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Posts posted by BiffJordan

  1. Which stats decide the rating of an "all out match"? And how to book a "steal the show" match?


    I really wish Adam would make a post on match aims with all of this information but from my playing since the release this is what I have learned....



    All out match can be anywhere on the card except as an opener. You need to have a hot match before hand, any match aim that doesn't cool the crowd or a good regular match. The stats you want to focus on for steal the show are higher stamina, and you don't want to book the match to be over 15 minutes unless the workers have over B+ stamina, focus on stamina when booking steal the show.


    If I were you I wouldn't use "all out match" as steal the show or wild brawl take that note and add advantages.


    When you book a wild brawl you want the guys to have high brawling stats, this is somewhere in the 71+ and up range.


    Example how to use steal the show...


    Opener using Work the Crowd

    Storytelling with a good storyline (add more head to the match) and good workers. Give your storytelling matches some time, I've had better ratings doing that.

    Hot Angle

    Steal the Show with great workers.

    Calm The Crowd - Do a squash or a match that doesn't mean much. If you use high level workers or a high level storyline that's fine too. You may get a rating in the 70's or above but it will still calm the crowd from a successful steal the show match.


    Now when talking about Spectacle or Epic, I am thinking you want the crowd to be basically dead. So use calm the crowd just before one of those match aims. However I am not 100% on this, sometimes the ratings are great and sometimes they are lackluster.


    So can anyone tell the best match aim to use before Spectacle or Epic?

  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Briskout" data-cite="Briskout" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If shows are held on the same day, does a hot crowd / dead crowd carry over? I am booking a show much like Heat used to be booked and I was curious if it was even worth the effort.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No it doesn't.</p>
  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It's kind of gamey, but you can go into the in game editor and change his contract to expire to one day. Advance a day then try and negotiate again.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah I may do that. I'm not above it.</p>
  4. Dude, thank you so much, that looks PERFECT. I'm so thankful, truly... it's straight from my imagination. You are the man, I hope other people enjoy this MLW logo as well. This ties so much together for me in my fantasy of booking this promotion. I'm so touched you took the time to do that, I hope that it didn't take to much of your time.
  5. 21CW is killing it with it's new champion Wade Orsen who took the title from Edward Cornell when Tommy was busy dealing with Dark Angle stalking him due to Tommy costing him the 21CW Title twice.


    Now Tommy and Wade are feuding while Edward and Dark Angle are out for blood. Rolling Johnny Stones has been a thorn in Kevin Jones' side since his return and the the tag division is at a stalemate where Crouching Storm Hidden Sifu and Hot Stuff have been trading wins and losses like Pokemon cards.

    Sebastian Koller and Samoan Machine have been feuding since Machine debuted and dominated Koller and took his championship. The feud has been spiced up with the addition of Leigh Burton who also seeks to wear 21CW gold around his waist.


    The People's Pirate Hugh de Aske has just formed a new tag team with newcomer Greg Gauge and while the two seach for a catchy team name they are taking on all comers in order to stake their name near title contention.

  6. Match Aim's


    I'm confused about match aim's... I feel its quite complicated and would like clarification.


    Let's take TCW for example. You are required to have one "storytelling" match aim per show. In previous versions of the game is was are very bad idea to use "keep strong, protect, or dominate" in a main event spot. It could seriously hurt the entire show.


    I have Marat Khokluv signed to TCW. He sucks pretty much but can have a good match when paired with the right person and using "protect", would it be a wise move to make all of his matches "storytelling" as well?


    What are the perks and negatives to "storytelling", does this make for a good main event? What are the literal in game changes that occur when using "storytelling"?


    Also, "Technical Masterclass" ... I used this in a main event with workers that fit the criteria and got a shitty rating saying that this type of match was a bad idea for hot crowd. I used it in the main event. So before running this match aim, should I have a "calm the crowd" match? Are there any other match aims that "calm the crowd"? Does "calm the crowd" mean you are going to get a lesser match rating? Should I use "work the crowd" right after a "Technical Masterclass"?


    "Mayhem", does this make for a poor main event? The note says this is good to get the crowd hot for matches later on the card.


    "Steal the show", are these matches still best around the 15 minute mark, unless the worker has like 85+ stamina?


    "Spectacle" what are the perks of using this very "regular" or any other match aim.


    Anyone have insight here?

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