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Posts posted by codey_v2

  1. Colorado just doesn't make sense as a southwestern state to me. Geographically, maybe, but none of the major cities are on the western side of the state. It's pretty much divided by the Rockies with most of the population situated on the eastern edge. Honestly, I would classify most of it as midwest based on your map.


    Personally, I'm totally for keeping Colorado in the mid-south for the game because the culture in Colorado doesn't match the midwest at all to me, and I say that as someone that's lived in Texas, Oklahoma, and Colorado.

  2. Okay, here's a question- I'm noticing that my non-wrestling personnel (announcers, managers, etc.) have Cooled Momentum. Is this normal?


    Starting momentum? As far as I know, yes, as momentum is set with contracts in the database. If you have a manager that you feel should have hot momentum check the database to make sure their contract has it set that way.


    That said, I've noticed that managers gain momentum and popularity VERY fast, especially in smaller promotions. For instance, I assigned Haley Buck as the manager of Dreadnought and Juggernaut Jones, and have had them do squash matches for basically 6 straight matches. The tag team are both recognizable with warm momentum whereas Buck is already well known with hot momentum.

  3. You know, I was at first a little annoyed at how negligible popularity gains have been, but the more I think about it, the more I like it. It's still a bit annoying, but I'm turning around on the challenge it's going to present for companies like TCW that are sort of in that cult level with over guys and not-so-over guys.


    With just two months to work with, it's hard to see any real progress with overness gains right now, and while that seemed frustrating at first I'v come to realize that it's really realistic. It's really rare for anyone to blow up out of nowhere. And while I may want to push Nick Booth hard, as far as the fans the fans are concerned he's still just a low man on the totem pole. A few wins in a two month span aren't enough to really move the needle for him and get him in a higher position, because two months of wins isn't really a push unless it's over top guys. Him beating guys around his level and winning tag matches isn't going to make the fans see him as much more than he ever was.


    This is kind of a ramble-y post, I know, but I think it's important to highlight things that have changed a bit from previous games in the series and how they more accurately mirror reality like this one does.

  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BrokenCycle" data-cite="BrokenCycle" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47568" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>This is not very good advice. Your economy and industry would remain the same every save, as well as, I'm assuming, all destiny rolls and possible chemistry.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ah, that's a consequence I hadn't considered. I'll be stopping that then, thanks!</p>
  5. Why does the Lucky Dip not allow us to cancel if we don't like what we've gotten? I am assuming this was fixed in one of the patches but it's dumb we don't have an option to make our own options if we want to.


    My advice is to keep starting a new game and doing the lucky dip until you get results you like. Once you do, select your avatar but DON'T select a promotion yet. From the promotion select screen, back out to the main menu. Go to the load your game and copy it as a template game that you can just copy with those stats every time you want to kick off a new save. It's what I always did in WMMA and it still works here :D

  6. Second PPV is in the books. The main evented disappointed, but I'm not broken hearted about it. Taylor has put on two better matches with Edd Stone, who's not near as over as AA and less talented to boot.


    Hammond offered to put over T-Bone, so I'm taking full advantage of that. The weird thing is T-Bone only gained a single point in overness (up to 51 from 50...) while Doc lost 9 and is now at 54.


    Greg is quickly climbing the card. I'm going to have to brainstorm a way to get the belt off of him without costing him overness because he's quickly outgrowing it.


    Jay and Bach predictably put on the best match of the night, but the thing I'm happiest about is that Wolf was able to carry Chris Flynn, Dave Diamond, and Joffy Laine (with popularity in the 20s) to an 80 rated 10 minute wild brawl. It just goes to show that Wolf is the star of TCW, not Andrews, and if it weren't for his Amazing Heel attribute Wolf would be the lead face and figurehead of the promotion.



  7. That's interesting - I've done a bunch of watcher games and 21CW grads come through in March as they're meant to, but like you, I've never seen TCW sign anyone. I notice the database has 21CW (well, national school of wrestling) grads as yet to debut workers but no-one from the TCW facility, so it looks like generated workers aren't being generated yet. Wonder if that's intentional?


    I've got workers generating in my game. They don't come on the first of the month anymore, though. They're spread out throughout, so I'm thinking the dojo grads might come later in the month.


    Sort your news stories by new workers, at the end of the first two months there should be quite a few peppered in!

  8. Because I'm playing as the owner and my negotiation skill is 9 (thank you, lucky dip!) I was able to snatch Ekuma away from SWF. He's the type of talent TCW needs right now. Already over enough (mid 60s), talented enough, and still in his early 30s. If I keep this game going once the full release is out that will make my life a lot easier knowing I don't have to rely on an aging, broken down upper card as much. There's only so many shows I can run AA or Wolf in the main event before it starts to get boring.
  9. <p>So one of the things I want to do with this iteration of the Syndicate is have the members replaced. It really comes across like Wolf pretending to be like Tommy with a total knockoff group and I love that, but I'm going to have Wolf be booked as a total tyrant of a leader that slowly ousts all the members, eventually replacing with guys more in line with the original Syndicate. </p><p> </p><p>

    I'll need a next generation star in his early twenties to simulate the old Wolf. I've got a lot of high SQ guys in development, so I'm waiting for the full release to see who I want. Two guys I'm looking at are Prime Time Jack Pryde and Yuta Isono. </p><p> </p><p>

    For tags, I'm looking at James Diaz and Logan Wolfsbaine. It's so natural that even my development company teamed them up without my input. </p><p> </p><p>

    For the Sam Keith-veteran role, I'm not sure. Doc Hammond is decent, but he's a tag guy trying to fill a role that should go to a former main event player. I'm kind of hoping for an SWF or USPW contract to come up soon and snatch one of their guys for it. Maybe The Crippler? Oh or Gilmore too.</p>

  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Lo-Drew" data-cite="Lo-Drew" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47616" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>It's interesting that so far a lot of us seem to be booking the main event scene pretty similarly. Andrews beating Wolf and then eventually have Chord beat Andrews down the road. I saw someone use the King of Kings win as a guarantee main event for Total Mayhem, which I've done too because I thought in the description that's what happened. It's interesting to see we're generally thinking the same far as booking this.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> My fear with booking Andrews to lose a January defense is that he'd lose too much overhead whereas Wolf wouldn't gain much. Then the next face up is Sammy who's already in decline, and then Mo I guess? </p><p> </p><p> I just can't see myself taking the belt off of him until I get the face roster built up a bit more. The heel side is in much better shape with Wolf, Jay, and Taylor, so there's good programs for Andrews to work. Meanwhile, the face side just isn't as good so if a heel has the belt there's not much for him to work with.</p>
  11. <p>First PPV in the bank and I'm happy with the results. In the first TCW save I ran, I had Wolf and Aaron main event in a strap match and it got an 89, which is a lot better than what I got here, but it's still enough to grow me. Basically, I like the idea of the King of Kings winner not getting a one on one shot until Total Mayhem, and Wolf tried to game the system by getting Doc Hammond in a triple threat match so he could get the belt early. </p><p> </p><p>

    <img alt="eaN24mq.png" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/eaN24mq.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

  12. Also, I know I've talked up Yuta Isono as the next (smaller) Koshiro Ino for TCW, but if you can convince Will Beaumont to work in America he's absolutely the next (smaller) Rocky Golden for you. Starts with 94 SQ and is open to becoming more muscular, has the amazing babyface attribute so he fill the figurehead role, and has the marketing dream attribute as well.


    The goal with TCW this year is to rebuild, and he can absolutely be the bedrock after some time in development. Lock him up in a LONG contract ASAP.

  13. So I started up Saturday Night Showcase as my B show, and one thing I would suggest to anyone that does so is to cancel one of your weekly house shows. Two weeks in and my undercard workers were nearly all feeling the fatigue of working too much. I got so many notifications about it that I also canceled a second house show on PPV weeks so I'm only running a single house show on week 3. I just did not want to risk my guys being worn out from small gate shows come Sunday.
  14. Are weight/body type changes not stored as news stories anymore? I requested a ton of my wrestlers to get more muscular or bigger and I only noticed that they had started to go through by accidentally seeing that Juggernaut Jones was now ripped. Previously they were categorized as random incidents, but now I'm seeing that the news story might not even be there? I didn't even get an e-mail letting me know the change had happened.


    In 2016, the notifications were really useful, because I would immediately see the worker flagged and be able to check what happened to their SQ/menace/athleticism/etc.


    If the notifications are gone completely, please let me know!

  15. The great thing about MAW this go around is that they're in prime position to run a lot of shows from the start. Last edition, it was a bit of a challenge to start making money for me, but this time money is coming easy. My first game I ran just the standard shows and made a good profit. The second one, I added a second monthly show which typically took a while to build up to with a profit, and I still netted around 2k. Finally, I started a third game and started running weekly events in addition to the regular monthly one and I only lost around $1800, and I'm booking around 25+ workers on every show.


    I'm interested to see how a tv deal with the I do broadcaster that opens up in March will go, because I'm predicting some very fast growth for MAW this go around!

  16. This is probably the the most obvious question I've ever asked, but here goes:


    What is drag and drop booking!? The handbook says that if it's enabled you can drag and drop workers when booking a match like in 2016, but I don't remember ever being able to do that in the old edition. It was just the typical drop down list to select your worker. I expected drag and drop to be an actual drag and drop where I click on a worker's picture and drag it over, but I guess that's not the case?

  17. <p>With a lack of young face talent, Josh Taylor has just saved me by offering to put T-Bone over. Taylor's not one of the guys I typically push (I just think he's pretty bland) but he's talented to eat a loss to T-Bone and still be able to put on some good matches with some lower overness. </p><p> </p><p>

    That's the biggest challenge with TCW this year--building a roster with stars that are closer to 30 than 50. Jay, AA, and Wolf are good to go from the beginning, but you've gotta work hard to build up someone to replace your Troy Tornados and Human Arsenals. </p><p> </p><p>

    Greg Gauge can be solidly in the 60s by the end of the first month, and Matt Hocking is a good candidate to push as well. I teamed him up with Marc Speed as So Cool So Cal and they're challenging Mighty Meat after they beat Killer Shark and Titan for the tag belts. </p><p> </p><p>

    I actually had Edd Stone go over Freddy Huggins in a feud as well so that I would have another, younger face that could fit into the upper card.</p><p> </p><p>

    It's all a waiting game until Jaylon Martins is ready to get called up, though. Kids a star!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

    OH!</p><p> </p><p>

    Talk to Yuta Isono and convince him to work in America. You can team him up with Yuri for the time being, and once Yuri's excursion is up Yuta can be pushed as the new Japanese star to take on Koshiro Ino's mantel.</p>

  18. I mean the notice period will always be 28 days according to the hand book. and they will continue to work for the other companies until the notice has finished. Are you for sure it's been the full 28 days, if so then it might be a bug. .


    Oh, gotcha! Didn't realize the notice time had been stretched so far out this time around. Looks like I actually have like one more day until that period expires lol.


    As someone that almost exclusively runs small promotions, I appreciate the added time to get my titles off guys.

  19. So I'm not sure what's going on here:




    All of my development workers that had previous contracts STILL have their handshake deals in place despite me having them on exclusive written contracts. To top it off, they're still working matches for the other companies, and it's been around a month and a half of game time since they've been signed. I assume that there's a new feature at play here, but I'm not sure what it is. Logic dictates that being on an exclusive written contract would keep them from working for other people.

  20. <p>I think simulator fans have a tendency to want to powergame and achieve perfection. Problem is, while TEW is a sim, it's also a <em>creative</em> game. Some people have a problem marrying the two aspects of the game. </p><p> </p><p>

    Matches have a cap if they're not 15 minutes? That's cool! Perfect even. When you're booking a show, you're <em>building</em> to the main event. Don't put a match on par with the main event on second, because creatively it just overshadows your main event and from a powergamer perspective you've just wasted it because the second match accounts for almost nothing.</p>

  21. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TOTKingNothing" data-cite="TOTKingNothing" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48333" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Not me man. I get the guy's point. I started up an insignificant promotion with a few unknown workers and booked 7 shows and was really struggling to get good ratings with my matches and segments (they were still 30s though so they increased my pop nontheless.)<p> </p><p> Then I went and tested another company, but I watched the AI book the same insignifcant company for the same period of time, and the AI clearly knew who to book to get better ratings, because they were getting high 60s as an insignifant company with only 20 pop as a company. I copied some of their booking pairings and started to get similar ratings on my next test.</p><p> </p><p> The AI does know what it is doing.</p><p> </p><p> But the Auto-Book button does <em>not</em>.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> One thing I would consider is <em>who</em> the AI is booking in that case. They aren't going to be hiring that don't fit with their products, but if they're putting on shows getting 60 rated matches from jump street at 20 pop then there's a really good they're hiring people they can't afford. Hell, in 2016 I found myself funneling money to small promotions through the editor because they were really prone to going under due to the AI insistence of hiring really talented workers out of its price range.</p>
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