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Posts posted by SilentDeath

  1. APW Big Night Out

    Location: Eastern Australia

    Attendance: 3993

    PPV Buys: 3,765



    [The announcers welcomes everyone to the show and hypes the event]



    Christopher Gerard vs Jake Star


    Results: These two young men had a decent match with the new comer in Jake Star actually outperforming Christopher Gerard. Valiantly though he fought, Jake Star was defeated in 8:28 by Gerard. [MATCH: D]



    Lanny Williams music hits and the crowd pops as the champion makes his way to the ring rubbing his neck.


    Lanny Williams: Right Now, I should be the happiest person in the world. For the first time in my twenty year career I have won singles gold.

    [Lifts APW Australian title in the air and fans cheer] I was apart of one of the most experienced....and dirtiest tag team in Australia and managed by a true professional. We did everything we could to make our presence felt in this business. I thought these men were my friends. They were like family to me.[Tears well up in his eyes] When David won this title not once but twice...there wasn't an ounce of jealousy in my body. I was happy and proud that he was succeeding on his own merit. However, when I finally wanted to see if I could accomplish what he had...he and Sean faked being happy and supportive. There isn't a doubt in my mind that if I had lost that we'd still be a team. DAVID, YOU SELFISH SON OF A BITCH! I KNOW YOU'RE NOT HERE TONIGHT BUT I ALSO KNOW YOU'RE WATCHING! I'M GOING TO GET MY HANDS ON YOU AND WHEN I DO...YOU WILL SEE A SIDE OF ME YOU'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE!!! TONIGHT, I'M ISSUING AN OPEN CHALLENGE TO ANYONE BACK THERE TO SHOW YOU A TASTE OF WHAT YOU'RE IN FOR!


    [ANGLE: D]



    Reggie Tate & Nighthawk vs Apocalypse Now


    Results: Apocalypse Now dominates the match and ends it in 5:19. After the match The Duo appears on stage in face paint yelling and flexing obviously mocking Apocalypse Now. Apocalypse Now didn't seem amused and this mockery may be Duo's undoing. [MATCH: D] [ANGLE: C-]



    Scottie Hamstead vs Alyx Macquarie


    Results: Alyx Macquarie tried his best but was put down with a Hammer Time from Hamstead in 10:19. After the match Dingo Devine's music hits and the crowd goes wild. He and Hamstead have a stare down, but it isn't long before Dingo makes his way down toward the ring, but again the two men are kept apart. As Dingo is forced back he yells out he can't be blamed for Hamstead sucking. Hamstead in turn yells back Dingo cost him his chance and now he's going to break him. [MATCH: D] [ANGLE: C-]



    APW Australian Championship

    Open Challenge


    Lanny Williams is in the ring awaiting his challenger when the music of the "Technical Machine" Boo Smithson.


    Lanny Williams vs Boo Smithson


    START: Lanny Williams appears to be a man possessed as he charges Smithson as soon as the bell rings. Smithson was completely unprepared as Williams rains down blow after blow forcing Smithson into the corner. Once backed into the corner boots are being laid to Smithson with the ref eventually getting in the way pushing Williams back. Lanny charges in again and is met with an eye poke. Smithson moves in with chops to the chest that leads into a nice snap suplex. He quickly rolls the suplex into a back suplex sending Williams crashing down once again. Smithson hits the ropes and comes back with a leg drop, but Williams rolls out of the way causing Smithson to cry out in pain as he misses the leg drop. Williams grabs the legs of Boo Smithson and locks in a figure four leg lock. Smithson hollers out in agony as he crawls to the ropes eventually grabbing the bottom rope forcing Williams to break the count. Smithson rolls out of the ring for a breather as the match continues.


    END: The two men have put on a clinic for the APW Australian Championship and Smithson is well in control at this point. Smithson is laying in some chops to Williams in the corner and Williams chest becomes as red as a fire truck. Smithson lifts Williams to the top turnbuckle and hits a top rope superplex. Both men are laid out near center of the ring, but Smithson is the first to his feet. He makes a slit throat gesture as he goes to the top rope. He leaps off with a diving headbutt, but right before impact Williams narrowly escapes. Smithson rolls around holding his and trembling with pain. Williamson is now on his feet only to notice Debonair David Peterson and Sean Quartermainne staring him down with wide grins on their faces. Williams goes over to Smithson and has him by the head while staring at Peterson. He lifts up Smithson for Debonaire's finisher! He plants Boo Smithson with a Hangmans Neckbreaker and goes for the pin while maintaining his glare on Peterson. The ref's hand comes down for the 1......2.....and 3. Lanny Williams holds his title over his head and points at himself then at Peterson and back at the APW Australian title. Peterson shakes his head no while mouthing the it's on his time.


    [MATCH: D]



    [Hype video plays for the main event between Gods Gift & Harry Simonson and Nathan McKenzie][ANGLE: C]



    Gods Gift vs Harry Simonson & Nathan McKenzie


    Results: These four men put on a clinic, but the match quickly broke down causing the ref to call for the bell at 18:22. Even though the match was over the men continued to brawl as the show went off the air with the announcers panicking and signing off. [MATCH: D+][ANGLE: C]



    [sHOW: D+]

  2. February Creative Meeting



    McMinister: Well boys I can gladly say last month's event was a success. We had a sold out crowd and we even got a little praise from the wrestling websites.


    Rush: Yeah it was a great show, but we only had about 1200 buys. I don't see this graveyard slot doing us any favors.


    Quartermainne: Well hey he told us its a trial run, but let us get to the positives of our last event. I think congratulations are in order for our boss here.


    Rush: Ya know what you're right on both fronts. Boss, I have to give it to ya the break up of the Masters has went over pretty well.


    McMinister: Thanks, but it was only my first time actually contributing to the show and I still have to maintain fan interest in the feud. Also, are you okay with the development of this feud between the Debonaire and Lanny?


    Quartermainne: Well, at first I was a bit hesitant because I manage them and they aren't really spring chickens ya know. Then you went into more detail about what you wanted and the fact that you spoke to the boys about it too made all three of us want to give it a shot. We think we can make this special.


    Rush: Based on the reaction from the crowd it seems like this can be pretty good depending on how its handled going forward. The basis for the feud is as old school as it gets and I have to admit I'm liking it.


    McMinister: Thanks guys I really appreciate it, but also have to say the feuds you guys are handling are really going over well and the commonwealth feud is really carrying the show.


    Quartermainne: Yeah well we still needed to give your congratulations. Now lets get started and talk business.


    McMinister: Business, well how about getting a tv deal?


    [And with that the creative meeting finally gets underway for the coming event]

  3. Good to see some APW love. Interesting to see The Masters not only split up, but also to have them getting single gold. Should be a good feud. Is Jake Star, Lannys son in Kayfabe or is there a second Jake?


    It's kayfabe, I'm using Jack Avatar and I changed his name. I love the Aussie scene and I wanted to try my hand at it. I know I can't create multiple storylines that would be interesting so I've built this little shindig on McMinister getting his feet wet and dealing with one storyline at a time and those will be the one I try and give my all. Just wish I was more talented with all of this :D

  4. APW OzFest

    Location: Eastern Australia

    Attendance: 3900 SOLD OUT!

    PPV Buys: 1,265



    [Mitch Bryson & Frank Mucciolo welcomes everyone to APW's fit event ever on pay per view...Ozfest.]



    Barny Mason & Dexter Matell vs The Duo[Rusty Mills & Donovan Boon]


    Results: In a decent opener to the night, the 3x APW Tag champions put away Mason and Matell in 9:43. After the match the Duo calls out the current champions, Apocalypse Now. They claim the champions are nothing more than big, dumb, nobodies from a promotion no one cares about. They say its only a matter of time before they become 4x champions. [MATCH: D][ANGLE: D-]



    [The Masters make their way to the ring flanked by Sean Quartermainne as the fans of 3900 boo.]


    Lanny Williams: I know you people don't like us much and that's fine because I don't give a damn. However, there is something I need to get off my chest.[fans boo] I have been with this company since its inception and I have had gold around my waist, but I've never....NEVER... held singles gold in my life.[looks at Debonaire before speaking again] David, you have attained what I haven't that's because you are damn good at what you do so don't take this as a swipe at our team and friendship.


    Debonaire Peterson: Lanny we've been boys for a long time and I'd never not support a friend when they're chasing a dream.[mixed reaction from fans]


    Lanny Williams: RICHIE FOX! You are APW Australian champion and you don't owe me or anyone else a damn thing. Yet here I am asking that you give me a shot at the gold right here right now.[Fans wait in anticipation]


    [Richie Fox's music hits and the crowd explodes]


    Richie Fox: [Waits for crowd to simmer] Lanny Wiilaims, you and your partners there are some of the dirtiest bastards in APW and you think you deserve a shot at my title? At the same time I have never backed down from a fight and I sure as hell won't start tonight.[Fans go wild] Its plain and simple.....YES! You and me later on tonight for the title.[crowd erupts]


    [Lanny Williams smiles as Quartermainne and Debonaire pats Lanny on the back][ANGLE: D+]



    Jake Star[Jack Avatar] vs Dingo Devine


    Results: The debuting Jack Star had a great showing against Dingo Devine. There were moments where the upset seemed possible, but Dingo had other plans as he put Jake Star away in 8:22.[MATCH: D-]


    Right after the match Scottie Hamstead charges the ring to get his hands on the man he blames for not becoming number one contender for the Commonwealth championship. He rolls in the ring and the two men start to exchange blows. It isn't long before the two men are torn apart from each other. [ANGLE: D+]



    APW Australian Championship Match


    Lanny Williams vs Richie Fox


    START: The two men stand across from each other as the ref shows the title to the fans. Shockingly, Lanny Williams has come to the match alone to fance the champion. The fans are obviously in the corner of Richie Fox as the two men tie up. No one could get the upper hand as they break and tie up once again with Fox forcing Williams into a corner. The ref calls for a break and Williams, to the fans surprise, breaks clean. The two men circle each other before Williams gets a headlock on Fox. Fox pushes Williams into the ropes and Williams hits a shoulder block on the rebound knocking Fox down. Williams runs towards the ropes, but Fox kips up and lands a dropkick square on the chin of Williams on the rebound effectively taking control of the match.


    END: The match has had plenty of back and forth and has been fought fairly between both men. The two men hit each other with clotheslines and the ref begins the ten count. 1....2....3....the men begin to stir....4.....5. Richie is rolling over and getting to his knees.....6.....7....8...both men use each other to stand. Fox throws a right, Williams throws a right, Fox lands a right, Williams lands another, Fox lands a right and another and then another. He swings Williams to the rope and then hits a back body drop. Fox calls for the end as he kicks Williams in the gut and places his head between his legs. The crowd knows whats coming as Fox lifts Williams up for a powerbomb. However, Williams lands a few blows to the head causing fox to drop him. He plants em with a DDT and quickly gets up to lock in the figure four leg lock. Fox claws his way to the ropes while screaming in agony. Williams pulls Fox back to the middle of the ring and locks it in again leaving Fox with no choice but to tap out.


    Results: Lanny Williams becomes the new APW Australian champion after tapping out Richie Fox in 16:21.[MATCH: D]



    Lanny Williams is celebrating his win to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Some cheered because of his performance, but others new he was still no good. With tears in their eyes Debonaire David Peterson and Sean Quartermainne went to the ring to celebrate with their friend. The two men embraced in the ring with Sean watching with a smile on his face. Williams and Quartermainne lock eyes and Quartermainne's facial expression becomes stone cold. As Williams turns around he is met with a clothesline from Peterson. The fans in attendance boo violently as Peterson lifts him up and punishes him with a Hangman's Neckbreaker. Peterson and Quartermainne gets the title and lay it over their battered "friend" and take their leave.

    [ANGLE: D]



    Spiffy Stan Standish vs Harry Simonson


    Results: Spiffy Stan Standish defeats Harry Simonson in 12:57. After the match he along with Alexander Banks and Max Forbes assault Simonson. APW Commonwealth Champion, Nathan McKenzie runs down for the save as the attackers clear the ring and head for the ramp.


    Alexander Banks: Hey champ, last year you thought you were so great when you got lucky and beat me for that title. I told you then and I'll tell you again... God's Gift doesn't like false paper champions like you and we will destroy you and that championship before we give up our claim to that belt.


    Nathan: You two morons don't know what you've just done do ya. Here I was ready to go to war one on two without asking for anybody's help, but now you've made it to where I don't even have to ask.


    Simonson: You too have been having your way for too damn long. I think its high time the playing field gets leveled. Next month at Big Night Out...we are going to kick your asses!


    Simoson and Nathan shake hands causing the crowd to erupt as Gods Gift seems to be unfazed. [ANGLE: D+]



    [The announcers hype the match for next month while signing off as the event comes to a close]


    SHOW: D+

  5. APW January Creative Meeting



    James J. McMinister: Alright boys today we need to get down to business. Are we all accounted for?


    Markus Rush: Yeah...


    Sean Quartermainne: We're ready when you are.


    McMinister: Seeing as we're all here I have news before this meeting gets underway. I inked a small deal with Australia options. [The others begin to celebrate] Settle down! Settle Down!


    Quartermainne: Let me guess....there is a catch with the deal?


    McMinister: Okay first off this is a step in the right direction getting on PPV, but its only a trial run of three months and its the graveyard slot.


    Rush: Well we have the slot with the smallest revenue return, but honestly that just means we have to generate as much interest as possible to get better positioning.


    McMinister: Exactly correct, and I know you guys have some plans for the new year. RAW has NEVER been threatened by us and they have a strangle hold on the business and I want APW to show Australia that we're the premier promotion. This PPV deal is a commitment to the journey.


    Quartermainne: We Finished the previous year decently but if I can be honest here we aren't producing anything that's truly captivating.


    Rush: As much as I hate to admit it we haven't done anything that could get a general viewer. We beat them when it comes to the in ring product, but as far as compelling storylines we haven't been doing enough.


    McMinister: Well, do you guys have any ideas as to what would captivate not only our current audience but grab some new eyes as well?


    Quartermainne: I'm bringing in Lanny's son. The kid as great potential and I think he can help us tremendously but it'd be a slow grind.


    McMinister: Actually I have a plan for Lanny and Debonaire.


    [both Quartermainne and Rush are shocked]


    McMinister: I know I'm not usually involved, but there is something I'd like to do with the Masters.


    Rush: This.... I have to see.


    McMinister: (chuckles) Look I have been watching you guys put this thing together long enough to have a little knowledge. You guys just do what you do. I'm gonna use the Masters and Lanny's son Jake. It's the only thing I want to handle and that will be the test to see if I can actually be helping in the meeting creatively instead of saying yes and no to things I like and don't like.


    Quartermainn: It took you long enough.(Smiles) I'm gonna trust you with my team okay and I'll do all I can to make sure whatever it is..works.


    [The meeting dragged on for some time before the men decided on a plan and with that meeting they were hoping to start the year with a bang]


  6. Welp my greatest draw was in a MAW save on tew16. Kieth freaking Vegas caught fire and I was to blame. I kept putting him in angles with Bruce The Giant because I had Bruce as my heel authority figure and Keith Vegas and The architect were his go to guys to handle business. The went from being meh to roughly 75 or so pop in the mid Atlantic. Safe to say Architect turned his face and I had a huge big money feud between the two. I was loving every bit of it. Kieth holds a special place for me now lol
  7. Well I have only played roughly 7 months. I had created a new show and had done basically 9 shows a month which is what 63 shows. In that time, Christian Price has taken over the world and is sitting at 98pop thanks to him hitting the gym. Ricky Decolt is his main adversary and yes Ricky's the heel. I had him run roughshod over Jack & Alex effectively giving Jack his vacation while I build the rest of my roster a bit more.


    On Jack's return he will go toe to toe with Ricky for the world title. Hell My mainevent is actually so stacked that I don't even know what road to take so it's taking a lot to keep the road I've chosen straight and narrow.

  8. First off I'd like to chalk my win up to luck and the fact that CPW is my favoite promotion in he londonverse :D . As far as the narrative... who better than the Icon, the Superstar, the Living Legend himself ADRIAN HURST! On a side note if Adrian didn't get hurt I would have been clamoring for a world title run.


    Jennie Wonder, Mara Bell, & Wicked Storm

    ??? [Never bet against ???]

    The Heartbreakes

    Lucas Fernion [i'm not a fan but he seems like he's the future of CPW]

    Sam Wyatt & ??? [sam is fairly high up the card or at least he should be and ???, yes]

    Shannon Thompson

    Chris Pressler [He's apart of the greatest faction in CPW and he's talented on his own]

  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="smw88" data-cite="smw88" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46646" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Carter Blaze</strong> Vs. Julian Oslin<p> </p><p> <em><strong>Coast 2 Coast</strong></em> Vs. The Coney Island Boys Vs. The Agency</p><p> </p><p> Payton Parker, Zander Renwick, & Shannon Thompson Vs. <strong>Andro Shields, Fred Daniels, & Sam Wyatt</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p> CPW Tag Team Title Match</p><p> <em><strong>The Warpspeed Cavalry</strong></em> © Vs. The Heartbreakers w/ I Candy</p><p> </p><p> CPW Junior Heavyweight Title Match</p><p> <strong>Lucas Fernion</strong> w/ Heyman E. Danger © Vs. Kaz Naguchi</p><p> </p><p> Grudge Match</p><p> Heavy Duty Vs. <strong>Mike Young & Ron Castle</strong></p><p> </p><p> CPW World Title Match</p><p> <strong>Rick Young</strong> © Vs. Adrian Hurst</p><p> Heavy Duty, Ron Castle, and Mike Young All Barred from Ringside</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I agree with him on this except for the grudge match.</p>
  10. <p>You have chosen my favorite mod and my favorite promotion in said mod? Consider me hooked!</p><p> </p><p>

    Kaz Naguchi(Cornier an opener or something low like that)</p><p>

    Andro Shields ( Payton’s what 41? He’s a good hand he takes the L)</p><p>

    Thompson ( Shannon can be a major player and he’s higher up than Fred)</p><p>

    The Agency( I don’t care for CIB)</p><p>

    Castle( My heart says Chris but I’m gonna go with Ron on this one I hope he’s who I think if not then he’s a terrible choice <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> )</p><p> </p><p>

    Edit: I can see Chris getting help from Ryan or the World champ to win but I’m sticking to my guns.</p>

  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41194" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That's what I thought and it's not there. <p> </p><p> Found a link <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=533427" rel="external nofollow">here</a>, but the download link listed is dead.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> *Cries as he dies a little inside*</p><p> </p><p> Whelp, time to go and download other iterations of tew and convert to high hell. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  12. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="a0161613" data-cite="a0161613" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="45750" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hi guys, I'm looking to get a long term game going, I've started saves with most of the top CV feds and I always struggle to keep going with one.<p> </p><p> Pick a fed, give me the rules.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Fed: NYCW</p><p> </p><p> Not Yet Whippersnappers: Have at least one Main Event veteran hold the Empire Championship for at least 8 months.</p><p> </p><p> Old Dog, New Tricks: Have a veteran midcarder climb his way into the main event scene</p><p> </p><p> New Generation? Where?: Have at least two main event veterans at all times.</p><p> </p><p> My Skin Is Flawless: Dermot O logical needs to be cemented in the kidcard with a minimum 3 month reign as tri state champion.</p><p> </p><p> Peter Valentines My Hero: Create a new Midcard belt only eligible for past their prime vets for the first 2 years of the belts existence.</p><p> </p><p> Our Time Is Now: Along With the goals above there has to be an influx of young talent into the roster (Add five fresh names no older than 25)</p><p> </p><p> You Can’t Wrestle: Train up the worst worker you can find to at least D+/C rated overall skill.</p><p> </p><p> Old Monster, Same Destruction: Build up a new menacing monster to replace Madman Cahill only to in turn be defeated convincingly by the veteran Cahill.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> I could have kept them rolling but I’ll stop here <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Edit: Veteran in this sense means someone over 40.</p>
  13. <p>MAW DEC 2016</p><p> </p><p>

    I’m playing as MAW and run as many as 5 to 10 shows a month depending on what I’m trying to accomplish. As of right now we’re being carried on the back of four men. The Architect, George Wolfe, Remmy Skye, and the greatest wrestler in Cverse history....... KIETH VEGAS!!! Lol I know what you’re thinking. Why in the hell has he pushed Vegas of all people? Welp, I like to give the discarded a chance and as of right now he is on his second run as MAW Champion. Anyone push someone horrendous like Vegas?</p>

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