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Posts posted by NoLegsGaming

  1. There are a number of professional artists on these very boards. You should get into contact with them and get a piece commissioned. Its ridiculous to expect someone to create you a logo for free that is for commercial purposes. Most of the hobbyists here aren't interested in "getting their work out there." They do it for the love of the game, and the community.


    Chalk it up to a business expense and pay someone to do it. I imagine you're not that interested in handing out your services for free?


    100% agree.

  2. <p>Lita and Trish Stratus vs. <strong>Gail Kim and Jazz</strong></p><p>

    Matt Hardy Version 1.0 Open Challenge</p><p>

    Gillberg vs. <strong>Matt Hardy</strong></p><p>

    <strong>Batista</strong> (with Ric Flair) vs. D-Von Dudley (with Bubba Ray Dudley)</p><p>

    <strong>Booker T</strong> vs. Kane</p><p>

    <strong>Chirs Jericho</strong> vs. Mark Henry</p><p>

    <strong>Goldberg</strong> vs. Scott Steiner (Royal Rumble Qualifier)</p><p>

    WWE Intercontinental Title Match</p><p>

    Rob Van Dam vs. <strong>Randy Orton</strong> {C}</p>

  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheWho87" data-cite="TheWho87" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47681" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just a heads up, I'm not directly following the accusations cause they seem to be all over now and I don't really want to hunt them out, so if you see any that are relevant just bring them up, don't need to go into details. I'm open to adding personalities to these individuals as well, Bully, Scumbag or Sleazy seem to be the most logical options.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> They're definitely not over, several names have been brought forward today.</p>
  4. [WWE Cruiserweight Title Match]

    Tajiri vs. Rey Mysterio {C}

    Rhyno vs. Bradshaw

    Billy Gunn vs. Ultimo Dragon (Royal Rumble Qualifier)

    The FBI (Nunzio, Chuck Palumbo, Johnny Stamboli) vs. John Cena & Chris Benoit (Royal Rumble Qualifier)

    The Big Show vs. Hardcore Holly

    Los Guerreros vs. World’s Greatest Tag Team

  5. I would say that if WWE came in with a good enough offer when Jericho's AEW deal is over, Jericho would go back there. The way the game plays, I don't think anyone should have loyalty in the US really, but again, it's up to gazwefc83 how he wants the mod to play out so it's only my opinion based on the sheer lack of loyalty in general in wrestling.


    I agree with almost all of this, as given what Seth Rollins said about Moxley going to AEW I'd certainly give Seth loyalty to WWE for example.

  6. My RAW Week 1 Predictions:


    The Dudley Boyz vs. Batista and Ric Flair {C}


    [Number #1 Contender’s Match for the Intercontinental Title]

    Rob Van Dam vs. Mark Henry


    Trish Stratus vs. Jazz


    Booker T vs. Lance Storm (Royal Rumble Qualifier)


    Jericho and Christian vs. La Resistance


    Test vs. Stevie Richards (With Victoria)


    Spike Dudley vs. Al Snow

  7. 100 angle is easy in any tew. Rate it on menace and do it 3 times in the show. The 3rd time I bet you get a 100. I have stated menace should be nerfed like sex appeal for this very reason.


    Lets take aew.


    Warlow walking into the arena


    Warlow standing behind mjf


    Warlow working out.


    Flip it

    Brock Lesnar doing all the same angles.


    Menace will get you 100s


    I book my shows like wwf back in the day. Show worker walking to the ring, entrance angle, match, post match angle angle after the match.


    This is based on my experience of course. I'm just offering you my advice.


    The ratings of those angles aren't really important since they should all be used as minor angles which iirc don't hold an impact with regards to the show's final rating.

  8. To give my personal thoughts i would say outside of jericho and the other people in aew that have worked wwe I would have nobody higher than 50.. hearing someone say peter avalon is a 40 shocked me as I'd have him 25 at best...at the top end the special case of aew the elite i would have kenny at 60..cody at about 60-65.. bucks 55 as they are still very much niche.

    There is a reason aew compete with the 3rd brand neck and neck and not with the raw or smackdown.. they are not over enough


    As already mentioned though popularity is subjective to a person although these days wwe has no competition in USA and are way ahead popularity wise and their stars should reflect this.


    On the topic of older guys they do move the needle for me evidence is goldberg recently etc


    I couldn't agree more, even if you are a Mackem

  9. In terms of TEW the best way to scale popularity is to take WWE as a base, and think about were a wrestler would be placed on the card if WWE were to sign them, most indy guys come in at midcard/lower midcard and work their way up.


    If you scaled popularity on viewership, anybody wwe signed end up as jobbers.


    I highly disagree. If someone joins the company that the vast majority of their audience is unfamiliar with then their popularity rating should reflect that. If that isn't done, then their rating is incorrect, and their perception is incorrect as well.


    Consequently, this then leads to their ratings for matches and promos being incorrect, as is their financial value to promotions, which leads to inflated contracts. Additionally, companies will receive match ratings and show ratings that are higher than they should be, and then as a result their popularity will increase further and faster than it should be.


    False attributes/ratings throw off the balance of the entire game.

  10. In regards to popularity, how pop is scaled needs to be based on viewership. Take for example Nick Aldis and Seth Rollins. They are both main eventers and are booked strongly on their shows. However Aldis is seen by 200k people and Rollins by 2 million. Using scaling, there's about 3,5 million US viewers for wrestling. And just being very generous, let's say all 200k who have seen Aldis wrestle in the NWA are American. Aldis is still seen by 10% of the audience that sees Rollins wrestle every week. So in no way should he be near Rollins in terms of pop. Let's take Okada for example, in Japan he'd be about 80 pop. In America, going off of New Japan's numbers in America, he'd be at about 40 to 50. And that's being generous.


    EDIT: On the Hogan debate, he is absolutely a draw. Just last year 500k tuned in for his segment with Flair, then immediately tuned out when it was over. If that isn't a draw, I don't know what is.


    I couldn't agree more mate.

  11. If you honestly think that Hogan is still a huge draw then im out of this debate, Hulk Hogan in america, canada or the UK does not sell tickets to a wrestling event.


    He gets people to tune in, that's a huge part of being a draw. Remember when he came back at WrestleMania a couple years back and there was a huge pop? Why did the vast majority of this crowd of tens of thousands of people cheer so much? Oh yeah! It's because he's a draw.

  12. Quoted from Derek B's mod making guide (which really should be moved to this forum I feel). In fact due to the fact this was written more than 7 years ago I'd degrade all of those guys popularity a little bit, especially Sting who hasn't made significant wrestling appearance in half a decade.


    I think that guide is an important read for anybody having this discussion because while it isn't gospel it is a great starting point for where we're coming from. Hogan especially just isn't a draw anymore and a lot of people tune out to avoid Hogan, outside Saudi Arabia he doesn't sell tickets to wrestling events anymore.


    Hogan is absolutely still a huge draw, he's less popular granted, and that's mainly because of his actions over the course of the last decade or so. Hulk Hogan, whether we like it or not is still a mainstream name in the western world.


    People tune out because they don't like him, as he's a highly controversial figure. He's still incredibly well known.

  13. That's not true otherwise, defeats would not loose you popularity, you don't become less known because you lost a match. If it was about how well known you are Hogan would be 100 across America and the UK, that is not how the game works.


    The game now works on perception not popularity or notoriety, this translate to importance rather than anything else. Please give me some examples of people with incorrect perceptions and I'll get them fixed.


    It's absolutely based on how well known a wrestler is. That's why when someone wins a match on a well-covered event in the game, their statistic increases, as they are now more well known by a lot more people. That's how the game works, and that's also how wrestling works.


    Perception works hand in hand with notoriety. Notoriety is defined as "the state of being famous or well known." The more high profile matches that you win, the more well known and notorious you can become. That's how wrestling works, that's how real life works.


    The reason Hogan, Ronda, Rock and Cena always have the most "popularity" is because they're more well known then every other person in the wrestling world, as they're mainstream personnel.

  14. I agree with what you are saying to a certain degree, but I can't get on board with some of your reasoning, just because somebody has been on TV for years, it does not make them more popular, you are confusing noterity with overness.


    Also the argument of being on mainstream TV means nothing after a certain level, almost all wrestling is freely available online now and most wrestling fans now have a wider knowledge of those outside of wwe than they have in the past.


    TEW doesn't distinguish between casual and hardcore fans, therefore I have to base popularity on some sort of scale, I went for TEW 2016s overness descriptors, you can't do that now unfortunately.


    In terms of providing feedback it would be more helpful if you could post some examples of perceptions that you disagree with rather than looking at the actual numbers.


    He's absolutely right Gaz, popularity is defined as how well liked somebody is. That's not how the game uses it though. The feature should be renamed to "recognisable".


    It's not about how popular or well liked people are, it's about how well known they are. That's why the likes of Rock, Hogan, Cena and Austin always have more than anyone else because they are more well known.


    There's not a single region in this game where Jimmy Havoc should have more or similar popularity than/to the likes of Christopher Daniels.

  15. <p>I'm not a huge fan of the loading screens so I've made 60 tonight for NJPW, AEW, WWE and ROH, it's absolutely a work in progress, here's a preview of a few of them. I'll make some for PWG, PROGRESS, RevPro etc. and then post them all in here this afternoon if anyone's interested.</p><p> </p><p>

    Minoru Suzuki | <a href="https://imgur.com/a/SxvP9lT" rel="external nofollow">https://imgur.com/a/SxvP9lT</a></p><p>

    KENTA | <a href="https://imgur.com/a/f4JQU77" rel="external nofollow">https://imgur.com/a/f4JQU77</a></p><p>

    Kota Ibushi | <a href="https://imgur.com/a/N6l3Ukl" rel="external nofollow">https://imgur.com/a/N6l3Ukl</a></p><p>

    Jon Moxley | <a href="https://imgur.com/a/Dt7av0N" rel="external nofollow">https://imgur.com/a/Dt7av0N</a></p><p>

    Mexasquad | <a href="https://imgur.com/a/9WfOFDs" rel="external nofollow">https://imgur.com/a/9WfOFDs</a></p><p>

    CM Punk | <a href="https://imgur.com/a/XGpe27p" rel="external nofollow">https://imgur.com/a/XGpe27p</a></p><p>

    Brock Lesnar | <a href="https://imgur.com/a/RnhzLQX" rel="external nofollow">https://imgur.com/a/RnhzLQX</a></p><p>

    Becky Lynch | <a href="https://imgur.com/a/NYO8VHZ" rel="external nofollow">https://imgur.com/a/NYO8VHZ</a></p><p>

    Velveteen Dream | <a href="https://imgur.com/a/vUjBWtu" rel="external nofollow">https://imgur.com/a/vUjBWtu</a></p>

  16. the way the fans view the wrestlers in progress is way off, Eddie Dennis who's over as **** with fans is considered unimportant, all of your champions are unimportant, the way it's set up makes progress almost unplayable.


    Eddie Dennis absolutely is not "over as ****" in real life, he's midcard popularity in that company at best.

  17. No, just there's enough mode for everyone to be happy that's it. I'm not a mod creator I'm just telling you that this mod is the one that I prefer but it can be different for other person. Just try Who and the one who take over Fleisch and see which one suits you the most


    He didn't ask what mod you preferred though? He just stated his opinion regarding some skills for a worker to help try and provide constructive criticism.

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