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About KPnutz

  • Birthday 12/29/1995

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  1. May 2021 has come to a close and SWF are celebrating another solid month of shows, including their second best show ever which contains a match of the year contender in Jay Chord defeating ZWB and Mikey Lau in a triple threat match. The big news this month was Team Valiant winning the Master of Puppets tournament, immediately followed by Lenny Brown turning heel and aligning himself with Mainstream Hernandez, Xavi Ferrera, and Jake Idol, to form Simply Flawless, and there main goal is currently to destroy Valiant, Ekuma, ZWB, and Steven Parker because he blames them for him not being on a Master of Puppets team this year. At the very top of the card Spencer Spade and The House of Cards (Spade, Tommy Cornell, Rogue, and Casey Valentine) are holding down the World Heavyweight Championship, and the World Tag Team Championships. Though with Spencer being challenged by Nicky Champion for the World Championship, and The Mission challenging Rogue and Casey Valentine for the Tag Team Championship, they are stretched a little thin. Especially with Cornell dealing with a Steven Parker shaped thorn in his side constantly. The North American Championship scene is a little messier as The Rat Pack (Hollywood Bret Starr, Greg Gauge, Paul Huntingdon & Monty Trascarde) are busy dealing with The Awesomeness, and both members of The Awesomeness seem to be gunning for Guage's title, as well as showing up Starr and showing they are superior to Starr and all of his henchmen. Some lower on the card feuds see The American Dragons (Mikey Lau and Frankie Perez) being targetted by The American All-Stars (Des Davids and Masked Patriot) for not being true American Patriots like they are, Randy Unleashed is on a path of destruction and is trying to eliminate High Flying Hawaiian after HFH pinned Randy in the Master of Puppets tournament to eliminate him and his team from the tournament, Brandon James & Primus Allen find themselves being haunted by Scythe, and after they both lost to him in singles matches, they have challenged him to find a partner and take them on in a tag match, Rocky Golden has been on a little bit of a downward turn in terms of his momentum, and he is now being targetted by The Smoke Show (The Crippler & Sammy Smoke) as they look to take advantage of that fall in momentum, and Angry Gilmore has been looking to cement his legacy as one of SWF's all time greats, and Robbie Wright is looking to put a damper on that, as recently he has found a bodyguard in Clarence DeVille (random Dragon Academy student) and that has given him all the confidence in the world to start pushing up the card. All in all a good month for SWF and we are building towards a potentially amazing Times of Trouble, and then hopefully we knock it out of the park with The Supreme Challenge
  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="rufas2000" data-cite="rufas2000" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53815" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>As I posted earlier I'm with you on Patriot. I placed him in a tag team with Lenny Brown, unmasked him, named him Karl Crowe and they are running a "buddy cop movie" gimmick. He's the straight man to Brown's charmer personality. <p> </p><p> I also have the same feelings toward Des Davids that you do. I stuck in a tag team with Primus Allen (renamed Allen Primus). I had them go on a winning streak in preparation for a feud with The Awesomeness. But while Davids got stuck at 79 over Primus reached 86 OVR as his cap. So I don't want to job Primus to The Awesomeness and I just signed Huggins & Stone to feud with the Awesomeness (as part of a revived Chase Collective). So it looks like the Davids / Primus team is on a kind of hiatus (and undefeated) so Primus can get his singles push. Maybe I can circle back around to it.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I like the idea of putting both Davids and Patriot in a tag team, I wonder how they would do as a heel team together. I could have Patriot turn on Matty Faith, who is more over than both Davids and Patriot, and have Patriot and Davids come together to take on Faith. The New All-Americans, as heels, starting to enforce their own American views on SWF. That could be an interesting midcard tag team gimmick for them both.</p><p> </p><p> It's also reassuring to read that I'm not the only one that teams Primus Allen up with another big guy to get him over initially. Although I went with Brandon James, so when he retires Allen can take over the 'Big Money' mantle</p>
  3. For me, as a mostly SWF player, I have two main ones. The first one is Masked Patriot, who just feels like he doesn't fit in SWF, he feels like he'd be perfect for USPW, or NYCW, but SWF is just not a good fit for him. The second one might be a little more controversial but I cannot book Des Davids to save my life. He has had one good run ever while I have been playing TEW, and that was because he got lucky and had good tag team chemistry with Rogue, who I adore. But I have never seen him as more than a midcarder, and have never been able to come up with a story for him that I can truly sink my teeth in to. And with my current save having a bit of an influx of talent that I prefer that can do his job better than him, I get the feeling he'll be jobbed down the card soon and let go
  4. <p>I've finally overcome my main problem of not being able to play a game past a couple of months because of falling out with the way things happen. So I'm only at Welcome To The Jungle 2016 from January but to me it's a lot of progress.</p><p> </p><p> Big news in the world of SWF is that John Greed recruited Kurt Laramee, Joe Sexy and Abel Moonfall (formerly Zimmy Bumfhole) as well as bringing in Travis Century to create The Deadly Sins. They won the tag titles and north american title at Supreme Challenge 36. </p><p> </p><p> Elsewhere, nobody has knocked Remo off his top spot in SWF, and Mikey Lau is the next guy to get a shot.</p><p> </p><p> Andrew Hawkins debuted recently immediately targetting Skull DeBones for a match at WTTJ, wanting to take out the biggest and baddest guy to prove his dominance.</p><p> </p><p> The Awesomeness have been targetting Angry Gilmore recently, telling him anger is "so last seasons emotion". Of course when Gilmore cost The Awesomeness their Tag Titles and caused them to drop the belts to Joe Sexy and John Greed of The Deadly Sins he had a lot to say about anger being in season all year round.</p><p> </p><p> With the success of The Deadly Sins Randy Bumfhole was left floating in midcard limbo for a while, but he's started a fued with The Big Money Makers which are Brandon James, Big Bruiser Findlay and Bear Bekowski all accompanied by Krissy Angelle. This is based around James and Co laughing at how pathetic Randy is without his brother.</p><p> </p><p> Speaking of The Deadly Sins they are currently Targetting Joey Morgan, trying to make more of a statement than they did when taking 2/3 belts SWF have.</p><p> </p><p> Jack Bruce is still rocking on, but Rogue is looking to make this Bruce's retirement tour.</p><p> </p><p> I'm also trying to push Frankie Perez up the card for an inevitable clash with Lau after he snaps and becomes Killswitch. Also trying to push Nelson Callum, Lassana Makutsi, Hollywood Bret Starr and Paul Huntingdon. To be fair to Paul he is just a big fued away from breaking that glass ceiling, but oddly one with Jack Bruce wasn't enough to do it...so I don't know what will be. And Richard wants me to push James Prudence and keep Skull DeBones popular too. Whatever you say boss! Anyone with any ideas for big fueds for Prudence (I'm thinking a Platinum Blondes split with Prudence going face) or Huntingdon feel free to share.</p>
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