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  • Birthday 03/21/2001

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  1. Shotgun Saturday Night #3 Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13 Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge? Terry Funk Comments: I think Ahmed sweeps PG-13. Headbangers have more upside to the Godwinns. I feel the luchas need a win to keep momentum. Faarooq ain't losing to Savio Vega. Honestly wouldnt be surprised if Austin's open challenge was someone like Freddy J Floyd or something but I'm hoping for a great main event. Sunday Morning Superstars #536 Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon Shawn Michaels vs The Goon Comments: The British Bulldog gets an easy squash. Mil Mascaras uses his doesn't work for me hermano card. While the tag match can go both ways, I'm leaning towards the more popular dysfunctional team. I still love The Goon and part of the squad but I have to do what's best for him to get pushed. Monday Night Raw #194 Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy Mankind vs Terry Funk - Double DQ or countout. WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/??? BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner? The Undertaker BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner? Vader Comments: Bret Hart wins in a fun match. I feel like Mankind and Funk is a longer term feud so it won't blow off here. I'm predicting an upset for Mero, always liked him and I feel that Goldust needs a bit of revenge on HHH. Main Event is a tossup but I feel Bret Hart is gonna interfere and cause some trouble.
  2. Great show, excited to see what's next considering you're no longer tethered to the starting storylines. I imagine Funk and Shango are here for the long run now based on their performances. Interested to see what happens with Mania whether you roll with HBK vs Austin or go with another option.
  3. Great show as usual, excited to see the paths of several stories like Vader vs. Taker and Hart against Austin. Free For All: Royal Rumble 1997 Fuerza Guerrera/Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Perro Aguayo/Octagon/Hector Garza This team has more names I recognize so choosing them. 5v5 Over the Top Rope Challenge: Aldo Montoya/Alex Porteau/Barry Horowitz/Freddie Joe Floyd/Jesse Jammes vs Jason Arnhdt/Leif Cassidy/Salvatore Sincere/The Goon/T.L. Hopper I'm pulling for battle royal specialist the Goon. Royal Rumble 1997 WWF World Tag Team Championship: Owen Hart/British Bulldog (c) vs Mankind/The Executioner I'm guessing Hart and Bulldog tension cost them the titles. Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq Going based off the rule of the winner on the go home show loses on the PPV. WWF Intercontinental Championship: HHH (c) vs Goldust There's more juice in this feud and I feel Goldust's anger will cost him. The Undertaker vs Vader IT'S VADER TIME! 30 Man Royal Rumble featuring: Ahmed Johnson, Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Faarooq, Mankind, Mil Mascaras, Owen Hart, Stone Cold, The Undertaker & Vader Nobody really sticks out as a clear winner and I'm unsure if we're gonna get 97 Rumble shenanigans so sticking with a safe guess. WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Sycho Sid (c) vs Shawn Michaels It's his home town he can't lose right? BONUS x2: Guess the two surprise entrants not on the WWF or AAA roster I'm going with my boy Raven and Mr. Perfect BONUS: Predict the Rumble iron-man (longest time in match) Stone Cold is my choice for iron man. BONUS x2: Predict who scores the most eliminations, plus how many eliminations they get It will be Austin with 8 eliminations I feel BONUS x3: Predict the final four (not including the winner) Austin, Mankind and Maivia
  4. That makes sense, I had seen Promo Azteca before in mods but never knew it's history. Super interesting but funny that Konnan keeps screwing around AAA whether it's leading a talent exodus or booking complete crap at Triplemania. Thanks for the history lesson, seems like CMLL were doing their own thing at this time.
  5. The second week of 1997 features: a battle royal for the inaugural Shotgun Sheriff Badge on Saturday Night; the most sadistic and dominant competitor in the WWF is in action... against Sycho Sid on Sunday Morning; and there's a clash of super-heavyweights in Raw's main event! There are another 12 points to play for - 11 for guessing the correct winners of matches, and 1 for guessing any of Stone Cold's opponents during the gauntlet main event. You can make your picks up until Saturday. WEEK 2 January 7th to 14th 1997 Shotgun Saturday Night #2 Shotgun Sheriff Badge, 10 Man Battle Royal: Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq vs Mr. Bob Backlund vs PG-13 vs The Godwinns vs The Headbangers vs The Sultan Seems like the most interesting option here. Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Hector Garza & Latin Lover Now that I'm thinking about it, was AAA associated with WCW as well at the time? Salvatore Sincere vs The Undertaker He beat the Goon, he can beat anyone Slobberknocker: Stone Cold vs Opponents TBD BONUS: Correctly guess any of Stone Cold's opponents Guessing Terry Funk as one of the opponents. Comments: Sunday Morning Superstars #535 No. 1 Contender, WWF World Tag Team Championship: Can-Am Express vs Mankind/The Executioner Sorry Can-Am Express, this ain't All Japan 8 Man Over the Top Rope Challenge: British Bulldog/Crush/Justin Hawk Bradshaw/Leif Cassidy vs Jake Roberts/Rocky Maivia/Bart Gunn/Bob Holly Any team with Bob Holly aint winning anything Octagon/Perro Aguayo vs Pierroth/Cibernetico My knowledge of luchadors in 1997 is lacking. Sycho Sid vs The Goon Comments: WE GOON ON SATURDAY NIGHTS MAGGLE! Monday Night Raw #193 Goldust/Marc Mero vs HHH/Jerry Lawler I feel like Goldust's suffering continues British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia He'll win whether he wants to or not. Crush vs The Undertaker Taker crushes Crush. Comments:
  6. Tough start for the Goon but every main eventer is gonna work his way up the card 😁. In all seriousness, this is amazing, the presentation mixed with the great writing makes this a must read. Excited for more!
  7. WEEK 1 January 1st to 6th 1997 Shotgun Saturday Night #1 Faarooq/PG-13 vs Flash Funk/Hardy Boys NOD is definitely better than Hardys at this point Ahmed Johnson vs Crush I can't remember if Ahmed Johnson's push had slowed down at this point but he was a future champ at some point. The Godwinns vs The Headbangers I think Headbangers are new at this point. Goldust vs The Sultan Comments: One is in an IC program the other is managed by Backlund and Sheik. Sunday Morning Superstars #534 Justin Hawk Bradshaw vs Rocky Maivia Boo Rocky! Mil Mascaras/Perro Aguayo/Octagon vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico/Fuerza Guerrera That doesn't work for Mil, hombre. Marc Mero vs The Stalker Mr. Guaranteed Money takes the win. The Goon vs The Undertaker Comments: #goonsquad Monday Night Raw #192 Mankind vs Owen Hart Weird match to be honest, Heel vs. Heel in 97. Can-Am Express vs Diesel/Razor Ramon Those WCW knockoffs can't win! Bret Hart vs Vader Comments: I think Vader is still a big deal and I'm assuming interference by Austin to give Vader the win.
  8. Rooting for my boy The Goon, he's gonna be the Wayne Gretzky of the World Wrestling Federation. It's gonna be Goon vs. Austin at Wrestlemania
  9. Excited for this, loved your last work and can't wait to see how this one plays out. I'm winning every prediction competition to push the Goon, he will be an Attitude Era legend!
  10. Since minimum heat is still a needed factor for story lines, can the number rating showing the story's heat be brought back to understand where story lines are at in terms of their heat and what's needed to get it to the next level.
  11. How are you guys using stables in angles, I find involving other stable members if they aren't on the same level drag the segment down even if they have little involvement which makes it hard to include them in angles.
  12. The recent patch allowed one person to gain a victory without a negative impact on the other party so it should kind of be like the old system where one person can get a success while the other is neutral
  13. Don't know if the conversion is bugged but some active wrestlers were ported with no primary skills such as Elemental lI and Jansen Belvedere who are active wrestlers at the time. Krissy Angelle is the same but she's yet to debut and I don't imagine is intended to have any wrestling skills.
  14. I really hope the storyline success is changed, it seems weird you can't do a beatdown angle without the more popular wrestler turning into Hulk Hogan and saying it doesn't work for them brother, it needs a little rework even if major storyline victories acted like a match would while the other 2 wouldn't.
  15. Week 4, February 1997 LIVE from the Georgia Dome - Atlanta, GA World Heavyweight Title: Cage Match: Ric Flair vs Hollywood Hogan (c) Flair isn't going to be the one to end Hogan's reign so soon. Diamond Dallas Page vs Paul Levesque I'm feeling a NWO sweep tonight and it seems DDP might have heat backstage. Lex Luger vs Kevin Nash Nash to get his win back and maybe a return of Hall? United States Title: Scott Steiner vs Brian Pillman (c) There is a close one but I still feel like NWO is going to sweep the night. Paul Roma vs Wrath Roma has no chance in hell of winning. Tag Team Titles: Harlem Heat vs Faces of Fear (c) Coin flip but I feel like NWO will want the titles back and Faces of Fear ain't gonna be good babyfaces against them. Television Title: Fit Finlay vs Dean Malenko (c) Dean continues his hot streak with the title. Eddie Guerrero vs Arn Anderson Guerrero to get his revenge after last month. Pre-Show Comments: First time commenting but love what you're doing in WCW, excited with the path you're taking mixing guys who were in WCW in real life (Sting, Luger and Flair) with guys who weren't at the time or not pushed (Austin, Pillman and Steiner). Keep up the great work.
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