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Posts posted by BiffJordan

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Mattywood" data-cite="Mattywood" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48200" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Actually, I think it was Alvarasus that got the ball rolling way back. Even came up with the name! He let me take over when life got in the way (I think that's what happened... Been so long), & now I've let Jaysin do the same for the same reason. I hope he's having as much fun putting it together as I did for TEW 2013. I think my favorite part was taking after Fleisch & writing the backstories behind the various alter egos for workers, much like he (Fleisch... pronouns, pal) did for Real World Chronicles.<p> </p><p> Has it really been that long since I first worked on this? <img alt=":eek:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/eek.png.0e09df00fa222c85760b9bc1700b5405.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> As far as favorite things that occurred when I played the data back on TEW 2013, I always left He-Man active because I thought it was hilarious when World Class would sign him.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I am not sure which territory I am going to take hold of for my first game. AWA is possbile, maybe WCCW but I don't know if I want to deal with the locker room lol.</p>
  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jericho Rules" data-cite="Jericho Rules" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47578" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I meant that the way TV shows were produced in the 80s were very different from what we have now. They were studio shows that drove to live events without PPVs. Mainly, that the TV was designed specifically to build to the house shows that people would go out to. So, the purpose of TV wasn't to see outstanding matches or to build to PPVs but to sell tickets to house shows. That is why the focus of the TV was building stars through squash matches and building feuds with promos.<p> </p><p> Match quality, in that case, shouldn't be as important to the overall rating of the show if we were simulate that correctly, as the show, historically, should just be squash matches with the occasional match between stars every few months.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I think that depending upon your product setting and in game rules you can emulate this quit well.</p>
  3. To gazwefc83, you have done some really great detailed work on this mod, it's really ahead of where I expected it to be at this point. But it's also letting me know a few things...


    You (or any mod maker) cannnot know how to make a mod for this game yet. Why? The game isn't complete. It's still such a work in progress to play a database that wasn't created by the developer is like running up hill with a 25lbs backpack on.


    I'll tell you that once the game is solid and then a few months of playing your mod and development, this is likely the real word mod I will go to.


    I keep getting too frustrated with the incomplete game that's out right now and so I'm going to back off for a couple of weeks and see where things stand when I return.


    I'm sure with the release we will still have weeks or months of updates on the game.

  4. There is no way to have finished mod out this early. You can get a taste of what to expect but it's going to take a bit of time to get stats adjusted to the new game. I want it as bad as anyone but lets be real. Every real world mod I've downloaded is jaded by opinion, it's rushed too soon. That be the booker site is filled with unfinished mods claiming to be complete.
  5. <p>If anyone can help I am in need of a promotion logo. Great Canadian Pro Wrestling. It should be similar in concept to the AJPW logo with a globe highligting the country of Canada. With Great Canadian on the top and Pro Wrestling on the bottom. You could toy with a maple leaf in the middle of the country as well. Whatever works best. Colors should be red and white! </p><p> </p><p>

    Thanks to anyone who can help me on this, I have a promotion brewing that I'm going to spend a long time with. It's set after Montreal 97 and instead of going to WCW Bret pulls out of that deal and joins together with some Canadian promoters of the past to create a Canadian super fed.</p>

  6. Nah it was an insult, don't be disingenuous ;)


    Last interaction we had you were kicking up a stink about people using data without permission. It destroyed my Mission Statement thread that was trying to encourage all mods to be freeware. Mod rules and drama were introduced as a result and many modders left as the community got toxic. Why I rolled my eyes when you called me self entitled. I was trying to let that all slide and move on with the '05 reference.


    Back on topic - Gutted to hear none of the updates include custom products. Been delving into CV past week as I play test, it's been fun.


    People are saying that the product issue is pushing you out? Are you still modding for 2020? (Fingers crossed)

  7. After 10 patches and certain customizations (the gold and blue skin and the drop box/color choise) I am pleased with the game. However, after reading Adams update I am certain to be more than pleased with the final product. Really curious to see a different UI but I am learning to make use of the new features.


    Think back to the jump from EWD to EWR... or maybe the better compaison is EWR to TEW. That was a totally different game in many ways right? I remember being stalled greatly when first playing TEW. Lot's to learn. Hell remember what it was like to figure out match aims? I'm still working on that (especially now) LOL.


    To those who want to debat "the right way" to play in regard to Real World vs Cornelleverse.... I say this. The Cornelleverse is obviously an amazing addition to the game that made it legit for sale. But when I started this game, it was to book real word stories, because there was no Cornelleverse.


    I've always seen Adam's games as a way to play out my wrestling fantasies, and for me those are about the real world. I appreciate the work and detail of the Cornelleverse but the learning curve is what kills me. Give me any time in the last 40 years and I will know what top stars are working where and who the free market might have to offer for some changing of history. But I don't know the legend of the Cornelleverse. It's a big bite to take and I've always prefered to real world. After putting up a real world mod I can say I am starting to understand TEW 2020, and enjoying it.

  8. I could understand if the product settings are not negotiable due to programming or whatever... if that is the case then I'm sure I can find a way to do what I want anyway. Already since changing to the drop boxes and taking away colors and the subsequent updates I am at peace with the look of the game. I am using the black and gold skin though. It took a real word mod for me to fully grasp the game so far, as it always does. I've never been knowledgeable on the Cornelleverse or had a game that went very long with it. So far the game feels slower but that is likely due to not being a pro at this version yet. Very excited and ready to let loose.
  9. I've been going through the demo for the past few days... such an exciting time. I've been with this game since Extreme Warefare Deluxe! What a long journey.


    Every release has taken me an adjustment period, physically and mentally. It's just getting used to the new screen is all. Already I see some benefits. The big issue is that it does at first seem to be less intuitive or user friendly that I anticipated. Not being about to use my arrow keys to scroll through the long lists of workers is truly brutal. Especially considering that I play real world mods so the Cornell Verse wrestlers really mean nothing to me. I don't know how I'd ever get around to looking at all the free agents out there, much less really understand my own roster.


    I really wish this update evolved the technologoy but it does seem more of the same. So much clicking!


    I can't really understand the game until I have a real world mod to play with. I need that level of familarity to explore what the games offers.


    I will say that 2016 does look much easier on the eyes. I opened it up to compare and it's honestly much easier on the eyes.


    To the makers of the game I appreciate all your work but it will take some revamping for us to really enjoy all the intricatcies you developed for the game!

  10. Why Christian Cage but no Adam Copeland, Biff?


    I read that WWF payed off his college over 40 grand. There is no way he is going to back out of any deal with them! Christian was about a year behind Edge went it comes to WWE. Edge started working there unofficially in 96 and being such a WWF mark you know he's not leaving!

  11. Not a bad idea Biff but I would go with Stampede Revival, as with most things labeled New in wrestling they are doomed to fail. New Rockers, New Blackjacks. Though thinking now how great would it be to see a New Techno Team 2000? Haha instead of a futuristic gimmick it would be a retro one, where they dressed and acted like Emo/scene kids or Eminem or Fred Durst style..


    I feel you! Im also considering Great Canadian Pro Wrestling. GCPW looks better than NSPW. I think I'll use the "Stampeade Revival" or a derivitive name for maybe my annual super show. When I saw the footage of International Wrestling in the 80's with Dino Bravo on Darkside of the Ring it really opened my mind to Montreal as a great wrestling town when they have something to belive in. So I think my company will be based in Montreal. Which I'll use to kayfabe for myself a pre-existing French TV deal to suppelment my large wage bill and also a solid German TV deal because Bret is super over in Germany right? I'll use that money directly to supplement Bret as if it was a condition in his terms with the company.


    I'm also excited about taping multiple shows in one night and the inbeded tournament tracker. I'm going to start off my company with the chase for Canadian Heavyweight Championship in a league tournament around a month long like G-1 with probably around a dozen guy or so guys. I'll arrange a solid but not spectacular National TV contract in a good time for a one hour time slot and tape 3 episodes at a time. As the tournament is ended I'll begin a new squash match series promoting the weekly showcase GCPW WrestleZone, which will be a truly jam packed one hour of progaming each week building to a traditional 4 to 5 PPV's a year. The goal will be to present a no frills pro wrestling that takes itself seriously and is touted amongst the Canadian press in the sports pages. Sure there are angles on every show and interviews to promote matches, but the matches are the end all be all.

  12. Really looking forward to the Montreal Aftermath mod. I'm planning on creating an alternate universe where after the screwjob Bret pulls out of the WCW deal and is a leader in creating New Stampede Pro Wrestling. Bret along with other Canadian promoters band together and announce on Off The Record along with Owen (who demanded to be let go), Davey Boy, Neidhart, Rick Rude, Mick Foley & Crush.


    I've been pre-developing my roster as well. I'm going to have a working agreementset up with AJPW and bring in a lot of their gaijin talent to round out my card for heels.




    Bret Hart

    Owen Hart

    Jacques Rougeau

    Davey Boy Smith

    Pierre Carl Oulette

    Jim Neidhart

    Mick Foley (Cactus Jack)

    Brian Adams (Crush)

    Raymond Rougeau (Commentator)

    Rick Rude (Manager)

    Lance Storm


    Andrew Martin

    John Tenta

    Christain Cage

    Rick Bogner

    Rick Martel

    Barry Windham

    Leo Burke (Road Agent)

    Johnny Ace (AJPW)

    Gary Albright (AJPW)

    Sean Morely (AJPW)

    Johnny Smith (AJPW)

    Bobby Duncam Junior (AJPW)

  13. I'm most excited for executing proper TV tapings so I can more accurately simulate a proper calendar. I'll probably star an original MLW story from back in 2003 or 4 whenever it was and build them up better than ROH into a proper WWE alternative. I think starting small with limited TV exposure like they had but with a few notable stars and distinctive talents (Corino, Punk, Kojima, Raven, Steve Williams, Lynn, Amazing Red etc...) will allow me room to develop a few of my favorites from the time that took a bit to long to "make it" in reality and take advantage of the games new features as my promotion grows.
  14. <p>When negotiating contacts I've never had match bonus (per event, tv show or show) be a deal breaker in my negotiations. </p><p> </p><p>

    Like if I'm bidding for Sid Vicious and WWF is bidding for Sid and we are both equal size more or less, I've never had the bonus aspect of negotiations work in my favor. In fact the per match bonus has no affect on if they will sign for me or not. The only thing that seems to matter is the wage terms and perks like creative control, hiring veto wage matching, roster usage (icon, attraction etc), push, signing bonus (to a small degree) and which shows they will work.</p><p> </p><p>

    So is it my user character is too low on negotiations that this is left ineffective for me or just a hole in the game?</p>

  15. <p>So thankful that finances and attendance are being adjusted to a more realistic level...</p><p> </p><p>

    So on finances does this mean that we are looking at a per year salary or is it still per month? </p><p> </p><p>

    One of my biggest pet peeves is seeing every WWF show in my mods get over 40,000 people to nearly all of their shows. Or even having to scale down my financial abilities because I hate drawing an unrealistic audience to shows.</p>

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