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Posts posted by miamarsden

  1. There will be a new one in the future but not for a while. Currently I'm working on a historic 1998 mod and practicing my skills at renders and other graphical work.


    Glad you're enjoying it. :)


    Fleisch...you should absolutely let me beta test 1998. It's my favorite year in the Attitude Era!!! :D:D:D


    In all seriousness, I'm so happy to see a new 1998 mod!

  2. Per a poster on the KTB mod (As an AEW player, this is mildly important to me):


    "Kenzie Paige has had a few matches on AEW.



    Born: March 2002

    Debut: Aug 2017

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Relationship: Dating

    Race: White

    Nationality: American

    Based In: South East USA

    Style: Impactful

    Body Type: Normal

    Size: Very Small


    Skills: I'm bad at this part. She's been wrestling in Tennessee since she was 15ish and has some great stuff on YouTube (my cousin knows her, so her stuff is always bring thrown my way). Trained by Kane & Dr Tom. Maybe the Quick Skill Selection of 'Rookie, All-round wrestler, weak skills, not athletically gifted, somewhat entertaining and looks ok' would work?


    Popularity: I'm bad here too. Wrestling in TN for the last 4 years and being on Dark/Dynamite, maybe a 5 in South East and 3 everywhere else in the US due to TV exposure?


    Attributes: Professional"

  3. To add on to that, per Bleacher Report, Sammy has been suspended and forced to undergo sensitivity training. It makes a lot of sense and I applaud AEW, and I applaud Sasha for actually trying to save this man's career (her statement and the fact that she reached out to him) instead of dragging him through the mud like she could have. She is a very positive influence. Absolute class act for that and for some of the clips we've seen in the past, though obviously no one is perfect. But Sammy...I don't know that making him a scumbag is the solution. A lot of the bad stuff he's done is in the past and not recent, but we also have to remember that he has to be accountable for his actions. I don't know what should be done, but Sasha should ABSOLUTELY be a major positive influence backstage.
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