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  1. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c3/WWE_The_Great_American_Bash.png

    WCW Great American Bash 2003

    Compaq Center, Houston, TX

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, Joey Styles and Jerry Lawler
    Overall: 81

    The opening video for tonight. WCW Great American Bash normally is kinda mid-season finale, and that is also true for today, as we prepared a great card and a lot of action. (74)

    Match 1, WCW United States Championship: AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe. We’re gonna start with a very promising action. Samoa Joe goes with an offense, using tough strikes with elbows, punches, knees and even headbutts, while Styles uses his speed to duck from it. AJ hits some moves of his own. Joe, angered by AJ’s offense, catches one of AJ’s kicks and pulls him into a vicious suplex, throwing AJ halfway across the ring. Joe wastes no time, immediately hitting a running senton that crushes AJ’s ribs. 1…2. Joe’s expression darkens as he stalks AJ, who’s struggling to get to his feet. Joe pulls AJ up and sets him up for the Muscle Buster, but AJ fights out of it with desperate elbows to Joe’s head. AJ lands on his feet and quickly hits a Pele Kick, stunning Joe momentarily…

    … AJ needs to take a risk to knock down Joe. He goes to the top rope. Spiral Tap… missed! Joe immediately capitalizes, locking AJ in the Koji Clutch. We might have a new champion in a minute… AJ tries to kick out, but Joe’s hold is tight. AJ inches towards the ropes, his face turning red from the pressure… and he grabs the ropes! Joe, furious, pulls AJ back to the center of the ring and signals for the Muscle Buster…

    … Eye rake by Styles! That’s new for him. The ref admonishes AJ, but it looks like Styles doesn’t care. He knows he’s in deep trouble. Enraged Joe charges at AJ, but AJ rolls out of the ring to avoid him. In the ringside Samoa Joe goes after AJ Styles. AJ quickly grabs the chair and hits Joe to the head! Samoan Machine is finally down… but the ref stops the match due the DQ. AJ Styles looks shocked. He slowly realizes what he’s done, but it was an impulse. AJ Styles retains the WCW US Championship, he gets the belt, but he’s definitely not happy and proud. (15:53, 82)

    Match 2: Sean O’Haire (w/ Mike Sanders) vs Ken Shamrock. O’Haire takes control early, using his power to dominate Shamrock. Shamrock, realizing he can’t match O’Haire’s power, switches to his MMA background. As O’Haire attempts a powerbomb, Shamrock counters with a knee strike to the face, causing O’Haire to stagger. Shamrock quickly transitions into a single-leg takedown, taking O’Haire off his feet. He then mounts O’Haire and begins raining down punches. Ankle Lock attempts, but O’Haire quickly grabs the ropes and leaves the ring to regroup. Sean is visibly frustrated. Later, Shamrock again goes for an Ankle Lock, Sanders grabs his leg. Shamrock chases Mike Sanders around the ring, O’Haire intercepts with a spinning side slam. Back to the ring. O’Haire goes for a Widow Maker… Shamrock fights back with elbows, slips behind, shoves to the ropes and rolls O’Haire into an Ankle Lock! O’Haire, screaming in agony, claws his way to the ropes, but Shamrock drags him back to the center of the ring. Just when it seems like O’Haire might tap, Sanders, from outside the ring, reaches in and rakes Shamrock’s eyes. Shamrock releases the hold. Blinded Ken Shamrock stumbles back, and O’Haire, using the last of his strength, catches Shamrock with a massive Widow Maker. 1…2…3. (10:36, 75)

    Match 3: Raven vs Perry Saturn. These guys have a long history. And they gave us a very intensive ECW-style action. Raven has a fast offense, but after a quick bulldog Saturn kicks out on one count, showing that it will take much more to put him away. Raven leaves the ring and goes for a weapons. The ref doesn’t interfere. I guess we’ll have a No DQ match now. After exchanging the offense using chairs and other stuff, Raven and Saturn go to the announcing table. Raven tries to put Saturn through it, Perry counters with a knee to the head. Back to the ring, Raven puts Saturn into a sleeper. The crowd is behind Perry. Saturn kicks out, pushes Raven into the ropes and catches him with a powerbomb onto the steel chair in the ring. The impact is brutal. 1…2…NO! Saturn goes to the top rope… MOONSAULT… missed! Both are down. Raven slowly gets up and goes to Perry… Saturn, out of sheer willpower, kips up and catches Raven with a T-bone suplex out of nowhere! Rings of Saturn! Raven screams in agony. Raven struggles, trying to reach the ropes, but he’s trapped in the center of the ring with no escape. With no other option, Raven taps out, giving Perry Saturn the hard-fought victory. (11:12, 82)

    Match 4, WCW RAGE Tag Team Championship: Booker T and Sting vs Brian Kendrick and Paul London. Kendrick and London start the match by utilizing their speed, constantly tagging in and out, keeping Booker T and Sting off balance. Experienced champions managed to slow them down. Kendrick hits Sting with a spinning heel kick and hot tags London. Dropsault by London on Sting, enzuigiri on Booker T, standing shooting star press on Sting! 1…2. Booker T is more and more frustrated. He tags himself in and starts pulling out some cheap tactics like choking Kendrick against the ropes and ignoring the referee’s count. The crowd had mixed reactions. Sting watches as Booker T begins to lose his cool and yells to keep it clean. They argue. London and Kendrick take advantage of it. London superkicks Booker, and Kendrick immediately hits a Sliced Bread #2! 1….2… Sting breaks the pin! All four men in the ring. Kendrick and London manage to take Sting out of the equation, hitting him with a double dropkick that sends him crashing to the floor. Kendrick hits Booker with a superkick. London is up at the top rope… Shooting Star Press… Booker dodges. Looks like London is out of the match too. Kendrick and Booker T gets up… Booker kicks with a low blow!... (Sting is just up and sees it from the ringside)... Axe Kick! 1…2…3. (12:18, 82)

    Post-match, Sting wants some answers, but Booker T takes his championship belt and leaves.

    Billy Kidman backstage interview. “Punk, you might have a bright future in WCW. Your potential is huge, I won’t deny it. But this… THIS… is the biggest night in my career, the biggest opportunity I ever had. So tonight I’m bringing everything I got. I MUST leave tonight as the first WCW North American Champion”. (64)

    Match 5, WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Elix Skipper vs Shane Helms vs TAKA Michinoku. This was cruiserweight action at its finest. In fact, it was the best match on the show. All three men went all out. TAKA catches Skipper with a quick arm drag, transitioning into a crossface! The crowd is on their feet as Skipper screams in pain, desperately reaching for the ropes. Just as it looks like Skipper might tap, Helms slides back into the ring and breaks up the submission with a dropkick to TAKA’s face. Michinoku Driver on Helms! 1...2... Skipper breaks the pin. Michinoku knocks him down. Determined to win, he climbs to the top rope. Moonsault... missed! With TAKA down, Skipper quickly tries to capitalize by going after Helms. He sets Helms up for the Play of the Day. Helms counters, spinning out and nailing Skipper with a superkick! 1...2... TAKA is here and breaks the pin! All three men are down, exhausted but still fighting. Helms sets Elix up for the Vertebreaker, but TAKA nails Helms with a dropkick, sending him into the turnbuckle. TAKA tries to capitalize with a tornado DDT, but Helms shoves him off, and TAKA crashes into Skipper. TAKA stumbles back, and Helms takes the opportunity to hit the Shining Wizard, connecting flush with TAKA’s head! Vertabreaker on Michinoku! Helms covers TAKA as Skipper, still dazed from the collision, is too late to break up the pin. The referee counts 1… 2… 3! We have the NEW WCW Cruiserweight Champion! (12:11, 87)

    CM Punk backstage interview. “I'm just better than Billy Kidman. And everybody knows it. Even Kidman knows it. Every time we meet in the ring, it ends badly for Kidman. Tonight will be no exception - it will end badly for your fan-favorite, guy-next-door, Billy Kidman.” (69)

    Match 6: Steve Corino vs Chris Hero. Hero takes control with a series of early hard-hitting strikes. Corino leaves the ring and then uses the outside environment to his advantage. As Hero follows him outside, Corino grabs him by the tights and sends him crashing into the steel steps. A little brawl at ringside. Then back to the ring. Swinging neckbreaker by Corino. 1...2. Hero fights back with a discus forearm and follows up with a release German suplex. Corino ducks under a rolling elbow and hits a low blow behind the referee’s back! Small package. 1...2. The match becomes a battle of attrition, with both men trading near falls. Old School Superkick by Corino! 1...2...NO! Hero responds with a ripcord elbow, staggering Corino, and follows up with a Cyclone Kill. 1...2...NO! The frustration is evident on both men’s faces as they realize that it’s going to take something special to win this match. Corino brings a chair into the ring, but the referee intervenes. Corino shoves the referee into Hero, sending him into the corner. Corino then swings the chair at Hero, but Hero ducks, and the chair rebounds off the ropes, hitting Corino in the face! Hero hits a brutal rolling elbow! Hero's Welcome! 1...2... it must be it... 2,5... NO! Hero pulls Corino up and delivers a knockout discus elbow to the back of Corino’s head, followed by a second ripcord elbow to the jaw. Corino crumples to the mat, and Hero covers him. 1...2...3. (13:36, 83)

    Match 7, WCW Nitro Tag Team Championship: Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley vs Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn. Kazarian and Bentley were trying to isolate Lynn, as they saw RVD as more dangerous. Lynn desperately tries to reach RVD, but Kazarian and Bentley keep pulling him back to their corner, working him over with quick tags and double-team maneuvers. Kazarian hits a springboard leg drop, followed by a cover, but Lynn kicks out at two. Bentley tags in and attempts a superkick, but Lynn ducks and counters with an enzuigiri, taking Bentley down! Hot tag to RVD! Flying crossbody on Bentley by Lynn, and split-legged moonsault by RVD right away! 1...2... but Kazarian pulls the referee out of the ring, saving the match. Kazarian slides back into the ring and takes out RVD with a dropkick, followed by a reverse DDT on Lynn. He quickly pulls Bentley to their corner and tags himself in. Kazarian goes for the Flux Capacitor but Lynn fights out of it, pushing Kazarian off the top rope. Rob Van Dam immediately connects with a 5 Star Frog Splash! 1...2... and... 3! We have the NEW WCW Nitro Tag Team Champions! (13:09, 83)

    It’s time to reveal the new RAGE General Manager, as Jerry Lawler announces. Music hits… and we have Ernest Miller, The Cat, coming down to the ring! Former WCW Commissioner is the new GM? He grabs the mic. He says he would be the best GM this show ever saw. He would be fair, he would be good to the stars, he would be just the greatest! Now it’s time to dance! Music hits… but Jerry Lawler gets some updated info and stops it. Ernest Miller is not the new RAGE GM. Did he really think that nobody would find out? What a clown… THIS man is the new RAGE General Manager. Music hits again and it’s… no way… OOOOOOOOHHHHHH YEAAAAAAH! It’s “MACHO MAN” RANDY SAVAGE! He’s back! The crowd is ecstatic. Savage grabs the mic: “OOOOOOHHHH YEAH! It’s nice to be here. It’s great to be the GM. And it’s damn awesome to give you the best show starting this Thursday, but… who the hell are you?!” The Cat tries to weasel his way into being at least Savage’s assistant. Randy is promising to think about it… for 3 seconds… because he knocks him down with a clothesline. FLYING ELBOW connects! Now Randy Savage really is back! (88)

    Match 8, WCW North American Championship: Billy Kidman vs CM Punk. It might be the biggest match in both their careers to be honest. Kidman was using a lot of high-flying offense. Punk, realizing he needs to slow Kidman down, goes on the attack. He catches Kidman with a kick to the gut, followed by a snap suplex. Punk quickly follows up with a backbreaker, driving Kidman’s lower back onto his knee. Punk then locks in a bow and arrow submission, pulling back on Kidman’s arms and legs, stretching his back painfully. From now on Punk is focused on the back. A couple of nearfalls later Kidman is leading again. He goes for a dropkick, but Punk holds onto the ropes, causing Kidman to crash hard onto the mat. Punk quickly capitalizes, grabbing Kidman and hitting a snap powerslam, followed by a cover. 1...2...NO! Punk tries an Anakonda Vice, but Kidman rolls him up. 1...2. Sit-out spinebuster by Kidman! He's going for a Shooting Star Press! He slowly climbs to the top rope, the exhaustion evident on his face. Punk starts moving... but Shooting Star Press connects anyway. 1...2...3. (15:21, 87)

    Post-match, Billy Kidman gets the belt. He’s the first ever WCW North American champion. And it’s the biggest victory in his career. We have a big celebration with other WCW stars.

    Match 9, “Loser Leaves Nitro” Ladder Match: Rey Mysterio vs Chavo Guerrero. We have a Nitro contract hanging over the ring and a couple of ladders laying around. Rey Mysterio quickly goes on the offensive with a series of lightning-fast arm drags, sending Chavo to the outside. Rey wastes no time, diving through the ropes with a suicide dive that sends Chavo crashing into the barricade. Rey sets up the ladder in the center of the ring, but as he begins to climb, Chavo recovers and pulls him down. Chavo attempts to whip Rey into the ladder, but Rey reverses and leaps onto the ladder, using it as a springboard to hit a twisting crossbody on Chavo! The crowd erupts as Rey pulls off the first high-risk move of the night. He then props the ladder against the ropes and whips Chavo into it, but Chavo reverses and sends Rey crashing into the ladder instead…

    ...Chavo, ever the strategist, realizes he needs to ground Rey. He grabs a ladder and slams it down onto Rey’s leg, focusing his attack on weakening Rey’s ability to fly. Chavo then locks in a single-leg Boston crab, using the ladder as leverage. Rey screams in pain, but there are no submissions in a ladder match. Chavo releases the hold and sets up the ladder under the briefcase, beginning his climb…

    … Rey manages to get to his feet and pushes the ladder over, sending Chavo crashing to the mat. Rey builds some weird construction with ladders. Something like two ladders on their sides and one between them like a bridge. He puts Chavo on it and climbs to the top of the standing ladder. Legdrop from the very top... Chavo dodges... Rey crashes his body down on these ladders! Chavo, now in control, grabs the bent ladder and slams it onto Rey’s back repeatedly. He then sets up a ladder in the corner and positions Rey for a suplex. Chavo lifts Rey, but Rey shifts his weight and counters with a tornado DDT off the ladder! Both men are down...

    ... Both men set up ladders side by side and begin to climb simultaneously. They reach the top, trading punches, each man teetering on the brink of disaster. Rey gets the upper hand, smashing Chavo’s face into the top of the ladder. As Rey reaches for the briefcase... there's some man in the mask here. He pushes ladder with Rey down. Chavo looks at this man. Masked man invites him to grab the contract. Chavo understands nothing, but does it. And he wins! Rey Mysterio will never perform on Nitro again! (15:43, 84)

    Post-match, the masked man congratulates Chavo. He slowly puts the mask off... and it's... to the shock of the crowd... EDDIE GUERRERO! He’s back in WCW! Chavo is shocked (but happy), everyone is shocked. Latino Heat is here!

    Match 10, Street Fight: Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart. They finally meet each other at the center of the ring. The crowd buzzing with anticipation. It’s clear Bret isn’t in peak shape. Bret goes for a body slam, but his body gives out, allowing Michaels to counter with a quick DDT. Bret, realizing he needs to change the pace, rolls out of the ring to catch his breath. Michaels, not giving him any space, follows, but Hart slams his head into the barricade. Steel chair shot by Hitman! Whip into the steel steps. More chair shots. Back to the ring. Russian legsweep on the chair by Bret Hart. 1...2. Backdrop by HBK. HBK is on the top... Flying Elbow… missed! Hart Rolls HBK up. 1...2. Quick DDT by HBK...

    … and he's ready for Sweet Chin Music! The announcers mention that similar superkick by another star almost killed Bret merely 3 years ago. Can his head take another one?.. It could be really dangerous. But fortunately for him Bret dodges, rolls HBK up and puts into a Sharpshooter! Michaels fights with everything he has, refusing to submit. And he grabs the rope! Bret Hart is furious…

    … He's going for a Sharpshooter again, but HBK rolls him up. 1...2. Back on the feet… flying forearm by HBK! And now we're going to listen to Sweet Chin Music... Elix Skipper is running to the ring! He's on the apron… and gets a Sweet Chin Music! Doug Williams and Nigel McGuinness are also here, but they are immediately attacked by American Dragon with the chair. HBK is going for Sweet Chin Music again. And now there no one to help The Hitman. But wait… Some man is going through the crowd. He's in the ring! It's… it's… TEST FROM WWE?.. Yes, he's here! DEVASTATING BIG BOOT TO THE HEAD OF HBK! The crowd is booing. Pumphandle Slam on the steel chair by “Andrew Martin, superstar from another company” as Mike Tenay said! Bret pins HBK. 1...2...3. (11:12, 74)

    Match 11: The Rock vs Jeff Jarrett. The Rock is definitely angry with Jeff Jarrett. The match begins with a furious exchange of punches, with The Rock gaining the upper hand, backing Jarrett into the corner. Jarrett quickly rolls out of the ring to regroup, but The Rock isn’t giving him any breathing room. He follows Jarrett outside and slams his head into the barricade. Jarrett, ever the opportunist, rakes The Rock’s eyes, blinding him momentarily. Jarrett then takes advantage, grabbing The Rock and sending him shoulder-first into the steel steps…

    … Back in the ring, Jarrett focuses on The Rock’s injured shoulder, stomping it repeatedly before locking in a grounded hammerlock, applying pressure. A couple of shots and submissions later, and The Rock's shoulder is really injured…

    … Jarrett whips The Rock into the ropes, looking for a back body drop, but The Rock counters with a swinging neckbreaker. Both men are down. The Rock takes control, hitting Jarrett with a series of punches, followed by a Samoan drop that shakes the ring. 1...2... NO!

    … Frustrated, Jarrett reaches for his guitar, bringing it into the ring. The referee tries to stop him, but Jarrett shoves the ref aside. As Jarrett swings the guitar at The Rock, The Rock ducks, causing Jarrett to smash the guitar against the turnbuckle. The Rock then grabs Jarrett and plants him with a DDT. 1...2...2,5...NO!

    The Rock Bottom attempt… Jarrett kicks out with elbows… DDT by Jarrett! 1...2. Diving fist drop by Jarrett from the second rope missed. Spinebuster by The Rock! People's Elbow! 1...2...NO!

    Ok, it was a shock. Either People's Elbow has become weaker since WWE career (because there weren't a lot of people to kick out from it), or Jeff Jarrett is much stronger than we expected. The Rock is going after Jarrett - JJ hits a low blow with the leg! Figure-Four Leglock! The Rock screams in pain, trying desperately to reverse the hold. The crowd is fully behind The Rock. The Rock reverses the pressure, forcing Jarrett to release the hold…

    … Both men struggle to their feet, exhausted and battered. Jarrett tries to hit The Rock with the Stroke, but The Rock elbows his way out of it. The Rock spins Jarrett around and hits him with the Rock Bottom out of nowhere! 1...2... and ...3! (16:45, 82)

    Match 12, WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Goldberg vs Lance Storm. Goldberg quickly overpowers Lance Storm, shoving him across the ring. Knowing he can’t match Goldberg’s power, Storm shifts his strategy. He feints another lock-up but ducks under and delivers a swift low kick to Goldberg’s leg, followed by another, and another, trying to chop the big man down. Goldberg stumbles slightly, giving Storm an opening to hit a dropkick to Goldberg’s knee, taking him down to one leg. From now on Storm is dodging attacks by Goldberg and puts him into one submission after another, making him angry and weaker… up until Goldberg hits Spear out of nowhere! 1...2...NO!

    … Goldberg lifts Storm for a Jackhammer… Storm wriggles free at the last second, landing behind Goldberg and immediately hitting a superkick to the back of Goldberg’s head! Storm covers, 1… 2… Goldberg kicks out! Storm is on the top rope. Missile dropkick! Goldberg jumps back on his feet immideately… and got a springboard dropkick from Storm again! 1...2…NO!

    Lance Storm goes for a Maple Leaf submission… Goldberg rolls out of it, on his feet - and Spear again! Jackhammer attempt… and he hits it! This must be the end. 1… Bret Hart runs in… 2… Bret Hart pulls the referee out of the ring and knocks him down! Hart is in the ring with the championship belt, but before he could hit, Goldberg sees him! Bret begs for mercy. Goldberg knocks him down with a clothesline. Now the champion prepares for… superkick? The same superkick that ended Bret’s career and caused a stroke?... You must be kidding. But before damage could be done, Lance Storm hits a low blow!...

    … Now Lance Storm grabs the championship belt. The ref is still down. Lance is waiting for Goldberg to be back on his feet. Wait, who’s that! Chris Kanyon is in the ring! And he hits Storm with a Flatliner! The crowd is crazy. Kanyon picks the belt… looks at the lying Storm… looks at Goldberg, who’s back on his feet… and HITS GOLDBERG WITH THE BELT!...

    … He knocks out both of the competitors. But… why?... Chris Kanyon leaves the arena. The referee is back to life and what he sees? Both of the competitors are down. Bret Hart is down at ringside. The ref counts to 10. On the 9 both are slowly getting up… and with his last breath Goldberg hits a Spear again. 1…2…3. Goldberg retains the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, but let’s be honest, it wasn’t a clear and decisive win. (14:20, 78)


    “Breaking the 4th Wall” Column aka My Notes:

    Overall, it turned out to be a good show. 

    I had originally planned to give the win to Raven and had a couple of interesting ideas for him in general, but Raven pissed me off with his attitude. First a few drug incidents. The final straw was his whining at the loss in the tag team match to Saturn. So it was a kind of punishment for him. Especially considering his drug and behavioral problems, it seemed that we wouldn't work with Raven for much longer. And here Raven surprised me a lot, putting on a great performance for once and making me think that maybe I was wrong and Raven would still make some noise in WCW. 

    Surprisingly the best match of the show was the cruiserweight triple threat. That has never happened before.

    Laughed at the fact that a lot of people thought Paul Heyman was the new general manager. The original plan was for Mick Foley, but I lost the bidding war with WWE. Mick prolonged his contract. So there was plan B - Randy Savage, who got a very cool rating in his first segment. I'm happy with that. And guessing Heyman is funny because...watch the next show.

    Ken Shamrock was a huge disappointment. He wasn't like himself (from the times of his feud with Goldberg) at all. We'll see what happens next. I liked his work with Goldberg, he was truly main event worthy, but now... Anyway, he's on a pay-per-appearance basis, so there's always a way to back out. Maybe it’s a one-time glitch. (Unlike OHaire, who finally gave a good performance and gave me hope that I can have something come out of him. In the original plan, I would have put the belt on him early in 2002 lol.)

    I hope you enjoyed it.

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  2. dde01ig-179223a0-b54e-49cd-bfe3-7e67e27a
    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #99
    BI-LO Center, Greenville, SC
    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 82

    Flashbacks from Spring Stampede, where Steve Corino almost became the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion (with a help from fellow Horsemen), but Chris Hero made a save for Goldberg. (81)

    Right from the start, angry Steve Corino shows up. Corino talks about how near he was from fulfilling his dream and becoming WCW World Heavyweight Champion. He came up just a little short. Chris Hero ruined everything for him. Corino demands justice and wants another match against Goldberg - anytime, anywhere. But the challenge is answered...

    ... by Chris Hero! "You want to blame me for your defeat? All I did was make sure everything was fair. I wanted to make sure it was truly a one-on-one match. You want another match with Goldberg? I got news for you, I beat Castagnoli, I beat Anderson. Now I rightfully have a match with you. At the Great American Bash." (87)

    Match 1: Kaz Hayashi and Jamie Noble vs Homicide and Low Ki. Hayashi and Noble, just like the good old days of the Jung Dragons, are back together again. In an excellent and open match, Noble blocks Homicide's Gringo Killer - and puts him in a Guillotine Choke for the win. (8:14, 78)

    James Mitchell and Abyss backstage interview. As always, only Mitchell speaks. "Mesias showed weakness and proved to be undeserving. I'm glad you'll be seeing no more of him here." Mitchell says that Abyss is feared by everyone and that's why he doesn't get a chance in the Nitro ring. But that's all about to change. Because now Abyss will be creating chances for himself. (60)

    Match 2: 'Gorgeous' Bobby Roode vs Super Crazy. Bobby Roode makes his Nitro debut. Roode acts like a supermodel the entire match: posing, refusing to fight, and constantly appealing to the ref. Roode even leaves the ring because Crazy - OMG - is about to punch him in the face! While Crazy is discussing the situation with the ref, Roode suddenly gets back in the ring and rolls him up with his feet on the ropes. 1-2-3 - Bobby Roode picks up the victory in his debut match! (5:23,50)

    Raven and Perry Saturn come into the building together. They have a tag team match tonight - qualifying for the WCW Nitro Tag Team Championship contenders match. (62)

    Match 3: Fit Finlay vs Julio Dinero. The experienced Finlay confidently finishes the match with the Tombstone. (3:35, 72)

    Post-match, Finlay grabs the mic and addresses Abyss, "You want a chance? You want an opponent? I'm at your service because I love to fight!". (63)

    Rob Van Dam makes his way out and calls Jerry Lynn to the ring. Lynn comes out, ready for a fight. But Rob says there will be no fight tonight. Jerry is one of the toughest opponents in RVD's entire career. And last night's match showed that. No one Rob has ever had it so hard against before. RVD talks about how they made another classic and gave the fans a reason to talk about them. Rob respects Lynn for that and offers peace. RVD extends his hand...

    ... Jerry Lynn shakes it. Lynn and Rob Van Dam express their respect for each other. Lynn is about to leave the ring, but RVD holds him up! Jerry gets ready for the sneaky punch again.... but Rob replies that that's not all he wanted to talk about. Rob Van Dam makes Jerry Lynn an offer: challenge Kazarian and Bentley for the WCW Nitro Tag Team Championship together! The fans love the idea. So does Jerry Lynn. (75)

    Match 4: Chris Hero vs Air Paris. Chris dodges a jumping kick and knocks his opponent out with a KO Elbow, and finishes him off with Hero's Welcome for the win. (4:37, 77)

    Post-match, Chris Hero doesn't have time to properly recover from the match as he is attacked by Steve Corino! Old School Expulsion! "You wanted a match, Hero? You got it!". (76)

    Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes backstage interview. They have a tag team match tonight. Flair recalls how many times he shared the ring with Dustin's father. Now he's on the same side of the ring as his son. And they're going for gold - tag team gold! (66)

    Match 5: Rey Mysterio vs Claudio Castagnoli. It was Rey's speed vs Castagnoli's technique and size. Btw, these guys have awful chemistry. Rey targeted Castagnoli's legs and was able to successfully dodge his punches. Castagnoli catches Rey on his shoulders at the end, but Rey performs Hurricanrana for the win. (9:47, 73)

    Post-match, Rey Mysterio is destroyed by a crushing shot with a chair! It's Chavo Guerrero! More chair shots and screams "It's all because of you, because of you!" (77)

    Backstage, WCW US Champion AJ Styles arrives at the building. He accepts congratulations from the fans on his victory last night. Suddenly, everyone goes quiet... because Samoa Joe shows up! Standing behind him are a smirking Homicide and Low Ki. Styles tensed up, but Joe came in to talk. "Bravo-bravo, AJ. But it's time for a real opponent. No one has been able to beat me in a singles match yet. I deserve a Title shot." Styles doesn't feel comfortable, but accepts the challenge. (77)

    Gene Okerlund catches Chavo Guerrero backstage and demands answers. Chavo blames Rey for his loss of the WCW United States Championship last night. Mysterio keeps creating problems for Chavo. It's time to end this once and for all. (63)

    Match 6, WCW Nitro Tag Team Championship Contender's Match Qualifying: Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes vs Raven and Perry Saturn. The announcers tell us the news: Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn get a tag team titles match at the Great American Bash as a reward for an awesome match at the Spring Stampede. As for the rest, six teams will meet in three matches against each other. The winners will have a three-team match at the first Nitro after the PPV - the winners will be the next #1 contenders for the WCW Nitro Tag Team Championship and get a titles shot at Bash at the Beach. Now to the match... Rhodes and Flair probably would have had a tougher time, but Raven didn't give a shit and kept Saturn in the ring the entire match. In the end, even Perry is pissed off by this. He argues with Raven - at which point Flair rolls him up into a Figure-Four Leglock. Raven tries to finally intervene, but is restrained by Rhodes. Saturn gives up. (15:11, 83)



    Episode #20
    Coliseum, Greensboro, NC
    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and Don Callis
    Overall: 84

    Bret Hart opens the show. He reminds us that HBK's team won last night - and now the rules of the match require Bret Hart to have a match against Shawn Michaels at Great American Bash. Hart realizes that everyone would like to see this match. Because Bret is someone who is a pleasure to watch in the ring. He's had five-star matches. And it would be a guaranteed match of the year or close to it.... if it would happen. But it won't. Goldberg's stupid kick ended his career in 2000. Bret Hart shows a paper from a physician that forbids him from entering the ring. "According to this paper, every next minute in the match could kill me.... And you don't exactly deserve me to die in front of you in this ring. Therefore, there will be no match! It's over." (76)

    Match 1: TAKA Michinoku vs TJ Perkins. TAKA is #1 contender for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship. Shane Helms joins the announcers. He reminds that Skipper has never beaten him cleanly. And Shane doesn't like that he didn't get another title shot, but the returning Michinoku did. Don Callis agrees - and sets up a Helms-Michinoku match at the next RAGE, where the winner will get a title shot against Skipper! As for the match, young Perkins was not a serious opponent for TAKA and lost after the Michinoku Driver. (5:24, 58)

    Backstage, Alex Wright expresses his respect for American Dragon after his 8-man match at the PPV. Dragon and HBK brawled in the minority for a long time, which impressed Alex. Wright and Dragon will have a match together tonight against the British Invasion. (67)

    Match 2: Billy Kidman vs Petey Williams. After making it to the finals of the WCW North American Championship tournament, Billy Kidman gets Petey Williams as his opponent. Williams makes Kidman try his best, but Billy avoids the Canadian Destroyer and performs the Kid Krusher. Shooting Star Press from Billy ends the match with the win. (4:32, 76)

    Post-match, another finalist CM Punk enters the arena. "That's great! Great match, Billy!" Punk does a promo to Kidman where he endorses his straight-edge lifestyle and says they are a lot alike. But Kidman makes that mistake where he indulges these people in everything. He performs for the fans. But fans are not straight-edge. So their dirty habits gets transferred to Kidman. It contaminates Kidman. And that's why Billy's been stuck in WCW his whole career. Whereas CM Punk will go to the Great American Bash and become the first WCW North American Champion - accomplishing more in one year in WCW than Kidman has in his entire career. (84)

    Christopher Daniels backstage interview. He has a non-title match against Goldberg. And while most would dread such a match... Daniels is happy about it. Because if he pins Goldberg tonight, he'll book his spot among the top contenders for the title. (69)

    Match 3: Jeff Jarrett vs Sonjay Dutt. At first, Jarrett underestimated his opponent. Sonjay did some quick moves, which pissed Jeff off and made him take the match more seriously. Jarrett manages to catch Dutt with a Stroke for the win. (4:35, 73)

    Post-match, Jeff grabs his guitar and is about to punish the rookie... but The Rock runs out and chases Jarrett away! Rock helps Dutt up. Dutt is delighted and surprised. (66)

    Ken Shamrock makes his way to the ring! The fans are excited. He thanks the crowd for the opportunity to once again experience what it's like to be in a WCW ring. It's an unforgettable feeling. Nothing compares to it. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to become the tag team champion last night. But he still got the joy of performing. Now it's time to get back to his MMA career and other things. Ken is about to leave...

    ... but Sean O'Haire shows up! He's pissed. Sean invited Ken over to help him retain his titles - and he came just to show off, loses everything, and says 'thanks and goodbye?'. That's it? "If I knew you were such a p****, I would have invited someone else!". Shamrock: "What did you call me? Why don't you come to the ring and show me what a p**** I am." O'Haire is ready to go to the ring, but is stopped and discouraged by Mike Sanders. So we've got only a staredown. (88)

    Match 4: Chris Kanyon vs Yun Yang. After defeating The Rock the day before, Kanyon was given an easier opponent - Yun Yang. Yang tried his best, but a Flatliner from Kanyon ended the match with a frustrating result for him. (4:23, 78)

    Post-match, Chris Kanyon grabs the mic: "I beated The Rock night before. I beated every one of your stars. I am the #1 contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. But when will I get the shot? It's fair to you? F*** you!". Kanyon drops the mic and leaves the ring. (85)

    Shawn Michaels arrives at the building - and is told about Bret Hart's refusal of the match. HBK mocks Bret's "doctor's paperwork". "According to the rules of the match, which everyone agreed to, Bret has to do the match. I'm not interested in what else he comes up with. There will be a Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart match at Great American Bash." (80)

    Mike Awesome makes his way through the crowd - and goes to Joey Styles. Mike Awesome heared what Styles was talking about him at Spring Stampede. He also remembers how Styles was the one who baited the entire ECW roaster against Awesome when he jumped to WCW. Awesome grabs Joey again and prepares to deal with him... Don Callis gets up and orders Mike to stop. Callis didn't bring him back to RAGE to attack the announcers. Awesome lets Styles go and switches to Callis... "Who are you to give me orders?". Kick to the gut and Awesome Bomb on Callis through the announcing table! Mike Awesome leaves the arena and Callis needs serious medical attention. (59)

    Match 5: Alex Wright and American Dragon vs The British Invasion (Doug Williams and Nigel McGuinness). Generally the match became very technical given the style of the competitors. There were plenty of chances for both teams, but Dragon put Williams to the LeBell Lock for the win. (14:37, 78)

    Don Callis is taken to the hospital.

    Booker T makes his way to the ring with the WCW RAGE Tag Team Championship belt. He's glad he's wearing the gold again. Because this is his destiny and what he is supposed to do in WCW. The fans haven't helped him do that lately... but he's willing to forgive them, make up with them and together they can move on. The fans give a mixed reaction... but cheer as Sting makes his way to the ring! Sting remarks that Booker is still the same... The fans have helped Sting his entire career, helped him at the Spring Stampede, and Sting is grateful to them for that. Sting recalls the problems between him and Booker from before... but now they are WCW RAGE Tag Team Champions together, the problems are in the past and they need to defend those titles going forward. Sting and Booker T shake hands! The harmony is interrupted by... (82)

    ... Brian Kendrick and Paul London! They express their respect for the champions, but remind them: they got the title match by bypassing the standard contender's match. You could say they didn't deserve it. Plus, they had a better situation because of the fired Mark Jindrak. Regardless, respect nonetheless. But there is a team on RAGE that is synonymous with the word "tag team division". That's Kendrick and London. They challenge Sting and Booker to a title match at the Great American Bash - and the champions accept the challenge! (76)

    Match 6, Non-Title Match: Goldberg vs Christopher Daniels. Daniels tried to earn a spot at the top of the RAGE roster, but still Goldberg proved to be a tough opponents for him. After a few moments where it looked like Christopher had a good chance to win, Goldberg catches him with a Spear and takes him down with a Jackhammer. (9:40, 83)

    Post-match, Lance Storm enters the arena. He earnestly reminds us that he won the BattleBowl, so Goldberg can kiss the title goodbye - because at the Great American Bash, he'll be facing Lance Storm. (76)

    Backstage Notes:

    * Don Callis is leaving WCW. His contract is up and negotiations have gone nowhere.

    * There have been an increasing number of situations where Raven has appeared on WCW shows under the influence of drugs. So far it hasn't directly affected work, but WCW management is increasingly unhappy with his behavior. Also, Raven is very toxic backstage.

    * Last Nitro during a tag team match, Ric Flair dangerously dropped Perry Saturn right on his head, causing an injury. The injury turned out not to be serious. Saturn will not miss any shows. But Flair got in heat with part of the locker room because of the incident.


    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #100
    Civic Center, Mobile, AL
    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 82

    TONIGHT: Rey Mysterio will make a big announcement. (66)

    Match 1, WCW Nitro Tag Team Championship Contender's Match Qualifying: Homicide and Low Ki vs Julio Dinero and Colt Cabana. This match determines the second team in a three-team contender's match for the WCW Nitro Tag Team Championship. The first team is Flair and Rhodes. Dinero and Cabana tried and showed a lot of moves they haven't had enough TV time for before (showing that they are not only jobbers, but quite talented performers), but Homicide and Low Ki were stronger. Low Ki finishes the match with a Ki Krusher on Dinero. (9:13, 66)

    Backstage, 'Gorgeous' Bobby Roode brags about his modeling accomplishments. Super Crazy (with Tajiri) walks up. He's unhappy with their match's finish last week. Roode shrugs and remarks that he has no idea how Crazy with that face was able to make his way to WCW. All Mexicans have to wear masks... Roode also makes fun of Tajiri's Japanese face. It gets to the point of a confrontation but the staff restrains Crazy and Tajiri. Tajiri challenges Roode to a match tonight. (43)

    Match 2: Fit Finlay vs Air Paris. Fit Finlay had a great match and won after the Tombstone. (5:13, 66)

    Post-match, James Mitchell comes out at the ramp. Finlay is distracted... and attacked from behind by Abyss! The Black Hole Slam puts Finlay down. Mitchell: "If you stare into the abyss for too long, the Abyss starts staring back at you." (56)

    Perry Saturn is in the ring with a mic. He's not happy with the way Raven behaved last week. "Raven and I have a long history together. And not all of it is to my liking. So when I got a second chance and came back to WCW, I said to myself, I came back here for the wins. I'm confident in my skills. I'm confident that I can succeed here. And the last thing I want is all the nonsense that surrounded me when Raven was around."...

    ... Raven is here to respond. "Victories? Victories? Face it, Perry. You're here because you didn't succeed in WWE. You've always been fabulously lucky... In ECW, you went with John Cronus. Your team was at the top of ECW, not you. You wouldn't have gotten anywhere in WCW if I hadn't taken you under my wing. And when you fell for Vince's sweet talk and thought that you, Eddie, Chris and Dean were going to be in WWE... you were wrong. You were wrong. Eddie and Chris were successful. But not you. Mop up storylines? The hardcore title? You were a laughingstock, Perry. Because you didn't have me by your side. But we can still change that. And I'm gonna make a man out of you. I'm gonna bring your best to the surface-- above average for everyone else, but best for you. That's your max. And that's the truth." Perry Saturn offers to clear up any problems in a face-to-face match. Raven laughs at him... and tries a sneak attack. But Saturn is ready for it and knocks Raven down with a series of punches! Attempted Rings of Saturn, but Raven fights back and escapes the ring. Perry yells after him. (63)

    Match 3: 'Gorgeous' Bobby Roode vs Tajiri. Bobby Roode has his second TV match in WCW - against Tajiri. Roode again appeals to the ref whenever Tajiri tries to punch him in the face. Bobby uses the same tactic as a week ago - attempting to roll Tajiri up, but Tajiri appears ready - and spits green mist in his face! A greater tragedy to Roode's face could not have been imagined. He runs backstage in horror - and Tajiri wins by countout. (6:30, 52)

    Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn are backstage. They've been enemies for too long: tonight is their first match as a tag team. They only have three weeks to get ready for their title match. (64)

    Match 4: Chris Hero vs Kaz Hayashi. Steve Corino joins the announcers. "Hero thinks he's a great talent... I only got him in the Horsemen as a partner to Claudio Castagnoli. At the Great American Bash he's going to fall into the old school." Chris has been distracted at times by his future opponent, but that doesn't stop him from winning. Hero puts his opponent down with a KO Elbow and finishes him off with Hero's Welcome. (8:58, 76)

    Post-match, Steve Corino tries a cheap attack, but Hero is ready. We have an equal brawl that the officials are forced to break up. (75)

    Rey Mysterio in-ring interview with Gene Okerlund. He talks about how Chavo Guerrero blames others for everything. And how hurt he is by what his friend has become. Rey is friends with his Uncle Eddie, Rey is often at Guerrero family dinners, Rey respects his father. But Chavo brings shame to his family. "We're always going to get in each other's way, Chavo. We're too different. Look, we tried everything... One Starrcade match, second Starrcade match, even Mexican Death Match... Nothing works. There's just too little room on the Nitro for both of us. We need to end this once and for all. We need one final match. At the Great American Bash. The loser leaves Nitro forever." (64)

    Match 5, Non-Title: AJ Styles vs Shannon Moore. Moore, as an experienced opponent, had his chances, but Styles only needed one chance to catch him in Styles Clash for the win. (9:42, 86)

    Post-match, Samoa Joe enters the arena. AJ Styles spots him and calls into the ring. Homicide and Low Ki attack him from behind: they beat up the US champion; Samoa Joe just watches. (75)

    Match 6: Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn vs CW Anderson and Claudio Castagnoli. Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn make their first appearance as a tag team, practicing before their title match at the Great American Bash. WCW Nitro Tag Team Champions Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley come out to the ringside to watch. RVD and Lynn had their problems with communication, but made up for it with technique and speed when Lynn catches Castagnoli with a Cradle Piledriver and RVD jumps with a Five Star Frog Splash for the win. (14:25, 90)

    Post-match, Kazarian and Bentley look closely at the challengers. RVD and Lynn shake hands and show they are ready to fight for the belts. (62)

    Episode #21
    Civic Center, Pensacola, FL
    Announcers: Joey Styles and Jerry Lawler
    Overall: 82

    This episode started with its announcers - Joey Styles and Jerry Lawler. It appears that Don Callis suffered a serious head and neck injury after being attacked by Mike Awesome last week. As a result, it's unknown when Callis will be able to recover - and if he'll be able to fully recover. Mike Awesome is suspended for 30 days for now. In the meantime TV network will name the new RAGE General Manager, who will take over Callis' duties and will be introduced to the public at the Great American Bash! (48)

    Show starts.

    Shawn Michaels is here with a promo. He is holding a contract for a match at Great American Bash for Bret Hart. Once Bret signs it - it's official. The HBK is aware that Bret is covered by fake doctor's papers... which, however, doesn't stop him from interfering in matches. The HBK promises that by the end of the night, they will get Bret Hart to sign a contract and make the match official. (94)

    Match 1: The Primadonnas (Christian York and Joey Matthews) vs Jerrelle Clark and Roderick Strong. The Primadonnas easily win over young wrestlers after their signature Snapshot. (4:41, 54)

    Backstage, The Rock meets Sonjay Dutt, who is thrilled to see him live. Rock expresses his respect for Dutt after his match with Jarrett last week. And says that tonight they will team up against Jarrett and his partner. There is no limit to Sonjay's joy. (56)

    Match 2: Billy Kidman vs Sonny Siaki. Kidman got some damage from Siaki’s moves, but eventually finished the match with a Shooting Star Press. (5:25, 76)

    Post match, Francine comes out for an interview. Kidman admits that CM Punk was right last week saying that Kidman hasn’t achieved much as a singles wrestler in WCW. But it's not because of the fans. The fans help him in his tough moments. And without them, Billy would have quit on everything a long time ago. At the Great American Bash, they will help him once again - to become the first ever North American Champion in WCW. (55)

    At locker room, Sting talks to Booker T. "You'd think that now that we're RAGE tag team champions we could relax... Now we have to work even harder on our teamwork to successfully defend these titles." (74)

    Backstage, ‘Cowboy’ James Storm meets Jeff Jarrett. Storm considers Jeff as the only worthy wrestlers in all of RAGE. After all, he's from Nashville too and knows what it's like there... Jarrett agrees and offers him to be his tag team partner for tonight. (61)

    Match 3: Alex Wright and American Dragon vs Christopher Daniels and Matt Morgan. Wright and Dragon team up for the second week in a row. Daniels tried to keep Morgan in the ring as his weapon for most of the match, but still got caught at the end in a LeBell Lock from Dragon as Wright knocked Morgan out of the ring. Daniels taps out. (5:31, 78)

    WCW World Heavyweight Champion Goldberg comes out. "Last week, Lance Storm came out with a serious challenge for me.... And I had plenty of these kind. Serious opponents. Dangerous. Each one more dangerous than the other. Each one trying to be even more serious. They were all serious and dangerous... until they found out they were just the next one."... Bret Hart comes out! Hart and Goldberg take a long look into each other's eyes - and it looks like a moment that will become a classic in the future. Hart: "I've been wanting to do this for a long time, Bill. To come out here and look you in the eye. After what you did to me. Your kick ended my career. And as much as I'd like to give another dream match to all these people and come out for a match at the Great American Bash... I can't. My doctors won't let me. Every minute in the ring could be my last. I would like to get in the ring against HBK..... I'd like to get in the ring against you. But your botched kick took that dream away from me. But you see… at the PPV, you're gonna see how serious Lance Storm can be. Because he's not just the best he's ever been, is and will be..... He's better than Bret Hart ever was. Lance is a talent. And Lance knows everything I know. And more. That's why at the Great American Bash, you're going up against the toughest opponent you've ever met. including me, who has beaten you in this very ring. Lance Storm will do it again in three weeks and become the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion." (84)

    Match 4: Brian Kendrick and Paul London vs Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin. Sting and Booker T were watching it in the locker room. Sabin and Shelley might have a bright future in WCW, but for now Kendrick and London took the easy win. (6:06, 77)

    Backstage, British Invasion come to Bret Hart’s and Lance Storm’s locker room. They all gossip about Hart-Goldberg confrontation. Nigel McGuinness brags about his technical skills, moves and submissions - and to prove it, challenges Goldberg to a match tonight! (64)

    Match 5: The Rock and Sonjay Dutt vs Jeff Jarrett and ‘Cowboy’ James Storm. Sonjay Dutt has probably the biggest match of his career. Storm and Jarrett were better as a team. But at the end, The Rock gets the hot tag and clears the ring. Rocky knocks Jarrett out of the ring and follows. Storm lifts Dutt up on his shoulders... Sonjay counters with the Hurricanrana, hops on the top rope and performs the Hindu Press for the win! (10:07, 73)

    Post match, The Rock expresses his respect to Dutt and raises his arm.

    Video from the day before: Ken Shamrock signs autographs during a fan meet and greet. And he is attacked by Sean O'Haire! O’Haire throws several tangible punches and suplexes Shamrock through the nearby table. (70)

    Sean O’Haire backstage interview. "I'm tired of hearing about how dangerous Ken Shamrock is... MMA, kung fu, karate... Where was it all at Spring Stampede? He's the reason I’m not a tag team champion anymore. And unless Shamrock wants a repeat of yesterday, he better never show up in WCW again." (57)

    Match 6, #1 Contendership for WCW Cruiserweight Championship: TAKA Michinoku vs Shane Helms. The wrestlers were given ample time to put on the best possible match. Each got a few nearfalls, but both finishers, Michinoku Driver and Vertabreaker, mutually blocked. At the end, both wrestlers were exhausted from the match... At this point WCW Cruiserweight Champion Elix Skipper jumps into the ring and hits first Michinoku and then Helms with the championship belt. The match is stopped. (14:08, 79)

    Match 7, Non-Title: Goldberg vs Nigel McGuinness (w/ Doug Williams). McGuinness, with his technique and grappling, was indeed a serious opponent. But even Doug Williams' interventions didn't help him - Goldberg ends the match with the Jackhammer. (8:52, 80)

    Post match, British Invasion attacks Goldberg together. Goldberg tries to fight back, but Bret Hart and Lance Storm join. It’s 4-on-1 now! Goldberg still fights back. But Hart hits him with a chopblock, and that’s it. We have a beatdown… up until Shawn Michaels and American Dragon run in with a save. They clear the ring. And in all chaos HBK stays in the ring with Hart! Bret tries to escape… Michaels puts him in a Sharpshooter! Goldberg and Dragon keep others from interfering. The contract for the match lies in front of Bret. "Sign it," shouts Shawn. Hart gives up, but HBK won't let him go. Finally Bret agonizingly signs the contract - and only then does the torture end. HBK holds the contract in front of Hart's nose - their match at Great American Bash becomes official! (70)

    Backstage Notes:

    * Sonjay Dutt got a push by getting into a program with Rock and hinted his face turn. But the crowd is not responding well to him as a babyface. Rumor has it that his road to the full face turn may pause and creative plans might be changing.

    * End of giving chances to Matt Morgan. He's been sent back to developmental. He's not ready. He still might be involved in the main shows, but mostly will perform in NWA.

    * Ultimo Dragon is leaving WCW. Management had big plans for him, but Dragon feels more comfortable in the indies with a free schedule.


    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #101
    Sports Arena, San Diego, CA
    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 83

    Match 1, WCW Nitro Tag Team Championship Contender's Match Qualifying: Super Crazy and Tajiri vs Jamie Noble and Kaz Hayashi. Tajiri and Super Crazy try to earn a spot in the tag team championship contendership match (along with the team of Flair and Rhodes as well as Homicide and Low Ki). They almost succeed, but Bobby Roode comes out to the ring to watch the match. Tajiri is distracted and gets a Guillotine Choke from Noble. Noble and Hayashi win. (9:39, 74)

    Backstage, Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes talk. Flair is full of doubts. He’s not sure he can still compete for Nitro tag team titles at the same level as their young and modern opponents. He decides to test himself and challenges one of his future opponents, Low Ki, to a match. (77)

    Raven backstage promo. He says that Perry Saturn has always been a joke. His stupidity was laughed at in ECW. In WCW, Raven took him under his wing for the first time and it was the only thing that got Saturn anywhere. "Now you've decided that your second time in WCW is going to be different? Why? Because they took you to WWE in addition to Eddie, Chris and Dean? Call Vince and ask him if he would have taken you alone? You and I both know the answer is no. Nothing's changed, Perry. You're still the joke you've always been. And at the Great American Bash, I'm gonna show it to the world." (63)

    Match 2: Abyss (w/ James Mitchell) vs Marc Briscoe. It was a fast victory over a local talent for Abyss, as he finishes his match with a Black Hole Slam. (2:15, 60)

    Post match, Fit Finlay attacks Abyss with a shillelagh! A couple of shots to the legs and several more to the head. WCW officials drag Finlay out of the arena. Abyss is hurt, but manages to get back on his legs. (76)

    Samoa Joe (w/ Homicide and Low Ki) backstage interview. Gene Okerlund asks him about a cheap attack on AJ Styles last week. Joe doesn’t answer. He says that he was doing ‘the right thing’ ever since he debuted in WCW. But these guys behind him - Homicide and Low Ki - talked some sense into him. They are not only great fighters, but also know how to strategize. And now Samoa Joe will get his first trophy in WCW - United States Championship. (62)

    Match 3: Perry Saturn vs Colt Cabana. Cabana made Saturn sweat a bit, but fell victim to the Spicolli Driver. (4:32, 68)

    Post match, Raven attacks Saturn and puts him down with the Raven Effect. (59)

    Chris Hero in-ring promo. He recalls what happened last week as Corino tried to attack him but Hero fought back. "That's what's going to happen at the Great American Bash, Steve. There won't be any Horsemen around you there. It's just going to be me and you." Steve Corino is here! "At the PPV, yes, but it's still 13 days away. So - surprise!" CW Anderson and Claudio Castagnoli sneak attack Hero from behind - and Corino joins them! The 3-on-1 beating lasts for a while... until Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn run out to the rescue! The three good guys chase the Horsemen away. WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes is forced to intervene: he sets them up for a six-man match in the main event! (85)

    Match 4, Non-Title: AJ Styles vs Matt Bentley. Styles dodges a Superkick and hits a Pele Kick to the head. Spiral Tap ends the match with AJ winning the match. (13:07, 78)

    Post match, WCW US Champion AJ Styles grabs a mic and calls out Samoa Joe. "You can only attack as a group? I'm disappointed. I accepted your challenge as a worthy opponent who can deal with his problems himself. Or is your undefeated streak just a hype?". Samoa Joe enters the arena, but stops halfway through... and Homicide and Low Ki pop into the ring again from behind... the only difference is that this time AJ Styles is ready! He immediately knocks Homicide down with a belt shot to the head, Low Ki gets a dropkick and falls out of the ring. Joe's sidekicks are forced to retreat and AJ calls for Joe to get in the ring. The Samoan leaves the arena with a smirk. (75)

    Match 5: Ric Flair vs Low Ki. Low Ki’s stiff style caused some troubles for Ric, Flair focused on Low Ki's leg. And succeeded: after weakening his opponent, Ric capitalized on Low Ki’s mistake and grabbed him in a Figure-Four Leglock for the win. (10:28, 78)

    Chavo Guerrero comes out to answer the challenge from Rey Mysterio. Chavo talks about the traditions of the lucha, the traditions of his family, and the entire history of their confrontation with Rey since Starrcade 2001. Yes, there isn't enough room for the two of them on Nitro. Chavo accepts the challenge and offers to take their confrontation to the next level: a ladder match with a dangling Nitro contract at Great American Bash. Whoever gets there first stays. The loser leaves Nitro. (76)

    Match 6: The Horsemen (Steve Corino, CW Anderson and Claudio Castagnoli) vs Chris Hero, Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn. The good guys were close to victory. RVD is on the top rope, ready for 5 Star Frog Splash… WCW Nitro Tag Team Champions, Matt Bentley and Frankie Kazarian, are here! Kazarian pushes RVD from the top rope. Jerry Lynn jumps on them with a suicide dive! But Hero is left alone in the ring. Superkick from Corino. Spinebuster from CW Anderson. 1…2…3. The Horsemen win. (15:20, 87)

    Episode #22
    Arrowhead Pond, Anaheim, CA
    Announcers: Joey Styles and Jerry Lawler
    Overall: 86

    Billy Kidman joins the announcers for the next match. (72)

    Match 1: CM Punk vs Joey Matthews. Matthews was showing a potential for singles career success. But Devil Lock DDT by CM Punk stopped him. An Anakonda Vice follows - a showdown for Kidman - and Punk wins. (11:26, 64)

    Post match, CM Punk takes the mic and again mocks Kidman for his "career accomplishments" in WCW. Punk calls Kidman a joke, just like all of the old WCW. Thankfully, a new generation has come in and saved the company and is taking it to the next level. Kidman is about to attack Punk, but the refs show up and separate them. (74)

    Last Week: John Cena was no-show due to partying too hard in the club. (75)

    Backstage, Francine comes to John Cena’s locker room with a news: Cena is obligated to be in a match tonight. It seems that Cena has a massive hangover though… (69)

    Match 2: Sean O’Haire (w/ Mike Sanders) vs Xavier. O’Haire had little trouble defeating the local talent Xavier after a Widow Maker. (1:40, 58)

    Post match, Ken Shamrock runs in! O'Haire manages to notice it, push Sanders into him and escape. Sanders gets a belly-to-belly suplex. Ken Shamrock takes the mic and announces that he has just signed a contract for another match in WCW: at the Great American Bash against Sean O'Haire! (71)

    Backstage, ‘Cowboy’ James Storm talks to Jeff Jarrett. He’s sorry they lost the tag team match a week ago, but James wants revenge and has challenged The Rock to a singles match tonight. (60)

    Match 3: John Cena vs Crowbar. John Cena had a hard time focusing on his match against Crowbar after a long party yesterday. Crowbar took 100% advantage of that, blocked a Proto-Bomb and executed a Brainbuster for the win. (5:37, 62)

    WCW Cruiserweight Champion Elix Skipper answers questions from WCW.com visitors. Franchin brings him a piece of paper - it's a message from the new RAGE General Manager: because Skipper ruined the contenders match a week ago - at Great American Bash he will defend the title in a triple threat against TAKA Michinoku and Shane Helms. (62)

    Bret Hart (on crutches) in-ring promo. He talks about how Shawn Michaels made him sign a contract for a match at Great American Bash a week ago.... Now Hart has to do it despite the doctors' opinion. But Shawn doesn't know what he's done. Because if the match hadn't happened, Hart wouldn't be the only one safe.... The HBK would be safe too. "For 6 years I've waited for this day. 6 years I've dreamed of this moment. Do you have any idea what it means 6 years of daily wishing I could wipe the smile off your face, put you in a Sharpshooter, and break your legs so you'd suffer the same way I did? At the Great American Bash you will sign your own sentence, heartbreak kid...". (79)

    Match 4: The Rock vs ‘Cowboy’ James Storm. Jeff Jarrett joins the announcers. The Rock carried this match, as Storm wasn’t ready for big league yet. The Rock was distracted by Jarrett, giving Storm the advantage. But James was unable to turn it into a win as Rock blocks one of the takedowns and puts "Cowboy" down with a Rock Bottom. (10:13, 86)

    Post match, Jeff Jarrett joins James Storm and attacks The Rock. But wait… Sonjay Dutt is here with a save! (53)

    Match 5: Sting (w/ Booker T) vs Brian Kendrick (w/ Paul London). It was a very close match. Only one mistake decided the result. Kendrick avoids Scorpion Deathlock and rolls Sting up for three counts. Much to the disappointment of Booker T.... (12:38, 82)

    Match 6: Goldberg, Shawn Michaels and American Dragon vs Lance Storm (w/ Bret Hart) and The British Invasion (Doug Williams and Nigel McGuinness). The heels tried to isolate American Dragon. But Goldberg gets a hot tag and clears the ring. Goldberg and The British Invasion leave the ring. Bret Hart distracts HBK. Lance Storm rolls Dragon up for three. (12:31, 89)

    Post match, the brawl continues. HBK attacks Lance Storm. Bret Hart hits HBK with a crutch! One more shot to the back and the next one to the leg. Hart puts HBK into a Sharpshooter! WCW officials come to break the hold, but it’s not an easy task. Shawn Michaels is in much pain. And that’s it for tonight. (89)



    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #102
    American Airlines Arena, Miami, FL
    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 81

    TONIGHT: Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero will be the guests on 'The Piper's Pit'. (70)

    Match 1: 'Gorgeous' Bobby Roode vs Super Crazy. Super Crazy got a chance to bounce back from his loss to Bobby Roode three weeks ago. The match followed a similar scenario where Roode left the ring refusing to get punched in the face. But this time Tajiri entered the arena and literally drove Roode back to the ring, where he was laid out there by Crazy. Moonsault finished the job. (6:29, 49)

    Fit Finlay backstage promo. He's back from Dusty Rhodes' office and got an official confirmation. Next week on Nitro there'll be a match vs Abyss. And it'll be a Belfast Brawl. (65)

    Match 2: Samoa Joe vs Matt Sydal. It isn't a bad workout for Joe prior to his match with AJ Styles at PPV, given the similar styles of the opponents. Joe dodges a 630 Splash and grabs Matt in a Guillotine Choke for the win. (8:02, 73)

    Post-match, WCW US Champion AJ Styles is on the ramp. Samoa Joe gets ready to fight. Styles takes out a microphone: "I'm not here to fight. I'm here to say, you could avoid me all month, but in six days you're going to have to fight me in the ring. And I think you're scared. Afraid that you won't be able to handle your opponent for the first time. Afraid of what you see in me. And that fear makes you vulnerable. In six days, you'll see that I’m a phenomenal indeed. And your streak will come to an end." Samoa Joe calls Styles to the ring now! But this AJ decides to wait and replies that they'll see each other at the Great American Bash. (78)

    Earlier Today: Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes answer questions from the WCW.com audience. Will they be able to wrestle on equal level against the "new generation" wrestlers. Flair answers that he's seen a lot of new generations in his career - and they all fall the same way. Homicide and Low Ki show up. Homicide calls Flair a "grandpa" and promises to show that Flair no longer fits in with the new times. Flair and Rhodes offer not to wait, but to get in the ring at tonight's Nitro. (82)

    Match 3: Raven and Abyss (w/ James Mitchell) vs Perry Saturn and Fit Finlay. Enemies get a chance to get at each other, but in a tag team match. Abyss and Finlay went to brawl all over the arena. Raven attempts the Raven Effect in the ring, but Saturn turns it into the Rings of Saturn and forces Raven to give up! (10:28, 76)

    The Horsemen's locker room. CW Anderson and Claudio Castagnoli are furious that they didn't get a chance to compete in the mini-tournament of contenders for the tag team championship. But they will wait for their chance. And when it comes, they'll get the titles. In the meantime, they challenge one of the possible contenders teams to a match tonight. (73)

    Match 4: Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes vs Homicide and Low Ki. Flair and Rhodes tried to keep up with Homicide and Low Ki. Flair and Rhodes had a lot of experience on their side. Rhodes also has tag team experience. So even though their opponents were young and fast, Rhodes and Flair were close to winning at the end... but Homicide hits Flair with some sort of object to the head and roll him up to three. (11:47, 80)

    Post-match, a bloodied Flair asks for a microphone and screams hysterically: "You want to play dirty, kid? You picked the wrong opponent because I'm the dirtiest player in the game, kid! WHOOOOO, dammit!". (77)

    “The Piper’s Pit”:
    Roddy Piper invites Rey Mysterio and Chavo Guerrero to the ring - they'll have a match in 6 days, after which one of them will leave Nitro forever. Mysterio says he's always respected the Guerrero family, with Uncle Chavo being his best friend. He's sorry things have come to this. But too much has happened for them to mend their relationship. One of them will have to leave Nitro. Chavo responds that Rey has no respect for anyone. Behind Chavo's back there is a tradition and family. Behind Rey's back is all this high-risk jumping, all thrill seeker extravaganza and stupidness of that part of fans, who like to watch this circus. Why is Rey recognized as the best wrestler by the internet? Why not Chavo? Because internet fans are stupid! Rey Mysterio is stealing the glory from him every day. But it's all going to end because in 6 days Rey won't be on Nitro. Mysterio and Chavo are coming face to face for a long stare down. (80)

    Match 5: CW Anderson and Claudio Castagnoli vs Jamie Noble and Kaz Hayashi. The Horsemen try to show that they were undeservedly ignored in determining the contenders for the tag team titles Surprisingly, Noble and Dragon took control and were close to victory! Luckily, Steve Corino showed up and distracted the ref... Castagnoli hits Noble with a chair and Anderson catches Hayashi with a Spinebuster for the win. (12:18, 75)

    Post-match, there is a 3-on-2 beating down but Chris Hero runs into the ring with a chair and chases the Horsemen away. (79)

    Match 6: Rob Van Dam vs Frankie Kazarian. RVD and Kazarian got the Nitro main event all for themselves. They put on a great wrestling performance. Wave of Future by Kazarian! Not enough for the win. Kazarian tries to repeat his finisher, but RVD knocks him down and goes for the 5 Star Frog Splash... Matt Bentley is here! He grabs RVD by leg. Kazarian jumps up on the top-rope and hits his new move, Flux Capacitor! No chance after that one. Kazarian pins Rob down to three. (12:42, 82)

    Post-match, Jerry Lynn runs out to the ring and chases the champions away. Lynn checks on RVD and promises that at the Great American Bash they are going to take the WCW Nitro Tag Team Championship away.

    Episode #23
    TD Waterhouse Centre, Orlando, FL
    Announcers: Joey Styles and Jerry Lawler
    Overall: 86

    TONIGHT: We have a big main event - The Rock and Billy Kidman vs Jeff Jarrett and CM Punk. Also, we have a contract signing for the Goldberg vs Lance Storm match. (78)

    Match 1: American Dragon vs Roderick Strong. Strong is definitely talented, but Dragon proves to be stronger and ends the match with a Cattle Mutilation. (8:02, 71)

    Backstage, Sonjay Dutt walks into the building and is attacked by "Cowboy" James Storm! Storm beats Dutt up and smashes a beer bottle over his head. (27)

    Match 2: The British Invasion (Doug Williams and Nigel McGuinness) vs The Primadonnas (Christian York and Joey Matthews). Williams and McGuinness defeats their opponents after a Tower of London, while the announcers are actively hyping the RAGE tag team division. (9:45, 76)

    Footage with Sean O'Haire working out for his match vs Ken Shamrock at Great American Bash. "Shamrock can win in any discipline ... MMA, karate, kung fu, drunken master style ... But when he's in the wrestling ring, he's in my territory and he'll fight by my rules." (74)

    Match 3: John Cena vs Andy Douglas. John Cena is in much better shape tonight (was the nightclub closed?) and therefore easily defeats young Andy Douglas after the Proto-Bomb. (3:20, 52)

    Post-match, Franchin interviews John Cena and asks about last weeks mishaps. Cena says he's not obligated to answer to anyone (especially not to “boys in the back” or “locker room leaders”)and can do whatever he wants. (56)

    Backstage, Booker T and Sting are talking. Booker doesn't want to see the kind of mistakes that Sting made a week ago when he lost to Brian Kendrick. Booker has a match with Paul London tonight. (79)

    Match 4: Shane Helms and TAKA Michinoku vs Elix Skipper and Petey Williams. Helms and Michinoku clearly didn't trust each other - and that set up the outcome of the match. Skipper knocks Michinoku out of the ring, and Helms gets a Canadian Destroyer from Williams. (11:21, 83)

    Shawn Michaels in-ring promo. He wanted to thank Bret Hart for hitting him with a crutch and putting into a Sharpshooter in the center of the ring a week ago. "It reminded me what it means to be in the ring against the Hitman, against the best there was, is and will be... It refreshed my memory. It brought back some old feelings - the Sharpshooter feeling... It helped me remember: in the ring against Hart, you have to be ready for anything, any trick, any sneak and any maneuver. Thank you. Now I'll remember. And I'll be ready. You won't have a crutch with you at the Great American Bash...you'll have me against you in this very ring. And I'll be ready." (100)

    Match 5: Booker T (w/ Sting) vs Paul London (w/ Brian Kendrick). In this back-and-forth match, Booker T responding little to the ref's requests and does a lot of almost-legal and illegal stuff. At the end, Booker T chokes London with the ropes for too long and then finishes him off with an Axe Kick for the win. (12:06, 79)

    Post-match, Brian Kendrick gets in the face of Booker T. He’s furious with how Booker T behaved himself. It comes to a confrontation between all four team members - and officials have to separate them. (77)

    Another footage: Ken Shamrock prepares for his match at the Great American Bash at his home. He wasn't going to return to wrestling, but it seems he needs to break another ankle - Sean O'Haire's. (69)

    Match 6: The Rock and Billy Kidman vs Jeff Jarrett and CM Punk. The Rock ducks Jarrett with a Spinebuster and calls for Kidman to do the Shooting Star Press... but CM Punk pulls the ropes, Kidman falls down. Punk attacks Rock - together they fall out of the ring. In the ring, Jarrett delivers a Stroke from the second rope on Kidman for the win. (13:42, 90)

    All is set for the contract signing between Goldberg and Lance Storm. Jerry Lawler is filling the role of official. Lawler says the contract has been carefully prepared by the new RAGE General Manager (whose name we'll learn at the Great American Bash...). Goldberg and Lance Storm sign the contract without any words and come face to face. It seems like that's the end of it...? But suddenly Bret Hart comes to the ring! Hart takes the microphone and gets very close to Goldberg. "I'd really like to do it myself... But Lance Storm will do it for me when he defeats you in the center of this ring and takes what's important to you - the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Just like you took what's important to me. My career. My life's work. The joy of every day I spend in that ring. In three days, you're gonna feel everything I've felt all these years. And you're not going to like it." Suddenly, Lance Storm lands a sneaky shot from behind! Bret Hart and Lance Storm team up to attack Goldberg, focusing on Bill's leg. Hart pulls Goldberg towards the post to grab him in the famous Figure-Four around the post... But Shawn Michaels rushes out to help! Michaels knocks Storm down with a series of punches, and then attacks Bret Hart! HBK and Hart fight outside the ring - and no one is able to break up this brawl. There are still refs and officials running to the ring... and that's the end of the show. See you at the Great American Bash! (86)

    World Championship Wrestling presents...
    Final Card
    WCW World Heavyweight Championship
    Goldberg vs Lance Storm
    No DQ Match
    ‘The Heartbreak Kid’ Shawn Michaels vs Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart
     “Loser Leaves Nitro” Ladder Match
    Rey Mysterio vs Chavo Guerrero
    The Rock vs Jeff Jarrett
    WCW United States Championship
    AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe
    WCW North American Championship
    Billy Kidman vs CM Punk
    Steve Corino vs Chris Hero
    Sean O’Haire vs Ken Shamrock
    WCW Nitro Tag Team Championship
    Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley vs Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn
    WCW RAGE Tag Team Championship
    Booker T and Sting vs Brian Kendrick and Paul London
    WCW Cruiserweight Championship
    Elix Skipper vs Shane Helms vs TAKA Michinoku
    Raven vs Perry Saturn
    The new RAGE General Manager will be revealed!... Who is it?
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    WCW Spring Stampede 2003

    Coliseum, Charlotte, NC

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Jerry Lawler and Joey Styles
    Overall: 85

    Opening video. (80)

    Match 1: Rob Van Dam vs Jerry Lynn. These wrestlers have quite a history of personal confrontations, but this is their first match for the WCW crowd. After several attempts to win by using one technique or another, the wrestlers decided to gain an advantage by using a chair. The referee tried to prevent a rules violation. Lynn ducks a RVD with a German suplex. 1...2. Lynn sets up for the Cradle Piledriver, RVD blocks it and ducks Lynn with a spinning heel kick. Split-legged moonsault.... misses! DDT by Lynn! 1...2. Another Cradle Piledriver attempt, again a block from RVD. Back suplex by RVD. Rob quickly jumps to the ropes - 5 Star Frog Splash! 1...2...3. (12:29, 73)

    Post-match, Rob Van Dam is victorious, but he's pretty exhausted from the match. And he seems to be looking at his opponent with respect. Maybe for the first time.

    Match 2: Kaz Hayashi vs Low Ki. There was a puroresu style feel from the match. During the match, Homicide showed up outside the ring and distracted Hayashi. Лaz gets distracted - and gets a gut-wrench suplex for 2. Low Ki hits a knee to the back of the head and a neckbreaker for 2. Hayashi reverses the Ki Krusher to a small package for 2. Hayashi Cutter out of nowhere! 1...2... Homicide puts Low Ki's foot on the ropes. Hayashi tries to get Homicide, but gets an eye rake. Hayashi turns around and gets a stiff kick from Low Ki. Ki Krusher! 1...2...3. (9:15, 71)

    Match 3, WCW North American Championship Tournament Semifinal: CM Punk vs Alex Wright. Alex Wright has once again shown that he is a very good technical wrestler and was clearly underrated before. Maybe this is a new chapter in his career? But CM Punk is a serious contender. Punk catches Wright on a backbreaker and a pin. 1...2. Punk climbs the ropes. Wright attacks him and delivers a hurricanrana off the ropes! Both men are up after some struggle, but Punk gets the first hit. Some punches and a back kick into a spinning heel kick, swinging neckbreaker. CM Punk goes for the Anaconda Vice, Wright blocks and ducks Punk with a DDT. Wright gets the top rope and comes off with a missile dropkick. 1...2. Wright goes for a German suplex, but Punk turns it into a roll up. 1...2. Wright rolls out of it and kicks Punk dead in the head! Punk just falls! Wright pins. 1...2...NO! Alex Wright lifts the groggy Punk and puts him into the corner for some more chest kicks. He puts him up on the turnbuckle, some high risk maneuver attempt... Punk blocks it. Pepsi Plunge out of nowhere! 1...2...3. (8:06, 72)

    Match 4, WCW North American Championship Tournament Semifinal: Mike Awesome vs Billy Kidman. Mike Awesome, former IWGP champion, was clearly a favorite. He starts to dominate right away by throwing Kidman into steel steps. Kidman starts to fight back and runs right into a clothesline. One more vicious lariat! 1...2...NO. Awesome with a deadly sitout powerbomb. 1...2...NO. Awesome Bomb is escaped, but Awesome hits a spinebuster. 1...2...NO. Mike Awesome starts to get angry. Awesome sets up steel steps at ringside. The referee is trying to stop him. Standing spinebuster on the steep steps! Back to the ring... Pin by Awesome. 1...2...NO! Now Awesome is furious! He brings a table to the ring and sets it up. Mike is about to perform an Awesome Bomb through the table.... The ref gets in his way. Mike leaves Kidman and starts arguing with the ref. Billy takes advantage of this and hits a dropkick to the back. Awesome falls right onto the table. Kidman quickly seizes the opportunity, jumps onto the ropes and delivers a Shooting Star Press through the table! 1...2...3. (13:16, 82)

    Post-match, WCW officials try to help Mike Awesome, but he pushes them away! He doesn’t need it. And he’s angry. (64)

    Backstage, Billy Kidman is walking down the hallway after his victory match. He meets Rey Mysterio, who is on his way for his match. Kidman wishes him luck. (78)

    Match 5, Extreme Rules: Raven vs Sandman. It was a big classic ECW style brawl. Both wrestlers went to the ringside pretty fast. Russian leg sweep attempt into the guardrail by Raven, blocked, Sandman does a Russian leg sweep of his own! Back to the ring. Pin by Sandman. 1...2. Sandman goes looking for a weapon. He gets a chair, but Raven hits him with a dropkick! Raven nails him with the chair. 1...2. Raven stands over him and taunts him. Sandman fights back, and levels Raven with a clothesline, and again and a 3rd. 4th and 5th! Perry Saturn makes his way to the ringside. Sandman is distracted. Raven hits him with a Raven Effect! 1...2...NO! Raven orders Saturn to finish Sandman, but Perry refuses to take action. He's here only to watch. Raven starts to argue and just gives Saturn (who's on the apron) a chair. Sandman attacks Raven and hits a Russian leg sweep! 1...2...NO! Now Sandman has a staredown with Saturn. Raven pushes him into Saturn (and chair) and hits a Raven Effect once again. 1...2...3. (8:25, 66)

    Match 6, WCW RAGE Tag Team Championship: Sean O’Haire (w/ Mike Sanders) and mystery partner vs Booker T and Sting. Sean O’Haire and Mike Sanders are waiting for the mystery partner. And it’s… KEN SHAMROCK! Former UFC champion is back in WCW! Shamrock and O'Haire dominated most of the match. As soon as Sting and Booker tried to grab the lead, Mike Sanders would immediately interfere. At the end O'Haire goes for the Senton Bomb on Booker. Sting knocks him out of the ring. Shamrock ducks Sting with a belly-to-belly suplex and grabs him in an Ankle Lock! Booker immediately breaks the hold. But Shamrock grabs him in the Ankle Lock as well! Sting hits Ken with a flying forearm, and Booker instantly rolls him up into a pin for three quick counts. We have the NEW WCW RAGE Tag Team Champions! (10:41, 81)

    Post-match, Sean O’Haire is furious with his loss. Ken Shamrock not so much. (80)

    Match 7: Chris Hero vs CW Anderson. Chris Hero starts to work on CW Anderson weak spots right away, but gets overpowered. Anderson hits a big boot. Backbreaker by Anderson for two. Hero escapes the ring to regroup. CW Anderson follows. Hero makes CW hits the steel steps. Back into the ring. 1...2. Hero throws a kick, but Anderson catches his foot. DDT! 1...2. CW Anderson brings Hero down with a powerslam. CW prepares for a spinebuster... Hero blocks and hits Anderson with a series of strikes. Piledriver by Hero! 1...2...NO! Second piledriver by Hero! 1...2...NO! CW Anderson kicks out in a very last moment. Both wrestlers are up. Hero goes for a third piledriver... CW Anderson blocks and ready to hit a spinebuster... Hero blocks... KO Elbow by Hero! And another one! 1...2...3. It wasn't an easy match for Hero. (12:13, 83)

    Match 8, If Team HBK wins, Shawn Michaels gets 1-on-1 match vs Bret Hart at Great American Bash: Team HBK (Shawn Michaels, American Dragon, Brian Kendrick and Paul London) vs Team Hitman (Lance Storm, Elix Skipper and The British Invasion). I forgot to tell: it's an elimination match. The match starts with a face-off between Shawn Michaels and Lance Storm. But after that both teams rotate through their members, allowing each competitor to shine in their unique style. Brian Kendrick attempts Sliced Bread #2 on Elix Skipper, but Doug Williams catches leg of Kendrick. Elix capitalizes and hits Play of the Day to pin Kendrick. Brian Kendrick is eliminated.

    Paul London enters with a flurry of offense. A couple of fast moves, including Standing Shooting Star Press on Nigel McGuinness. 1..2... Doug Williams breaks the pin. London kicks Doug out of the ring. Nigel rolls London up... and Lance Storm from ringside helps to hold Paul... 1...2...3. Paul London is eliminated!

    Things aren't looking good for Shawn Michaels and his team. American Dragon enters for a technical showdown with Doug Williams and manages to put him in a Cattle Mutilation submission. HBK takes care of attempted interferences from team Hart. Williams struggles but eventually taps out, marking Team HBK's first elimination.

    Nigel McGuinness enters and starts to dominate over Dragon. After a while... hot tag to HBK. Sweet Chin Music! 1...2...3. Nigel McGuinness is eliminated.

    Elix Skipper and American Dragon continue the match. Dragon looked better, but when he was at the top rope, Lance Storm hits him with a chair. Top-rope hurricanrana by Skipper and roll up pin. 1...2...3.

    A long showdown between Shawn Michaels and Elix Skipper. It showed that Elix is more and more ready for bigger matches with worthy opponents. HBK avoids Skipper's high-flying maneuvers and connects with a decisive flying forearm. Flying Elbow by HBK! 1...2...NO! Lance Storm tries to interfere, the ref stops him. Bret Hart gives Elix a chair, but HBK kicks Sweet Chin Music into a chair! 1...2...3.

    Final showdown. Shawn Michaels and Lance Storm. The atmosphere is electric. They engage in a technical masterpiece, with Storm targeting Michaels' knee, looking to lock in the Canadian Maple Leaf submission. Michaels fights through the pain, countering Storm’s submission attempts. In a dramatic sequence, Michaels evades Storm’s superkick attempt and hits a desperation Sweet Chin Music. 1...2...NO! A couple more counters... and Storm manages to put HBK into a Maple Leaf! Long struggles. Bret Hart trash talks Shawn during it. Michaels manages to grab the ropes. But Lance takes his back into the center... and puts into a Sharpshooter!!! Bret Hart is happy. Shawn reverses hold into a roll up. 1...2... Storm kicks out. And immediately gets a second Sweet Chin Music. 1...2...3. It was a tough match for HBK, but he wins and will get Bret Hart 1-on-1 at Great American Bash. (13:47, 83)

    Steve Corino backstage interview. "I'm sick of nobody taking me seriously. No one believes in me beating Goldberg. Look, I've been in this business since 1994. Longer than Goldberg. I've competed in every conceivable match, at every arena. I'm a former ECW and NWA World champion dammit! I am the leader of the most powerful force in professional wrestling today, Horsemen. And tonight I'm going after the WCW World Heavyweight Championship!” (68)

    Match 9, WCW United States Championship: Chavo Guerrero vs AJ Styles vs Rey Mysterio. Chavo Guerrero tried to play it smart. He leaves the ring almost right away and tries to be involved into a match as little as possible. Rey Mysterio and AJ start. Soon enough Chavo gets back in the ring. Rey takes him down with a springboard armdrag. Rey at the top rope. AJ attacks him and goes for a superplex, Chavo turns it into a Tower of Doom! He pins Rey. 1...2. Pins AJ. 1...2. Chavo goes to the top rope. Frog Splash on Rey! 1...2. Styles breaks it. Chavo gets crotched on top by AJ. Pele kick! Chavo falls to the ring side. Rey with a dropkick to the back of AJ. Styles falls on the second rope. 6-1-9! Rey goes for a West Coast Pop, but Chavo grabs him for the leg. He pulls Rey to the ringside and strikes with the WCW US belt! Chavo is back in the ring. Gory Bomb on AJ! 1...2...NO! Chavo is on the top rope again. Rey is back! He fights Chavo. Chavo kicks him away, Rey falls head-first into a guard rail. But AJ is up - Styles Clash of the top rope! 1...2...3. We have the NEW WCW US Champion! (15:59, 86)

    Match 10: The Rock vs Chris Kanyon. Chris Kanyon was innovative as always. The crowd was on The Rock side a lot. Kanyon performs a modified backbreaker. 1...2. Kanyon grabs a standing armbar, but The Rock fights out. DDT by The Rock! But it takes too long to cover and only get two. Kanyon fights back with the chops and gets a high-crotch sitout facebuster! 1...2...NO! Kanyon goes to the top rope... Moonsault! 1...2...NO! The Rock fights back and lays the smackdown. Sharpshooter attempt... Kanyon rolls up and puts The Rock into an inverted Boston crab! Rock grabs the ropes. Kanyon clocks The Rock with an elbow, but Rock kips up and catches him with a spinebuster and People’s Elbow. Jeff Jarrett makes his way to the ringside. The Rock is distracted and goes right into a Flatliner. 1...2...NO! He breaks out at the very last moment! Kanyon argues with the referee. He turns back and... ROCK BOTTOM! 1...2... Jeff Jarrett pulls the ref out of the ring. Rock is furious. He runs after Jeff and right around the corner gets a chair shot from Kanyon! Back to the ring. Flatliner again! 1...2...3. (14:43, 91)

    Match 11, WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Goldberg vs Steve Corino. Corino attacks the champion before the bell and gains the advantage. Goldberg is strong. He casually moves out of the way of a top-rope dropkick from Corino, then clotheslines him down. Corino have a couple more attempts to grab the lead, but no success. He leaves the ring and seriously considers walking away! Back into the ring. Corino hits a codebreaker and tries to put Goldberg into a Figure-Four Leglock. Goldberg reverses out of it. Powerslam by Goldberg! Corino leaves the ring again, but this time Goldberg follows him and attacks him on the ramp. A little brawl on the ramp and at the ringside. Corino hits a Russian leg sweep into the guard rail. Choke with a cable. Back in the ring. Superkick by Corino! 1...2. Old School Expulsion attempt... blocked by Goldberg. Superkick by Goldberg! 1...2...NO! Goldberg goes for a Spear, Corino dodges and the ref eats it! Low blow by Corino!  Steve goes for a title belt... Strike to the head! Pinfall. 1...2...NO! Corino is furious. He knocks down the referee again and grabs the belt. Missed shot... Spear by Goldberg! CW Anderson and Claudio Castagnoli run to the ring! Goldberg tries to fight back, but fails. Chris Hero runs in to save! He has a chair! Chairshot to Anderson, chairshot to Claudio! Corino is furious. He turns around... right into a Spear! Jackhammer! 1...2...3. (13:50, 84)

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    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #98

    First Union Center, Philadelphia, PA

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 87

    The new WCW US Champion Chavo Guerrero opens the show and says he finally has a trophy that shows his status. He wasn't believed when he promised to send circus monkey Styles back to the circus. He wasn't believed when he said that experience counts for a lot. And here he stands in the ring as the new WCW United States Champion. He was right about everything!...

    ... He is interrupted by AJ Styles. Styles congratulates Chavo and remarks that everyone saw exactly how Chavo won. Styles wants a rematch and he wants it tonight! Chavo refuses and says that in WCW, you have to earn the right to have a title shot again. Styles remarks that he gave Chavo a title shot at his first request. Chavo Guerrero: "Haha, that's what I was talking about. Being smart is more important than doing risky deadly corkscrew saults." The champion is about to leave, but is stopped... 

    ... by the appearance of WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes! Dusty informs that he's here deciding who will fight who, not Chavo... And most of all he - like all these people - would like to see a great match Chavo vs AJ one more time!... But that wouldn't be fair, because in 6 days the winner would have a match with a fresh and rested Rey Mysterio waiting for him. So Dusty makes a different decision: at the Spring Stampede, Chavo Guerrero will defend the WCW United States Championship at triple threat against AJ Styles and Rey Mysterio! (85)

    Match 1: Fit Finlay vs Colt Cabana. Finlay was much more experienced, so he won without much difficulty, putting Cabana down with a Tombstone. (5:07, 75)

    Stacy Keibler backstage interview. "Tonight, my clients will defend the Nitro Tag Team Championship vs Abyss and Mesias. Nitro management want a revenge on my clients because they defeated all of their opponents and make brand look weak. Abyss and Mesias are stronger and bigger. But what happened a week ago won't happen again. My clients are the future of wrestling. And they gonna stay with their titles after tonight." (60)

    Match 2: Tajiri vs Homicide (w/ Low Ki). Homicide is trying to get revenge for spitting green mist in his face last week. Tajiri was close to victory. He climbs the top rope to finish his opponent. Low Ki distracts him. Tajiri gets a superplex and a Gringo Killer. (7:01, 68)

    Post-match, Homicide and Low Ki start beating up Tajiri, but Kaz Hayashi saves him. (58)

    Raven arrives at the building and is surrounded by a group of fans. Raven doesn't really pay much attention to them until he hears the word "Sandman". He then tells people not to especially count on a match with Sandman at the Spring Stampede, because Perry Saturn is going to take care of this problem tonight. (55)

    Match 3, WCW Nitro Tag Team Championship: Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley (w/ Stacy Keibler) vs Abyss and Mesias (w/ James Mitchell). Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley get their first serious opponents since the change in title status - in the form of Abyss and Mesias, who beat them two weeks ago in a non-title match. Abyss and Mesias tried to repeat their success, but this time the champions were more prepared. Stacy Keibler distracted Mesias - and that was enough for Bentley to hit Mesias in the head with a superkick, and Kazarian performed Wave of Future for the win. (10:15, 72)

    Post-match, Kazarian and Bentley quickly pick up the belts and run away. Mesias tries to explain himself to a disgruntled Abyss and James Mitchell. The explanation fails, as Abyss grabs Mesias and puts him down with a Black Hole Slam! (52).

    Another video vignette about 'Gorgeous' Bobby Roode coming to Nitro. He's not much interested in the brutal wrestling business. For Bobby Roode, it's a ticket to showbiz. (37)

    Match 4: Perry Saturn vs Sandman. A match that clearly reeked of the old ECW atmosphere. It was an open match. Raven comes out in midtime. And he hits Sandman with a Raven Effect at ringside, while Saturn or the referee doesn't pay attention. Raven rolls Sandman back into the ring where Saturn finishes him off with the Spicolli Driver for the win. (10:33, 70)

    Post-match, Raven orders Saturn to finish Sandman off, but Perry isn't about to take anyone's orders. While they argue, Sandman regains consciousness and clears the ring with a singapore cane! (54)

    Match 5: Chris Hero vs Shannon Moore. Moore tries his best, but Hero catches him with a KO Elbow for the win. (5:11, 76)

    Post-match, CW Anderson shows up at the ramp with the mic. "Hero, you thought you were in trouble with Castagnoli, then Corino... But it's going to be me who takes you out! Because I'm the enforcer. That's what I do." (73)

    Gene Okerlund interviews Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn before their match at Spring Stampede. Lynn says he and RVD have had some good matches. They know each other inside and out. And they can present another classic match - this time for the WCW audience. RVD laughs at Lynn, saying that he is stuck in the past. Rob is focused on the future. In that future, he's going to come "out of his extreme pants" and become a true superstar for the mass audience, one of a kind. Jerry Lynn is forever in ECW - and should have stayed there. Rob Van Dam is built for the big arenas and for winning. And he'll prove it at the Spring Stampede. (66)

    Match 6: Samoa Joe vs Jamie Noble. Joe and Noble got a chance to steal the show at the main event. Any other time this match would go to the PPV, but this month there is no more place on the card. Which is becoming more and more common since the brand split... So fans have a right to expect many big matches on free TV. As for this particular match, we were treated to almost 15 minutes of pure action, where Noble again surprised everyone, including Joe, with his preparation, technique and arsenal of various takedowns. Noble grabbed Joe in a Guillotine Choke at the end, but this time Samoa Joe was prepared: he got out by lifting Noble up and slamming him into the steel post, then finished him off with a Muscle Buster for the win. (14:47, 84)

    WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes invites WCW World Heavyweight Champion Goldberg and Steve Corino to the ring to settle the final formalities before their match in 6 days. The wrestlers sign the contract. Steve Corino takes the microphone: "This is the event you've all been waiting for. I know many of you underestimate me. Like they underestimated me everywhere - in ECW, in Japan, in the indies. They all thought I was one of many... But everywhere I've gone - I've been successful. All my previous successes have prepared me for this day. The day I become the ultimate world champion. WCW World Heavyweight champion. This is my destiny.". Goldberg responds: "You may feel like you're smarter than everyone else. That you're ready. That you've got the Horsemen on your side, that you've got it all figured out... I've beaten worse opponents than you. I remember the nWo, I remember all kinds of bad guys. I had it much worse. And you may think your destiny awaits you at the Spring Stampede. But every one of those people know: at the Spring Stampede, you're just going to be next." Goldberg and Corino come face to face in front of the WCW World title belt - and that's the end of the show. (99)



    Episode #19

    Selland Arena, Fresno, CA

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and Don Callis
    Overall: 85

    Match 1: Doug Williams vs American Dragon. Doug Williams and American Dragon have been eliminated from the tournament for the vacant WCW North American Championship but meet in a face-to-face match tonight. The announcers say that both wrestlers are amazing with their technique and both will no doubt still get their chances to become champion. The match was full of dynamic interceptions and nearfalls, but just one mistake allowed Dragon to take Williams into his new LeBell Lock hold for the win. (6:36, 77)

    Backstage, Jeff Jarrett is bragging to some girl about his accomplishments. Yun Yang walks by and taunts Jeff about being pinned by The Rock last week. Jarrett attacks Yang and challenges him to a match. (51)

    The Hart group is backstage. Petey Williams says he was left out of the 8-man tag team match at the Spring Stampede, but he will prove his usefulness to the team. He will challenge Shawn Michaels to a match tonight. HBK probably won't even appear on the PPV at all after his Canadian Destroyer. (57)

    Match 2: Jeff Jarrett vs Yun Yang. Jeff Jarrett was surprised by the speed and technique of his opponent, but experience played its part and Jarrett catches Yang with the Stroke for the win. (5:35, 74)

    Post-match, Jarrett takes the mic: "You all want to laugh at me? You want to boo me? Then see what I'll do to your hero The Rock at the Great American Bash!" (80)

    Backstage, Franchin asks Sean O'Haire about his tag team partner. In just 3 days they will defend the WCW World Tag Team Championship. Sean refuses to reveal his name, saying that everyone will find out about him at the Spring Stampede. Mike Sanders intervenes and says that at first they've been looking at former members of the Natural Born Thrillers, but they're all not good enough. There weren't any worthy candidates backstage either. But they found someone who is worthy of wearing one of the championship belts. (54)

    The video package shows a comparison of the characteristics and accomplishments of Billy Kidman and Christopher Daniels. Both wrestlers are looking to break out of the midcard - and a new WCW North American Championship shot could be a great chance for them. These wrestlers will face off in the second round tonight. (65)

    Match 3: Shawn Michaels vs Petey Williams. Petey Williams tried very hard to earn some points in front of his Canadian-British friends and defeat Shawn Michaels. Petey did a Canadian Destroyer attempt, but HBK was able to avoid it and hit the Sweet Chin Music for the win. (8:33, 79)

    Alex Wright is at his home gym practicing before his tournament semifinal against CM Punk at the Spring Stampede. Wright says the WCW North American title is a huge opportunity for him. A chance to finally make his way to the top of WCW after so many years in low card. (58)

    Franchin does a "sit-down" interview in the ring with TAKA Michinoku about his return. Michinoku talks about the traditions of Japanese wrestling, Michinoku Pro, which he took the name after. He also talks about how he's not just a wrestler anymore. They founded Kaintai Dojo to give a way into the big business for talented Japanese guys. So he doesn't have a lot of time on his hands. But the WCW Cruiserweight Championship is a big prize. So TAKA Michinoku came back for a short time to win it and add to his collection of titles... WCW Cruiserweight Champion Elix Skipper interrupts him. "You might be a big fish in Japan and indy, but it's a different league here. At the Spring Stampede I'm busy helping my mentor Bret Hart, but at the Great American Bash I'll be happy to put the title on the line and send you back to Japan." (50)

    Match 4, WCW North American Championship Tournament Second Round: Billy Kidman vs Christopher Daniels (w/ 'The Blueprint' Matt Morgan). Two things happened during the match: the ref sends Matt Morgan backstage, taking away Christopher's competitive advantage. Also, Mike Awesome showed up and joined the announcers, sitting down next to a scared Joey Styles. As for the match itself, Daniels makes the mistake of missing the Best Moonsault Ever. Kidman, making the Shooting Star Press, makes no such mistake. Billy advances to the semifinals! (12:32, 82)

    Post-match, Kidman is immideately attacked by Mike Awesome! A stiff beatdown and Awesome Bomb puts Kidman down. Billy needs a medical help. And it's just 3 days before the PPV! (70)

    Backstage, John Cena is packing a bag when Hugh Morrus approaches him. Morrus says that just one mistake led to his defeat a week ago, and Morrus wants a rematch. Cena: "I used to always think I had to answer every challenge. But then I thought - why? Because that's the way it's done? I'm not interested in your rules. Moreover, I don't have a match tonight, so I intend to rest and I'm going to a nightclub." (51)

    Backstage, Brian Kendrick and Paul London prepare for their match tonight against Lance Storm and Elix Skipper. (72)

    Match 5: Sean O'Haire (w/ Mike Sanders) vs Booker T. Sean O'Haire faces one of his future opponents, Booker T, ahead of their tag team match at the PPV. Booker T grabs the lead. Mike Sanders tries to interfere but is stopped by Sting! O'Haire is distracted by this - and becomes the victim of an Axe Kick. Booker T picks up the victory. (8:53, 74)

    Post-match, Mike Sanders grabs the microphone: "You won tonight. But wait until you see our surprise at the Spring Stampede!" (73)

    CM Punk backstage promo. "Alex Wright is a good worker. But he's not a star. And he never will be. I've been preparing for this moment my whole life. And in just a few years of my career, I'm going to accomplish more than Wright has in his entire life." (72)

    Chris Kanyon in-ring promo. "Where's your hero The Rock? He's not even in the building tonight. He's probably on a talk show somewhere or casting in Hollywood. Because he doesn't care about you. The only thing he cares about is money. But you're all cheering him and not the people who are here every day in that ring... You know what? At the Spring Stampede, I'm gonna show you what your star is made of. Because entertainment and stardom won't help him avoid my innovative and violent moves, and it won't help him survive the Flatliner" (100)

    Match 6: Brian Kendrick and Paul London vs Lance Storm (w/ Bret Hart) and Elix Skipper. At the end, the wrestlers block each other's finishers. Kendrick avoids the Maple Leaf and rolls Storm up into a pin for two... Lance breaks free and knocks Brian out of the ring. And in the ring, London slams Skipper and performs Shooting Star Press for the win. (13:03, 79)

    Right after the bell, The British Invasion  attacks the winners. The 5-on-2 beatdown (featuring Bret Hart) lasts until Shawn Michaels and American Dragon run into the ring. The faces clear the ring and HBK catches Hart! He's gonna put The Hitman him into the Sharpshooter! Lance Storm grabs Bret's arms and pulls his mentor out of the ring. Bret Hart and the company retreat to the ramp. (69)


    World Championship Wrestling presents...



    Final Card

    WCW World Heavyweight Championship
    Goldberg vs Steve Corino

    WCW United Stated Championship
    Chavo Guerrero vs AJ Styles vs Rey Mysterio

    WCW World Tag Team Championship
    Sean O'Haire and the mystery partner vs Booker T and Sting

    The Rock vs Chris Kanyon

    Chris Hero vs CW Anderson

    If Team HBK wins, Shawn Michaels gets 1-on-1 match vs Bret Hart at Great American Bash
    Shawn Michaels, American Dragon, Brian Kendrick and Paul London vs Lance Storm, Elix Skipper and The British Invasion

    Rob Van Dam vs Jerry Lynn

    WCW North American Championship Tournament Semifinals
    Mike Awesome vs Billy Kidman

    WCW North American Championship Tournament Semifinals
    CM Punk vs Alex Wright

    Raven vs Sandman

    Kaz Hayashi vs Low Ki

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    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #97

    Resch Center, Green Bay, WI

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 89

    TONIGHT: WCW US Champion AJ Styles and Rey Mysterio will be the guests of Piper's Pit. (67)

    Steve Corino opens the show and announces: at the Spring Stampede, he is going to defeat Goldberg and become WCW World Heavyweight Champion. He's been preparing for this moment his entire career. "You idiots don't know this, but I was the ECW champion. I've been the champion in indy. I've wrestled all over the world. And all of that was preparation for the biggest moment of my career. For the Spring Stampede, where I will defeat your beloved Goldberg and win the ultimate prize, the World Heavyweight Title." Goldberg is here with a mic. "I don't know how it was in ECW or the indies... But I'll tell you how it works here in WCW. If you get a title match, you're next!". Goldberg and Corino come face to face... and Corino lands a cheap shot, trying to knock Goldberg down. Goldberg fights back and takes control, but CW Anderson and Claudio Castagnoli intervene. The three of them beatdown the champion until Chris Hero comes running to his rescue. Hero clears the ring and helps the champion up. Hero and Goldberg challenge the Horsemen to a match tonight! (100)

    Match 1: Jamie Noble vs Kenny King. Jamie Noble has a match against local wrestler Kenny King and picks up the victory after the Guillotine Choke. (3:22, 61)

    Post-match, Jamie Noble grabs the mic and says that if Samoa Joe wants to face him, all he had to do was ask. Noble challenges Joe to a match next week and is going to show him the real Guillotine Choke. Samoa Joe comes out to the ramp and shows that he accepts the challenge. (68)

    Backstage, WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes meets the Horsemen backstage and confirms that match Goldberg and Hero vs Corino and Anderson is now official. Claudio Castagnoli asks: "What about me?". Dusty isn't going to do a handicap match. And if Castagnoli is raring to be in action tonight, he has a match against Perry Saturn. (78)

    Match 2: Kaz Hayashi and Tajiri vs Low Ki and Homicide. Hayashi and Low Ki. Hayashi and Low Ki were finally able to get to each other before the PPV, but in a tag team match. Homicide gets a green mist to the face and Hayashi performs a Hayashi Cutter on him for the win. (8:19, 71)

    Backstage, Raven and Perry Saturn arrive together. Raven continues to pump Saturn up with hatred for Sandman. He actually has an idea: Saturn should challenge him instead of Raven! Road agent Harley Race meets them and informs that Saturn has a match tonight against Castagnoli. (70)

    "Piper's Pit":
    Roddy Piper invites AJ Styles and Rey Mysterio to the ring. Piper says the whole internet is buzzing about their match. Rey is repeatedly voted the fastest wrestler by the internet. Styles is also a fan favorite of the marks. Piper tries to cause strife between the would-be opponents, but both Rey and Styles express respect for their opponent and are going to show a five-star match... The idyll is broken by Chavo Guerrero, who is tired of hearing about mutual respect and giving in to those internet idiots. You don't need to be smart to jump on and off the ropes as a monkey. You know where smart wrestlers are? In Guerrero family. It's tradition. It's technique. It's lucha style at its very foundation. Rey is a disgrace to lucha, Styles is a disgrace to real wrestling and belongs in the circus. But that's who is valued here, not Chavo. So Rey gets a title match. AJ replies that if Chavo wants to prove himself so badly, unlike management, Styles will give him that opportunity - tonight, one on one. Chavo wants the WCW US Championship on the line - and Styles agrees! 13 days before the Spring Stampede! (80)

    Another video vignette about Bobby Roode's imminent debut: he could have been a star anywhere - in movie industry, in TV shows, in sitcoms - because he has the looks of a superstar (and he cares about it... a lot). But he chose wrestling. (35)

    Match 3: Rob Van Dam vs Matt Sydal. This time Jerry Lynn joins the announcers.  Lynn says he knows RVD inside and out. Knows every move he does and every tactic he uses. They've had some epic matches in ECW and are ready to figure things out once and for all in front of the WCW crowd. As for the match: this could have been a PPV-worthy match, but Sydal is still too green. Rob Van Dam blocks Sydal's move on the topr rope and knocks him down with a leg kick. Five Star Frog Splash ends the match in favour of RVD. (9:06, 79)

    Post-match, Rob Van Dam provokes Lynn - and it almost comes to a brawl, but they are separated in time. (61)

    Sandman backstage interview. "Raven is a master manipulator and everyone knows it. That's why he wants Saturn to solve his problems. But I want Raven, not Saturn. If I have to go through Saturn to have it? I'm ready." (44)

    Match 4: Perry Saturn (w/ Raven) vs Claudio Castagnoli. Perry Saturn gets a serious opponent this time around in the form of Claudio Castagnoli, who brought his full technical European arsenal of moves to the ring. Saturn, however, showed that his technical arsenal has not been lost, but even gained from his WWE appearances. The match was even... until not seen by both the referee and Saturn - Raven hits Castagnoli in the face with a chair. Perry puts Castagnoli in Rings of Saturn for the win. (6:39, 79)

    The announcers confirm: next week it will be Saturn vs Sandman!

    James Mitchell backstage promo. "My sons, Abyss and Mesias, defeated your champions Kazarian and Bentley last week, but didn't get the gold. Now next week another match awaits them... but with the Nitro Tag Team Championship on the line. Abyss and Mesias will bring those titles to salvation!". (53)

    Backstage, Rey Mysterio helps AJ Styles prepare for his match against Chavo Guerrero. (77)

    Match 5: Goldberg and Chris Hero vs Steve Corino and CW Anderson. Goldberg and Hero formed a pretty good team. Had Castagnoli been on the Horsemen's side, things might have ended differently, but for now Goldberg puts Anderson down with the Spear and finishes things off with the Jackhammer for the win. (14:19, 87)

    The announcers roll out matches for the next Nitro: Kazarian and Bentley will defend the Nitro Tag Team Championship against Abyss and Mesias, Perry Saturn will face Sandman, and Jamie Noble will fight against Samoa Joe! We're in for some great show.

    Match 6, WCW United States Championship: AJ Styles vs Chavo Guerrero. AJ Styles defends the title against Chavo Guerrero 13 days before the PPV. And the wrestlers give away a main event worthy of this PPV. Chavo Guerrero grabs Styles in a half-Boston crab - AJ reaches the ropes. Chavo starts bragging about his advantage - and gets the Pele kick! Styles Clash attempt... Chavo counters with two rolling suplexes, but the third one is blocked by Styles and hits a knee to the head. AJ hoists Chavo onto his shoulders... hurricanrana by Guerrero! Chavo climbs up on the top rope... Frog Splash... misses! Styles goes for the Styles Clash again but Chavo blocks, hits a low blow and does the Gory Buster. Roll up with legs on the ropes. 1... 2... 3! We have a new WCW United States Champion! (16:27, 87)

    Post-match, Chavo Guerrero raises WCW US Championship belt - and that's the end of the show.



    Episode #18

    MCI Center, Washington DC

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and Don Callis
    Overall: 82

    LAST WEEK: Shawn Michaels unexpectedly challenges Bret Hart. What will Bret's response be? (78)

    CM Punk comes out to the arena and joins the commentators.

    Match 1: Alex Wright vs Chris Sabin. Punk says he doesn't understand why Wright is considered a technical wrestler. For WCW? Maybe. But in the indies where Punk has wrestled, he would be considered a slacker with no technique. And Punk would prove that in their semifinal match at the Spring Stampede. As for the match, although Sabin was able to show a couple quick moves, Wright caught him with a German Suplex and then performed a Hangman's Neckbreaker for the win. (5:22, 49)

    Post-match, Alex Wright and CM Punk have some staredown.

    In a backstage promo Crowbar talks about his attack on Sean O'Haire last week. "All I did was getting revenge! O'Haire thinks he can find someone better to defend WCW World Tag Team Championship with? Tonight I'll prove him wrong in a one-on-one match!". (51)

    Backstage, Hugh Morrus chats with road agent Harley Race and promises to teach John Cena a lesson tonight, teach him respect for the business and the locker room. (40)

    Match 2, #1 Contendership for WCW Cruiserweight Championship: TAKA Michinoku vs Sonjay Dutt. TAKA Michinoku returns to singles action in WCW and has an immediate shot at a title match if he defeats Sonjay Dutt. The commentators are hailing the fact that Michinoku has had success in Japan and on the independent circuit during his absence from WCW, where he gained experience. And that experience came in handy for him tonight: despite Dutt's very successful performance, Sonjay was unable to break out of the pin after the Michinoku Driver. (11:06, 56)

    Backstage, Billy Kidman is getting ready for his match. Christopher Daniels (with Matt Morgan standing behind him for reassurance...) taunts him. Daniels says Kidman hasn't accomplished anything in WCW except squeals from the fans. Daniels will accomplish more in a shorter amount of time. They have a quarterfinal match in the tournament next week. Kidman says he'll prove everything in the ring. 

    Brian Kendrick and Paul London backstage. Kendrick is preparing for his match against Mike Awesome to avenge London and advance to the semifinals of the tournament. "Awesome wants to attack non-wrestlers like Joey Styles? Thinks that his size gives him advantage? He'll have the bigger problem tonight." (67)

    Match 3: John Cena vs Hugh Morrus. Morrus was more experienced and stronger, and thus much closer to winning and "teaching Cena a lesson", but John unexpectedly dodges a No Laughing Matter and rolls Morrus up in a pin to three! (6:04, 58)

    Lance Storm, in an interview with Franchin, reports that Bret Hart is not in the building yet. Lance has no idea that Bret will answer the challenge from Shawn Michaels. (58)

    Match 4: Billy Kidman and Hernandez vs Christopher Daniels and 'The Blueprint' Matt Morgan. Each competitor focuses on opponents of their own weight. Kidman goes for the Shooting Star Press, Morgan pushes him down. Hernandez kicks Morgan out of the ring and follows, and in the ring, Daniels lays Kidman out with Angel's Wings for the win. (7:30, 73)

    The Rock in-ring promo. "Jarrett only wants to fight in big arenas like the Great American Bash? Rock is ready to fight anywhere: in this ring, in this city, in this town, in any city, at grandma's house in the village, in the store, in the square... And everywhere he's ready to kick Jarrett's ass." He's interrupted by Chris Kanyon. "Enough of this bravado... All people know that The Rock is only willing to fight for a big fee and a suitcase of money. Rock got a suitcase of money and went to Hollywood. Rock got a suitcase of money and went to WCW, forking over all his loyalty to Vince. So at the Spring Stampede you can rest up before the Great American Bash where Jeff kicks your ass. But I have another problem, I don't have a match at the Spring Stampede. Before you got here, I was the center of attention. I was the world champion. All the spotlights are on me. I was on every PPV. Now? I lost the title at Clash of the Champions because of you... I didn't get a rematch... I earned the title shot, but management won't give it to me... And after our match at RAGE 3 months ago, I didn't get a chance to settle accounts with you for everything... Will Spring Stampede be enough of an arena for Chris Kanyon to defeat the great Rock and get the spotlight back on him?". Rock's answer? "Just bring it!". (98)

    Match 5: Sean O'Haire vs Crowbar. It was a wild brawl all over the arena. They managed to stay within the rules and not get disqualified or counted out though. Crowbar proved to be a tough opponent, but was unable to counter a Widow Maker from O'Haire. (8:29, 69)

    Post-match, Sean O'Haire grabs the mic and says he spent these weeks looking for a decent tag team partner for his match at the Spring Stampede. And he's found a real fighter that few can match. This is how he intends to retain his tag team title belts at the PPV and after it. (73)

    Bret Hart arrives at the building but refuses to comment. (79)

    Match 6, WCW North American Championship Tournament Second Round: Mike Awesome vs Brian Kendrick. Awesome again makes his way to the ring through the crowd. Kendrick really surprised Awesome with his speed and technique. Awesome had troubles, until he catches Kendrick and throws him back-first into the steel post. Followed by a powerful backbreaker and Awesome Bomb for the win. (14:01, 81)

    Post-match, Mike Awesome lightly "shushes" Joey Styles, but it doesn't come to an attack.

    Bret Hart is coming out of the locker room. He says he will announce his decision after the next match.

    Match 7: The Rock, Sting and Booker T vs Lance Storm, Chris Kanyon and Jeff Jarrett. Lance Storm didn't have Bret Hart in his corner this time. Maybe that played a part? But at the end, The Rock came into the ring after a hot tag and cleared the ring. Jarrett finally got his Rock Bottom and was pinned. (14:21, 78)

    Bret Hart comes out for an in-ring promo. Last week Shawn Michaels challenged him to a match. Bret has been thinking about it all week. "I haven't been in the ring in three years. That superkick by the stupid Goldberg ended my career. And more than anything I'd like to get in that ring and make Michaels submit to the Sharpshooter one more time. But unlike Hogan, Michaels and others, I know when you should stop. When you should walk away. I don't want to torture these people with a shadow of myself. They don't deserve it. This crowd is here to watch guys like Lance Storm. Like Elix Skipper. Like Petey Williams. Like Doug Williams and Nigel McGuinness. They are the future. And they'll take the likes of Michaels, Goldberg and The Rock out of the ring. So my answer is no. You want to fight, Shawn? Fight them."...

    ... Shawn Michaels comes out at the ramp. "You want to make me give up after a Sharpshooter? So far I made you give up two weeks ago..." Hart is angry. HBK: "But I already said... I don't have a problem with Storm. I have a problem with you. And if you can't have a medical clearence to have an official match, it's ok. I don't need an official match. I don't need a referee. I don't need to be declared a winner. I don't need nothing to get in the ring right now and make you listen to Sweet Chin Music." Michaels is coming to the ring!...

    ... Lance Storm is here to stop him, but HBK knocks him down with a series of punches. Before Shawn can get to Hart, Elix Skipper appears. He is immediately attacked by the American Dragon with a bandaged head. The British Invasion rush out to help - and are attacked by Brian Kendrick and Paul London. A huge brawl ensues. Security guards and referees try to restore order. Don Callis himself intervenes: "Enough! If these people want to see a Michaels vs Hart match, I'll give them one." Bret informs him that he is not a wrestler, has no contract and has no intention of going to the match. Kallis threatens that Hart will then never be able to even show up near the building where RAGE is being held. Callis concludes: "At the Spring Stampede, there will be an 8-man elimination match: HBK, Dragon, Kendrick and London vs Storm, Skipper and the British Invasion. If Michaels' team wins, then at Great American Bash, HBK will get his match against Bret Hart." (93)


    Ultimo Dragon released from WCW

    WCW has come to terms on the release of Ultimo Dragon.

    Ultimo Dragon decided to continue his career in Japan and Mexico and not to be bound by any exclusive agreements.

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    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #96

    AllState Arena, Chicago, IL

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 84

    TONIGHT: Chavo Guerrero vs Steve Corino. The winner will fight Goldberg for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Spring Stampede. (67)

    Match 1: Jamie Noble vs Shannon Moore. Noble in typical technical style avoids a Rocker Dropper and grabs Moore in a Guillotine Choke for the win. (8:31, 81)

    Post-match, Samoa Joe pops into the ring and grabs Noble in his version of the Guillotine Choke! Homicide and Low Ki guard the ring from the ref and officials, giving Joe the opportunity to do as much damage as possible. The commentators call it revenge for last week when Noble was able to make that submission hold on Joe. (79)

    Video vignette about soon to be Nitro debut of 'Gorgeous' Bobby Roode. Bobby has the looks of a superstar that he has a huge following. Therefore, his success on Nitro is inevitable. (38)

    Stacy Keibler (with WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley) in-ring promo. She brags that there is no more competition for her clients on Nitro. WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes comes out. He promised an announcement and here it is: he's officially removing the weight limit from the tag team titles. From now on, these are WCW Nitro Tag Team Championship and can be defended against any team. This opens up a whole lot of opportunities for Kazarian and Bentley. A lot of new opponents. Speaking of opportunities: a small tournament will determine the champions' opponents at the Great American Bash. And tonight, Dusty will give a taste of who the champions will now have to face.... A match against Abyss and Mesias! (69)

    Match 2: Perry Saturn vs Air Paris. Perry Saturn continues his appearances on Nitro, this time meeting little resistance from Air Paris and finishing the match again with Rings Of Saturn. (8:17, 78)

    Post-match, Raven makes his way to the ring.  He apologises to Saturn for BattleBowl and blames Sandman for everything. Raven says he's always seen Perry as a good fighter and believes he'll be a success. If it weren't for Sandman... Saturn seems to believe. The announcers doubt Raven's sincerity and call it a manipulation. (60)

    Backstage, Ric Flair talks to Dustin Rhodes about the change in status of the tag team titles. They did well as a tag team at BattleBowl. Flair suggests they try one more time in the tag team tournament and fight for the titles. (76)

    Chris Hero is in Dusty Rhodes' office blazing with vengeance and demanding matches against the Horsemen, who constantly attack him as a group. Dusty replies that Corino already has a match tonight. But Rhodes suggests this: Chris Hero will face CW Anderson at the Spring Stampede and if he wins, he'll get a match against Corino at the Great American Bash. Regardless of whether or not Steve will be WCW World Heavyweight Champion by then. Hero agrees (73).

    Match 3: Jerry Lynn vs Chris Chetti. Rob Van Dam joins the announcers. He talked about their extensive shared history with Lynn, but noted that Lynn was never as talented as RVD. And got a contract with WCW more out of pity because WCW couldn't sign "one of a kind". As for the match, Jerry Lynn wins after the Cradle Piledriver. (5:02, 63)

    Post-match, RVD tries to attack Lynn with a chair, but Jerry really knew his opponent well and was ready for it. Lynn knocks Rob out of the ring. RVD looks surprised. (67)

    Video vignette of Rey Mysterio's preparation for the WCW US Championship match. "This is a huge opportunity for me that I can't pass up." (62)

    Match 4: Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes vs Colt Cabana and Julio Dinero. Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes practice their tag team interactions. Dinero and Cabana made their opponents sweat, but the veterans pulled it off - Flair grabs Dinero in a Figure-Four Leglock for the win. (11:10, 83)

    Chavo Guerrero backstage interview. He talks about a huge opportunity for him tonight. He's going to be the #1 contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. (64)

    Match 5, Non-Title: Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley (w/ Stacy Keibler) vs Abyss and Mesias (w/ James Mitchell). The size difference was impressive - and it made the difference when Abyss catches a leaping Bentley and lays him out with the Black Hole Slam for the win. (10:42, 76)

    Backstage, Steve Corino talks to the Horsemen. "Management has had us on the bench for a long time. But tonight I'm going to earn a chance for us - a chance for the Horsemen to get the WCW World Championship belt" (79)

    AJ Styles signs autographs. He is asked about his match with Rey Mysterio. Styles says that he respects Rey. Mysterio was the first to bring the cruiserweight style to the mainstream. He made a way for the guys like AJ. Styles has learnt a lot from Rey. This is going to be a tough match, but Styles is going to defend the US title. (75)

    Match 6, #1 Contendership for WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Chavo Guerrero vs Steve Corino. The fans didn't really know who to root for. But other than that, the match was first class. Chavo argued with the fans a lot - and that got in the way when he taunted them for too long before the Frog Splash. Corino dodged - and performed an Old School Expulsion to win the even match. (15:42, 88)

    Post-match, Steve Corino shows that he'll be the next WCW World Heavyweight Champion - and that's where the show ends.



    Episode #17

    Ocean Center, Daytona Beach, FL

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and Don Callis
    Overall: 80

    TONIGHT: We'll see a Cruiserweight Gauntlet with the two remaining having a match against each other the next week. The winner of which will be the next #1 contender for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship.

    Match 1, WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Elix Skipper vs Shane Helms. In their previous encounter, Helms was close to victory, but interference from Petey Williams saved the champion from the Vertabreaker. This time, Helms lifts Skipper up again for the Vertabreaker - and once again, Elix tries his best to avoid the horrible move and lands a low blow in front of the ref. Disqualification. Skipper picks up the belt and quickly escapes the ring. I guess it's still not the end. (14:11, 81)

    Backstage, Francin interviews The Prima Donnas about their big win last week. "We're the best flying team since the Rockers. And we're tired of being benched. We want recognition, we want titles, and we'll do anything to get noticed on RAGE" (42)

    Christopher Daniels backstage promo. He announces his participation in tonight's Cruiserweight Gauntlet. "It might be time to show them all what the true God of cruiserweight wrestling is all about. Most of the competitors just started wrestling yesterday... I've been performing at indy venues when they were still drinking milk from their mothers tits" (64)

    Match 2: Booker T and Sting vs The Prima Donnas (Christian York and Joey Matthews). Despite all the talk York and Matthews couldn't overpower their experienced opponents - Booker T puts Matthews down with an Axe Kick, while York gets a Scorpion Deathlock. (10:46, 80)

    Backstage, Nigel McGuinness complains to his tag team partner about a hip injury. So he will be replaced by Doug Williams in the 1/4 finals of the WCW North American Championship tournament. Alex Wright steps up and says he can beat both of them, so he doesn't care who his opponent is. (36)

    John Cena answers questions from the visitors of WCW.com. He again talks about how there is an unspoken rule in the locker room - "do as the elders advise". Even if those veterans can't do shit in the ring. Even if those older guys can't help the younger guys. Even if you're better than them. Cena isn't going to comply and he doesn't want the locker room 'authorities' prying into his business like Morrus did. John Cena challenges Hugh Morrus to a match! (50)

    Match 3, Cruiserweight Gauntlet. We’ve got a lot of famous and not very famous talents here. But the one thing that surprised many was the unexpected return of TAKA Michinoku! It was just him, Christopher Daniels, Sonjay Dutt and a young Jack Evans left at the end. Experienced Daniels blocked one of Evans' moves and knocked him out of the ring. Michinoku suddenly pushes Daniels out of the ring - and the bell sounds! TAKA Michinoku and Sonjay Dutt will determine the #1 contender for the Cruiserweight Championship next week. (12:29, 69)

    Backstage, Sean O'Haire talks to some RAGE wrestlers in a locker room. Some try to convince him to pick them as a tag team partner. O'Hair replies that he'll think about it and walks away, shaking his head in frustration... At that moment, he is attacked by Crowbar! Crowbar manages to land a few punches before security intervenes! (61)

    Mike Awesome makes his way through the crowd. He walks straight to the announcing table! Awesome says that some nasty words that Styles said a week ago have come to his attention. Awesome reminds him that Joey was the one that made the entire ECW roster hate him when he jumped to WCW. "You were telling them all that I sold out. You called me a disgrace. You were the one that made my family lose all their friends. You were talking about chasing after gold. That I was a Judas. You said it all. Do you think I've forgotten? Do you think I've forgotten, you son of a..." Awesome grabs Joey Styles! Jerry Lawler tries to stand up for his commentary partner and immediately gets a mighty clothesline. Awesome is about to do the Awesome Bomb on Styles through a table... Brian Kendrick runs out and attacks Mike. Awesome grabs Kendrick and throws him into the steel post before leaving the arena through the crowd. (59)

    Match 4, WCW North American Championship Tournament Second Round: Alex Wright vs Doug Williams (w/ Nigel McGuinness). Alex Wright and Doug Williams are both masters of technical wrestling, so the match was full of takedowns, interceptions and all sorts of interesting moves. Nigel McGuinness tried to interfere in the match. Wright shoved Doug right into him and performed a German Suplex with a roll up. 1...2...3. Wright advances to the semifinals! (10:49, 78)

    Jeff Jarrett enters the ring. "The Rock challenged me...? I don't have to do what His Majesty The Rock wants me to do. I don't have to do what you want me to do. Because no one appreciates it. I've always done what the management wanted me to do. And what did I get in return? They screwed on me the very first minute I got injured. But a deal's a deal. Don Callis promised Rock a match with me... and I promised Callis that I would bring Rock to RAGE. And the plan worked. I will have a match with The Rock and show you all who your favorite star is. After that, all The Rock has to do is go back to Vince or Hollywood with his tail between his legs. But I won't be doing it here or in this shithole, I'll do it in a proper arena. At the Great American Bash in June." (77)

    Match 5, WCW North American Championship Tournament Second Round: CM Punk vs American Dragon. Many would call the match between CM Punk and American Dragon a "technical dream match".... Both showed us why they are considered WCW's top young talents. But a bottle shot to Dragon's head two weeks earlier from James Storm still was felt. Punk quickly "cracked" the wound - and Dragon started bleeding heavily again. The blood flooded his eyes, which Punk took advantage of, catching Dragon with a Devil Lock DDT for the win. (9:48, 82)

    Match 6: Goldberg and The Rock vs Chris Kanyon and Lance Storm (w/ Bret Hart). Goldberg and Rock almost picked up the victory, but Jeff Jarrett showed up and attacked Rock. Rock and Jarrett began brawling outside the ring, leaving Goldberg alone. Storm and Kanyon double-teamed the WCW World Champion - and Lance made the pin! 1...2...3. (12:55, 76)

    Post-match, Shawn Michaels appears in the arena. Lance Storm prepares to fight. But HBK has a mic. "Take it easy Lance, I'm not here to get to you... You won like you won. And it made me realize one thing. My problem isn't so much with you, but with the man behind you. Bret Hart. Bret, do you want revenge? You don't want to let go of the past? Why don't you stop using other people and do it yourself? You and me, one on one. Hart vs Michaels. Hitman vs HBK. Let's finish what we started a long time ago." Shawn Michaels challenges Bret Hart - and the show goes off the air! (91)

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    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #95

    Spokane, WA

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 84

    We start the show from the backstage area, where Steve Corino is in Dusty Rhodes' office. Corino points out that he eliminated the most people in last night's battle royal and also was the last man standing from Nitro brand. Corino demands a WCW World Heavyweight Championship match. Rhodes replies that he'll take that into consideration. (76)

    Match 1: Samoa Joe, Homicide and Low Ki vs Kaz Hayashi, Jamie Noble and Ultimo Dragon. Samoa Joe, Homicide and Low Ki continue to stick together after BattleBowl. In a quick match full of spots, Hayashi goes for the Hayashi Cutter on Homicide. Homicide is saved by Low Ki. Low Ki kicks Hayashi out of the ring. Samoa Joe tries to grab Noble in a chokehold, but he suddenly turns it into a Guillotine Choke! Joe is in trouble! Meanwhile, Low Ki whips Ultimo Dragon right into a Gringo Killer from Homicide. 1...2...3. (9:37, 74) 

    After the ringbell Homicide and Low Ki save Joe from the hold. An enraged Joe attacks Noble and puts him in a chokehold! WCW referees and officials intervene. Tenay points out that Joe doesn't like being made to look "bad". 

    Video vignette: This man is being actively photographed for fashion magazines. He has a great body and great looks. He cares about it. He's also called "Gorgeous." His name is Bobby Roode, and he will be appearing on Nitro soon. (38)

    Backstage, WCW US Champion AJ Styles talks to Rey Mysterio. He's unhappy with beign eliminated by Rey. "We could have made it to the end together." Rey replies that they work well as a team, but it's every man for himself in battle royal. It will also be every man for himself at the Spring Stampede as Rey tries to regain the United States Championship. But they have another tag team match tonight..... (75)

    Match 2: Super Crazy and Tajiri vs Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens. Super Crazy and Tajiri have a match against young Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens and pick up a convincing victory after a Buzzsaw Kick from Tajiri and a Moonsault from Crazy. (7:20, 58)

    Raven comes out for an in-ring promo. "I think someone in WCW management doesn't like me. Not only am I not getting the chances I deserve - they're inviting all the scum from the past. My past. First Sandman. Now Saturn. Who's next? I'm not going to fight them - not alongside them, not against them. They are my toxic past. My destiny is the WCW World Heavyweight Championship." The Commissioner Dusty Rhodes is here to respond. "You're going to fight who I say and when I say. At the Spring Stampede, you're going to have a street fight against Sandman." Raven: "That's what you think, old man." (76)

    Match 3: Perry Saturn vs Mark Copani. Perry Saturn returns on Nitro and shows his class, taking on a young rookie Mark Copani at Rings of Saturn for the win. (3:15, 78)

    Post-match, Gene Okerlund comes out for an interview. Saturn buries WWE in his promo. He's happy to be back in WCW. WWE doesn't value real and dangerous fighters. They didn't give him a chance. They prefer to show clown with mops on national TV. Saturn is back where is a real rivalry and real matches. He wants a competition! How does he feel about Raven? Saturn isn't going to dig up the past. He's not in WCW for that, he's in WCW for a real competition, real wins and real titles. But he really... really... really... really didn't like the fact that Raven left him at BattleBowl. Otherwise Saturn would have already been with a WCW World Heavyweight Championship shot at the Great American Bash. (41)

    We have footage from WCW BattleBowl. An angry Chavo Guerrero bursts into the Four Horsemen's locker room. He was counting on Claudio to play along with the Horsemen and Chavo. Claudio replies that they defeated him fairly, even though he and Hero had a disagreement. Things end with a challenge: tomorrow (on tonight's show) on Nitro, Chavo Guerrero and Claudio Castagnoli will face off in a singles match. (79)

    Match 4: Rey Mysterio and AJ Styles vs Air Paris and Ricky Reyes. The tension between the future match participants at the Spring Stampede was evident this time around, but that didn't stop them from picking up the victory after Styles Clash on Paris and Springboard Hurricanrana on Reyes. (8:24, 77)

    Chavo Guerrero is not in the best of moods as he makes his way to the ring, "Because of all this internal shit between the Horsemen, I'm not with the BattleBowl ring right now. I'm sick of it. I've beaten The Rock. I've beaten Chris Hero, the winner of the SuperBrawl Classic. I've beaten every single one of your stars. But as I get closer to the pinnacle and the trophies, I get in the way. It's the same glass ceiling that has always been there for talented wrestlers in WCW. And it's getting to me! I demand that Dusty Rhodes come out here and give me what I deserve." Dusty Rhodes appears. He sets up the matches for tonight: Chavo vs Castagnoli, and Corino vs Chris Hero. The winners will fight for the #1 contendership (and shot for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at the Spring Stampede) next week. (87)

    Match 5, WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship: Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley (w/ Stacy Keibler) vs Matt Sydal and Shannon Moore. Moore has an eye patch over his eye, the result of an injury in his contendership match. That patch gets in his way as he climbs up on the top-rope and misses a high-risk maneuver on Kazarian. Bentley immediately takes him down with a Superkick and pins - Sydal doesn't make it in time to stop - the ref counts to three. Kazarian and Bentley defend the titles again. (8:56, 82)

    Backstage, Dusty Rhodes calls Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn into the office. Rhodes notes that not only do they have a great shared history in the past, but - given the BattleBowl - in the present as well, so Dusty schedules them for a 1v1 match at the Spring Stampede. (65)

    Chris Hero backstage interview. He's tired of the Horsemen's constant interference in his business. Hero wants to settle it all with them in the ring and is willing to even fight them all at once if needed.

    Match 6: Chavo Guerrero vs Claudio Castagnoli. Chavo showed that he is much more experienced than his opponent. Claudio had physical superiority on his side. Chavo dodges a Big Boot and rolls Castagnoli up into a pin, putting his feet on the ropes. 1...2...3. (9:48, 78)

    Match 7: Steve Corino vs Chris Hero. Chris Hero finally gets a singles match against Steve Corino. The wrestlers showed all the animosity between them in the ring, but it's a stretch to say that Hero got what he wanted... As soon as he was in control of the match and Corino felt like he was losing - CW Anderson showed up. It doesn't come down to interference, but Hero and the ref are distracted - and Corino hits Hero with a brass knuckle. 1...2...3. (15:48, 87)

    Post-match, Anderson and Corino throw some punches to Hero, as the crowd is booing and Nitro ending.



    Episode #16

    Bradley Center, Milwaukee, WI

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and Don Callis
    Overall: 84

    Lance Storm, accompanied by Bret Hart, opens the show and brags about his victory, the BattleBowl ring and the fact that he is going to the Great American Bash where he will finally become WCW World Heavyweight Champion. It's serious now! Shawn Michaels interrupts. He points out to how Lance won. The HBK shows video footage: in the match, CM Punk catched Lance during the elimination. But Lance's feet touched the mats outside the ring at least the same time as HBK's if not earlier. But the new WCW referee Jack Doan didn't see it. HBK calls for the decision to be changed. Hart intervenes and says the refs' decisions are final. They always have been. Don Callis grabs the mic from the commentary position, "Jack Doan is a new ref and could have made a mistake. Tonight he will get a chance to correct it because in the main event, Lance Storm and Shawn Michaels will decide of who gets the match at the Great American Bash. Jack Doan will referee the match." (100)

    Match 1: Shane Helms vs TJ Perkins. Shane Helms defeats TJ Perkins in great lightweight action. Don Callis announced during the match that Helms will get a rematch for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship at the next RAGE. (8:20, 63)

    Backstage, John Cena is angry with Hugh Morrus for not helping him during their tag team match at BattleBowl. Morrus replies that sometimes the young ones need to be taught a lesson. Cena: "Oh yeah? All the locker room and their authority figures can kiss my ass!" He challenged Matt Morgan to a match tonight and doesn't want to see Morrus anywhere near the ring. (58)

    Tonight, Mike Awesome starts his participation in WCW North American Championship tournament. Franchin tries to find him for an interview but he's not in the locker room.

    Match 2: John Cena vs 'The Blueprint' Matt Morgan (w/ Christopher Daniels). John Cena met a serious opponent in the form of the powerful (but not yet too skilled in the ring) Matt Morgan. Cena was better due to his speed. Christopher Daniels began to interfere in the match and gave Morgan a leverage. Hugh Morrus runs out to help and accidentally knocks Cena down. Daniels attacks Morrus, and Morgan is in the ring laying Cena out with a Hellevator for the win. (5:46, 55)

    Post-match, Cena is not happy with Morrus. He pushes him off and goes backstage.

    Backstage, Sean O'Haire and Crowbar are talking. Sean doesn't hold a grudge against Crowbar for last night's defeat. But they have a tag team match again tonight. And if they want to defend the WCW World Tag Team Championship at the Spring Stampede together, they'll have to do better tonight. (64)

    Match 3: Sean O'Haire and Crowbar vs The Prima Donnas (Christian York and Joey Matthews). O'Haire get a hot tag... and walks out of the ring! Crowbar doesn't understand what's going on. Especially after Sean's reassurances... But Christian York and Joey Matthews seize the moment and run their new finisher, the Snapshot, on Crowbar. The Prima Donnas pick up the huge victory at RAGE! (4:28, 60)

    Backstage, WCW World Champion Goldberg wishes Shawn Michaels good luck. "We had a great match at Starrcade. I still want to find out which one of us is better. And this time, we'd make the match to the end without interference." (76)

    Match 4, WCW North American Championship Tournament First Round: Mike Awesome vs Paul London. Mike Awesome comes through the crowd again and attacks Paul London from behind, gaining an early advantage in the match. London had a hard time recovering from such an attack. Especially as Awesome used his full arsenal of brutal moves. The announcers were looking surprised, forgetting what Mike's matches in ECW looked like. London tried to retake control and even succeeded, but Awesome catches him during one of his jumps and delivers an Awesome Bomb for the win. (12:49, 76)

    Post-match, Mike Awesome further tries to "make an impact" and sends London into the steel steps! Then he - despite the screams and protests of the announcers, especially Joey Styles - begins to dismantle the announcing table... Brian Kendrick runs to the ring with a group of road agents. Awesome eventually leaves the arena through the crowd.

    Chris Kanyon backstage promo. He brags about his victory over The Rock. "I'm still the #1 contender, but where's my title match? At the Spring Stampede, a member of Nitro will get the match, at the Great American Bash it will be Storm or HBK. Where am I, where's Kanyon?". (89)

    Match 5: Sting and Booker T vs Elix Skipper and Petey Williams. Sting and Booker still try to make it work as a tag team before their chance to become tag team champions at the Spring Stampede.  Booker T saves Sting from the Canadian Destroyer with a Harlem Sidekick. Booker knocks Skipper out of the ring and Sting forces Petey to submit to the Scorpion Deathlock. (11:40, 79)

    The Rock enters the arena, walks straight to the announcing table and addresses Don Callis directly, "I signed with RAGE on the condition that you give me Jeff Jarrett. Where's my match with him? You got a week to give me that son of a bitch." (87)

    Match 6, Title Shot for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Lance Storm (w/ Bret Hart) vs Shawn Michaels. The wrestlers knew each other well. After all, this is their third match after Clash of the Champions and SuperBrawl... CM Punk tries to interfere in the match, but Michaels gets rid of him. The referee is distracted by this - at which point Bret Hart climbs into the ring with a ringbell in his hands! Shawn spots him, sweeps his legs and grabs him in a Sharpshooter! Hart taps out! Lance meanwhile comes back and hits Shawn with a ringbell to the head. Bret takes the bell and gets out of the ring... And Storm makes the pin to three. (19:54, 81)

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    WCW BattleBowl 2003

    Key Arena, Seattle, WA

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Jerry Lawler and Joey Styles
    Overall: 81

    WCW BattleBowl opens up with a video of previous Lethal Lottery moments from the past. We are shown past winners: Sting, Keiji Mutah, Vader. Then we transition to the current participants. Tonight, 40 WCW wrestlers will have a chance to win a BattleBowl ring and get a WCW World Heavyweight Championship match at Great American Bash. (76)

    Match 1: Alex Wright and Doug Williams (w/ Nigel McGuinness) vs American Dragon and 'Cowboy' James Storm. Nigel McGuinness limps with a bandaged leg and crutch, the result of his injury 3 days ago in his match against Hugh Morrus. American Dragon and James Storm are arguing: 3 days ago Storm split Dragon's head open by smashing a bottle over his head. Storm doesn't seem particularly worried about it. He lets Dragon handle the match, and is rather lazy himself, only getting in the ring when necessary. Wright and Williams showed off their full arsenal of technical moves. At the end they pissed off James Storm, who finally entered the match at 100%. Dragon accidentally attacks Storm - and James, without thinking long, smashes a bottle over his head again! That's enough for Doug Williams to make the pin. 1...2..3. (8:48, 71)

    Homicide, Samoa Joe and Low Ki backstage interview. Homicide and Joe are paired tonight. They all know each other from the indies. And the three of them together could be an unstoppable force in the final Battle Royal. (62)

    Backstage, Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes talk. Flair: "I've had an eventful past with your father... But that's in the past. Tonight I'm excited to go out with you as a team and win and get to the Battle Royal. WHOOOO!" (80)

    Match 2: Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes vs Homicide and Samoa Joe. Interesting fact: this isn't the first BattleBowl for Dustin Rhodes and Ric Flair. Flair participated in 1996 and Rhodes in the very first one in 1991. Their experience was immediately apparent, though they had a hard time matching the youth and aggressiveness of their opponents. Homicide did the smart thing and tried to get Joe in the ring as often as possible. Flair's experience played a part when he was able to twist out of Joe's takedown attempt and push him out of the ring. While Homicide was figuring out what happened, Rhodes gives him a BlackOut. 1...2...3. (9:22, 82)

    Backstage, Rey Mysterio speaks to WCW US Champion AJ Styles. "We have a match in a month, but tonight we're a tag team" (76)

    Match 3: Hugh Morrus and John Cena vs Paul London and Christopher Daniels. Morrus and Cena have their fair share of miscommunication, but London and Daniels had problems. Morrus as a veteran tried to tell Cena what to do and when to do it. And Cena, as a man who doesn't care what veterans think of him, didn't really listen. Maybe he should have listened, because Daniels knocks Cena off with Last Rites. Morrus is angry and isn't going to help his tag team partner. London performs Shooting Star Press for the win. (9:29, 72)

    In the office, Four Horsemen participate in a Lethal Lottery draw. Steve Corino is happy with Abyss as his tag team partner. Claudio Castagnoli not so much, because he got... his former partner Chris Hero! Oh, and they also be fighting against fellow Horseman CW Anderson and Chavo Guerrero. (78)

    Match 4: Shane Helms and Elix Skipper vs Shawn Michaels and Billy Kidman. The announcers mention the fact that we are probably in for another Helms vs Skipper match for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship in the future. But tonight they are a tag team. And they had their problems as a team, because HBK and Kidman looked incredibly good. The announcers even noticed some elements of the Rockers' style in them. Michaels knocks Skipper out of the ring with the Sweet Chin Music, and Kidman delivers a Shooting Star Press on Helms for the win. (10:18, 79)

    Backstage, Sean O'Haire talks to Crowbar. "We're the tag team partners tonight - against Sting and Booker T. If all goes well, I might pick you as the second half of WCW World Tag Team Champions" (61)

    Match 5: Kaz Hayashi and Fit Finlay vs Steve Corino and Abyss (w/ James Mitchell). Corino expectedly tried to "control" the monster Abyss - and this tactic brought him success, as Corino avoids a Tombstone from Finlay and sends the veteran straight into a Black Hole Slam of Abyss. 1...2...3. (9:10, 83)

    Raven comes out for his next match and awaits his tag team partner. It's... PERRY SATURN!

    Match 6: Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn vs Raven and Perry Saturn. Saturn returns to WCW after 3 years. RVD and Lynn team up in a very explosive mix. Essentially all four worked more of an individual style, putting on a massive brawl with ECW style spots. In the middle of the match, Sandman runs out and attacks Raven. Raven and Sandman move into the crowd with their brawl. Saturn gets a Cradle Piledriver from Lynn. 1...2...3. (11:58, 75)

    Post-match, RVD immediately attacks Jerry Lynn! The winners begin to brawl - and security are forced to separate them. (71)

    Sting backstage interview. "I won the very first BattleBowl in 1991. It's been a long time since then. But I'm going to repeat that win 12 years later." (66)

    Match 7: Rey Mysterio and AJ Styles vs Jamie Noble and Low Ki. Mysterio and Styles were able to put their differences aside and work as a team. But their opponents were serious: Noble with his arsenal of technical moves and holds and Low Ki with a bunch of stiff kicks. The wrestlers had a great match, but Mysterio and Styles were stronger. Mysterio sent Low Ki out of the ring with a hurricanrana, and Styles converted a takedown attempt from Noble into a Styles Clash. 1...2...3. (11:08, 79)

    Match 8: Sting and Booker T vs Sean O'Haire and Crowbar. Booker and Sting are once again forced to perform as a tag team, but they seem to have getting along. Perhaps the looming chance to become tag team champions at the Spring Stampede has something to do with it... O'Haire comes out with two tag team belts and won't even let Crowbar hold one of them. Apparently, you have to earn it... Sting and Booker T really worked well as a team, which can't be said for their opponents, where Sean blatantly pressured Crowbar with authority. It ends with Booker T knocking O'Haire out of the ring with a Harlem Sidekick, and in the ring, Sting puts Crowbar in a Scorpion Deathlock. Crowbar gives up. (9:08, 79)

    CM Punk and Lance Storm backstage interview. "We have a good chance because we're not a random team. We have similar goals. And similar enemies." (77)

    Match 9: Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli vs CW Anderson and Chavo Guerrero. Hero and Castagnoli team up again, albeit under very different circumstances. Chavo Guerrero tried to take on the role of "mastermind" and work with CW to get Claudio to side with them. When that didn't work out, Chavo tried to play on the controversy between Hero and Castagnoli. Claudio and Chris were surprisingly able to remember a few team maneuvers and not remember how much they hated each other. This pissed off Chavo, who got angry at CW Anderson! The tension between them was used by Hero and Castagnoli, conducting a KRS ONE on Chavo. 1...2...3. (12:05, 85)

    Match 10: Lance Storm and CM Punk vs Brian Kendrick and Petey Williams. Storm and Punk were expected to work well together, but they still surprised everyone: they looked like they have at least a few years of tag team experience together. Storm tried to influence Petey, but the latter forgot about all relationships outside the ring and fought like a beast. In the end we were treated to an exciting tag team match where one mistake affected the outcome. Petey Williams doesn't listen to Kendrick asking for the tag and decides to finish the match himself with the Canadian Destroyer, but Lance proves to be all too familiar with his style. He sweeps Petey over by his feet and puts him into the Maple Leaf. Kendrick rushes in to help but is stopped by Punk. Petey Williams gives up. (11:04, 82)

    Match 11: Goldberg and The Rock vs Chris Kanyon and Jeff Jarrett. The only match tonight that is not part of the Lethal Lottery. Goldberg and Rock grab the lead almost immediately as they seek revenge on their enemies. Rock especially tries to get at Jarrett to the delight of the crowd. From there, the match goes into a routine where each of the wrestlers shows off their arsenal of typical moves pretty early on. Kanyon does a leap off the top rope, but Goldberg catches him with a belly-to-belly suplex. Tag to The Rock, who knocks both opponents off their feet. Jarrett hits the low blow and delivers a Stroke! 1...2...NO! Goldberg hits Jarrett with a Spear! Spear for Kanyon... missed, the ref gets the hit! The Rock knocks Kanyon down and delivers a Rock Bottom. Pin. The ref is down. The Rock goes to wake up the ref - and gets hit with a guitar by Jarrett! Goldberg immediately knocks Jeff out of the ring. In the ring, Kanyon performs a Flatliner on The Rock. The referee comes round. 1...2...3. (12:28, 75)

    Post-match, Goldberg returns to the ring and hits Kanyon with a Spear! Jarrett tries to get back into the ring, but one look from Goldberg is enough for Jeff to drop the idea. He picks up Kanyon and helps him back up to the ramp.

    Match 12, BattleBowl Final, Battle Royal: Alex Wright, Doug Williams, Ric Flair, Dustin Rhodes, Paul London, Christopher Daniels, Shawn Michaels, Billy Kidman, Steve Corino, Abyss, Sting, Booker T, Rey Mysterio, AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, Jerry Lynn, Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, Lance Storm and CM Punk. It's a standard Battle Royal. The winner will get a BattleBowl ring and match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Great American Bash in June. It was a quite chaotic battle royal. So point by point what was worth paying attention to: * Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes continued to work as a tag team. And were quite good at it. 
    * Steve Corino and Claudio Castagnoli teamed up against Chris Hero.
    * Lance Storm and CM Punk also continued to work together, saving each other from their opponents. 
    * Alex Wright and Billy Kidman attack Abyss, but Abyss eliminates both of them.
    * HBK eliminates Doug Williams.
    * Rob Van Dam climbs onto the top rope, he is attacked by Jerry Lynn - the wrestlers both fall out of the ring and continue to brawl all over the arena!
    * Castagnoli and Corino come close to eliminating Hero, but he is saved by Flair and Rhodes. They eliminate Castagnoli, Corino manages to stay.
    * Chris Hero is hanging on the ropes, CW Anderson attacks him, pulling him down outside the ring over the top rope. Hero is eliminated!
    * AJ Styles tries to eliminate Punk, but Rey knocks him out of the ring!
    * Paul London jumps on Abyss, who catches him and throws him out of the ring. Sting and Booker T team up to knock Abyss out of the ring!
    * That leaves 8 competitors: Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels, Steve Corino, Sting, Booker T, Rey Mysterio, Lance Storm and CM Punk. One of them will get a BattleBowl ring and a world title match at the Great American Bash!
    * Punk and Storm attack HBK, Flair fights Corino. Ric tries to eliminate Corino, but he knocks Flair out of the ring himself!
    * Sting climbs up onto the top rope, and Booker T hits a Harlem Sidekick on Corino at this point... but misses and hits the ropes. The ropes shake, Sting loses his balance and falls outside the ring! Stinger is clearly not happy. Booker T apologizes - and that's when Corino eliminates him! 
    * The Final Five: Shawn Michaels, Steve Corino, Lance Storm, CM Punk and Rey Mysterio.
    * Mysterio's Hurricanrana eliminates Punk! Punk is furious. He stays outside the ring. 
    * Rey Mysterio jumps on Corino with a hurricanrana - he catches him on the shoulders and prepares to send him out of the ring with a powerbomb... but Storm hits him with a dropkick to the back - and they both fall out!
    * Only Lance Storm and Shawn Michaels remain!
    * After several moves and attempted finishers, the wrestlers clash on the top rope... and fall out of the ring together... but CM Punk manages to "catch" Storm, preventing his feet from touching the floor and leaving him on an apron. Lance Storm returns to the ring and is declared the winner! (19:52, 80)

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    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #94

    Savvis Center, St. Louis, MO

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 85

    Chavo Guerrero opens the show with a promo. "All week I've been hearing about The Rock not being on Nitro anymore. What the big deal? I beat The Rock! I beat Hero last week too, if you noticed. Start appreciating the real performers, not the entertainers. I'm staying! That's what matter!" (84)

    Match 1: Kaz Hayashi vs Alex Shelley. Kaz hits Hayashi Cutter on Alex Shelley for the easy win. (4:42, 59)

    Post-match, Kaz Hayashi asks for a microphone and says (in English for the first time!) that if Low Ki wants to see the killer instinct in him, he'll see it... in a match at Spring Stampede. (51)

    Backstage, Matt Sydal lays out his dissapointment with Jamie Noble and Ultimo Dragon over the defeat a week ago (and losing the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team titles). "If I'd been in the team like was planned, it wouldn't have happened." The tension between Dragon and Sydal is palpable. Sydal now wants to try to get back the titles with his new partner... Shannon Moore! Noble and Dragon are unhappy as they want a rematch first. As a result, Sydal and Moore challenge them to a match - the winners will get the titles shot. (51)

    Match 2: Tajiri vs Sandman. Sandman returns to WCW and gets a match against another ECW alumni Tajiri. Despite Tajiri's best efforts, he missed his signature Buzzsaw Kick and got caught in a White Russian Legsweep. 1...2...3. (7:53, 51)

    Post-match, Raven appears in the arena. "I wasn't expecting you, that's right. We have a long history. But I'm not afraid of you. You made a mistake. Here in WCW there are my rules. It's my world, where you don't belong." Sandman calls Raven to the ring, but he leaves. (51)

    Backstage, Dusty Rhodes meets Chavo Guerrero and reminds him that his victory over Hero was not without interference. Chavo wants to prove what kind of "performer" he is? He'll get his chance tonight in a tag team match with Steve Corino against Goldberg and Hero. (72)

    Match 3, #1 Contendership for WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship: Jamie Noble and Ultimo Dragon vs Matt Sydal and Shannon Moore. Jamie Noble and Ultimo Dragon were desperate to rehabilitate themselves after last week's loss, but to the surprise of many Matt Sydal and Shannon Moore looked great as a pairing. Noble falls out of the ring and Dragon gets a Rocker Dropper from Moore and a 630 Splash from Sydal. 1...2...3. Great match, by the way. (14:36, 80)

    Post-match, WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley, accompanied by Stacy Keibler, show up to take a look at their future opponents. (62)

    Rey Mysterio backstage interview. He is going to reclaim the US title at Spring Stampede. AJ Styles comes up and says he would be honoured to go up against the "original master" of the cruiserweight style in WCW once again. (61)

    Match 4: Dustin Rhodes vs Johnny Swinger. Johnny Swinger was good - and there was clearly a glimpse of his potential - but it wasn't enough to defeat Dustin Rhodes. Rhodes catches Swinger with a Blackout and wins. (6:55, 73)

    Post-match, Dustin Rhodes says BattleBowl is his father's genius invention. Dustin will be happy to get the win this Sunday and get another shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. (66)

    Match 5: Rey Mysterio vs Rob Van Dam. It was everything we hoped for and more. This match that was expectedly full of beautiful moves and mesmerising high-risk spots. RVD misses with a 5 Star Frog Splash - and gets the Springboard Hurricanrana by Rey Mysterio, followed by a pin. 1...2...3. Important victory for Rey Mysterio! (14:50, 86)

    Post-match, Rey doesn't have time to celebrate properly, as he gets Van Dominator with a chair from RVD! Van Dam jumps on the top-rope for the 5 Star Frog Splash... but the appearance of Jerry Lynn changes his plans. (67)

    Match 6: Goldberg and Chris Hero vs Steve Corino and Chavo Guerrero. Goldberg and Chris Hero looked good teaming up against Steve Corino and Chavo Guerrero. The match was even, but the scales were tipped by the appearance of CW Anderson, who catches Hero with a Spinebuster on the concrete floor at ringside (CW had removed the mats beforehand). Corino and Goldberg fight to the ringside, and Chavo pins an unconscious Hero back in the ring for the win. (14:44, 89)



    Episode #15

    Louisville, KY

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and Don Callis
    Overall: 82

    Right out of the gate, we're thrown into chaos backstage with officials, refs, and even the cops trying to cool things down. Sean O'Haire, Mike Sanders, and a visibly shaken Don Callis are at the center of it all. As we can figure from all the shouting, O'Haire and Jindrak weren't too happy about being left out of the WCW North American Championship tournament, leading to Jindrak landing a punch on Callis. Talk about drama! As a result, Jindrak was arrested (we don't even get to see it). Don Callis: "You're not in the tournament because the tournament matches will be held at the Spring Stampede among other things... where you were supposed to defend the WCW World Tag Team Championship! Now? As of this second: Mark Jindrak is fired! I don't want to see him at RAGE... ever!" Callis gives Sean O'Haire 30 days to find a new tag team partner for the match at Spring Stampede. If no partner is available, O'Haire will put the belts in Callis' hands - and the titles will be declared vacant. (62)

    TONIGHT: The Rock and Goldberg will team up against Christopher Daniels and Matt Morgan ahead of their tag team match at BattleBowl. (67)

    Match 1: Jeff Jarrett vs Jason Cross. Jeff Jarrett returns to the ring after a two year hiatus and proves he hasn't lost his skills yet by defeating Jason Cross after the Stroke. (4:05, 63)

    Post-match, Jeff Jarrett takes the mic and openly laughs at the idea of a tag team match on PPV. "Goldberg only became the face of WCW because I wasn't there. I was the face of WCW at the very end of the company's old era. I basically saved the company. Without me it would be dead in 1999. And I should have been leading the company going forward since 2001. Goldberg should thank me." Chris Kanyon comes out and agrees with Jeff. Jeff could have been a top in the new WCW if given the chance. Just like Kanyon took his chance and became WCW World Heavyweight Champion and, well, face of the company. BattleBowl, they'll show who you have to bet on. Jarrett and Kanyon shake hands in confirmation of the alliance formed. (84)

    Backstage, The British Invasion are pleased with themselves, having won entry into the WCW North American title tournament. Tonight they promise to make themselves the headline news by winning in the first round. (41)

    Match 2, WCW North American Championship Tournament First Round: Nigel McGuinness (w/ Doug Williams) vs Hugh Morrus. Nigel McGuinness keeps his word and defeats Hugh Morrus by catching him with the Jawbreaker Lariat. Nigel suffers a hip injury during the match - he needs help to get backstage. (5:49, 75)

    'Cowboy' James Storm backstage interview. He reminds us that there are no worthy competitors on RAGE who have survived even one night in the bars of Nashville. And that tonight is his in-ring debut competing in the WCW North American Championship tournament. (42)

    Backstage, Hugh Morrus talks to John Cena about the importance of 100% concentration on a match. Not to repeat the situation from last week where Cena got distracted by Morrus and lost the match. "Take this advice, kid, from someone who went through a lot in this ring". Cena replies that he's not going to pretend to listen to this advice for the sake of earning supposed respect from Morrus or any other "locker room guys". He knows what to do. And Morrus better watch himself so he doesn't lose like he did tonight. (42)

    Mike Awesome walks through the crowd and enters the RAGE ring. He announces his return to WCW and explains that he wanted to make himself noticed last week. "I'm not going to repeat my mistakes from my first run in WCW. I'm a former ECW champion. I'm one of the most dangerous guys here. What kind of respect did I get last time? Dumb gimmicks? Some clowns as opponents? Fat Chick Thrilla? Really? 70's guy? I hate it! They were giving me some comedy shit only in WCW. In WWE I didn't even get a chance. Because I don't conform to "locker room rules"? So I went to Japan. I dominated there. I was an IWGP champion. But even in Japan, I didn't get respect even though I beat all their champions. Look... I won't wait for respect anymore. I will take it myself. And if anyone is against it, they will be in trouble." Mike Awesome announces that he is in the tournament for the vacant WCW North American title! (82)

    Match 3, WCW North American Championship Tournament First Round: 'Cowboy' James Storm vs American Dragon. Storm easily discovered that there are in fact worthy opponents on RAGE when Dragon surprised him with a set of technical moves... eventually Storm smashes a bottle over Dragon's head and gets a disqualification. (6:41, 78)

    Post-match, Dragon's head is busted open and bleeding badly. He requires medical attention. And James Storm doesn't seem to regret anything. 

    Backstage, CM Punk and Lance Storm are talking. Punk says he respects Storm, respects his approach to business and that's why he chose him as his partner at BattleBowl. Lance didn't come here to hang out, get drunk and get high. Neither did Punk. If they stick together, one of them will walk away from the BattleBowl with a victory ring on his finger. (76)

    Booker T in-ring promo. He's unhappy with being put on a team with Sting over and over again instead of being given a singles spot in the main event. Luckily, this Sunday, he will pick up a victory at BattleBowl and return to WCW World Heavyweight Championship picture. Sting comes out. Sting doesn't like teaming with Booker either. "You've changed, Booker, and I'm not sure for the better...". The wrestlers agree to avoid each other... but Don Callis is here. (By the way, he has a a black eye, thanks to fired Mark Jindrak). He has plans of his own. He wants Sting and Booker T to fight for the WCW Tag Team Championship at the Spring Stampede! "You can avoid each other all you want... or you can team up and have a chance to be champions at the next PPV." Booker T and Sting agree to give it a chance and shake hands. (97)

    Christopher Daniels backstage interview. He's not afraid of Goldberg or The Rock. Matt Morgan is much more powerful than Goldberg anyway, and Daniels is more charismatic than The Rock. (55)

    Match 4, WCW North American Championship Tournament First Round: Billy Kidman vs Doug Williams. Doug Williams tries to replicate the success of his tag team partner, but Billy Kidman is a tough opponent. Kidman wiggles out of Chaos Theory and performs Back Suplex. Next up is the Shooting Star Press to the delight of the fans and the win. (13:02, 81)

    Post-match, Kidman has no time to recover before he is attacked by Mike Awesome with a chair! A powerful chair shot to the head knocks Kidman out. Security guards rush to the ring - and Mike leaves the arena through the crowd.

    Shawn Michaels backstage interview. "I don't care who Punk chose to partner with... But he got in my business. Every action has consequences." HBK challenges Punk to a match tonight. (72)

    Match 5: Goldberg and The Rock vs Christopher Daniels and 'The Blueprint' Matt Morgan. Even though Matt Morgan was strong and powerful, he and Christopher Daniels couldn't compete with Goldberg and The Rock. Daniels was pinned after a Jackhammer by WCW World Champion. (11:43, 77)

    Post-match, Chris Kanyon and Jeff Jarrett attack the winners. Goldberg and The Rock try to fight back, but Jarrett smashes his guitar over Goldberg's head. Next thing you know, Kanyon and Jarrett attack The Rock 2-on-1 and it ends in a beating. (77)

    Match 6: Shawn Michaels vs CM Punk. Fans were expecting a decent match, but were slightly disappointed by the absolute mismatch of styles between those two. HBK was closer to victory due his experience. Michaels avoids a Devil Lock DDT and puts Punk down with a suplex. Preparing for Sweet Chin Music... Lance Storm distracts Michaels. That's enough for Punk to roll Shawn up in a pin to three. (15:06, 76)

    Post-match, Lance Storm and CM Punk double team Michaels. The announcers notice that the American Dragon is unlikely to help his mentor tonight as he was injured... Storm and Punk take Michaels down with a Maple Leaf/Anakonda Vice combination! Finally Brian Kendrick and Paul London come to the rescue, but serious damage has still been done.


    World Championship Wrestling presents...

    The Big Return of...



    It contains the Lethal Lottery. 

    40 Men will go into random tag teams.

    Winners of tag team matches advance where it's every man for himself in a...

    Battle Royal!

    The winner will get a shot for WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Great American Bash.


    Goldberg and The Rock vs Chris Kanyon and Jeff Jarrett.


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    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #93

    Breslin Student Event Center, East Lansing, MI

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 83

    TONIGHT: The Rock will decide which brand he'll sign an exclusive contract with. (79)

    TONIGHT: Rob Van Dam, Samoa Joe, Rey Mysterio and Jerry Lynn will compete in fatal-four way match to determine #1 contender for WCW United States Championship. Also, we'll get a steel cage match for the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship. (58)

    Match 1: Homicide and Low Ki vs Shannon Moore and Matt Sydal. Homicide and Low Ki open the show with victory and show themselves as a promising tag team. (8:40, 74)

    Post-match, Low Ki grabs the mic and says that when he came to WCW he paired with Kaz Hayashi, because he saw a fighter in him. But he wasn't. Hayashi is like a toothless shark. No killer instinct. No potential. Low Ki is a real fighter. He's a warrior. He's dangerous. And he prefers to have a team with others like him, like Homicide. (61) 

    Chris Hero backstage interview. He complains that he won the SuperBrawl Classic, but didn't get anything good as a reward. Now he's going to win at BattleBowl and get his shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Chavo Guerrero, who is walking by, laughs outright and brags that he beat The Rock a week ago. Hero challenges him to a match. (80)

    Match 2: Raven vs Ricky Reyes. Raven defeats Ricky Reyes after the Raven Effect (4:47, 68).

    Post-match, Raven takes the microphone: "So, it's Sandman...  I'm so tired of him. Everywhere I showed up, there was Sandman. WCW is my yard. I'm not afraid of Sandman. And I will send him to the dumpster where he belongs." Sandman's music hits - and Raven visibly startles - but no one shows up. The announcers notice that Raven is somewhat worried about Sandman's appearance in WCW after all. (58)

    Rob Van Dam in-ring promo. "In my first 'run' in WCW, I immediately became United States Champion and walked away a champion. Last time, just one mistake prevented me from defeating Styles. But tonight, I'm going to win the contender's match - and there won't be any more mistakes." Jerry Lynn responds. Lynn recalls their history together and says he's ready to kick RVD's butt one more time. (71)

    Match 3: Steve Corino vs Johnny Swinger. Johnny Swinger tried his best, but a brass knuckle shot left him with no chance at victory. (5:50, 80)

    The Rock arrives at the building. (80)

    Rey Mysterio backstage interview. He says that last year was tough for him. The road to the WCW United States Championship will resuscitate his career and get him back on top. (61)

    Match 4, WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship, Steel Cage Match: Jamie Noble and Ultimo Dragon vs Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley. In a grueling and even bloody match, Kazarian takes advantage of Dragon's mistake during a leapfrog and catches him with the Wave of Future. The win and we have the new WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team champions! (13:35, 80)

    Samoa Joe backstage promo. He's still undefeated and no one can stop him on his way to the WCW United States Championship. (72)

    Match 5: Chris Hero vs Chavo Guerrero. Hero, as always, combined stiff kicks and punches with creative takedowns and suplexes. And Chavo was trying his luck with cheap tactics and sneaky moves. Chavo hits with an eye poke - Hero misses with KO Elbow as a result and gets rolled up for two. Chavo performs Gory Buster. 1...2. Frog Splash attempt - Hero lifts his knees! Chris prepares for Hero's Welcome, but Steve Corino comes out onto the ramp. Hero is distracted - and Chavo runs another Gory Buster, followed by a Frog Splash for the win. (10:49, 76)

    WCW US Champion AJ Styles joins the announcers. 

    Match 6, #1 Contendership for WCW United States Championship: Samoa Joe vs Rob Van Dam vs Rey Mysterio vs Jerry Lynn. The winner will get his shot at Spring Stampede in May. Normally these matches don't have a reputation as exciting, but that's apparently true for the other companies... Because tonight, the wrestlers delivered a match worthy of a PPV. Everyone showed their arsenal, everyone had a chance to win. Lynn knew RVD's style pretty well, so he was able to catch him with the Cradle Piledriver. Rey Mysterio took advantage of that. He knocked Lynn out of the ring and finished RVD off with the West Coast Pop for the win. (15:03, 87)

    Post-match, AJ Styles and Rey Mysterio have a little staredown.

    The Rock comes out to announce his decision. He starts off by saying that when he signed with WCW, he saw himself on Nitro and with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. So he wants to sign with... Jeff Jarrett interrupts him by appearing on the titantron. Jarrett taunts Rock, calls him a coward and says that The Rock has always gone where he gets paid more, where he's promised more. He left his fans because he was lured to Hollywood. He left his WWE fans when he was lured to WCW. So the decision to stay on Nitro would make sense. The Rock replies that he will be on Nitro... when he becomes the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion and be able to appear on every show, but in the meantime he's going to RAGE to kick jabroni Jarrett's ass! (82)


    Mark Jindrak released from WCW

    WCW has come to terms on the release of Mark Jindrak.

    Insiders reveal that Jindrak lately was unhappy with his booking. He gave an ultimatum asking for release and threatening to sabotage his performance if declined. Despite being an active WCW World Tag Team Champion, his request was granted. Several other wrestling promotions have already expressed interest in Jindrak, seeing him as a valuable addition to their rosters. We'll see where he lands.



    Episode #14

    American Airlines Arena, Miami, FL

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and Don Callis
    Overall: 82

    Before the show even officially begins, Don Callis stands in the ring with a briefcase in hands. He has promised a special announcement that will eclipse Dusty Rhodes' idea with BattleBowl and Lethal Lottery... "There will be a new championship title at RAGE - the North American Championship." Callis pulls out the brand new championship belt. 


    There will be a 16-Man Tournament. The finals will take place at the Great American Bash. So in June we will crown the first ever WCW North American Champion! (59)

    TONIGHT: The Piper's Pit returns! And The Rock will be the guest. He'll talk about his decision to sign an exclusive contract with RAGE. (81)

    TONIGHT: Shawn Michaels, Sting and Booker T vs Lance Storm, Elix Skipper and Petey Williams. (67)

    Match 1, WCW North American Championship Tournament First Round: Alex Wright vs Crowbar. Both lost their matches at Uncensored, so they meet tonight at RAGE. Alex Wright blocks a DVD from Crowbar and does a German Suplex with a roll-up into a pin to three. (11:10, 71)

    John Cena had a taped interview from his home. Jerry Lawler says that his speech about inequality backstage at RAGE caused a stir all over the internet (he doesn't say "marks", but we know...). Jerry asks him what he meant. Cena talks about how it's always been this way: young wrestlers were bullied by the veterans... No one helps them. John comes from a normal family. Not a wrestler's son, not a rich man's son. When you come from that background, you almost have no chance in this business. Young wrestlers have a choice: to lick the ass of the 'locker room leaders' and become the same as them - drinking with the guys after the show, picking on the young and weak, protecting their big egos... or to change the occupation. Cena has worked hard his whole life. He worked hard when he played football. He worked hard as a bodyguard. He's going to work hard in WCW. He doesn't need the respect of the locker room. He will succeed with his hard work even if the entire RAGE locker room is against him. Cina wants to be an example for young wrestlers, showing that you don't have to be 'like everyone else' to succeed in this business. (69)

    The British Invasion backstage interview. "We're not participating in the WCW North American Tournament, but foooking clown acrobats like Yang or Dutt are in? Foook this!  Everyone is afraid of our tough British technical style." Williams and McGuinness challenge Yang and Dutt to a match for a place in the tournament. (44)

    Match 2, WCW North American Championship Tournament First Round: Brian Kendrick vs Elix Skipper. Elix is still the WCW Cruiserweight Champion, but now he wants a bigger and better title. Skipper was doing pretty well. He was overconfident. That's what got him destroyed: Skipper goes for a springboard, but Kendrick knocks him down with a superkick to the legs. Sliced Bread #2 ends the match with Kendrick winning. (13:38, 86)

    Post-match, both wrestlers are exhausted. It was a tough match after all. Some man comes through the crowd... he jumps into the ring... wait... He delivers a devastating chair shot to Brian Kendrick. It's MIKE AWESOME! He's back! Awesome knocks out Elix Skipper with the same shot.  Paul London, referees and security rush to the ring and Mike leaves the arena through the crowd.

    "Cowboy" James Storm comes out to the announcers table again with a bottle of beer. "There are no opponents for me here... But I've decided to enter the tournament for the WCW North American vacant title" (49)

    Backstage, Francine  asks CM Punk if he's decided on a tag team partner for BattleBowl after winning the battle royal a week ago. Punk says it's funny because if someone else had won, the smartest decision would have been to pick Punk.... But he can't choose himself. There's no second CM Punk. CM Punk says he's not only going to win at BattleBowl, but he's also going to participate tonight in the tournament to become the first WCW North American Champion. "As for a partner - I'll give you an answer by the end of the night." (71)

    Match 3: The British Invasion (Doug Williams and Nigel McGuinness) vs Yang and Sonjay Dutt. Yang and Dutt defended their spots in the tournament, but the British Invasion proved stronger. In an even match, Nigel McGuinness knocks out a leaping off the top rope Dutt with a Jawbreaker Lariat for the win. (9:24, 66)

    Hugh Morrus cuts a backstage promo to John Cena: "What is that punk thinking? If you don't fit the locker room, you have to look within yourself for a reason. And be more humble, kid." Hugh talks about how he learned the most in wrestling from the older guys in the locker room. And that's how he got respect. Perhaps Cena should try better to fit in. (53)

    Match 4, WCW North American Championship Tournament First Round: CM Punk vs Shane Helms. The wrestlers were too mismatched in style, so the match went worse than planned. Punk avoids the Vertabreaker and grabs Helms in the Anakonda Vice for the win. (10:51, 77)

    Backstage, Shawn Michaels talks to Sting and Booker T and asks them to put their differences aside in tonight's match. HBK needs a team to be a team. (76)

    Match 5, WCW North American Championship Tournament First Round: John Cena vs Christopher Daniels. Hugh Morrus joins the announcers and continues to talk about Cena's disrespect for the locker room. Cena is distracted by Morrus for a moment - and that was enough for Last Rites from Daniels. 'Fallen Angel' makes the three-count pin and advances to the next round. (9:09, 76)

    Backstage, WCW World Heavyweight Champion Goldberg meets The Rock. He says he respects his decision. The Rock can expect a rematch at any time. The wrestlers shake hands. (80)

    Match 6: Shawn Michaels, Booker T and Sting vs Lance Storm, Elix Skipper and Petey Williams. Somehow Elix Skipper has a second match tonight. Lol. Maybe the head writer was drunk. HBK was trying to calm down Booker T and Sting, while they almost started to brawl again. And he succeeded. But CM Punk pops into the ring and delivers a Devil Lock DDT to Shawn Michaels! Punk escapes, and Storm pins HBK for a three-count. (11:10, 84)

    Post match, CM Punk  announces that he has picked Lance Storm as his tag team partner for the BattleBowl!

    The Piper's Pit:
    Roddy Piper returns with the top talk show in professional wrestling. And his first guest is The Rock! The Rock explains his decision to sign an exclusive contract with RAGE: he will definitely get his WCW World Heavyweight Championship match, he will be champion and he will be on Nitro, but right now more than anything he wants to get to Jeff Jarrett. And The Rock demands a match against Jarrett from Callis, as promised...

    ... He is interrupted by Chris Kanyon. Kanyon is tired of everyone thinking that The Rock is going to be the next WCW World Heavyweight Championship. "I want to remind you, Rocky... I have a guaranteed title shot. And I'll get a title match as soon as I recover from a terrible and career-threatening neck injury..." Rock decides to add to Kanyon's and his neck's misery - and hits Rock Bottom!...

    ... The Rock poses a little and  walks to the ramp, where he is attacked from behind by Jeff Jarrett! GUITAR SHOT! Don Callis intervenes and announces: he promised The Rock a match against Jarrett, and The Rock will get it. Later. But at BattleBowl, there will be a tag team match - Goldberg and The Rock vs Chris Kanyon and Jeff Jarrett. (78)

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    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #92

    Harbor Yard Arena, Harbor Yard Arena

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 86

    WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes opens the show with an important announcement. The next PPV will be devoted entirely to an idea that Dusty came up with a couple years ago. It's going to be a BattleBowl show! Rhodes shows off the BattleBowl ring. "40 people from both brands will be participating. They will be split into 20 teams randomly in a Death Lottery. They will all meet in tag team matches at the PPV. The 20 wrestlers from the winning teams will meet in a Battle Royal at the end of the show to determine the winner of the BattleBowl. He will get that ring as well as a WCW World Heavyweight Championship match at the Great American Bash in June!"... (87)

    ... The Rock interrupts! He talks about Jeff Jarrett, who made his return last night by interfering in his match, and therefore The Rock demands a rematch against Goldberg. Dusty refuses. "Jarrett's not here. I heard he'll be at RAGE in three days. Rock, I might consider giving you a rematch. After all, the next contender will be with Nitro... But you need to decide which brand you're on. You'll have 7 days to make a decision. You sign an exclusive contract with Nitro, the match is yours." Chavo Guerrero intervenes. He doesn't like it. Chavo wants a title shot for himself and demands an equal opportunity. Dusty gives Chavo a chance to prove himself and sets up a match against The Rock for tonight! (92)

    Match 1: Homicide and Low Ki vs Julio Dinero and Colt Cabana. Apparently, Homicide and Low Ki are tag team now. Cabana and Dinero weren't much of a problem for them. The Gringo Killer on Dinero was enough for the win. (6:18, 70)

    Post-match, Kaz Hayashi runs in with the chair and attacks the winners. (58)

    Chris Hero backstage promo. "The Horsemen made a mistake when they didn't finish me last night. I'm fine now. And I'm going after every one of them. I'm going to eliminate them one by one." (77)

    Match 2: Abyss vs David Young. Abyss defeats a young David Young after the Blackhole Slam. (3:22, 56)

    Backstage, Dusty Rhodes talks to Jamie Noble, Ultimo Dragon, Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley. Their rematch for WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship is finally set - at the next Nitro. But to avoid a repeat of the interference situation like in the last match, Dusty has made a decision: the match will take place in a steel cage! (57)

    Backstage, Gene Okerlund tries to talk to Raven about Sandman, but the door to the locker room is opened by James Mitchell. Mitchell states: Raven has absolutely no fear or concern for Sandman. But Raven isn't here tonight and he won't talk to anyone. (41)

    Match 3: Steve Corino, CW Anderson and Claudio Castagnoli vs Chris Hero, Ric Flair and Fit Finlay. Hero targeted Anderson with his revenge, and that blindsided him a bit. The Horsemen worked more as a team, and Corino pinned Finlay down after a brass knuckle shot. (11:26, 82)

    Post-match, Chris Hero cleared the ring.

    WCW World Heavyweight Champion Goldberg in-ring promo. "I didn't ask for Jarrett's help. I didn't want it. And I didn't know about it. If The Rock wants a rematch, I'm willing to give it anytime, anywhere." (100)

    Match 4: Jamie Noble vs Frankie Kazarian (w/ Stacy Keibler). It was a warm-up before the tag team title match next week. Stacy tried to distract Noble, but Noble was unfazed and captured Kazarian in a Guillotine Choke for the win. (12:33, 78)

    Rob Van Dam in-ring promo. "I was close to winning last night. I want another match with Styles." He is interrupted by... Jerry Lynn! Fans cheer him. Lynn wants a US title match himself and challenges RVD to prove it. That's when Rey Mysterio shows up. He reminds us that he himself gave the WCW United States Championship away, not lost it. And would like it back. Samoa Joe, who is still undefeated and did not lose to Styles cleanly at SuperBrawl, makes his claim to the title. Dusty Rhodes shows up and agrees: they all have some rights to the US title shot. So they'll all have a fatal-four way match next week, where the winner gets a WCW US title match at the Spring Stampede in May. And right now, they have a tag team match waiting for them! (72)

    Match 5: Rey Mysterio and Jerry Lynn vs Rob Van Dam and Samoa Joe.  Rey Mysterio and Jerry Lynn were close to victory. But when Lynn grabbed the RVD for the Cradle Piledriver, Joe's powerful kick to the head literally knocks him out. Joe and Rey go outside the ring, and in the ring, RVD gets Lynn down with a 5 Star Frog Splash. (14:15, 81)

    Match 6: The Rock vs Chavo Guerrero.  It was noticeable that the styles of the fighters didn't fit together - and the match suffered from that. Chavo desperately clung to victory using cheap tactics, but The Rock came through and was ready to end the match with Rock Bottom for the win... but notices Jeff Jarrett on the ramp! The Rock is distracted, and Chavo rolls him up with his feet on the ropes. 1...2...3. What a victory! (14:19, 80)

    Post-match, The Rock runs backstage to find Jarrett, and Chavo Guerrero celebrates his big win.



    Episode #13

    Gund Arena, Cleveland, OH

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and Don Callis
    Overall: 80

    Before the show starts, Don Callis addresses the entire RAGE roster backstage. "Dusty Rhodes thinks he has the best ideas ... One of you should win the BattleBowl and go to the Great American Bash as the #1 contender. It's your business how you'll do it. But the winner MUST be from RAGE! Next week, all of RAGE's Battlebowl participants will have a "practice" battle royal, the winner of which will be able to choose their own tag team partner... By the way, I'll have an idea of my own too. For next week. And it will be a better one than Dusty's..." (38)

    RAGE starts off.

    Match 1: Yang and Sonjay Dutt vs The Primadonnas (Joey Matthews and Christian York). In a great cruiserweight action, Yang and Dutt got a win over RAGE debutants. (12:47, 52)

    'Cowboy' James Storm finally makes his RAGE debut! With a bottle of beer in hand, he entered the arena for an interview with Franchin. "Everybody at this show is all so right. Right attire, right hair, right style... It's all for TV. It's all not real. None of them would last a day in the bars of Nashville." (60)

    Match 2: 'The Blueprint' Matt Morgan (w/ Christopher Daniels) vs Jack Evans. Daniels joined the announcers. Matt Morgan gets his first singles match on RAGE and easily deals with Jack Evans after Carbon Footprint and Hellevator. (5:20, 18)

    Post-match, Jack Evans is holding his shoulder (it would later turn out that Morgan botched the move and tore Jack's bicep...) 

    Christopher Daniels watched his bodyguard's victory closely from the commentary position, and took the mic after the match: "At Uncensored, I beated Wright like I promised. I beat everybody. It's about time I step up to the top level by winning at BattleBowl and challenging for WCW World Heavyweight Championship" (74)

    John Cena comes out for an in-ring interview. "I'm disappointed that no one on the roster helped me at Uncensored.... But that's what you can expect from a locker room towards young wrestlers. No one is willing to help you here. Everyone is only looking out for themselves. Everyone's trying to set the other up. It doesn't bother me. I came here to make it to the top. I'm a simple guy. I don't have politics behind me, I don't have a lot of connections. And I don't need them. Now I realize that I can only count on myself." (48)

    Match 3: The British Invasion (Doug Williams and Nigel McGuinness) vs Jason Cross and Jerrelle Clark. The British Invasion continues their successful run on RAGE. Tonight, they are coming off victories over Cross and Clark. (4:34, 50)

    The Rock in-ring promo. "Jeff Jarrett is officially a dead man. I know he's in the building somewhere. And I won't rest until I find him." (71)

    Match 4: Hernandez vs Drew Galloway. Hernandez defeats a young Drew Galloway after the Border Toss. (4:38, 43)

    WCW World Heavyweight Champion Goldberg makes his way to the ring. "I don't care what brand The Rock is on. I don't care what brand the next contender challenger is from. I'm ready to defend the title anytime, anywhere. Who's next?". Chris Kanyon appears in a neck brace. He brags about his victory at Uncensored and promises that he's going after Goldberg and his title. Goldberg offers a match right away, but Kanyon refuses. "My neck is still injured. But once I'm 100% ready - you can say goodbye to the title." (97)

    Match 5, 20-Man Battle Royal: Sting, Shawn Michaels, Sean O'Haire, Mark Jindrak, Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Lance Storm, John Cena, Hugh Morrus, Booker T, Disco Inferno, Shane Helms, Elix Skipper, Crowbar, CM Punk, Christopher Daniels, Chris Kanyon, Billy Kidman, American Dragon and Alex Wright. This match featured everyone who intends to try their luck at WCW BattleBowl. Kanyon almost immediately eliminated himself due to a sore neck, especially since Booker T was targeting him. Booker and Sting clashed and felt out of the ring, eliminating themselvers. In the end, CM Punk wins by eliminating American Dragon. (18:49, 82)

    Jeff Jarrett is interviewed from his home in Nashville, "The Rock thought I was going to be on the show tonight? Haha. I'll tell you why I attacked Rock… Let's go back to 2001. One of the first shows of the new WCW. The old guys were gone after the big money. No one was giving the company a chance to survive. I had to pull the company on my back. I had to become the face of WCW. And on one of the first shows - I broke my neck... I did it for all of you! For a year, I was treated for a broken neck. For a year I wasn't here. And after a year, I'm ready to come back... And nobody calls me. No one remembers me. No one was interested in me the year I was injured. And no one was interested in me for the next 6 months while I sat on the couch and watched shows on TV. Then one day I turn on the TV, and what do I see? The Rock! The Rock walked into WCW, thinking he could just waltz his way to the top. Like he did in WWF, because of his licking of Vince's boots, because of his million dollar smile, because of his - oh my gawd - electrifying catchphrases. And he gets it all at once! A fat contract? No problem! WCW World Heavyweight Championship shot right away? Take it! Two authority figures kissing his ass? "Oh, Rock, please sign a contract with me...". Okay! DAMN! I broke my neck for this company, I broke my neck for all of you - and nobody remembered me. He didn't do shit for this company or you - and he gets everything. Look... Rocky... You might not remember me from the previous company. You stupid fans might forget about me at all. You know what? That's fine. Because I'll MAKE YOU REMEMBER ME! I'LL MAKE MYSELF MATTER TO YOU! And The Rock... when it's all said and done, you'll remember the name 'Double J' for the rest of your life.” (80)

    Don Callis grabs the mic and makes an announcement from the announcers table: "On Monday, The Rock has received a contract offer from Nitro - a WCW World Heavyweight Championship shot if he signs it... I have a counter offer. If The Rock signs an exclusive contract with RAGE - he gets a match with Jeff Jarrett!" (80)

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    WCW Uncensored 2003

    Mellon Arena, Pittsburgh, PA

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Jerry Lawler and Joey Styles
    Overall: 83


    Starting video intro puts a lot of focus on the fact that it's kinda an extreme event meaning all matches tonight will be at least no DQ. And in the main event, we're treated to a "dream match": Goldberg vs The Rock for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship! (81)

    Match 1: Billy Kidman vs Crowbar. Crowbar gets some PPV time again. He's looking to prove that management made a huge mistake by not utilizing him in recent months. Billy quickly takes control of the match. Crowbar has no choice but to use objects around the ring. Including his favorite steel pipe, Kidman dodges the pipe shot and delivers a DDT. 1...2. Crowbar catches Kidman in a northern lights suplex. 1...2. Crowbar brings a chair into the ring but gets a dropkick from Kidman! Billy climbs up on the top rope for the Shooting Star Press.... Crowbar gets up and hits him with a pipe to the ribs! 1...2...NO! Crowbar goes for a DVD on a chair, but Kidman reverses that into a Kid Krusher on the same chair. 1...2...3. (10:57, 75)

    Backstage, Francine asks John Cena about the situation with tonight's match: does he have a partner? Cena says he doesn't know. Nobody agreed to partner with him yet. But even if he doesn't have a partner, he'll go into tonight's match alone and do his best to make sure the fans don't regret it. (52)

    Match 2: Christopher Daniels (w/ "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan) vs Alex Wright. Alex Wright hasn't gotten any PPV time in a while. But tonight he had a good story behind him, a storyline and a thirst for revenge against Daniels. Christopher was a head and shoulders above his opponent, though Wright showed that he still remembers something about technical wrestling. After a series of technical moves, Wright was close to victory, but Morgan's interference gave Christopher back control of the match. Carbon Foot Print by Morgan... Wright dodges and knocks the bodyguard out of the ring! However, that was enough for Daniels to perform Angel's Wings for the win. (10:34, 77)

    Dustin Rhodes backstage interview. He says that he has taken care of tonight's match. If Raven decides to pull one of his tricks tonight, Raven himself will be taken care of by something that knows him well. Too well. (63)

    John Cena comes out for the match and waits for his tag team partner. But no one comes out. Cena still confirms his decision to enter the match alone.

    Match 3, WCW World Tag Team Championship: Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire (w/ Mike Sanders) vs John Cena. Not a great way for John Cena to make his PPV debut. Let's recall how it happened. Cena was supposed to fight for the titles with seasoned veteran Curt Hennig, but Hennig has lost to his demons. After numerous fines and penalties for not showing up to shows or getting in the ring while high due to his drug problem, Hennig was fired right before the PPV. So tonight John Cena makes his PPV debut, trying to win the titles alone against the most dangerous team in WCW. Cena surprised everyone with his resilence. He even did some near pinfalls. But naturally it had to come to an end. O'Haire and Jindrak attack him together, using No DQ stipulation. Jindrak does a neckbreaker modification, and O'Haire finishes him off with a Widow Maker. (9:02, 65)

    Match 4, Raven’s Rules: Dustin Rhodes vs Raven. Given that the match stipulations were familiar for Raven, he took early control of the match. However, Dustin had studied his opponent well, so he soon began to fight back. Abyss and Mesias came to save their mentor. And when it seemed like Dustin was doomed, suddenly the lights in the arena went out! When it's back, there is some man standing in the ring... It's... SANDMAN! And he brought a singapore cane! Lots of cane shots for Abyss, Mesias and Raven. Sandman clears the ring of those not in the match. And next, Dustin Rhodes lays Raven out with a Blackout. 1...2...3. (10:56, 78)

    In the backstage interview Shawn Michaels hypes his tag team partner American Dragon. HBK says he sees himself in Dragon. And hopes Dragon can have the same success in his career. (66)

    Match 5: Chris Hero vs Claudio Castagnoli. Former friends and tag team partners fight in an extreme rules match. Claudio aimed straight for Hero's leg, trying to weaken him as much as possible. Hero fights back. He chops Castagnoli down and hits a powerslam. Hero goes for a TKO, but his leg gives out. Castagnoli hits a European uppercut and the Match Killer for 2. He puts on a half crab but Hero powers out and hits an enziguiri with his good leg. Pumphandle powerbomb by Hero for 2. CW Anderson makes his way to the ringside. Hero is distracted. Castagnoli hits Hero with a chop block and puts him into a Sharpshooter! Anderson distracts the referee to keep him from seeing Hero get to the ropes. Chris starts to pass out but then fires up and gets to the ropes. Castagnoli goes for the Neutralizer but Hero blocks it. Hero hits a KO Elbow and then goes for a Hero's Welcome... Anderson grabs his leg... Claudio rolls Hero up and Anderson helps him by holding Hero's legs. 1...2...3. (12:42, 77)

    Post-match, CW Anderson and Claudio Castagnoli beat down Chris Hero. (61)

    Bret Hart pre-match promo. "This town has never been able to appreciate true Canadian superstars. I give you the ones who will dominate WCW in the near future. Remember this day." (81)

    Match 6, Texas Tornado Match: Shawn Michaels and American Dragon vs Lance Storm (w/ Bret Hart) and Elix Skipper. HBK and Dragon hit the ring and quickly cleaned it from the opponents. Later, Bret Hart constantly interfered in the match, distracting Shawn Michaels and giving his protégés the advantage. At one point, Bret Hart brings the ringbell into the ring and tries to give it to Lance. Storm turns around - and gets Sweet Chin Music! HBK attacks Hart and knocks him out of the ring! Storm escapes the ring as well. That leaves American Dragon, who hits Skipper with a powerbomb and grabs in the Cattle Mutilation for the win. (12:45, 80)

    Match 7, Mexican Death Match: Rey Mysterio vs Chavo Guerrero. Tons of breathtaking spots combined with the intensity of the rivalry. It made this match great and the best of the show. As a reminder, to win, you must first pin your opponent to three and then they must stay on the floor for the ref's 10 count. The match started with Rey desperately trying to get to Chavo. Chavo started running away, throwing chairs and other objects at Mysterio. The first pinfall happened when Chavo unexpectedly took Mysterio down with a Gory Bomb. 1...2...3. Rey gets up at the count of 9. Chavo goes for a second Gory Bomb, Rey blocks but Guerrero counters with three rolling suplexes. Frog Splash! 1...2...3. Mysterio gets up for a count of 8. DDT into a chair from Chavo. 1...2...NO! Chavo grabs the chair and hits Rey's back several times! Guerrero puts the chair on Mysterio and climbs the ropes.... Frog Splash onto the chair! 1...2...3. Rey gets up at the very last moment of 9. Chavo is desperate. He climbs up on the top rope again.... Mysterio desperately throws a chair at Chavo! Rey jumps up and performs a springboard hurrincanrana off the top rope! 1...2...NO! Chavo escapes the ring.... Mysterio runs - springboard crossbody to the ringside! Rey brings Chavo back in. 6-1-9! West Coast Pop! 1...2...3. Chavo gets up at 8. Both wrestlers are exhausted. Both men get on the top ropeand trade punches. Rey delivers a top-rope hurricanrana onto a chair lying in the ring. 1...2...3. Referee counts to 10. (17:11, 90)

    Match 8, #1 Contendership for WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Kanyon vs Booker T vs Sting. At first, Chris Kanyon had a hard time, because Booker T and Sting were fighting him together. But soon enough issues between Booker and Sting were more and more visible. Booker T quickly turns on Sting. Kanyon had his opportunities. He tries to hit Sting with a Flatliner, Sting blocks. Kanyon kicks him out of the ring anyway. Booker t attacks Kanyon with an Axe Kick. 1...2...NO! Booker T brings Kanyon at ringside and goes for a Bookend through the announcing table... Kanyon blocks and hits a Flatliner! Although it seems like he injured his neck in the proccess. Back in the ring... Sting hits Kanyon with a Scorpion Death Drop. 1...2...NO! Scorpion Deathlock! Kanyon tries to grab the ropes... Booker T is back in the ring with a chair! Chairshot to Sting! Bookend on the chair for Sting! 1...2.... Kanyon breaks the pin and throws Booker out of the ring. Booker T hits the barrier head-first and is knocked out. Kanyon finishes Sting with a Flatliner on the chair. 1...2...3. (10:51, 80)

    Post match, Kanyon needs medical help for his injured neck. 

    Match 9: CM Punk vs Samoa Joe. Another awesome match. Punk tries a lot of psychological tricks early, trying to ground Joe with cheap shots. Finally, Joe gets mad and hits a series of strikes. Joe catches him with a snap powerslam and segues to the cross armlock. Punk rolls him onto his shoulders, though. Punk gets two off the Hammerlock DDT and turns him over into the Anaconda Vice. It was too weak, as Joe breaks out pretty quickly. Shining Wizard out of nowhere by Punk! 1...2...NO! Series of stiff kicks by Punk. Joe hits Punk with a flying forearm. Muscle Buster attempt... Punk counters and hits Joe with a superkick. CM Punk goes for an Anaconda Vice again, but Joe counters with a German Suplex and puts Punk into a chokehold. Punk doesn't tap out. But he slowly fades out, and the referee stops the match. (13:54, 89)

    Match 10, WCW United States Championship: AJ Styles vs Rob Van Dam. Great match with a lot of interesting spots. RVD was close to victory after a split-legged moonsault. AJ kicks out of the pin at the very last moment. RVD kicks him in a head a couple of times. RVD picks him up, suplex countered and a gut buster by Styles connects. Up top AJ goes... RVD up and kicks Styles. AJ falls and is crotched. RVD up top, grabs the champion, superplex try, countered, and RVD is tossed off. 450 Splash by Styles! 1...2...NO! AJ Styles goes for a hurricanrana... RVD catches him and powerbombs! 5 Star Frog Splash by RVD... missed! Styles Clash by AJ! 1...2...3. (14:10, 81)

    Match 11, WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Goldberg vs The Rock. As the match begins, The Rock and Goldberg circle each other cautiously, trying to get a read on their opponent's strategy. The Rock gains the early advantage with a series of quick strikes, attempting to wear down Goldberg. Goldberg gets a Samoan drop and spinebuster. 1...2. Goldberg tries to fight back... Spear out of nowhere, but missed! Rock Bottom by The Rock! 1...2...NO! Spear by Goldberg! 1...2...NO! Both wrestlers slowly get up on their feet. Rock Bottom attempt by The Rock... Goldberg counters and goes for a Jackhammer... The Rock counters and hits a spinebuster. The Rock brings the chair! Some back and forth battle. Wait... some masked man slowly makes his way to the ringside! Who is that? The Rock tries to perform Rock Bottom on the chair... and connects... but at the very last moment the masked man grabs the chair from under Goldberg. The Rock is puzzled. Where's the chair! He noticed the masked man on the apron... and this man hits The Rock with a chair! Masked man comes into the ring and hits an Inverted Russian Legsweep on the chair! He leaves. Goldberg finishes The Rock with a Jackhammer. 1...2...3. (14:55, 78)

    Post match, Goldberg leaves the ring. A masked man looks under the ring and pulls out... a guitar? He walks into the ring and slowly removes the mask.... it's... yes... JEFF JARRETT! He’s back in WCW after almost 2 years! A devastating guitar shot to The Rock! And that's where Uncensored ends.

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    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #91

    Blue Cross Arena, Rochester, NY

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 89

    The Rock opens the show to explain the attack on Goldberg on RAGE. "Everybody thinks Goldberg is dangerous. And Rock? Oh, he only comes in to do promos... Oh, he only pries into Goldberg's business... It was a way to show that in six days, Goldberg is facing a match against the toughest opponent of his career. The Rock has beaten everyone in the WWE. The Rock came here and got a match against the best of the best, the symbol of WCW, the great Goldberg. And The Rock is determined to defeat him and become the WCW World Heavyweight Champion."... 

    ...Goldberg comes out: "You can be whatever star you want out there in WWE. But I'm on top here. And you can't throw me off of here". Goldberg and The Rock seem like not going to wait for Uncensored, but the possible brawl is interrupted by WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes. Dusty is willing to get all the referees, security guards and Rochester police involved if necessary to keep his show from being chaotic. But to release some emotions... The Rock and Goldberg will be in matches tonight, with The Rock teaming with Flair and Hero against the Horsemen, and Goldberg getting a match against Abyss with no title on the line. (100)

    Match 1: Samoa Joe vs Aaron Stevens. Samoa Joe has no trouble defeating local wrestler Aaron Stevens after a chokehold. (3:17, 70)

    Post-match, CM Punk appears on the titantron. "Hey Joe! Been waiting for me again? Not tonight. You've got 6 days left - and I'll finish your story in WCW". Dusty Rhodes abruptly cuts the video - and we go to commercial. (81)

    Match 2: Raven vs Fit Finlay. Raven came out alone tonight. Finlay was a dangerous opponent as always, but Raven hit a Raven Effect into a chair for the win. (9:49, 81)

    Post-match, Raven takes out the hardcore stuff and looks to finish Finlay off, but Fit is saved by Dustin Rhodes.

    James Mitchell backstage interview. "Abyss got a match against the great Goldberg... But with no title on the line? Management doesn't appreciate my monster. But that will all change when Abyss destroys your champion tonight." (59)

    Match 3, #1 Contendership for WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship: Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley (w/ Stacy Keibler) vs Rising Pain (Kaz Hayashi and Low Ki). Kazarian and Bentley try to regain the titles, but first they have to get past Kaz Hayashi and Low Ki. Stacy Keibler distracts Hayashi - and the former champions take advantage. Kaz gets a Superkick from Bentley and a Wave of Future from Kazarian. (14:17, 79)

    Post-match, Low Ki is furious with Hayashi getting distracted by Stacy Keibler. Low Ki is a true warrior. He never gets distracted. The losers are arguing... Homicide attacks Hayashi from behind! Low Ki joins him. Homicide and Low Ki leave the ring together. (64)

    Samoa Joe leaves the building... and is attacked by CM Punk with a chair! A few shots to Joe's back - and Anakonda Vice is on the parking lot until the police intervene. (88)

    Match 4: Rey Mysterio and AJ Styles vs Rob Van Dam and Chavo Guerrero. They are the future opponents at Uncensored in just 6 days. It was an even match, but Mysterio and Styles celebrated the victory. (13:46, 81)

    Post-match, Rob Van Dam attacks Styles from behind with a chair. RVD poses with the title and then puts the championship belt on Styles and conducts a 5 Star Frog Splash. 

    Match 5, Non-TItle Match: Goldberg vs Abyss (w/ James Mitchell). Abyss was a serious opponent for Goldberg. Especially with Mitchell helping him all the time. But in the end Goldberg wins.  (8:50, 81)

    Post-match, Goldberg grabs James Mitchell! Abyss saves the manager and begins to methodically destroy Goldberg. Anything goes: chairs, trash cans, etc. Abyss pulls out a bat with barbed wire... The Rock does run out to help! Immediately he is pounced on from behind by the Horsemen! Chris Hero and Ric Flair appear and we go straight to the next match... (80) 

    Match 6: The Rock, Ric Flair and Chris Hero vs Steve Corino, CW Anderson and Claudio Castagnoli. The Rock was already damaged by Horsemen's attack. Plus, Goldberg had a few words for The Rock - and the future opponents began brawling at ringside. So the team of Hero and Flair was outnumbered. The Horsemen win easily. (13:54, 90)

    Post-match, Horsemen continue to beat up their opponents. Dusty Rhodes marching toward the ring with a squad of police to stop the chaos - and Nitro ends.



    Episode #12

    Nassau Coliseum, Long Island, NY

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and Don Callis
    Overall: 79

    Before the show starts, Don Callis reprimands WCW World Tag Team Champions Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire for walking out of a match a week ago. This is unacceptable on RAGE. Therefore, Jindrak and O'Haire will get singles matches tonight against Goldberg and The Rock, respectively. (79)

    TONIGHT: A big 8-men main event with Shawn Michaels, American Dragon, Brian Kendrick and Paul London taking on Lance Storm, Elix Skipper and The British Invasion. (58)

    Match 1: Crowbar vs Yang. Crowbar returns to the ring in an official match against Yang and wins after a modified Brainbuster. (8:02, 70)

    Post-match, Billy Kidman attacks Crowbar! The brawl goes backstage where the ref and officials are forced to intervene. (52)

    Video vignette for "Cowboy" James Storm, who will debut on RAGE soon. Storm doesn't like to wrestle, Storm likes to brawl. And soon, the entire RAGE roster will see it firsthand. (46)

    Match 2: John Cena vs Scotty Riggs. John Cena picks up an individual victory over Scotty Riggs, who returned for one match only, after the Proto-Bomb. (4:16, 50)

    Post-match, John Cena grabs the mic! That's new... "I'm not the biggest fan of talking. I'm doing it now for the first time in my career... We were supposed to have a tag team match with Hennig tonight. You might know the news. You might know why Curt isn't on the show tonight and why he won't be at Uncensored. Unfortunately, choosing between his demons and his desire to become WCW World Tag Team champion, to become champion one more time, he chose his demons. I promise I will never make that decision in my career! And I'm going to fulfill my dream and become champion at Uncensored. If I have to, I'll go into the match alone. I know I'm a green rookie for now. I don't have a lot of friends backstage. But if anyone wants to help me out and be by my side in this match, I'll be waiting at Uncensored." (67)

    Match 3: Chris Kanyon vs Alex Wright. Alex Wright gets the biggest match since his return - against former WCW Champion Chris Kanyon. Christopher Daniels joins the announcer to watch this match. He distracts Wright - and it turns out to be enough for Kanyon to pull off the Flatliner for the win. (12:34, 81)

    Post-match, Christopher Daniels takes the microphone: "At Uncensored, I won't need Morgan's help to end your pathetic career. It had exactly nothing going for it anyway. I'll do it all myself." (57)

    Backstage, Bret Hart praises The British Invasion and says he sees potential in them. They could be even more successful than the British Bulldogs. (43)

    Sting in-ring promo. He doesn't care about Booker T's emotions, his grievances with the fans, the locker room, anyone... But if Booker T wants to beat Sting, then let him do it in the ring, in a singles match, tonight! Don Callis confirms: the match is officially set. (90)

    Match 4, Non-Title Match: Goldberg vs Mark Jindrak (w/ Mike Sanders). Jindrak proved to be an athletic and dangerous fighter, but the WCW World Heavyweight Champion was able to handle him after Spear and Jackhammer. (8:31, 81)

    Backstage, Shawn Michaels prepares his students American Dragon, Brian Kendrick and Paul London for the match. (75)

    Match 5: Sting vs Booker T. A good match in which each was close to victory. We never find out the winner though, because Chris Kanyon intervenes with a chair in hand and attacks both competitors. A few chair shots are sure to weaken Chris' opponents in the match at Uncensored. (11:10, 79)

    CM Punk comes to the ring with a squad of security guards and says he heard as if Samoa Joe is going to make an appearance on RAGE tonight. "What Joe got from me on Monday is just the beginning. There's a real uncensored fight waiting for him at Sunday." Joe's music hits... Samoa Joe appears in the arena! Punk sends his guards at him, but Joe easily takes each of them down. Punk escapes through the crowd. (84)

    Match 6: The Rock vs Sean O'Haire (w/ Mike Sanders). Sean was doing better than his tag team partner earlier. O'Haire even had a few near pinfalls. The Rock retakes the lead - and even Sanders' interference doesn't help. O'Haire gets the Rock Bottom and the People's Elbow. (10:55, 79)

    Post-match, Goldberg enters the arena to have a staredown wth his opponent. In 3 days we're treated to a dream WCW World Heavyweight Championship match! (78)

    Match 7: Shawn Michaels, American Dragon, Brian Kendrick and Paul London vs Lance Storm (w/ Bret Hart), Elix Skipper (w/ Petey Williams) and The British Invasion (Doug Williams and Nigel McGuinness). Everyone was able to put on a good show. The match expectedly ended with a big brawl, complicated by the interventions of Bret Hart and Petey Williams. In the turmoil, HBK is left alone in the ring with Bret Hart! HBK to the delight of the fans is about to put Hart in the Sharpshooter.... but Storm stops him with a Superkick and a pin to three. (11:35, 75)

    Post-match, the Canadians and Brits manage to escape the ring before the faces get to them.


    World Championship Wrestling presents...

    The Show where every match is Extreme Rules Match!



    Final Card

    WCW World Heavyweight Championship
    Goldberg vs The Rock

    WCW United States Championship
    AJ Styles vs Rob Van Dam

    WCW World Tag Team Championship
    Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire (w/ Mike Sanders) vs John Cena and possible partner

    #1 Contendership for WCW World Heavyweight Championship
    Chris Kanyon vs Sting vs Booker T

    Mexican Death Match
    Rey Mysterio vs Chavo Guerrero

    CM Punk vs Samoa Joe

    Texas Tornado Match
    Shawn Michaels and American Dragon vs Lance Storm and Elix Skipper

    Chris Hero vs Claudio Castagnoli

    Raven's Rules Match
    Raven vs "American Nightmare" Dustin Rhodes

    "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs Alex Wright

    Billy Kidman vs Crowbar

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    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #90

    Labatt Centre, London, Ontario

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 86

    James Mitchell, Raven, Abyss and Mesias open the show. Mitchell says The Rock is meddling in the wrong business. The Rock comes out and in his own style does a promo about each of them. Mitchell ends up challenging him to a match against Mesias, and The Rock of course accepts the challenge. (83)

    Match 1: Matt Sydal vs Frankie Kazarian (w/ Matt Bentley and Stacy Keibler). Matt Sydal wanted revenge on Frankie Kazarian for his injury. And he almost had it... if it wasn't for Matt Bentley attacking him as Matt was preparing for the 630 Splash. Disqualification. (8:41, 76)

    Dustin Rhodes and Fit Finlay backstage interview. They hype their match against Raven and Abyss. Finlay doesn't care who the opponents are. He just loves to fight. (59)

    Match 2: Rising Pain (Kaz Hayashi and Low Ki) vs Super Crazy and Tajiri. Hayashi and Low Ki, before their title match next week, wanted to prove that there were no problems between them. And they succeeded - successfully defeating Super Crazy and Tajiri after the Hayashi Cutter on Crazy. (8:19, 77)

    Claudio Castagnoli comes out for an in-ring promo. He speaks to Chris Hero. Claudio reminds us that he was the one who got Hero into the main arenas. And without Claudio, Hero is nobody. After Uncensored (where Claudio will fight Hero), people will forget him. "You were a nobody before the Horsemen, you'll remain a nobody when the Horsemen are done with you."... Ric Flair responds to this. Flair says he sees potential in Hero and sees character traits that Ric himself had. Flair would love to see Hero deal with Castagnoli at Uncensored. Claudio challenges Flair to a match tonight - and the challenge is accepted! (94)

    Match 3: Fit Finlay and Dustin Rhodes vs Raven and Abyss (w/ James Mitchell). Finlay and Rhodes looked good against Raven and Abyss, but Mitchell throws white powder in Finlay's face - and Raven hits the Raven Effect for the win. (8:39, 78)

    Goldberg in his in-ring promo explains his attack on The Rock last week. The Rock didn't want Goldberg's help before. So Goldberg didn't want The Rock's help a week ago. But The Rock decided to get involved anyway. This is a reminder to Rocky to mind his own business. Goldberg will take care of himself by himself. (100)

    WCW US Champion AJ Styles joins the announcers.

    Match 4: Rob Van Dam vs Ultimo Dragon. RVD defeated Ultimo Dragon in front of Styles before their match. Three counts after 5 Star Frog Splash. (9:26, 74)

    Post-match, RVD provokes Styles, but the referees and officials stop the brawl. 

    Match 5: Rey Mysterio and Jerry Lynn vs Chavo Guerrero and Homicide. Chavo escapes the ring from 6-1-9 - and leaves Homicide there, who gets a 6-1-9 from Mysterio and a Cradle Piledriver from Lynn. (10:48, 79)

    Match 6: Ric Flair vs Claudio Castagnoli. It was a great technical match. Flair goes for the Figure-Four Leglock after weakening Claudio's leg all match. But CW Anderson and Steve Corino come to the rescue, bringing the match to a disqualification. (12:44, 86)

    Post-match, The Horsemen beat down Flair until Chris Hero with a chair comes to save “The Nature Boy”.

    Match 7: The Rock vs Mesias (w/ James Mitchell). Mesias tried to overpower The Rock with the help of his manager, but he couldn't avoid a Rock Bottom and People's Elbow from the #1 contender. (9:07, 80)

    Post-match, The Rock takes the microphone: "I’ll happily let Goldberg take care of his business by himself... And The Rock will take care of his own business. And his business is to take the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Uncensored" (87)



    Episode #11

    Sovereign Center, Reading, PA

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and Don Callis
    Overall: 82

    TONIGHT: The Rock and Goldberg will be in a tag team match against WCW World Tag Team Champions Mark Jindrak and Sean O’Haire…  just 9 days before their match at Uncensored! Also, each participant of the #1 contendership triple threat will compete in a singles match. (81)

    Match 1: Shawn Michaels and American Dragon vs The British Invasion (Doug Williams and Nigel McGuinness). HBK and Dragon got a match against recent debutants to prepare before their match at Uncensored. Williams and McGuinness are certainly talented, but they were far from their opponents. While HBK holds Williams back, Dragon forces Nigel to submit to the Cattle Mutilation. (13:21, 79)

    Post-match, Lance Storm, Elix Skipper and Petey Williams immediately attack HBK and Dragon. They are joined by The British Invasion! The beating lasts until Brian Kendrick and Paul London come to the rescue and clear the ring. (60)

    Backstage, John Cena talks to Curt Hennig. He is angry at Curt for not coming to his rescue a week ago. "If we want to be tag team champions, you have to watch my back." Hennig is not happy with the moralizing from the "rookie". (61)

    Match 2: Disco Inferno and Alex Wright vs Christopher Daniels and Matt Morgan. Alex Wright and Disco Inferno team up again, albeit without the idiotic dancing. Daniels was visibly afraid to get in the ring against Wright. Morgan eventually lifts Wright up for a Powerbomb, but Alex rolls him up into a pin to three. (12:23, 73)

    Post-match, Alex Wright wants to get Daniels, but “Fallen Angel” escapes. We're 9 days away from their match at Uncensored.

    Video vignette of "Cowboy" James Storm: he's just about to be released from prison. James has no respect for the law, but he respects his rules and his code. Which allow him to win. At any cost. The RAGE roster will soon see that. (40)

    Match 3: Curt Hennig vs Mike Sanders. Sanders comes out alone. And soon enough we see why: when Hennig is expectedly close to victory and goes for the Hennigplex, we are shown Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire beating up John Cena in the locker room! Hennig drops the match and runs to save his partner. Sanders wins by countout. (5:35, 57)

    Backstage, Booker T apologizes to Sting for letting his emotions get the best of him last week in a tag team match. But he won't apologize for it in the Uncensored match because he intends to win it and leave as the #1 contender. (75)

    Match 4: Chris Kanyon vs Joey Matthews. Joey Matthews has by far the most important match of his career. Against 2-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion Chris Kanyon. Matthews tried his best, but fell victim to the Flatliner. (4:44, 77)

    Pre-recorded interview from Billy Kidman's house where he is recovering from a brutal attack by Crowbar last week, "I'll be ready at Uncensored. If Crowbar thinks he can intimidate me with attacks like that, he's sorely mistaken. Is he proud of his extreme nature and the fact that he's willing to go all the way? He'll be surprised when he sees what I'm capable of." (53)

    Match 5: Booker T vs Brian Kendrick. The match started with mutual respect, but after a few quick moves from Kendrick, Booker's emotions took over again. He catches Kendrick on a spinebuster. Followed by an Axe Kick. And another Axe Kick. Bookend. And another Axe Kick. Only then does Booker make the pin. (8:42, 73)

    Post-match, Booker T goes for the BookEnd again... Sting stops him. Booker T leaves the ring. But only to come back and do a BookEnd on Sting! (79)

    Match 6: CM Punk vs Sting. Sting is still recovering from the attack, when CM Punk comes out to has his match! Of course, Punk got an early advantage. Sting tried to fight back. But the damage from Booker T was there - Punk blocks a Scorpion Deathdrop and rolls Sting up into a pin for three. (11:35, 80)

    Post-match, CM Punk celebrates his victory and retreats to the ramp… not seeing Samoa Joe standing behind him! Joe attacks Punk - and the brawl moves into the crowd, where security guards try to break it up. (78)

    Match 7, Non-Title Match: The Rock and Goldberg vs Mark Jindrak and Sean O’Haire (w/ Mike Sanders). Goldberg and The Rock formed one of the most powerful teams in WCW history, coming to the ring against the also dangerous WCW Tag Team Champions Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire. In an even match, the world champion and #1 contender grabbed the lead. Mike Sanders tries to interfere... Goldberg goes for the Spear on him, but misses and takes Rock down! Jindrak and O'Haire try to take advantage, but Goldberg is still going strong. The Rock comes back to life and helps him out. Rocky lays the smackdown on Jindrak and O’Haire, knocking them out of the ring. That leaves Sanders, who kept getting into the match. Mike gets a Rock Bottom from Rock and a Jackhammer from Goldberg. Jindrak and O'Hair are hesitant to get back in the ring and lose by countout. (14:08, 84)

    Post-match, The Rock and Goldberg stands in the center of the ring as the winners… until The Rock performs the Rock Bottom on Goldberg! Rock poses with the championship belt on the top rope, then puts it on Goldberg and leaves the ring. Goldberg quickly recovers and sends Rocky an evil smile.


    Curt Hennig Released from WCW Amidst Controversy and No-Show Incidents

    In a shocking turn of events, WCW has officially cut ties with wrestling legend Curt Hennig, citing a string of controversies, no-show incidents, and ongoing issues with substance abuse as the reasons for his departure.

    Insiders reveal that Hennig's release was a direct result of repeated problems with drug abuse and a growing number of no-show incidents at scheduled events. These issues had escalated to the point where they were not only affecting Hennig's own career but also causing disruption within the WCW organization.

    WCW management had attempted to address Hennig's problems privately, offering him support and assistance in overcoming his personal demons. However, it became increasingly evident that Hennig was struggling to get back on track, and his reliability issues were causing significant problems for the promotion.

    Curt Hennig is former WCW United States Champion and WCW World Tag Team Champion.

    Rumors are that Curt Hennig was scheduled for another shot at WCW World Tag Team Championship, but now it'll stay in fantasyland.

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    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #89

    Air Canada Centre, Toronto, Ontario

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 85

    TONIGHT: Dustin Rhodes and Goldberg vs Raven and Abyss. (68)

    Match 1: Rob Van Dam and Air Paris vs Kaz Hayashi and Low Ki. RVD teams up with a former tag team partner of his future opponent, AJ Styles. They might have something in common. During the match, Homicide comes to the ringside and distracts Hayashi. This is enough for Kaz to get a hurricanrana from Paris and a 5 Star Frog Splash from RVD. 1...2...3. (10:04, 73)

    Stacy Keibler backstage interview. She hypes six-man tag team match against Sydal, Noble and Ultimo Dragon, where her proteges will team up with partner of her personal choice... Samoa Joe! (56)

    Match 2: Fit Finlay vs Mesias. Fit Finlay showed character by defeating not just anyone, but Mesias himself. (5:35, 78)

    Chris Hero in-ring promo. He demands answers from the Horsemen and especially Claudio Castagnoli. The remaining Horsemen show up. Castagnoli does a cool promo about how he and Hero had success together on the indy circuit. They came to WCW for success. They promised themselves to be together and go to the top together. But all it took was one big singles win for Hero to forget all about it. Although of the two of them, Claudio is much more talented. Plus much smarter. He's smart enough to stick together with Corino and Anderson. That's the only way they can dominate on Nitro. Apparently, Hero isn't smart enough to be the Horseman...

    ...Chris Hero is here! He replies that he's talented enough to win the SuperBrawl Classic tournament though and to finish off Castagnoli. Hero challenges them all to a match! The Horsemen laugh. They say that it just proves that Hero is plain stupid if he wants to go on three of them by himself. They accept the challenge. But suddenly, Chris Hero's side is taken by.... Ric Flair! Flair is glad that Hiro has finally wised up and turned down the Horsemen. Ric offers his help - together, Flair and Hero challenge Corino and Castagnoli to a match tonight! (86)

    Match 3: Matt Sydal, Jamie Noble and Ultimo Dragon vs Frankie Kazarian, Matt Bentley (w/ Stacy Keibler) and Samoa Joe. Joe was head and shoulders above everyone else... until RAGE wrestler CM Punk shows up in the crowd! Joe spots him and runs to fight him, leaving his tag team partners behind. Those were doomed - Noble, Dragon, and Sydal easily take them down. (10:37, 78)

    The Rock in-ring promo. He reminds us that Goldberg saved him from Raven and company a week ago. But don't let Goldberg think that changes anything. The Rock doesn't need any help. The Rock is going to leave Uncensored as new WCW World Heavyweight Champion... Goldberg is here! He replies that he has no goal of helping Rock. He just wants The Rock to be in 100% shape for the PPV, and give the people the dream match they deserve. And tonight, he'll deal with Raven and others himself in the main event. (100)

    Match 4: Jerry Lynn vs Chavo Guerrero. Jerry Lynn was close to victory, but Chavo Guerrero hit a low blow, while referee didn't see, and ended the match with a Frog Splash. (11:07, 83)

    Post match, Chavo goes for another Frog Splash. He starts counting to ten! But he stops at 7 and goes for one more Frog Splash... Only the appearance of Rey Mysterio stops the beating.

    Backstage, Dustin Rhodes thanks Goldberg for teaming up with him against Raven and Abyss. Goldberg replies that Dustin should think about the help not only tonight, but also at the PPV, where Raven is unlikely to fight fair and alone. Dustin: "Don't worry, I have a plan for the PPV. I just need to make one phone call...". (74)

    Match 5: Chris Hero and Ric Flair vs Steve Corino and Claudio Castagnoli (w/ CW Anderson). CW Anderson actively interfered in the match. It gave his team a lead. In the end, CW attacks Flair at ringside while in the ring, Hero puts Claudio in a Figure-Four Leglock! Corino breaks the hold with a brass knuckle shot. Claudio pins Hero. 1...2...3. (14:21, 86)

    Match 6: Dustin Rhodes and Goldberg vs Raven and Abyss. Raven tried to hide behind Abyss' back all the match. Goldberg gives Abyss the Spear, Rhodes does the Blackout, and Goldberg kills the monster with the Jackhammer for the win to the delight of the fans. (11:20, 80)

    Post match, Raven and Dustin Rhodes continue to brawl towards the arena exit. Abyss and Mesias together attack Goldberg! Goldberg tries to fight back, but the forces are unequal. The Rock rushes out to help! The Rock and Goldberg clear the ring. In the next second, Goldberg hits The Rock with a Spear! And that's it. (79)



    Episode #10

    Conseco Fieldhouse, Indianapolis, IN

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and Don Callis
    Overall: 85

    Match 1: The British Invasion (Doug Williams and Nigel McGuinness) vs Yang and Sonjay Dutt. Williams and McGuinness make their in-ring debut as full time RAGE roster members. The cruiserweights tried some quick moves, but the technical Brits quickly "grounded" them and ended the match with a win after a Chaos Theory from Williams on Dutt. (10:08, 61)

    Post match, Brian Kendrick and Paul London attack the winners! We have a big brawl between those teams. (51)

    WCW Cruiserweight Champion Elix Skipper and Petey Williams backstage interview. Skipper talks about why Petey Williams helped him last week in his match vs Helms. Petey did the right thing - he saved Elix's career and potentially life. Elix demands that Vertabreaker be banned as a dangerous move. Then he can fight Helms. Petey Williams intervenes and challenges Helms to a match tonight. "I will show that Vertabreaker is nothing compared to Canadian Destroyer." (54)

    Match 2: Alex Wright vs Roderick Strong. Wright finally returns to in-ring action. Strong put on a good wrestling, but the technical Alex quickly grounded him, catching him with a German Suplex and Hangman's Neckbreaker for the win. (5:48, 61)

    Post match, Alex Wright grabs the microphone. He's proud to be be back even though nobody believed it. "I was told I would spend the rest of my life with back pain. No more wrestling. No more sport. But here I am. And I want revenge." Wright says Morgan injured him, but it's all Daniels' fault. Wright challenges him to a match on Uncensored. (56)

    Shawn Michaels in-ring promo. "I don't like to interfere in matches like I did last week, but Lance Storm left me no choice. I'm going to do this until he gives me another match. I want to face him in the ring and send him back to Canada." But out comes... American Dragon! "Shawn, you wanted a match anytime, anywhere and on any terms... Lance refuses to give you a one-on-one match. We had a pretty good tag team match last week. Why don't we challenge Storm and Skipper to a tag team match at Uncensored?" Don Callis immediately makes the match official. And as it's extreme rules event... it will be a Texas Tornado match! HBK and Dragon shake hands. (80)

    Match 3: John Cena vs Mike Sanders. Cena got the advantage and was getting ready to end the match with the Proto-Bomb, but Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire interfere. Disqualification. (6:21, 64)

    After a ringbell, there is a beatdown three-on-one. And Hennig doesn't come to the rescue. Where is he? (Perhaps he's just drunk and high, and therefore didn't show up for the event, where he was supposed to have a match vs Sanders? But who knows...) 

    Backstage, Booker T and Sting talk about their emotional brawl during the fatal-four way match last week. They admit that sometimes emotions take over. They should leave it behind, as tonight they perform as a tag team! (77)

    Chris Kanyon is in the ring lamenting that he didn't win the contender's match last week. "First Donkey Michaels interfered, then Sting and Booker went to brawl outside the ring. They were all scared of me. I stayed in the ring. I was the last man standing. I was supposed to win." Kanyon demands to be declared the winner. Don Callis refuses, but says his solution: Kanyon, Sting and Booker T will meet in an Extreme Triple Threat at Uncensored, where the winner will get the next WCW World Heavyweight Championship shot from RAGE brand. And tonight, Kanyon will be able to get back at HBK in a one-on-one match! (84)

    Match 4: Shane Helms vs Petey Williams. The announcers hype their finishers, calling it "Vertabreaker vs Canadia Destroyer match". Naturally, the match comes down to who hits his finisher first. It was Helms. He blocks a Canadian Destroyer and delivers a Vertabreaker for the win. (12:58, 80)

    Post match, Helms doesn't have time to get up before Elix Skipper shows up and hits him with the championship belt to the head, showing that their story isn't over. (12:58, 80)

    Another hype video about "Cowboy" James Storm. Storm says their fights in Tennessee are far more dangerous than anything that happens in RAGE. There are no rules here. There are no restrictions. And none of the RAGE wrestlers would live here for a week. So with that kind of background, James is going to come to RAGE and get to the very top very fast. (48)

    Backstage, Billy Kiidman is attacked by Crowbar with steel pipe! Several blows to the head leave Kidman lying in a pool of blood. "This is what awaits you at Uncensored!". (58)

    Match 5: Booker T and Sting vs Christopher Daniels and Matt Morgan. Booker T and Sting start off well, but problem between them were still here. After arguing, Booker T attacks Sting out of emotion! The opponents take advantage of this, with Matt Morgan knocking Booker out of the ring and Daniels laying Sting out with Angel's Wings for the win. (9:23, 79)

    CM Punk backstage promo. He talks to Samoa Joe. "Without me, you'd be just another fat guy falling on your neck in school gyms in front of 20 people. That's how I found you in the indies. And at Uncensored I will end your story and send you back. I tried to make you a success. But apparently you're made only for small gyms." (76)

    Match 6: Chris Kanyon vs Shawn Michaels. They had a match worthy of a PPV. But just like at Great American Bash 2002, the match didn't end cleanly. Michaels goes for Sweet Chin Music, but is attacked by Bret Hart, Lance Storm, Elix Skipper and Petey Williams. Disqualification. (14:50, 91)

    Post match, American Dragon runs in to save his mentor, but the fight is unequal. In the end, Kanyon and the Hart's proteges beat down their opponents, and RAGE ends. (78)

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    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #88

    Nationwide Arena, Columbus, OH

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 78

    Match 1: Matt Sydal vs Air Paris. Matt Sydal returns to in-ring action, opening Nitro with a solid win over Air Paris after a 630 Splash. (5:56, 68)

    Post match, Stacy Keibler appears on the ramp with his proteges Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley. Kazarian grabs the mic himself this time. He is furious after Sydal cost them the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship last week. Kazarian accepts Sydal's challenge, promises to send him back to the hospital, and then reclaim the tag team titles. The match will take place next week on Nitro. (55)

    Backstage, The Rock meets James Mitchell and mocks him in his typical style. Mitchell is furious and calls The Rock out, promising that Abyss will deal with him. (75)

    Match 2: Raven vs Johnny Swinger. Raven met active resistance from Johnny Swinger, but caught him with the Raven Effect for the win. (5:20, 70)

    Post match, Raven sits in the corner with a microphone: "Dustin Rhodes got what he wanted on Uncensored... But be careful what you wish for. You want a match? You want to beat me with a chain? Bring the chain to Uncensored, because we're gonna need it. The match will be played by my rules - Raven's rules. Everything is allowed. Chains. Chairs. Tables. Stairs. Blood. Pain. Suffering. Everything." (63)

    The Four Horsemen in-ring promo. Steve Corino blames Chris Hero for their loss to Goldberg and The Rock a week ago. "If you weren't thinking so much about your singles career, you could have been where you needed to be - right next to us, helping us." Claudio Castagnoli steps in for his partner. Corino reminds him that he won at SuperBrawl and won the right to be the leader of the Horsemen, so he can do whatever he wants. Claudio Castagnoli: "In that case, maybe Chris and I don't need to be part of these Horsemen to succeed?" Things almost come to a brawl where Hero takes Claudio's side and CW Anderson stands by Corino. But before that WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes shows up and sets up the main event: Steve Corino and CW Anderson vs. Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero! (85)

    Match 3: Homicide vs Kaz Hayashi. Low Ki was an independent observer of this fair match until Homicide decided to use a chair. Low Ki tries to stop him, but accidentally hits Hayashi with the chair. The referee chases Low Ki away and Homicide hits Hayashi with the Gringo Killer for the win. (13:28, 81)

    Post match, Kaz Hayashi refuses to accept an apology from his tag team partner and pushes him away.

    Chavo Guerrero comes out to answer the challenge from Rey Mysterio: "Closure? I want closure. I want closure to the beautiful story of the little luchador Rey Mysterio that everyone raves about. Undeservedly so. I am a descendant of the Guerrero family. Lucha is in the Guerrero blood. But no... Everyone thinks the lucha is Rey. I will prove that's not true and end this legend and lucha style. Mexican Death Match it is." Chavo Guerrero accepts the challenge for a Mexican Death Match - at Uncensored. (78)

    Match 4: Rob Van Dam vs Super Crazy. RVD returns to the Nitro ring, picking up a beautiful victory over another ECW original. RVD ends the match with a 5 Star Frog Splash. (10:28, 70)

    Post match, RVD is about to show off and goes for another 5 Star Frog Splash, but the appearance of AJ Styles changes his plans. (74)

    Match 5: The Rock vs Abyss (w/ James Mitchell). The Rock had a tough time brawling against the bigger Abyss. Abyss, with the help of Mitchell, dominated most of the match, but a spinebuster at the end as well as two consecutive Rock Bottoms brought Rock the victory. (13:48, 87)

    Post match, Mesias attacks The Rock! Rocky fights back, but Abyss and joining Raven leave him no chance. Goldberg comes to save The Rock and chases Mitchell's 'family' away. (80)

    Match 6: Steve Corino and CW Anderson vs Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero. We were treated to a match of the Four Horsemen against each other. Corino and Anderson immediately attacked Hero and dominated most of the match. Hero delivers a hot tag to Claudio. Castagnoli enters the ring... and attacks Hero! NEUTRALIZER! Corino, Anderson, and Castagnoli beat up Hero. The match was stopped. (7:01, 74)

    After a ringbell, Hero gets a Superkick from Corino, a Spinebuster from Anderson and another Neutralizer from Castagnoli. Three Horsemen celebrate over - now apparently former Horseman - Chris Hero at the end of the Nitro.



    Episode #9

    Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, MI

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and Don Callis
    Overall: 90

    Chris Kanyon opens the show: "It took The Rock's entire arsenal of finishers to get the win last week. But here's the important thing: no one can beat Kanyon twice. No one has and no one will. That's why I'm going to get my WCW World Heavyweight Championship back." Booker T responds to this: "I would love to show that I can beat you twice if I got my rematch for the title against you. But I didn't get it. Not to mention how I lost the title... That wouldn't have happened if our match had a normal referee. So I should get my title match.". Sting appears: "Each of you have gotten your chance recently. Now I want my chance." Here's also Bret Hart and Lance Storm demanding a title shot. Don Callis grabs the mic from the announcing table and books the main event: Chris Kanyon, Sting, Booker T and Lance Storm will face off in a four-man match to determine the next #1 contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship from RAGE brand. (97)

    Match 1: Shawn Michaels and American Dragon vs Yang and Sonjay Dutt. HBK and Dragon successfully defeat the opponents after Yang missed a Moonsault and got himself into a Cattle Mutilation. (12:52, 76)

    Post match, Shawn Michaels again demands a match against Lance Storm: anytime, anywhere and any rules. (90)

    Video hyping debut of "Cowboy" James Storm, with Storm actively provoking bar brawls while also not shying away from smashing a bottle over his opponent's head. (44)

    Match 2: Crowbar vs Jack Evans. Crowbar picks up an easy victory over promisining Evans. (5:11, 68)

    Post match, Crowbar finishes Evans with a Top-Rope Legdrop through the table! Then he grabs the mic: "Kidman, I accept the challenge. Uncensored. Extreme Rules. This was an example of what awaits you at the PPV." (54)

    Joey Styles welcomes the new signing for RAGE: team of Doug Williams and Nigel McGuinness called "The British Invasion". They have performed well in independent venues and received an invitation to RAGE. Williams and McGuinness explain their attack on Kendrick and London last week by saying they want to establish themselves as serious guys right away. So they attacked the team that everyone is putting up as examples in the indies as the ones who have been successful "at big arenas". Williams and McGuinness are far more talented than they are and are ready to prove it. Brian Kendrick and Paul London show up at the ramp and accept the challenge. (41)

    Curt Hennig and John Cena backstage interview. They were doing good as a team lately. So they decided to continue performing as a tag team. They challenge WCW World Tag Team Champions Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire to a match at Uncensored! (55)

    Match 3: CM Punk vs Hugh Morrus. CM Punk picks up a solid victory over the experienced Hugh Morrus after dodging Moonsault and locking Hugh in a chokegold, eager to show off before his match with Samoa Joe. (6:51, 78)

    Shane Helms backstage interview. He hypes his WCW Cruiserweight title shot which he finally got tonight. He reminds us that he has never lost the championship match and he has no intention of doing so tonight. (66)

    Match 4: John Cena vs Chris Chetti. John Cena gets a singles match on RAGE - against former ECW wrestler Chris Chetti. And picks up the victory, debuting his new Proto-Bomb finisher. (4:11, 20)

    Post match, Mark Jindrak attacks Cena! He beats him up at ringside, throwing him to the steel steps and ring post until officials stop him. The announcers say it might be a revenge for an upsetting defeat two weeks ago. (50)

    Backstage, Sting tells Booker T that the respect of the fans is not gained by insults and requests, but by what you show in the ring. Booker T didn't seem to want a lecture from Sting. (77)

    Match 5, WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Elix Skipper vs Shane Helms. Elix Skipper finally defends the title against Shane Helms. Skipper used his full arsenal of cheap tactics. Both wrestlers had several near pinfalls and the announcers kept reminding us that Helms never lost his title as he left WCW as champion. At the end, Helms goes for the Vertabreaker, but Petey Williams shows up and literally pulls his "mentor" off of Shane's shoulders, saving him from a devastating finisher. The referee stops the match. DQ (15:19, 78)

    Match 6, #1 Contendership for WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Kanyon vs Lance Storm vs Sting vs Booker T. The Rock will be the next to challenge Goldberg for the title. But who will be contender from RAGE brand after him? This fatal four way match will decide. As with all such matches, we were treated to a large amount of chaos. In surprising turn of events Sting and Booker T were eager to fight each other. Lance Storm was close to pick a victory... but he was attacked by Shawn Michaels! HBK and Storm fight their way out of the arena. Sting and Booker get so worked up that their brawl moves to the crowd! Apparently, we have no winner. (14:26, 94)

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    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #87

    Civic Center, Saginaw, MI

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 85


    Goldberg kicks off the show as the NEW WCW World Heavyweight Champion, now 3-time. "I've finally reclaimed what's rightfully mine. Who's next?" The Rock is here! "Yesterday I defeated Booker T and confirmed that I am the #1 contender. That means a match against the Great One awaits you at Uncensored. Dream match! The Biggest Star of WCW versus The Biggest Star... ever." The Rock and Goldberg shake hands - and it does look like a big moment for World Championship Wrestling. And like a preview of - maybe - the biggest match in WCW history. (100)

    The commentators announce that WCW Uncensored will be a very special event. All matches here will be extreme rules matches. It means no DQ and no count outs.

    Match 1, WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship: Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley (w/ Stacy Keibler) vs Jamie Noble and Ultimo Dragon. It's a rematch from Clash of the Champions. This time Stacy Keibler also interferes, distracting the ref. Kazarian climbs into the ring with the championship belt... but he is attacked by returning Matt Sydal! Sydal knocks Bentley out of the ring and Kazarian gets the 630 Splash! Noble makes the pin. 1... 2... 3... We have the NEW WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions! (13:26, 79)

    Backstage, Gene Okerlund meets the new WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions plus Matt Sydal. Sydal says he's back from injury and he's going to get revenge on Kazarian. Sydal challenges him to a match. (45)

    In Four Horsemen's locker room, they are all together again. Claudio Castagnoli accepts Steve Corino's leadership and shakes his hand. "You beat me. Unfairly. With a brass knuckle. But it was in the style of the Horsemen. I respect you for that." Corino says that only together can they be a force. To celebrate their peacemaking, they are ready to challenge Goldberg and The Rock to a tag team match tonight! Chris Hero says he won SuperBrawl Classic last night by himself, single-handedly. He will come out for a speech tonight. And he prefers to do it alone as well, so he asks his mates to stay backstage. Corino is not pleased. (77)

    Match 2: Samoa Joe vs Harry Smith. Joe defeated local wrestler Harry Smith without much trouble, capturing him in a chokehold. (2:01, 57)

    Post match, Gene Okerlund is here for an interview with Joe. Joe reminds him that he still hasn't lost clean - no one has pinned him down, no one has made him tap out and no one can do that. Samoa Joe wants to settle accounts with CM Punk, who cost him his SuperBrawl Classic win. Problem is that because of the brand split they will see each other next time only at Uncensored. Well, it's the perfect place and the perfect time. (58)

    Chris Hero does his first individual promo in WCW. He talks about his past and his many matches in small indy venues. But he's worked hard and succeeded: he's in the best ring and has had success in the most prestigious wrestling tournament. Now he will forever be remembered in history as the first ever SuperBrawl Classic winner. Next, he's going after individual titles and prizes. Hero gets a pop from the crowd!... 

    ... Ric Flair shows up! Flair compliments Hero and says that these people seem to be supporting Chris. The Four Horsemen are a dead end for him. Plus Flair reminds him even as Horsemen didn't help him last night, Hero still didn't fully win the final match all by himself. Chris is pissed. He challenges Flair to a match tonight and Ric accepts the challenge. The wrestlers shake hands! (100!!!)

    Match 3: Homicide, Kaz Hayashi and Low Ki vs Jerry Lynn, Super Crazy and Tajiri. There was a miscommunication between Homicide and Hayashi. Low Ki tried to smooth things over, but it didn't work. Eventually Homicide leaves the ring and Hayashi gets a Cradle Piledriver from Lynn. 1...2...3. (6:09, 74)

    Backstage, the rest of the Horsemen aren't happy with Chris Hero shaking hands with Flair. CW Anderson is extremely pissed, but Claudio steps in between him and Hero. Hero asks them to stay in the locker room tonight: he'll deal with Flair alone. (73)

    Dustin Rhodes backstage interview. He hypes his match tonight against Abyss.  If he can beat Abyss, he gets a match against Raven on Uncensored. (63)

    Backstage, Kaz Hayashi and Homicide are arguing. WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes spots it and sets up a singles match for them at the next Nitro. (68)

    Match 4: Dustin Rhodes vs Abyss. Another encounter between those two. These opponents have a long history. It seems like we've seen every possible gimmick in the matches, but Rhodes and Abyss were able to surprise us again with some spots. At the end, Rhodes hits Abyss with a chain and pins for three. (8:53, 81)

    In a pre-taped promo Rey Mysterio says that he can't fully focus on getting back to the top of Nitro rankings until he has "closure" on the Chavo story. It seems like they will try to kill each other until someone will succeed. So be it... Rey offers the final match. At Uncensored. Mexican Death Match. Rey gives Chavo 7 days to think about it and will wait for an answer at the next Nitro. (79)

    Match 5: Chris Hero vs Ric Flair. Hero keeps his word and has a singles match against Ric Flair without any additional help. Hiro showed off his full arsenal of moves that the fans came to love. Flair, on the other hand, traditionally attacks the weak spot. Now it's Chris' leg. After a while Flair tries to put Hero in a Figure-Four Leglock... Hero transforms it into a roll up and pins Flair for three! (11:20, 81)

    Post match, Ric Flair again offers Hero a handshake... and Hero accepts! 

    Rob Van Dam is back to Nitro! He is here for an in-ring promo. RVD admits that he was behind all the videos that messed with the mind of AJ Styles. RVD is here to remind us something. He won the WCW United States Championship in May 2001. And walked out of here, because of some backstage shenanigans. But he walked out of here as a champion, No one beat him. Styles stole all the glory from him. It's RVD who delights everyone with his high-risk moves - not AJ. It's RVD who was supposed to bring innovation and new style to WCW and go to the top of the roster - not AJ. And it's RVD who should be the one with the United States title tonight - not AJ. AJ Styles just took his place...

    ... WCW US Champion AJ Styles is here to answer! "I've never thought about whose place I took. Honestly, I didn't even care. It's your and mine job to protect our places. And if I was failing to do it... I never whined about it. I came to WCW and climbed to my spot from the very bottom, from the jobber's level. You know how? By beating every next opponent, no whining, no videos, no mind games. You want a title match? I'm ready to give it to you right now." RVD accepts the title shot, but says it will go down by his rules - the extreme rules at WCW Uncensored. (71)

    Match 6: Goldberg and The Rock vs Steve Corino and Claudio Castagnoli. If Goldberg v The Rock match is a dream match, does their team turn out to be a dream team? We have a chance to check. The Horsemen used their entire arsenal of cheap tactics, but it didn't help them when Goldberg got the hot tag and laid Corino out with the Spear for the win. (10:52, 75)

    Post match, The Rock and Goldberg have a staredown, and Nitro ends. (79)



    Episode #8

    Winnipeg, Manitoba

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and Don Callis
    Overall: 94


    Goldberg makes his RAGE debut. As the WCW World Heavyweight Champion he now can appear on this show. He delivers a short promo, declaring his readiness to defend the title against anyone. The Rock interrupts again! "At Nitro, we took down the Four Horsemen, but that doesn't change a thing: at Uncensored, I'm coming for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship."... Chris Kanyon is here too! He wants his rematch. Don Callis sets up the big main event for tonight: Chris Kanyon vs The Rock, where the winner will get a title match on Uncensored. (100)

    Match 1: Billy Kidman vs Jack Evans. Kidman defeated young Jack Evans in beautiful style, ending the match with a Shooting Star Press. (4:04, 75)

    Post match, Billy Kidman grabs the mic and says that if Crowbar wants to challenge the entire RAGE brand, Kidman accepts on behalf of it. (54)

    Video vignette for the newest member of the RAGE "Cowboy" James Storm. We are shown the small Texas town where James was born. Storm likes to drink beer, go to bars and purposely start fights there just to test himself. In he will debut on the RAGE... soon!(46)

    Sting in-ring promo. "I demonstrated in the SuperBrawl Classic tournament that I can still do something. Now I want to come back to the top and become the WCW World Heavyweight Champion one more time." He is interrupted by Christopher Daniels, "You got knocked out of the tournament by AJ Styles, who has only a couple years of experience. Maybe it's time to retire.". Sting suggests Daniels to check it out and challenges him to a match! (95)

    Match 2: Brian Kendrick and Paul London vs Roderick Strong and Sonny Siaki. Kendrick hit the Sliced Bread #2 on Sonny and London performed the Shooting Star Press to win. (5:21, 79)

    Post match, Kendrick and London are attacked by unknown assailants. Joey Styles recognizes them as British wrestlers Doug Williams and Nigel McGuinness. McGuinness demolishes London with a Jawbreaker Lariat. Williams puts Kendrick down with Chaos Theory. (49)

    Bret Hart comes out with Lance Storm, Elix Skipper and Petey Williams. "The HBK lost. End of the story. Now it's time for Lance Storm to go after the WCW World Heavyweight Championship." Shawn Michaels shows up and demands a rematch. Bret Hart: "I see no reason for a rematch. The story is over. Storm is going for the title." (95)

    Match 3: Mark Jindrak and Mike Sanders vs Curt Hennig and John Cena. Veteran Curt Hennig teams up with talented rookie John Cena. Cena catches Sanders with a Spinebuster and then leaves the ring with Jindrak. Hennig hits Sanders with a Hennigplex for the win. (6:50, 68)

    CM Punk comes to the ringside and delivers a promo. "People ask me why I knocked Samoa Joe out of the SuperBrawl Classic tournament... The truth is, I'm the one who discovered Samoa Joe in the indies. I brought him to WCW, gave him a purpose, and helped him succeed. Now he's proud of his undefeated streak? I'm the one who made him undefeated, and I'll be the one to end it. Joe wants a fight? I accept his challenge for Uncensored!" (81)

    Match 4: Elix Skipper and Petey Williams vs Shane Helms and American Dragon. Helms' cruiserweight style complements Dragon's technical wrestling perfectly, leading them to a victory following the Vertabreaker on Williams. (13:45, 88)

    Booker T in-ring promo. He expresses his disappointment that at last night's SuperBrawl, many fans were cheering for The Rock and booing him. Why? What did he do to deserve it? He is the 5-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion. WCW is his home. WCW fans are his family. When others were leaving and chasing after bigger money, he stayed here. But it's ok. Regardless of their reaction, Booker T will continue to move forward and vows to become a 6-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion. (85)

    Match 5: Sting vs Christopher Daniels. Christopher Daniels has one of the biggest matches of his career against multi-time champion Sting. In a great match, Sting goes for the Scorpion Deathlock, but Daniels escapes the ring and walks to the ramp. It's the count out victory to Sting... who is almost immediately attacked from behind by Matt Morgan. (6:58, 77)

    Post match, Daniels is happy, but not for long, because he is attacked by... the returning Alex Wright! A series of punches and a German Suplex onto the steel ramp for Daniels. Morgan runs in for the save but doesn't make it: Wright escapes backstage. (56)

    Match 6, #1 Contendership for WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Kanyon vs The Rock. Spinebuster and Rock Bottom weren't enough to defeat Kanyon. Chris goes for the Flatliner, but Rock counters that into a second Rock Bottom and picks up the victory. (14:30, 94)

    Post match, Goldberg enters the arena with the championship belt to stare down at his opponent on Uncensored. (80)

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    WCW SuperBrawl 2003

    Bell Centre, Montreal, Canada

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Jerry Lawler and Joey Styles
    Overall: 83


    The kickoff video shows highlights of the SuperBrawl Classic, which will be an annual event in WCW from now on. The eight remaining competitors are Rey Mysterio, Chris Hero, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Brian Kendrick, Christopher Daniels, Sean O'Haire, and Sting. Who will be the first winner of the SuperBrawl Classic? (74)

    Match 1, SuperBrawl Classic 1/4: Brian Kendrick vs Christopher Daniels (w/ 'The Blueprint' Matt Morgan). Kendrick has been plagued by back pain since the brutal offense of Daniels and Morgan just 3 days ago. And it made itself felt when Kendrick couldn't lift Daniels for a suplex - and Christopher performed Last Rites to win. (9:10, 73)

    Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli backstage interview. Claudio intends to become the leader of the Four Horsemen after tonight, while Chris Hero will bring the Horsemen a prestigious SuperBrawl Classic win. The road back to total domination on Nitro will begin from this day. (64)

    Match 2, SuperBrawl Classic 1/4: Rey Mysterio vs Chris Hero. The different styles of these wrestlers - Rey's speed and Chris's hard hitting offense - worked well together in this match. It was a back-and-forth match. Rey Mysterio took a bit of a lead and would have surely brought the match to victory if Chavo Guerrero hadn't appeared while Rey was on the top rope and pulled the ropes. Rey drops down on the rope crotch first - and gets hit with a brutal KO Elbow from Hero. 1...2...3. (14:31, 86)

    Samoa Joe backstage interview. Samoa Joe is still undefeated. There is no one in the tournament who can stop him, which means Joe will get the victory tonight. (56)

    Match 3, SuperBrawl Classic 1/4: Sting vs Sean O'Haire. For Sting, it was a chance to show that he was being written off too early. But Sean O'Haire's youth and power gave him the advantage. Perhaps Sting's experience played a role, because he only needed one mistake from Sean to block a Widow Maker and perform a Scorpion Deathdrop for a quick pin. 1...2...3. Sean kicks out, but a moment too late. (9:06, 75)

    Steve Corino backstage interview. He says that he "invented" the new Horsemen. He created this project. He breathed life into it. And he's not going to give it to anyone. "Claudio, you want leadership? You can take it from my dead hands." (61)

    Match 4, SuperBrawl Classic 1/4: AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe. Styles has a serious, dangerous and still undefeated opponent in front of him tonight. Although AJ himself has long shown that he can be considered a favorite in any match. The WCW US Championship belt is proof of that. To win, it wasn't enough for AJ to show "phenomenal" wrestling. He needed a plan - and he found it by targeting Joe's arm. Arm-triangle attempt; Joe blocks. Choke attempt from Joe... Block from Styles. Joe goes for the Koji Clutch, but AJ counters that into an armbar! Joe rolls out of the ring. The referee checks on Styles' condition... and as he does so, CM Punk runs out to the ringside and pushes Joe into the steel post headfirst! Samoa Joe lies outside the ring for a long time and doesn't make it back in before the ref's 10 count. (14:35, 82)


    Match 5, Four Horsemen’s Leadership Position on the Line: Steve Corino vs Claudio Castagnoli. Expectedly good match where both competitors showed off their full extensive arsenal of moves. Castagnoli surprised several times with stiff kicks. Corino expectedly performed in more "old school" style. Also expectedly, CW Anderson interfered in the match and - maybe a little less expectedly - attacked Claudio as he started to take the lead. The referee sends Anderson backstage, and in the meantime Corino takes out brass knuckles and hits Castagnoli in the head with it. Pin. 1...2...3. (15:39, 78)

    Sting backstage interview. "Last year I thought it was time to quit. But now I feel better than ever. WCW is full of young and talented stars... AJ is the top of them all. If I can wrestle him, that means I'm still good enough to be an active performer." (68)

    Match 6, SuperBrawl Classic Semifinals: Chris Hero vs Christopher Daniels (w/ ‘The Blueprint’ Matt Morgan). Daniels was expected to look fresher. After all, he had an easier match in the previous round. In addition, Morgan again actively interfered in the match, attacking Chris again and again. And now, Morgan climbs back on the apron as soon as Hero starts to take the lead and gets a massive KO Elbow to the head! Daniels immediately attacks him and goes for the Last Rites, but Hero dodges and hits the Hero's Welcome! 1...2...3. (10:39, 79)

    Match 7, SuperBrawl Classic Semifinals: Sting vs AJ Styles. The wrestlers shake hands before the match and treat each other with mutual respect throughout the fight. Sting tried to lead with the expierence, while used his youth and speed against the veteran. It's looks like Styles also took Sting out emotionally, otherwise how can you explain the fact that Sting also decided to please the fans with a high-risk maneuvers? Sting goes at the top rope one more time... AJ attacks him and hits with a sunset flip. 1...2...NO! Styles rolls Sting up into a pin, but Stinger quickly reverses it into a Scorpion Deathlock! Styles fights back and rolls Sting up again, then changes that into a Styles Clash attempt.... blocked by Sting. The match seemed to be going Sting's way, but Styles hits a Pele kick and delivers a Spiral Tap. 1...2...3. (9:47, 75)

    Post match, Styles and Sting shake hands to the delight of the fans. (78)

    Match 8, #1 Contendership for WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Booker T vs The Rock. In a match where two fan favorites clashed, it was bound to happen: the fans started leaning in favor of The Rock and booing Booker T a little. Booker didn't like it. Deciding that since they were booing him anyway, he might as well give them a reason, Booker started ignoring the ref's instructions and using cheap attacks, causing even more booing from the fans. Did it help him? You could say so. Booker T was in control of the match and tried to brutally kick Rock in the head. Rock dodges a few times and catches Booker with a spinebuster. Sharpshooter! Booker T reaches the ropes. Booker T catches Rock with a BookEnd! 1...2...NO! Axe Kick attempt, Rock dodges and does the Rock Bottom! 1...2...NO! Rock goes for the People's Elbow, Booker T dodges and rolls Rock up into a pin, grabbing him tighter by his trunks.... 1...2... Rock counters into a rollup of his own, which he almost immediately stops only to catch Booker T for another Rock Bottom. 1...2...3. (15:49, 84)

    Match 9, SuperBrawl Classic Final: AJ Styles vs Chris Hero. Both wrestlers were seriously depleted from their previous matches, but that didn't stop their talent from shining through and delivering a great match. Styles used his speed to take the lead, but it didn't last long. Hero regained the advantage and slowed AJ down with technical moves, forcing Styles to come up with a new strategy. AJ landed a series of stiff kicks and went for the Styles Clash, but Hero blocked it and escaped the ring. AJ followed with an Asai Moonsault! In the ring, Styles attempted a hurricanrana from the top rope, but Hero blocked it and delivered a tremendous top-rope powerbomb. 1...2...NO! Hero's Welcome attempt was blocked. Styles Clash attempt - blocked, followed by an instant KO Elbow from Hero! 1...2...NO! Hero couldn't believe it. Chris then went for Hero's Welcome, but Styles turned it into a Styles Clash! 1...2...NO! The commentators debated if this was the first wrestler in WCW to break out after a Styles Clash... And AJ climbed up onto the top rope for the Spiral Tap. That seemed to be it. Suddenly, the music that preceded all the promos by an unknown stalker for AJ came on. Styles was distracted - and that was enough for Hero to run up and knock Styles down with a KO Elbow! Hero's Welcome! 1...2...3. (14:39, 85)


    Post match, Chris Hero, as the first ever WCW SuperBrawl Classic winner, celebrates for a few minutes before leaving the ring. AJ Styles slowly comes to his senses... Suddenly, the lights go out. The familiar music comes on again. The lights come back on - and Styles is not alone in the ring. Behind him is... ROB VAN DAM! Spinning heel kick to the head! Rolling Thunder! RVD jumps onto the top-rope... 5 STAR FROG SPLASH! (67)

    Match 10: Shawn Michaels vs Lance Storm (w/ Bret Hart). The fans wanted to see a classic Michaels-Hart style confrontation, and they got it. Especially with the eager for revenge HBK and technical Lance Storm, who showed that he could be taken seriously and was worthy of main-event calibre matches. It's also worth noting Bret Hart's role here, as he added drama and psychology to the match by constantly interfering on Storm's side and provoking Michaels. The referee tried unsuccessfully to stop Hart. Towards the end, Shawn Michaels pushed Hart off the apron - and Hart unluckily twisted his leg. Hart screams and demands help. The ref tries to help him but completely fails to see that HBK pins Storm down after Sweet Chin Music. The fans count instead of the referee... up to 5 already! Finally, HBK stops the pin and goes to bring the referee back. HBK turns around... and get Sweet Chin Music from Storm! 1...2... Storm puts his feet on the ropes.... 3. (17:43, 79)

    Match 11, WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Kanyon vs Goldberg. The match told the story of Chris Kanyon holding back Goldberg's relentless assault with his technical and innovative moves, which he is well-known for. Kanyon strategically targeted Goldberg's already injured arm, a result of his attack on Nitro. Goldberg tried his best to fight back. He somehow managed to escape from every near-pinfall. Kanyon got really angry and almost tried to break Goldberg's arm by twisting it in the ropes. The referee said that wasn't allowed, and Kanyon got mad and knocked the referee down. Kanyon then tries to use the championship belt, but Goldberg dodges it and hits Kanyon with a Spear! Pin, but there's no referee. Goldberg wakes the ref up, turns around... and gets a Flatliner from the champion! 1...2...NO! Kanyon is furious. He grabs the belt in front of the ref and goes for a DQ, but the referee stops him. They argue. Goldberg gets up... and hits Kanyon with another Spear! 1...2...3. We have the NEW WCW World Heavyweight Champion! (13:49, 84)

    Post match, Goldberg receives the championship belt from the hands of the referee... But has to put it on the other shoulder, as one arm clearly requires medical attention. However, it doesn't matter so much... Bill Goldberg is the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion! And that's where SuperBrawl ends.

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    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #86

    Staples Center, Los Angeles, CA

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 84

    WCW World Heavyweight Champion Chris Kanyon opens with a promo. He's  boasting that he was able to injure Goldberg last week. Goldberg comes out with a bandaged arm and is out for revenge... WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes and his security guards manage to stop the brawl. Dusty is about to give both wrestlers the night off, but Kanyon is raring to fight! Then Rhodes gives them a chance to get at each other - in a tag team match where each will choose a partner. (100)

    Match 1, #1 Contendership for WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship: Jamie Noble and Ultimo Dragon vs Super Crazy and Tajiri. Jamie Noble and Ultimo Dragon prove themselves worthy of another chance by defeating Super Krazy and Tajiri. (15:11, 75)

    Johnny Swinger comes to the Four Horsemen's locker room to show his respect for Chris Hero after their match last week. Hero is ready to accept, but Claudio Castagnoli mocks the young talent here. Swinger challenges Castagnoli to a match tonight. (64)

    Raven backstage interview prior the Rhodes vs Mesias match tonight. "Dustin better lose tonight... Because I'm waiting for him at the end of the road - and it's going to be a real nightmare for him." (43)

    Match 2: Johnny Swinger vs Claudio Castagnoli (w/ Chris Hero). Johnny Swinger once again surprised everyone with his performance. More surprised was Claudio himself when he discovered he couldn't beat Swinger fair and square. Claudio grabs a chair... he's stopped by Chris Hero! Hero respects Swinger and wants a fair match. Swinger surprisingly rolls distracted Claudio up... 1-2-3! What a victory! (6:14, 73)

    Post match, Steve Corino comes out to mock Claudio. Things almost come to a brawl, which is contained by the Horsemen and officials. (74)

    Backstage AJ Styles apologizes to Rey Mysterio for leaving him alone in a match last week. Rey accepts the apology and remarks that when it's over - Mysterio wants a title shot because he never lost the WCW United States Championship. (74)

    Match 3: Dustin Rhodes vs Mesias (w/ James Mitchell). Dustin Rhodes tries to earn a match against Raven and fights against one of his followers, Mesias. James Mitchell repeatedly interfered in the match, but it didn't help Mesias avoid the Blackout and pinfall. (8:14, 74)

    Backstage, Chris Kanyon comes to the Four Horsemen's locker room. "I need someone in the main event tonight who's good at solving problems. I need a real enforcer." CW Anderson agrees to help Kanyon. (77)

    Match 4, SuperBrawl Classic 1/8: Rey Mysterio vs Homicide. 1/4 finals is on the line here. Low Ki comes out to help Homicide, but he is stopped by Kaz Hayashi. As Kaz and Low Ki argue, Homicide is distracted by it and falls victim to a springboard hurricanrana from Rey Mysterio. (10:19, 80)

    Post match, Rey Mysterio doesn't have time to properly celebrate as he is attacked by Chavo Guerrero! Chavo delivers a Frog Splash. He grabs a mic: "Next time, I will end your career for good, Rey" (79)

    Match 5, SuperBrawl Classic 1/8: AJ Styles vs Low Ki. Obviously, it's a non-title match. Low Ki showed his full arsenal of moves, including some very stiff kicks. But Styles withstood them all - and ended the match with a victory after Styles Clash. (15:24, 79)

    Post match, there is another video airing that promises a revenge on AJ. Message is that this mystery person is close by, and AJ should watch his back. (68)

    Match 6: Chris Kanyon and CW Anderson vs Goldberg and Ric Flair. Goldberg found himself a good partner. Althrough, Flair's and  Goldberg's styles were slightly mismatched. Oh, and Kanyon and Anderson quickly began working Goldberg's arm. So Kanyon and Anderson dominated most of the match. Goldberg and Flair grabbed the lead at the end, but Goldberg misses a Spear and runs into the steel post with a sick arm/shoulder first. Goldberg seems to be off the match... Flair got his Flatliner from the champion and was pinned. (81, 12:31)

    Post match, Goldberg is trying to get some medical help... but Kanyon kicks out all the "helpers" and lands some more punches to Goldberg's arm! Can Goldberg make it to the title match, which takes place in just 6 days? Chris Kanyon is sure he won't and confidently poses with the title.



    Episode #7

    Centennial Garden, Bakersfield, CA

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and Don Callis
    Overall: 85


    TONIGHT: Shane Helms challenged Lance Storm to a singles match, and Shawn Michaels will meet Elix Skipper! (60)

    Match 1, SuperBrawl Classic 1/8: Billy Kidman vs Christopher Daniels (w/ 'The Blueprint' Matt Morgan). Kidman and Daniels were determining who would advance to the quarterfinals - and Kidman was much closer to winning, but Matt Morgan prevents him from making the Shooting Star Press... and Daniels hits Angel's Wings off the second rope for the win. (15:07, 82)

    Post match, Crowbar appears through the crowd and attacks the lying Kidman! The security guards chase him out of the arena. (50)

    Mike Sanders (w/ Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire) backstage interview. "Sean O'Haire is the most powerful wrestler on RAGE and the most powerful competitor in the SuperBrawl Classic. He won't leave a wet spot from the American Dragon tonight." (52)

    Match 2: Curt Hennig vs Mark Jindrak (w/ Mike Sanders). Mike Sanders tries to interfere but is stopped by John Cena! Jindrak is distracted by this fumble and gets under a Hennigplex with a pin to three. (6:40, 70)

    American Dragon backstage interview. "I feel like my time is coming - and the SuperBrawl tournament is a great chance for me. Even despite a serious opponent like O'Haire." (50)

    Match 3: Lance Storm (w/ Bret Hart) vs Shane Helms. Helms was brave and tried to keep pace against Lance Storm, but just one mistake leads to him getting caught in a Sharpshooter and having to tap out. (10:21, 80)

    Post match, Lance Storm grabs the mic: "Let this be an example of what awaits Shawn Michaels at SuperBrawl." (72)

    Video vignette shows us Alex Wright's recovery process - his back injury is threatening his career, but doctors give a cautiously optimistic prognosis. (47)

    Match 4, SuperBrawl Classic 1/8: Brian Kendrick vs Paul London. Former tag team champions make a real showdown.  In a great match, both wrestlers were exhausted by the end of an evenly matched bout. Only one mistake leads to Kendrick dodging a Shooting Star Press and rolling London up into a pin for three. (15:33, 86)

    Post match, the tired opponents are both attacked by Christopher Daniels and Matt Morgan! On Daniels' orders, Morgan performs a terrifying Backbreaker on Kendrick (the same one that injured Alex Wright's back...). Kendrick is in need of medical attention. Will he be able to make it to the 1/4 finals match against Daniels in just 3 days? (58)

    Shawn Michaels backstage interview. "Bret Hart will suck all the juice out of Storm, Skipper and Williams - they just don't know it yet. He talks a lot about my backstage political behavior. But he was the same if not the worse. As he was much more manipulating, so he could stay in shadow. By the way, Elix... I guarantee you I weigh less than 220 pounds. Why don't you put the WCW Cruiserweight Championship on the line tonight?" (65)

    Match 5, SuperBrawl Classic 1/8: American Dragon vs Sean O'Haire (w/ Mike Sanders).  The powerful Sean O'Haire tried to deal with the talented American Dragon. Dragon showed great technique. Midway through the match, the ref sent Mike Sanders to the backstage area. In an even match, both were very close to winning, but it is O'Hair who moves on after the Widow Maker. (9:44, 79)

    Post match, Sting comes out to the ramp. It's he who will face O'Haire in the 1/4 finals. (81)

    Match 6, WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Elix Skipper vs Shawn Michaels.  It's not often that the main event features a fight for this particular title, but the situation is unique - Shawn Michaels has a good chance of becoming champion against Elix Skipper. HBK as the Cruiserweight Champion? That would be fun to watch. By the way, tonight Skipper proved that he is worthy of big matches against true masters, which HBK is. Sweet Chin Music by Michaels! He's really gonna become the champion! No... Only the interference of Lance Storm and Bret Hart save Elix - the match ends in a DQ. (13:29, 83)

    Post match, Lance Storm puts Shawn Michaels in the Sharpshooter and manages to do some serious damage before officials interfere. (75)

    We are treated to one last meeting between The Rock and Booker T before their match at SuperBrawl. In this match The Rock will make his WCW debut. And also this match will determine the #1 contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. The Rock: "I came to WCW to get the best matches, the best opponents and to fight for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. At SuperBrawl, I'm going to show that I deserve it." Booker T: "I'm tired of more attention being given to The Rock, who hasn't had a match yet, than the 5-time World Champion. Moreover, I lost the title precisely because of Rock. So in three days, I'm going to show you where Rock has gotten to. No one will pay that kind of attention to The Rock anymore. And then I'll get my WCW World Heavyweight Championship back when no one gets in my way." Referees restrain the wrestlers so it doesn't come to a brawl. (100)


    World Championship Wrestling presents...



    Final Card

    WCW World Heavyweight Championship
    Chris Kanyon vs Goldberg

    „The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs Lance Storm (w/ Bret "The Hitman" Hart)

    #1 Contendership for WCW World Heavyweight Championship
    The Rock vs Booker T

    Four Horsemen’s Leadership Position on the Line
    Steve Corino vs Claudio Castagnoli

    SuperBrawl Classic Final Match
    TBD vs TBD

    1/2 Finals SuperBrawl Classic
    TBD vs TBD

    1/2 Finals SuperBrawl Classic
    TBD vs TBD

    1/4 Finals SuperBrawl Classic
    Sean O'Haire vs Sting

    1/4 Finals SuperBrawl Classic
    AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe

    1/4 Finals SuperBrawl Classic
    Rey Mysterio vs Chris Hero

    1/4 Finals SuperBrawl Classic
    Brian Kendrick vs Christopher Daniels


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    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #85

    MCI Center, Washington, D.C

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 85

    Goldberg opens the show: "If Kanyon wants to eliminate me out of the match at SuperBrawl before the match, he needs to do better than he did last week. He didn't finish me. And tonight I won't rest until I find him." (100)

    Match 1: Ultimo Dragon vs Air Paris. Ultimo Dragon continues to build on his form, easily defeating Air Paris this time. (4:50, 72)

    Johnny Swinger got some TV time for an interview, "I'm at the very beginning of my WCW career. The SuperBrawl Classic tournament is a big chance for me." (44)

    Backstage, Chris Kanyon, as the champion, demands safety guarantees from WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes. Dusty: "It's your own fault if you don't feel safe tonight. By the way, you have a non-title match tonight against Dustin Rhodes." (74)

    Match 2: Jerry Lynn vs Shannon Moore. Losers of their 1/16 matches of the SuperBrawl Classic, meet each other tonight. In an equal back-and-forth match Lynn catches Moore with a Cradle Piledriver for the win. (6:27, 74)

    Backstage, Steve Corino and Claudio Castagnoli argue after what happened last week, where they both helped different Horsemen to win in a singles match. Ric Flair is here to mock them. Corino and Castagnoli try to prove that they are still "on the same page" and challenge Flair and his partner to a tag team match tonight. (92)

    Raven backstage promo. "I see no reason why I should give Dustin Rhodes another match. My problems can be taken care of for me by my students Abyss and Mesias." (56)

    Match 3, SuperBrawl Classic 1/8: Johnny Swinger vs Chris Hero. Johnny Swinger surprised the WCW crowd again, but Chris Hero was no match for him. Hero showed he looks good in singles action, and caught Swinger with a KO Elbow for the win. (7:37, 77)

    WCW US Champion AJ Styles backstage interview. He intends to retain the United States title and win at SuperBrawl to make another "phenomenal accomplishment". AJ isn't going to pay attention to the mysterious videos. If anyone has a problem with him - let him challenge him to a match, Styles will gladly accept the challenge like he accepts all others. (62)

    Match 4, SuperBrawl Classic 1/8: Samoa Joe vs Jamie Noble. Both Samoa Joe and Jamie Noble have become famous in WCW for their unique submission holds and technical ability, so the match was a showcase of it... Samoa Joe managed to block Noble's Guillotine Choke and captured him in a choke of his own for the win. (13:11, 86)

    Post match, Gene Okerlund is here to interview Samoa Joe. "No one has been able to beat me in WCW yet and no one can beat me in the SuperBrawl Classic." (57)

    Match 5: Steve Corino and Claudio Castagnoli vs Ric Flair and Fit Finlay. Steve Corino and Claudio Castagnoli tried to prove they are still a team. An accidental superkick from Corino to Claudio disrupts their plans. Finlay goes after Castagnoli to the ringside, and in the ring Flair grabs Corino in a Figure-Four Leglock for the win. (7:45, 81)

    Post match, Corino and Castagnoli are ready to claw at each other, but the rest of the Horsemen and the ref hold them back.

    Match 6: Rey Mysterio and AJ Styles vs Homicide and Low Ki. The future 1/8 SuperBrawl Classic opponents face off in a tag team match. Homicide and Low Ki looked surprisingly good as a team, which probably didn't please Kaz Hayashi very much. Mysterio and Styles were a little closer to victory. At a certain point, a masked man appeared on the ramp... Is this the one sending the videos to Styles? AJ ran after him, wanting to reveal his identity - and left Mysterio alone against the two. Rey tried, but a Ki Krusher from Low Ki and a Gringo Killer from Homicide didn't give him a chance. (12:37, 78)

    Match 7, Non-Title Match: Chris Kanyon vs Dustin Rhodes. Chris Kanyon had a tough time against Dustin Rhodes, as he always had one eye on the ramp to see if Goldberg would show up. After calming down towards the end of the match, Kanyon grabbed the lead - and just then Goldberg came out. Kanyon escapes the arena, and Dustin picks up the victory by countout. (10:27, 81)

    Post-fight, Dustin Rhodes is on the mic, "I'm ready to beat everyone to get another match with Raven. I challenge Abyss and Mesias to singles matches. If I win - Raven guarantees me another match with me naming the place and rules."

    Backstage, Goldberg is looking for Chris Kanyon. Kanyon manages to attack Goldberg from behind and land some powerful chair shots. Kanyon then clamps Goldberg's arm in the chair and hits it several times until he is stopped by officials. Goldberg requires medical help.



    Episode #6

    First Union Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler, Don Callis
    Overall: 84

    Bret Hart, Lance Storm, Elix Skipper and Petey Williams make their way to the ring. Bret Hart on the mic, "Unlike Michaels, I've always wanted to develop talent, not push it back to jobber's level. Elix and Petey are talented guys and carry on the tradition of Canadian wrestling. They deserve better than to entertain idiots like all of you with their crazy jumps and spots. I'll teach them thing or two, and I'll make sure they'll have a worthy career here, free from backstage politics"... Shawn Michaels and American Dragon come out - they challenge Storm, Skipper and Williams to a handicap match tonight. (89)

    Match 1: John Cena vs Mark Jindrak. John Cena, after losing to Sean O'Haire a week ago, fights tonight against his partner. Once again, he shows that he is no longer the whipping boy of the roster. In the match, Jindrak accidentally hits his head on the steel post - and Cena rolls him up into a pin for the win! (8:07, 66)

    Post match, frustrated Mark Jindrak attacks the winner. The beating is stopped by Curt Hennig! (51)

    Video vignette of Alex Wright going through rehabilitation from a back injury. "I'm doing everything I can to get back in the ring and be better than I was before" (46)

    Christopher Daniels (w/ 'The Blueprint' Matt Morgan) backstage interview.  "Wright, stop whining. Nobody is interested in this. Everyone is interested in seeing future RAGE #1 superstar and SuperBrawl Classic winner Christopher Daniels!" (58)

    Match 2: Shane Helms vs Sonjay Dutt. Shane Helms continues his winning march to the Cruiserweight title by defeating Sonjay Dutt. (10:29, 73)

    Post match, through the crowd comes... Crowbar! He attacks Dutt and lands a few punches before being escorted out of the arena by security. (32)

    Backstage, Brian Kendrick and Paul London discuss the fact that they will be fighting at 1/8 SuperBrawl Classic against each other next week. Christopher Daniels is here. He remarks that they won't remain a team after that. Kendrick and London challenge Daniels and Morgan to a match tonight to prove otherwise. (59)

    Match 3, Non-Title Match: Chris Kanyon vs Billy Kidman. Billy Kidman showed some good wrestling, but WCW World Heavyweight Champion Chris Kanyon proved to be no match for him. The experienced Kanyon catches Kidman with a Flatliner for the win. (10:11, 76)

    Post match, Kanyon grabs the mic:  "The Rock or Booker T, no difference. There's nobody in WCW that can take that title away from me. I've beaten everyone. At SuperBrawl, I will defeat 'the undefeated' Goldberg again - and I will defend this title against anyone after him" (94)

    CM Punk and Sting both are interviewed before their match tonight. "Tonight I will retire another veteran Sting. At RAGE, it's time for the young stars leading a healthy lifestyle" Sting: "Speaking of young and old... Punk might be very surprised at what he'll see in the ring from me." (92) 

    Match 4: Brian Kendrick and Paul London vs Christopher Daniels and 'The Blueprint' Matt Morgan. Morgan became the real driving force of the match, but London and Kendrick matched him with speed and teamwork. After clearing the ring of Morgan, the former tag team champions hold the Sliced Bread #2/Shooting Star Press combination on Daniels for the win. (10:26, 83)

    Match 5, SuperBrawl Classic 1/8: Sting vs CM Punk. Punk came close to winning several times, but Sting surprised everyone by blocking the Anakonda Vice and executing the Scorpion Deathdrop to win the exciting match. (13:07, 87)

    Post match, CM Punk can't believe he lost. But it is Sting who advances in the tournament.

    Match 6: Shawn Michaels and American Dragon vs Lance Storm, Elix Skipper and Petey Williams (w/ Bret Hart). The Canadians were leading by the numbers. Plus they used cheap tactics a lot. But the HBK and Dragon were a surprisingly well-played team. They were actually going to win! Elix Skipper tries to save the situation by interfering with his championship belt... but he's attacked by Shane Helms! Now the teams are equalized, as Elix is busy with Helms. Storm leaves the ring and Williams gets a Sweet Chin Music from HBK and a Cattle Mutilation from Dragon. (13:05, 80)


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    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #84

    Allstate Arena, Chicago, IL

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 86

    TONIGHT: Horsemen, Chris Hero and CW Anderson, will face each other in a SuperBrawl Classic! (56)

    TONIGHT: Goldberg vs Raven. (80)

    Match 1, SuperBrawl Classic 1/16: Shannon Moore vs Rey Mysterio. Shannon Moore was at his best as always, but fell short against the returning Rey Mysterio, who ended the match with a win after a 6-1-9 and West Coast Pop. (10:03, 79)

    Post match, Rey Mysterio grabs the mic: "I'm back. I want to get back on top again. The SuperBrawl Classic is my chance to do that." (72)

    Low Ki backstage interview: "I helped Homicide a week ago because I respect his fighting spirit. Neither he nor I will stop at anything. Even if I have to beat Kaz Hayashi tonight in the SuperBrawl Classic, I'll do it to advance to the next stage." (54)

    Stacy Keibler makes an announcement on behalf of WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions: "If Jamie Noble and Ultimo Dragon want another title match, they should earn it the same way the other teams did." (54)

    Match 2, SuperBrawl Classic 1/16: Kaz Hayashi vs Low Ki. Rising Pain teammates faced off in the first round of the tournament. In an even and classy match that was full of spots and hard hits, both were equally close to victory... until Homicide showed up to watch the match. Hayashi gets distracted by him and gets the Ki Krusher. Low Ki advances. (9:39, 78)

    Backstage, Claudio Castagnoli warms up Chris Hero before his match and expresses doubts that the Four Horsemen are good for their career right now. (72)

    Raven backstage interview. "Goldberg might be the top guy here. But he wouldn't last a day in ECW." Raven wants to make tonight's match an extreme rules match. (71)

    Match 3, SuperBrawl Classic 1/16: Chavo Guerrero vs Jamie Noble. Chavo Guerrero enters the tournament and got Jamie Noble as his opponent; Noble surprised again with his innovative moves and submission holds. Chavo couldn't win fair and rolls Noble up with his feet on the ropes... but Rey Mysterio is here and throws off his legs! Chavo gets distracted - and Noble grabs him in the Guillotine Choke for the win! (10:03, 74)

    Backstage, Steve Corino prepares CW Anderson for the match, "My strategy and your strength will lead us to success in WCW. We must win and, if necessary, build the new Horsemen around us." (61)

    WCW US Champion AJ Styles backstage interview. "I don't know who's recording the mystery videos, but I'm not afraid of him. I'm ready to fight against anybody. Let him come out and openly challenge me to a match". Samoa Joe is here! Joe says he's not the one behind the videos, but he wants to get what's long been his due... a shot for the WCW United States Championship. Styles responds that he already has a match in the SuperBrawl Classic tonight, but later he'll be ready. (76)

    Match 4, SuperBrawl Classic 1/16: Chris Hero (w/ Claudio Castagnoli) vs CW Anderson (w/ Steve Corino). Horseman vs Horseman. The match started off with mutual respect, but soon turned into a tough match where everyone wanted to win badly. Steve Corino tried to interfere and help CW, but he was stopped by Castagnoli! Hero ends up knocking out Anderson with one of his new finishers, the Elbow KO, and advances to the 1/8 finals. (10:09, 81)

    WCW World Heavyweight Champion Chris Kanyon in-ring promo. "Everyone scares me with Goldberg, but I beated him the same way I beat every wrestler in WCW. And I'll do it again at SuperBrawl." (100)

    Match 5, SuperBrawl Classic 1/16: AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn. Jerry Lynn tried to get back on the winning track, but was challenged by AJ Styles. In a non-title match Styles avoided the Cradle Piledriver and performed Styles Clash for the win. (12:31, 84)

    Post match, we are having another mystery video addressing AJ Styles with a promise of revenge. (62)

    Match 6, Extreme Rules Match: Goldberg vs Raven. Goldberg went up against Raven in an unusual - for him - type of match. Raven was more experienced in extreme rules, but Goldberg proved to be better anyway. Abyss and Mesias had to step in and help their leader. Until Dustin Rhodes came to save. Raven and company had to flee backstage, Dustin went after them... The match ends with no contest. (10:14, 84)

    Post match, Chris Kanyon makes his way through the crowd and hits Goldberg with the belt to the head. A bloody beating from the WCW World Heavyweight Champion ends the show. (77)



    Episode #5

    Resch Center, Green Bay, Wisconsin

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler, Don Callis
    Overall: 85

    The Rock in-ring promo: "The Rock tried to apologize to Booker T a week ago, but got BookEnded... The Rock is still at fault for what happened at Clash of the Champions, but now Booker made a mistake and will pay for it." Don Callis responds from the commentary table, "Hey, Rock!... My contract offer still stands. Sign an exclusive deal with RAGE and you'll be the next contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship from that brand." Booker T intervenes: "I'm tired of Rock being considered the #1 star here even though he hasn't had a single match yet. I want my rematch." Don Callis eventually comes to a decision: Rock will make his WCW debut at SuperBrawl in a match against Booker T - and the winner will be the #1 contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship! (97)

    Match 1, SuperBrawl Classic 1/16: John Cena vs Sean O’Haire (w/ Mike Sanders). John Cena tries to make a name for himself on RAGE, but he got mean Sean O'Haire himself as an opponent. Surprisingly, Cena put on a great performance. Sean couldn't beat him cleanly. Mike Sanders interfered - and only then was O'Haire able to pull off the Widow Maker for the win. (6:45, 77)

    Post match, an angry Sean O’Haire continues to beat down Cena, until other wrestlers (including Curt Hennig) and officials intervene. (6:45, 77)

    Pre-recorded promo from Alex Wright: "My back is badly injured from Matt Morgan's attack. The doctors say I may never get in the ring again, but I'll do everything I can to make sure that's not true. I'll be back." (41)

    CM Punk backstage promo: "The fact that Hennig pinned me back two weeks ago is a fluke. Curt is an old man, talented wrestler once, who killed his body with alcohol and drugs. Tonight I'm going to show him what a straight-edge Lifestyle can provide." (61)

    Match 2: Shane Helms vs Petey Williams. Shane Helms confirms his status as the #1 contender for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship by defeating Petey Williams. (7:56, 76)

    Post match, Elix Skipper is here with the mic: "You may not have lost the title... but I'm the primetime of this division now, and you're not going to get past me on SuperBrawl." (54)

    Disco Inferno expresses his support for Alex Wright in a backstage interview. Disco intends to knock Christopher Daniels out of the SuperBrawl Classic tonight and dedicate the win to Alex. (44)

    Match 3, SuperBrawl Classic 1/16: Sting vs Hugh Morrus. Two veterans, Sting and Hugh Morrus, faced off in a match full of mutual respect. Sting won after a Stinger Splash and Scorpion Deathlock. (5:38, 67)

    Post match, Francine is here to interview Sting. "The SuperBrawl Classic is full of young and talented wrestlers. This is my chance to prove that I can still compete with them" (76)

    Lance Storm and Bret Hart in-ring promo. Hart: "Shawn Michaels isn't in the building yet because he's afraid of me. He's been avoiding me for five years. It's unlikely he'll be in the same ring with me again. He can run away to Nitro. He could run back to WWE under Vince's wing. He'll cowardly run away like he always has.". They are answered by... American Dragon! "HBK is my mentor who taught me everything." Storm: "Yeah? Let's see what he taught you - tonight on RAGE!" (76)

    Match 4, SuperBrawl Classic 1/16: Christopher Daniels (w/ Matt Morgan) vs Disco Inferno. They put on a good match, with Matt Morgan's interference deciding the winner's fate: a Carbon Foot Print at ringside from Morgan and Last Rites from Daniels in the ring put Christopher in 1/8. (8:22, 80)

    Curt Hennig backstage interview: "Yes, I have my demons. And I fight them. Every freaking day! But I'm a former Intercontinental Champion and United States Champion. I've pinned Punk once and I'm ready to do it again. His healthy smoothies won't help against my experience." (49)

    Match 5, SuperBrawl Classic 1/16: CM Punk vs Curt Hennig. Punk was head and shoulders above when it came to the technical side of the match. Hennig had a few attacks using his experience, but fell victim to an Anakonda Vice from Punk. (11:33, 78)

    Match 6: Lance Storm (w/ Bret Hart) vs American Dragon. Dragon showed that he has been taught by HBK quite well. The wrestlers gave out a fantastic main event. Dragon almost managed to take Storm down at Cattle Mutilation, but that's when Hart interferes. As the ref restrains Bret, Lance hits a low blow and wins after the Sharpshooter. (14:02, 82)

    Post match, Storm continues to torture Dragon in a Sharpshooter. Shawn Michaels runs in to save his student!... and he’s immediately attacked from behind by Elix Skipper and Petey Williams! The entire foursome - Skipper, Williams, Storm and Hart - beat up Michaels and Dragon until the show goes off the air. (63)

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    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #83

    Dunkin' Donuts Center, Providence, Rhode Island

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 87

    WCW Commissioner Dusty Rhodes opens the show with the announcement. There will be the new annual tournament. It'll be the biggest and most prestigious tournament in wrestling history. It's called the SuperBrawl Classic. It'll be held regularly on SuperBrawl and will become a new WCW tradition. 32 entrants from both brands; starting 1/4 matches will take place at Superbrawl in 4 weeks. The first matches will begin tonight and now. (80)

    Match 1, SuperBrawl Classic 1/16 Finals: Samoa Joe vs Fit Finlay. Joe confidently defeated the experienced Fit Finlay and continues his winning streak in singles matches in WCW. (5:04, 75)

    Post match, Gene Okerlund is here for an interview. Samoa Joe is gonna speak for the first time! He says he's not going to be anyone's errand boy anymore. No one is going to take his chance away from him. Punk realized that last night. (68)

    TONIGHT: AJ Styles will defend WCW United States Championship vs ‘The Future’ Frankie Kazarian. (68)

    The new WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Kanyon, is here! “Missed me on Nitro? Missed me with that belt? Everyone was waiting for me to lose the title at Starrcade. Oh, I remember what you, smart marks, wrote on your internet boards. You called me a joke as the titleholder. You called me a closet champion ever since I got the belt, so it was a high time someone exposes me for the glorified jobber that I am and takes the belt off me... and I'm f'n quoting right now! Well… Last night I proved to everyone who the real champion is here. A month later, the World Heavyweight Championship belt is back in my possession and I'm back on Nitro."... Kanyon starts to leave, but Goldberg interrupts! "I'm glad you're back on Nitro.... because you're next!". SPEAR! (100)

    Match 2, SuperBrawl Classic 1/16 Finals: Tajiri vs Johnny Swinger. Johnny Swinger picks up his most significant victory in WCW so far, defeating Tajiri and moving on through the tournament! (5:28, 66)

    Backstage, Chris Kanyon complains to Dusty Rhodes about Goldberg and gets a match - paired with Raven against Goldberg and Dustin Rhodes. (73)

    Dustin Rhodes backstage interview. He demands another singles match against Raven. (58)

    Match 3: Ultimo Dragon vs Matt Bentley. Ultimo Dragon returns to singles action in WCW and defeats Matt Bentley, infuriating the latter. (8:01, 76)

    Post match, Jamie Noble is here to congratulate Ultimo Dragon. Dragon and Noble show that they want another  WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship shot. 

    Chavo Guerrero comes out for an in-ring promo, "Last night Rey Mysterio took away from me my dream of becoming WCW World Heavyweight Champion." Rey Mysterio responds: "Well, you took everything from me and almost took my career away at Starrcade. Now I'm coming after you!". The brawl is forced to be broken up by officials. (85)

    In a pre-match promo Homicide offers Super Crazy  to join his "Latin Revolution" but he refuses and is attacked. (44)

    Match 4, SuperBrawl Classic 1/16 Finals: Homicide vs Super Crazy. Super Crazy was close to victory, but Homicide got a surprising help from… Low Ki! Homicide wins after the Gringo Killer and advances to 1/8. (6:22, 53)

    Post match, Kaz Hayashi is here. He is frankly perplexed by Low Ki's behavior. But Low Ki leaves without saying a word.

    The Four Horsemen in-ring promo. Steve Corino grabs the mic and talks to Claudio Castagnoli. He blames him for last night’s loss.  "If you weren't so selfish, we could have worked as a team and one of us would have gotten a shot at the title." Claudio Castagnoli responds: "I know who would get a shot… It would be you! Why do you get to decide on it? Why do you get to decide on strategy? Who appointed you leader?" Things get hot. The remaining Horsemen are forced to separate arguing Claudio and Steve (with Hero getting behind Claudio and CW Anderson getting behind Corino). Claudio Castagnoli challenges Steve Corino to a match at SuperBrawl: "One on one! The winner becomes the leader of the Four Horsemen!" (92)

    Match 5, WCW United States Championship: AJ Styles vs ‘The Future’ Frankie Kazarian. Frankie Kazarian pinned AJ Styles 2 weeks ago in a non-title match and thus earned a chance to become champion tonight... But he couldn't use his chance, getting caught in the Styles Clash after a delightful match. (14:34, 92)

    Post match, there is another mystery video for AJ Styles with a cryptic message: "You took what belongs to me..... And I'm coming after you!" (64)

    Match 6: Goldberg and Dustin Rhodes vs Chris Kanyon and Raven (w/ James Mitchell). During the match, Abyss and Mesias attacked Dustin Rhodes at ringside, but Goldberg made the save. Kanyon tries to hit Goldberg with the belt... but misses and cowardly runs out of the ring. Raven gets Spear and is pinned for three. (10:04, 79)

    Post match, Chris Kanyon from the ramp promises Goldberg revenge.



    Episode #4

    Pepsi Arena, Albany, NY

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler, Don Callis
    Overall: 93

    The Rock is here for a promo. He apologizes to Booker T for last night's events. Once Booker T is in the building, Rock intends to apologize in person... A satisfied Chris Kanyon, the new WCW World Heavyweight Champion, appears in the arena. He thanks The Rock for his help. The Rock: "Don't get too excited because The Rock will be the next contender for the title." (100)

    Match 1, SuperBrawl Classic 1/16: Billy Kidman vs Ken Anderson. Billy Kidman didn't see much resistance from Ken Anderson and finished the match with Shooting Star Press with confidence. (5:09, 76)

    Mike Sanders, with WCW World Tag Team Champion Mark Jindrak and Sean O’Haire, backstage interview. "Jindrak and O'Haire already dominate in the tag team division. But they aren't just focused on their tag team careers. They are each starting in the SuperBrawl Classic tournament and are determined to make it to the finals" (60)

    Sting in-ring promo: "I was going to end my career. A lot of people had already written me off. But now I feel empowered for one more trip to the top. I want to start by winning the SuperBrawl Classic tournament!" (82)

    Match 2, WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Elix Skipper vs Sonjay Dutt. Dutt surprised with some interesting spots, but fell victim to a Play of the Day from the champion. (11:05, 77)

    Post match, Shane Helms with the mic at the ramp. "Elix, you feel like you've beaten everyone in the cruiserweight division, but there's one man you haven't beaten... What's more, I've never lost the title, so it rightfully belongs to me." (61)

    CM Punk backstage interview. "Samoa Joe stole the win from me at Clash of the Champions and a chance to become WCW United States Champion, but he's going to regret it." Curt Hennig came in for a laugh. "I pinned you for three counts a week ago and I'm ready to do it again next week in the SuperBrawl Classic tournament." (72)

    Don Callis announces the main event: Chris Kanyon and CM Punk vs Booker T and Curt Hennig. (76)

    Match 3, SuperBrawl Classic 1/16: Brian Kendrick vs Hernandez. Hernandez had every chance to win against Brian Kendrick given the size difference, but Kendrick uses his speed and catches his opponent with a superkick and Sliced Bread #2 for the win. (5:44, 80)

    Shawn Michaels cuts a promo in the ring, "Everyone reminds me of the Montreal Screwjob... But what happened at Clash of the Champions had nothing to do with that. I wanted to turn the page. But Bret Hart wants to stay in the past. When Hart gets here today, I want to look him in the eye and say: the past is in the past, but he will answer for what happened 4 days ago." (88)

    Match 4, SuperBrawl Classic 1/16: Alex Wright vs American Dragon. Alex Wright looked good in his match against American Dragon. But he was let down by his back, damaged by Matt Morgan's brutal attack. Wright can't lift Dragon for a German suplex, and Dragon grabs Wright in a Cattle Mutilation for the win. (7:51, 70)

    Post match, Alex Wright requires medical attention due to a back injury.

    Match 5, SuperBrawl Classic 1/16: Mark Jindrak (w/ Mike Sanders) vs Paul London. Emotions still haven't cooled off from PPV's match, so the fight between Paul London and Mark Jindrak looked especially interesting. Jindrak was close to winning, but London unexpectedly rolled him up in a pin to three. Jindrak is furious, but he's eliminated from the tournament. (8:14, 79)

    The Rock joins the announcers. (74)

    Match 6: Chris Kanyon and CM Punk vs Booker T and Curt Hennig. Booker frankly was two heads above everyone in this match, but got distracted by The Rock at the end. That was enough for Punk to attack him from behind, and in the ring, Kanyon caught Hennig with a Flatliner for the win. (12:35, 95)

    Post match, The Rock tries to apologize to Booker T… but gets a BookEnd!

    Lance Storm and Bret Hart are here for an in-ring promo! Bret Hart says he's glad to be back. And glad to see his plan come to fruition. Storm is a talented guy. And one day he can be like Hart. He can be better than Hart. Because even if he's not from the Hart Family, he's Hart at heart, at his foundation. Lance Storm the best there is! The best there was! The best there ever will be! "The way I was... Until one botched superkick ended my career. Now I can't step into that ring. I can't fight. I can't do anything. And you know what started it? The friendship between Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels. Vince's boy toy did what he was told... I was screwed...  I got to WCW where Goldberg ended my career. The whole time I sat at home and tried to forget it all. But recently, I found out that HBK came to WCW. As if nothing had happened. And you're greeting him, holding his posters, buying his merchandise... It's like nothing happened! I'm just an episode in your life. But for me, wrestling has been my whole life like for all the Harts. HBK took that away from me. And I'm going to take away everything that's important to him!"...

    ... Shawn Michaels is here! They finally met together after all these years... "Bret... I didn't think we'd ever meet in the ring again in front of all these people. I neved had a chance to say it publicly to you. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I regret what happened in 1997. But we're not even. What happened in the past is in the past. Now you and your friend Lance tried to end my career with a hit-and-run. I got the information from the WCW management office... At SuperBrawl, me and Lance will meet again in this very ring."...

    ...  Bret Hart: "I know... But I also know something else. At SuperBrawl, three things are going to happen in the match between you and Lance Storm. One, I'll be in Lance's corner. Two, this show will be held in Montreal. And three, Lance Storm will be able to humiliate you in front of all of Montreal and end what started there in 1997." (89)

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    WCW Clash of the Champions 2003

    Arena, New Orleans, LA

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Jerry Lawler and Joey Styles
    Overall: 88

    The classic Clash of the Champions PPV is back! The video package hypes up the legendary matches from the past: Sting going toe-to-toe with Flair, marking his rise as a top-tier main eventer... The gritty battles of Ric Flair with Terry Funk and Ricky Steamboat, Sting's showdown with Rick Rude... And many more. Tonight, we're gearing up for an epic match-up that continues the tradition of bringing the best WCW can offer: Storm vs HBK, Kanyon vs Booker, and Flair vs Anderson among the others are on the card! (80)

    Match 1, WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Elix Skipper vs Yang. Another great match in the WCW cruiserweight division where Yang was doing everything he could to become the new champion. Elix controlled the match and tried to "ground" Yang. But after a few beautiful moves, Yang manages to pull off a moonsault. 1...2. Yang climbs the top rope again... Skipper hits the ropes, and Yang drops on the ropes groin-first. Back Superplex by Skipper! 1...2...NO!  Yang retakes the lead with a hurricanrana. 1...2. Tiger Suplex by Yang. 1...2. Yang climbs the rack again - and again makes a mistake. Skipper performs the Play of the Day this time. 1...2...3. (15:50) (74)

    WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley (w/ Stacy Keibler) interview. "Ultimo Dragon? Where has he been the last couple years? Has he been getting treatment for being old? We're tired of everyone calling Ultimo Dragon a legend of the cruiserweight division. Yes, he's carried 150 titles at one time. That's the past. And we are the future. The future of this division, the future of this company. And tonight we're going to show that by sending Dragon and Noble back to the past." (61)

    Match 2: Dustin Rhodes vs Raven (w/ James Mitchell). Another tough brawl performed by Dustin Rhodes. For Raven, this style is pretty familiar. Mitchell kept interfering in the match. Dustin eventually grabs Mitchell, but gets a low blow from Raven and the Raven Effect. 1...2...NO!  Rhodes retakes the lead and gets closer to the win.... but Mesias interferes! Rhodes knocks him out of the ring. Abyss comes in! The referee gets in his way... and Raven seizes the moment to hit Rhodes with a chair. Raven Effect on the chair. 1...2...3. (10:53) (79)

    Match 3, WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship: Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley (w/ Stacy Keibler) vs Jamie Noble and Ultimo Dragon. Ultimo Dragon returns to the ring in exciting style. He has proven that a year out of wrestling due to injury hasn't weakened or slowed him down one bit. Kazarian and Bentley were quick to see that for themselves. So their tactic became to contain Dragon, to keep him off the ring. However, Noble managed to tag Dragon in. Series of quick maneuvers on both champions. Stacy Keibler tries to distract Ultimo Dragon. Dragon seems unfazed though. He pushes Stacy off the apron! Turns around... Superkick by Bentley! Noble immediately kicks Bentley out of the ring and follows to the ringside. In the meantime, Kazarian finishes Dragon with the Wave of Future. 1...2...3. (15:22) (83)

    The Four Horsemen backstage interview. "Tonight one of the Horsemen will be the #1 contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Like any family, we have our misunderstandings. But we will only get stronger from this. And tonight we will fight together." (75)

    The Rock is arriving at the building! (76)

    Match 4, Steel Cage Match: Ric Flair vs CW Anderson. A tough match. Ric Flair started to bleed out pretty quickly. In fact, it was a tough match for Flair mostly. Anderson was much more powerful. Flair tried to even the odds by attacking Anderson's leg. And he was starting to get good at it. Despite Anderson's strength, Flair attacked often and aggressively. Anderson goes for a Spinebuster, Flair avoids it and lands a low blow. Ric tries to escape the cage. Anderson stops him and delivers a powerful Spinebuster. 1...2...NO! CW Anderson climbs up the cage wall and is about to leave the cage. Flair stops him... low blow! Flair ties Anderson to the post with a cord from the steel post pillow! Ric rushes towards the door. Anderson tries to get free as soon as possible... and succeeds. But Anderson doesn't try to stop Flair, he won't make it anyway... Anderson quickly climbs the wall! Who will be the first to escape? Ric Flair manages to do it faster. "The Dirtiest Player in the Game" wins! (12:48) (76)

    Backstage, CM Punk kinda “apologies” to Samoa Joe for stealing the victory from him in the #1 WCW US Contendership match, but it was a completely rational decision. Punk has better chances. They need to bet on Punk's success. CM Punk hopes they're still on the same page and tonight Joe helps him become the new WCW United States Champion. (76)

    Chavo Guerrero backstage interview. “My time has come. I will be the next WCW World Heavyweight Champion and the face of Nitro”. (76)

    Match 5, WCW World Tag Team Championship: Mark Jindrak and Sean O’Haire (w/ Mike Sanders) vs Brian Kendrick and Paul London. In this match, we were treated to another clash of styles: the powerful and athletic champions versus the fast contenders who have already earned the right to be called the top team in WCW. Kendrick and London used their entire arsenal to avoid the powerful champion's attacks. Kendrick avoids a Powerbomb and hits Jindrak with an enziguri. London and O'Haire get the tags. London avoids a clothesline and hits a dropkick. Kendrick jumps in the ring and runs Sliced Bread #2 on O'Haire! London makes a pin. 1...2...NO! Paul London jumps onto the top rope for the Shooting Star Press.... Mike Sanders hits him in the back.... with a steel cane? London falls down and gets the Widow Maker. Kendrick rushes to his rescue but gets a Spinebuster from Jindrak. Sean pins London down. 1...2...3. London and Kendrick were close to victory, but once again leave without the titles. (12:57) (75)

    Backstage, Chris Kanyon comes to The Rock’s locker room. Kanyon threatens the Rock with what will happen if he doesn't count for Kanyon's victory tonight. Rock seems unfazed. (73)

    Match 6, #1 Contendership for WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Goldberg vs Chavo Guerrero vs Steve Corino vs Claudio Castagnoli. Each brought their A-game. Goldberg was the powerhouse, while Chavo tried to play it smart, cozying up to Goldberg. Steve Corino and Claudio Castagnoli worked together at first, but fell apart at the first miscommunication. By the end of the match, their displeasure with each other only grew - and culminated in a full-scale brawl between the two Horsemen. Eventually CW Anderson and Chris Hero appeared in the match - with CW actively helping Corino and Hero helping Claudio. But after a while they were arguing too! The brawl between Corino and Claudio was brought to an end by Goldberg doing a double Spear on both of them! Chavo Guerrero tosses Goldberg out of the ring and tries to steal the win by doing the Frog Splash on Corino... 1...2. Rey Mysterio breaks the pin! REY MYSTERIO IS BACK! Hurricanrana by Rey on Chavo to the ringside. Chavo and Rey brawls at ringside. Castagnoli is back in the ring. Neutralizer attempt by Castagnoli on Goldberg… Blocked! Spear by Goldberg! JACKHAMMER! 1...2...3. (13:21) (74)

    Backstage, WCW World Heavyweight Champion Booker T talks to The Rock. He threatens Rocky as well. Rock replies that he will referee fairly. But Booker should know: if he counts the win for Booker T, he's immediately in the hunt for him and the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. (81)

    Match 7, WCW United States Championship: AJ Styles vs CM Punk. Styles and Punk put on a match worthy of becoming a WCW US Championship classic, and at the same time showed who the future is in the company. Lots of nearfalls. Lots of moments that took the fans' breath away. And plenty of chances for both men to walk away with the championship belt. Punk catches Styles with a snap suplex. 1..2. Punk goes for a split-legged moonsault.... AJ dodges. Styles Clash attempt... Punk blocks and delivers a Tornado DDT. 1...2. Shining Wizard by Punk! 1...2...NO! Punk accidentally blasts the ref. AJ hits CM with a Styles Clash! Pin, but the ref is gone. Samoa Joe comes to the ring!  Joe attacks Styles.... Muscle Buster! CM Punk is pleased. But his smile fades as Joe attacks him too! Muscle Buster on Punk! Joe puts Styles on Punk and walks away. The referee counts out the pin. 1...2...3. (16:13) (88)

    Post match, AJ Styles just manages to get his championship belt when suddenly the lights go out...We are shown a video with some cryptic message: "You stole what belongs to me...But I'm here. And I'm coming for you, Styles" (68).

    The RAGE interviewer, Francine, asks The Rock about his preference for the winner of tonight's main event. It doesn’t matter for The Rock. He'll count anyone's victory and then challenge them to the WCW World Heavyweight Championship he came to WCW for. (69)

    Match 8: Shawn Michaels vs Lance Storm. HBK immediately pounces on Storm. It was too careless, as Storm is very technically advanced wrestler. He quickly counters into a Half-Boston Crab! HBK managed to get out of the hold. Next, HBK picked himself up and led the match. Storm targeted Michaels' back. Backdrop and backbreaker did some serious damage. Lance climbs the top rope - Michaels stops him and delivers a superplex. Sweet Chin Music... misses... Storm grabs Michaels in a Half-Boston Crab! Shawn gets to the ropes, but Storm pulls him back to the center of the ring. HBK makes it to the ropes after all. Both wrestlers get up... Sweet Chin Music! 1...2...NO! Shawn climbs up onto the top rope.... Moonsault missed! Storm immediately does another powerful backbreaker. 1...2...NO! Half-Boston crab attempt... HBK rolls Lance into a pin. 1...2... Storm reverses it into a Sharpshooter! HBK gets to the ropes, but Storm immediately pulls him back to the center. Shawn starts the journey to the ropes again.... the ringbell sounds? Someone took the ringbell away from the timekeeper and stopped the match. That's... That's... BRET HART! The referee tries to figure out what's going on and immediately gets hit with a right punch from Hart! The match is stopped. No contest? (17:03) (74)

    Post match, Bret Hart enters the ring… and hits HBK with a ringbell to the head! Hart raises Storm's arm, proclaiming him the winner as the fans are shocked with this surprising return.

    Match 9, Special Guest Referee - The Rock, WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Booker T vs Chris Kanyon. Booker and Kanyon meet in a rematch - and once again they put on a great match, just like they did at Starrcade. Rock added a twist by pumping up the storytelling and humor of this match. Rocky did referee fairly, although Kanyon and Booker tried to force him to referee one way or the other. Booker T blocks a superplex from Kanyon and hits a missile dropkick. 1...2. Kanyon catches Booker with a Flatliner. 1...2...NO! Kanyon argues with The Rock. Booker T, meanwhile, tries for the Harlem Sidekick but misses and knocks Rock down! Kanyon kicks Booker with a low blow! Flatliner! Kanyon grabs the championship belt.... Rock manages to stop him. As Rock gets rid of the belt, Kanyon hits Booker T with a low blow again - third Flatliner! 1...Kanyon grabs the ropes.... 2... Booker's arm falls on the ropes, The Rock doesn't see it... 3. We have the NEW WCW World Heavyweight Champion! (13:44) (91)

    Post match, Chris Kanyon grabs the championship belt and quickly escapes the ring. WCW head referee Charles Robinson runs down to the ring and explains to The Rock his mistake. But it's too late. Kanyon is already raising the championship belt over his head on the ramp. And that's where Clash of the Champions ends.

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    Episode #2

    Tucson, AZ

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and Don Callis
    Overall: 87


    TONIGHT: Booker T and Chris Kanyon will pick opponents for each other. Also, CM Punk will face American Dragon in a singles match. (76)

    The Rock opens up RAGE. He promises to be a fair referee in the WCW World Heavyweight Championship match at Clash of the Champions. Because it doesn't matter who'll win. Because The Rock will be the next champion anyway. He is interrupted by... CM Punk! Punk accuses The Rock of getting everything right away. Just because he came from WWE. Just because he's The Rock. CM Punk worked for everything. He helped this company thrive. This is the way things are done here. The Rock might see it for himself, as tonight CM Punk intends to force the 'master of submissions' American Dragon to tap out. (97)

    Match 1: Shane Helms vs Roderick Strong. Helms defeats talented Roderick Strong, ending his match with the Vertabreaker. (5:08, 72)

    Chris Kanyon backstage interview: "I found the perfect opponent for Booker T... Hernandez!" (80)

    Match 2: Petey Williams vs Yang. Yang "tested" Elix Skipper's protégé as part of his quest for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship - and defeated Petey Williams after Moonsault. (10:39, 60)

    Booker T in a backstage interview promises a "former champion and just the perfect guy" as Kanyon's opponent. (77)

    Match 3: Disco Inferno vs Mike Sanders. Disco challenged Mike Sanders to a match after last week's events and picked up a convincing victory after Chartbuster. (6:32, 63)

    Post match, Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire attack Disco, with Sanders joining them. But Brian Kendrick and Paul London quickly come to the rescue. (64)

    In a backstage interview, Christopher Daniels introduces his “new project”, Matt Morgan. Morgan will help him to dominate at RAGE. (56)

    Match 4, Non Title Match: Booker T vs Hernandez. Hernandez is still a very inexperienced to compete at this level. Booker T blocks Border Toss and finishes Hernandez with an Axe Kick to win. (6:37, 79)

    Post match, a frustrated Chris Kanyon attacks Hernandez and manages to land a couple punches before Booker T returns. (76)

    Lance Storm in-ring promo. He's calling HBK a hypocrite for always being a part of backstage politics. It cost the career of Lance's idol Bret Hart. Storm accepts the challenge at Clash of the Champions. (71)

    Match 5: Chris Kanyon vs Curt Hennig. Hennig is really a ‘perfect opponent’ for Kanyon, as chosen by Booker T. Hennig's experience was evident, but it wasn't enough. Hennig gets the Flatliner and loses. (12:33, 82)

    Match 6: CM Punk vs American Dragon. They put on quite a show for the fans. Punk tried more than once to get Dragon to give up, but Dragon would get out of the submission holds - and do his own. Eventually Punk became tired of it. He throws Dragon head-first into the steel carcass of the ring, then conducts a Pepsi Plunge for the win. (15:13, 88)

    Post match, CM Punk puts Dragon into an Anaconda Vice! The Rock makes a save! Rock Bottom on CM Punk ends this RAGE episode. (78)



    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #82

    Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, Connecticut

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavove and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 84


    The Rock kicks off Nitro with his usual entertaining promo. Entertainment ended when Goldberg interrupted and gave Rock a stern warning. Because Goldberg is the next in line for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and The Rock better not stand in his way. (100)

    In pre-match promo Homicide offers Rocky Romero to join the "Latin Revolution" on Nitro, but Romero refuses. (48)

    Match 1: Homicide vs Rocky Romero. Homicide continues his successful singles performances on Nitro, defeating Rocky Romero after the Gringo Killer. (5:26, 52)

    Post-match, Homicide beats up Romero badly. (43)

    AJ Styles backstage interview: "CM Punk can keep ambushing from the crowd, but it won't help him at the PPV." (59)

    Match 2: Fit Finlay vs Raven. Finlay tried to get revenge on Raven from last week, but after a Raven Effect on a chair, Raven picks up the win. (7:57, 68)

    Post match, Dustin Rhodes attacks Raven - and a brawl ensues throughout the arena. (66)

    In a backstage interview CW Anderson discusses how ending Ric Flair's career at Clash of the Champions is a matter of honor for him. (60)

    Chavo Guerrero in-ring promo. He's ready to become a top player on Nitro and get a shot for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. His journey will start at Clash of the Champions, where he'll win Fatal 4-Way and become the #1 contender. (75)

    Match 3: Ric Flair vs Super Crazy. Ric Flair defeated Super Crazy after a Figure-Four Leglock as a warm-up to the PPV. (7:11, 81)

    WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley (w/ Stacy Keibler) backstage interview. “No matter Noble's choice of partner, we are the future of wrestling and will stay as champions at the pay-per-view." (54)

    Match 4: Steve Corino vs Chavo Guerrero. They deliver a closely contested match, but Guerrero prevails with a Frog Splash after a cheap shot. Cheat2Win! (12:59, 88)

    Match 5, Non-Title Match: Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley (w/ Stacy Keibler) vs Jamie Noble and AJ Styles. Noble for tonight’s warm-up found the WCW US Champion as a partner! Styles and Noble were close to defeating the champions... but CM Punk makes another appearance. Styles drops a Styles Clash attempt and attacks Punk! Punk and Styles brawl at ringside. And in a meantime Kazarian and Bentley easily defeat Noble. (12:37, 76)

    Post match, Kazarian and Bentley continue to beat down Noble... until Ultimo Dragon makes a surprise appearance to save him! Noble announces that Ultimo Dragon will be his tag team partner at PPV! (57)

    WCW World Heavyweight Champion Booker T joins the announcers for the next match. “Goldberg? Right now I'm focused on defending the title against Kanyon, but then I'm ready to defend it against any wrestler of any brand." (76)

    Match 6: Goldberg vs Claudio Castagnoli. During the match, Chris Hero and CW Anderson show up. They help Claudio a lot. But eventually Ric Flair runs out and attacks Hero and Anderson! Claudio is distracted… and gets a Spear! 1…2…3. (10:32, 78)

    Post match, Booker T and Goldberg have a staredown before the show ends. (78)




    Episode #3

    Continental Airlines Arena, East Rutherford, NJ

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and Don Callis
    Overall: 87


    Lance Storm in-ring promo. He calls HBK a hypocrite and a "political player", promising to end it at Clash of the Champions... Shawn Michaels responds and offers to end things right now! The brawl is stopped by security and Don Callis sets up a main event where Storm and HBK will have a chance to get at each other. (88)

    TONIGHT: Chris Kanyon and Lance Storm vs Booker T and Shawn Michaels. (79)

    Match 1: Christian York and Joey Matthews vs Roderick Strong and Sonny Siaki. York and Matthews got a win, but it would take a while for the fans to start reacting to them. (4:32, 24)

    In a pre-match promo Christopher Daniels announces the beginning of total domination on RAGE and his "blueprint" Matt Morgan will help with that. (53)

    Match 2: Christopher Daniels (w/ 'The Blueprint' Matt Morgan) vs Alex Wright. Morgan interferes and almost incapacitates Alex with a Carbon Foot Print. Morgan brings Wright back to the ring. Daniels finishes him with an Angel' Wings. (6:30, 65)

    CM Punk backstage interview: “Tonight, I'll have a warm-up against Curt Hennig before the PPV... who might've had a great career if he'd cut down on his booze." (61)

    Match 3: Elix Skipper and Petey Williams vs Yang and Sonjay Dutt. Yang and Dutt picked up a surprise victory, with Yang managing to pin the WCW Cruiserweight Champion 6 days before their match at Clash of the Champions. (11:15, 69)

    WCW World Heavyweight Champion Booker T in-ring promo. "I've waited too long for a title to give it up on Sunday. And I don't care how The Rock will referee. I won't leave without the belt"; Rock comes out, "I'll referee the way people would referee. I'll be their voice. I'm literally The People's Referee! But after Clash of the Champions, I'll be waiting for you." (100)

    Match 4: Disco Inferno, Brian Kendrick and Paul London vs Mark Jindrak, Sean O’Haire and Mike Sanders. In the match Sanders found himself alone in the ring against all three opponents, but the tag team champions saved him and were able to hit London with the championship belt. O'Haire finishes London with a Widow Maker for the win. (7:49, 80)

    Curt Hennig backstage interview. He's ready to prove that it's too early to write him off. He'll defeat a much younger and promising CM Punk to demonstrate it. (37)

    Match 5: CM Punk vs Curt Hennig. CM Punk had a chance to check himself against the former WCW US Champion. And he was close to victory… but AJ Styles appeared at RAGE! Styles Clash at ringside! Back in the ring, where Hennig finishes Punk with a Hennigplex. Important victory for Curt. (12:37, 74)

    Match 6: Chris Kanyon and Lance Storm vs Booker T and Shawn Michaels. Hot tag to HBK at the end of the match - and Shawn finally gets to Storm, destroying him with the Sweet Chin Music for the win. (13:11, 87)



    World Championship Wrestling presents...

    The Grand Return of...



    Final Card

    WCW World Heavyweight Championship
    Special Guest Referee - The Rock
    Booker T vs Chris Kanyon

    WCW United States Championship
    AJ Styles vs CM Punk

    WCW World Tag Team Championship
    Brian Kendrick and Paul London vs Mark Jindrak and Sean O’Haire (w/ Mike Sanders)

    #1 Contendership for WCW World Heavyweight Championship
    Goldberg vs Chavo Guerrero vs Steve Corino vs Claudio Castagnoli

    „The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels vs Lance Storm

    Steel Cage Match
    Ric Flair vs CW Anderson

    WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship
    Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley (w/ Stacy Keibler) vs Jamie Noble and Ultimo Dragon

    WCW Cruiserweight Championship
    Elix Skipper vs Yang

    Dustin Rhodes vs Raven

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    Episode #1

    Tingley Coliseum, Albuquerque, New Mexico

    Announcers: Joey Styles, Jerry Lawler and Don Callis
    Overall: 86

    Don Callis kicks off the first episode of RAGE by promising the best entertainment in the world and introducing the announcing team: himself, Jerry Lawler and... Joey Styles! (38)

    Match 1: Shane Helms, Christian York, Joey Matthews and Jerrelle Clark vs Sonjay Dutt, Roderick Strong, Teddy Hart and Jack Evans. Don Callis promised the best cruiserweight division in the world. He gave to us this Cruiserweight Xtravaganza, and Helms brought the win to his team after Vertabreaker on Jack Evans. (7:15, 55)

    Chris Kanyon in-ring promo. He's proud to be #1 pick for the RAGE and vows to become the face of this brand. He's still the most popular here. The Rock is not going to change that... WCW World Heavyweight Champion Booker T interrupts. He mentions that he has his own things to discuss with The Rock. But what Kanyon should think about is their rematch at WCW Clash of the Champions... The Rock shows up. He mocks both of them and says that he will be on both shows soon enough as the next WCW World Heavyweight Champion. (97)

    Backstage, The Rock intends to leave the arena, but Don Callis convinces him to stay for the rest of the night. Don has a surprise for him. It's a special gift from Callis. Don hopes The Rock will remember about it when he'll choose with what brand to sign an exclusive contract. (71)

    Glen Gilberti pre-match promo. He intends to restart his career at WCW RAGE… and he’s back to his most successful “persona” - Disco Inferno!... Mike Sanders is here! He calls Inferno a "clown" and introduces real and dangerous wrestlers - WCW World Tag Team Champions Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire. (55)

    Match 2: Disco Inferno vs Sean O’Haire (w/ Mike Sanders and Mark Jindrak). Disco Inferno really tried, but O’Haire was in a completely different league and easily ended the match with the Widow Maker. (6:59, 75)

    Post match, Brian Kendrick and Paul London save Disco Inferno from the beatdown. (65)

    WCW Cruiserweight Champion Elix Skipper in-ring promo. He promises to make the cruiserweight division important again. Yang is here to respond! He reminds that his former tag team partner Kaz Hayashi was supposed to get a title match... but since Hayashi stayed on Nitro, Yang is ready to take the spot and challenges Skipper to a match at Clash of the Champions! (44) 

    Backstage, Brian Kendrick and Paul London are happy that they were drafted together to RAGE. Christopher Daniels mocks them. Kendrick and London challenge him to a tag team match, if he could find a partner. (59)

    Match 3: Billy Kidman vs Ken Anderson. Ken is talented, but still a rookie. Kidman made a great debut at RAGE by winning the match after Shooting Star Press. (5:08) (72)

    Backstage, CM Punk thanks Don Callis for bringing him to RAGE and promises to bring WCW United States Championship here. American Dragon is here. He praises current champion AJ Styles. It almost comes to a brawl. Callis stops it and books a main event for tonight: Chris Kanyon and CM Punk vs Booker T and American Dragon! (67)

    Match 4: Brian Kendrick and Paul London vs Christopher Daniels and mystery partner. Kendrick and London waited for the second opponent, but nobody showed up. That didn't stop Daniels from being close to victory when Jindrak and O'Haire attacked Kendrick at ringside. While the ref was removing the WCW World Tag Team Champions from the arena, NWA:SW Champion Matt Morgan, making his WCW debut, snuck through the crowd.... and destroyed London with the Hellevator for the win. (7:34, 72)

    Shawn Michaels is in recorded interview from his home in San Antonio. HBK wants to tell the truth. And the truth is that Bret Hart in 1997 deserved what he got. Bret didn't respect Shawn. Bret didn't respect the company he was in. Bret didn't respect anyone backstage. Bret had no respect for the business itself. Was Shawn part of the screwjob? Yes. Shawn Michaels knew in advance. And accepted it. HBK is not proud of that. Now he might do different. Now Shawn has changed. And if he needs to apologize to Bret Hart, bury the hatchet, and somehow bring closure - he should do it with Bret Hart. Not Lance Storm. Who wasn't even there. Who screwed Shawn. Who put HBK's career and even life in danger. Lance added gray hair to Shawn, Lance added gray hair to Shawn's wife and made his kids worry. Lance can say whatever he wants.... But what happened in 1997 should stay in 1997. Right now, the situation is about Shawn Michaels and Lance Storm. The HBK wants to end it and challenges Storm to a match at Clash of the Champions. (86)

    The Rock joins the announcers. Don Callis actively encourages him to sign an exclusive contract with RAGE during the next match. (79)

    Match 5: Chris Kanyon and CM Punk vs Booker T and American Dragon. The Rock mocked both Kanyon and Booker T. Booker T was distracted more. It helped Punk hit Dragon with the championship belt to the head. Punk puts Dragon in Anakonda Vice. Dragon taps out. (16:30, 83)

    Post match, Don Callis announces his gift to The Rock. The Rock will be a special guest referee for the match at Clash of the Champions between Kanyon and Booker T! (71)



    WCW Monday Nitro
    Episode #81

    America West Arena, Phoenix, AZ

    Announcers: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavove and Larry Zbyszko
    Overall: 84

    Tony Schiavone returns to the announcing team, along with Mike Tenay and Larry Zbyszko. 

    Goldberg opens the show. He announces his hunt for WCW World Heavyweight Championship. He should be the next contender from this brand, as he was #1 pick for Nitro... Chavo Guerrero interrupts. He openly sucks up to Goldberg - and also talks about his quest for the title. He finished Rey Mysterio's career, he's focused and he's ready... Four Horsemen are here! Steve Corino also wants the title... but Claudio Castagnoli interrupts him. Claudio has some issues with Steve Corino's recent leadership. Why should Corino get a shot? Claudio Castagnoli should have his chance too. As a result, Chavo Guerrero, on behalf of himself and 'his pal Bill', challenges Horsemen to a tag team match tonight at Nitro. (85)

    Match 1: Samoa Joe vs Johnny Swinger. Swinger is talented, but it was an easy win for Joe. (4:04, 68)

    Jamie Noble backstage interview. (By the way, Gene Okerlund is back as an interviewer!) Noble says that Matt Sydal will be out of action for a while after last week's brutal attack... But Jamie will find a partner to get revenge. Jamie challenges Frankie Kazarian and Matt Bentley to a WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship match against Noble and his partner at Clash of the Champions. (49)

    WCW World Heavyweight Champion Booker T in-ring promo. He promises to defend his title at Clash of the Champions, but then he’ll be back on Nitro to fight against the top contender here. (98)

    Match 2: Jamie Noble vs Matt Bentley (w/ Stacy Keibler). Stacy tried to help her client, but Jamie Noble won anyway. (8:40, 78)

    Post match, Frankie Kazarian tries to attack Jamie Noble, but Noble escapes. (50)

    Homicide backstage interview. He regrets that the draft broke up the LAX team, but he is now determined to succeed in a singles career on Nitro. (45)

    Match 3: Dustin Rhodes and Fit Finlay vs Raven and Abyss (w/ James Mitchell). Rhodes and Finley took the lead as Raven was barely involved in the match. But at the end, Raven attacks his opponents with a chair than brings the match to a DQ. (7:17, 77)

    CW Anderson in-ring promo. "Flair only defeated me because of the help of Arn Anderson...". CW challenges Flair to a match at Clash of the Champions in a steel cage and promises to end his career there. (69)

    WCW US Champion AJ Styles backstage interview. He has no intention of waiting till Clash of the Champions for his next match and wants to be in action tonight. (55)

    Match 4: Homicide vs Low Ki. Homicide spins out his singles career with a powerful victory over Low Ki. Low Ki expresses his respect for Homicide after the match. (8:05, 67)

    Ric Flair accepts CW Anderson's challenge at the PPV in a backstage interview. (75)

    Match 5, Non Title Match: AJ Styles vs Frankie Kazarian (w/ Stacy Keibler). AJ Styles fought half of WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions... and unexpectedly lost after CM Punk appeared in the crowd and distracted the United States Champion. (13:18, 81)

    Post match, Kazarian doesn't have time to celebrate as he is attacked by Jamie Noble. (53)

    Match 6: Goldberg and Chavo Guerrero vs Steve Corino and Claudio Castagnoli. Chavo and Goldberg capitalized on a miscommunication between Steve Corino and Claudio Castagnoli, picking up the victory after a Spear from Goldberg on Castagnoli. Before that, Corino accidentally attacked Claudio. (12:41, 79)

    Post match, Corino and Castagnoli argued, but it was stopped by the appearance of Nitro Commissioner Dusty Rhodes. He sets up a #1 contender's match for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship at Clash of the Champions: Goldberg vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Steve Corino vs. Claudio Castagnoli. (66)

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