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Posts posted by jbergey_2005

  1. The mod is great as is but what I personally did was imported workers from other mods(decreasing their skills a bit) as I like the way Mammoth creates a bigger challenge with the workers having tough grades.  You might have to go through and delete duplicates as sometimes the names don't match.

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  2. I don't know how many people are playing this but I am having a ball!:D


    My desire was to play the 70's mod, but it felt a little incomplete even after I tried to fix a few problems (like Broadcaster not around yet, but has a show), and get it going :mad:. I can't find a current post by MTJTdjthefunkchris :p so for now I've moved on. :cool:


    I've played the default data multiple times, and didn't get into it like 2016. I was about to give up and then I said... I still haven't played Derek's mod yet :o, and I always loved his mod too. ;)


    So glad I did! It feels so rounded out, dare I say even more than the default data that it's based on (despite Self's points, :rolleyes:). I don't think I felt quite this way about this mod in earlier iterations, although I've certainly felt it to be complete, and outside of the 75 mod and at times That 70's mod way back when..... 2010 :eek:? This has been my favorite C-verse mod for well over a decade. This time around it seems even better, and since I didn't have that same feeling with the default data (although obviously felt the AI was better-best part of the upgrade IMO), I just wanted to take time to give props to Derek, and say THANK YOU!



  3. I have several doubts while i was trying to play.


    The loyalties of several wrestlers towards their companies, like Roddy Piper and Tommy Rich are meant to avoid the WWF, if controlled by the IA to go intro a hiring spree? I do remember that Bockwinkel and Flair had loyalties to their companies in the 2013 version and these ones i understand them. I'm just asking by the way.


    I'll keep an eye for more as soon as i can, since i have been busy (and i need to change the skin of the game since i'm getting visual problems, if anyone of the veteran users can give a good one, let me know)


    I was under the impression that loyalty was more specifically for Japanese promotions.

  4. <p>Id have psychology lower on most younger workers as that grows throughout.</p><p> </p><p>

    HBK 55-60</p><p>

    Sid Vicious low 30s</p><p> </p><p>

    I would probably have most(unless considered exceptional) of the in-ring skills capped at 60 for YTD workers except for selling.</p><p> </p><p>

    Experience 0-15</p><p>

    Respect 0</p><p>

    Reputation 50</p><p> </p><p>

    Brawling 0-60</p><p>

    Puroresu 0-60</p><p>

    Hardcore 0-55</p><p>

    Technical 0-60</p><p>

    Aerial 0-75</p><p>

    Flash 0-65</p><p> </p><p>

    Psych 0-60</p><p>

    Charisma 0-100</p><p>

    Mic 0-70</p><p>

    Acting 0-60</p><p>

    Star 0-95</p><p>

    Sex App 0-100</p><p>

    Menace 0-100</p><p> </p><p>

    Basics 0-75</p><p>

    Selling 0-75</p><p>

    Consistency 0-75</p><p>

    Safety 0-75</p><p> </p><p>

    Stamina 0-100</p><p>

    Athl 0-100</p><p>

    Power 0-100</p><p>

    Tough 0-100</p><p>

    Res 0-100</p><p> </p><p>

    I would try to think of it like a bell curve where most workers falling in that 35-55 range where as the top 10 percent only are above that line. Its not an issue to have monster types with very low tech and aerial.</p><p> </p><p>

    My baseline is fairly conservative but it keeps massive growth down in the territory era.</p><p> </p><p>

    The three mods I have studied the most on YTD workers were the default, Derek B's(97 CV mod) and Mammoth's(1970s mod). I feel all 3 of them have a great understanding of how the game functions(obviously Adam since he designed it:).</p>

  5. I suspect I've written the above in a confusing manner. But the change I've made is:


    AWA in now in Mid West (it was previously in Great Lakes) - And it was made for the exact reasons you describe. :)


    I updated 100 workers stats last night and then got to work creating TEW-accurate format title histories for MACW titles. An oddly calming data entry job.


    Awesome! And sorry it wasn't confusing. I just didnt take the time to read it correctly.

  6. **UPDATE 27/08/21**


    This will be the first of weekly updates to highlight how progress is going.


    Total Workers: 1,185

    Bios Written: 246/1,185

    Worker Pictures: 809/1,185

    Logos (Company, TV, Event): Not complete


    Company Detail

    Amended all popularity.

    Modified a few niggling issues with Product.

    Renamed Jim Crockett Promotions - Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling

    Moved American Wrestling Association to Mid West from Great Lakes.



    Plan is to rewrite all title histories to match the format used when playing the game (e.g. Wk 1, January 1983)

    WWF Title Histories Complete.



    Jesus this was a job and a half. I've tried where possible to put the TV Show on the right network and have played around with the amount of money companies earn/or have to pay to stop certain companies becoming juggernauts in 6 months (I'm looking at you Georgia Championship Wrestling).



    In instances where workers were working for a company in late 1982 and didn't start at a new company until Jan-Feb 1983, I'm giving them contracts with both. Partly to help generate a cohesive historical report of the wrestling world during 1983/84, but also because every company has high demands on the number of workers required and I'm keen not to have hundreds of worker moves in the first week of the game.


    Remaining Issues

    Mexico, Japan and UK dominate the overall game rankings. Best workers, best shows, most money. I'll need to tackle that eventually.


    Everything looks great. Thanks!


    Are you sure you want to move AWA though? Ive seen other mod makers move AWA to Great Lakes as well and while I can understand it I don't really agree. Their home base is Minneapolis(Mid West) and their territory from that area consisted of Minnesota(Mid West), North Dakota(Mid West), South Dakota(Mid West), Nebraska(Mid West), Wisconsin(Great Lakes), Northern Illinois(Great Lakes) and Colorado(Mid South). Neither area is a perfect fit in TEW terms but more of the AWA territory, including the home base, was in the Mid West.


    Keep up the great work!

  7. Thanks for the replies, I can't work out how to mass edit the workers as suggested. Can you let me know the way? Very much appreciated!


    You would go to the editor. Go to workers. Do a search by (works for WWE) . 'Select all' the workers and choose what you want to edit. Such as increase brawling by --- (maybe 10 percent). I would use percentages instead of numbers to keep the better workers on a higher scale.

  8. Honestly, I haven't done any extensive testing in this area. Like everything, I go by my gut and a general knowledge of TEW mechanics, put it out there and then alter things if necessary based on peoples feedback. In the case of Ric Flair, he started out "good" and obviously turned into one of the best ever so if his psychology and microphone skills go up by 20-30 points in the next few years, that doesn't worry me in the slightest and is largely realistic. Or, if he gets a bad destiny roll and he doesn't turn into one of the best in the world, I actually don't mind that either because I like seeing how the game world develops with different stars rather than those we saw in real life. As you say, it's about finding a balance. Wrestlers who never really developed into anything special are naturally built lower so it's harder for them to become a star, unless they themselves get a hefty destiny roll. You're never going to get everything right so honestly, I don't even try. xD


    Thank you very much for the kind comments. Whether you change statistics or not, I hope you enjoy yourself. :)


    Thanks for the reply. I don't change your stats as they are very well done. I do have a huge database of yet to debut workers(accumulation of numerous mods that I have messed around with) so I try to get them aligned to match your yet to debut workers however. The Ric Flair example makes a lot of sense.

  9. Hi all! Firstly please no hate / lectures!


    So i am dying to play a real world mod that doesn’t make WWE impossible to play. I know I know they’re poop and can’t book etc but i just want a fun play around, general manager style, that won’t make every show 50/60% and just not fun to play. So, any recommendations for a mod with inflated stats, thus making it easier to play?


    The easiest way is to just use the mass editor and increase stats of the WWE workers by 10-20 percent or whatever you want from one of the brilliant mods that are out there.


    I use it often to actually do the opposite. I feel some mod makers cater a bit to the people that want faster growth(where as I want it to feel more real life) so I tend to decrease stats a bit before I start.


    The mass editor is very easy to use once you've messed around with it a bit.

  10. Thank you Mammoth! Wonderful work as always.


    I've played around with psychology, microphone, and selling so much with yet to debut workers and have yet to find the sweet spot on rating them. Originally, I set it lower because they seem to "grow" so fast them early years. However, doing that it had a lot of them sitting around not getting offers.


    Have you done testing the Ric Flair's(68 psych, 69 mic, 77 sel) and found that to be the right number? Them numbers would seem high to me but maybe that is what works the best. I know you like to make challenging mods that aren't loaded with 100 rated matches.


    Appreciate everything you do for the community.

  11. So I did the instructions, but the problem is that the info never updates, so when i have new roster talent, it doesnt show the new people hired. only from when I started with the data on there.


    am i doing something wrong?




    Nope. It doesnt have a direct link to an up to data file so you will have to keep updating the mdb file and bring it to the excel in order to keep it up to date.

  12. Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!


    A couple of things I have done. I changed a few of the 100 percent heel or faces to better as heel or face to open things up for more creativity(I felt handcuffed that I couldn't change Rip Chord face if I wanted:)). I also dropped all current workers popularity by 5 percentage points(a bit of an extra challenge). Finally I gave all yet to debut workers a popularity in their home region of 5-15 to expedite their progression.


    You didn't disappoint Derek. The attention to detail is amazing.

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