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Posts posted by Skelf24

  1. Tennessee Wresting Fed


    Hello All!


    I've been struggling to do this challenge in TEW 16, but I finally managed to pull it off and not go bankrupt. Sure, the realism wasn't quite there, running two shows a week at local size for a huge loss... but... I made it to Cult, with C pop in all of the US, Canada, and even one region in Japan. But I digress. I am starting over, because I made a few mistakes, and I want to play with every game area active. So without further ado, allow me to introduce myself and my company:






    With that said, I'm going to embark on another adventure...


    Edit: BTW, I play using a real-world mod by TheWho87.

  2. <p>Hey everyone, long time player of this game mode (primarily in TEW 12), but first time poster to this RTG thread. Without any further ado, allow me to introduce you to Mike Sierra, a young wrestler recently selected to be the Head Booker of Tri-State Wrestling Alliance.</p><p> </p><p>

    <span>http://imgur.com/a/duedp</span></p><p> </p><p>

    (BTW, please let me know if my math is off)</p><p> </p><p>

    Using a real world mod set in December of 2016, I am starting with this company: </p><p> </p><p>

    <span>http://imgur.com/a/EWT8y</span></p><p> </p><p>

    Let our adventure begin.</p>

  3. Edge, Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder reunion!


    The latter two turn heel and divide the company into two.


    Edge & Christian vs. Hawkins & Ryder = $$$


    SRS post though: sounds like a cool idea. When I started my first diary, I was told 'if you build it, they will come', and it's the best thought you can have going into a diary. :)

    You almost touched on one of my starting story lines.... Edge/Hawkins in a heel Authority/Franchise Player type partnership, vs a surprise baby face.


    I am using the real world mod, but the WWE is the backdrop to my story, not the focus. I won't be editing anything serious, only cosmetic things. So hiring Christian and Ryder isn't possible, because they're exclusive with the big company. Edge is still unable to wrestle, so not gaining much there either.


    I am fascinated with the idea of starting local, and building to global. I have a few pages written, and will go ahead and start posting tonight..

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