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About henryhsh

  • Birthday 04/02/1974

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  1. Just went through the 2020 and IX threads. They look great. Will definitely consider using when the set is complete. If this is something I can help with using A1111 or comfy, I'd be more than happy to put my 3090 to work to help you out.
  2. I don't mind the comic book style. Is there a matching set for the main roster in that style?
  3. Here's a temporary fix. It should match C4 from 'Sheet Manager' to column B in Contracts as an additional condition to ensure it's reading off of your contracts not the first it can match to. As a temporary fix: Go to View -> Hidden Sheets -> Formula/Data Sheet In Cell R3, Should be the Perception of your first employee: Paste the following formula: =IF($N3="", "", INDEX(FILTER(Contracts.csv!$1:$20001, Contracts.csv!$C:$C = $N3, Contracts.csv!$B:$B = 'Sheet Manager'!$C$4), 1, MATCH(R$2, Contracts.csv!$1:$1, 0))) Then, grab the corner of the cell and drag it down a few hundred cells (I'm not sure if there's a way to apply a formula to the rest of the column automatically, not very familiar with Google Sheets). At a glance, it looks like the rest of the fields pulling from the contracts sheet will need the same treatment. Gimmicks, rating, contract, etc.
  4. Interesting! Funny enough, I spent a few hours last weekend (While on a 4 hour trip) building a similar sheet myself for TEW2020. I had no idea that you've worked on this for a while now. The one I'm working on is in Excel, but isn't nearly as polished yet. My vision was to have something similar to yours, but now I feel like I'm wasting my time with my version. The date is pulled from the save game info and has the same drop down concept to inspect any company. Images are refreshed with the company selection, and the image location is pulled from the contracts table. There's a cell to input your install location and database name and the rest is automated. You did an incredible job, well done! Roster View below:
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