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Posts posted by Iceman90

  1. This makes a lot of sense to me. And while one could say it is a database problem I find most databases are built for the past and present. So eventually workers retire, become owners, etc but until that happens there can be a real lack of owners.  I think the idea for the AI to check for eligible owners is a good one.

    If there's a mass of workers it makes sense that the company is opened to give them a place to work. I'd like to see in this case that an owner is generated so the promotion can open, or "market forces" create an owner. Let's say there's a worker who is set to become an owner at 45, but is currently 40 and unemployed (and has been for a while). I can see a scenario where this person sees an opportunity to start a promotion as their way to stay in the business, and converts to an owner earlier than expected.

  2. What might be a nice to have is for mod makers to say in their first post with all the mod info how they plan to handle worker names (gimmick, real names, hybrid, etc) so you could combine databases of the same style.

    I know in other games I play, the database makers are often much more meticulous about posting their changelogs each time an update is posted (added these workers, renamed these workers, etc). If a few mod makers started to do the same, it would make megamods easier. Perhaps there could be some designation like megamod friendly for the ones who are willing to do this record keeping.

    Or perhaps someone wants to develop a "style guide" for mods, and developers can decide to opt in or not.

  3. On 7/16/2024 at 6:04 PM, Astil said:

    I also plan to turn this into a csv and an .mdb file for easy import once I feel better about the data. I see you non-excel users.

    You could also share a OneDrive URL so you can keep a real-time master database that anyone can view (read only) and download if they want - into a variety of formats (including CSV).

  4. 1 hour ago, Teh_Showtime said:

    I agree with this too, and it would cover real life promoters of one off events and not full promotions.


    I have mentioned Kobashi’s Fortune Dream series in the past. It’s possible to set tribute shows to living workers as a workaround, but having them actually listed as promoting the show would be much better.

    In my databases I often add random unemployed "money mark" type characters, especially in regions without many bookers who wouldn't really make sense as a tribute show, especially since they don't have any/many relationships but could easily be randomly assigned to an indy show.

  5. With bookers now being able to improve their booking skills as the game goes on, could unemployed bookers be assigned to the various indy shows that the game produces (and potentially tribute shows)? 

    Someone has to book any show and this seems like a logical way for unemployed workers who have booking skills to improve that skill - just like the wrestlers who work the shows.

    • Like 4
  6. From the day 17 update, I really like the ability to add and remove tribute shows once a save has started. I don't know in how many of my real-world games guy like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair or Bret Hart have passed away and I've wished there could be a tribute show for them. 

    I'd like to see the ability to set these tribute shows to inactive along with removing them entirely, just like we can now with events. Especially now that tribute shows can be dedicated to a company, I could see doing a company tribute show every 5 or 10 years, and pause it between those intervals while still retaining the show's history. Since TEW IX is a lot about quality of life changes, this would allow database makers to not have to create a show over and over on a non yearly schedule, but the could re-activate the show on whatever timeline they want.

  7. I really like that the player's avatar gets a salary now. It'd be nice if the player could use that money somehow. Perhaps they could invest in the company they work for (especially if it was in the red) and then have the option to take a dividend at the end of the year based on how much they invested.  Or that the player could offer to invest in another company if that company would hire them as a booker/owner.

    Or to allow the player to purchase a classic title belt that they could bring to whatever promotion they work for (like Taz's FTW belt).

  8. I am excited for the geotag feature. I've recently been putting together an indy promotion that is supposed to tour native reserves. It take a lot less time than what I've been doing now which is manually assigning every tour show to a different reserve location that I've created.  It means I need to setup a whole schedule in advance, instead of leaving that to the AI. This sounds like it'd solve that issue nicely.

    • Like 1
  9. This is a much different style question than many others. Will there be updated media formats in this version? GIF is an old format at this point. Supporting PNG blends the best of GIFs transparency (PNG also allows for semi transparency) and JPEG's high resolution into one format - often with a better filesize if optimized properly.  WebP is another great option, but I am sure it's too new for you to support in this version.

  10. Custom Promotion request inspired by this


    Based in the South East region, possibly with New Orleans as a home arena. So maybe some heavy VooDoo and/or Cajun influence? Or just generally supernatural or whatever (New Orleans is considered the most haunted city in the US)

    I like the name Voodoo Wrestling. These are all various Voodoo logos for other companies. The black one is my favourite.



  11. Does anyone have a free picture pack for TEW 2016? I used to use one but I can't find it. I know everyone has moved on to 2020 so if you can help that'd be swell!


    I am sorry if this isn't the place to put it, I just really am having trouble finding one.


    The photo sizes are the same. Any 2020 pack should work for 2016.

  12. Great job on those. A creative take on the request.


    Wish I'd seen this before I tried as I had a similar idea (using the lower case delta symbol as the S)... Yours look better.


    Thanks guys. Mine were quick, but when the inspiration hits you need to roll with it. These are the first logos I've posted to the forum and after the positive feedback I think I may contribute a few more I've done and answer some future requests.

  13. Looking for a promotion logo for my company named Wrestling Society Delta!

    And if able requesting a world championship with the logo on it

    I don't do belts, but here is a logo I did for the company, as well as a transparent PDF someone could use for a belt if you like it.


    The lowercase delta symbol 𝛿 looks like an "SO" in the font I used, so I played on that and did a few variants


    Version 1




    Version 2



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