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Posts posted by lr10540

  1. 12 hours ago, Bad Collin said:

    Hmm, fair point. 

    I messed mine up too. We worked out that it is 1 point gained for every five shows and now we get 5 points for going up in size so mine should be 22 from shows and 15 from rises = 37. I'm on 46 at the moment which makes sense because there were two booking achievements I didn't account for, i'll drop it to 36.

    I think for the next run i'll try a zero loyalty save where I take the booking stat increases and apply for any available job with a bigger company.

    Okay so if I did this correctly, I've booked 87 shows total + small company, so rep is 27 and booking skill is 6 now after removing the 50 points for 5 rolls. I hadn't yet changed from the +10 to the +5/+5 due to the aforementioned busy last week and a half and not much playing. 

    I got 31, 52, 2, 31, 37. For roll 2, went with cage specialist and had 2 workers that both had 66 hardcore (Deacon Darkhold & Texas Hangman) and I went with Deacon since he was classed as a hardcore style wrestler. Also, strong friendship doesn't exist as far as I could tell, so I went with Deep Friendship. Seems like it would be the same? For both 31 rolls I put all 10 points into Charisma for 20 total bringing me up to 98. That coupled with 37 gave me 5 star quality and I'm now figurehead material, so when Cornell inevitably gets stolen in a few years, I'll be the face that runs the place. Hopefully I don't overshadow Cornell until then. Actually though of using some of the points for mic over charisma to help with that but figured he'll be gone in a few years regardless and I'd rather be ready myself. The extra pop feels pointless but cool I guess. Does musician do anything for the UC? Might be a famous musician by the end of this challenge!

  2. On 9/1/2024 at 4:10 AM, Bad Collin said:

    OK,  so now we know that booking skill is irrelevant except for getting CE (which we can get easily enough from our booking teams) and booking rep now goes up as we increase in size. Do we go back to getting a roll for the booking achievements?

    My main concern is that creative finishes could make getting 100 too easy but we could always simply say you need to not use a creative finish to complete the challenge.

    What are everyone's thoughts?


    I would prefer the rolls personally. As it stands, all the easier achievements are booking skill so early rolls are pretty much end of year rolls instead of potential skills/attributes when they're more potentially more useful. As it stands now, I'm still doing the +10 booking skill until we come to a concrete resolution, but I'd gladly lower my booking skill from 56 to 6 and take 5 rolls lol.

    Also, I keep forgetting to patch. Been a busy week, usually getting on just to book a couple shows. Are the skill/rep changes going to be applied retroactively? If not, are we meant to add the skills ourselves? For example, I'm currently small, should I be adding x number of booking rep points? If we do add the skills ourselves for our company growth, how much per level? 

  3. On 8/26/2024 at 10:43 AM, Bad Collin said:

    I think it's a matter of time, they can't compete with USPW and SWF and fall to Medium. Pee Wee Germaine took control. I applied for the job but my booking rep is 18 so...

    Also, I don't think one month of profit would reset the bankrupcy timeline, if so that seems like a bug

    I think I mistyped what I meant. If the end of month finances go back to the black for 1 month, that takes you out of debt, which I think resets the timer. I don't think it's as simple as a month of profit, I think you have to be completely out of debt for 1 calender month.

  4. 28 minutes ago, Bad Collin said:



    Mine happen on Sept 10th, 2025. I wonder if this is somehow scripted to occur if everyone is experiencing this in September of 2025 or if it's just a matter of they'll never compete with USPW and he's the scapegoat like Peter Michaels was with SWF in TEW2020.

    As for 21CW, they may have had a month in the black. I think that would've reset the 18 month timeline for bankruptcy.

  5. 21CW declared bankruptcy instead of selling to me. So that's annoying. My dreams of doing a Cornell Sr. vs Cornell Jr. feud are dashed. Another point of annoyance is TCW's booking position also opened up in my save in the 4th quarter of 2025 following the dismissal of Kyle Rhodes as CEO. Unfortunately for TCW, BriCo sold the company outright (I think because he's listed as owner and not CEO) to Giant Redwood, and given his egomaniacal attitude, he thinks he can book TCW better than anyone. So I got the email of it being opened, only to have my hopes and dreams dashed once more.

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  6. To add to the gamey-ness a bit, I vaguely recall in the past you could sign legends and if it was someone like Jack Bruce, their merch sales would pay for their contract and then some. With the inflated contract numbers on TEW9, I don't think that's possible at the higher end levels anymore, but it's happening now with my promotion. Prior to changing the weekly events to 4 monthly events, I was only booking guys like Frankie Perez and California Love Machine on 1 show a month (my named, future PPV event) while giving them the night off on the weekly (eventual TV) shows. These 2 guys are on 1k+ an appearance contract. Their combined merch generation is about 3k with 2500 coming to me. Now, with changing to 4 monthly events, these guys are on every show, so I can book better talent more often and still come out in the positive. The only meaningful thing this "exploit" has done is allow me to sign KC Glenn to a written contract a few months before I'd otherwise be able to financially. That said, were the rules to be amended, I'd change to fit them. If I ever complete this, I'll probably do another with a harder/stricter rule set. I was already planning to do another when DerekB's 04 CVerse mod comes out.

    For the actual 6 month update since the last one was mostly bragging lol. Merch sales in December was 6.8k a month. January, out first full month with 5 shows on WrestleWorld, merch was up to 15.6k a month. Now we're at the halfway point of the year and July's merch sales ended at 47.1k, an 8k increase over the previous month. We've increased by at least 5k every single month, except 1, and following the month of stagnation, we jumped 12k to make up for it. We've got KC Glenn signed through his early 40s (fingers crossed no time decline) and Tommy Cornell on a 5 year written and being made figurehead. I don't anticipate being able to keep him after the 5 years are up. I'm almost certain USPW will swoop in and steal him, unless he has the career goal to stick with 1 place. Considering signing Austin Smooth, Chip Martin or Deacon Darkhold as my next written deals, but neither of the 3 have really high SQ, so not sure it would be worth it long term. Texas Hangman is a consideration as he has the best SQ outside of a declining Masked Cougar on my roster, but he's currently recovering from a broken neck, and I don't think he'll be worth the investment post recovery. There's a few free agents that are interesting, primarily Brandon Saito, Jack Holder, Prime Time Jack Pryde and Super Massive Destroyer as well as a few regens. 

    Financials and roster aside, we're up to the 22nd ranked company in the world. 21CW got their financial warning last month and I'm definitely willing to go in debt to purchase them, but as of yet, they're uninterested in selling up. I would love to absorb their pop and the merch sales that would come with it, along with a select few members of their roster. Namely, the slowly declining father to our soon to be figurehead. I would love love love to get a Tommy Cornell Sr. vs Tommy Cornell Jr. feud going. That would actually likely lead to me scrapping my current "storylines," meaning 3 stories with 1/3rd of my roster in each one for product requirements towards actually booking legit thought out stories, which I generally save for once I'm able to have my whole roster on written deals and can reliably plan things out. We're now reliably booking shows in the upper 50s with regularity despite numerous penalties to production values. I don't think I can yet book a 75 event and I'm not in any regional battles, so I don't feel the need to improve those at this point in time. My highest rated match is tied for 2nd highest rated match in the promotion and it was a 6-man throw away tag in June of 2025. I usually get low to mid 50s for individual performance, so we're still likely a ways off from that 75 match rating as well. KC Glenn vs Desert Storm was a highest rated match at 69. I'm confident Glenn v Cornell will exceed that, but I'm saving that match, probably for our first actual PPV. World Title is up to 44 prestige after being created in January and held by Cornell Jr who took it from Frankie Perez in April of this year. Had to fire Sgt. Bubba Lee earlier this year due to repeated pre-show/locker room incidents. He was in a team with Desert Storm, another military themed gimmick and I lovingly dubbed them The Old Wave, of course an homage to The New Wave of TCW fame. 

    As a last note, I've gotten really lucky with chemistries on this play through. My owner, Brady Prince is my current CC and he has good chemistry on the cans with Lee Bambino. My UC has great chemistry when teaming with KC Glenn AND Tommy Cornell Jr. Fox Mask II has good chemistry teaming with King Lion. Frankie has great chemistry fighting Cali Love Machine and Chip Martin. Forgot to mention it in the last paragraph, but I've got a contract out to Angry Gilmore to come in and be a road agent as he retired last month. I meant to sign him to have a 1-off match with my UC but I completely forgot. Gilmore (along with Rich Money and Skull DeBones/Vengeance) has been my favorite CVerse character, so I'm pretty thrilled to (hopefully) be getting him in the coming days. image.thumb.png.74d89a993652adcf58214d7c6fe85de8.pngimage.thumb.png.17f56d1bd448d7c5669ecb6c8c1f48ab.png

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  7. 6 hours ago, Bad Collin said:


    According to the manual we should be penalised for running more than one monthly ppv but it doesn't say anything about ticket sales. @lr10540, are all of these events running on WrestleWorld? Are you getting the same number of viewers?

    They're not yet on PPV. I'm just over 40 pop in my home region at this point and still small. The shows have between 26k and 30k viewers, and yes they're all broadcast. I'll have to look at the per show broadcast revenue to see if multiple shows are penalized, but it's only a couple grand. I don't broadcasting less shows would change that in any meaningful way.

  8. 8 hours ago, Bad Collin said:

    So 4 monthly shows a month works? That is a massive exploit. 

    Monthly events draw the same as Annual events. Weekly events draw about half of that and tv shows draw about a sixth of the annual show. It's the same number of shows but what we call them has a drastic difference on how useful they are. 

    Yes. It worked the same way in TEW2020. Id have my named event that would eventually be my PPV and book them as such in order to build up importance. Then Id have 4 monthly shows that I treated as television.


    I don't have to give my most expensive workers the night off 4 times a month and still clear around 8k a show in profit. You can still make profit doing a weekly event, it just requires more micromanagement with giving nights off.

  9. I guess I'll do kinda a 5-6 month update since I'm booking 5 shows a month and there's some fun stuff that happened. And also, after reading the last page or so, I kinda wanna brag lol.

    We were making like 4k a month running a weekly event + named event on WrestleWorld. I changed that this month to 4 monthly shows + named event. It works the same as 2020 where a weekly event draws less than a monthly event, so that increased my per show income from like 2k to 10k. So with this new found surplus of cash, I decided to sign my second written contract to by far my best worker, KC Glenn. He'll be with us into his early 40s now (he's 33 iirc) but the biggest signing..... Tommy Cornell Jr on a 5 year deal (Because he wouldn't sign a 10 year deal) for 10k a month. Growth has been steady, rapidly upgrading merch again. Might look to sign another worker or 2 to develop a 4 pillars kind of thing and then look at production values. With KC Glenn getting 80 ratings (his individual rating, not segment ratings) and both my UC and Cornell regularly getting 50-60+, I feel really good about the rest of the year.

  10. 44 minutes ago, Arlie Rahn said:

    What's the big difference? You just run the risk of being let go if you don't meet the owner's goals?

    As owner, your big goal is to not be losing money after three years, right (and therefore go bankrupt)?

    The biggest difference is ability to sign/keep workers. I'm not sure exactly what Packer's financial preference is, but I'm pretty sure it's the highest setting, so you'll likely never outbid USPW for workers. Owner goals create limitations and challenges in some scenarios. Those are the only real differences.

  11. I think the general rules for the challenge are the same set up as the Road to Glory challenge as far the company goes. 0 pop, prestige, momentum and 1000 dollars. I think it's the default company stats when you choose to start a new company under the Rock Hard settings while unemployed in game. You don't have to create a worker. I think most people pick a character already apart of the CVerse as their UC, make themselves the owner and book shows. If you're wanting to edit the DB prior to starting, you could do as you described and set an already established company back down to the aforemention 0s accross the board (don't forget merchandising and production values in this case) and change Event prestige to the lowest rating as well. I think that pretty much covers the basic ruleset. From there you can of course edit it as you wish.

    The early game of these challenges is incredibly dull. You'll be using the same 30 cost workers for the first 18-24 months before you can start making a profit and gradually increasing the quality of your workers and quantity of shows. WrestleWorld makes it easier to grow than it used to be, but it's still a bit of a slog. Once you get to Small and especially Medium is when it starts to get really fun, in my opinion. For my latest RtG save, I only hired workers local to my region for the lowest possible travel cost. Same with 1 road agent and 1 ref. And even then you could do as KyleCamelot said and cycle the workers who aren't in that particular match for those roles as it's near impossible to get a sub 20 rated show and anything greater than zero contributes to growth.

  12. 1 hour ago, moststay said:

    Right now Im at 77 across America so I need that minimum everytime, gonna be rough.

    With the roster you have left, it certainly seems that way. Looks like you're in for a monumental rebuild. Looks like all the upper card mainstays are completely gone from the company. I'm guessing the older stars that are there at the start are all ravaged by time decline now to be of any use. The Bachs, the New Waves and their ilk.

  13. So wound up restarting. Getting 60k in 15 months didn't seem feasible as I had just started getting out of the red monthly by a very small amount. Took the lessons I learned and restarted. Was making money after I think 9 months and was in the black by 18 months. Currently sitting on 60.8k, 3 years in. Biggest lessons were rapidly upgrading merch and worker costs. I had rapidly upgraded every level and got to Level 6 while still insignificant. Apparently while you're below Tiny, you can't sell worker specific merchandise. Not sure if that's intended or not, but I had upgraded to the point the merch was costing nearly 2k more than it was bringing in before the end of year 2. Took it much slower this time and at the start of year 4 I'm 14% from reaching level 6 in merch. As for workers, stuck to only workers in my region, which I switched to WPL, based in Mid South (changed all the stats accordingly to make it fit the challenge) because it was 100% important while North West was not. Also went with Classic Sports Entertainment so my estimated sponsorship is 8539 while at 32 Pop in Mid South. 

    Guess we'll talk about my UC. Momentum stays Ice Cold despite not losing a match since February and using creative ideas to get the momentum up to Chilly. Not quite sure why that is, but I have a gimmick change prepared and we're gonna strap a rocket to him. The coolest bit of news was he has great chemistry teaming with KC Glenn, so I have one of the best workers in the world as my tag partner, to hopefully rub off some on me. Changed the starting rolls a bit. Went with 75 in Technical, Psychology, Charisma, Microphone, SQ, Selling,  Stamina, Athleticism, followed by 50s in Brawling, Consistency and Safety. 

    Rolls wise, I got 28 (Flavour of the Month) for my first 50 match, which took 29 months from the start of the save. EoY rolls from 22-24 was 51 (Took Big Match Specialist), 24 and 22. Company wise, we're going to start off 2025 with a bang. We will debut on WrestleWorld Tuesday, January 7th. With that debut will come our first ever championship which will take place in our first ever gimmick match, a 6-man ladder match. Depending how that goes, we will likely add a 2nd and possible a 3rd and 4th show. I expect our growth to be tremendous at this point. Even with the increase in production costs, we're profiting every show. Papa Swoll is leaving us for TCW, which is gonna hurt since he was nearly a quarter of our merch sales, but not quite as much as Wolf Hawkins leaving TCW for USPW.

    Game world is interesting. USPW has basically turned into the wrestling equivalent of a super team and the rest of the world is essentially it's minor leagues. Aaron Andrews, Aaron Knight, Cameron Vessey, Captain Atomic, David Stone, Des Davids, El Leon, Greg Gauge (USPW Champ), Hollywood Bret Starr, Jay Chord, Joey Morgan, Mighty Mo, Mr Lucha III, Primus Allen, Randy Bumfhole, Remo, Rock God Alvarez, Valiant and the aforementioned Wolf Hawkins. Basically a player character at this point. So who's left in TCW and SWF, you ask? Have they fallen to medium sized companies permanently under the crushing financial might of USPW?

    Well no, they've built up their own replacement stars of familiar names. SWF is led by Scythe, and High Flyin Hawaiian as the 2 biggest stars in the company. High Flyin's teammates, Ekuma is their World Champ. Mikey Lau, Ranger, Steven Parker and Matty Faith round out their major stars. 

    TCW is being led by their figurehead, TCW World champ Spencer Spade, Chris Flynn, Nick Booth, Roderick Remus and 2 (former/current) tag teams in The New Wave and The Behemoths. They're a fair bit less popular than SWF's top stars, but they're still doing well for themselves in building the next generation of USPW stars.

    Some other popular names I didn't mention... Rocky Golden was in USPW but they declined to renew his deal at the end of 2024. It looks like he spent 2024 in decline. Steve Frehley was actually poached back by SWF, but sustained a broken neck against Forest Ratzloff in July and will be out for the next 8 months. Unfortunately for Steve, his career is pretty much done as he was declining long before the broken neck. He'll be blown up just walking down the ramp by the time he returns. Gilmore and Rogue both left and had runs in Japan during their twilight years. Brandon James did the same and retired in June of 2023.

    Really enjoying this game. It is making me want to play an SWF game though and get some revenge on USPW!


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  14. Finally giving the RTG IX edition a go. Year 1 was certainly a trying year. Game world started with the economy in shambles and the wrestling industry soon joined it. Ran 13 events, got up to 9 popularity in the home region (North West) prior to my super lucky end of year roll. Got merchandise up to Level 5 running rapid upgrades every single day of the year except for a 2ish week period (forgot to set merch upgrades being completed emails to urgent) and all it cost me was roughly 35 grand of debt. Have 41.8k in debt currently, hopefully we can start to get that going in the other direction around the mid point of this 2nd year. As far as stats go, went with 75 in Brawling, Technical, Psychology, Charisma, Mic, Acting, Star Quality, Selling, Athleticism and then split my last 75 between Stamina (40) and Safety (35).

    Ant-Man is our only representative in the Power 500, undoubtedly due to his work in ACPW. Cameron Vessey was part of the match of the year and on new years day 2023, he signed with USPW who reached Titanic late in 2022. Got the 25 rated show in January and the 50 rated show in September. Came close to hitting that elusive 50 rated match a few times, and finally got it on the last show of the year in a tag match featuring Youngman, The FKA Architect, Masked Grappler and myself. That got me roll 16, which I put 15 points in Athleticism and 5 points into Stamina. Then the end of the year roll was huge as I got roll 53. 7 regions with pop equates to 14 total points of pop. Should go a decent ways to help with merch sells. The other part of the roll went to Josh Jacobs, who I don't particularly have any long term hopes or desires for, but we'll enjoy his popularity boost while he's still here.

    Should hit Tiny around the midway point this year. Thanks to the EoY roll, we're starting off 2023 at 11 pop in North West. I don't imagine I'll hit anymore in-ring achievement rolls this year, so it'll be all about growth!

    Chris Carnage Year 1.png

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  15. 8 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

    NO!  Politicians are polarising - no matter what a % of people are going to hate them.  Nobody is going to a wrestling show to see a politician and some are going to be turned off by seeing them.  Obviously it would be a big deal and they should have a high pop in game but you would need to reflect that for maybe 25% of the audience this is the worst person they could think of to see on a show.

    To play devil's advocate, hatred is still an emotion that you're not upset seeing on a wrestling show. Boos are just as good as cheers.

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  16. 19 minutes ago, ZMAN said:

    Star quality as 75 is pointless since you get the same boost regardless with 65 right?

    Ideally you get 75 and then get boosts through rolls or through size/weight gain. I generally start with 75 and normal body. Increase size immediately to get toned. 2 years later increased for muscular and 2 years after that increase to ripped. Should get low to mid 80s and then you're close to being able to make yourself figurehead.

  17. 58 minutes ago, d12345 said:

    In the C-Verse I'm making a Celebrity character for President Knope (from Alicia Strong's bio). Does it make sense for the President of the U.S. to be 99 pop?

    I've always viewed it essentially as how well they could draw a wrestling audience. Stone Cold isn't as popular as Trump, but nobody is coming to a wrestling show to see Trump. Unless there's a chance he's shaved bald. But I don't think it's out of the question to have the prez be near max popularity.

  18. 11 minutes ago, michgcs said:

    Sorry if this has been posted before but I've tried to use some keywords and haven't found anything in search; and I guess this isn't really the goal of RtG but how do you guys handle pay raise requests? I got Brodie Lachlan for 30/show and he's asking for a bajillion-times increase to 1,200/show. Al Coleman did the same and I rejected it (and he was furious) but I wasn't as attached to him and cut him loose.

    Am I just SOL and forced to move on from those specific workers in cases like this? TIA.

    In the early days of RTG, I always turned down pay requests and if the person in question began to cause problems backstage, I'd release them. Otherwise they can be upset until they walk out. Assuming this hasn't changed, but your show ratings need only be higher than your current pop to gain pop. When your pop is still single digits, it's near impossible to not gain pop from doing anything with anybody.

  19. TLDR: Again, another long update, although this will likely be the last of the long updates. Long story short, we bought TCW and I detail the takeover, what we changed, current talent, future talent and plans going forward. I'll likely be doing a more EoY summary for myself and the company. Workers coming and going primarily with any major news sprinkled in more as a bullet point type format. As for this year, it was great. Fortunately, we got a ton of rolls! Unfortunately, almost all of them are pretty damn useless. I listed pop in the screenshot, but we're basically a megastar. We'll be figurehead towards the end of this coming year and we're bringing in the most merch of anyone on our roster not named Sam Strong.

    Update 3


    First half of the year was just accumulating money. We signed a couple core guys, a few young guys to build up as we approach television and Flare. Flare was signed because he’s a star, and I have a soft spot for both him and The Hype. I was able to send him to rehab and he kicked the heavy drugs and somehow I was able to talk him out of his other addictions upon his return. Now we have a 23 year old Flare on another 8 months written deal (didn’t want to sign him long term as I wasn’t sure I’d be able to get him to kick his habits and his skills have greatly deteriorated) and hopefully we can get him back fairly close to where he was. His star quality and athleticism will like stay in the mid to high 60s, but we should be able to get his stamina up. The other guys we signed are as follows, Shawn Gonzalez, Alex Braun, Enygma, The Hype (core 4), Angry Gilmore, T-Rex, Rich Money, Mick Muscles, Valiant, Doc Hammond (future main eventers; Mick and Valiant are already there) & Alex, Jack and Steve DeColt for eventual Canadian expansion. 


    June saw the booking position of HGC, now medium, come open as Sam Strong stepped down a few months after retiring due to a knee injury. I separated my save and applied because I wasn’t sure if I really wanted to attempt the challenge with another company, but it ultimately didn’t matter as I didn’t get the job. Sometimes things don’t go as planned, however. Jason Jackson accepted the job on the first Thursday of July. He quit on the last Tuesday of the same month and yours truly became the new booker of HGC on the last day of July. I released all the aforementioned written deals I had signed above and resigned them all to HGC on 10 year deals with the exception of Alex Braun and Flare who now had a strong dislike relationship with me. 


    So this next bit might be rather long, as I’m going to cover all the changes I made to HGC as I became THE GUY!

    First off, the company will forever be known as Total Championship Wrestling, starting Monday, August 1st of 2001. The Cruiserweight strap has been renamed All-Action. Long-term, the Hardcore title will likely be phased out and I’m debating bringing in a Woman’s title since the world has slowly started to populate with solid women workers, at least enough to build a respectable division out of.

    Comprehensive tested everyone on the roster to see where we stood with that. Wanted to get workers clean as well as filter out guys who were easy cuts. 11 out of 49 people on the roster popped. 3 for painkillers: Big Trouble, an SWF graduate regen that looks solid and TCW All-Action champ, Electro. All were sent to rehab and Electro’s title was vacated. This will give me a good storyline excuse to debut the new strap for that division. Everyone else was steroids: Sam Strong, Wolverine, Bryan Vessey, Romeo Heartthrob, Paul Steadyfast, Peter Valentine and Demon Spite. I took no action on everyone (but was able to get them to quit via talking to worker) with the exceptions of Wolverine (time decline) and Peter Valentine (piece of human trash) who were fired. Firing Valentine cost me 500k in bonuses to Sam Strong to remove his angry morale hit, but it’s well worth it long term. Heartthrob and Demon Spite will also be fired eventually. Heartthrob because he’s 47 (although looking at his stats, this is his 1st month in time decline with stamina dropping 1 point) and is a negative backstage influence but his 70ish pop is too valuable to not use him to put over other workers and Spite for similar reasons. 


    Roster reconstruction. Along with the aforementioned firings due to drugs, the following talents have been future endeavored: Grunt, Stink and Ramon Paez. Soon to be fired, as soon as we use them to get our incoming crop of talent over are: Negative locker room influences Demon Spite, Eden Layman, Rico Santana, Romeo Heartthrob and unfortunately Steve Flash. I’d love to keep Flash around, but having that agitator personality ain’t gonna work for me, brother. Soon to be fired age/decline related: Big Trouble once he returns from rehab and The Danger Kid. 110 contract in total were sent out between a few new main roster talents, a ton of developmental talents, 20+ women for my inaugural division (they’ll be sent to NOTBPW and LAW, my created dev company until I’m ready for them), and around 10 non-wrestling talent. Tag team division needed to be massively overhauled as well, as every team aside from the fired Nation of Filth are just random guys that were thrown together. 


    Business related. We had roughly 26 million at my disposal. I opened the highest tier of development company I could for 5 million and hired my old loyal friend turned strong dislike former coworker, Alex Braun to run the company and old vet coworker Pistol Pete Hall to book it. I bought out NOTBPW and kept them around as an additional developmental company. Upgraded the House of Stone dojo to max in terms of training level and rep for roughly 4 million. Created a subscription network with coverage everywhere; Very Big in US, Medium in Canada & Mexico, Very Small in Oceana and Tiny everywhere else. Tooltip said this will currently cost me roughly 20k in losses a month. TV deals and events for myself and all 3 child companies were given via my network.


    The roster mostly sucks. Strong is retired, Rip Chord is the only active guy over 80 pop in USA and he’s deep in time decline with barely over 30 stamina. And he’s the current champ. The rest of the 70+ pop guys consist of Bryan Vessey (30), James Justice (30), Mr. Lucha (40, low 60s physical and on hiatus), Nemesis (42, low 60s physical and deep in time decline), and Philip “Enforcer” Roberts (33). I have Johnny Martin, Masked Patriot, Outbacker Rolf (wtf), Silver Shark, Tyson Baine and Vengeance all between the ages of 29 and 31 with 60+ pop and they’re all 78+ physical everywhere except Johnny Martin’s and Vengeance’s legs. Martin, Baine and Vengeance I’ll be making a push to get into the main event scene ASAP. I need to decide who I’m going to make with a victory over Chord and then I’m probably going to start using him to get the younger main event guys over if he’ll allow it. Since Chord is a babyface atm, it will likely be James Justice or Tyson Baine depending if I want a worker or a monster for my first booked title run. I love Chord, but I just can’t do much with him when his stamina is in the 30s and soon to be 20s.  Future main eventers on this roster that haven’t been named yet are the former WWF talents who my new company stole from me in Brandon James and Chris Morrisette, Jack Bruce and of course myself. 


    SWF has 5 talents with over 90 star quality. Tommy Cornell is one; his deal is up in 8 months and I’m going to do everything I can to poach him. Faith has 3 years, 4 months so he’s out of question, but I’ll also try to poach him despite him being 38 or 39 when his deal expires. Dread has 10 months, is 39 and in the low 60s physically but still isn’t in decline so I have moderate interest in him. The Big Easy is 40, in time decline and still has 14 months left. I don’t see myself going after him for those reasons, although I’ll definitely drive up the price. If SWF lets him walk and he still has pop, I’ll sign him to a short term deal to put over my up and comers. I saved Jim Force for last because I can start negotiations with him on September 1st. He’s a marketing dream, isn’t a negative influence and while he’s not great in the ring, he’s only 27 and good enough for me to really want him off SWF’s roster. As for the rest of their roster, I plan to pursue when available: Danny Bruce, Duane Fry, Darren Smith, El Bandido, Eric Eisen, Louis Williams, Mr. Supreme, Outbacker Harris, Pablo Rodriguez, Peter Michaels, Ric Young, Sam Keith if he's not in decline 2 years from now and Sean McFly. Eventually I'll have Richard Eisen on my roster leading a group of SWF faithful as they invade TCW after having their company bought out!


    By September we had taken Danny Bruce because I’ve always loved his render, and The Force! Force will certainly be a future main eventer given his star quality and the fact that he’s developed into a really respectable worker means a world title run isn’t out of the picture. He’s still mid to high 40s pop and I’ve got other talent to elevate for the rest of the year. That coupled with the need to fill out the tag division at the moment, he’s going to team with other ripped bodybuilder turned wrestler Tom Angelus as a power and paint Road Warriors (or rather Lords of War/Demons of Rage given we’re playing CV) esque baby face team.


    Rounding out the year, we signed Duane Fry away from SWF in November. We lost out on Mike Watson debuting as he chose to work in Japan. We resigned Bryan Vessey also in November. We couldn’t resign Mr Lucha because he wasn’t active in America and refused to become active and due to him being on hiatus, I couldn’t make him work in America in order to become active. I have no idea how he signed with HGC in the first place if this was the case. Tana The Mighty suffered a C7 Cervical Spinal Cord Rupture, we were able to get a successful surgery and he’ll be back in 7 months, but I’m not sure if that will prevent him from retiring or not. At the very least, I’m expecting his physical ratings to be completely destroyed to the point where retirement will be imminent. Lastly in December, we lost out on a bid for Eric Eisen, but successfully took Brent Hill (low 70s pop) and SWF fell to medium, but they’re still the #1 company in the world.


    We Are The Moment - Work for a Medium company

    Sunday, Week 4, July 01 (Became Booker of HGC)

    25. “It’s a skirt!” You have devoted your holiday season to learning Colour Commentary from the masters +60 to Colour

    Colour: 0→60


    A True Alternative - Produce an Event Card of 75

    TCW Summer Showdown: 88 | Sunday, Week 4, July 01

    47. "It's not the size of the dog, it's the size of the fight" You now like fighting from underneath, add "Plays Weasely/Underdog Well" and “Giving Performer” to your attributes


    Taking the Next Step - Earn a Match Grade of 75 or More With Your Wrestler

    HGC Hollyweird TV Tuesday, Week 1, August 01

    Chris Wyatt & Bryan Vessey vs Rip Chord and Phillip Roberts

    41. "This here's what you call Domination" You've discovered a new found ability to Dominate, add "Plays Dominant Well" and “Squash Master” to your attributes


    The Road To Glory - Work for a Big company

    Monday, Week 1, Sept 01

    16. “Hit The Bricks” You live in the gym. +20 to spend on physical skills. (Athleticism, Toughness, Stamina, Power)

    Athleticism: 79--->99


    Hottest Thing In The Industry - Produce an Event Card of 90

    TCW Hotter Than Hell: 92 | Sunday, Week 4, August 01

    38. “User Character 3:16”. You can’t print t-shirts quickly enough! Add ‘A Marketing Dream’ to you character. Add +10 to your Star Quality

    Star Quality: 86--->96


    Becoming Elite - Earn a Match Grade of 90 or More With Your Wrestler

    HGC Hollyweird TV Tuesday, Week 4, September 01

    Chris Wyatt & Phillip Roberts vs Bryan Vessey & Vengeance

    32. "As Real As It Gets" The World of Professional Fighting called you out and you delivered. Add +10 between Toughness and Menace. Add either MMA Fighter, Boxer or Pro Martial Artist to your character

    Toughness: 2—>12


    Legendary Angle - Be involved in a 100 Rated Angle

    HGC Hollyweird TV Tuesday, Week 1, October 01
    Promo featuring Sam Strong and myself

    40. “The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off.” You feel like you could do this forever. Add ‘Age is just a Number’ to your character. Add +10 across Resilience and Stamina

    Stamina: 96—>100

    Other 6 points are wasted as resilience is already at 100



    11. “Nose To The Grindstone” You have devoted yourself to training in the ring +10 any Primary skill of your choice

    Technical: 72—>82


    Going Places - Break into the Top 250

    Places 11th

    48. "Grounded in Reality" You've discovered a new found ability to play Realistic gimmicks and prefer to have back up, add "Plays Realistic Well" and “Tag Team Specialist” to your attributes


    Turn of A Centenary - Break into the Top 100

    Places 11th

    45. "Fight Anyone" You never back down, add "Plays Badass Well" and “Dynamo” to your attributes


    A Select Few - Break into the Top 50

    Places 11th

    33. "Runaway Runway" Can't always be easy being a wrestler, at least you've got your modelling career to fall back on. +10 points to spend between Sex Appeal and Star Quality. Add Modelling Experience to your character

    Star Quality: 96—>100

    Sex Appeal: 1—>7


    RtG EoY01 Stats.png

  20. On 9/16/2023 at 1:03 AM, Orca said:

    Figured I would give the road to glory challenge a go using a joshi character. Say hello to Eiko Okazaki, a youngwomen who for most of her life grew up in rural Japan and only ever foxused on her studies and karate. This was until she moved to Tokyo and fell in awe with wrestling. She put her all into the business and trained with as many veterans as she could. Going to play as World Of Joshi Pro Wrestling (WJPW) which focuses more on in-ring skill rather than gimmickiness or characters




    EDIT: Suffered a badly herniated spinal disc in December 2020, gg

    Oh no, probably best to restart at that point, especially since you're so early in. That's going to speed that window up tremendously. Permanent damage of 55 to your head is going to ding your performance every match going forward and assuming you're playing some sort of physically tough product being a puro company, that's going to drop a bit faster than it otherwise would in a western company. That sucks.

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