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Posts posted by ccquirion

  1. This is the thing though, they're not actually non-exclusive. They are allowed to work indie dates and appear for other companies only by agreement with AEW. They don't get to choose which company they work for on which night; they are AEW workers. It's good for them that AEW is flexible, but if the company tells them no then it's a no. There is no real way to recreate this in the game, the closest would be talent trades with companies you have agreements with.


    I agree that the contract system in the game isn't perfect, it would be great to have semi-exclusive contracts that let your workers go to other companies up to a certain size, or non-televised companies. The thing is though that it is a game and individually negotiated contracts just isn't in the coding.


    Semi-exclusive would be the better wording for what I'm going for actually, maybe not having to approve each and every indie date what ever talent would want to go for (though the option would be cool) but let them just be free to do as they choose but without any contract being broken.


    The problem you mention, with other companies offering exclusive contracts to your workers on non-exclusive written contacts is something I haven't often encountered. Most big companies in my experience don't approach workers with written contracts that still have a lot of time left, it's only when they get to the last few months.


    That's at least comforting to hear knowing that they won't likely try to seek talent till a few months left like what's happened with my people, that it's not definite they'd go after someone with a new five year deal or something.


    Also, this. You're basically saying you don't want them to be exclusive but you also don't want them to be stolen. You can't have it both ways; they're either exclusive or they're not and if they're not, then they can be stolen.


    Maybe exclusive wouldn't be the word that I would choose for contract signings if I were making the game, basically attempting to say I still want them to be locked in but do whatever and the lock cannot be broken by an exclusive contract-based promotion, which would essentially be a semi-exclusive. imo whenever TEW 202X comes out, they could have a "locking in" type feature that would be the difference between what's going on right now and what semi-exclusive could kinda sorta be, kind of like how the iron clad option works now. Hard to go into detail on what I'm saying because I barely know anything about contracts irl as it is but you probably have an idea of what I'm trying to spit out.

  2. There are already personality types that affect that. Business Minded vs Loves The Business - although I believe as a rule almost every character prefers non-exclusive deals because of course it allows them to work more dates


    My mistake then, I've never seen those in the list of types before in the workers that I've imported in or mods I've played with, whoops.

  3. If you don't want your workers to be stolen... Give them an exclusive written contract.


    This is precisely why I said just "written" with no word exclusive in the bit. I don't want workers to only work for me, I want them to be free to work indies and stuff as well, there's no reason for them to be stolen from me, as in plucked out of my roster into someone else's exclusively, when they're under a contractual agreement to be in my company or else you'd likely see WWE jump on AEW's contracts left and right. It's not a thing in the game.

  4. Should definitely be fixed up then bc there's no reason for contract to be broken.


    Also just a thought, there should also be personality types to where one would prefer exclusive and one would prefer written contracts and maybe have it be affected for some people when they gain in age. Some people would like the security of an exclusive deal where they can get their cash, for example Finn Balor, Shinsuke Nakamura or Tommaso Ciampa being content with staying in WWE without much freedom of choice but still getting their cash, but then people like Jon Moxley or, really most indie talent still wanting the option to work wherever they want and wanting a larger pay to sign exclusive for the elimination of that freedom.

  5. Now call me dumb if I'm getting this wrong, but I've noticed that other big companies are able to offer talent an exclusive contract while the worker is already under a written deal. Am I missing something in how contracts work and can just change a bit in the contract to where that can't happen or is that just a thing that happens? AEW's talent don't get stolen from when under contract, and they're all non-exclusive as they can work what ever indie they please as long as it doesn't interfere with TV, why isn't this a thing in TEW? What's the difference in being able to be offered and not when comparing exclusive and non-exclusive contracts?
  6. <p>Name: Carter Quinn</p><p>

    Age: 23 (5 years pro) </p><p>

    Gender: Male </p><p>

    Size: Lightweight</p><p>

    Nationality and complexion: American (White) </p><p>

    Appearance/Comparison in real life: <a href="http://bit.ly/1sii5fa" rel="external nofollow">http://bit.ly/1sii5fa</a></p><p>

    Style: Cruiserweight</p><p>

    Finisher: Panic Plunge, Running Black Tiger Bomb, Avalanche Falcon Arrow Brainbuster (Uber finisher).</p><p>

    Company(ies) currently working for: GSG, BUSHIDO. </p><p> </p><p>

    Name: Nelson Cole</p><p>

    Age: 21 (3 year pro)</p><p>

    Gender: Male</p><p>

    Size: Middleweight</p><p>

    Nationality and complexion: American (White)</p><p>

    Appearance/Comparison in real life: Beard of <a href="http://bit.ly/1Uh40os," rel="external nofollow">http://bit.ly/1Uh40os,</a> face of <a href="http://bit.ly/1X3V50H" rel="external nofollow">http://bit.ly/1X3V50H</a> (eyes less big and round, face less long) and hair of <a href="http://bit.ly/1PjRM2q" rel="external nofollow">http://bit.ly/1PjRM2q</a> but slightly more clean. Pls forgive me for being so specific.</p><p>

    Style: Puroresu Style</p><p>

    Finisher: Tiger Bomb, Brainbuster, DDT, Running Black Tiger Bomb</p><p>

    Company(ies) currently working for: GSP, WHF.</p><p> </p><p>

    Just enable Organic bios for both.</p>

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