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Posts posted by AysoATX

  1. While I agree with most of your points here (especially with the cap on matches which go less than a certain time... it's a cap, not a penalty) I'm not sure this is a good example to use to support it. If nothing else having a look at what I think would be closest to Chikara's product in the database (Comic Book Lucha Libre) there's nothing there that suggests the match would get a penalty; the match wasn't dangerous, controversial or bloody, it went over the 10 minutes required so wouldn't even be capped, all the workers had gimmicks etc etc. So there wouldn't be any penalties to begin with.



    Let's say for the sake of argument that there were penalities. As you say, in real life the crowd ate that match up (and went even crazier for the main event if I recall correctly) despite the fact the in-ring action was, shall we say, a touch lacking... in TEW's mechanical terms the overness of the wrestlers involved would have made up for the relatively poor wrestling on display. But also by TEW's mechanical terms, the penalties represent the fans being upset or put off by a match... which simply didn't happen. What you're presenting as the issue with the match (the low technical quality of it on an "objective" level) isn't what the penalties to matches in TEW represent (the fanbase turning on it). As it's currently presented in TW poor in-ring action is covered by (a lack of) skills, fans caring or not is covered by overness/popularity and the fans actively disliking what they see is covered by penalties; if that match scored a low rating it should be because of the in-ring action, not the fans actively disliking the very nature of it.


    That does lead to a further point, albeit one that's somewhat off-topic and goes into the can of worms that is the immutable nature of the set products. Chikara's a pretty classic real-world example of the Comic Book Lucha Libre product and let's say for the sake of argument that in TEW such a product would carry some level of penalty for slow, old, miles past their best (and often not that great to begin with) workers plodding around the ring for 12 minutes. Yet in the real world you semi-frequently saw guys who established their name in the mid-1990's WWF/WCW make appearances and get big cheers in Chikara; they built their fanbase and their product to be one that went crazy when One Man Gang put on the Akeem the African Dream hat and strutted around the ring. That sort of tweaking could be achieved when we had more direct control over the product... now, far less so.


    Honestly, thinking back on it I sort of regret typing out this post because it is a bit nitpicky and I do agree with your overall point. Think back to every wrestling event any of us has ever watched. How often has every match on the show been the absolute best it can be? How often have promotions put on matches that have a purpose other than getting the crowd as happy as they can be, whether it's training someone up, testing something out or simply for the personal enjoyment of the booker? This may apply more to companies with TV shows then those that put on monthly events but how often have we seen say WWE put on a match that was clearly more about a solid veteran training up a relative rookie who they think has potential then putting on a classic match? How often have their TV show main events been a solid match but not particularly special and often with some booking that arguably detracts from the overall rating because they're building to the PPV where they will go for the best match they could? And some of the complaints I have seen seem to be from people unfamiliar with the product they're trying to book; I seem to recall people talking about their 20 minute (or longer) USPW main event got penalised while if you look at a real world equivalent to that product (late 80's/early 90's WWF) someone like Hulk Hogan generally went 10-15 minutes (and often closer to 10).


    Is it really the end of the world if a match or angle in the middle of a show gets a modest penalty if the rest of your show, especially the main event, more than make up for it?


    If I may. Focusing on the bolded point. Please don't, at all, this is how people / products grow. From stopping wars, to making a text-based wrestling game possibly better in the future. Conversation like this and playing a bit of devils advocate makes things better!

  2. Perfectly correct. People cheese the game anyway they can so they can just book their fantasy whatever and have the entire universe bow at the knee of said booker / show. That's not what this game is.


    I've done plenty of segments that are against the "rules". Face vs Face matches that reach 99. If the performers are amazing - it really doesn't matter. You just can't fill up your show of only hardcore matches if your show isn't mean to showcase them. But having one now and then probably won't kill your product either lawl.


    Top quality A plus post that has been deeply discussed for a few days now. Hopefully people now understand.

  3. With the game coming out so soon, I have to say that I really thought the handling of the announcement of TEW 2020 and the hype for TEW 2020 were letdowns. I am obviously going to buy the game at the zero hour, but TEW 2020 has been a thing since December 2018. The developer's journal, where most of the features were announced ended, in July 2019, and we have sporadically been getting minor updates and minor features since then. It's hard to be outrageously excited about the game when you're waiting so long.


    No idea why you're getting so much hate. I kind of feel the same way.


    I will 100% buy the game and am eagerly waiting for it to come out so I can lose my life to it. The hype has died down massively for myself and I'm just not that excited for it until its like a week away. There being a release date now is nice, however, and helps quite a bit.


    I think obviously a lot of the blame for the way you and I (and probably others) feel is due to us. TEW 2020 was going to develop the way it was going to develop and its no ones fault (pretty sure you understand that).


    We just want the product here and now because that's just the way things are anymore. But I'm confident when we get teh final product it will already be polished and ready to go. I'm excited - but I've had to dull it down because there's no reason to get excited for something that is still miles away.


    So I understand where you're coming from - I do think its your (and my) own fault.

  4. Biggest Draw - Greg Gauge. Always have him be my top guy anytime I make a new save. He's just fantastic.


    Someone I normally try to make one of my biggest draws and have multiple long fueds with Gauge is Fro Sure. It's taken a very long time to get him to even just a mid-card level for some reason. Normally he just naturally gets over but I've actually had to put in a ton of work to get him in the mid-card level.


    Wouldn't call him a flop but definitely something unexpected

  5. <p>Currently going through a stable fued with: </p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>The Hierarchy of the Sky</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    Greg Gauge <strong>CWA WHC</strong>: Trying to break away from the Family he feels "trapped in", wanting to have his legacy outlast that of his Brother's / Fathers. Hopefully going to sign Matt Keith eventually to have a fued to decide this. But for now Gauge is just obsessed with breaking records, winning Championships, and is willing to do anything to create his legacy</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    Storm <strong>IC Champion</strong>: Storm Spillane repackaged into a Cult Leader, teamed up with Greg Gauge after Gauge [who was both WHC and IC Champion at the time] practically gave the IC title to Storm in request of Storm's aid against the opposition)</p><p> </p><p>

    The Disciples (Kirk Jameson & Gram Goram, actually turning out to be a great tag team I didn't expect, recruited and connected with Storm's message so strongly. They probably drank the punch.)</p><p> </p><p>

    and Ernest Youngman. Honestly just throwing him in here to get some popularity.</p><p> </p><p>

    On the other side:</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>The Alliance: I ran out of ideas here, shut up</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Ross Henry <strong>#1 Contender for CWA WH Championship</strong>: Wanted to make a statement when he debuted and get launched to the top of CWA with a Spear onto Greg Gauge as Gauge was just starting to beat down Greg Black. After being injured and cheated out of a title match, Ross Henry got his own team together.</p><p> </p><p>

    Frankie Perez <strong>#1 Contender for IC Championship</strong>: After Storm set his sights on Jack Griffith as a Sinner he will Smite, Frankie Perez raced to help Jack Griffith [Frankie and Jack had a previous program together involving Jack's drinking issues and Frankie eventually helped him out of it] and joined Ross Henry's team</p><p> </p><p>

    The Wolfpack <strong>CWA World Tag Team Champions</strong>: Wolve and Wolfe, Formerly George Wolfe and Logan Wolfsbaine, current CWA World Tag Champs, decided to help Ross Henry after a 3v1 situation with Storm and the Disciples.</p><p> </p><p>

    Leonard Williams <strong>Also #1 Contender for IC Championship</strong>: Leonard Williams, formerly known as Fro Sure, bulked up to a solid 280 LBS of muscle after not being used for the first 5 months. I've built him up to be an incredible powerhouse Lone Wolf. Eventually taking out both HoS and TA looking like a complete monster after HoS got involved with a match of his. </p><p> </p><p>

    Leonard Williams knows the only way he can take that IC Championship belt off of Storm is by making sure Storm has no help so for now he's aligned with The Alliance. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    I usually hate having to use stables to get talent over even though it's a fantastic way to do so. It also seems anytime I start stables I finally start getting really good ideas for storylines and I eventually hate the Stable Storyline because of it. But I'm already 2 months into it (Storyline started in July, Week 3) and so far this Storyline is actually really fun to tell because there's so many directions I can take it, currently have 3 more PPV's until Ground Zero (Final PPV of the year, my "Wrestlemania" (January, Week 3).</p><p> </p><p>

    My original plan was to have Ross Henry win at Ground Zero, then I wanted Gauge to win it, now I'm back on Ross Henry winning it to cap off Gauge's 8 month title reign. Let Ross Henry run with it for a couple months and have some short fueds until it ends up on Gauge again (who may be face?)</p><p> </p><p>

    But here's where things now get interesting too.... D.C. Rayne from USPW and Zimmy Bumfhole from SWF are both in talks with me to sign for CWA. If I get both these guys my main event is actually huge. 'Cause currently I have Gauge, Henry, then you can kind of consider Storm and Frankie Perez as Main eventers? But Gauge nor Henry would take losses from either. So now I have some real competition.</p><p> </p><p>

    My favorite / best TEW 2016 save yet, to be honest. Sorry for the damn text wall.</p>

  6. I just started my TEW game back up after a couple of years of not playing it. Now I'm addicted again lol.


    Only 11 weeks in, playing CVerse as my own Regional Level fed CWA (Championship Wrestling Alliance)


    So far I've had Jack Griffith win my Main Event title over Donnie J because I hate Donnie J and always get simpathetic with Jack Griffith when his career was held back by his lack of will power with alcohol. So I always give him a huge main event push before he declines terribly.


    I had such a good Storyline with Going Coastal vs The McWade Brothers. It actually had more heat than my main storyline for the CWA Championship at the time, which I think was Jack Griffith vs Frankie Perez.


    The story was lining up perfectly, we get to my first "PPV" I have Going Coastal going over for the tag titles and California Love Machine had a herniated spinal disc that was going to keep him out for 11 months and 25 days. I tried surgery on him and now he's out for a year and 5 days. I'm waiting patiently for him to come back so I can push him and Frankie-boy to the moon.


    I had Jack Griffith drop the title to Greg Black and I'm considering either Greg Black or Greg Gauge as my figurehead. Greg Gauge is currently my IC Champion and he's been getting huge momentum.


    My plan moving forward is to actually book Greg Gauge like a damn god. Put him into the Main Event after a short fued with Donnie J (because again, I hate Donnie J) have him go over, then go after Greg Black for the CWA Championship - win that and have 2 titles.


    Eventually I want to push Logan Wolfsbaine and have some of my midcarders move up. I need to get a better tag team field, probably 8 tag teams or so.


    But right now I'm just enjoying the hell out of this game once again

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