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Posts posted by BiffJordan

  1. Yes, he did. Back in August, I believe.


    He also added a scandal where any worker can have their sexts to underage children leaked online, which hurts the worker's popularity a little bit for a few months.


    The latest patch will add in a government coup where the Vice President and several senators could be executed on live television, as well. This one hurts the economy from -1 to -10 depending on how many senators survive.



  2. Yeah you don't have to utilize any aims not required by your product. But using them creates a better show.


    I can't make a map but this is my understanding of aim's. I usually play a company with a similar product to WCW.


    A lot of people say they never use aims because when they do they don't work for them because they aren't following a flow.


    Let's say your show is rated on the main event mostly, then it doesn't really matter about how good the rest of the card is, the main event is what matters (see WM5).


    The last 3 matches on Mania 5 go like this...


    Duggan/Bad News go to a draw - Match Aim = cool crowd (if you have a hot storyline the rating won't be abysmal)


    Rooster/Heenan ends in a quick 30 seconds - Match Aim = Lift the Crowd (strong storyline = not abysmal rating)


    Hogan/Savage ends after 17 minutes - Match Aim = Spectacular





    There are variations you can toy with depending on your product. For instance your cool down match could be a comedy match if your product isn't keen on them, or your warm up match could be a comedy match if your product is keen on them. Same for sex appeal matches.

  3. There are pros and cons to every wrestling promotion in real life. At Mania a lot of people loved The Boneyard match and a lot of people didn't, simply because it was a cinematic mach. That's a real life penalty. So having that ingrained into the system for this game now is pretty cool and makes you book more well rounded and less concerned with the best angle possible and more concerned with many other little details that make the whole show good.
  4. Your map it correct in some instances. But going by your map, booking a Spectacular or Epic, or Technical Masterclass will always fail.


    If you want to end your show with a Spectacular or Epic you need to level out the crowd before. The simplest way is to do a cool down match followed by a warm up and then the Epic/Spectacular. Technical Masterclass is the same, it also works as an opener.

  5. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Browning" data-cite="Browning" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I may have misunderstood the achievement thing but I’ve always thought it was for things that aren’t a championship- Royal Rumble, KOTR, MITB etc.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I think it's personal taste. I think if you are a large company your main title should be an achievement. In the real world mod I'm playing the creator has the Royal Rumble set as an achievement which gives a nice note in the news about the match and victory. Same with G1.</p>
  6. I have been doing this for so long... It's time to come clean. Even though the universe I've created doesn't involve all of you, you are a part of this too and I begat you to confess your own TEW 2020 Booking Sins.


    - I have done things with the editor that I shudder to say aloud. Changing contracts of performers to suit my liking both their terms and riches (oh their children!)


    - I have even taken on the face of another booker only to release a worker or change a companies schedule that has nothing to do with me but only for my own interest I change the course of time.


    - I have edited Broadcasters so that I could work with them without beholding to strict rules...



    Also when I play 90's real world mods you can bet two things.


    1. I will always push Tatanka to be my 2nd top babyface.

    2. I will always sign and give Dan Severn higher entertainment stats and over push him to the moon.


    What are your booking SINS?

  7. Posting this here as no ones been able to provide guidance in the Small Questions



    Still trying to figure out the popularity caps thing. Any guidance would be appreciated.


    So I'm using the Peaking Tides 1991 mod and am currently in November 1992. I'm trying to build my New Generation (Undertaker, Bret, Shawn, Razor, Diesel, Warlord {believe it or not} and Sid) to take over from the remaining Rock N' Wrestling guys (Hogan, Warrior, Savage, DiBiase, Slaughter, and Perfect) but am having trouble with popularity.


    Just to give you a heads up: Undertaker has been stuck at 82 popularity in the US for three months, Shawn has been at 78 for two or three months, and Bret moves between 72 and 80 based on him winning or losing. With this I had a very curious outcome after the Survivor Series.


    Shawn beat Bret (tainted with interference from Diesel and Sherri) in a 94 rated ladder match to retain the I-C title

    Hogan beat Undertaker (with botched interference from Flair) in a 97 rated match to retain the WWF title


    After these matches both Shawn and Undertaker remained where they were in popularity but Bret jumped up from 76/77 to 80. How did this happen? Shawn won, and with similar charisma and star quality to Bret, he's at the same spot. If we're talking about match quality, Undertaker had a better match, wasn't beaten clean, and has better star quality and charisma yet he didn't jump in popularity.


    Can anyone explain this to me? (I can provide exact skill numbers if neccessary).


    I cannot explain everything about pop caps, I really don't know all the details. But as far as your issue I think there are some factors you can consider. What is your company size right now? Also, what is your tv deal? This mod starts with WWF on a medium syndication for Superstars if I remember correctly. So it looks like to me you are likely big or large sized and are running your A show on a medium sized channel thus not getting enough viewers to bump up whatever hidden pop caps the game has created for your workers. So I think the best advice there is, get the best TV deal you can. Also perhaps look at the gimmicks of the workers make sure they are going well. Perhaps also look at the workers physical condition, if you want them to get more popular you can ask them to get bigger or improve muscularity. That should also raise the pop cap, in theory. Also remember your product is for WWF in the 90's so the game is capable of actually recreating that vibe. So book like they did when it was good. Don't jump the gun and start looking for Benoit's and pushing Michaels too fast too early etc.... Taker wasn't an in ring genius in 92 so maybe you are expecting too much?

  8. Is it normal that when I sign wrestlers to an Exclusive Written deal, that they work out the entire remainder of their old Non-Exclusive Written deal?... its really frustrating, E.G. I signed Bandido away from IMPACT however as they're higher rated then I am he still works their shows over mine on his old Written Deal.


    Double check that Bandido was signed to an EXCLUSIVE written deal and not just written. Sounds like that may be the issue you are having.

  9. So I need some broadcasting advice.


    I'm currently running WWF (we're in August 1992) and a bunch of my wrestlers are capping at popularity. I've read that 2020 calculated caps based on a combination of broadcasting coverage, star quality, stats, and destiny.


    The only thing I can account for is broadcasting. My main show is currently Superstars that has First-Run Syndication as its US coverage (Medium). Should I try to get a larger broadcasting deal? Would that increase the caps?


    Yeah I think that is the right idea. I'd say by that point in the game you're at least large so you should be able to get a station above medium sized like the Syndication in the mod.

  10. Just a bit of feedback. This has been my favourite mod in terms of accuracy for the last few tews.


    I’m wanting to do a long term save and possibly even a dynasty but a couple of things putting me off.


    - Personalities: The WWF locker room is so easy to manage. I even signed dynamite kid, iron sheik and it’s never dropped below 100. Looking at it, there are quite a few ‘gloomy’ personalities and for example the warrior is a free spirit (which has a mildly positive effect I believe)


    Have these been completed? Or will they be done soon if not?


    - money: in a few months I have made millions in the WWF. Not created any extra shows, and actually added 10/20 workers to the roster. I’ve not looked into that era v the mod to know if I am making too much or workers contracts are too low. (I even dropped a size and still made a millions for those months)


    - steroid scandal: I’m sure in the old version of this mod the WWF took a hit from this and certainly made it more challenging. The problems the WWF faced in the early mid 90’s started with money issues and then WCW offering higher contract. Are the narratives still in place to stop WWF having major finances?


    Loyalty: Vader for example loyal to WCW. He wrestled for Japanese companies and the WWF later on, is this something that’s needed?


    I think that in retrospect Warrior should be free spirit with a lot of enemies to replicate his real experience. Not everyone hated him. Heenan was probably the one that hated him the most.

  11. With few minor in game adjustments I've made to attributes, chemistry and other edits I've played 2 years into this MOD so far. I love it, great job!


    I'm playing an AWA revival, I'm at number 3 in the world, medium, TV deal with ESPN and no PPV's. I'm making over 500k a month right now after 2 years with the industry at 10% and rising and a high economy.


    Yes I run squash matches on my A show but not exclusively. I have a two hour weekly show and usually have 6-7 matches, at least 3 of those matches will have workers that are not recognizable.


    If you run with Main Event focus on your product then you can really get away with booking the way wrestling was in the 90's and 80's.

  12. It sounds to me that you don't understand perfect show theory. If you start a game with a high level small or medium company at least, with a good mod then you should be getting satisfying results in a year or less of game time. If I were you I'd go back and read through the entire developers journal again or the help faq. OR turn off a lot of the more challenging elements of the game to make it more like EWR.


    If all of the other games were for you then trust me this one is as well. Don't be frustrated that you should be better at a game that you've been playing for over 20 years :D

  13. I've got a medium sized promotion doing solid ratings usually in the low 70's. I'm based in the Great Lakes and I've started getting this note after my shows..


    "We would have gained popularity in 3 Canadian regions but growth was restricted due to a limited number of viewers here."


    I only have viewership in 3 regions of Canada, my Canadian broadcaster is Small sized and I'm in a late night slot.


    I have not in the history over my promotion (year and a half) had a show in Canada, only house shows. Should I start running shows there or should I try to get a better TV deal?

  14. 1) In your preference there is an option to change how battles are judged. Off the top of my head the choices are star power, show ratings, or a mixture of both. I think there might be a fourth choice too. Perhaps their top main eventers have higher SQ?


    2) I'd use Keep Strong road agent note on the more over one. It will definitely limit both the main eventers popularity loss and the mid carders gain, but like you say, allows for that creativity.


    Also the storytelling match aim with be less impactful on pop gains and losses.

  15. Also I really wanted to get a Fabulous Ones revival and make them a big babyface team for AWA but Stan Lane ended up on a written contact in Japan so I had to let it go. So instead I combined the Killer Bee's B. Brain Blair with Steve Keirn and called them The Right Combination and they have become "stars" on my roster and are a great babyface tag team that wins over the kids, and the ladies.
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