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About LloydCross

  • Birthday 06/26/1990

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  1. If his contract is due up extremely soon, then that may have been a really bad decision and cash bonus is pretty much your only option. Only other thing I can think of is firing someone they don't like. If you have at least a couple weeks to get the extension done you could also try hiring someone they like or maybe get them a big win or two. If you have a lot of time then you can book your way into a better relationship, which is why contracts should often be a factor in your management decisions.
  2. Maybe the e-mail the OP mentioned could point you towards that option. I've never done a big enough TV deal to have ratings be a concern so maybe it already does.
  3. To a large extent this is literally what the current morale system is. You can give them any/all of those things and it might restore their morale over time.
  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="siege102" data-cite="siege102" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="51595" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>That's good to know thanks. My other question is... you say they gain momentum but would they lose popularity/overness because the rating of the actual match is low? If the answer is yes, then that is sort of reason not to run them. If not, then that's fine/ <p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I guess if they are already really over (like 90s popularity) and you book them in a really atrocious squash match (weird notes and bad crowd management) and pick a jobber who is so bad they fail toe execute even the short match then maybe you get a low enough rating to at least not help them or slightly hurt. But why would you do that?</p>
  5. American here. We print our calendars with weeks going Sunday to Saturday, which doesn't necessarily make much sense given that we still call Saturday and Sunday the "weekend." I never really thought much about that aspect of the game calendar before. This thread got me thinking though, and I found this website that shows the calendar formatted for whatever country you pick. Whether calendars are printed with weeks starting Sunday or Monday appears to largely go by hemisphere, with North and South America mostly starting with Sunday, while Europe and Africa seem to mostly start with Monday. Asia is a bit all over the place (e.g. China, Taiwan, both Koreas go with Monday while Japan, India, Singapore go with Sunday). Also Australia goes with Monday while New Zealand goes with Sunday.
  6. I saw a mod have this in it once. It's really just strip finish with the highest content risk.
  7. The overall average rating yes, but the Main Event in that example would probably get a worse score as Regular compared to Spectacle. Given that the match portion of your show rating is pretty much going to depend on at most the top 3 matches (there might be one formula that's the straight linear average), you can get a higher overall score by properly utilizing crowd management to maximize the biggest matches with a little sacrifice to the supporting ones. Making everything Regular aim does the opposite and sacrifices potential ratings for the matches that determine the show score in order to maximizes the less relevant matches. For a concrete example, if you book something like: 1) Regular - Angle 2) Wild Brawl 3) Calm Crowd 4) Regular - Angle 5) Steal the Show 6) Calm Crowd - Angle 7) Spectacle You maximize the potential score of matches 2, 5, and 7 (assuming you put appropriate talent in those matches) by limiting the scores of matches 3 and 6.
  8. I generally enjoy TEW when it feels more like a game than a spreadsheet. There was a lot that was neat about the way products were defined before but from my main perspective it always felt off that you were essentially micromanaging what fans would think of your shows. The new system feels more dynamic to me because there's more of a give and take. You get to provide a general sense of what you're aiming for but then the challenge is in front of you with whatever specifics that entails, both good and bad.
  9. I haven't used much in the way of time limited contracts in 2020 yet, but in 2016 at least if there was a positive relationship they seemed almost guaranteed to step in and do that. I never really got the feel for what caused it in neutral circumstances.
  10. Read the burnout section of the handbook. it's strictly the length of the show, not too many exciting matches in a row (that's something else and I'm not sure what it's crowd).
  11. Something you can do to slowly build some baseline popularity is run Lesser type events in the area (or maybe just one region) with skeleton crews (like maybe an hour long show with 3 plain singles/tag matches and a couple angles). Since your current pop is so low, it should be easy to surpass the limitations of Lesser events on pop growth and nobody will care if you don't book them. Straight up eat the penalty for not advancing storylines and just make sure to advance all of them on the shows previous and following. It'll be a pretty slow build, but if you have a way to broadcast some of your good shows there as well (self-owned PPV network is still very helpful for this) it adds up over time.
  12. I always kind of headcannoned the initial gimmick rating as sort of the debut heat. From a Great/Legendary rating being a well-received to iconic appearance to something Awful being like a Shockmaster type disaster.
  13. I guess this is still new enough that what works and doesn't work is still being discovered, but I'd argue not having announcers (and in a lot of cases not having anything remotely coherent to narrate even if they were there) has added quite a bit of awkwardness to all the ones I've seen.
  14. This could be kind of cool for indies where an actual mechanic could get the AI to have this person defend their fake title in another company. Within one company, like the Internet Title, it seems like an angle pretty much covers anything interesting I can think of to do with it given that it inherently has no official lineage or prestige.
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