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Everything posted by lr10540

  1. What a brutal looking bump Enzo took. I hope it's not as serious as it looked.
  2. Chris Carnage Is Born! http://i.imgur.com/icvtnUq.png What other pictures do I need to post going forward to be able to be inducted into the Hall of Immortals? The random dye rolls, company jumps, anything? Skill progression?
  3. I'll be doing this as my personal game when I get back home. My diary probably won't allow for too much time, but never the less... I want to make sure I understand the rules here. Are there any limits on size? Like if I were to make a ripped light heavyweight, that would be acceptable? Do you have to stay with a company for a specific length of time before leaving? Also, if I chose to stay with the same company my entire career and take them all the way to National, is that acceptable, or is it required you jump companies and land with a National company somewhere in the world? Finally, do you get a roll when you first start, or is the first roll after the first year?
  4. Turning Rogue isn't a bad idea. It'll also allow for him and Valiant to reform as a team (you'll have to add it to the database) and give you a main event tandem to feud with whatever team is on top. Another loss that I just remembered is no more Faith. They lost 2 top faces. The top of the card has always been heel heavy, with most of the upper midcard only able to play heel. That alone makes it a little tough early on, especially with a heel champion. As far as Morgan dropping the title, I really like having that title on him. He feels like a really good fit for it. If you drag out your programs he can have a really good, long and impactful reign and help improve the in ring abilities of the midcard guys. Then once he's a made man, he'll slide into the main event scene smoothly.
  5. I feel like Eisen-Verse is somebody I know. I feel like I've a read a lot about him, but I've never read a dynasty of his. So I happen to check out the SWF dynasty that had like 2000 posts. Really good stuff. The pictures and articles allow for complete immersion into his universe, and makes everything feel real. With that being said, I can't wait to be able to follow one from the start!
  6. The top of the card is a little difficult initially due to the lack of top faces. The roster in general is very heel heavy. However, you have a couple babies ready to strap the rocket to in Mainstream and Mikey. Those were two I always signed, so the push is easy for me to do. Losing Frehley certainly hurt though.
  7. This is my first diary, but this is how I feel. I haven't really seen anyone put who they think should win. If that was the case, they should probably do their own diary! But yeah, based on the booking you give, I think it's more immersive if you pick who you think will win. As a writer, it's my "job" to give you unpredictable choices.
  8. Now that I've finally got a new laptop, purchased Microsoft Office 2016, and full plan on purchasing the game day 1, I think I'll finally start a diary of my own. Definitely want to do SWF, as that's been my go to promotion through any mod. Just have to think of a way to make it unique. Hmmmm...
  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="demondragonking" data-cite="demondragonking" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41191" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Month 2 as USPW, TCW fell to cult the first month. Rocky Golden suffers for it...<p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i775.photobucket.com/albums/yy36/DidelotM1/flop.png</span></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm waiting for that in my game. Wolf just jumped to ripped and has 100 star quality and sex appeal now. Not sure what they were before, but I don't recall them ever being maxed.</p>
  10. Not sure how to do pictures but a couple things today that laughed at. Sammy Bach got a broken neck. Out 14 months. RIP TCW. Vengeance got injured in his first match against Eric Eisen. Bruised buttocks. Hmmm. Interesting.
  11. I'm not sure if I should laugh at that story or be turned away lol. That's incredibly risque.
  12. I finally got to live my childhood dream and be in the crowd for a Wrestlemania. Since I was there live, my thoughts may be biased towards the positive. Pre-Show Kalisto vs Ryback Ryback got ate up by the couple thousand that were actually in their seats. Kalisto got a solid response. The match was what it was. I've been a Ryback fan for a while now, but I'm even beginning to sour on him. Total Divas vs Bad & Blonde Eva had nuclear heat. She got absolutely ate alive. I loved how she basked in it. I could definitely see her as a top heel. Nattie got a solid pop. Foxxy looked good as did Emma. Lana looked mouth watering. I love me some Lana. The 2 moves she did looked brutal. Can't wait to see her work some more. Brie picked up the win as I expected. I think we (live crowd) pretty much all cheered for her as she did her thing. Seeing Nikki come out at the end was a nice cherry on top. Dudleys vs Usos Worst match of the night. Very short, very anticlimactic. We wanted to see the Usos go through the tables, and we booed heavily when they splashed the Dudleys. Bubba took part of the broken table with him to the back, I'd assume as a memento of this Mania. Women's title angle Seeing Lita was sweet. Seeing the new title was awesome as well. Main Show 7 Man Ladder Match Ziggler actually didn't get a great response. Zayn and Owens got the biggest pops. Ryder was pretty over with the crowd as well. Zayn vs Owens was the best part of the match. Sin Cara going through Cody+Ladder was neat, but same spot I've seen numerous times so it was okay for me. Crowd was ready to come unglued for Zayn. I loved how Miz lost the match. Ryder's win was puzzling. I'm not much of a fan of his. He hasn't won a match on Raw since Austin & Rock were full time competitors. Crowd ate it up though. Styles vs Jericho Match was solid. Crowd was pretty split. Disagree with the finish. Styles could have been a big deal with 3 out of 4 and a win at Mania. Oh well. New Day vs Job Squad This felt like an instance of not having any crediblr challengers for New Day. The job squad can mix it up with the Usos then the Dudleys then drop it back to New Day I guess. The tag division is sad at the moment. Legends vs Job Squad angle HBK, Foley and Austin. Crowd exploded for Austin. We ate this up. This angle got a ton of flak and I can't understand why. Barrett is leaving, Sheamus and Del Rio are both creeping up on 40 and also get minimal crowd reaction. And Rusev has been dead since being split from Lana. If you wanna complain about Woods, we're talking about the de facto manager of The New Day. Big E and Kofi came out unharmed, and that's what's important. Brock vs Ambrose Match seemed really short. Very underwhelming. Dean could've lost and been golden if he would've absorbed massive amount of punishment. Instead it was short, the weapons that were passed down to him didn't get used and Ambrose lost. Triangle Woman's Match The entrances were great. Snoop rapping and Charlotte in Flair's robe were nice to watch. Then the match. Man what a good match. Becky took out Flair, Charlotte hit a moonsault to the outside and Sasha paid homage to Eddie Guerrero with the little shuffle and all. I love Sasha more for that. Very disappointed that Sasha lost, but since she didn't take the fall, we may get the singles program now. Shane McMahon vs Taker It was what I expected. A train wreck. Shane did his wonderful stunt that had us all in holy **** mode. Battle Royal Big pop for DDP. Show vs Shaq was pretty sweet. Didn't notice that Tatanka or Corbin were in until the end. I was hoping Henry would win. Corbin was nice too. Just get rid of that stupid ass pose with the trophy and it would've been cool. Our Beautiful Cheerleaders It was nice for a bathroom break. I'm not a big fan of cheerleaders in general, but my Cowboys certainly have some nice cheerleaders! The Rock Always nice to see Rocky. All the energy I had left got expended for Rocky. Through the finallys and the millions, I'll forever be a Rock fan. Wyatts vs Rocky Wyatt actually wasn't out of place verbally sparring with Rock. I think Rock put over Bray in a big way with his words. He got the crowd to play along once everyone else finally caught on. The announcement of a Rock match was thrilling, but it wound up being a Rock Bottom and that's it. Cena's Return Good pop. Nice to see him back. HHH vs Roman This was a bizarre match. We were spent, energy wise. Mostly dead as well. Roman got eviscerated until he speared Steph, and even that was a short lived cheer. That's more from finally seeing Steph get some sort of come uppance. When Reigns won he actually got a decent pop. But then it was as if everyone realized what just happened and then really gave it to him. A lot of people started leaving during this match, presumably to beat traffic. Overall thoughts Fun show. Definitely glad I got to be a part of it. The booking decisions leave me a bit puzzled. Both Shane and HHH lost so what direction are we getting post Mania? Surely we won't have HHH finding another guy to fight to Roman, since that story sucked the first time, bu he certainly won't let Roman get away with spearing his wife. What top contenders do we have for Roman? Jericho? He's just .500 in his last feud. Owens? I doubt we see that since he'll probably feel screwed by Steph for making it a multiman ladder match. Brock? We've already seen it. Orton? Seen that too. Cena? That's a Summerslam or Mania match imo. Rollins? Last I heard, he's still out a while. There's not really anything I see for Roman unless you go completely out of left field and have Balor + Bullet Club debut tonight and destroy him. Roman can then feud with Balor and co. until we get the roster back, or a proper challenger for him. With this option you could have Balor Club then destroy Ambrose at Summerslam, have Rollins return baby face to make the save and set up a Shield vs Balor Club maybe at The Rumble? Get a 3 month Shield reunion and then have them breakup in a loss to Balor Club so we get our Shield 3 way next year!
  13. I actually stopped reading after the word "Reigns" because I knew what was following.
  14. I would love so much for it to be Sting. Maybe Shane O Mac returns! Lol
  15. I haven't heard anything on Orton's recovery. Last I heard there was neck issues. Even as good as Cena is about coming back, I have a hard time believing he'll be good enough to go balls out against Taker at Mania. Goldberg is another possibility. Although he's basically said if he has another match that he's going over.
  16. Apparently Taker's opponent has been decided and it's said to not be anyone currently on the active roster. Do you all think it's a returning legend? Angle, Batista? Maybe even Stone Cold!? Okay probably not Steve lol. I have a weird feeling it'll be Finn. Demon vs Deadman is a nice selling point.
  17. According to Jericho's podcast, he's been throwing in ideas. Y2J has been around long enough to where I'm sure he has a little bit of stroke.
  18. So Titus has been suspended for upwards on 90 days due to playfully pushing Vince (something along those lines) after Raw went off air. So much for his push!
  19. I was already crying by the 3 minute mark. Seeing his facial expressions and hearing the agony in his voice was so difficult to bear through. I was real late to join the DB bandwagon. I initially thought the yes (and no) chants were stupid and incredibly annoying. However, the more I watched him wrestle, the more of a fan I became. He put everything into his performances. The way he flew around and used his body like he had a thousand more at his disposal was very captivating. Unfortunately, just like Edge, it has come with a steep cost. His career is now over. The fan in me is mad and disappointed and heartbroken that I won't get to see him wrestle Brock Lesnar or Shinsuke or maybe Angle at next year's Mania. The human in me is very troubled to hear about that mpst recent test. More than anything I want him to be okay in life. I haven't felt this sad since Edge retired. The last year has sucked with all the deaths, the injuries crippling the card the last number of months and now this news. I'd love to see him as an announcer. He has a charm about him that I feel would resonate well. That coupled with his knowledge of wrestling, I think he'd be money with a headset.
  20. I think Enzo and Cass will be fine on the main roster. They have almost too much charisma to fail. Out of all the top tier talents in nxt, Bayley worries the most. She's practically a female John Cena and a lot of people don't really like cheering for the white meat baby face. I really hope she is able to get over on the main roster. She's sooooo good in the ring. I want more Bayley vs Sasha in 20 minute+ matches.
  21. Sin Cara has a separated shoulder. Injured it on tv in December I believe it was.
  22. That had me infuriated. Had the camera on him basically 2 entire minutes. Not like there was a Royal Rumble match happening for the strap!
  23. Bob Holly did all the ordinary stuff very well. I actually miss him. He beat the piss out of people lol.
  24. So I'm at a loss for words. I thought John Cena had the ugliest dropkicks I've ever seen. Then Liv Morgan triedto throw some. Good God. They need to watch Ziggler and Orton. They have some beautiful dropkicks!
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