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About TheBryanStinberg

  • Birthday 10/15/1989

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  1. Question regarding B shows, does anyone else get the road agent report "the crowd is turned off by a match outside the pre-show between workers they don't have investment in"? I keep getting that with alot of my B Show matches and wish there was a way to turn that off somehow.
  2. So just curious cause I know the character isn’t canon and picture base is no longer in game but if he was made as a character how old would he be currently in TEW IX and does anyone have an AI picture base for him as a character and what stats would anyone have for him?
  3. Has anyone recreated the forgotten son of legendary Sam Strong in their game? Or any other second/third generation stars?
  4. Just curious has anyone ever made a character(or used a particular wrestler) to recreate a Kenny Omega type storyline where they went to multiple companies and held their World title at the same time?
  5. Random question in regards to thunder verse but is there a post on a list of the “real life” wrestlers that a lot of the characters are based on? Like Terry Thunder(Hulk Hogan), CJ Trends(AJ Styles), Seven Brandnt(CM Punk), etc
  6. I'm playing a save right now and still hand stars hand in their notice while being either happy or very happy so I still don't completely understand what makes someone hand in their notice.
  7. I didn't say I held no shows? IDK where you saw that, I literally said every month I was getting the increase pop from the shows I've held yet my popularity was decreasing.
  8. Now in the month of July I just got onto WrestleWorld so I'm going to see if my popularity will rise now...
  9. I have no coverage I literally just stated I have just started a new game as CZCW, no broadcasting yet. Not at war with any companies, production values are all in the white so no issues there. And I have nothing impacting me negatively.
  10. So I started a new game playing as CZCW, currently the economy(41) and wrestling industry(67) are falling. Every show I have held this month I have gotten popularity increase but when I view my popularity everywhere just about besides my home territory have dropped. No popularity gain what so ever and my home popularity has only gained by one. But when I view another company such as IPW, same South West territory as me. Their popularity has raised every month...What's going on? Why am I losing popularity when I should be gaining?
  11. Can you make me some championships for Pro Wrestling MAX? I want a the titles to look like those of Impact Wrestling. And also the company will now be known as MAX Wrestling, if possible a logo as well would be amazing!
  12. Can you make me some championships for Pro Wrestling MAX? I want a the titles to look like those of Impact Wrestling. And also the company will now be known as MAX Wrestling, if possible a logo as well would be amazing!
  13. I am running a large company and capped out at 75, which doesn’t make any sense at all
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="njmcfreak" data-cite="njmcfreak" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="49512" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>If you are stuck at 75, try and set it to 76 and move forward a few days and change it back. It might recalculate what's needed to get over the hump</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I might try that, see what happens...wasn't sure if that would be cheating the system a bit or what not...</p>
  15. <p>Yeah I’ve been running an explosive product, large company managed to snub Gino, getting Youngman back, I have a sadly previous badly injured Aaron Andrews who I might eventually drop. His broken neck injury screwed him bad :/</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> But my top talent is as follows Gino Montero(90), Cali Slick (85), James Diaz (83), Mikey Lau (82), Wolf Hawkins (81) and soon Ernest Youngman (86)</p><p> </p><p> My user character is stuck at 75 pop but his top matches have been 93 rated wishing I can go higher, his psychology right now is 77, fundamentals are incredible! 100 basics, 74 selling, 95 consistency and 93 safety. He’s improved a hell of a lot in five years but still getting to a 99-100 match will be tough.</p>
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