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Posts posted by SilentDeath

  1. Book this;

    Vince Mcmahon wants a shakeup. He asks both GM to the ring. Says to build a team. The brand winner will be able to choose a superstar, a tag team and a women from the other brand. Build from there.


    Somebody played the hell out of GM mode on the old SvR games back in the day huh? And ya know what...there’s nothing wrong with borrowing for those classics. The minute I read it I immediately was like SvR07 right there 🤣

  2. It's not exactly a weakness, but more of a game destroying thing I can't stop doing when I'm booking a company that has TV. I book my main storylines in my head for at least a year (often more) in advance, and then get bored after a few months of just organizing the cards without being really able to do any booking, as the storylines in my head need to go a certain way. I try and combat this by actively trying not to book ahead for more then a few PPV's, but can't help myself when I get carried away by some "brilliant" idea.


    This right here! I can't tell you guys how many times I've had storylines planned out in my mind and even typed out in a notepad or word only to get bored and start over. That's my biggest flaw as I ALWAYS start a new save when I see something that could be better whether its with my own promotion or an AI controlled promotion :D

  3. Have you seen huge movements in works popularity in your saved games?


    Man I’ve seen huge drops and huge gains but only from the AI controlled rosters. I can’t get my roster to fluctuate on the high end but losing pop is a specialty I seem to possess lol. I wish there was a pop option for workers like there are for companies sometimes ya don’t want the grind you just wanna play ya know.

  4. I converted an efganic mod Not Ready For Prime Time. I had tweaked to make another medium/Cult level company active at the start with it's own roster created by me with it's own stories etc. I have simulated 10 years and had come to see that the first inductee to the Hall of Immortals was a female worker I created named Katya Zomlodchikova. Imagine my shock and excitement when I saw that. The to top it off there are roughly three to four more workers whom I've made that are future inductees or are on the cusp of being inducted. Hell one guy has won wrestler of the year seven times despite not even being the best worker :D.


    Gotta say I'm having a ton of fun watching this world unfold and may have to add and tweak this world even more so and run it again for another 10 years. Oh and Katya is an 11x women's champion. She's a 5x champ in the first ever promotion and a 6x champ in the promotion I had made and there is another woman named Sable who is a 9x champion across both promotions and she's only 31 with a good 8 to 10 years left in her. I am too damn excited with the way to world is coming together and wish I could share this with others to see what experience they have with it.

  5. What I've come to realize is that sometimes when people throw the word exploit around or talk about things that should be fixed its very so-so to me. On one hand you have people who play to just have fun and fantasy book while being gamey and getting whomever they like to the top as quickly as possible without the use of an editor. On the other you have people who are gung ho about the realism the game provides and or needs and that's how they have fun with the game. Lately what I've noticed is that those who have a more gamey playstyle... their voices are usually drowned out by those who prefer realism or playing the game the "right" way. I believe its because those who want more of a sim are much more vocal about their dislikes and likes while the other side is very hush hush. Adam only sees one side of the argument majority of the time which is why I believe the game has drifted in the direction its currently going in.


    It's not that us gamey players are being disenfranchised...its that we rarely if ever speak up. Also, when we do speak up we have some people beat us over the head with the don't like don't buy or the its a simulator play it that way type of deal. At some point in time sim lovers have taken ownership in a way of what TEW is supposed to be completely forgetting that it's two types of players with the TEW franchise. It's just sad that one side of the spectrum is being left behind. That blame can be placed on all shoulders not just one side. It's a problem I don't see ever being fixed personally. This isn't an attack on those who enjoy the sim side of things as that's your right as a consumer. I've spent my 35, I enjoy certain aspects of the game, but at the end of the day this version just isn't my cup of tea and that is Fine. It is ok for people not to be in love with the new game especially as paying customers.


    Everyone should respect everyone's opinions whether they agree or not and for the most part we do and that's why I come here everyday to web stalk :D. All I can say is to my more sandbox, gamey, or whatever you'd like to call yourself type of players is to speak up in the suggestion thread or whatever thread possible. Don't be discouraged by possible responses to your opinions and feelings. That is why it appears we've been left behind in some way is because we aren't as vocal.

  6. AMW is by far my favorite company in CV97 so I have to go ahead and put my bid in for a character to be made.


    Kenneth Evenrud


    He's 20yr old rookie that knows absolutely nothing about wrestling. He was forced into the business by his prick of a dad and neighborhood crap owner, Trenton Evenrud. Although he doesn't know the first thing about wrestling he has the body of a greek god and oozes charisma and those are his only redeeming qualities. He is being primed to be pushed down the throats of the AMW fans(if there are any) and this is rubbing the roster the wrong way and Ken already has heat on him. Nice kid, crap dad, undeserved push, and is hated by all except Rev. What could possibly go wrong?


    I was originally gonna make him an A hole like his did, but I though it'd be more interesting if he was a good kid reaping the consequences of being Trenton's kid.

  7. Yeah, it was either one of the dev team guys or the graphics dude who said that the "people complaining wanted TEW 2016 with a new coat of paint, instead of a new game", and while this comment was meant as a derogatory remark to insult, discredit, and put down the negative people, I have to say that in my case it's actually a true statement. I think I just wanted TEW 2016 with a few new features to freshen up the game. The game that ended up happening is a more ambitious project for sure, and I applaud that. But I don't think it's for me. Others seem to enjoy it, though, and I'm glad. Maybe I'm the problem.


    I feel we are kindred spirts trapped on a sinking ship :D. There are a lot of new things about the new game that are great. My only issue is I feel people who have a gamey playstyle is at a disadvantage. This game is just garnered towards the serious "book it right" kind of players which is fine. Like I said I have some saves where I play like that, but why penalize the people who play in an unrealistic way. The game dictates the fun some people are allowed to have. Maybe I'm part of the problem too Benji, but what can we do :)


    Edit: The sinking ship is in regards to players who prefer 2016, a gamey playstyle, players stuck in the past, etc. Didn't want people thinking I was referring to the franchise as a sinking ship.

  8. My enthusiasm to play this game has severely waned to the point I'm back on TEW2016. I don't know what it is but it's been difficult for me to get into this years game. I understand the game is a simulator and always has been, but at the same time its still a game at the end of the day. I use to be able to have my serious saves and my bs saves where I'd just game the system and sometimes my "gamey" saves would end up being more fun eventually. This year I feel like all saves are pretty much the same. Yes I can give myself money and edit pop and whatnot...but that is unfulfilling for me personally as I'd rather gain the pop myself no matter what means I take to get there. I feel that TEW has catered in a way more towards the serious player with this iteration of the game which I suppose is fine, but in the past it felt that it was more even between the two playstyles.


    Maybe I'm just rambling on and at the same time I haven't been able to get past the first six month's in many saves so maybe there are things I'm missing. I currently have a serious save with MAW and a gamey save with a custom fed, but the gamey save is pretty much bleh. Maybe I'll deep dive in the settings again.

  9. Willsky? I love you!!! I have read this thing from page one to now and I Haven't been this interested in a diary since those legendary SWF diaries from back in the day. From the storylines, to the backstage interactions, and the matches I am completely in awe of your talent and incredibly jealous. Keep doing what your doing and you have a reader for life in any diary you start with any company.


    Side Note: NO NICOOOOOO!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :D Cheers to the future of OLLIE

  10. I’ve seen some people be upset with not being able to decide the match/angle ratio and I’d like to point out that there is a quick fix. Go to the options and deselect enable match ratios and you’ll have the freedom to book whatever ratio you want. I ask that people try and relax just a tad as this is the beta and some of the things that are complained/commented on may be fixable through the option I’d say just go and peak to see. If it isn’t fixable through the option then wait for the actual release and the subsequent patches that’ll follow.
  11. Well DB, I'm all for whatever you decide. I don't really understand the hoop and holler for women's wrestling. I also think WWE is very hypocritical with that women's revolution crap. If we're all honest TNA's women division carried that company for like two years and we all ate it up :D. Now if we limit it to a simple revolution for women in wwe and not the industry then I could see it. However, every mod doesn't HAVE to have a ton of women to have a women's scene if it doesn't fit or if it'd be forced and ill concieved. Anyway, if I had to suggest something I'd simply say have fun with it CV97 is your mod and your world that just so happens to have been inspired by CV cannon. At the end of the day it isn't 100% official cannon and to be stuck on cannon is a disservice to all the great things you may want to implement. All change isn't bad so just go with your gut on this one DB.
  12. <p>I didn't know If I should pm or what so I'll just put it here.</p><p> </p><p>

    If you're using 2k20 I think it'd be great as long as you make it as even as possible. For instance max out every wrestlers overall so that they'd all be at 100. Also, I think having it on hall of fame with reversals turned off meaning the AI wont get smacked around just because they don't have any reversals left truly making it anyone's game. That's how I tend to do it when me and my cousins make bets involving video games lol. Anyway, just wanted to float that over to you just in case you were stuck on how to even the playing field instead of Reigns and Lesner dominating their opponents.</p>

  13. APW Fight Night

    Location: Eastern Australia

    Attendance: 4000

    PPV Buys: 3,602



    [The arena is filled with 4,000 fans ready for APW action]



    APW Australian Championship Match

    Open Challenge


    Lanny Williams vs ???


    Lanny Williams makes his way to the ring to cheers as he once again holds an open challenge. Mere moments go by but it felt like forever to the crowd in attendance. A booming voice can be heard throughout the arena "OOOHHH YEEAAAHHH!!!". The Maximum Man, Blaze Maximum makes his way to the ring flanked by the beautiful Ceri Dordevich. The fans in attendance couldn't help but enjoy the eye candy on display while also waiting to see what the former RAW star can do.


    Start: The minute the bell rings Blaze Maximum is giving all he has. He charges in throwing rights and lefts forcing Williams back into a corner. Williams shoves Blaze off of him and tries to follow suit only to be met with a stiff kick to the abdomen. Blaze swings Williams to the ropes, but on the rebound he is knocked down with a shoulder block and met with a snap elbow to the chest. Williams lifts Blaze Maximum up and plants him down with a suplex while Ceri shouts in support of Maximum. Williams looks in Ceri's direction and she timidly takes a few steps back which gives Maximum just enough time to recover. Maximum plants a standing dropkick smack to the side of Williams face as he turns around effectively taking control of the match.


    End: Blaze Maximum is on the defensive as Williams drops some stomps into his chest. The match has been a tug of war of sorts as both men have been trying to put the other away. Williams hits the ropes in an attempt to land a leg drop, but misses as Blaze rolls out of the way. Ceri can be heard cheering Blaze on and it seems to give him the energy he needs. Williams is up, but is hit with a body slam. Williams is up again, but is met with a hip toss which lays him flat in the center of the ring. Blaze climbs the top rope and taunts Williams before leaping off with a leg drop. As soon a he leaps Williams is already up and catches the legs of Blaze Maximum and a figure four would follow. Blaze Maximum taps out after an impressive debut. [D]



    After the match Debonaire David Peterson and Sean Quartermainne are out on the stage.


    DDP: Hey old buddy old pal. How have ya been? It seems like only yesterday I laid you out in the middle of that ring. Haha, Now I know you want a piece of me and I'm gonna give you a chance. Next month, if you can beat an opponent of my choosing... I'll face you one on one and finally show you that you are NOTHING without me.


    Lanny Williams: I'm nothing without you? I..am nothing without...you? We're just gonna gloss over the fact that you attacked me AFTER I finally decided to try my hand at singles action. It sounds like to me you didn't want to be overshadowed or was it because you were afraid you're gravy train would dry up? I helped you capture this title not only the first time, but the second time too. That's something you two ass hats seem to omit. Yo...


    Sean Quartermainne: SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!!!


    DDP: Haha, eve....


    Sean Quartermainne: YOU SHUT UP TOO!!! I sided with you because me and you have history, but I was the one who put two of the most talented men in Australia together. Only to see you two tear each other apart over that stupid belt on Lanny's shoulder. Lanny, I know that I was complicity in what happened to you back in January and for that I'm sorry. I am done sitting back and watching this crap go down. For god's sake Lanny your son is in this business and he's damn good. What kind of... HAHAHAHAHA!!! Damn David I just couldn't do it.[A wicked smile cracks] Should we tell 'em David?


    DDP: [laughs evilly] Speaking of your son.


    Lanny Williams: David....please...there are plenty of things to talk about, but my son sure as hell ain't one of em.


    [DDP goes to the back still smiling and comes out with a beaten down Jake Star which shocks the crowd in attendance as no mention of Jake being his son was made by the company nor the announcers. Lanny Williams is livid as he throws the APW Australian title on the mat and chases down DDP and Quartermainne.] [D-]



    Scottie Hamstead vs Dingo Devine is hyped for next month's event and its a tables match. [D+]



    God's Gift is in the ring claiming to be the best and tries to talk down on Nathan McKenzie and Harry Simonson. McKenzie and Simonson respond by making there way down the ramp and into the ring. The four men talk smack before agreeing to face each other in singles matches later on. Simonson will face Alexander Banks while Stan Standish will face Nathan McKenzie. It is also revealed that they will swap opponents for next months event. [C+]



    Australian People's Party vs Alyx Macquarie & Barny Mason

    (Matt Kerr & Matt Stoppard)


    In a decent back and forth match Macquarie and Mason puts the debuting APP. [E+]



    The Duo comes out to taunt Apocalypse Now once again, but the APW Tag champions where having no part of it and ran off The Duo in no time. It's only a matter of time before The Duo have nowhere left to run. [C-]



    The Announcers hype Harry Simonson vs Alexander Banks [C-]



    Alexander Banks vs Harry Simonson


    In a heated back and forth match Simonson was only an inch away from clenching victory but Alexander Banks was able to get the win with help from the ropes. [D+]



    The match between Spiffy Stan Standish vs Nathan McKenzie for the APW Commonwealth championship is hyped. [C+]



    APW Commonwealth Championship Match

    Spiffy Stan Standish vs Nathan McKenzie


    Nathan McKenzie was a man possessed with Spiffy being on the run using whatever dirty tactics he could. However, a single spear was all it took to put Standish out of his misery.[D+]


    SHOW: [C-]

  14. March Meeting


    McMinister: Well Rush, anything you have to say?


    Rush: Not really, Why?


    McMinister: We're gonna sit here and pretend that we didn't triple the buys from last month. After, you said that the slot wouldn't do us any favors.


    Rush: Oh...that. Yeah I kinda have to eat my words on that a bit.[laughs]


    Quartermainne: We increases our Buys by three times as much as last month. We did this without TV also which isn't something that happens often. Speaking of TV...


    McMinister: I've been in talks with Bloke Tv. They aren't a big network by any stretch of the imagination, but based on discussion we've had there is a possibility that we can get a deal inked and running by April. The issue is money and the end of the day.


    Rush: You tend to keep the book pretty tight so only you would know what type of war chest we have.


    McMinister: We have over a million dollars.






    Quartermainne: Over.....over


    Rush: A million...over a million dollars?


    McMinister: I know it seems like a lot, but actually it isn't at all. We've been in business since 2007 and it's taken us almost fifteen years to get this much money. One failed endeavor could rip it all away.


    Quartermainne: That's why we're doing these so called trial runs with PPV and now possibly TV?


    McMinister: Exactly, and I've already extended the deal another three months for our PPV.


    Rush: This means TV would be on the same three month deals does it not?


    McMinister: Yes you're correct and it'd only be thirty minutes which means it'd be even more difficult to get in needed time to the storylines we run. I think we can still get it done though, and not to toot my own horn... but I'm loving the progression of the feud I'm working on.


    Rush: Yeah, I can see that the fans are actually getting behind it and the old dogs have actually begun to raise there stock with the fans.


    Quartermainne: My stocks raising as well just because of the association. All in all its going decently so far, but lets get down to the creative for the coming show.


    [With that the creative portion of the meeting gets started]

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