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Posts posted by mjmiller2010

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="mjmiller2010" data-cite="mjmiller2010" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48346" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><img alt="1AQVkQi.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/1AQVkQi.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> Got this following the check</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I figured out the problem. For some reason when it downloaded it named itself but added (1) and it caused all the problems in the database.</p>
  2. There are so many moments that come to mind, being a wrestling fan since 97-98.


    HBK-Austin was one of the first matches I saw, Undertaker's entrance at WM14 also took my breath away.


    BUT the match that actually got me into wrestling was HBK-Bret's Ironman match at WM12. HBK's entrance, being a young fan at that time, instantly made him my favorite. The drama behind every move and the storytelling was amazing and to me this match doesn't really get the credit I think it deserves.

  3. WWE December 2007

    Ruthless Aggression Mod


    Franchise Players

    1. Rob Van Dam

    2. Edge

    3. The Big Show

    4. The Undertaker

    5. Eddie Guerrero (Money in the Bank holder)


    This list is very interesting to me, RVD doesn't do anything besides float around on ECW. I try to keep this play as close to real life as possible, Jeff Hardy is out for over a year with an injury, maybe I'll place RVD in his spot in the slow build.


    Next Big Things

    1. Brian Kendrick

    2. Santino Marella

    3. Colt Cabana

    4. Christy Hemme

    5. Kelly Kelly


    Kendrick is a long-time tag team champion alongside Paul London. Cabana has seen his rise slow down quite a bit, hoping his feud for the ECW TV title with Marcus Cor Von is enough to get him over the edge. Kelly is a very recent developmental call-up


    Hot Prospects

    1. Mickie James

    2. Paul London

    3. Santino Marella

    4. Shad Gaspard

    5. Brian Kendrick


    As previously stated London and Kendrick have been quite the team and continue to contend for the titles. James sees herself in and out of the title picture. Marella and Shad aren't up to a whole lot at the moment.


    Talk the Talk

    1. The Rock (signed but kept on a constant vacation)

    2. John Cena

    3. Steve Austin

    4. Vince McMahon

    5. Hulk Hogan


    With Jericho returning, I expect him to rise up this list fairly quickly.


    Show Stoppers

    1. Rob Van Dam

    2. Chris Jericho

    3. Rey Mysterio

    4. Eddie Guerrero

    5. Edge


    Ring Generals

    1. Chris Jericho

    2. Rob Van Dam

    3. Kurt Angle

    4. Rey Mysterio

    5. Triple H


    Who's Hot

    1. Brett Major

    2. Beth Phoenix (Women's champion)

    3. John Morrison (Tag Team champion)

    4. CM Punk (ECW champion)

    5. Rey Mysterio


    Major is floating around on Smackdown but has picked up a lot of victories with his partner Brian. Beth has been a monster in the women's division but is coming off a traditional Survivor Series team loss. Morrison recently won the tag team titles with The Miz but lost in a triple threat match against Punk and Miz. Punk has been the ECW champion since September winning feuds over Chris Benoit, John Morrison, and now The Miz. Rey Mysterio has been putting on quality matches over the past 2-3 months, his best being a win over Finlay in a No DQ match.


    Who's Not

    1. Stevie Richards

    2. Matt Striker

    3. Christy Hemme

    4. Kenny Dykstra

    5. Molly Holly


    Time Decline

    1. Ric Flair

    2. King Booker

    3. Hardcore Holly

    4. Shawn Michaels

    5. Hulk Hogan


    Hidden Gems

    1. MsChif

    2. Brian Cage

    3. Chris Cage

    4. Cheerleader Melissa

    5. Dakota Darsow

  4. So...in my PWG playthrough I hired Vladimir Kozlov (renamed as Vladimir Koslov) as the body guard of Ilja Dragunov and kayfabe cousin of Alex Koslov. He sucked. He had 20 popularity across the board at best and his stats were really not good. No positive chemistry with anyone either. Two weeks into his contract he left to film a movie. I didn't want to drop him so soon, so I just waited until his return. Turns out that the movie was a huge success. He returned with 80 pop and while his stats still aren't great, his performances are now constantly in the 70s. He left when he was an Enhancement talent and returned as a Main Eventer.

    Hollywood saved his career

    I had something similar happen with Torrie Wilson, was using her mostly as eye candy and mouthpiece until she went on to do a movie and she came back with A population nearly worldwide and I couldn't keep her happy so she handed in her notice

  5. This is mine from my Ruthless Aggression mod play, WWE September 2007


    Franchise Players:

    1. John Cena (30, Heavyweight champion, figurehead)

    2. Edge (33, World Heavyweight)

    3. Rob Van Dam (36)

    4. The Undertaker (42)

    5. The Big Show (35)


    The most shocking to me out of this list is The Big Show. I rarely used him over the past 6 months, mostly using him in promo segments on ECW to increase other's popularity. Currently I have moved him over to Smackdown to replace The Great Khali (who I never hired) in the feud with Edge and Batista.


    Next Big Things:

    1. CM Punk (28)

    2. Brian Kendrick (28, former Tag Team champion)

    3. Chris Masters (24)

    4. Santino Marella (28, former IC champion)

    5. Colt Cabana (27)


    Have taken the long and slow road when it comes to CM Punk, had him lose in the semifinals of the tournament to crown a new ECW champion then turned around and feud for the title with Chris Benoit and John Morrison. Kendrick has been one of the most reliable talents, him and London held on to the Tag Team titles for nearly a year, defending the straps 14 successful times.


    Hot Prospects:

    1. Mickie James (28, 3x Women's champion)

    2. Santino Marella (28, former IC champion)

    3. Shad Gaspard (26)

    4. Brian Kendrick (28, former Tag Team champion)

    5. Christy Hemme (26)


    Talk the Talk:

    1. The Rock (part-timer)

    2. John Cena

    3. Steve Austin (occasional appearance)

    4. Chris Jericho (on tour with his band)

    5. Hulk Hogan (occasional appearance)


    Only one full-time talent on this list, Cena had his best promos while feuding with Randy Orton leading to their match at SummerSlam. Orton was out with a broken hand, limiting the physical encounters between the two.


    Show Stoppers:

    1. Rob Van Dam

    2. Rey Mysterio

    3. John Cena

    4. Eddie Guerrero (current MITB holder)

    5. Edge


    All the men on this list have held either the Heavyweight, World Heavyweight, or both since I started the game with RVD being the only one to hold the ECW title. Cena and Guerrero have the best average for their matches in just under the 4 years of play (B).


    Ring Generals:

    1. Rob Van Dam

    2. Kurt Angle

    3. Rey Mysterio

    4. Triple H

    5. Christopher Daniels


    Christopher Daniels is the sole reason why Sean O'Haire has become one of the best talents on my roster, to the point where O'Haire might be seeing a singles run sooner rather than later.


    Time Decline:

    1. Terry Funk (Occasional wrestler, helping put over guys on ECW)

    2. Ric Flair (Coming upon his retirement tour *to simulate real life*)

    3. King Booker (Recently returned for a short stint)

    4. Hardcore Holly (Bouncing around, helping young guys get over)

    5. Chris Benoit (Current ECW champion)

  6. <p>Ruthless Aggression Mod, Week 1 June 2007, post Judgment Day</p><p> </p><p>


    Heavyweight: John Cena, been champion since September 2006, most recently defended against Kurt Angle</p><p>

    Intercontinental: Santino Marella, been champion since April 2007, most recently defended against Chris Masters</p><p>

    World Tag Team: Jeff and Matt Hardy, been champions since April 2007, most recently defended against World's Greatest Tag Team and Cade/Murdoch</p><p>

    Women's: Mickie James, won in May 2007, no defenses yet</p><p> </p><p>


    World Heavyweight: Bobby Lashley, won in May 2007, no defense yet</p><p> </p><p>


    World Heavyweight: Edge, won in May 2007, most recently defended against Batista</p><p>

    United States: MVP, won in May 2007, no defenses yet</p><p>

    Cruiserweight: Gregory Helms, been champion since January 2006, most recent defense against PJ Black</p><p>

    Tag Team: Christopher Daniels and Sean O'Haire, won in April 2007, no defenses yet</p><p> </p><p>

    Eddie Guerrero is holding the Money in the Bank briefcase</p>

  7. Playing the Ruthless Aggression mod, currently in May 2007. I've tried to keep it somewhat close to real life but have also really enjoyed putting my spin on some things.


    In 2005 I made Cena my figurehead and he's doing a phenomenal job at it.


    ECW is back and is lingering around consistent shows of B/B+ on the newly found WWE Network.


    My current champions are:

    ECW: Bobby Lashley (currently feuding with Umaga and the McMahon's)


    Cruiserweight: Gregory Helms (no real feud, just floating around while I establish new contenders)

    Tag Team: The Fallen *Sean O'Haire and Christopher Daniels* (recently defeated Brian Kendrick and Paul London after an 11 month reign. Will probably continue this feud for another month or 2)

    United States: Chris Benoit (currently feuding with MVP with MVP planned to win his first title soon.)

    World Heavyweight: The Undertaker (defeated Batista at Wrestlemania, still feuding with The Animal for another month or 2)


    Women's: Melina (floating title, no real feuds, just kinda there)

    World Tag Team: Jeff and Matt Hardy (defeated Cena and HBK on the Raw after Wrestlemania, currently feuding with Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch, will probably continue this for another month before bringing in a new team)

    Intercontinental: Santino Marella (rolled up Umaga after interference from Bobby Lashley, no real plans)

    Heavyweight: John Cena (been champion since Summerslam, defeated HBK at Wrestlemania, currently feuding with HBK, Edge, and Randy Orton)


    Money in the Bank: Eddie Guerrero (won the briefcase at Wrestlemania, seen mostly on Smackdown in a feud with Ken Kennedy, haven't decided against who or when he'll cash in)


    The day following my Backlash PPV, I lost two deals with PPV providers, forcing me to create the WWE Network.


    Kurt Angle has come back to the WWE and has his sights set on John Cena and the Heavyweight title.


    Randy Orton and Edge seemed to be finalizing their rivalry with a "Loser Leaves Town" match on the next episode with Raw.


    Over on Smackdown, Ken Kennedy continues to claim that he was screwed out of the Money in the Bank briefcase and wants Eddie Guerrero to put it on the line at Judgment Day.


    The Undertaker and Batista are set to face-off in a cage match, will Eddie cash-in before he places his briefcase on the line?

  8. Playing the Ruthless Aggression mod, currently in May 2007. I've tried to keep it somewhat close to real life but have also really enjoyed putting my spin on some things.


    In 2005 I made Cena my figurehead and he's doing a phenomenal job at it.


    ECW is back and is lingering around consistent shows of B/B+ on the newly found WWE Network.


    My current champions are:

    ECW: Bobby Lashley (currently feuding with Umaga and the McMahon's)


    Cruiserweight: Gregory Helms (no real feud, just floating around while I establish new contenders)

    Tag Team: The Fallen *Sean O'Haire and Christopher Daniels* (recently defeated Brian Kendrick and Paul London after an 11 month reign. Will probably continue this feud for another month or 2)

    United States: Chris Benoit (currently feuding with MVP with MVP planned to win his first title soon.)

    World Heavyweight: The Undertaker (defeated Batista at Wrestlemania, still feuding with The Animal for another month or 2)


    Women's: Melina (floating title, no real feuds, just kinda there)

    World Tag Team: Jeff and Matt Hardy (defeated Cena and HBK on the Raw after Wrestlemania, currently feuding with Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch, will probably continue this for another month before bringing in a new team)

    Intercontinental: Santino Marella (rolled up Umaga after interference from Bobby Lashley, no real plans)

    Heavyweight: John Cena (been champion since Summerslam, defeated HBK at Wrestlemania, currently feuding with HBK, Edge, and Randy Orton)


    Money in the Bank: Eddie Guerrero (won the briefcase at Wrestlemania, seen mostly on Smackdown in a feud with Ken Kennedy, haven't decided against who or when he'll cash in)

  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="RatedRKO16" data-cite="RatedRKO16" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41191" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Over at WWF, we believe in saving lives.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />:D:D</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> In my Ruthless Aggression save I feel like I may be heading down this same path. Can't go a week without at least 2 failed tests.</p>
  10. <p>Playing as WWE in 2006 (game started in 2004) and just recently opened up ECW. Looking for any goals, people to sign, storyline ideas, and who to push.</p><p>

    Here is the roster..</p><p> </p><p>

    Antonio Thomas</p><p>

    Big Vito</p><p>

    Bobbi Billard</p><p>

    Bubba Ray Dudley</p><p>

    Christian York</p><p>

    CM Punk</p><p>

    D-Von Dudley</p><p>

    Elijah Burke</p><p>

    Hardcore Holly</p><p>

    Johnny Roselli</p><p>

    Kevin Thorn</p><p>


    Marcus Cor Van</p><p>

    Matt Morgan</p><p>

    Matt Striker</p><p>


    Mike Knox</p><p>

    Mike Shane</p><p>


    Paul Heyman (GM)</p><p>

    Stevie Richards</p><p>

    Terry Funk</p><p>

    Big Show</p><p>

    Todd Shane</p><p>

    Tommy Dreamer</p><p>

    Tony Mamaluke</p><p>

    Trevor Murdoch</p><p>


    Rob Van Dam (WWE and ECW champ)</p><p>

    Kurt Angle</p>

  11. WWE January 2004 - May 2006


    Disc 1:

    1. Rey Mysterio v. Eddie Guerrero (Ladder Match, January 06 SmackDown)


    2. John Cena v. JBL (I Quit Match, Judgment Day 2005)


    3. Batista v. Edge (June 2005 Raw)


    4. Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels v. Edge and Christian (February 2005 Raw)


    5. JBL v. Chris Benoit (Cage Match, April 2006 SmackDown)


    6. Kurt Angle v. John Cena (First Blood Match, January 2006 Raw)


    7. John Cena v. Kurt Angle v. Chris Masters (December 2005 Raw)


    8. Sting v. Brock Lesnar (SummerSlam 2005)


    9. Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels v. Carlito and Kurt Angle (July 2005 Raw)


    10. John Cena v. Brock Lesnar v. JBL (WrestleMania 21)


    Disc 2:

    1. Shelton Benjamin v. Booker T (WrestleMania 22)


    2. Carlito v. William Regal v. Shelton Benjamin (Vengeance 2005)


    3. Dudley Boyz v. Paul London and Brian Kendrick (February 2006 SmackDown)


    4. Chavo Guerrero v. Paul London (July 2005 SmackDown)


    5. Booker T v. Billy Kidman (September 2004 SmackDown)


    6. Christopher Daniels and Sean O'Haire v. Big Show and Kane (April 2006 Raw)


    7. Matt Hardy v. Johnny Nitro (No Way Out 2006)


    8. The Undertaker v. Orlando Jordan (September 2004 SmackDown)


    9. Ric Flair v. HHH (Cage Match, Taboo Tuesday 2005)


    10. Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, and William Regal v. Ric Flair and Batista (November 2004 Raw)

  12. Coming from a sold out Joe Louis Arena, the WWF presented SummerSlam 1999!

    Opening the night was the New Age Outlaws becoming the new #1 contenders for the tag titles when they outlasted Too Much and D'Lo/Mark Henry.

    In a match featuring possible future world champions, Owen Hart caught Chris Jericho offguard with a rollup to retain his Intercontinental title.

    Kurt Angle continues his dominance, this time pinning Ken Shamrock following an Angle Slam to retain the European title.

    After the shocking attack on Raw, The Undertaker took care of his youngest brother yet again.

    The young Hardy Boyz continue to impress, this time defeating 2 teams in Edge & Christian and The Acolytes.

    Mankind finally got his revenge on the McMahon Family by demolishing Shane in a cage match, does he finally receive his title shot?

    Tommy Dreamer defeated longtime rival Raven for the Hardcore title.

    In a #1 contender match, HHH defeated the newly turned face The Rock to put himself in a spot to face the winner of the night's main event....

    In a 5-star match, Shawn Michaels had just enough left in the tank to retain his World Heavyweight title against Steve Austin in an Ironman match. Is this the end of this classic rivalry or is it possible that it's just beginning?

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