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Everything posted by lr10540

  1. Could the broadcaster be a way to get through the early game without collapsing to financial hardship? Perhaps in the mid game, where you need solid talent, it'll effectively become a wash with the new contract system?
  2. What are you trying to remember exactly? Bios, gimmicks, ability?
  3. Is this a normal attendance to be expected for SWF television? Seems awfully low. Edit: For whatever reason, my image isn't showing. Attendance was 1804. Rocky Golden, Remo, Gilmore, Scythe etc were all booked on the show.
  4. Companies have died, and at least one will never be the same again. KOBE and Angel are no longer with WLW. GCG and WEXXV are closed.
  5. It's becoming quite upsetting. There's a lack of constructive criticism and a plethora of this game is trash and I'm not buying it. I really don't understand it. I'm enjoying the hell out of it.
  6. My thoughts exactly. With only so many main event spots to go around, it's hard for everyone to get their opportunity.
  7. I'm to the point I can't even play real world mods anymore. I've done countless RtG games, as that's probably my favorite way to play the game. Another super underrated thing... while these characters have rich backgrounds and a ton of history within the CornellVerse, it still feels like a blank canvas with which I can paint my masterpiece. When using real world mods, if I want to have Brock Lesnar run a gimmick where he's a pimp, I can't do it because I've always only seen him as a monster. In the CVerse, if I want Remo to play a pimp, I can do that, even if he looks like a bad ass. I love the freedom.
  8. I've always booked what I wanted or needed for a particular story, ratings be damned. I don't find this as a game to play for any other reason than a creative outlet and to have our dream booking job that many of us think we may want. Regardless of what system is used, I'm booking wrestler A vs wrestler B if that is what the story I'm trying to tell requires. I really don't understand the gripe with this system.
  9. Look, I just need yall to hurry up and post the rules so I can be the first inductee to the Hall of Immortals!
  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="gord" data-cite="gord" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47503" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I had a legacy stable in 2016 with Starr, the Gauge/Keith brothers and Faith, with Starr as the anchor, that I loved. With Gauge/Keith off the market, I was bummed that I couldn't do that again. But I forgot about SoVen, Diaz and Dreadnaught. Now I'll have to find a way for Starr to drop Trescarde, Huntingdon and Sensitive without them turning face. Maybe an 8-man tag with a breakup stipulation?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I've been asking myself that question if I want Starr to be in the stable. If so, how does that drop occur? I used Trescarde as an Evil Money Bags type guy. He paid for others to fight his fights. He bought television time from the network to cut promos on SWF television. </p><p> </p><p> As far as separating them from Starr, maybe a beat down after they lose a title match to knock them off TV for a number of weeks. Long enough to forget about them, at least. Starr gets a heel rub from injuring 2 people, and they get to come back separated from Starr, but return as heels if you'd like them to, or even return as singles. I always Paul as a main event guy, and I like Trescarde as the evil money bags, so I'll probably separate them, personally.</p>
  11. Hopefully this gets more people interested. As a long time since CVerse player (since 2014 or so) this is literally just scratching the surface. Anyone who wants more background on the CVerse, I'd recommend choosing a company and reading every bio associated with it. From the company's bio, to the worker's bios and then go through the title histories and read the bios of their former champions. Branch out where necessary. This world is so rich and diverse with stories and characters. I love the CVerse so much.
  12. I feel like a lot of these folks may have not been around for prior beta releases. I don't think a ton of people are on the testing team. We're essentially voluntary guinea pigs for the first week. I have no doubt Adam will have the game running smoothly by day 1 of launch. He's quick to fix bugs as they pop up in any version of TEW. The UI is the bigger issue, as that's gonna be harder to "fix" so hopefully people are more upset at change and not the actual UI. If it is the actual UI, I'm sure it's something our wonderful community of mod makers can come up with a nice solution for. All in all, I love this game series, and I'm excited to play it when it comes out next Thursday.
  13. The more I play, the better I like the UI. I think for me, it was more not knowing where everything is. The colors are very contrasting and sometimes hard on the eyes, and some screens appear a bit cluttered, but all in all, I don't mind it now.
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="moafnsteel" data-cite="moafnsteel" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47503" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Overall I am pretty happy with both SWF and RIPW.<p> </p><p> Who are you guys bringing in for developmental? </p><p> - I think I am going to bring in Logan Wolfsbaine, James Diaz, Dreadnaught, and probably Charlie Corner or Prime Time Jack Pryde</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Diaz and Dreadnaught certainly. Paired with Soven and Matty Faith, there's four 2nd generation guys. Probably gonna make that a stable actually.</p>
  15. Prodigy should definitely be banned. Past that, the attribute system in general will be interesting to work in. The same gimmick roles could apply. Pick 1 disposition attribute and maybe 2 gimmick styles that you excel at.
  16. <p>Haven't spent a lot of time as I read all the features thing on the screen before you start a game to get a better idea of what all was added. I then went through the companies to read bios and checked the big 3 in America as well as some individual workers I like and read all those bios. The game world feels much more alive than ever, and I love that. Overall, the game itself appears to be something I'm going to sink endless hours into.</p><p> </p><p> That being said, the negative for me is also the UI. I'm not getting headaches or think it's ugly as others have mentioned, it's more the overwhelming amount of buttons without them being organized in a way like they were in TEW16 and WMMA. I'm also not used to where the buttons are so the validity of this being a complaint because the UI sucks, for lack of a better term, or more a complaint of myself for hating it just because it's new, remains to be seen.</p><p> </p><p> Regardless, I will absolutely be buying it day 1. I've always been a gameplay guy over everything else and the gameplay of this game as well as the depth that follows is massive, and that excites me to be able to waste days, weeks and months of my life booking the territory.</p>
  17. I'm really excited to play this. They didn't lose anybody to another promotion, although losing Vengeance and Bruce sucks. They got the Golden Goose and an heir to Vengeances throne in Scythe. Matty and Soven I could see making a 2nd generation tag team before young Martyn embraces his inner Vengeance and destroys the baby Faith. Have them be lifelong rivals. Couple other ideas... Remo seems an ideal opponent to put over Primus at a Supreme Challenge soon. James is beginning his descent down the card. Crippler still hasn't had a title run and at 46, time isn't on his side. I don't recall seeing Scott in SWF, and with the Bumfholes finally splitting, their tag ranks seem fairly thin. HERO squad have also split with Atom Smasher looking like a potential breakout star. Ekuma is teaming with High Flyin Hawaiian instead of getting a main event push. Spade looks to be doing nothing of note. Morgan as well as Gilmore appear to have treaded water the past 4 years. Bret Starr is becoming a Starr. Huntingdon is teaming with Trescarde instead of Monty becoming a poor man's Paul Parsons. I've got so many ideas swirling in my head. Theres so much I want to do with this game and to have to wait until Thursday next week to really go through with everything long term sucks. I think I'll start getting renders replaced tomorrow and formulating Supreme Challenge plans Saturday and book the 2 months out. Jesus I'm excited for this.
  18. See what has changed in the default CV and then probably play a 97 RTG like I'm prone to do. Might play around in the default to see how the new features impact gameplay.
  19. <p>I have no real predictions, as the amount of change from 13 to 16 was so vast, I couldn't possibly think up enough to see such a drastic change. However, as best I can tell, there's always somebody big jumping companies. I could see Enygma returning to SWF for a swan song. I think his 10 year deal would be up? Can't recall when exactly he signed.</p><p> </p><p> Past that, I'm really curious to see the state of the American scene as that is the one I've played most. I'm sure USPW will still be top dogs due to the vast amounts of money they have at the helm. Interested to see where TCW lands. I could see them being kinda the unofficial figurehead for COTT. Essentially becoming a "Super Indy" that puts on phenomenal wrestling every week seems to fit them well. SWF seems like the established company that will tread water until something drastic happens to USPW. Would also be interested if Peter Michaels takes over TCW as booker to try to stick it to SWF.</p><p> </p><p> I'm so excited for tomorrow. I've gotta decide do I sleep when I get off work in the AM and download whenever I wake up in the afternoon, assuming the demo is out by them, or do I stay up and hope it gets released sometime in the morning hours so I have time to play before I go to sleep for the day. Decisions, decisions.</p>
  20. <p>I've found it to be incredible useful. It's at it's most useful when starting a promotion and using 1-night Tourneys. High hype all competitors and the winner will generally be an early face to build around.</p><p> </p><p> Past that, if you really want to micromanage it, whenever you book fights, take notes of the odds and put a hype on the fighters with large odds, if they have finishing ability.</p>
  21. Do you create individual fighters for all these renders or are they essentially free pictures in terms of the game?
  22. Animal Crossing and OOTP21. Started from 1871 and won the World Series in year 4. I'm a sucker for historical baseball. Also watched an old Mariners vs Yankees game on Youtube last night. I love watching Ken Griffey Jr's swing.
  23. Any chance we could get the images back for Trell's render tutorial? I finally downloaded Daz again and reinstalled all my old stuff. Would like to make another go at rendering since 5 came out!
  24. Just got them downloaded. Only had time to look at the first fighter from the Russia pack. Really balanced. Looks great! I may have to redownload Daz and give it a go myself. Unfortunately I don't have hardly any hair packs so that sucks. Don't think I have any clothing for fighters either so they're all going to look super generic 😂
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