the WWE can either call him up or just "borrow him".


    Thank you for this explanation, I thought this might've been the case.


    Two more things I took note of while looking the game over.


    I think Kurt Angle should have addiction attributes added to him. He checked into rehab in August(?) of 2013 following a DUI. IMO I think he should have heavy pain killer (reportedly he was taking 67 Vicodin a day), (heavy?) drinker, former steroid user (claims it was for his neck and had a failed test), (former?) hard drug (depends on what you classify Xanax as).


    Also noticed there is Rose Garden Arena (Portland, Oklahoma) and Rose Garden (Portland, Oregon). The Rose Garden (now known as Moda Center) is in Portland, Oregon. I see this in multiple mods and the arena being listed in Oklahoma is a personal pet peeve haha

  3. I mean, AJ Styles probably doesn’t yet have the pop but definitely has the potential if you want to steal him from TNA. Otherwise, you could sign Bryan Danielson as American Dragon if you want to err young again. Jamie Noble could work if you want someone a little older.


    AJ was my first choice too, the entire X-Division from TNA actually. But one of the owner goals is that I can't hire anybody who is already working for a medium sized and up company so it really limited my choices.

  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Andrewpage14" data-cite="Andrewpage14" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48209" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Not being TNA again... - Former WWE stars can't hold the world title until they've been there for 18 months (Except Moxley as he's current champ)<p> </p><p> Don't Be Hulkster - Cody can never win the world title, as booking himself to win would anger the roster</p><p> </p><p> Pick one member of The Elite - He is the only one to win your world title from The Elite (anyone can challenge for the title, but can't all win)</p><p> </p><p> #GiveWomenAChance - The womens division needs to be expanded, within 18 months they need to main event a PPV</p><p> </p><p> One Last Time - If possible, sign Jeff Hardy.Give Matt & Jeff one final tag title run, then a feud that ends with one retiring. </p><p> </p><p> Try that again... - Jake Hager must win a Casino Ladder Match, and win the world title, recreating his world title reign from WWE - It will be the only time he holds it, before dropping to the midcard.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> One question, do the former WWE superstars who are already on the roster (Cody, Dustin, Jericho, etc) count towards the first rule?</p>
  5. See Options > Natural Growth Limits in the handbook, the note you're describing refers to that. It has nothing to do with the number of people in attendance, it's the number of people watching in other regions - i.e. if you've not got many viewers in Europe, you'll be limited to how much you can grow there.


    What can be done to increase the viewers?

  6. While playing I've started noticing that every angle has the option for the worker to be scripted even if the angle has them off-screen, in a brawl, or if it's a video. I'm just curious whether it ultimately effects the rating of the angle.


    While I'm here I also want to ask if anybody else has had an issue with their angles being penalized because it was "uninteresting", I get this a lot while booking post-match attacks.


    Any hints or suggestion very welcomed.

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